IIIYBITIYE GEIIIUS tmittiiittmmn-J Why man ' $ ' we made tbis -aaom'TttrT1 ROBS CALOMEL OF HAUSEA AND DANGER Doctors' Favorite Medicine Now Purified and Beflned from All Objectionable Effects.- "Calo-tab3"-rthe New Name. -vigaaciw ivi -jrwu aMiaiu' aT 1 1 Hill IP I-' aT i Camolm mrm mM, vwjrarhar acfannneaffy mm paeJratfaa 30 otmrmttwM : or at pae- atfc (.JO0xi4ra(falni Jlaaa- m-HPmt'M carton. W mttongly rmommnd thiB carton for fna hoow or oSSca tmpply mr Aan yam travL CAMELS fit your cigarette 'de sires so completely you'll agree they were made to meet your taste! Unique flavor, fragrance and mellow-mild-body due to Camels qual ity and expert Mend of choice Turk ish and choice Domestic tobaccos are a revelation! You will prefer the Camel blend to either kind of tobacco smoked straight! With Camels you can go the limit without tiring your taste. They J leave no unpleasant cigaretty after- taste; no unpleasant cigareuy oaors To get a line on why. Camels win you so completely compare them puff-for-puff with any cigarette in the world at any price. You'll pre fer quality to coupons or premiums! R. J. REYNOLDS TOBACCO CO., Winiton-Salem. N.C What .will fcnmaa inRonuity do next? Smokeless powder, wireless telegraphy, horseless carriages, colorless iodine, taste Am quinlue, now comes nausealesn calo mel. 1Ue uew impvovemeut called "Calo tals" is now ca sa!o at drugstore. , For biliousness, constipation and indi gestion the n?w calomel tablet is a p--ac-lical'y pe ( ct retiejy, as evideneei by tim fact thit the manufacturers have au thored all druggists to refund the p-iee if 'the cuR'.umcr is not "perfectly delighted' v ilh Calotabs. One tablet at bedtime with n kw.iI'ow of water that'es all. No taste, i.o uausea, no gr?ping, no palts. By riorn i..g fou:- liver is thorf iighly c'.-nn rd and you n-c fe'iin; fin;, wi'.h a henrty appe 'i!e. l,ar wl..'l: yo,i j.Ies e to danger go ;.!nut voile hr.siiws. Oatotbs a e not Mild Ja bulk. Get an ripinnl j.vkni:" waicjj, I'rice, thirtj ''v. tat is. (adv.) Eli Walter Hill Attorney at Law Practice in State and Federal Court 12 years experience Office: Next Door Western Union Telegraph Co Beaufort. N. C. Dr. C. 5. Maxwell GENERAL PRACTICE Uttice Hours 1U to iz a. m. and by appointment., L HIRAM W. JOHNSON LOOK TO FUTURE OF FOREST - 1 Exports Paint Out Folly of Practlcoa Which Provsnt tha Roprocluctloii of tho Trooo. Ttvt4 fcy ihm Ualtsd Slatso Dcpart maat of ASTteulrura.) Tfcat yoonf growth la tha "wood., known popularly aa "broth." It aome tktaf to b ild of. la a prevalent bnt mistaken coo caption at nee a foret cannot maintain I tar If long without re- production. For the aaka of getting, a catterlng af gree'n grata In the ftprfng It la tb hort-alghted pradlre In hun dreds of localities lo fire the wood regularly. This results In killing thoit aands of small tree needed to ron- -Udu tha foret In the future, and also Injures a Urge amount of marketable Umber. Furthermore, curh burning rte atroya large amount of rich vegetable fertniter. Cattle and hogs In hardwood stands, and hoars In long-leaf pine, ke-p the forest from being restocked. Damage front Insects csn be reduced by cutting timber at the proper time of year and by utilising lightning killed trees with out delay, since they harbor destruc tive pexta. Cattle destroy the produc tive leaf mulch which keep the tre growing during long, dry spells. All large openings where light comes through Into the forest should be filled with younger trees. A Native Flashlight The native's view of the English oc cupation In Egypt seldom gets lnta print In Mr. Wilfrid Blunt'a recent book, "Gordon at Khartum," there Is a refreshing If somewhat Irreverent ex ception that however, datea back tc the daya before the great English sol dier's fate waa sealed by the delay of the relief expedition at Met em me, Gordon approached an mundao matters from the point of view of aa old Hebrew prophet going to the Scrip tores