r--. f. .; . - i .'- . . $ . ' . . ... ' . - - t - t t The next time you buy calomel ask for ' Cast ef Preduetnf a Diamond. Te produce diamond la re rouga eeeta approximate $7 a ; karat; ae- eerdlng te eatimatee at vartooa atn denta of the dlaaond lndostry. It tbia diamond property cat were kold at $30, It would net a good profit In the Sooth African mlnea It la said the diamonds are distributed eo evenly that 100 tons of the bluish clay yields about 100 karats of diamonds. The ! production cost of a Ore-karat dia- ' mond Is $35. If It Is flawless and of good water It will easily net $3,500. The supply of diamonds Is unlimited. Almost all of the world's supply comes from South Africa and complete con trol of It Is In the hands of one Brit ish concern. The purified and refined calomel tablets that are nauaealeaa, safe and sure. Medicinal virtues retain, ed and unproved. Sold only in sealed packages, Price 35c. Beliefs Concerning Sapphire. To the. sapphire has been ascribed wicked thoughts; that It Is such an enemy to poison that If put In a glass with a spider or venomous reptile It will kill it St Jerome in his ex position of the nineteenth chapter of Isaiah says that the sapphire procures favor fro in princes, pacifies enemies, frees from enchantment and obtains release from captivity. This gem was sacred to Apollo and was worn when inquiring of the oracle at his striae. It was esteemed a remedy against Area. Want Ads. Let your rent money buy you a home. Start now by buying some Building and Loan Stock JUST RECEIVEDCar load each Lime and Cement. Get our prices on same. Gaskill-Mace Company. Eli Walter Hfll Attorney at Law Practice in State and Federal Court 12 years experience Office: Next Door Western Union Telegraph Co. Beaufort, N. C. Dr. C. S. Maxwell GENERAL PRACTICE Office Hours 10 to 12 a. m. and by appointment. DR. CHARLES I. SWINDELL Physician CornerJFrontland Craven Sts. Office hours:ll and 2-4 and by appointment Office Phone No. 9. Residence Phone No. 38. Old Folk's Best Friend That's what many call it, for it puts vim and vigor into eld stomachs; rich, red blood into Id veins; sound flesh on old bones. Drink a glass of this delictooa dlgea. test with each meaL Shivar Ale i mat sitrrnvt aaeaATics with sanaa aisuuu. watu aid sibgu Your grocer or druggist refund your moor? on first doies if yen are not pleased with results. Sbirsr Ale retails at ISc per Set tle, or $I.7S per dozen. If your reg ular dralrr cannot supply joo, tele phone BEA UFORT GROCERY COMPANY DISTRIBUTE OS FOR BFAUK0RT Sensations of Heat and Cold. The feeling of cold or warmth Is caused by sensations In the skin and has little significance as to the body temperature. On a hot day one may feel Tery hot when the body tempera ture is quite normal. . Again at the beginning of a fever one may feel cold as in the case of a chill. This chilly feeling Is caused by the contrast be tween the higher temperature of the Internal organs and still normal tem perature of the skin. FOR SALE--60 Saw Cotton gin Cotton Press, Water Tank, Shaft ing and Rulleys. Wind Mill tower and tank. For particulars see, W. P. Smith ,Tmn renvaar. :... . Ton taat mjke year faea. ftrhapa, It yen could, yoa would make It dif ferent ; perhaps tot Bat yoa cm make your voice. ' Too can make tt gentle or harsh, yon can. make It pleas ant or quarrelsome, you can make It common or refined, yon can make It appealing or repelling. Many a Job has been refused because of an un pleasant voice, many a friendship re buffed because of tones that grate harshly on the ear. A "common" voice slams tight shut the, door of many so cial and business opportunities. In dlanapolls Star. For Sale! FOR SALE: One Sorrell, Mare 6 year old 800 lbs. One blooded mare cold 2 yrs old that will make a racer if properly trained. Two first class mare mules 1200 and 1225 lbs. 6 yrs. old guaran teed to work any where and in any harness, also one heavy 2 horse wagon, and harness will sell on easy terms. See me at my farm at Wildwood, N. C. L. C. Fulcher. 