if T THE EAGLE SCREAM. .1 (;UTIIRIE&tGO. ONE PRICE CASH STORE. "J TO THE PUBLIC 1 have bought goods cheaper $is full than ever before. Oar customers shall have the benefit )f o ir bargains. "We sell for 1 VI -V !"-. (W i, .lid $L h.iosp q ices. JN o I Bad Debts, --r - ldS iioin liim.- CONSISTS IN PAjiT'OFl " .UJi.s jress Goods, ijaslmieies. Cali- i ' .1 , . -A 1 rt I- . ;.s au ;raues, Aipaecaiv v,uoice vjrtug i;uns Muslins, Flannel?; large' variety, Jjipce Hoods, Bed Spread " Ui".drv ear, jlai.kt. Collars a-.d Cuffa&c. &'ci Our Dry Geo3 Cetfcct is fojlf .ud complete. . I- 0 I MILLINERY JG60DS. .Ladies aitd Child i;fisHats, .trimnud aal mitiriiiined, i .Ribbons, Feathers, L'lvvts &c &C. .Our Millinery De- ut ii 'complete, "and is piesidkd oter bv Mrs. Angiuine uutime. Q- I 1 i - - Neck Tits, Bibbous, Photograph i;i mi 8, Laces, Spool Cotton, Needles 'us, PckVt 'JEaiives, a splendid assort. (went. Buttons of all" kinds, Combs, 'Brushes, -Perfumery, Pocket Books, 'll air Pins, P mle, -Elastics, 4&c, &c, j 4 tile the-r?"ttdd one things usually '4 in a Jjr,i- claas.v no. ca -.jdepartuienl. UJ.UmilNljr. Miiis ;iul Jiovs tlitliins in -yrvat rariaty. Jo,s Clothing a spem.il ty 1 III." rvviv ot-Jul iiuiu. v i liVuJit t RfSitu oit. The clii.apt.st and '.M.st ever sold in this market.' tmiiz imu una An assortment f 1 r all, piices beyond CiHU))a.i.'foii. t- 4;. 6I.0AKS ATD SHAWLS. 1 ' In splendid varety and cheaper, than ever before sola in this uiarkct. HATS CAPS, Don't btiy until you see our stock. Feave ibm cheaper than ever. mid vmn We tan suit you in any quality and price. CARPjn, HUGS & OIL CLOTHS; We have thesp goods in stock! We bought theni loiy, n'd will sell them cheap. - bedsteads, Ch;iirs Bureaus, Wash stands, Tables, a nice assprttnent of f'iWreus Chairs.. """ MATTRESSES, "ice assortment. Pictitres & Looking , Glasses, A splendid lin? of framed pictures. hiih we are sellfny: lji;l6w the market. nice line of looking glasses, will be soW cheap. ' '. ' ! UDItS GOSSAMERS. 1- ' ' -.- . ' -triper3l!as,- Ladies and " Childrens ockh)Ss, Ladies 'GloVes, in great variety, lildrens knit' sacks and hoods, aiid In .aet thousand or inote articles too 'iperous to mention t the great I OUTHKIE & GO'S, ' Cheap Cash Store, ' Suuth Side Front Street, BEAUFORT, N. C i R. THOMAS, JR., ' Attorney at Law, Pce,Corner of Front and Turner Streets. I ' $KA UFORT, If. C. Practices in the courts of Carteret, li. ' Jones' Onslow, Iuoir, and Pani 0 counties ; the Supreme Court of North h..a, and the U. S. Disti!.ct and Cir- 5A Xi THE RECOIU G. W. CHARLOTTE, Editor. SUBSCRIPTION RATES: "J One Year,.V. .... ..... ..... . . . , . . f i.5p Six Months, . . , .... , . . . 75 F;our Twq ,....50 or. Csh in "Ad an. Theditr of this parer.is-ufc r sponsible iff the views of correspondents. JfJiejfe w.pji X. mark on your ,paper, it means that- your subscription hasexpued. Please renew at once. Ocovr. Cts.tH.ert and Jones. The Postmaster" k tie oh nties of Onslow, Carteret; and J.ne?, re special agents of Hit RECoi;p, arid jvil receive and receipt for subscriptions tp this paper. I OCA LS Sun rises 6.12, Sun sets 5.13. 'Ay Sarsaparilla. U:lTis." For sale by Allen Bloomdale Swede Ruta paga s?ecd, lor sale byAlleu Davis. 1 Pnrnlfi.Tnn Vnllria- lnt.a Paira aaaA fw sal bj Allen Davis. iMasistrates blanks Warrantee deeds &c. for sale at the Record office. Capt. Jo Gaskill, was in town on San day the 16th. on a visit to his family. Patent Medicines of all kinds aad de scriptions at Allen Davis Diui; Store. Always on hand a full line of choice family groceries, at Henry Eugk berg's " Warners, Liver and Kidnpy Cure, S tfe Ntyine.and Safe Pills For sale by Allen Davis . When yqu want a good barrel of Flour, be sure and tJ-'v Henry Englebf rg's Moss Rose. Subscribe at once for the Record. We will publish a douiGle 'sjheet on Thanks giving and Chr isiiijis. ' The finest Northern .Vb:' ecer brought, to this luiu-fct-'t, ad cheaper thn ever at Henry Euleburgs'. Moss Ros4e Floj is the leader, and tjje very bes fo.r .ctnts perixad at Herv Eugleberg's. " . Pork, Bacon and Haras, always cni hand and at the lowest" prices at 'Heniy Enleb'erg's. Schcwd children can buy the best and town, at the Cheapest v-ks and pens in .'ie UEyORD Office. . Wleu you waut a 8 jrvr 10 pound can of pure Lard, ro to Henry Engleberg's he always keeps it, on hand. Try A A X A 1, and Number Five Ci-.jnf.