-.-'--,-4 i- - -..--1 JZJ-..-..iL. jj"::' ; , " ;'V 7X C; Hv Bushalf New Garage "'fj Dealerlin- v . : Real Estate' and7 InsurancT : ; Your Busine? Solicited. J Nov: pen. - "-r .' T - :z 1M1SE . i. - l , I r i "SJa. I I l Ml D PREVENT CARUC FLW0?t f e7w : SimrJa Precautions In . Herd ' , -i Management Will Keep Out Die-, .agreeable Odor In Milk. Dairy"! and r creamery men Is many states are troubled every spring by garlic or colon flavor in the milk, This Is due to the cows feeding" on arllc or wild onion, one of the first ants to start In the pasture In the Uig. vThefrouble from garlic is cot tly. to last very long, as this weed s soon cropped off and the grass be omes plentiful enough for the cattlo feed on It In preference to Jthe nn. , - -i - ' f trllc flavor In milk can be removed 1 eating the milk to 145 degrees F, 1 forcing air through It at this tem- U attire for 80 to 60 minutes, accord to Farmers' Bulletin 608 of the United States department of agricul- ire. As this method requires j cer- &ln amount of equipment. It Is much ore satisfactory for the average dairyman to Keep the odor uui Of milt gy a few simple precautions la herd management dhiaiStk'A..-l .X There are two ways of .protecting the milk from garlic flavor. First, pre vent the cows from obtaining garlic; find second, maru4e the herd on garlic pasture, so that there will be the leaatJ possible chance of getting the flavor ; In the mtlkW-. .r-.-'i-r. . 1 Often the garlic Is found only In one Sitch in the pasture, end this can be mporarlly fenced , off and pastured with otter - animals not producing milk. ' .:-'y ; ,: ''' - Where garlic is scattered all over the field It will be Impossible to keep '. the cows away from It,' but by remov ' Ing them to some other field three or four hours .before each milking the flavor will be reduced to a minimum. The odor in milk la strongest from ;Cows which, have Just eaten garlic, v and the odor is reduced as the time between the eating of garlic and milk- ing Is increased. " " In case no ; gaWe-free posture Is fphKahle, it would be advbutble to ; Vlv tli cattle to the barnyard-three er foui hours before milking and feed them on hay and silage.. As the aa- , .. ....... ;fc;,e',yi,tl - v- -V '"'' ;-i-i?- H . Carllc Flavor Cait B Rducri to MinU "" mum. by Removing Cows to Some Other Patturo Throe er Four Hours . i. Before Each MUkl. " ., ', aon for gar!!c tmuUle Is short, thl 'shwitd mt tsoM murk Inconvenience. . The Vet plan for avoiding troubl . frou this weed on rbe dairy farm It to km It oat eompIeM. This can be done with little trouble. an1 tUm In . teretod can obtala lnfirmaU'n nt i the mibjpct by wrttlag le ILe United .'fctfro dcpuctmcnt of agrlmUnre for ..Van-Kin' JVS.Mln CKH, "WDi Oalon, :rt'jo4 t.t i;rrj:'uii." rjsroBSEnvE cleanuness Ncjlta of Tbbco ef Miking Machine Hay Cort Milk "of Dairy for Enure Day. . mmmmm ... Jat one tlm of nc1ctlag to rleejiM the tubes ef lU etllklng oiarbloo may mt tti milk of tl onllre dairy for th'.t finy, and morr. If mi persiltj h C!:.-pt)M o contlnan. N man evof otsM to ret a mltklag marhlna, an U.a be la ilctTmlnH to berp the fmll, yaifiupa and tvla abettately rleatt. - "lETKICOOD WORKING COWS we of Cfjl'g Trc of rVotfycttoS " - 'f tath' IfWivWiM Animal ..rtjJJ.H . tivw-cU , .. Every dairyman,, pnnmf faUr Hmi tb vaiof of" letogfrhr ef la kit tord lp crW U0Wrt tb . wnrkers frota xbm fclstr.' !kat the Wfr (fil IkotH ewf aaay te ,rp tf'ii e'..ii'nf"ie Ya eJlk- 11 - : v.i ; ' ICET CEST rOSlE 'PE)TJt1 . as t a V.kl'o All rMrifita Are.Hit Vrcfd m ,l It J mpnnt t.Mko fry. f ' ' T- - . ! I.I . Ai provt. wH- n i.aiWie eoH I In ' J ' wmttolly .JtlgD la prtr. ;t is lmt-r!l ial rvarf at'.U r gala It 'miIm( pnmul t rtitmi fr4 erh pottmt uf graia r rv:i'-ti !Uk L4 f0a. Th'addition to bur Bu-ildiiig is inow finished iyid we are ready to iv any. work in the way , of Atomotile Repairs : r- - Line o For4 Parfs, Float A Ford Shock at Berbers and Spark Plug. . ' . r' MUST-MAKE, BETTER BUTTER Our .Charge For Repair work is $1 .00 per hour ? . ';--;-''.