to find all necessary direct! et both for hit temporal and for his eter nal needs. This profound mysticism had another side, according to Nubar, the native critics referred to above, Tea." said Nubar, "General Gordon I reads the Bible all tha morning and j then he gets up and hangs a man." Physician Corner Front and Craven Sts. Office hours: 9-11 and 2-4 - and by appoi ntment Office Phone No. 9. Residence Phone No. 38. Telephone Defect Remee!!?. Tart of the construct km of the tele phone consists of a pocket contain ing a small quantity of gmnulm "srtxtfl through wblati the vibrations pass, and the difficulty with tbla hss always heii that Its full rfT.flmry has not hen mirr1 hy rson of the fact tbst lhra panicles become parked In and are t tverrfir nnn active. This conaltbaa Is attributed lo tb. .moisture of the atmnaphere. To,fir)r!v this defect some Trenrh taVrnjeri hsve made a microphone In mkh eorh 'strong for written word Sirttens, Unlike tho Cavaliers, lany Evinced a rronounood Liking for Literary Eaproaolon. If there waa ever a race that knew the value of the written word. It was the rurltao of New England. For the arts of music, drams sod painting he cared little; he connected them with la dearest foe. Antichrist, or as Cot too Mather preferred to call him. "the vjevtl's eldest son." But of the Im pulse to eipresa himself la the forms fvermiltted hy his creed be wss perm tally fwnoctoos, lie ss not ham prred hy the enticeptlon already shap ing Itself In Ibe minds of his Caviar wrrtfiren In Virginia Ihst tb pnelitf ttbaf of lltrsture mi hit us wonky of the attmtlnaj of a gttrmaa. The rurttsa had that more dethorrstlc -d eocii indlvMoal grsln ef rsr view of life which hss evrr bet th 1 U by ltsrf ihst no prtg-a ewoltol of great creative efL-jtwo grains raa titaJ, csb other, fort, and bis very -lfymkjfntio he'ng In com art nn'f 1ih the oalls farovlded the stlmulu of mfhd striking "fa h n'1 diaphragm of the la Are against mind ohkh rnskrs slss emm-ut. Eiprtiments have shown for erpreealoa. Il was no rnotrot, either, with d--r1hlng the thing la aoedlately smund him. Ill Imsgtna Hon. vitally eoncerned with the other world, projected Itself Into the frame, tlaaea horror, eontlrjs boaty. And tf the Irst frails sro ofte rpHI-l to as. It wast aloaya ho reembered that his Impulse. ahn It reasH lo hiroon a asoftvt af Ufa. hecame a sa. ,tlvo af art and prodarod the saprrme (Test km of "The Urorlet letter,' ' sVsjoo ksgeouliy hss heeo etprno4 sr. the effort to draw a distisy-U he twee fho oa4al and aronosalc modi-fte-MI of the rilgrlioo at yaeootb fend the rorttsss at Mssaachoseito hoy. .. W rreas tho standpoint of hteeary el- yrrealoa ihy are on peopto. "hrW tswod hy Ifcetr enemtea In lUiglsod. ' TuHiaoa," wo AM tb4 fllflsaa adopt. - log tho oarno ha tho trvt and greotewt :. )f their h-aokt, William flradford s sea ,eiit H tnimsnwoui risaisrtan." fmtui thro words rowpeiao tho IIDt of the toonoorript akow history read like rnaico,'"l1lgHM sM VnrV Is IJieraisro.- .y Arthar Hot Qln U --Tit a, Deadly Enemy of Fruit Trees. A famlllsr pest Is the tent caterpil lar, which Is very destructive to all fruit trees. The reddish brown moth lays Its egrs In the form of Incomplete belts on the smaller branches, earn belt or packet consisting of hundreds of tiny eggs glued together and oov. ered with vsrnlshllke substance, says' the American Foretry Msgaxlne. ! These eggs hstrh early In. the spring, and the young caterpillars make; their wsv to the nearest fork, here' tbey spin a little tent of silk to pro. tect them. They work out from thai tent feeding on the leaves and adding' to the trtit as they nred more room. If there are msny rnlnnlr working on I a treo thry soon strip It of !. Old Folk's Best Friend That's what many call it, for it puts vim and vigor into old itomachi; rich, red blood into cH veins; sound flesh on old bones, think a gla of this delicious diges tant vi:h each meal. Shivar