- THE ww Wr HZ5 1Z" i 3l Oh- BEAUFORT; NORTH CAROLINA; FRIDAY, OCTOBER 7, 1 .33.7: NO. 40. .A v. r ': '.' .'X Time and Tide waits for ho man" tVkv tl.cn should you wait? Go at .ami patronize the following mer ,ts wli' advertise. " :, Our Advertisers. "iJ3 , I)i'u Stores. pi-. .Cil Davis, Ann Sti'ect. ' T. I' Delamar, Front. Street. Ailt-u l!.tvis. X. Side FiO;it Street. I:-V fltiods 'ai;d-Gi-eceiacs. y y.K. vt' v Bi. Front Street." lUn.iy K!..i'-J.f!-r,Fiot -Street ' Undertaker. C 7 "si ;i, Fron t St tret. "1ro. Dry Goods Groceries.. F.vat direct Ceaiifort. X. C. Lis the i!::ee to buy your supplies. Co iSi.iiorp, lucits'5i hJioes, Jlats l C iuti.inl-, GiOceites,liCrocr. ry. Ll. Tin, fc Giass' Wure," and m fact tytlii-nn usually "kfr hi a' first class k-. 'aM'su aiji seeuve brjj;aiii." J.C. MANNER'S. VR.vr.n Stil-kt, IiE.rj;.nT, j. C. '..v .1 t,. t, 'To rfr, DEALEK IN Goods, Gnee:ies, Notions, Shoe' Wood 'and Tin Ware &c. tiv.iisj; la'cly moved fim Ilarlowe, it d ; have !iis country friends . ' - ii l:inr at. Lis -new stand. To the i of S't auToit ? offers anew stx-k 7 I Kds. wbifli yil-'be sold a;i cheap : as tlit :;pe.'t, ' and eolit hs tlleir patron- k"1 V .7m rp Qr?vr TTI EFT, BEAUFORT, N. C. V rr.YA.7. A L J) IRE Cf Ofr iii:.u.K!.- i- r,;-7ii.vt; casks and . A full supply of coffir.s, caskcls luial eases, 'constantly' on hand and An i) at sho:t notice, and ar, Jow li-'-- V.'ii; attend all bUiials. as funeral tor u iih. Mt ehai re. PH. .;. R. DAYI5, DRUGGIST, IfTinii.T, i.n i-ooii fuom 'Turner. -- 0 . "." VawI.s Eye Glasses and spectacles. ' 3; .a ;y. 1 y buying a pair. Coh r-Utss-s. f,.r n-t -ik and soi eyes. Dr. ,!i ';ol..ii!ii.i; (or these glasses, Ihey U he h ,.ija elsewhere in this Co'tin- i .iwi ciieaiH-st assortment oi ... .... .. . i , . -tetlicines of all kinds always iii K-1:iuts. Conir'i and Consumption Female Re-uLtor.' P"4- Ktdnev Cure f."s .' ;.. y; P'n.gulator. . " PuS (Vi.,.1. T' I . o" .'liviura. .lies, ;. ' ' " Uu,)''iir ire. 'icines from a large stock Ut "vi"- l-r-es. Reinember the; place, J- 15- IAYIS' drug store, s s ti;i-:kt, ?m) iok fkom Tursek, ,!l:T'I(,:dA, jr.. Attorney at Law, -(- rnei- of Front aiiCi Turner Streets. UFOllT. N. C. ;1V' 7 s ,,ie ct.urts at Carteret, .... . ii k i a. ...cii.t n.i.i . i r.. . "'" ; tin'. Supreme Gourt of Nrtl i"1 aim she U. S. DUti!.ct and Cir - -tj. . .. " d tox, I'. II. TELI.ETI'ER G,;i(N & PELLETIER, ATTOIl"XEys ATLAw' -ouin oi .journal opioe, 'Graven Street West Side. NlAVBERN. N. C. .'ttce vxho.-n, . '; . . '-tiHe in ,i ; v are sue.i.-. ,-t rom. ipenor Courts cf Car- w' '.- 1:1 Federal Court .'-at aiti..s !";'! 111 tile Supreme Court. iilil uesuing our scr- v L-.'i,.; se Wliie te.'egiali us at THE RECORD. G. W. CHARLOTTE, EtiTtfr.. The Recoup 150 a. Year in Advance. " FRIDAY, OCTOBER 7tbr 1887. EdPTjie Editor rf this paper is noTnT sponsible for the views of eoi respondents'. tW If there is an X. mark OO jour paper, it means that your subscription has expired. Please reiteav a.t'vJf.-e'; " October. The weather is eliirhtfu:. , Sunrises 5.59. Sun auts 5.33. Ayer' Sarsapai ilia. For sale -by Allen Davis. Brooradale Swede Rilta Daga seed lur sale by Allen Davis. -.., Purple Top Yellow Ruta Ra-:a saed, for 1 !. All T . nan. u ivuen uav:s. This month has live Saturdavs, five Sundays and live ibndays. . " JViat4itrates b!uks Warrantee deeds vve. lor sale, at the Record vtlicv. Patent Medicines of all kinds a,- d de scriptions at Allen I?av;s Drus? Sture. Judjre C. R. Thonjas, of NewBeme, was iu t.jwn several days il.'b woi'k. liss Emma Maiison, has a flourUhing scliuol in tue Odd Fell jvs Liuldm". Always on hand a full line of choice family groceries, at Henry Englc berg's Warners, Liver and Kidney Cure, Safe Nervine, uud-'tfafe 1 i.ls Fur .sale by Allen Lavis i Wl-c?i you want a ood barrel of Flour, besuie -;id try lic;riy Eii le be r g' -M oss liOSe. - New Yoik State Bmtr at Henry Engkberg's, for 25 and ; ceuts per poumf. Miisi Rote Flour is the leader, and the very best, lor'y ceuts pej-poau-i at tlbjirv Engk-berg-'s. ; - , . Pik, Bacon and' Hams, ahva's ; on hanu ana at tlie lowest prices aialemy Enlebrg's. - - " When you want a 3 5 or 10 pound can of pure Lard, yo to Henry Engie berg's he af-Was keeps ii. on hand. t Our citizens sh-uld carefully examine their stove pipes, chimueys and, Hues, ami if nut t-aie, make ti-ey- to. School children can buy the best and the cheapest i ks and pens in town, at .he Record Office. Try A A X A 1, and Number L ive Ci gars at Allen Davis Dru 6loie. None ueiter for 5 ctuts Mr. Clement Manly, of the law firm of Sim'ii-.s Jc Manly, of Now Rerue, . pan I our ltwa a 11-, inj, v:sit on Monday.