, . , . ' ., .... . ,i, . .i . :;.'-... . ; ' -' ; - . . ' . i '.. . . IRE CORD. WE L Y El " 1 i . . . . oh- 2. Ojir Advertisers, ""ffcl prug Stores. , r rWis Ann Street. Tlr J- D- ' V. i. iC SMa Front flt.nnri AUeni's . pry Goods and Groceries.- j j Moore & Bro. Front Street. Henry fcugieuerg, xwm, uutci. -Undertaker. C V. Roberson, Front Street." r J. Moore & Bro, front Street Beaufort. N. C. t -.he pi!"- to buy yur 8UPPl'e8 I? . JVi . vn Unto (JHW O' l JUS, iWUHJ kjuirca, u.ao ,1 Tin. & Glass Ware, and in fact thitur usually kept in a first class Call s-mi ad secure ba rgains. ; h V. KOBERSON, ;i(T sHKET, BEAUFORT, N. fC'yF.AL DIRECTOR, tor r ia. fall supply of coffins, caskets li'irwii"' constantly on baud and tio notice", and at low rig- U'il! atierid .ill burials', as funeral t.toritl'Ut charge. T T .;. ,.-...-t vr ' TWIT-IT A T" "TKEKT. 2XP DOOK FROM TUKXEU. o : o o iwke's Eye Glasses and Spectacles e yo:r eyes by buying a pair. Co!or- fc':W. for '.vt cik ani sor5 eyes. Dr, is b n 'o'oiit foti-ese glasses, they iVlXou,kt 'elsewhere in this coun- 'atf bluest aifd cheapest assortment of UtMetlieiues of all kinds u.ways in k. Kilmers, Cough and Consumption Cure. Ik-Ms Female Regulator. :b. s. l ner Safe Kidney Cure 'tir Vigor. Regulator. JDgii .Mixture. k& your m-dicyies from a large stock at Hvin;: prices. Remember the place, J T5. D KVfs DRUG STORE, s wket, 2su door from Tcujcek. fx h. i;iox. i h. telletier Gi.IOX &, PELLETIER, ATTORNEYS ATLAW. Two Puns South of Journal (Jffioe, '. Craven Sti-cet West Side. . NEWBERX. N. O. P.-aettce 7. ! ere services are desired. lYacike in v.-ie Superior Courts uf Car- trt cvuntv.' :i the Federal Court at rVvue, ami i:i the Supreme Court. rVi.r.t-s i:i" tVrteret desirinjr our ser M iiipas.e iite or telegi-aph us a" POMMIjiloXER'S SALE. YJ lytirtao of the authority in me, vested :e ipcii..r Court of Caneiet County jadgmfut of s:i:d Couft made at Fall ik.7 and pursuant to said jud hL tciuniUsiouer of the Court, 1 rlFtOtlip liiirlUf KiilIr frr mkIi at r.ou:t House dor in Beaufort, N a-re yr less and "tiarticHlarlv de- a deeds from B. L. Perry aud r;a to Thomas Duncan bdeed lVsm Chari.es R. Thomas, Jr., p . Commissioner, f 4"kn. X. c, Oct., 2?th, 1887, ROYAL o- ioll aS T XT TT T 11 ihl- rl?a. of Gen. U. S. Grant: . itiaLe- " merits more praise than r.r. .tow.-au-i it deserves a welcome in . 5IJ .imun.i... 1. f r -e K'Ves the brilliant effect a4 jt L , Uu matter where applied. FOR r.nnic. ttooL?hCf-HHirf is vaJuabJe for Qildisg f Pa,'.:, f !fs' Naketg, Fans, Decora- , v) g i,i ,);,, . . . . . i . 5 nsea m . decorating Geml Grant, and many Tottfre 7 a"d ; disunguished New Pri -a meU Hair Brush iu each Gtde,, lu ;Se botilss for Man'fs and 50 ub.titl fGl Ilub's Gilding. Take 0mV,;f' SoU1 y all Ait Dealers 51 i?" Xew v-k Chmical . v, . ;l w C-lurlutte, Beaufort. 'O - JHe ;rst Monday in December, Hecemlr 5th 18?7, at 13 o'clock "0. the fo;!,,x ij real estate : itract of lauif in Carteret County, at .' tiduf Core Creek, known as the .Place. rontaininir t h hnndred crinuary 13th, 1870, and dee jrnvr and wife to same dated uui V r arv' an (lt'ed to same from o .tl.ist-,u and wife dated llth of I : - -j THE RECORD. G. W. CHARLOTTE. EDITOR. t-SUBSCRIPTION RATES: -J One Vear, $ix Months, ...'.'... Four ' " Two ' . ...fl.50 . . ..P 50 . .25 Caii in Advance. Entered at the Post Office at Beaufort, N. ., as1 second class matter. The Editor of this naner is nnf re sponsible for the views of coi respondents. If there is an X mark on vour paper, t means that your subscription has expired. Please renew at onee. The Record is the official in nor of the 9th. Senatorial District, composed of the counties of Onslow. Carteret and Jones. ;-r " - ! , - The'"Posimaster in ttfe counties of Onslow, . Carteret, : and Jones, are special agents of the Record, aud will receive and receipt for subscriptions to this paper. ---.- LOCALS. Cool weather. " " "Wood is iu demand. Remember the poor. High ater to-day 9,50. Sun rises 6,25. Sun sets 5,02. Try Henry Engleberg's choice Groceries. Ayei' Sarsaparilla. For sale by Allen Davis. j . Magistrates bUnks Warrantee deeds &c. for sale at the Record office. Engleberg's Moss Rose Flour is unsur passed iu quality and price. Try it. Patent Medicines of all -kinds and de scriptions at Alleu Davis Drug Store. Warners, Liver and Kidney Cure, Safe Nervine, and Safe Pills Fur sale by Allen Davis When you want anything in the Gro cery line go at once to Henry Engleberg's he keeps it. . 