4-22. tf. Warblers of All Kinds. Not taking Into account the human beings who are sometimes referred to as warblers, yon will find that there are many kinds of warblers. If you had a collection of them all together' they would take In about all the colors of the rainbow, yellow, orange, chest nut, black, white, green, gray, brown and other colors, with numerous shades entering Into their beautiful plumage. "WANTED: Pupil Nurses, St Luke's Hospital, one of the mosc modern hospitals m the State, is desirous of pupil nurses. Sever al vacancies to be filled immedi ately. Send application at once to Miss Harriet E. Parker, Super intendent, St. Luke's Hospital, New Bern, N. C! 6-3. Tag Your Books. Many book lovers with large and precious libraries keep a small book with the name of each book lent, the date and the borrower. After a rea sonable time, when the book has been lent, it Is no discourtesy to write and remind the borrower that you miss your book friend and are waiting to welcome It home. Get a bookplate. That Is the very best way to tag your books. And don't forget that the gold en rule applies In books as In other phases of life, and return the ones you borrow yourself. Real estate, consisting of House and several lots in Beaufort. Farms and various size tracts of out land from 100 to 700 acres. All of this property can be bought cheap at the old prices C. K. HOWE 1 kushall i 1 C.H. Dealer in Real Estate and lnsurane Your usiness Solicited. ,mM....,.,,..i. mi nm iHHHHmmniiii mini H 1 1 A Terr! tier. An artist was sketching from the river bank near two friends who were fishing. The artist was at one time surrounded by cows which Interfered with his view, and be tried to drive them away by throwing things at them, but they would not budge. At length one of the anglers cried : "Show them vour sketch, old man!" He did so, and the offenders fled. Danger In Overweight OverwelrhL within tea pounds, un der thirty years of age Is considered a favorable sign and Indicates resist aoce against tuberculosis. After thir ty years It Is an unfavorable sign, sig nifying over-eating, auto Intoxication and danger of hardening of the ar teries, apoplexy, heart failure; and Brigbt's disease. . ;? Ink tains. Dip the Ink spot In pure melted tat low. ears a correspondent, then wash nut the tallow and the Ink will come out with It Milk mill remove Ink from linen or colored muslins, when adds would be ruinous, by soaking the foods antll the spot Is very faint and then rubbing and rinsing In cold water. COUNTY AUDITOR WANTED A full time County Auditor is wanted for Carteret County. Ap- Elications and references- may e filed with Chas. S. Wallace Chairman Board Co. Com'rs Morebead City N. C. to be con sidered at the regular meeting to be held in June 7th 1920' Any information desired by ap piicanis will be fnraished on "ap plicant to the Chairman. t-f J. R. Morris. Clirk'to Board. Champion Meanest Man. A peculiar case which recently came before a London magistrate was that of a woman who applied for a separa tion from her husband, whom she de nounced as the champion mean man of all England. She complained that her husband during the sugar famine kept his supply In a separate bowl. In which he imprisoned a. fly.. If the fly was still there when he returned home no body had tampered with his hoard; if it was not, a lump or two had been taken. M An Apt Illustration. The teacher was quoting wise saws to the class and getting their opinion about them. She said: "'A discreet silence is better than the truth spok en without charity." Can any boy give a practical Interpretation of that max im?" Somewhat to her consternation, a freckle-faced lad made thes homely application : ' "If you see a cockroach on the table, don't say anything about if From the Outlook. We Pay The Following Prices For Good Timber DELIVERED AT OUR PLANT WAN 1 bUMAlN witn team or auto who can give bond to sell 137 Watkins home and farm pro ducts Biggest concern of kind in world. 1500to$5000 yearly income. Territory in this coun ty open. Write today J. R. Wat kins Company, Dept. 112 Winona. Minn. 6-3 'TIES OR NO" YOU SAY? Women 1 llare la a tneaaage ta aafferlac wemea, tram Mrs. W. T. Prtae, of Public, ley.: 1 ant fared with palatal. abe writes. "I tot tfowa wll a weakaeae ta my lack aad llmba...f fait belpteea and dla rearag4...I had about given ap bo pee of ever being well again, whes a trUad tainted I Man-apeed. The speed of the runner and skater are about the same, contrary to the general belief that the skater la the faster. The record Is alwnt 32 feet a second. Itv running mi skis a speed ef 72 feet a second hsk been , made and In leaping on skis a rate of 100 feet per second has been recorded. Folks With Thin, Pale Blood Hesitate Fe 1 Uncertain SHOULD TAKE PEPTO-MANGAN Red-blooded Men and Wo men Know What They Uant To Do and Do It 5 foot Length - - Must be 8 feet in bed and 4 ft. high $10.00 cord 1 Logs 75 feet and up 20.00 thousand Lags 50 feet and up 18.00 thousand Logs 50 ft. and less 1 6,00 thousand Beaufort Cooperage Company """""""'""" inmmrr::a Sickening Discovery. The teacher had read a chapter from "The History of the American Revolu tion" and Raymond had then heard the word "breastworks" for the first time. Telling his mother the story when be got home, he satd : "When the British got up in the morning end saw the Americans on the opposite side of the hill, they threw up their breakfasts." Boston Transcript. Japanese Women and Literature. It Is to the Japanese women that the Japanese language owes much of the progress It hss marie during the last century. She was of old forbidden to study the Chinese language, which was considered the exclusive monopoly of men. The Jspanese women took hold of their native tongue and were soon at the head of the literary movement of their country. Barbour Brothers MACHINE SHOP 1 1 1 13 General Re air work. Gasoline Engines a Specialty. Agents for rridgeport Engines. Complete line of Repair parts kept in stock. Voughts Old Stand, Beaufort, N. C. E i E E IEI Odors ef Plants. The odors of plants rvlde In differ eut parts of them sometimes In the roots, ss In the Iris and vitlvert ; the leaves In mint and thyme, the ot wood In cedar sud ssndsl, ttiV (lower In the roses and violets, the seed Id the tonquln Im-sii and caraway, the bark in cinnamon, etc. Brooklyn Ragle. If may be vou are just recover ing from a sick spell-or may be your system is run do n and vour blood so weak that you are in a poor shape to resist infection Hut if you don't feel and look robust vou are not robust. Such state is often due to weak blood. I not enough red blood cells, a con "1 bet her batteries will neer Cklfflcult Course. There are golfers so engrossed la the game that they tan think and talk 6f nothing else. Km li a one was taken by an astronomer to look at the mooa through a telesewpe. Asked what be thought of that satellite, the golfer re-! piled: "It's a' rtrbt, hut M s aufu fa o bunkera." Boston Transcript. IsttsHss Well Lea. Ralph enjoyed riding In the mnrliine end hesrd hi father often complain of (be ttterls ! iltouulil ilirjr made It run down." Ml Talca SMI III Wist ttrewtee Wlnemllle, Windmills are not used In any greet tteot In Meslrn. Ite-aii the "north- era" blow them over. Il Is thought (bat a with a wide be wrwitd overcome tbls and might prove very popular. Tl3 -Ytatfs Tdfi I teoa Car at !a abort wane I aww a but tad eUffereace... 