- The Sclir.i Iiuiu J.", tndd with nu n- . ...1 ... r 1 j i.iiuen. sunK l) v tiiiesa.ty Oil li-gne i ibHiKj. Tne t:ew cstap. d in tne vetels. boat.-: - ... Ii'yon re :n ne u of onyth'ng in the iJry e.oo!is or t-jiMvrv line, o M onee to ..'J. Moore i Bres. Tln-V' will tieai 'u right. "' The Rail Road depot at MT.hean' City, begins to loom up. (hjf i ferent";tgeid I wiil so a have linger and better -ntfrKT, m vviiiu to iransaci ui.ttn;ss. T're 'Twins'' are on eyhibitioa at Dr. T. B. Delamar's Drug store. Will guar antee satisfaction r tiie money will be r funded. Only 5 cents. Tutt's Sursaprilla imd Queens Delight, for sp-e iy and "pt-rrnaneiit emv. of Itheu-j matism. Diseases of the skin, Dyspepsia exe. For sale by Aden Davis. Paikers Ghiger Toaie, The ' medicine for every family, surpasses all o'hu' re medies in the cur.; of dyspepsia. Indiges tion e'ee. Fyi-sale by Alien Davis. Have your jb piloting executed at the Record ofliee. With our mci'ased fact li lies, we can do your work as cheap and a.s ,vell as any ofiice in the State. The State mi-: will be held on October lSth.l9ih.20ih.aiid 2lst. The fare evil! be one cent a mile acti way.. It will be a cheap trip, .ad one tha it will pay you to. take. Mrs. Bett'e Foilaw, Las removed her millinery business to her resideiK- on Turner Street, nearly "opposite l.er old stand. Those -.wishing' goods in -ici line would do well to call on her. Jerry Fi.-her, t.ic blacksmith, has re covered from his recent illness and cau be found at his sh.p ou Front Street. He will be pleased to have" his old cus tomers call on him and many new ones We have cpusidcrablo money due us. in small amounts. Wlv n 'we send out bills, we expect -'prompt payment, Do Hot say. to ur collect or, call again, r we w ill p;5y yoirsoon.' ''We nced uiWihe.y aiid necd.it now. : . AV are pleased t learn that the school of Mr.'C v. 'Airington. has received rtv er.foiiieiiients. On Monday List, the v of riiefnbershio was increased- eight. This school will publish a roll of honor in the Record. Are you goimr to the State' Fair? The fare is cheap. The editor of this paper is going, and would be pler.sed to chanerone a party of good looking (single) Indies. A ivw wielovcs and married ladies Will not be objectionable. We paidn pleasatit call rto the estab lishment of Guthrie & Co., on yesterday. We found -Mr John D. Guthrie, as smi! ii -t as 'basket of chips over the prospect t.f"a fine fall and .winter trade. Jjhn says he has tj;c goods ami is going to give high prices a death blow. For Sale: A Naw II(me Sewing Mnchine, with all the .'attachments. ; This is a new machine ne.ver havingbtcn used. Will be sold lor S20.001 Cill at this oiHce at once, ar.d secure a gi eat bargain A new flue breech loading shot gun, brand ..ni bn b'jut'ht chean. Ani'Iy at this eilK.ce. - : ; .-. . . ." Miss Lina Davis the slaughter of our esteemcxl ft:llW citizen Major James Cj Davis, returned home f im a visit to rel-i 5 Vr..vli:rtfill N. d. last wet k. HllVCa ill l. ',".' . . t Miss Lina is piMty as. ever, and wo would -not be surprised to hear th utt she had left her heart in Washing'ou, '1 ho Record is in f.ivoi of an Ovsfer Fair o i e held at Newlh rnc this 'win ter. Carteret will send, up iter blvalv. s with lots of folks to help t at them.;.' We hope -that Bro. Numi of the Journal will have the i:.y and date'- set' led upon, " so that we can; notify our people.- .;;' Hawkes ' Eye -Glasses and Spectacles, are the bestj We speak from experience. We are n'sihff a. iir-. tf 'llu.m glasses can only be obtained l:o:n Di.- .7. 15. D::vis, at h.siru store oi Ann Sheet; We advise I aTI w ho are sufii iiivo with failinjr eye siht or s:e eves, to lo at i once and purchase a Sair of theso classrs. i Call at the Recohc oiUce ancl Examine our st jek of- choije pe::s, iuks, and wining paicis; co::si.stb f: Stvl btylij- K,?V: l11 jtmphic pens j Esterbrook htu-lr Vhl.f ffmin i 'iii.vinif ..wrl st yl. .graphic' inks; Sivelop'es'and writhJjE i'1? ii'.t''.s-becnuso' under: tlie r pajiei s. We are"-selling a b ttle of the best ! hlnnce of law it takes from the pockets ink made at 5 cen s. 6100 to $d00 A MONTH can be made working kn us. Agents p; e erred wlro cm l'rnU-h their owe. boics and give their wuoiej.tir.ie o the, bjisiness, Spaiv moments may be prOiitably . employed also. A lew vpea-iicies' iix tfiWiiS and cries. B. b", JO'II LltiON & CO., 1013 Main street,) Rk iuudnd, Ya.' The weather has cooled oH. A week or two ago it was dead:ul hot and people would literally mop the. perspir'atio'--olt their