0 To-morrow is Guy Pawkesday. "Odorit you remember the 5th of JSovember gun powder, treason and plots." bubcribe at once for the Record. We will publish a double sheet on Thanks giving and Christmas. Never too lr.te to do good go to Henry r 11 c . 1 - .... ., " ,uicwrx 101 every ining in mo urocery nue, uuck ooiioni 1 rices. me nnest ortnern '.abbage r ever brought to this market, and cheape than ever at Henry Euglebergs. . School children can buy the best and the' cheapest inks and pens in town, at he Record Office.. When you want a 35 or 10 pound n of pure Lard, jro to'l?erjry Eugleberg'a he always keeps it ra hand. Try A i 1 A 1. and Nnn'jbej.- Five Cl ears at Allen Davis Drug Store. None better for 6 cents , v.an at tne ijecord otnee and purchase one ot trie "fearl lop" lamp chimeis They aWtLe best. . "'' t Repair your old stoves with Plastic stove pjste. This is an article worth its -weight in gold. F01 sale at the Record office. ' The best Groceries a1 ways ou hand at Henry tngleherg s. Choice Hams. Pork. Shoulders, Dried Beef, and iu fact every thing in the Grocery trade. The "Twins'' are on exhibition at Dr. T. B. Delamar's Drug store. Will guar antee satisfaction or the money will be refunded. Only 5 cents. Tntt's Sarsaprilla and Queens Delight, for speedv and permanent, cure of Rheu matism. Diseases of the skin, Dyspepsia occ. r or sale by A" leu Davis. Paikers G'nger Tonic. The medicine for every family, surpasses all other re medies in the enre of dyspepsia. Indiges tion fc. b'-jr sale by Allen Davis. Have vour job printing executed at the Record office. With our increased facili ties we can do your work as cheap and a& well as any office in the State. Major L. C. Latham, our Congressman elect, paid us a pleasant visit on Wednes day. le is looking well and wi!l repn- seut the First District with ability. Our farmers who are not engaged in ashing rniaht repair the losses of a short crop, by cutting wood, and sending it to towft, "Thsre is aTways a go"nd market at this seasorf'of the Vear for wood. We have had various and sundry kinds of weather in this vanity during the past week. We have had ram in abundance. coTd'winds, sleet, and teal cold weather in the bargain. - ' If vou want a piece of nw rdssio, call at the Record office. If .we dobot have it in stock we will order it. e have a nw' song with music. "There's no one like mother to me," Price 3a cents.- - If vou are in want of a Piano, Organ, or Sewing Machine, call at the Record Office. We can sell a first class Sewing Machine for $20,00. Organs from ?30,UO and upward in prices. Baxtei is filled up, and can do all kinds of watch and cloak- work, and warrauts hia work for one and two years, iiooo assortment of Jewelry and Elgin watches on hand. Waterbury watches only $2 50. Meas. Sweetser, Perobrook & Co. Wholesale dealers in Dry Goods, Notions die, Broadway N. Y. Merchants wheff ordering goods, or sending a request for ambles, should always aauress . douu Charlotte, care of said nrm. Our town was filled with a false report on last Sunday morning. It was m every ones mouth and repeated aud constantly added to. Idle persons wno scan, su.u re ports should be made to feel tha strong arm of the law. Thirty-nine lashes are too good Tor the mean aevusu cji" who'manuf actured the lie . u ni- Annlfton Oaksraith. died iu New York on Wednesday morning, the oGtly'of Oct. His remains were orougut to' his tome in this county on Saturday night last, and he was buried at Holly wood orf Sunday. Capt. Oaksmith was a remarkable man; we will publish an obit uary "SfliUn next week. CAROLINA. FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 4 1887. - - it-.-' Call at the Record office and examine our stock of choice pons, inks, aud writing papers; consisting of: Stylo graphic pens; Esterbrook isteel iu.Uv iuk made atS ceus $100 to $300 A MONTH xan be made working for j us. Agents j: re 'erred who can furnish 'their own horses and give their whole time o the business. Spare moments in.y be profitably employed also. A few vacancies .in towns ml an cities. B. F: ifiUXSON & CO. 1013 - -. w.av. ....IJ.VIIV.,, f ! i 1 '' lusure iu the Old PeopVs Mutual Ben efit Society, the only ri'li'tbie Insurance Company for old poule Wr the Unit.