00 --v A '4i r 7hen you're clored up by .CONSTIPATION jaundiced b a torpid Jul V UK, dovualized by poor BLOOD or soured by Did- ... PEPSIA your case calls for Dr. . Thacher's Liver and Blood Syrnp ail old physician's famous pre scription in successful use for - 68 years as an all-around family medicine.' ' , -r "From-Hit Heart Mr. 0. J. Hatcher, of Bbell Bluff, Ga. aayat "I m goingtogire you a teuti , tnonial that la from my heart. I would not be without DB. THACHEB'S LIYEB AND BLOOD STKUP ia my home and will try my very best to get - it into every home in my locality. I take it and my wife and children take it whenever we see even the least in-. dieation of a coated tongue, ainee we ' know that the tongue ia the thermom- - etet ot the stomach." a' THACHEH MEDI&T4I CO. Taa,U..A. - ; - v (1 H i3 ui:io; Attention Mrs. Housekeeper - When you want something for the family Table " here is the place to get it. - ' i- v ... ....v. ;' '.-; . - - Fresh vegetables right from the country: ... r ., 7 Nice Fresh Eggs, Butter of the best grade, Poultry Fresh Western Meats, Nice Hams and Cheese. ; r-Del Monte Asparagus,' Peaches, . Pineapples, Corn,. -.'Peas, Good line of Presesves and Jellies. ... CIll). JONES Notice Qf Sale North Carolina, - Carteret County.- Under and bv directions of an order of the Superior Court of j Carteret County made in the special proceedings entitled J. B. ones vs Joseph Fisher et aW samelbeing No. ' 439 on Special Proceedings Docket, undersigned Commissioners will on Monday, August 2, 1920, at 12 M o'clock at the Court house door Beau- crt. N. G, offer for sale- to the highest bidder for cash that cer tain real estate in . the town of Beaufort North Carolina, de scribed viz: The Northern half of lot! numbered ona . hundred two (102) Old Town; same being (55) feet on Turner street, and one hundred (198) : feet on Broad street, excepting that part of said half lot sold by Chas. H. Bell to Rosanna Fisher by ded ADril 7th 1870, book EE, page 89 beginning at N E. corner of said lot 102 on" Broad street run West with Broad street 22 feet, thence south 55 feet to southern bound ary of said half ; lot thence ' 22 feet east to east boundary - of said lot tnence North to the be ginning. Sale subject to' the con nrmatiorr oi tne tourr. This 29th day of June 1920. ' Julius F. Duncan Commissioner of the Court 7-29, r FOR THE SALE OF STOCK In The Building and: Loan " i ' j' .v : .. Association : " Real Estate Specials FOR SALE one lot 60 by 198 on West side Gordon St 8 room house inclosed wire Cost 500. to furnish 5 rooms Price"! 2200. ' . ' ' .- .' " ' One Lbt on comer of Marsh and Ann St 79 by . 110 This is one of the best building lots in town southern exposure price 1850. : 1-2 Jot on east side of Pollock St near N. S. R.R. Pass, enger depot size 60 by 198. Price $1000. Part of lot on Front St between Live Oak and Goidon Sts. size 35x150 . good Ideation for summer horns price $000 ' , I HAVE YOUR Films evelofcd at New Bern; Tl C Beaufort The directors of of the loan association .wish to call the attention of the people of Beaufort and vicinity to the fact that on Saturday August the 7th the third Series for the J.Sale of Stock will begin, and to request that every citizen of Carteret County subscribe to - ' - ' " - ' ; - - . anumberof SHARES of Stock before the Series closes. ... Not only will : they find it a- profitable investment, but by subscribing to shares of stock they will be, oiding in the de- velopment of Beaufort and vicinity. , Already during the past twelve months our Asso- '. ' .' '''i'"" a, 's .' ' , -.''