faces. -aa th-: walkul tlie str; ets. But things haven't cooled oil" a bit in the trade of S. j. Moore j& Bro, Tne 'same heittcd and Icverish i-xcitment pervades the people who go "to tUt'ir cash "store to get bargains. . insure iu Ue OUI.Feop'e's Mutual IV n etit Society.! the only rt-riable Insurance Company for old pjoplo m the United btatus, and t he cheapest, s i lest and best lor ail aes.' Call on Dr. T. B. Delamar, Aeut lor (Jarleret cutitj, and be e n viiieed. Also Ag'-ni lor the New Yoik Mutual Reserve -total business $190,(W," 000. Deposited with Insurance Depart ments 8200,000. Guthrie iz Co. have returned fiom New York, and arc daily expecting the largest stock of goods they have evtr bought. They inform us tiiat their goods were txmgijt low, and that cney wil s'Ml them eheapi It is their iiiteniioii t- .sell fur C!sii or! tra le only Look out f r their adverAsvmeiit in next Weeks japvr. Wmt a lew davs to niaktt your piiicaasas and save money. i he success of si arc of the a;ent em ployed bv B F. Joh-.tSou & (,'o. Ric!)'- jj'ioiiii V:l i4 truly, marvellous. Ii is not in uuusua thing for the aeuis to make 4 as Ina-li as 2 l and ?IUJ a day su;d some times their fronts i iiix up as high as 10 ami 850 jvuu more. 3-iut we hesitate to to teil 3"ou the i:ole truth, or oii iil scarcely bt lie.vo we are in earnest. - Write them ami see for yoUiScii what l)iey wil: do for you. I . Geo. Asli of Newwyrsie, li.is the laigvsr. aud cheapest stock o5-go;;ls evi r 0;.-ug;jt io ewBeiHe. ll 'Aon are in waul oi a.i, ih.ng iu tli-.t Liy G .is, cloinni, tr Lioot and sii ie. line, livin't fail to e.di u . r ..-.ili. t..!l.iiit lit..- I .V. . l-.'.i I . Ii' rl. I w.ll tin lave Joins ol tins comics to . ait on ukt ni. Ut;r Onslow irjitiL. w.a Had 1 a e tl'auaday to Si-i ve t lieiU. luo iAhh's iiew'iiiLeittauieni, vLl iippiar lu.xt week.. -. ., : . '.. - s.-v I 1 . I k . ' ' , . .... ' I. I " ' (b...VV ,v ..... lio! f r Mr.-. Ja :e Lowe:. berg's opei ti'L" id Fad aiai W i..tr ytfiRis. itv. ju.;t rccc.ved the !:crgf;l at.ti t. m .-eivc.u.U J fttwcu oi g- eps in i:i;t:in i:.at n,, i-vo oeil oiiCie'tl in tii: JliUUf. . it.i- moi.iv i cviiisi&ts oi i ii;:ts,-. i2oimets. - v eiVcis, j UlbU-.nis, i iiil.li.s, iiiitis, I-'oailic;s, Ifiu J ur tiress jLi'im.ttnisg, utoves, tiouvery, Ji i'sses ILir santi 'i'obggans,Uica ;ts,Sii wis-, Olik elvers vVC ilvs :ure and call ami examine uu'se goods, -i'ou will ceiia'inly b'uy tht m and save m-aiey .by so doing. - . An cuthiuiastic meeting of the. eah'.e.-S of iuw Uci'nc, w.ts held at the Kxc.iauge iu. that cityjou TllvsUay tlie 1 h.. iniait(, to 'take into ooiiderytion thoMmpo. taut iiaiter td the ex tens. on of lire A. a -N. U. it. R., to the U. F.' A5 V. R. A com tun tee was lap pointed to confer' witu tio Citizens oi Callitl, Patlll.Co, LeUoir, aud Wayoe to present; tiie utaLiur ol extension to tne Govei nor. i ins is a matter of tiio 'greatest impoitauce to the people of this cou.it'. Let us then take h-.ld with a vim and show that, "Hhcru is life in the oid ia.ul yetj." , jBUCKREN'S ARNICA SALVE. Tlie bet Sidye in the world for Cuts, Bruises, Sores, 'Ulcer's, Salt Kheiiin. Fever Sores. Tetti-r, Chapped llauds. Chilblains Corns, and jail Skin Eruptions, and posi tively cures Piles, or 'no pay nquuvd. it is jTuaranteed to give perfect sat is tac tion, or money lelundeel. Puce 5 cents pe..- box. I For sale by Dr. T. B. Delamar' Died At Richland'? Ownslo'w comity N. C. on Monday Septl 2Gth. Rj7., Rev, E. A. Best, in the 72d. yea: of his ago. lie has pre;k'hed (.Uirist and him crucified for a per iod extending over . 310 year s. Was a prominent minister of the Mission ary baptist Church, and gr.:al!y beloved by all who knew him. "Mark ilitf pei.'ect man and.uenom the' up;ig dJ for the end ol' tymt mau is peace. ' j . i j. .... I' .i'jjt'f . AN END TO BONE SCRAPING. . E'd ward jShephertl; of. IIa.rris.lmrg,-111.., says: "Having received so' much beueJit from Electric Bitters ,1 feed it my duty to let suffering humanity know it. Rave had a running sore on my log lor eiuht years; my doctois tola n e I would . Jiavo to have the jboae scrajieU or leg amputa ted, I used, instead, tlrr6e botlb a of Eiee trio Hitters and seven--boxes Uncklen's iinica Salve, and .ny;!eg ts now sound" Land Well." I Electric Bittejs aii sohl at lilty.cents a oottie, ana i.uckieit s a rniea Salve at 25i. par b jx by T. I).. Dolamae. SCARLET j FEVER & DIPHTHERIA arc spread by c.mtagionf by the transfer j : . of living maiter from "the. skin, the men -branous lining of the mouth,' nose' and' throat," aud from thet intestines and ur nry' organs. Di.