-'"-.,... siJ.-..- 1 L- - "" " i1 "'- " ; .--- .'.,' W ' .- - : V. ,. .'-.',.-;-' .f-J- '.. -".-ft-....,. .'-!"-.. J - - f . X'' - t- J "v - :-" . " X ' ' j'v' 1 ' ' j ' "" v ' . r ' Barbour Brothers Cr. iaaimmafr?BTg Coal Stoves : :If you are going to buy a. Coal Stove for the A7intier sea - H. C. Jones arid save money : ; ' . v J t : . V." ' , . - j ' ' "T . I '". ' "1. ,rT' , ; A lot--of ; Reel-Felt Mattes-Mil-- imports Emphaaize Impressive Lesson for ;Da)rymen -Foreign Cotk ' " aeMtion" Active. .... ? To meet fordgii competition.; dairy furmersi o the United States inU3t be able to produce n better quality ' of product and prepuce and - market it inore "economically and mere? eclclottt- . ly, according Iff vnpeclKilsta 1 the bureauof"raarkets. United States de' partm&i t .;.jof ; it ! i ?n I Uire. J" Arrivals o'f shif.njrtts of 'Panlsh but ter,ar already afTifJtlng prices on the 1 New York, (Sty naj.-tft.Argefttlna'.te prodiiclng ' nearly-' tnree . times me amount -of butler . and cheese - Con sumed, and -someof the eurpUis may be vfexpected to coiue to this country or ,oi!ipete with our products in f or- eigj -coudttles. Bt-fore thfe war S! beria was rapidly ertefldlng ita lairj Industry and when tcndltiocsf become settled in that country It, uiay be e. pected to couie back, as a, factor thn 'fe-orld's market. li. Recently - there have been signs of fcterest In dairy ing InSouth Africa, and the Industry as developed lu New Zealand and Ans- tralla, must be reckoned ; jytth. "r-1 S.If the dairy. products manufactured In the United States are of a better quality than those from other countries they need not fear competition. , Can ada's cheese Industry illustrates this. A strict system ef government super vision in the training of cheese makers. In the Operating of the fao tories, and in the grading, marketing and exporting of the product, exists there. . This has tended toward ea improvement In the quality of Ca nadian cheese until it ranks with the finest on the English markets. ., The dairy Industry In Argentina has grown rapidly since. the beginning of the war. Before l wax butter ex- H. C. Jt ones ass New Business We have opened a Geieral Supply Business in the Thomas Catamaran We Carry a Full line of ;Shingl!S:BuinSujj!i3V;W,; Hay and.Grain Call us oi Fhone 109 when in Beaufort or write us your ' wants." ' " . . . ' .1 Union s Supply Company; ja-t r, .. C. D. Toder rrop. it; 5 "'Ti -iT-rA ! ?5 4 - v a - . Hf .5 Hot Weather Comforts - T?e have lately installed aNew," Sanitary Ecda of the latest rncdel and srelnow '.prepared .to sei ... that wiirsatisf y. the mostjfastidicus Delicicus I '- aes, Ice Cream Sodas, Milk Drinks and many c ' are served here.- ' " ; '." .'-.. -, '; ' v.- ' Bathing is fine new bu before you go look ' c of taps, and Water wings. 7 AH the prepatatic for Sunburn are kept here asjwell as a big ftie c v fum'es ancT toiletrarHcles of all sorts ',, ;. ' , First Class Prescription Dcp , ...... "V- r A COMPLETE LINE OF T ; ISaufiirt irttg Qlomi pOr. Sale 2,0b. Acres; FARn 40 acres uudecculttvaticn 24 in rature;tal; and, SIX and a QUATER MILES From ; V BEAUFORT ON NORTH RIVER U ".. ' . . , . . v Good Bwellirg, tarn, and ether cut hcuccs, fi; oyestering third of a mile from house Part, C!i .halar.ee cn Etsy Tetrrs 11 Hagood Realty Cdtiii Office: Corner Broad and Middle Streets . Over. Bradhams ni r rnone no Part ef One ef Shipenante ef Danish Butter Arriving In (New York Which Have Caused American Dairy In terette te S- the . Possibility ef Growing Foreign Competitinsk ' ports from that, country totaled SP. tons a year; In 1013 they were five times that. Cheeee exporte were far exceeded by the Imports In 101X Now the conditions are reversed rar 6.000 frns of cheese being exported In 1018. Today moat of these experts are going to' European markets, but should cmdltlons become fsvorable It may be expected that some of these will come to this country. The b run a of mnrkete warns dairymen to be prei mrtd l tuert thla eouipeUUun. n cecon d.Hand Ca We have a Few useJaulCrn'.otiles hlchr a: . ' IOR SALE CHEAP Betterget one before" they!are gone; ars c Now. 1 - : 33 01 ill Ik. 1 1 f r CANS BETTER THAN BUCKETS Meat Convenient for Collect! ' at Bams and Conveying .It , . the H . , nik and rream from even a few ewe ran be nmrb more coarrnleaUy bandied tn rrgnlar tnllk cans than le th al.aIlor pans and wldo-moulhed burketa commonly naed. Cans are coo Vmlenl for collecting the milk at the 4arn end tranafmlng It to the bows. ' These caua may be bnnght la tart ms alare, For bandllag mans aod aalmmllk where separators are bard. or even where crwua Is art te eor fa bnttmoaklng. tho "ahotgaa ran te ary convenient. It can bo eeaUy o ered end at la water end Le eoavec te feaiwEo. Sunahlne Somevthere. A plant growing In a cellar picks out the dlatant spot where the sun beama come throngh tb Utile window. shd pualiea its way through the half- Llartneaa, strelching Its pate stalk to, ng MUKl amaxlng length, to reach the pah er aunatiina. Why shouldn't we do as mu.bt If there U nothing rbeerful rlote to a a, t as reach ahead in oar ti.oajhts to tho pUaure that Is com ing, er berk to some Joy that Is past te .. (SUITS GLEANED and PRESSED ''Nrr Tost Office. IU IES rn i:o::aj:;o:iJ DIFFICULT CHUKIINO CAUSES Aiof Oilier Tblnoo Cream May Be " Tee Tbl e4 Tomoaratwre May MH M ftlsht THfflratt etiarolog iey be doe te new oral fad ore t - ' Toe Ible mem. It sboai4 tet be twm SO to JW rr rent fat Wrong rbnrnlog Umpratsre of lb rmm, fUKy AVfwa la ahaat rlgM. In e few Instance It may be dee t too ac.lon f crrUla gorma. In okoio lualaarre It rolf be dao t4 feeilitg foods Wbtrli prodoce t Urgt pertwrrie ef bard fate. ftovr tmu cbnree omelet (ban tweet .:. D. M. JONES Dealer in Junk. Highest Cash Prices T D;ffrtnt Thermametrlo BcaUe. ' T1h -ale employed by a Ibennome. ter a indicated by mo ef the Initial Hfera, l or by the lat, fah- fvnhelt, Contlgmle, Rea amor. The drrrpts ef ere Ihmnomotric scale ae rrVdlly ronvrrted ' Inlo tbnae of an- o(hr. rollowloglslbolrrelallooahTpt I) degree r. eqnata J0O degree C, njoala i0 dgrore It .Therefore I drgree I, eqoala fivo-alnibe of a do grv C, equals fourolotbi of a 0o B. Urpo, telle Head. . Ifotber eooi coe to gat e beed ef lei. lore, and told ase the good oaoe would be eoUd end bard. I carefully picked out large eolld boad. end liked the grncor bow eaacb thai boad ef lottace root. lie anawerodt Xievoe Bo, bet that le a rebbare.iEicboege, CllnoMog Argumaot , The little ina eere propertng te play bonoo. a ad bad d!ffl-lty dorld- Ing the eonrtloA, -VTbe wtu be tbt mamma r finally One oaWI, la a too of final li y, "Hut. Mary Kt I lt a, IX gnt to be. Doot fee kow I'm siiet Uae foe oref Mother End A baby nds lo ju'at as It acede It ' bat ha, or clfn cl mother eodrarmeri tsdom. . They for baby soul at the wild flowers In th, give test to bat j that teat babies r pld, and many of t Exchange. Habo, Ood! IIbe In Orr. i goddoas of youth r the poraotilflratl txvant yootb, ar ' this office by O er of plymput. of Zoos aod It wife to'Ilemi ae a reward f " Te dream traHly pr bio." To a atgn or flcS) rota' Ing from f rota log t teeing cr Ctdoot- If I! eo, a ' ly e OTTfv ' aM-n ll)l! r'