.'"' "- ''"":' ''V " -' ' ' -. -' '"!J'"'"''',?J-' Xr.,'.T'..,;!';''..'''!.' il'.V " - ciation has assisted in the construction of 10 New Homes and the improvement of manvii . . .... others. C 'Now is the time for the people of this, County to invest their savings in one'; ' - ; . i ; Of the best propositions known. ; which i3 not only a good investment, but at the same ; time tends towards the upbuilding of their County. - -Itisverygratgfying to us announce to the people of Carteret County- that already our loans have reached the total of $"20,000.00 Don't fail to come in the water'5 fine Beaufort Building & Loan Asso G. Duncan Secty. &' Treas. Produce Samuel A, -taas,' Manager For taore complete discriptlon sec Cartere t Realty and Ins. Co.. . D. W. MORTON General Manager . A tam nacvU at ocrr4 la b galhng aoin p44lra la lha tardea, and anlmialy mpplnf ihm la Aorp boW hl-i kad -b mad l n1 a rt- A" "n "fpM tb auirria a tfiuBi.lno( rliorkla, a4 arirtt4 for aombrf Mn. K mlnatloa ahovrd tbat ld M t th ttoitora of Itx bot. hlrt raa , al polsl lo ft tDat ttt btrd . vaa atonleg for mmtiL AfplHn and Ovtalna. ' A P(ua tfajnl-Ua tiaa foand tlm rmiit of a jrar'a mikm t lh rntntliBtloa ff aiplrla and qalnti it irn4lrtl aM mmf Uf(roH Arorrfliij to Ik Mit.llfl Al-n'l rrptinl f Jh lnrtfll"0. Ita '-tioi of aii'lr'n la ih -mk rtni r"' lt Holiilr t a tlaa j-.i. la M to tiw draili. fVmtli !l rofcr. Odd WeJdlftfl ArrangamaMa. A T otic rroffor f iyalral rnl- tara tnarrlnl a braatlful and atblU? ptilrtl f lila la tha auhni f.rana. Tb fonnlt apiard brlor tha way or In Irani cuatvm. and after tk rrrnixMir the wedding party aat dawn la hrenkfoat on tb banka of tha ftetna. Hardly waa I he roffr finished thaa. do 1ea ftenat, tha whola parly retired and reappear) In tng roetome. later IL rour'e atan rd on a blcyrta tear for a bnaeytnoon. At The Tar Heel Sticks to Duty Sa Does The Defiance Truck y ROAD HORSE! POWER 'Quick Deliveries; Beaufort,. N. C. Carl G. Bailey, , MOTOR TRUCK See The Defiance, at Bailey Garage Dealer Carteret Co. DraamUf af tha Wind. Ta dream f tha Wind bloalng elg alCea ffppoalilMi and lllneaa. tf It bloaa yrr bat aaay. U'a a a!a artlt aal ta go away beratKw of a attrtcomtng af your. Ta drrem of bearing tha wlad Mow furetrlla III aea of anmeon Tery c la yno. If ymi are raofht In a auM nf alnd. $om wilt bare liarrtralng rTirff- ery aooa. T(J tloatu nf eeetnj a wind mill la a i'ia yoa will bate la. Chlraga Herald and Kiamlner. Taeta af a Ceed Thawwme'ee, ta aedrf.to aererlata wlteiher Ibennofneter la eorreft or U a flret planted lute xl(lng trw aad U ea lata boDlng water; Ibe.tetel of Ihe awemirr etwMild Imllrale apn Ihe aala rinl tl 4'tr and JU 1 gra rahfrtihH. Wl. Imerlel tha mermry ahmiid fU wlib a !' rtkt anl fit the lu-. Ihu atioelng the tTfwt einl',t f air. Cannot Pralso this Remedy tco IHahly Variety to traada. Variety la brealla la aor Impor tant wbea tha lanrb waM t farrted than at atbef neaia bertaM of tha danrer of monotoay. Wheat bread. whola-abeat bread. ora. rye. or oat- uel breadas not raiatn, aad data brrada. bealea btarwlt, rolls rrtep bak ng podrr blanilt. or ftoda. btamtt. and toaat, awlrbark and rrarkera stay bo bard la tara ta girt variety. 'eawtlar Comaanlonahloa, The greedy ahark, oWrh everything llrtng or n4, beter tnntlr Ida heaetlfnl pIM nh. whlrh la aleara In Ha tympany, foattr o11 ' la the rtHipnlHihlp betwren the bid ooaa and teiMnnntta rattler aad tha "hlte-oak anahe." There doea not areia any atplanatlna for thla frod ahtp. methlng Oatnf Th. U aly ore ptlillnoalree bad the boef'nalloo f Prtpi, 'e1'" rlorlda tdHoe. what a wvVrfol world thU rni.i he I Tt waoMn'l It bo mill mitre woKlrrftd world If Wor wett ha4 the inmi. of nllit(ilret1 yprtPff'd r.rpwMl'WO, nt it est Lift rmi irrrj I JmKXi TV) TUJ . Judging from bar letter, tha ml ery and wreUbednoaa etvforl hy Mra. Char'la Taytor, K.KD. NaAl, Hex 144, Dillon, 8. C, muet hava been Urriblc Ko ona, aiUr rJ ing bar kUer, caa ronttnoa to douM Ue rraat hoaCng po "or of 1E-UU-NA for trouble duo ta catarrh ar catarrhal rondiUona la any part af tha body. Her letter la aa Inaplratlotr to aeary akk and ajffeiinr rota or woman onywhera. Hera it Ut 1 aaffered two y ran with catarrh of the head, rtomncb and bowela. Triad two of the beet dortora, who rtro po Op. I then took I B-Ut'-NA and ca truthfully aafj am wrlL Whea f beraa to ce IX-liU-NA. 1 welrhaj ana handrod Poonda. My wrlght . J eow la ana buadrH and t fty. I cannot yrutmrn wrv highly, for It wai a Godsend to ma, I got rr!f from tha fl-at lfllf Uuie and ttHe U tile, cured I I r n ooffcrera to Uka , a an emergency remedy ta tho iwma, there la thln5 oniu tha eouAl of thia relnhle. timo-tried madtcl'vo, I'hRU-NA. ThouwmdeJ elafo their aole arwviwi on, It fer eoaiha. coUa, !orh and bewtl troohle, eontipaton. rhew evil. tin. palna la Uo bak aila and oina and to ptw,l tha grip and ipanUh fU. Ta area t)-a blcd fjro and tti!:Uli b'Ji'r rnf-th hit-i, tv rn T;" Yeo cm hwy Tf. W HA rf h.r la tJr Utki ir "r .ir- . NORTH CAROLINA STATE COLLEGE AGRICULTURE AND ENGINEERING , wnt RAixica Ywnfl awa af tautW aad far tkt aMWakat adufatta SmIi ta aaa l la uwtr mati mmiim fi.K rlu r4uM ae jinnrn ao aalr far I i l aaa, M lw lnanhi ta hWtMUtai aruraat. The eolWa aOan tawaiaja prsakioal. roua viai TiCNiiiCAk eouatia tat - - - IfrWajtlar. oMaartatM awiira aural la (;ar A(rV-ultar, Ttrm Cm. MmVtmhwr AHal HaMia4r M VtMtUtt, I ItcrUwl Octacm, aJWy Ortaate, lwkr aad Va. Tectfla f Ha a tlaahiaal tliitn Caaaitaai I ) Taatlta WaalHa , T Mioaaay ganaaafiaf tutiW COaalaWy Two vtAt couattt tt . , . Atrhwltura MvAaaia irta Tetne taaSaary , . On Tear Cmmm fa Awa Vi"i Wlaut Cvmnt ta Agrfcwiiwa lu( garaaM, ' Wnrtlwl aiiitaal la. afl aVaarHaaata. m m aaaiaa lrtMaikr f. Arraiiai mta ItwaM la I.Ma, Teeaf M 4 aa. a aat ar ahawM aai aafty, aa Iwa ff aaii taaut H aa amaiaaj ana fea Tallial Hnara HaatnaaaK for fa f,,, fUsa, 14 dWrfMUd M faU' Afrtaaftarai Caaalary ' a llaarla tuaaaataal taaiaaariag tat auaiafva, illwmu4 atrnaUr, aad eaaraao bUaaa, wrUag. i. e)Wf N, MaaWWae. ' . Many. 1 V Tliera art people who, Inataad at llBfrnJr a what l being Mid t tbem. ara tlaieolng already to what they are going lo aay. rtora Impreo lac a. ' , The aj,aiaam fte. Onada halaif e, a a tha balaam tr la aoiTMMireee ratlad, la ono of tha beanttful eeergrwen treaa. Tha aeedtea' of Ih'a tre. whlrh are a deep, g'te fect'at rrr-n at nd a loelr alh tt n-'nf tioe. are ahai ilrea" ftrtir a f an l"rh long. " luperatltle nd tha Mew. There arc artltt Ke pi area where people hellcca felon wa tho ngr ta mnard by bating pointed tha finger I the wrnon. and thai aoa heodachee Ira raaard f , hating "t while the a la la creaeeoLr, TL rh1ey In atoriea fee Tatha ta Boya." er eoiwae Throoghoot tha wbota web of na tional tiletenee we tract Ue goldet) threwd af bainan pngrra toward a hlhe and ltef e!nfe. Jamea A. Carfield. . T

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