-.infect promptly .and. thoroughly with Darbys Prophylactic Fluid, the- great Gerrh desiroyer. Prif. II. T. LurToN, of tho'Yaiideibdt. Univer sity, Tenn-i fays: "As a disinfectanf and detergent jl)arbys Prophylact ic FhUd is superior toiauy preparation w ith vvijiCrh j am aquaiiited. r - . I ' TliliCK f AlIM I'Uli iel'.xX 1 One m'dej from Mereh ad City, contains about 75. acres of. cleared land. ..Specially adat'teeUo truck farnjina i - It is the: sain.- land that uas oeen cujiivau ei vy .m. w -. ... .. . . iL o. -vrnvi.. J V.inna 13, Uo:euuii toe "t" Appy i". ; ', rlLaubnt, N. C COMMUNICATED!. s i" ; 'Bc&unufNl'O.; Oct,1 5th. 1831.' .LniTOfi REeoi!f:-.I wish, through your ,v:i!ifiin,to direct the attention' of the tax- -.'.. ....... ft.. l I '.A . 1 I jj'i.iti.-. oi v.ii i,t -ri"i. tiuuty ti jiuu ii.fjj.ti. and iniquitous tax levy now in thchandsnf our she'iifT for collection. I slytilleial riecanse it exceWls the.limit of the. North jCaro'ina State Cinstitut!tm. Whicli - ex- prr-ssly ideclart s that "Tho taxes levied by t!ic ; Commissioners of. tin soveval counties .for 'county purposes shall never ! exe.'y?" tue double of the State itax, except ! for a special purp se, 'and with-the special I approval, of. the '"'GcV.eAa' Aseuibly;" I of the citizen vo?jns 'roJels arid conveys to the disbursing olfie'er twenty cents on each poll and twenty -seven amj lia'o ceuts on' each one liu't.dred dollars ..worth of pro-teity li.-ted in his name wu7t rioncy, by tiie Ias of God and the Constitution of North Carolina, the c:i7eu to retain in his own. possession las a i ight under the if the taxes legally 'leyiei ''Rcive.u-5 -Act'' of ISsT, " arb to met t ti c expenses of oar C i-nadi'quate only g..v- eminent then -"With the sp -c'.il approval ef the General Assc-nbly" end a majonty v ,te of our citizens a tax can i be levied for tjie special put pes.' of paying a- defi ciency, which deiSciency in' m'y (pinion, if the Cou'dy Government bd ; otherwise. ec-.o i:) nica iy . in.ui; 'ed, cuxi; ciily hei caused by uaati'..' extra annual al- lo-.auces to county ofia.ia' P ... - . . j , I. for one, am no; only opposed to this illegal tax but am also determined, to re sist its collect Km. If others sro of the same mind and will mee t tv.e at til e Court livmse in Beaul'oit.at 11 icloc a. m., on Satuiday the 15th in-t., we)wiil take such actioji as, under the law will secure us our li-ihts. ;" Respect fully, F. Boudf. Macs. THE FAMILY. J1Y E!.17, i:F.T!l OA KTtS SJl T II. "When- we' consider how carelessly the ftundati'ns for the family superstructure ' 1 - are la'd, tin; vvomler is, not thatji uhi some times ensues, but, that it is not i njor'e jcn- oral '. it is msw fomal toj be. 'Two peiion s fr 'in t. vo aheady pslaehsheu si pai lite tii niselves. to estalilish !a!iiM:.'s, a h:id. ' lions are s. habits, ivn i o eac! di.ltut.1 ir id di.-nosi. other, and ! il!HV :M-t :.j v lid at v.u:-. l.d-ilnd ijitc5.1 '. o sjiepk' I i' poll except tonal cis.s' s of ! this article i k-rior wo- 1 mm ano liUUced:- ..uiei ItTiws, r ty- l itiits n'nii Wii'r jiJ ;aii ; huii laWizc, itait of tlie lanriiv t: existii g hou isehoid. in wbieh are-laid tbe r.uni.d.t. i.r,.-! of society j:!ii.;;;s of j..,,. re l.i'.i :.'s tin; .ft.ii a !l it'.s! I 1 ii ills 'i iseu.svs v ,'hiuli .1.1; of ' Vd,.'i t.-iC. a most SKuHui ;i Jtysifiau ; 'sickness us throw ;;in not diseases :': 1 to be tract -t't io. the heart ; eustvis tha: noik Physic to the dogs. becaus-.' it istcr to a mind tlisvased ; PliicU from the memo: y a ro- 1 in w ; Ibize out tlie written troubles ofjthi.' br.nn ; And, with s-int. sweet oblivion's antidote, Cleanse the stulf'd b so.n of th'it ; pjrd ms ' stair ' : - Whih weVhs ijpon ihe hcait;'f all this for the present is to 1 igpoi-ed, ami the simple fact of a household con sitiered . ' i ' WeW'er defines a family, to ihej 'fflie .illec'tive l,( dy of tia:'s who Li e in one house, suh-jeet'io 'one head Or pumagei a household, including 'par Tits aud ekii dii', s -rvants, boarders," etc. " lu! every well leg'tilattd 'piousehoid, llicie must be a siipieme h'eadjor umpire one to whoniall may uppeal ;rt:id whose decisions mast be final; fi'oai horn 'there is nA appeal; a vtjse,. b-vihg .'judicious ceuti ' r, w lio is to be looked ljp to as a coun selor, fn-nd, judge. Where rjuthor ty is divided c-.milcts will ..iri.se, dissensions w.ii exist, and th.est?. will mar the iiarino ny of the'. family, disarrange is thmesnc cronoiify, and eventually cnda-igr the happiness and well-being of lite inmates. VTho shall be the head of the household?