(10 t. 'r 7 ; r : , ... ; i ill Cocnt aTaasHaWamvAVammaT tv - a 1 1 11 11 l 1 1 ,fe4f - 1 f ii 1 b 1 n 1 11 u , 44 hi aaaBBBBaw' u- - .jlby a 1 warn m - I V TouVe as Sick or I f7I7D 1. as Weil as Your U YXilX (How's yotXt livert Are you coitipinted, bilious, grouchy! 'Have you dizzy Bpells, dull headaches, "bad taste in your mouth, foul breath! if bo, you need Dr. Thacher's Liver and Blood Syrup; which has been knocking out troubles of your sort ever since the good old southern doctor first pre-, scribed it away back in 1852. On sale at your drug store. You're as Old or pi rfYTI v as Young as Your ULXJKJIJ ill you would stay young in health as you grow older in years, have a 'tare for your blood. Dr. Thacher's Lifer and Blood Symp puts life into your blood; purifies and enriches it: makes ijt tone up the whole system. Also keeps your Bowel open and is atonic and a cleanser com bined. Good for the whole family. Sold at your drug store. J. M. Sflrton. Bos 147, Ocala. Fl., wrote Jan. U, Ult: "I used a bottle erf your Dr. Vtactwr't Uvtr And Blood Syine In my family with a four-jemr-old child that bad bad kidneys, caused by measles. Found It to do Don good than all the modictett that I var got bold of." Sab rnrt. 4 Hfn. THACHER MEDICINE CO., Ckattameeta, Tern, U. S. A. 30. Andy Anton. ThompsonTill, II!., wrote Aof. 81, 1918: "I teal that I should (end in my testimonial for Dr. Thacher's Liver Medicine, which I hare need for twelre ears. Before I need it I could not do a whole days work i because I wns so weak in my kidneys, but I am now strong and healthy" PREPARING SILO fOIVFUTUIOT Every Farmer Should See That Structure Is In Proper Con dition for Corji Crop. X" Attention Mrs. Housekeeper When you want something for the family Table here is the place to get it. Fresh vegetables right from the country: Nice Fresh Eggs, Butter" of the best grade, Poultry Fresh Western Nfeats, Nice Hams and Cheese. Del Monte Asparagus, Peaches, Pineapples, Corn. Peas, Good line of Presesves and Jellies. G. D. JONES BEST COiTING FOR INTERIOR Go Over Huge' Receptacle Carefully and Seal Cracks With Tar and Oakum In Filling Prevent Air Pockets by Packing. (Prepared by the Tjnlted States Depart ment of Agriculture.) Corn-canning time that period when a portion of the corn crop is prepared and sealed in tne,sllo will soon be here. Every silo owner should see that the structure is in best condition to receive the succulent corn csop. As the fanner gives the silo the thos-, ough "once over" he ,must look out, first of all, for proper protection jr the Interior. The annual application of a mixture of coal tar and creosote, both Inside and outside, adds greatly to the life of a wood silo, as it protects the wood against decay. The coal-tar creosote solution Is relatively inex pensive and the cost of treating the silo with this material is so slight that no silo owner should allow his silo to stand without this protection. It Is also essential that he tighten loose hoops in order that no cracks or crev ices allow air seepage. If the hoops have been kept tight, however, during the period that the silo Is empty, they should be loosened Just before filling to prevent buckling or breaking of hoops due to swelling when the dry staves absorb moisture from the green sllnsxe. Look for Cracks in Old Silos. In the case of wooden silos it. may be advisable to cement around t lie bottom of the silo where the founda tion Joins the superstructure. In the case- of old silos it will be profitable for the farmer to go over them careful ly to look for cracks, and where he finds them to sealwith tar and oakum, wood filler, or other effective material. If the bottom of the silo has decayed slightly; the owner may saw off what ever amount is necessary, and then, by the use of blocking, gradually lower the silo to the foundation again, ce menting around the base as previously descjibed. When the silo is air-tight and able) to stand the m6st rigid inspection, the owner may consider the actual work of filling. A wise precaution la to place several feet of straw in the bottom of the alio to act as a protective blanket between the bottom of the - Billiard Tables ' Pocket Tablet Billiard Supplies I -"The Better Kind" For Less Money Sold on Easy Payments Write Wire Phone Fred E. Mountcastle 3005 Washington Avenue Newport News Va- U i. ft.-; t Ils;- ZT.J"'-':-.-!.-j-T.' 'T mw t J Sl' ill - rS. Ornamental Thimbles. At one time, apart from the shapv which is Imperative, thimble were tferorated with all kinds ot precious atone at the tip and these were, of fours, designated more for ornament than use, when It was the fashion, a Sheridan remarks, for fine ladle to play "a I fine work," according to the Irish World. Ladle In oar grand Bothers' day, beside sHn( to the house-hold and personal linen, gen erally worked In delicti material la Uk and aatlna. whrn a smaller thim ble was brought Into plsy and u-d With aome of the wltrhrry of the fa. Crest Hallway Center. There are A railway stations, wltftla a sis mile radius of ftt. I'aul's cathedral. London, while wlihln a twenty mile radius tlrr are nwirly 400. Practice Diligence. Let every man that hath a calling be diligent la ptjrauane of It employ ment, bo not lightly or without rra ooabl occasion to neglect It la any of thoe time which are usually, and by the custom of pradent peraou snd gond huabanda, employed la It Jr emy Taylor. Men key Numerous a llrd. American Y. W. C A, cretrte , In India looking for a camp ground for their girt guide, hav been smud at lb hundred of monkeys tbsl rhe atiout thrlr week-end ban gnlnw. "Infewii i.f bird hunt w ran Indulge In monkey hum write on of them. Indian flrla. like the Amer ican srhool (lri, rp fond of wwk end trmM wish aw limning, tmcttng rd looflnc thrown In, "Didn't Rest Well" Prominent Qeorgia Lcdy Suffered from Faint Spells ' 1 and SteeplessnasRclieved by Ziron. TP fcon.E h get to fUafl weak JL every bow aad tbes, uA who io , tot aeeaa to get the proper re trwekiDeat frea rest, kiees aal recrea Uoa, m4 a toal U Ulp their fclood teetuttac aa4 b114 their ytm. rf this, yea w(r)Tfa4 tlroa Iron TMUe vary rataaaU, a U twlno r tkemal already baa prevrd. Mrs i. V. Dyaart lady f proalaeal OawrgU faaaUy raaldiag atAr Crtts- ei.'K aayat ! iUal teJ Uka inyteU. 1 dlda t reat weQ bobm algal. , I would be tt aa tlr4 wbea I tot P la U morning a tea 1 wat U U4. 1 would get weak, and her klad tt falaty na-t Usm hardly abla t dO toy BOttaWWOtk. 1 rd af Zlroa. aa4 felt nayb tel would hV I thawkmt It wuald at least atreugthea ac "I btive Zlm ba deae m geeel I feel bettr. 1 km (14 so reeomrsead It a v4 toclu" 1 rr Zlroa. Our tAcaeyaerh gaaraa tee protecta yea. it your drsgxut i Filling th Silo With Com More Com Roughag I Needed, Espe cially In Region Wher Legume De Not Thriv. silo and the feed, as ordinarily silage Juices collect there unleaa proper fa- ollUle for drain- are provided and the-st raw acta as a valuable absorbent for this eices of moisture which oth erwise might dsmsge the bottom all sge. Must Tramp It Down Wall. In the actual operation of filling the alto It I of paramount Importance that no air pocket be left; this Is pre vented by sufficient tramping. It d pend largely on the dlametrr of the silo how many men should be uaod to tramp the