Ale rvrt Bictmvt i-'.craTtcj writ SUVA HIHCUL WATER KD tl'CU Vnnr frocer rr c'nig;;Ut will r'funJ ir i. unry on firt ttren ii you ' l t p'eicJ va iib roulis. fMvar 'f r"il st l'-c per V : i' . i r 1.7" i-rr ikifrn. If yi',;r i't J'j'it ttnimt supply )n,-M I t-u'-oi, BEAUPX)RT CROCtRYCf NPANY DISTRIBUTROS FOR BFAUKOPT that the new mlrrophooe Is rvwiark ably sensitive and gives a pwrer laoo than any conairocfed no tho wd prln riple. lndlstisMtts New Cooshea to Co In fho Troooocho. Aa eporh of tours that local Interest aa rtased rerootly, ohro the fnr-l. hood oM ovHer roorWs hwmrf ta oso oaj tho fa mows TroThe rmtie werp hrwaght oooVr the aanlweorl haatsoer, , , o for noeo tha ayi ) rsrs the fooo-tn. hand root OKh Its teeta of ptwerfsl horses sad Ita pnmtnf to fri4 Osat and white hat has weeo, a fssatiiar god phiaraoQoo feotore of tk the rood hetoee fSHss.WsM the Trsfhs. , , ' I ' The pMorswoe.ffmMohood'rrVrh U helot oirJased hy the gtllltSfOaA motor). iwl a leef of fhees la' o. log pwt at-- the mod hy the new eowponr hlrtt hss tskm mee' the TroMorha hotel fnwn the Hlslr ft o H, In Ohnoe hands the fsioooo ha tetty has he-n ff-e nwee tfni fcstf g rvwiory-M'nMrsh UtaHiNoen. Oak In Hall of Fame. The oldest white oak In IVdhsta, Mass, bearing tho distinction f hav ing been selected as sulisble msterlal for the frigate that still lire st anchor off fhsrleetowo Old Ironsides has j bean nominated for a pis re in the i hall of fame for trees bring compiled J hy the American Koreatry assorlatlcsi of Washington. D. C Tb envmot of- fered wss I TO. hot fused boer.uae the owner i. in snvmot ot' the utTrr was ra wner's wlf, Mrs. WIIINi4 Avery, greatly edmlred th- tre snd pre slled upon hr hnsNisd ( lo spare IL This was sIhmiI 17V4 Women! Hsra Is a mossaga to suft sting womao, from Mrs. W. T. Prioa, of Public. Ky.: -1 suf fared with painful...', ho writes. "I got dowm with a weaknoss la mj Utk ana limbs... I Mt helploaa and dls rouragad...! bad about aivoa op hopes of over holng wall again, who a tries tasUtad I NICHOLAS M. BUTLER sMoasaJ ', ' ' ' ! fm 7- f a 1 11 yy ( 1 is : i v. - u m i Take CARD Most important among which 13 her right to FREEDOM from the bane of woman hood inherited from Mother Eve. Stella Vitas gives this freedom to women and girls. Sold by your druffijist on the distinct agree ment that if tho FIRST COTTLE does not benefit, money will be refunded. ifn. Nellie Smith. Texas. MrsTV. M. Galnn. Chick 'I had female trouble nmauga.Oa. "Uhaadono with . Bmotharing spells, wpudora forme; was weak The doctors had piven me and all run down, had not up-aaid I eould'nt possi- been able to do housework blygetweU. Aftertiking for six or seven yoJ four bottlea of STELLA but now I do any kind of VITAE I waa up and go- work." Sag about my work." THACHEH MEDICINE CO. CKattaaoova, Taoo., U. S. A. IT. VI E I 1 D. M. JONES Dealer in Junk. Highest Cash Prices Paid I S 1 1 101 Advertise in the News It) Wosui't Tonic BARGAINS. You can get Big BARGAINS STANLY BROS A complete line general merchandise They Sell It cheaper.for cash SUITS CLEANED and PRESSEDj AIL WORK GUARANTEED fjl R. M. JONES q Near rat Office. . I Una Carta! la short ohllo 1 Nff aasrkai tfirtsraoco. . . 1 (raw s4roAsr rUtt Wat, s4 It cro4 bo. 1 aai stMtsr tUa I hart Vot U Ttara.' If o attffsr, fat coo oarastato wast tt aaoaaa to bo aTasf aoV wslL Thooaa4s of wo aw ia Carta! tha trod It for thstr fos4 fcosJth. It shool4 kola rot. Trr Cart si. At all i 2 Assaorsotos rt Ootoallvo. moo hato ow shl to raldt sir orrirw4 ttis-n as aprwonnt -III, tos ray prorlla ollh lodtaltod Attention Mrs. Housekeeper Whtn you want tornething for the family here it the place to f ct it Table I Fresh vegetable! right from the country: Nice Fresh Egi, Dutter of the beat grade. Poultry Freah Weatern Meata, Nice llama and Cheene . Del Monte Aiparagua, PeacKea, Plrvfapplea,'Corn.' Peat, Good line of Preseatei and JelUca.' 4 ..... . C. D. JONES sttaaJaWsasjaaof a -