-. Ft. Paul 'decided the question nearly 'two thou-and years ag-4 by' assert r iug that "man is the ln-a;l o.f4h wt .nin," and sh3 ought t( be sulyect tq ' her -hit:--ban 1, etc I k flow the mascblinc. arro mnce of the Jew denied the quality of woman, and accepted her in tije aspect Ci sex inc. as Paganism did entirely, The Jew" exclude! woman their,' as now, from the'-main ''Cody of the tabernacle iu worship, and yet in the curlier and better ages she had been reoogriizedjin the l.a tbai biUh as judgo and prophetess. : Millon, whose mind whs Judaic in char acter, is: 'decided in; regarding; woman as ihferior1 to ircn ;'' must'ioikup tomaiij as to a god. He says, of the two, that he was' subject ! . - 'fo G:1 only -she to God through him.h Sfy cwn cpau m is this: thit the man is Ilia rightfu1, piopev head of Hie latiily ; that the! w ifV cli:li-en, and servants muid; a id ought til yield; not. only d)ediv.i:CC to him as the head the h msehold; in his place i'ospect but iiitl i tiler ol re. lie shonld be kiiig and priest, be shoril da ule aid veoiship in th.o ab.;ir of ho'me There is souiethiag bandsor.ie and ; fit ting in this and it is ;:ppai etitl to the most leasual obs'en'er that, when any circuni- istatje'e forces this ' natural rule the harmony and.ditiity vtki' ; i ship ., aside. the fainily are im pa. i reel ; r ' Y ' : .' -' i.'"." There is a peculiar1 charm' tin eoi'dem-i .la ting iiie iul. old , patiiarehs; of. the, Bibl- rtit'a their gi'eat i'atn'Ules and tks pvii'lents;: fielv.' aul herds, wire;;- and .children; the whoh presided over ly triie kingly iri;ub AVere it ut for tli'j !iefon of -polygamy 'which naturally thrusts it self intr the very fnri'ground of theught. Abrnham's , jealous-minded .wife eouljd net "endure 'in rival, hence her eruelty to liagtr'apl lior child. Ishni.e'. Then the two wives of .Jacob w re t qnally clifcord ant. The true ida of afatnUy isHme man and one woman ts httsfcincL and wifc- with' their childrc-n, -servants,.- and de pendents. The first law in the. housr- r hold is t.bedicnceV in its hiirh souse, to the hea l and center. The" second is loyalty. - . ; ' This inyiolves pcrfvCt confidence' and candor in the various members. Yv'hre the great law" of the household iis love, this 'needs not to be enjoined; where each member b bound by tlie spirit ..of genuine good will loyalty or lidsiity, f ach'toeach, is coLupaiiiively easy ; it assumes -the as-d p -ct of an instinct, . lalher? than erf monil obligation ; but where, as is too often tiie ! case, discordant elements are in r!R!f$ri this. sentiment f loyalty, or a high sense of honor, must take its place. ' The fo.'r walls inclosing a household should be regarded as sacrr-d n v as in tlie iiMoii tinvj, wluu the h-at tt stone was sacied t thc'gordal, peace loving Tlesita, and the Penates 'were worshiped hi t!ie penetralia ofeveiv dwelling. Here was'i set up the domestic altar, distinct from all outward and ext.crial observtt uc'Crt. ap.d regjirdod by tlie family clone. GUll ONSLOW LETTER... From Our Regular Correspondent. Swansboro, N. C.Sept. , 28yh,-'1837i Cjiisidetable sickness in vet, and soma few deaths. ftnt. n .'1 iw v - Messrs. o.dlr7- '. E." S.iadliu and W A. Newb dd near Richland-, arc sick, tlie latt-.r.. very sick with typho malarial fever. Air. Andrew; MafshLurn and s m an; bo'h sick, and the wif of tlie cm of Mr. A. M.', is very sick. The little gii'l ehHti of Mr.' B. F. Hankv: Jr. , near the mouth of New river died a few days "io with bil ie.us dysen tery. Mr. Banks is th;; son o! Jesse Banks of Jones county, who had hdty moved to New riyer, heeariied his little 'irl IMyrtio back io .Lius c ut lty, to bur her with h r kin-people. Mr. XathatiLil Taylor, an old citizen living near Pmey Green, was taken with alls a lew days ago, fell . in the fire and 'was' burned' almost to iaeiisp before help came to his 'rvsoue. Dr.. W. 1. loutfi.rt was-called but' eoul.1 ..render ! - ..- no .issii-tance, the poor man.isuijteiied for ji-' three 'davs and died in great agony. Iris i two little children .aged respectfully. 4 and S years, were takeu tare of by Messrs. R. II. Blender and Henry Wiilis. Mr. Taylor :-as' a very ptxir widower, bnt goilil nbm. David'I Mo tie at Queens Creek, has a tuiiiosity it is three large white r.its, they are very tamo and beautiful, says ho is going to raise wliite rats to' sell, and has ahe uly a..d-Izuu "engaged, ' Jij sellii them at $IA0 per pair.' . - Q life a large -c.r'Qvvd assembleil at Ricb l.md .Village- last Saturday evening tf witness .'