-"t Allen I ay is Drug Store. Non tetter for ce-uig, A une rain ley oa lues ay. ft w?,s verj iniu-h I'eede'd. It was sufficient to f?ll all the cisterns. The Editor of the Record has tilted up a nice read ng room iii the Recqrd office. Our friends in attendance upon court will be cordially welcomed. The Editor was compelled to foredc ie pleasure of a prig fto th iStajt , Fair. Fleremait ed at tyom.e so as not to neglecf his p iper. The "Twins' are oq exhittiou at Dr. T..B. Delamar's Drug stoi. Wjjl guaiv' antce satisfaction or the money will be ri funded. Ouly5ceute. Tutt's Sarsaprilla and Queens Delight, for speedy and permanent cure of Rheu matism, Diseases of the skin, Dyspepsia &c. For sale by Allen. Davis. Paikere G'nger Tpnic. rtuo medicine for every iamily, surpasses all other re medies in the cure of dyspepsia4, Indiges tion &c. For sale by Allen Davis.- Have your job printing executed at the Record office. With our increased facili ties we can do your work as cheap and as wed as any office in the otate. Carteret will be represented in the com mittee appointed by the different counties. f?; wait upon Gov. Scales.' to secure his aid In the extension of the A. & C. 1C. K. Onr fish hucksters are fairly overrun ff oui crops faft, there is a living still iu ttore fo'-those who will wotk for it fishing. ? Next; Monday, thp FalJ tcrpi of Carter et Superior Court will Cftiiyene, Jftdge Fred. Phillips will pregide.- t'lir erlicient State Solictor ( H. Allen Esq. wil be on hand as usual. ' '' If vou have a walch out of repair cairy it to Baxter who is ompeteut, and has tools to do the vprK. iou have sufficiently tried botchers. Wateibury Watches only 2.50, iigm ana other makes in stock. Mr. E. O. Noe, represents the Record at the State Fajr: Eat,, drink, and be merry ray by, 'for tomorrqw yon ' may die." The Editors lunch will now disap- pear like the snow under ine rays 01 a Summers sun. : - ..... ' The District Conference of the A . M E. Ziou Church, is in session this week at Purvis ChapeL There is quite a large at tendance of clerical aud Lay delegation. Pb"e proceedings ware banned ia to us put too late fijr this is-me. . !" Moa hweetser . Pembroofc' & Co. Wbofesale 'dealers in Dry Goods', Notions &c, Broadway JN. Merchants wneu Ordering go :ds, or seeding a request for sanioles, sliould always address : John A. Charlotte, care 01 sjtisj miu. One of the menhaden crews, put their nets aroun1 a school of blue fish last week and caught about!293 barrels.! -They salt ed 100 barrels or mre and then distril uted the rcma'nder to the poor, the lame, the lazy, ti e halt and blind. Generous soul! , We are pie ised to learn that our young friend, Charles M. Hlggms, lias passed a uecesstul examination netore the uoara of Pharraatnv lie is now a tull neugea knight of the inortar and pestle. Charles we congratulate you ! ' ; ' tW" TJie ;Recqd is the official paper of the 9th. Senatorial District, compose 1 of the counties of For Sale :A New Home Sewing .Machine, with all the .ttjiptiments. This is a new machine u.ver livinij teen uspd. Will I be so.d fpr $30.00. CM1 at this office; at once, and secure a gijeat b;irgp,i. A fine breech loadintr shoe irim. brand new can be b'mht chep. ' fly gt thk Call at the Rinp office an?, examine oijr $t.jck of clniise pens, inks, niid writiiig papers; onsistmg of : Styi -yraphic pens; Eterbrook steel pens; Caws black, violet, .carmine, copying and stylographic inks; Eiiyefppes and writiiiir papere. We are selling a j'ttlo of the best iit.niade at 5 cents. " .&100 to $300 A MO N Til tan be made workinr for ,us. Aireuts Dreferred who I cu luruisn ineir own noises ana give tleir I whole time to the business. Spare moments in$y be profitably employed also. I A few. vacancies rin towns and cities. B. r. JDUiSSON & CO.. 1013 Main! street, iklinond, Va. Insure in the Old PeopVs Mutual Ben efitiJocieJty. the only reliable . Insurance Comimuy f.