ensilage, but even In all aa small a 12 feet in dlamrtrr. if sufficient help Is available, at leat three men should be u-d with sn la cress la th force s th alt of the alio Inrrvaa. Tin proper sealing of (he alio slo I imMnani. uerana wnrre the silo , correctly toiped off trur uatiaJly I a minimum In of th sumilent fd. A gnnd plan Ir to np the ear from th last three or four load of mm . which are run Into lh silo. irrj or coarse hsy msy alan he unj as a' lopping. TTen oat should he sown) ore r the top of ll runterii after It1 has been thoroughly tnertstenetj. If tiee eey. althnrtgti t rule the rt.ru. If cut at the pmper . i mo st envgh without eirra watering. MOULTING PERIOD IS TRYING Uttt latra fedlnf and Prvlle) foe Physical Cenfr1 f fwl Will e Repaid. . Don! forget the peoeperlty of yoor Bird daring lb tnovlL it I a trying period. wtw a little eitre feeding sad emrr'.ali for their physical meafcrt III he re w nled by a erly reiurn te 1 prodenlf laving at the aid rsad. J . TsV . . - Phili5ii FOR THE SALE OF STOCK aa In The Building and Loan Association The directors of of the loan association wish tp call the attention of theeople of Beaufort and vicinity to the fact that on Saturday August the 7th the third Series for the Sale of Stock jwill begin, and to request that everv citizen of Carteret County subscribe to a number of SHARES of Stock before the Series closes. Not only will they find it a profitable investment, but by subscribing to' shares of stock they will be oiding in the de. velopment of Beaufort and vicinity. Already during the past twelve months our Asso ciation has assisted in the construction of 10 New Homes and the improvement of many others. Now is the time for the people of this County to invest their' savings in one of the best propositions known. which is not only a good investment, but at the same time tends towards the upbuilding of their County. It is very graufying.tc us to announce to the .people c,f Carteret County that already our loans hsve reached the total ot $ -IXUM.oO ' - I Don't fail to corne in the water's fine Beaufort Building & Loan Asso. G. W. DuiU'ean Secty. & Treas. THE MONROE- CAR Winner of the 1920 Speed and Endurance Test At "n lianapolis Proves Ita Claim to The Title of The B?st Car in The United States of AH i he Medium Weight and Priced Cars See The Monroe and fck For A Demonstration Goodrich The Best in The Long Run The Well known Goodrich Tires and Tubes are carried in all Popular sizes DEFIANCE MOTOR TRUCKS, Ask The Man Jtiat Has Used One Carl G. Bailey, Dealer Carteret Co. Floating Hotel to Help Solve Housing Problem f v 7Val V 1L-wV.ftei I I M t AaV L .s. as-eT-r I T 4 V t -A --r l MXiiMisa'iaWsi'fsB T1. at ni.I.I n AdAf I , . . . a belj dt (he totl,g prym (her. ay er, ;,lg , I a total srvpneir. Prpr eJbjli rfre- H cm. The fthr td a fnd wee ny. ri "li s hinbday her sunt gar Ing smote on the pnerfc am) daddy lir dHr a (in if threw lb atmraw nntah4 rtfar nn B Wejrae her lint. trmter Itu.My rntilJ lawn, Jur.. (irked it p ea I hi - Hrhted. nty . mnthee nd rHalii1: nher j losrti-r tWHh aere rletlffcted na dddr Ihres. i hi, mmherf tia1 let hoi st ! n.t, -At Mw get ay lih (hot i!T )t U- :". I tt te rral roooer BT, ta eQe he U fwnr-y." ot.l; gni trmnefer" ' wtn Antria Orrot Any Crt ft le rtlnwl fne 9n!h Am-rV that It lias rreaser rx1e!orel re vrre ihn any other motlnenl ntl f pmtnr fnj rmp grown en the eenh nd Its mine of g"ld '! iter and coal hate been emrrrif I'H1 twd 12 y I lestern )r.C .;'GEN )fficeH jy apP1 III- Of Office $ ... . i ' i . ' ; ' , 1 ( ' ' ' " ' " i ' av . 4 i . n

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