.the - Pan Ducello Conjbtiiatiosi Show, th;i Wesiern Cowboy ritjiiig was vei'v- g-Hd indeed, too good, so said Ed. Franks, as bo was picking himself up fro;-1, a fall caused by a collision' with the cow boy's horse, and when the old lady came ontavitb her pet dog for a baby, all dressed up, did man Lafayette- F. clap ped l.isdia.ids and cried out inlgraat glee... fellows 1 am satis tied, I have tlrj Wiortli ef of niy 'quarter now, if 1 'don't; See any. ihi'itr tl.-ie, and thj old gent iai: ly danced W1C: joy. OiiCommissioners were to m.;et lst Mor.day"' to 'appoint' tlie d y for holding an ;lt-ctiin to vote for sub'aCriptio:.i. or .no subsciij.-ton, Ito our rail road project, "but olio of the Donimissiouer's were ' absent and the mAing was postponed until the 1st' Monday an October "next.; $0(i.000 as the anion at to be -vtcd'on,. we ; expect, the pet?pl3 will viote it ti wn". The shift of.wealhtr this week m:i-"e the mullets run i little, i The asheries around. S w an s lu.ro caught about a barrel to the single share in two days -"' .".. ' Colton picking is r.av Via lor ler of tlie day, .but an" turns out shott. " Mr. S. Yf . Ve ntei s says he picked over 30 acres au'd omv uoj. t t.iaep no t iit v. l.j I v . . . . . . - . 3iye or sue, ant pre most oi trie cojtou is that -way, oply a few have commenced gathering corn and that 'turns out short a1 so, but the sweet-potatoes arc bett'e r so far as we : liaye seen. No Marriages .to reprut lately, but hope soon to hava ote or two, a very prominent M. D., and one of our most highly rejected and beauti ful youii i ladies of our count', are on the best of good terms, and from nppear atices and gossips it won't be long before we shall' have sdmc'th'mg nice t'-j report; and a yo.un'g gent frotn Craven couity is Vetting Ida thick with anothyri ont q" our pret'y young misses, we think, aud w;e want him to ."keep " ilay " from here - '-- ' , ' - i ' and go way dow n ahotit llailowi Avhere he be!ons or ought to belong.; Our. Se-hcol'up here" is abofet ended, will do e - . i r- .. - ;i;- - - next wex.iv-- Then our teacher wautsio rest Only a short time- before ho as .ready to take another school for the lralat.ee of the year, -don't uU send for him at once. Most; of the. people tip lt-;e eeu ?to like him vei-y 'nlnch., t i i ig h.-' sobe say he is dt!at. ' some say; he can't hear, andjanother .says hie dtin't keep a .sti'cii to mat k on, wheti one goes; out; d ojs,.. and another saya Im is too strict eVoV, ' while 'another Vays if ym can fiini';oiie; ih it '. whip morcv sc ll 1 him - to uTc, pste . old ; gent mid they: ceedett a : school . fcenu t be tau rUt -tor' Ui-o nt7:t1is, yirith''ri(J ; b:iks and then:tJeampel,;tnc-,ehi.or.m; ...t.-:M.f to school ail the time; biir viAi kiias ha NEAVS OF A WEEK. October 1st. Tlie Republican Slate .Convention f -V r.ssaohiiseUs inet'at iios ton yesterday. There is a dead lack in the .Georgia Lgis'ature occasioned by thj Ctdebrated. G'etm. Educational bi 1- GeiiejiiL Jitrota was yesterday unani mous'y uo-ninntcit by the Democrats of Baltimore for Mayor. This will be -his third rerml seating th3 delegates to th3 Democratic State (Joii vention at Saratoga yesterday, Irving; ila'I was left, out by tho o Mctuit'tee on .ciru ntials. Ty.tr.; Tennesse will give a majority for Prohibition - At the election in TVjn ne::soe yesterday, the Prohibition Amea.l ment was carried in Knoxville. Hun dreds of ladies workel atthe p illsall day. -r-The Stipreiai Court of Now York j es terday tleei led that the sep tepee mi th ease taf Jacob Sharp be ca- ricd out, aiwl r.n cler was .issued to that ciTect s-Tho race troubles in Texas' have ah mt quieted oown. t wo negroes wre kiliea on tun day, and tne leader of . the 'negroes I.aj Hod the . unity. . Tlue sixliousand ton Armored battle-ship whicli the Navd Unanl have been at work on; will.- cost $2,:!73,000. and will probab'y bo built at the N trfolk Navv Yard, (ct ber 2d. Th-3 light-h msa at Pam- lico Point l'uht-stHtioa has been discon- tinned. The reduction of the public 4-tibt for September will be about 810,500, 000. -----The Volunteer yesterrlay beat the Thistle by three rciles, winning the cap Another cholera victim died but, all danger of further death is thought to be over. The Prohibition amen 1 meat in T.!!i.'ssprt i s-iiil to b.T ib foitti-.d 1)- about. 