- old people in tlie United btats, and the .cheapest, s ifeskiind best lor all ages. Call cxn Dr. T. 13. Uelamar, Ageut I'o- Carteret county, and e con vinced. Also Agut fox the &e.w Yok Mutual Reseryertfjtal business $0,000, CKJ0. I Deposited w ith Insurance bepart n3nt,$f50,000. " i .- Read the advertisement of Guthrie & Co., in the Record, watch their store door, I and then 'tell .us that advertisiui; aoes nyt pay. tiutnrie jo. are itys dealers, tl?jy . have' an i1nme5.se stock of goods; in eyey depar,t-.nent. They have bought them to sell. Their millinery goods! are the best and clieapest evir brought to this market.. Dout ia.il to visit their store, examine their goods and prices aud we are confident that you will buy. We have published from time to tima since we tooic ch'arre of the Record. some admirable poems from the Pen We Mrs. .fciizaoelh Uakes iS.nilh. e are more than proud to number hit talented lauy aniong our ;orps ot cQu,tr;.uuto'8. We hy.e also been promised pous the pen of Mrs. Cissie Davis, of our jtow n, who is a sweet writer. The Record is able to meau$re lauces with any ' o our State Exchanges, when wo can number two silch talentei writers among our corps of contributors. T IE VERDICT UNANIMOUS. W. D. Suit, Druggist, Rippus, Id testifies; l-l can lccoinineud Electric Bitters as the very best remedy, Every bottle sold has jiven lelief in evciy case. One mau took six bottles, and was cured of Rheumatism of 10 years standing." Abraham Hare, druggist, Bellvilh, Ohio, affirms: "The best selling medicines I have ever handled iu my 20 year's experi ence, jis Electric Bitteis." 1 housauds of Gtherf have added their testimony, so that the yerdect is unanimous that Eid trie Uiitrs do cure all diseases 01 the LiVer.i Kidneys or Blood. Only a lialt'dl- lar a bottle at I . B. D )elama'b Diug oiOe iVIVES t MiiTHERS ! DAUGHTERS ! Be VpCil Own rirrsiciANl A lady wh for years MiJleted tromdisstressing lemale comvlaiuts, weakness, etc, so Common t her sex, and had deM.died ot a cure. tinaHyi found remedies which completely cured her. Any suffer, r can nse them and thus cure herself, witiiout the aid oi a physician. From feelings oi" gratitude she will send two preseriptiuiis-t-wiiich cured jher and an illustrated pamphlet, entitled "The bTEi'rijiG-r-S'iosE to, health, and lull i.is.ructious sealed. Address (with 2 cent stamp), Mrs. V. C. Holmes, 658 Broadway, N. Y. .Vaine this paper. I , BUCgLEN'S ARNICA SALyE. The; best Sajye iu fhe world fpr'Cuts, Bruises, Soi-es, TJlcjirs, Salt Rheum. Fever Sores,! Tetter, Chapped Hands, Chilblain? Corns, and all Skin Eruptions, and posi-r tively I cures Piles, or no pay required. It is guaranteed t give perfect satisiacr tion, or ir.ouey ref unded. Price 25 cepts per box. ' Fr sale by Dr. T. B. Delamar The advantages of a reliabe, safe and efficacious Family Medicpie, is iucalculi.r ble, and when suph is found, the blessing is thus happily eKpressc d. I EXCLAIMED, fEUREKA." I have been using Simmons Liver Reg ulator: myself some five years or more, ?iud my family also, and can testify from. ex: perieuco to its virtues, I ueyr re jom mend a medicine unless I know it to be good. Iu a ministry of twenty fiyeryears I have often felt the neefj of such a medi cine and wheu I found itr I exclaimed, Eareka." Rev. L P. Harper, propiis tpr of the "Christian yisitorV'Smithfield, X.C. ' ', I WONDERFUL CIJRES. W. D. Hoyt & Co., Wholesale aiid Re. tail Druggists of Rome, Ga., says: We have been selling Dr. Kings New Discov fry, Electric B tters and Bucklen's Ar nica Sajye for two years Ilave never handled Vpjnedies that, sell as .wpll, an give such! Universal satisfaction. There have been some 'YQhcferfql cures, effected by these mediciues n this city. Several cases of pronounced Consumption have been entirely cured by uso of a few bot tles of Dr. King's New Discovery, taken in connection with Electric Bitterf, VY e guax-antee them always ' Sold by T, B. Delamar. ITCHING PILES. Svmptoms Moisture; intense itching and stiugiug; most' at night; worse by scratching. If allowed to contiuus tu mors form,v7hich often bleed and ulcerate, becoming very sore. Swayse's Oint ment stops the itching aud bleeding,heals ulceration, and in. many cases removes the tumors.' It is equally efficacious in curing1 ail Skin biseases. Dr. Swayne & Son, proprietors, Philadelphia. Swayne's OiNTJiET can be obtained of druggists. Sent by mail for 50 Cent?. jTRUCK FARM FOR RENT Oue mile from Morehead City, coutains about 75 acfes of cleared land. Specially adapted to truck farming It is the same land thatkhas been cqltivrab-d by Mr. W. 13. Colebura for the past 'seven years. -' Apply o, ' 1 B. L. JoNes, , T Beaufort, N. C IN MEMORIAM. 'I)kd jfp fferthead City, Oct, 10;h, 87, Gfte ;W2ibb, .danitcj- W A. II. nd Hatjtle a,etl tje mopths ana nve .q.js. It was itwilight tle .summois ame.' Roving hearts andjttjader hands .11 that could d wis done to r.ease the little sufferer, all of which was- of no a vail for the hour had come. Her eartldy tenure has been very short, but full of affections fpr Lpne so you.ng. She has j made a happy exchange of hour.?, earthly for heavenly. There l as been another jinchor of the soul cast in the Paradise ,pf God, may its cable ot'.tyye beueien to 4vw :ng all up higher. One by oie weirst jump follow heivto the griye. ajjid prand ,)that we may be able follow her tip! through the pearly gates into &ue city of od, ai;d t lie re to be with Jess and the Joyed oue! ,whp have goue 011, .before. While we wi. iis t,hee lines we feel her little spirit hoveng a,but i.3s, reoiinding us not ,to weep for her, that the good -Lioid has given her a beautiful and happy home "Over there," Oh ! how we love to think of it. May lie v.hu '"tempers the wii d," sanctify this loss and comfort the bereaved father and mother, siste r and brothers aud loved ones jn their afilic liofts, and give them grace! and strength to exclaim as David of old, "The Lord giy.. th and tthe Lord taketh away. Bless ed be the name of the Lortl. i T. C. D. 3Iorehead City, N. C, Oct.l, 12th 1837. Methodist Advance please copy. Died on Monday October 10th. JS7, Mrs. "Mry Elizabeth Rice beloved wile of 'Kichaid liice. 1 Once more w are called upon to write: "11 -sscd are the dead who! die- in the Lo.d." Mrs. Rice was a devutit ChiLs- tian, she was a devoted mehiber of the Missionary Baptist Church, ami has passed away peacefully, and, has entere.1 iuto the j iys 01 her riseu Savior. . In the home chicle, .she shone at her It-jSt her husband and childiven listened to thp wise counsel w hich 111 l)om lipr l;ps. Slie ti.usted jmpiicitlyi in Gu(d her Father, and l)ved as she died. To say that she will be missed by her loved ones only lainjtly exuresses the rief they ate passing yhiouh 'Our sympathies go out iu ail their fuIlnVsi to theui; the hus band berelt of a loving companion, the children of a wise christian Mother; the loss indeed is. great, and cannot be re placed. May our Heave. ily Fatner c m fort and bless them while pissing under the rod. 1 A bii0ht, happy household is slirouded n gloom, j A fond wi e and mother is U0.ne to tfye tomb, j j Sadly we mourn thie,: tho' sweet is thy it st ' j 1 j Safe in the. beautiful home offline blest I 1 Why should we wish thee vri earth Lack aain Now thou art free from all sorrow and pain, One who to death was so calmly resigrud .One w ho has left suca, .a fair ljnunj behind, ! j : Oli may we too w hen lifes slit)rt day is o'er As swectlv find icst on Eternity's bhore, bough the waters of death Imay encom pass us round j Our lears will ail vanish whin Jesus is found . , j ; j CITIZENS MASS MEETING. A rneeting of the citizens jof Carteret County was heid at the Court House , ia the town of Beaufort, ou Saturday, Oct., 15th, 1887. Dr. F. Bordeii Mace,, was called to the chair, and G. V. Chailatte was requested to act as Secretary. Dr. F. Borden Mace, on taking the chair thanked his fehow citizens tor the h nor coufprred upou him iu electing him as their chairman. .He exp.ained the object of the meeting ju a ueac an4 well timed speech, aud iu conclusion he palled upon Mr. C. R. rrhomas Jr., who, l'!ly ex plained the objects qf the raeetiug, and ludy explasnu the laws on taxation, Ou motion Mr. C. Si Bell, 'was unanimously elected Treasurer. The following n-ser ltitions were then read anl unanimously adoptfcd:- ! ' Wheijeas, the true principles of Dem ocracy require tbjat iu all respect- the Cqnsljtutibu and the law.s shall be strictjy obeyed and when there is any devlati(iti from them it is necessary to