1 grew etroagsr rtgat Wat, fi4 tte red a. 1 aaa stealer taaa I save ea la years." If ye atrfer, yet caa etrestate vast tt ' aaeaasHe be etreag aa4 wall. Taeaaaaoe ef we - taaa gve Hat tbe credit fo taalr ge4 IveeJta. II abeala kelp paw Try Carta!, At ell eWrlatJ. . .. ' Oetlieg a Hand. terend "y me are la demand at dJMeie pew Wing ibetr first soreS sake a bll. siiwws ilsgjitf. i dition known as anemia. The best remedy for anemia! (bloodlessncss) with its low men tal and physical vigor is Gude's ! Pepto-Mangan. ! Pepto-Mangan supplies the I windmill of low r..B.!rnrtio . weak, watery blood with the very elements it neeo to put new life into it. It repairs, re creates i and re builds the exhausted blood the vital fluid of health and life, Try Prro-Mangan if you are "rundown". It cannot harm y ju ' unless. , you have tome deerxteatedchron ic disease requiring the physician ' care. lie sure the name "Gude's" 1 is on the package. Without! "Gude's" it is Hot Pepto-Mangan For tak' at all druggist.-adv Why "Leap Year." The name "leap )eer" is supposed to hsve grown out of King Henry's prortsmatlon making February VU aad 'JO legally one day. r ather Time betoi mnrelved of as lepi'( the gap from the atlh dey nt Kebrusry M the first of March. Efficiency If you are particular about the qual ity ot Medicine that you take, you should not fail to patronize this store Cur stock is Eficient Our Service is very Efficient iiiiiiiimuuuxtiiiiiMiniiiiniiiiiiii"a Let us serve you with all line of Sundries Branfnrt Srmj (Snmnattij African Sire" Swssl Singer. The Cap canary la the only native bird of Africa that Is 'well known for his sweet and matlntimia song. He Is to he fmind een la the Orsnr ntver colony, which Is otherwise devoid ef aong birds. w a A nrttlsa- firm Odd. bear the name tf -r.oglth A fr1s1i." The fuaaf thing ah. mi I it Is however, that Mr. Irish la Ragiisb and Mr. rn. la iri.h.-iu , it will certainly help Vou ton Transrrtpt. Modem Geld, flreal reservoirs In the mountains te store the winter rain end sviaar wMtld be vertt a Me pots of gold at the end ef the California rainbow, an ranrslrro Climnlrl. For Sale 200 Acrei FARM 40 acres UUdeC Cultivation 2i in nactnr Uhnre in timber InnH slY nnA i (l'TI.'li km i... .1 -v i r.i riii.t5 rrom t4 UEAUFi KT ON NORTH KlVfcR ROAD ,Hl1j,rlfn,''r,(Ji,,fr ,ut st9. fine li6hir aid j oestering third of a mile from house i Tart Cash .1 atone tn Faty Tttrrs 1 RICE 15.(C0 Hagood Realty Company Office: Corner Hroad and Middle Streets Upstairs Over Utadbams Phone 115 . , Jed TaAkine. lad Tuaklaa.sors a. suae at taowa latee M tbe rso.away ae eepe aad other ilsse by ike tnmpeey he rets loose frsV Hew TMy Werh It Jad Teatlne ears s fe pple aoeas able to have e prevtv easjr ilmo In f alssply hv getting ihe reputatloe ef being bard 10. please. "BasTIMBSSSSSSSSSSawBssassssaaaa at i Ape fee Vsejr' UsefeL Tbe Mara ifei ef Oalnea have te atlky hair, and tbser far la as4 fot ssens and eepee, . C'-.i Maeweeta Oeemfl (he Day. The few' tntnnte after snnrlse ta asastty the rw'dt period ef tbe day. fnwts te teetheven. tl baa brew sold that In tbe s.fV of l.edwig voa IVeta.en abniuie m 1 I flinmniai musir nss rwinini us mi- i Riinallng plni a fwrfol wblcb fanbee I pengresa " keewia ltnfss.Me'. n.t e'vrnj enewrivaMe, He began w kere his great , ptwlerrswiea left of. lie dlam llsrrb 1 ( Upea Rsasettee- tl Is bettet to have loved and Wt Ibsa te plrk net goeori wnfc or wife Arksnsaw llxmiss Cat. llespierd Arabia. ' li. Ihere Is a trsd ef nneg. plned tcrnix-v n.-srlf fle times ike Sire ef Cn-t! I'ttlsla. V Second Hand .Cars' Wrlbave a Few uH automobiles which are in good i ok salf: cheap IVttcr set Wo,r ihtfrtt Konf J jr.rs are scarce now. ill $ Garage Head City N. C.

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