1 ' J October 3rd. 1 he I reside it win s p at As.'iovi'.Ie, North Carolina, on October 31st. on lils horn aid trip The Pre idjnt was entha ia?tic illy r-joeied at In dianapolis yesterday and made a short speech. The cholera patinits win were removed from the steamship Alesia to Swiueburn Id:nd, Xew York, art galling along favorably. Duiihg the last tw'enty-four hours, thirty-two new cases of cholera and twenty-seven deaths from the disease were repented in Messina and five new cases an I tvVode.ith3 ia Ca tania. (ot., th. The Presidjut spent; a quiet diy Suiid.iy in Sd. Iiou atceudiii; Dr. Brocku's Presbyterian church in the mcr&nig. -The recent pr.diiuitio'.t e'.ec- i t? ni in Tennessee in causing mhrderoas ;'t:icks on temp rariCe and Christian peo- p!e.- The salo n men of Chattanooga, Tenu.. as a result; of the l ite prohibition election, have invited tha authorities to aid them in a movement to close the: sa l.Mtns on Saael iy The Piesubint yfsit ed tha St. - Louis fair yesteid iy, aiid a 'terw.irds was reenved at '.he lehants. E.cehuige where he made an extend tl address. He was received with great enthusiasm, in . whicli he indulged ii; m my comppi inputs fci-tha gre it Western city, and g ive assura; c ; of , li s grateful appreciation of ih'o kintlticss and hospi-: tality of her. people; his receptioa was of. the most cntha.iastic character, and, it is estim itedth.it 'during hi-J pr.-sjatatiq i he shook the "han Is of uoi less than nine thousand p:;ople.- .s:v k or markets ; .'t'oncy easy at oo pr cent, closing of fered at o per C :nt. ; c itto i q ii it .9 7 1(50 0-lSc; spirits tarpent'iie firm nt'.il.:; rosin s.e.viy at $t (ml 12. Tar $3.10, -A.il ,u:ius'ial -scene ice.uired in the Jletropobtaii M. E. (.Miuruh.'iu Washing ton, Sunday- night; the pastor referred in severe teims to the condemn, d Anarch's s and his and e:iee t -slified their approval by rising to tlieir feet anl clapping their hau ls. .. A .mass m. eting, ntouded by ten thousand, p.'isons, was held in Lon don, Sunday, at which resolutions wore adoptci. coa lemain the goverament's Irish policy ah 1 the conduct of the police at Mitc'aell.sto.vii .- V slight shock' o earthquake was felt throughout Greece yesterday. Four additional deaths by cholera a e rop.irte 1 fro.n S.vine'mr.ie inland, New York. The hjalth author ities report imprjvemeah from the-re- ' mainlng ptittcnts. -I h s:cians in ,rar:s rep -rt that D.in l'vjdtojvnperor of Brazil . w ill never be able t resn:ni the throne,i .. .. tr t r l- owiiiii to U,3 effect of disease on A-ing tt tt.3 eifect of disease on his brain. Father O'Lcary, iu deiiv-. ring an' oration on Patrick S.irfiel.l. at 'Litnoiv ick, avowed that lie--was a socialist and rebel at heart, as wi3 every Irishman, He denounced t ho jKdice as the vcrmiti of Ireland, an 1 s lid c-jasei they fo b IrislVmen when they deuued the Gov.enir ment n.aifonn." ITCHING PILES. SvMfTpMs Moisture; intense itching r.nd sting ng; most at night;' worse by sera' chri'. If allowed '"to con'iaue tu mors forr4,v.h.icl;)ftcn bleed and ulcerate, becomi:ig very sore. Swaykk's Oint mb" stops the itching and bleedhigjieals ulcerati n, and in many cases rtiuovi s, the -tumors. "It is equally efficacious in curing, all Skin. 'Oiscase's. , Du.Sway.ne Sok, Piti-prietors, Philadelphi;. Swayxk'iJ Ointment can le' obtained of "druirtrUts. S.iit by mail for 50 Cent1. BRACE UP. ' '.:'.'.-..... " -. t If you.are. feeling tJepres-ad, your :ip-, p.t! ii'J is poor, volt ak "bot'M-'red'wdh head ai he, you aie tidgcty, nervous and gencr ally'oiit of-s uis. and want to brace up, but n-t with stimulants, strong niedisiues or bbtei-s, whiuli have for t;htii b.isis v'ery cheap, bad whiskey.! and which stimulate j'ou luran hour, and thMi leave you in a woio eond t'on th to bAforev What l you want is an atfer.it iVe that will purify your blood, strt healiliy- actun ut liver ami .,,,,,5:, .. win ib,d iu Electric Bitters, .j ...py f) cnts a bottle at T. P. Dela- iM S eifllg tn'O'.- OUR NEW YORK LETT Ell. From Our Regular Correspondent New York, October 1st, 1887. The. Intern itioaal yacht raecu liavo been the ole topic of conversation ami speculation daring the week. The bulle tin j all oyer t ho city have been the cc-utre of attraciion. The crowds that havo gathered aronrd them would have dono crcdin to Barnum's circus or a first class fire. At any rate the Voluntee' l. vlcto jiyus. The Thistle has been defeated. The races have been a friendly strife be tween two si.ster nations. The best boat hr.s won fairly atidsquarelj'. Tlie Ameri-. ca's cup will remain in this country a year longer at least and let s tyopo for ever. Again America leads .the world ! Let us be proud of the land wo .live in I Arvr iean's will have mints of jlioney .to spend for the next few weclcs jfn "Uicro arts many popular atti actions to .claluj tht-ii at'.eiitiou.