-H 55U1ti tor Ag& vinced. Also Agent Tor tile LTew Yink Mutual Reservetotal business $?9Q.Qo6, 000.' 'ieposited'with' fu&urauGe" Depart ments VvO.QOO. ;' The time for the hearing of the suit for a perpetual Injunction agtfinst,th$ Bard of Commissionem of Carteret County and John B. Bifssell, Sheriff. cO resti-ain th collection tlf the i il.ejai ux-1. .-yy of 33, cents in excess of tle Coof-titutional limi tatio;i iud'cqnation on eadli cie hundred dollars valuation of real arlu personal property was, on resTterdav.' 6v his Hon. Jud'ie Ffcd-Philaos. at Trenton, Jones county, continued to Kinston, Lenoir Coulnty, on the 16:h inst. The tempo rary order is in full force and arjfect nutil the lifcari. It will pay you to to New Berne, when you want to buy a suit of clothing. If you do not care to go send your order to George Ash. the clothier. Remember he keeps aU iUfds of" Gents furnishiug g(Kxls, boots and shoes &c. His store is als head quarters for all kinds of Drv Goods. David M. Jones of Carteret, and David Canaday of Onslow will wait upon you. ' - - - On the 27th ay of October the people of the South met at Richmond Va. to lay the corner stone of a monument to our gallant Robert E. Lee. Thcfusan-Js'of the heroes who fought under him", w& e pres ent to do him honor. About the same time, Hon. Jefferson Davis, beloved by the people of the SdutihV yfas the invited uest of the' city of Macon Ga.He reviewr ed 30,000ex-cmfedent soldiers. In hon oring our living and dead we are but doing our duty. If this is Reason make the best of if. " MARINE NEWS ARRIVALS. Oct. 28t)i.. Schr. Beulah Bentoii Whitehui-st uafcter, from Charleston. Oct. 31st. I Sloop Yacht Widgeon, Par ker master, jfrom rew Haven Conn., for Jacksonville, Fla. OuT;.,3ist. Steamer Victoria J. Peed, from Nassau N. P. for Boston with sugar wreck iu 'flw. Put iu for coal. SAILED. Steamer Victoria NT, 3d. for Boston. J ;PceoV Nov. 2d. Sloop Yacht Widgeon, Parker master for Jacksonville, Fla. ITCHING PILES. Symptoms Moisture; intense itching and stinging most at night; worse hy scratching.; If allowed to con iuiie tu mors form, which often bleed and ulcerate, becoming very sore. Swatsr's Oint meS"; ?tci s the itching and bleeding,heals ulceration,' and in many cases removes the tumors. It is -equally efficacious in curing all Skin Diseases. Dr. Swayxe & Sox, j Proprietors, Philadelphia. Swayxe's Ointmext can be obtained of druggists. Sent by mail for 50 Cents. RENEWS HER YOUTH. Phaibe Chesley, Peterson, Clay Col, Iowa, tells the following remarkable a, is. story, the truth or wnicn is voucnea ior by the residents of the tqwn ; ;I am 73 years old, have been troubled with kid ney complaint and lameness for many years ; could not dress myself without oelp. Now I am free from all pain aud shreness. aud am able to do all my owe house work. I owe my thanks to Elec tric Bitters for having t euewed my youth, and removed completely all disease and pain." Try a bottle, on'.y 00c. at T. B. Deleraai Is Diu:j Store. 1 DISTRICT CONFERENCE, A. M. E. ZION CHURCH. The seventh session of the A. M. E Zipn District Conference convened in the handsomely completed, expensive and praise worthy Church, viz; Purvis Chapel Beaufort, N C under the p istora! charge of that talented and distinguished minis ter, Rev. J.j B. Small, D D.. at 10 o'clock sharp with P. E. A. W. Allison in- the clfifi Ho fcReued L the conference by reading the 33d , Psalm. Rev.-. M. Y- Marable lined the hymn under page six teen, "Before Jehovah's Awful" Throne," which was sung by the Conference. Rev. C. HI SmftU offered a fervent and impressive j prayer. The chairman de clared the J Conference open ready tor business, tfie P. E's., address was read and received with applause. Brp. R. L Parrott, was elected cniet secretary, crp. W'. W. Lewis, recording secretary, Bro. J. S. Bell, reporter to the press, ine rol was called, quite a large number answered present. The several commit tees were appointed by the c'.iair. Tne circuits was all represented by properly elected delegates, and the Sunday schools also by their Delegates, during the absence of the oommittee on credentials. The Conference was interestingly en tertained by R, L. Parrott Eq., of Kins- ton N. C. afterwardsMr. P. H- Williams, of Beaufort, amid applause came forward and also in his usual reviving manner en tertained !the Conference for a short while. 3ro. A. G. Odeu, asked if it would not be best to elect the delegates to represent this New Berne District, in the aunual Conference at once, before the circuit Delegates made their report it ancdoned. The vote wastaicen, ami resulted in the election of Maj. A. G. -wa uiacK, yioiet, carmine, Copying iVr stylographic inks; Envelopes and wTiti.i.' panei-ar.1 We ar's'isalhTiVa. w .t t J.,' Ar k 1. ..7 l-s, and the cheapest, s ifesfc a.nrl ho! &Yt age. i Ciwl oii Dr."T-Bf. Delamr. ht for Carteret county, ' and be' eon- Oden, P. W. lYiliiams and J. S. Bell The committee on devotions repprted to preaeu Wednesday uight, Key. C. II. Smah to be" associated by Rev. L. B. Williams. Committee on 'Rules reported, accepted and adopted. , Jder Smith at the 7 o'clock services took for .his text the 3rd chapter of Revelations' and 20th verse, "Behold J stand at the door and knock, if any man hear my voice, and will open the door, , I will come in and sup wita him, and he with iup," pre-yipss to the sermou Elder L. Ii. Williams lineti the hmn, "Tliere is a fountain filled with.blo d," which was surg by the celebrated Purvis Chapel choir, and .led in an earnest fiiey burning prayer. JEMer .Smith ascended the pulpit -and held I he congregation spell bound about an hour, with his thundering eloquence, lie preached a real reviving sermon and many rejoiced and were made happy. - Eler W illi&bis then cam forward and extended an invitation .to hnmbte peiw. tents tocome to tho anxious seats stated tat if they would come, and just open the door, that Jesus would come in, and not only stand up, but, would sit down and abide with them. Elder Small also seemed to be impjessed with the sermon and appeals, continued" to call for sinnera, in thunder tank's, soto speak, assuring them that there .would be plenty of min isters to labor with them if they came.and that-the Loid would come in, one was converted. The second day the circuit delegates made their repo ts near or quite all ,of them petitioned favorable to their present Pastors 'and P. E. A ridiculous and grievious aiticle was read from the Golden Rule, by Mr. P. H.Davis, attacking the christian character of our eminent and highly esteemed and blameless Bro. J. B. Small, Eider Squall then evidenced to the Conference why it was done and at night t.e church being densely packed from the door to the a'tar, with both coiCjred and white, the article was submitted to the members of Purvis Chapel Church nd citizens of Beaufort, and every Jjne of the intended, damaging and sl&rj&cr ous communication, touching Elder Siiiall was unanimously condensed, and found to be false, and was considered by all the ministers, delegates and visitors to be worthless and ipnoiicable. The author and scribe was made ashamed. Many matters was discussed at length jy the Bro's. of the conference. ' Still peace and harmony prevailed. Thuisday night, by appointment. Rev. M. V. Marab'e i:sociated by Rev. H. Bell, preached a spiritual and soul stir ring sermon from the 81 h Psdam, 4th and 5th, verses. The whole congregatiou eemed to be moved. Bro. H. Bell offer ed a fervent pr ayer. Elder J. II. Stewart. Elder Sm.-ill a-i l Di-acon P. Jones and others spoke s'ronly in behalf of the "Star of Zion." Qn Friday the delegates from the dif ferent S. S., made their reports which were very interesting. Purvis Chapel S. S., was the- Banner School. Friday night the S. S., enlivened he Conference with their exercises under the direction of Rey. J. B. Small, The committee on finance reported $31 dollars collected for the Conference. A collection was taken up for tin Wesley Chapel Church on Rev. Bell's charge $4 was realized, a collection was taken up for Sister Julia Willaims of Pollocksville N. C, iho had her g-wxls aud house destroyed by fire, $3.53 was realized. The following resolutions were offered. Resolved, That we tender a vote of thanks to our P. E., for the noble man ner in which he presided over this body also to our worthy secretaries for their services, and to R v. J. B. Small, mem bers and friends of the town of Beaufort for their kind, generous and hospitable rnaiirer in whjch we have beeu entertain ed duriug oui stay in their midst, also to the A. &. N. C R. R. Co., and to Rev. S. I. Turner and other boatmen 'or re duced rates allowed to ministers, dele gates and visitors to the District Confer ence . A copy of the proceedings be sent to The Weekly Record, St.r of Zion, and the Golden Rule. Bro's. R. L. Parrott and W J. Qolomon delivered the adresses of thanks to the people of Beaufort white and colored. Letters were received from Bro'e A. B. Smyer and L. R. Ferebee, the Conference sympathized with Elder Smyer on account of his, illues. All the committees repoi ted well, TTe then received the benediction by the Pastor, and said good bye to all. J. S. Bell. g ALE OF REAL ESTATE. By ylrtue of the authority in me vested by t he Superior Court of Carteret County and pursuant to a decree of said Court I w ill sell tq the highest bidder for cash at the Court House door in Beaufoit, X. C.oh Monday, December 5th,' being the first Monday f December, 18SX at 12 o'clock noon, the right, inle, interest and estate tif W. W. Thomas" and Nettie B. Thomas his wife in tb? following real estate," to wit: , , . Pait oflot sixty two (62), Old Town Beaufort, N. C, on the South side of Ann Street, and east of Turner Street being .v . hsT It .Thomas lo Thomas Drmcau, March 16th 1862, and by fm - tP . R TMBrAritu.rtr 1V tuitmas Liuiicau - . -y y. " . - j de-d recorded in Carteret County in Book B. 'If.' pages 914--915and the same house and lor m which Jane H. Loweu berg now resides. The sale wiir.be of th. whole of the premises aforesaid, subject to the widow's right of dower therein, and is made to make assets to pay debts of Bendix Lowenberg, deceased. Johx Foulaw. Commissioner. Beaufort, N. C, Oct., 25th 1837. AN IMi-ORTANTT ACT TO l3 PAYERS. The Legislature at its session of pre-ent year, 1887, passed an apt for the relief of tax payers in addition to the remedy '" 1 by injunction. tie .INJUNCTION WHEN GRANTED AND SUIT TO RECOVER TAJES. '" Bec. 84. That in every casebeDerson ?r persons claiming any tax or any: .part thereof to be for any reason invlid, or that the valuation of his prpperty fa ex cessive or unequal who shujl jay jthe same to the tax collector or other projper authority in all resprcts as though the same was legal and valid, su'a person may at Hny time within thny.uays after such payment demand the same iu writ ing from the treasurer of the state, or of the county, eity or own for the benefit or under the authority, or by the reqiest of which the same was levied; andkif the .1 t same shrtl' notie refunded withiu mufify davs thereafter, may sue such cuuuty, city or town I m- the amount so demanded, in cluding in his suit against the county bothstate aud couuty tax; and u upm the trial it shall be determined that such " : ' " ... . ; . i tax or any part therefore nas levied or assessed for an illegal or unauthorized purpose, or was for any reason invalid; or excess ivO, judgment shall be rendered therefor with interest, and t.Ue same 'shall be collected as in other cases. and ;the amount of state tax overp lid or declared invalid cerf.ni-d by tue cleiKant reiunded by the state treasurer. ! :' Sec 86. No county, city council or town commissioner shall have power to lease, discharge, remit or commute any portion .of the taxes assessed and levied agaUt aviy person or property withiu their respective jurisdictions, for any reason whatever. And any taxes so discharged, released, remitted or commuted, may be recovered" by civil action I roni the mem ber of any such board, at the suit of any citizen ct the county, city or toWn, as the case may by, and when collected shall Le paid into the proper trreasury. Jothiug iu this section contained shall be coustrued to prevent the proper authorities from re fuhdiug taxes paid as provided in the preceding section, nor to interfere i with the powers f any officers or board sitting as a board for the equalization of taxes. TUANZSGIVLNG. Presidnt'a Proclamation Appointing the 24th day of November. j A J'ROCLAMATtOX. Bu the President cf the United btales. The goodness and mercy of God which have followed the American people dur ing all the ays of the past year claim their grateful recognition and humble ac knowledgment. " By His omnipotent Power lie has protected us from war, and pestilence and from every national calam ity; by His Gracious favor the earth has yielded a generous return fo S;he labor of the husbandman, aqd every path of hou est toil has led to com fore and content ment; by His loving kindness the hearts of our people have been replenished with fraternal sentiment and patriotic endeav or, and by His ucerring guidance wo have been directed in the way cf national pros perity. 1 To the end that we may, with one; ac coid testify our gratitude for all these blessings, I, Grover Cleveland, Fresble.it of the United States, do hereby designate and set apart Thursday, the twenty-fourth' day of November next, as a day ofthahks siviug and Prayer to be observed by all people of the land. On that day lerj all work and employment be suspended;; ;and let our people, assemble in their accustom ed places of worship and with prayer; and songs of praise gjve hanks4 to our Heaven ly Fatheffor all that Hq has dune for us, while we humbly iniplore forgiveness of our sins and continuance of His mercy. Let families and kindred be united ' on that dav, and let their hearts, rilled with kindly cheer and affectionate reminiscence be returned in thankfulness' to the source of all their phasares and the Giver of all that makes the day glad and joyous. And m the midst of our worship and our hap; piuess, let us remember the poor, needy and unfoitunate; and' by our gifts of ehar ity and ready benevolence let us increase the number of those who, with grateful hearts, shall join in our thanksgiving. n witness whereof, I have set my hand and caused the seal of the United States to be hereunto affixed. ; Done at the -ity of Washington this. the 25th 'Hay of October, in th year of our Lord, 1887, and of Independence, cjf the United States 112th. " " By the President : Grcter Cley.elajjd. Thomas F. Bayard. Secretary of State. TO TAX PAYERS' The; town tax list for 1837, is iu my hands for collection. I can be found at the Town Hall at all times ready to give receipts for same. Pay your taxes at once and save yourselves trouble and costs. W. II. RAMSEY. Collector. CffcOPCV I? ASH! 3 Worcester's "J)t)U and 3 Webster's Diction aries, worth $fc9. and 4 Dictionary Hold ers, worth $15 &. giveu as Prizes for -...-0 o... orrin.r tt.o mip&tion " WJl V .1 1 1 t Tv,.. ;...,.-, ir..Mor" Viir . full parthrulais, send to La Ve nft j W. It is guarauteed t- g.ve 1 perfect Mtisfac Noves. 99 & .01 W. Monro St., C hicago, tion, or mouey reruiu ed. Price 85 cents the maKer 01 uicutmnry iuquire at your bojkstoie. ! " NEWS OF A WEEK. October 26th. Snow fell all vestciday moruiug at Staunton, Va., but melted as fast as it fell. Snow fell in Charlottes ville. Va , all yesterday. The Presi dent, issued yeteriay a proclama;! m et ,ting ajctrt the 24th. day of November as aday 01 thanksgiving. Tampa, Fla., reports six or eight new cases of yellow fever find five deaths snce last official re port. Dr. Porter is in charge of the hos pital. , 1 j ' Oct(ib(.r.28th. In Re election in Balti more, yesterday, F. C. Latropc, the reg ular Democratic nomiure, was elected by a majority of 4.205. r-Tln City Council f Baltimore will cousist of twelve Demo crats aiid eight Republicans, as a result of of the election held tbeie yesterday. -TrHps ire being ennceutrated at .Fort C'asW, to suppress the disorderly Crow Ldrrdians. Gen. Dudley wiU p4-.gAwJb.le take the' ,8eld in pemiu. -Tho U. S.. Su preme Court will probably make a- xyjing to-day, just before argument in the An archist case, as to the length of time which will be allotted to counsel on each side. -According to Dr. Porter there have been about 225 to 250 cases of yellow fever and thirty-four deaths up to oate iu Tamp:i, Fl i. There wtye fourteen new cases Tuesday, and about eighty sick in the town. October 2th. There has bee seven liew ases and four deaths from yellpw fever at Tampa, Flat since tie last reiort. Gen. B. F. Butler began his argument before tho Uuited States Supreme Court, yesterday, in support of the petition for a writ of error u the Anarchist's case, J. E.Smith, an express messenger, who recently killed two traiu robbeis, near El Paso, Texas, has been Daid f2,000 by Govemdr Ross, as a reward for his act. Sinith jr.iU jprobably get 2,000 more from the Express Company, and $1,000 fnm the railroad company, making a total of $5,000.' October 30th. Tlie arguments 911 Jactty Sharp's appeal were concluded before the full Beuch iu the Court of Appeals t Al bany, -Niuteeu new ja.ses of feer and tluee, deaths were reported from Tampa, yesterday ; the weather is still oppressive ly warm. November 1st. Cliief Justico will an nounce the decision in the anarchists case uext Wednesday or Thursday.-; Suow is renorted all through, the Southwest portion of Virginia. At Wythevdle ic is reported several inches deep. Up to the 26th i Q.st, there- have been between 25 and 250 cases and thirtyrfour deaths from yellow fever in Tampa, Fla.-r Eleven new cases of yellow fever and one leath were reported from Tarnga yester day. The weather is cooler an th'e out look is more favorable.--:-Secretary of the Navy Whitney, spent yesterday quiet ly at his Lome iuNew York. Dr. Loomis called to see him in the m jruing and pro uouueed him lett r but repeated hi .prder to keep absolutely quiet for several days. Callers were told that he would be well iu about a week. November gd. The Crow agency In dians are reported to be very demonstra tive. The Indians have all been ordered into camp by Friday night and all wfyo' are out will be treated as h ostites. Postoffice Inspector Adsit has sent a cir cular to publishers throughout (he coun try warning them against an advertising agency called the Empire News Company mauaged by R. O. Roberts of Buffalo N Y. a-Sjits. Turpentine 33 ots. gallon Rosin 80 cts, bbl. Tar $1,20 bbl. Peanuts 6) to 80 cts. Bushel Cotton. 8f cts. lb. Rice 0 to 90 cts. Bushel The advantages of a reliable, safe and ; CT .,11. efficacious Faniily Medicjug, ;s inpilula ble, and when such, is found, the blessing is thus happily eKpresst d. I EXCLAIMED, "EUREKA." i I have been using Si 111 .irons Liver Reg qlatqr myself some five years or more, aud my family also, and can testify from ex perience to its virtues. I never reoom nrerd a medicine unless I know it to be good. In a ministry of twenty five-yeaii I have often felt tho need of such a medi cine and when I found it I exclaimed, Ereka."-:;Rev. J. P. Harper, proprie tor of the Chiistiau Visitor," Sm.ithfild. 2f'. U NEWPORT ITEMS. Newport N. C. Oct, 28th. 17. The crops in this section are mortly gathered, a complete failure in everything -the worst in many years, Tho corner stone of the new Method i?t Chuich was laid ou the 14th of October. Mr. Ha v wood Teasly is the architect and we expect Q. have a very neat building. J, 5.' Bsll, Jr., is now the owner of the stearu. mill, at this place, and expects to. saw lumber this winter; We have bad news from Florida, the Newporters that went there this fall are very much disssappointed. Mrs. Ann S. Pigott has donated to the trustees of the Church a choice lot for the methodist parsonage. Hard times these two words are get ting to be very fashionable. P. BUCKLEN'S ARNICA SALVE. The best Salve in the world for 'Cuts, Bruises. Sores, Ulcers, Salt Rheum. Fever Sores. Tetter, ChappdHan1,Chilb!aius Corns, and all Skin Eruptions, and posi- tiw.lv f-nrrs Pil-or no Dav reanired. For sale by Dr. T. B. De mar j NO 44 OUK NEW YORK LE ITER. From Our Regular Correspondent. New York, October 1887. The nominations of both. Republican and Democratic Darties itve beeu the subject of much discussion for the past week. Friday and Saturday were tho last days for registration. O&er 8000 foreigners have been made citisiwis and Willi cast their first vote' on Nov., th. Art enormous vote will be polled Id fLia citv judging from the registiation. An unusual number of weddings were celebrated dining the week. November premises to be another month bf like events. Some people object streuuoudy to the number of "leg-ueras," are called, that are at present delighting a part of our population. - Henry George and Dr; McGlynntill corltiiiue to be the butt of newspaper rid cule. More than one humorist baa cooked up a joke at' the expenscTiJrtLe Anki-Poveity Society. McGlyun is said to le penitent and desires to return to . the church again. 1 The flower show at the Eden Musee is named as one of .the leading attractions of Lhe day. The opening night of the music class at Durlai.d's Riding Academy wai one of the events of the week. Over sixiy ladies and gentlemen took part and although the figures rode was not a elaioraie as they will be at the close of the season, the riding was very creditaDie for the first night. The recent elaborate .mprovements have case all riva schools hi he shade. - , Jay Gould and family left for Europo on Saturday. His steam yacht "Atlanta" sailed a day or two in advance all pro visioned for a long cruise in foreign waters. Mr. GjuM will joiu hrs yacht in Gibaralter and make an extensive tour of jthe Old World. The promineuce given to the departure for Europe of a ncted pugilist by a number of the daily papers, both in editorial and other columns wai simply disgusting. A numbei of new monthly magazines and newspaper that have made their debut this fall is enjjrmou8. There are any number of ex cellent magazines but several good clean newspapers would be more thau accepta ble ko the piblic. The uu-ighty advertising boards and, placards advising one to use such and such a soap, or hair oil and different meihods of escaping terrible diseases that for so long a' time have decorated thefelevated rail road stations are to be renjoved. The illustrated weekly have published more thau one cartoon at their expense. . ' . r The great actor Henry Irving and the fascinating Miss Perry are again in Amer ica. This is Mr. Irving's third profea 6101 al tour of the United States. Actors, clergy aien, professional men and the like fine a live and an appreciative people on this side of the wate : and American gold Jr sought aftir JJf th'sm with more eager ness every year A subscription paper is in circulation for the purpose of raia- ing $10,000 iu America to aid in the estab- " lish aaent of an ambu aiice system in Paris similar to the perfecu system of our own cilyL II is proposed to present to France in 188!la statue similarjto Barthold's Liber tv that Brands at ihe cntrauca of our hai- J -1 y bor as a further tribute of the friendship existing between thp two republics. Am inferuat machine sent to a promi nent and wealthy njeichant of Brooklyn w as opened by his wi e and may cost her, heraife. Tne machine in the shape of a small bundle, accompanied by a note to avoi d suspicion, wasj brought to the house by s. boy. When the package was open ed a terrific explosion occurred seriously injuring tho lady knd the messenger. Tup police are hard at work on the case but as yet no clue has been found to the berpetrators of the Utrage. It is proba bly ihe. fiendish worjk of soma crnk who Etyl8 bjiuself an ariarchist and imagines he W ' sufl.-ring uiiutteiable oppression fror. the wealthy Iclass. Anarchism is pntlnits infancy ju this country and actite measure) should be taken to put a stopj to i,s growth. It is a few lazy for eigners whj make their miserable living ( by agitating the ignjirant class of laborer. The condemned aluarchist iu (ttoicago . will doubtless servl . as a forcible and stril ing example off American justice: to thei! bretheren in New York. . J 1 Th? city is fall of strangers ' The hotejls ate crowded to their utmost capaci ty many btng com piled to use tie read ing rooms for its deeping apartments Every afternoon, especially Saturday bears witness to th millions that ' are at preslent enjoying tie hospitality of the city In the afternoon Broadway and Fifth avenue are jcrowded with pedes triais. The' stores are fu full bias many have already begun to lay in their holiday ffoqdX On the drive of theWrk all the wipll known (ace 1 and equipige are back again and the shadow ot a bay and festive winter has already beeu cast over the metropolis. Columbia. EXCITEMENT IN TEXAS. ft neat excitement; has been can ed in thisViciuity ot Pari, Texa?, , by the ie f E. Corley, inarkable recovery pi nr. J, who was so helplesi he couljj not turn ta bed, or raise his head , everybody aid he wax (dying Coubumptiou. a. inu oov tie of Dr. King's MLw Discovery wa sen$ mm. i iuu:ng 10 wwuju. bottle and a box ol Dr. King' Nw -fo PillH; by the time be bad taken two boxes of PM' aud two boitlea of the Diacovery, he i-s well and had gaiiie4 lu flesh thuty l i M bottles of this Great Discovery for Couri umpiiuu inre ait i. leieroiini u urm bottles 1. 1 fi ! :.i 1 f 1 j.