j retrace our s"tep3, guided by the "Voice ?f the Peo pic,' and whereas we the citizens of Car teret County in 'mass meeting assembled at the Court House iu Beaufort are op posed to lire unconstitutional! aud illegal tax levied for the year 87, and the illegal tax leyies of former,1 years, and wntreas we believe the people are op posed to any taxatioq in excess of that allowed by the constitqtiqu! qd laws, we desire to cai ry out their wishes in tjie matter aud take such action a$ wtti in tjje present and futuie prevent the c lection of excessive and illegal taxeti; therefore be it resolved: ' - - 1st. That we believe the expenses of the County 'government should be con fined within the limit allowed by law and that this can be done if the adinini? tratiou of the county government is pru dent aud economical, 2nd. That we condemn the conduct qf those members of the Board of County Commissioners who, id the present and past ye.ifs, have so conducted j the affairs of thb County, and paid out itjs monies as to "the iqfluenoe and beguile the' minds of our ' ma i'strates with tlie belief of the ne6essity, for excessive tax levies. 3rd.' -That if the neceasary xpenses of the Gountv eovernmeut exceed the amount raised by a legal tax lteyy in ag cordauce with the constitutiou limitation and equatiou then we i declare 'that tle Commissioners should proceed aordiug to the Constitution and obtain "the special approval f the Genera: Asseinr bly" for the special purpose of paying the deficieucy. !'.:"' 4tb. - That a committee of eight citi zeus be appointed to raiso funds and that the chairman, secretary jand treas urer of this meetiug. bei instructed to em ploy one or more attorneys to iisk f.r an injunction at the Fair Term tit Carteret Superior Court 1887. The Cl'iiiimau ap pointed the f)Howiug Committee to raise !Uirdb:-i-r Dr.- J. W. Sanders, David McCaihT Joh"n. ' J; RoyaV Dr. C. N. Mason, Johii L; Grtthrie, B A. j eltou, A. 11. Chadwiclc, GV.AV'i Charlotte. F. Borden Mace, Chairman, G. V. Chariotte, Scents ry. NEWS OF A WEEK. . October 14rh. There were six new cases and tw deaths from yellow fgyer yesterday in Tama, Florida, Dr.. Porter and nurses liave arrived to assist in unri pg thf. sick.- .j. The widow of the late Minister Manning r rived at the- Fifth A.veuue Hotel, New Yrk City, , yester day to 'make preparations f .jr j her - hus ba,ud's, f unoral. -The. first npw uf lth,e -season fell at Utica,, . yJyestrdary, morniug. Places as far soytlf as. Povfe Gibson, Miss., report frost .night .. beore last. -Terrible storms are cevailiiitr on the Gulf Cmst, causing mjnh loss of life and jjreat damagij to the sbippiug.rrrf Surgeon General Hamilton - has direct.!, I that the cots at Egmout Xays, Florida, whirb fraye not been used ,by fever patieuts, b,e sent to Tampa.'j-The Prt&. identia-l ,pai ty, oa their soutyjj' fjigdl corn festival. Tliey wero gi.t.ly , pleas-4 with the many beautiful t'. ings tJiey sw made torn corn and vartoua otner .pro ducts of the field. The Light House B iard has ordered the placing of a. gjia buoy off Pamlico, to .take .the nJace rf liyht at that point, which tfias discoutiu ued because of the ursafety of .tho tower. Efforts were mate at the hist twofessif of Congress to secure provisions for.a new liglvt, but without sqccessj--The com biu&tion tiaoy. ' Cape Hattcras, which was disabled about thVee tsbtitft s.gp, is reported to be a d-inerous obstruction t9 navigation, and the Light House Board has'issued instructions to the Inspector of the Fifth District to lake a tender from Baltinio e to secure the buoy and: put it in good repair. October l&th. Tiie .crpj) f r" the United States for lSSTSS.Ss estimaled at 6,550,000 bales, as against C. 505,000 for 1 886 87.-rr-The Seoteb , yacht., ? histle, sailed from New York for ons-a yestcr day. Captain Bair hopes to niKke the run across in sixteen d iys. . The fun eral services over the late Minister Man ning were held in Trinity Chapal, New Ynrk, yesterday niovning. Tlie body was sent by express to New Orleans". Twenty-six cases ff cholera have been de veloped among the p;issoiigors on the. Alcsia. Eiht deaths iive occurred. Watchmen guard the quarantine of ob servation rigidly- rTwo deaths; and three new cases of yellow fever have oc curred in Tampa, Fla, , since lire last wr- fieial report. Quarantines are b. ing ts- ta1lished throuuhont the State. r-Cap tain Black and Lawyer Solomon, counsel for the condemned anarch sts, have jas riv ed iu New. York w ith a full transcript of the rce rd of the famous trial, j They consulted with 'General Pryor yesterday. he Queen Reg -nt of Spain -has be n signed a decree authoiizin;tIie conjst ruc tion of six Iron-clads of 7,000 tons e cli. ivhich shall be capable of attaining a, speed of from sixteen to twenty miilcs an hour; also foUr lavge and sixty mail tor pedo boats. October ltb. The Tiupsian Crown Prince is aain r3ported in a very preca rious condition. rludge Elliot dnmpe 1 dead jesterday while welcoming the Pres ident to Memphis, Tenn.--Tbe resigna tion of Henry J. Wilton postmaster at Birmingham, Ala., has been received at thePostoffice Department atWcghiugtou. irsenic put in eggs by a Philadelphia gr)cer for the purpose of killing rats caused the illness of a whole family and the death, of one person.- An appar-. ently sane man stepped in front of a train near Atlanta and was fatally injured. His purpose was to sue the company for damages. The Presidential party had a narrow escape on the way to Memphis. A bridge, over which the train is to pass, is set 011 fire by a supposed train wrecker, but is discovered in time to prevent a second Chatsworth horror. Tmin rob bers in Texas stop a passenger train and attempt to rob the mail car, dynamite be'rng used to burst the cu open. : Tho mad ageut, hovfever, not being disabled by the shock, seized a double barrel shot gun and ki'.ls one of the gan. Octoler 18th The Indian troubles are reported to be at an t qd for tlie present. -Four deaths and five new cases of yel low fever are reported from Tampa. Sam Small, of Atlanta, lectured oa tem perance iu Chickering Hall, New York, yesterday. It seems probable that the Rev. Charles A. Berry, of Euglaiid, will be the successor of Htnry Ward Beecher at; Plymouth Church. sJude R. nlolpN Tucker, one of the counsel for the con densed anarphlsfs, 111 ask h3 U. S. Su preme Court fqr a writ of errqrin the case rrthe yelfqw fever 13 toqjiht to be under control. Tciirists are pouring f i and it is believed t'lat no cianger will attend the usual winter heyira-t There is a sti:ng probability that t'ie appoint ment of a First Assistant tjecretaay ot State will be one of President Cleveland's first acts after his return. -r-rtIn the hu- nreme Court, vesterday. the L. S. Mar shal of the eastern district of Virginia made returns to the writ of. HABEAS corpus in the 'ease of the Virginia State officers. -The schooner .Lena B.eed, from Charleston, S. C, tor : rhiladeipliiii was run into and damael by an un known steamer thirty miles e.tstward of Frying Pan Shali, doing' considerable damage to her rigging and causing her to take water. She was compelled to put La-sk for repairs. October tyth. The innrr rj l bu .y, on the south bar of Charleston hai b'-r; is inissing. -The Viigiuia habeas oorpcs case isset for tiial in the U,,S- Supieme Court, tlie rirst Monday-in November. The Viigiuia officers recognizerl in tin sum of $1,000.-- -The Presidential party arrive in Atlanta and ara accord d royal welcome. Tbe. Hon. U. VV. Grady .hiakes tlie welcoming speech and is replied to by Mr, Cleveland in an agreeable and fitting sth.-rr-Spii:its of . Turpent'n.e dull (d 32 cts, Ilosiu quiet 85 cis, Ta. 1,15 bbl. Cotton dull (7V 0 cts., Peauuts.. (a 80 to 9'3 cts. Ric-J to U cts. ,. Jllep.iag OUR NEW YORK LETTER. trFrom Oqr Regular Correspondent. j - ... 1 Kejy STcj k, October loth, 1887. Wn Sattf)4;,y evening last a large mass meeting ,uuder the anspicies of a i Pro gressive Latbor JTnion was held on Union O . riM.;' 1: Square, TM' police, wme hundred strfing, ndf tlc command of Cupt. ReillytJie vjy ajipolnted captain of the 19th precjpet, meo in attendance and in readiness to U;ppress jany disturbance Dm-ing the streaking a crpwC of the sup port rs of Henry George eao to eheer lpstily for tJ1.1t gentlem.ip and to inter ,cupt e crators. Captv neusy, taking a sqad'ajTitwenty" men ,stasUjd to scatter the oadein." Tje rnaioing force of policeman mistaking. 44 liutentiou and without orders .char,; jUe crowd with diswn clubs. Ia s .few1 minurs the svre1 if clett,r4 "f-U k tne meeting jkuckrid into a ckc.k;d hat, U fpeak. rfat -indignation prevails - among the socialists aitdylglistyat-the inteiference pf t!re policy and th. t worth v "body of blue coated giaitli.ins of the pt ace have receiveil wholesale denunciatiims from the nihilists pipers, especial'jr tliat of Herr Most. Notfcing efy sejrious, how ever, is likely to coie pat 0 the ailair. Tuesd-ty was the first day .of registry Tfc.e offices wer open all pver the city apx every pody given a chance to register. The lollowtrs of the George party chunk ed t.hat they w;re entitled to an inspec tor ajt e'.ich of t.ie olfioe i bst ' the police had. orders to arresjt fty person.s who claimed suc'i authority. As usual the- pet Jctat brigade marched to tie offices, and iidea voted toreistei bftt were.coin- pletel ignored by th Vusy inspec tors. On Wednesday evening a private view to the press and e'ergymeu was granted to M. do Muukascy's great religiou painting "Christ ou Cavalry." The painting is a cornpauion to iChrist befQre Pi:atV the pa'utiug by. lh.e same artist that was purch.ised by Jou Wan uamaker 01 Philadelphia. The Thistle left ou Thursday for home. Mr. Bell, the osvuvr, and 3Ir. Watson, the designer of fjjte yaclit were tntertaiu- cd by the New York Yacht Club, previ ous to their departure on the ciiy of Rome on Wednesday. The gentlemen express. 4 themselves perfect'y satisfied with the treatment they had received iu this country, and thanked tlie club, for its rrjimr. n 1 . a ir-t iltr 'Ilia imut Iu mn tt presented t o club with a beautiful mod 1 of the Thistle. They botu carry home among other thing. a profouud regard for the American sentre-boaid. f Johuuy Ward, the poplar ex-capta'n- ol tlie New York Nine, was inarried to Miss Helen Dauvray, tlia well known actress on Wednesday, Mr. Ward .is a lawyer by profession, a g-aduata of Col umuia College Law School, a thoroughly educated, gontiemau aud the niost rc maskauie man on tho diitiuiid field, ft was rep rted that Mis Dauvray wou id J mary young Ed. Southern ol the Lyceum Theatre. The evening edition of the New York World made its appearance on Monday last. By the way of advertisement the enterprising ediior, Mr. Joseph Ptititzer, jCnnrteied .aimer's lnea're aud gave a monstrous tneatre party to' over p'JOO newsbojs who amused themselves be tAeeu the acts, atleruately, by whisdi'ug aud cLecring for their host. . JJicy'des liaye not prored themselves to be such a nuisance as many supposed w hen they were first granted admission to Central Park. Au accidcut occured on the bi'dle patjj to day in which a bicycle playeq an iniportant pait, Two rides came jn collisiou a,n one was throw n to the ground breaking his ankle. A parsing wheclmau was quickly djs puthtd to the eutraugs of the park aud secured a. carriage, to take the Injured man heme in less tinie than if takes to tell it. A great many accidents occur in the park that are never heard, of out side of it. Runaway a, breakdowns and the like, are never reported in thp papers, unless they are of a very serious nature. After a ride up the" West and down, the I East sidesof the paik, one often wandi"3 , that there are not more necks Molten aud more lives 16st than there are. On a pleasaut afternoon the east drives in parr ticul ar, is generally jammed .with car-, riages. Equestrians as a rule stick to the bridle pat'is. In the f.vshiouable whirl a girl of sixtceu or less may ba seen holding the lines over a pair of high spirited horses. From her high seat, on the stauhope or T ' cart, which - she is driving she l.oks a wee mite k , hold such a team of impui-int equities. A coach man sits on a seat behind with his arms folded. lie is au ornament but n it much use in case of aa accident. Then again rouud a' turn will -come a large 4rag, or tvlly-ho, drawn by lour prjincing hoisei. A little pony cart will jqstget opt of the way in t me. Vbe uuise that is (Living aud at the sme time minding the cnildren does not seem 10 realize the danger, or responsibil ty of her position. It is marvelous they are not run over. Often a hors'j will become nunianagvb!e aud will require the service of a mount d polic'-mau or two to reudei h m tracuibie itg-iin. 'By the Way these good fellows ride to perfection on their be tutiful hordes standing in the carriage 1 dkd or br;die path liny look quiet enough. But if thero is a runaway or the warning ntes of a fellow policeman's whist.e ai e hear d he plunges Lhc spurs into the animals sides, drops , the rein loose 011 bus ucek and with hu feet sti etched out in his stirrups flies away Jike the wind, to the scjuo, oi t.oubli. j Hw they. ride t A cumber of thnt Af fljl aavary mep mid ioderstmnd Unit horses 8 well avi tie(r hure naderstaiid ' them. AJl prU apd decc'ptioit o flr outs and rfg ..arejsecip so m lirnotA.. dtive through U)e pc Wooirfu( liveries adorn the .coalmen and tbm dresses of the people way &e Eoglleh the scene is essentially a Aw&to - one. Everything has the look 14 tbe-aptrft of the America,,,. The styU f Aiming the coachmen in mouninz to expreaa Mm brief of the owner of the carriages been criticised by a great many times the contrast between the eoMplsyer aud employees ia striking. lIerV oeipM a stylish turnout drawn by, a taam, one a gray and the other a sorrel," a IsnhlofN abie and prelty combination. The eoacV nran is a lutiAaojne elWw, attaint as arrow, his eyejtkajr aath akr, m lete every inch of blot. &vt io 6, riagjbUw wrapped ia rug wmA hfjeAs his employer sits, file ehoklef M bent and his eye lacks the deerfteee f his coachman's. High living and on over indulgence in champacM has broke hiaa' down peiiiaps. One has niooey bat ttm but no health, the othtr health bttt M money. "Ap4 Ma fxjji tfre watfd aWK9 COLffMHX. ' 'fgr Our Advertisers. tSJ trDrug Stores. wr Dr. J. a Davis, Ana 8tr4L T. B. Ddlftmar, Fsasi turt. Allen Daris N. H4s Fiset Street. r-Dry Goods and groceries. -S. J. M9ore & Brou Frout Street, llepry Engleberg, Jfnont Street rrUudertslaw. iwwf V. V. Bobejrstw, Fjt Btreet. S. J, Moore & Bro. Front Street Bean fort N. C. -srr-Is ths plaon to buy your supplies Dry Goods, Notions, Boots fc Shee, IlaU & Caps, Clpt hjing, Grooerles, Croeker, Wood, Tin, v j Glass Ware, aed i bet everything usually kept In A first ctaae store. Call soon and secure bargains. 0. V, ROBERSON, - - ( FRONT SREET, 3EAUF0RT, N. FUNERA L piJlECTORt ' AND DRAX.EK IN BURIAL CASKS AND COFFINS. i , . A full supply of coffins, casket v and burial cae, constantly on hand and furnished at shVt notkje, and sVev U es. Will attend all burials, as funeral director without charge. J, C, BANNERS. TDRE StBET BEAUFOnT, If. C, . Nejt door to the Sheriff's Offcce, --srDEALU IN-t-t . Dry Goods, Groceries, Notions Shaep Hats, Wood anJ Tin Ware, ,0. ') " " ' leaving lately moved from Harlowe, will be pleased to have his country friends pill on h'm at his neijr stand. To the citizens of Beaufort be oilers a new stock of goods, which will be sold as cheap as the cheapest, and solicits their patron age. " Our c mntry friends will find a stable and lot to put their noises and convey ances in, when in town, tree of cu-rgS. DRUGGIST AND APpTHtfCAIJT. Ann Stueet, 2nd doob fkdst, Tcswf. t Hawke's y Qlases ai4 Sjacs, Save your eyes buyjn(- f pajf, Cpkfv ed glasses, for fj-jk anji sore ejps. Dg, Davis is sqle 'agent fr )se gjassea, they cannot bo bought ehiewhens in. this conn- Jy The largest and cbeapeet WMtiU& it? PteotMedl pjijes pf all kind alay la Dr, KiTroers, , Cbagij and &i9mt$i$ . Cure,. . ' . Brafll4 Ponjrde Reyulstor. B. B. B. s. Sb p. Warners Safe Kldbey Gu Ayers UairVi.! ' ' r Simmons Heujator. Bulla Cough Jgjxtji.0,' " '. Chill Remedies, ' 'A- 1 - i Select your rawltciqe- frna rjje tQ0 and at living pricea. IJemernhef te pl" DIL J. B. DANES' DQUQ QTOni; Ann Sthcct 2nd ixob feo ,Tv9C? ow kw 0. guion. GUION PELLETIER." 1 ATTORNEY8 AT LAW, ' Two Doors 3outh of Journal Offlje v -' Craven Street West Bide. ' ' ' ". . r, .u,;.- n;-v NEWBERN. N. C. , ' -. 1 - . .- Practice where services are desired. l'ractice iu the Superior Court1 of Car teret county, in jthe Federal Court at New Bci uj, aud in the Supreme 4 'oun. . Parties in Carteret desiring our serf vices w ill please Write or telegraph ue'at ' New Ue.n.

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