- A nunilber of first class plays ate upon the New York board .ftt present. Atthe M.dion Square Tlieatro that excellent actor Mr. Richard Maus tield takes thp dual part of Pr. JecJel atid Mr. Hyde. -The phiy is. a dramltaza, tioiMf a bopk:by Rtibert Louis Stcphen.-so-i. Er;ndiiie has" been withdrawn from the Casino sta;e and a conio opera en titied the Marquis has been sulmtltuted. Mir.. Langhtry is at the 5th avenue, "aa a looking glass." At Niblo's the world tft uowntd. Imre Kiralfry has scored a deci ded success wth his grand spectacular picoe entitled Lefenrdere, Jthe garter ai feme havo nicknamed jt. Oije New York girl describes the ballet as a col lection of lace parasols wjth pink ban dies. '?."'.', Jacob Sharp would have been in Eying Sing prison on Fiiday bad not chief-justice linger granted a temporary stay. The stay will rup Sharp out of Sing Slug until Thursday next and perhaps long er. : ..'" The new building of the College of ' Physician ami . burgeons of New York was form dly opened on Thursday after noon. Many tlistiiiguished profeasora and gentlemen from all parrs of tlie coun t. j" occupied seats upon the plat form. The opening address was delivered by iVilliam II. Draper, M. D. The ground ind budding was the munificent gift of the bite William 111. Vanderbuilt. 3Ir. , Vanderbilt'3 two sons were piesent at the opening exercises and blushed pro fusely at the compliments that were showed upon them by the. speakers. Jlr. Vanrierbitt's sons havo inherited his millions and his generous disposition. The city has been benefitted inmore than . Om way by -the gen.efoaity of thia family. " " " 0' 0 4 ' That disttnguished and popular Ameri can, Mr. Chauucy Depew has returned to New York, again. On his arrival lie was tendered an informal reception at which he entertained his friends and the rt-porters with a brief but sparkling ac count of bis European adventures. Mr. Depew denies 'thgi he is seeking a nom ination for presidency as has been errone ously jep.irted. Chauitcy Depew is a citizen that 'New York is justly proud of. ' " . ; ; .... The special train that has been built at tlie Piilhnan shops expressly lor the ise of the president and liis wife on tlxjelr Wi stern and Southern trip arilved Washington on Thursda3'. The cars( ir, of the new vestibule pattern ana are the handsomest j and bjst ever'bjiilt . in the world. The president, his wife v and a small and select party left the Capi tol in this train oft ' Friday morning. Republicans, Democrats, Mugwumps and -all w ish them a pleasant and safe trip. . The courts aro to bo complimented upon the speedy trial aud 'sentence of a 3'outhful murderer, , The windows and doors of Jaj Gould's -palatial mansion on Fifth avepue, aie being boarded up n a -most substantial manner preparatory to that gentleraan't departure for Europe. Looks as If Jay intended to remain abroad some time. Now there will be a chance for others to have a finger in the Wall street pie, The rain and general humidity of the past; week has had a depressing influence on everything and everybody. Tlie sua will be" verj' welcome for the first few . j . ''. "' -. The Sjyc.V-r Cv Ne-y ork have never been in a worse condition.. The, -steam heaving company are laying new pippa and the subway company are engaged .In put ting the telegra.pti wires underground. between tho two, the streets are almost tmi.itssiblo. Trenehig are dag pie whole length of avenues and streete, and the : dht and paving' stone t are piled hlgU upon the ideajlks. : Tlie crosings and sidewalks are. sloppy with mnd aud it is f impiblo to4 prevent tho dh-t from be- big. tracked in mo 1 out of the fctores and d vyeiiigs. Kte?s re being taken, 1" b p'evo, t ) oompoi the. companies to do tboir work mor i expeditiously antl to clean 1 u pand cait away the dust and dirt that' : i'rf neicsxarially h ft ' aRer. the excavav lions. ' V. -' 'Henry Gerrge rv'cciilly challenged Oor. Hill to a public debate ou taxation. Thesd j two gentlemen havo contrary opin'yous ori, LtheMibject.' In Gov. HUI'm- lepl -to L Henry '. George's challenge Henry wi . quiet fy but very successltniy sat upon. An 'accident which inight have resulted serioiisly ot-euned in the Grand OperSj House last. Thuisday evening. A distur bance ocdirreci iu tho gallery at which some idiot cried "lire." Jn a second the. audieiieo were on their feet and ready to. hun,eveal ladies fainted. Finally quie was rto.ei by tne actors-wuo stepping, foi ward assured the audience that thei;e ' was no liie. A man oiiiU.d out to the, , police . was - promptly ni rested as tho, al.'.rmist. f he is proved Io be the right man no paid -hincut would bo severe enough. . . ' ; i , Coi.rMKrt, .1 1 i i l 1 ' i: