til "Us Yc:r11;:rVa.k r For Automobiles, Marine Engines Etc. Our Shop is well Equipped and prepared to do Repair .Work of all sorts Ford Parts, hock Absorbers. Spirk Plugs Barbour Brothers am DESiEfi : : FOit a&ura Western Type That Should Ap v peal to All Home Lovers. Goal Stoves If you are going to buy a 4 Coal Stbve for the winter see H. C. Jones , and ; save money A Lot of fine Felt Mattresses Just In j... . . ... ... .. i. i ..... .. ij. - H. C. Jones New Business r. We have Opened a General Supply 1 B usiness in' the Thomas atam aran WeCarrrnFull lineof Stfngks, Binlding Supplies,' Wood, Hay' ani ' Grain ' Call us on Phone 109 when In Beaufort or write us your . . .wants." i ' ' '' "'--:, ""' .... i ; . , s Union Supply Company G. D. Potter Prop, e HOMELIKE- AND ATTRACTIVE This Design U Called the "Airplane" Bungalow, Because of the Small -. ... Cupola Which Contains - , ' v i Two Bedrooms. By WILLIAM A. RADFORot ' ; . Mr. Wllllum A. Radford win ju'niions , aim , anaww COST on All eubjecu pertilnlng to 'the ubjeet of building, for the readere of thle paper. On account of his wide experience aa Editor, Author and Manufacturer, he Is, without doubv tbe highest authority ? " hBe eubjects. Address all Inquiries to William A. Radford, No. 1827 prairie avenu. Chicago, III., and only enclose two-cent stamp for reply. It has always been salt that the people Id California are "different." Certainly tliey possess a-most pro gressive attitude towards life Iik gen eral. In Hie ciise of houses they of fer a number of distinctive : dcisns that ore rapidly, gaining popularity In. oilier parts of the country. - Alonj the Pncitlc coust there Is an abnndance of unique , and charming bomes of all kinds, Utt there Is no' reason why some of Kliee designs cannot be adopted In other sections farther east. They would, be a real Improvement to most cities and towns, . ; Take the bungalow Shown here, for instance. It feprewnts the 'unusual and attractive typical of the type that la found In southern California In those beautiful garden settings. Never were bungalows more popular, more In demand, than ,Uiey art at the pre: nt time. Many people prefer thorn because of their convenience and adaptability to personal whims, but their chief attraction lies In their economy. For the family of moderate means It Is the Ideal home. The chil dren con have a yard to play In, plenty of free air which U denied them In a crowded building. Because of Its unusual design this breakfast nook. The kl tct 13 small but efficient ' and equipped witb tbe latest appliances ' to he p the house wife. 7 U opn Into V. 9 dintr-5 mom, the snort, hall. Just 1 . r.tloneJ, aJ ' longer nail leading to (he other er.-J of ithft' bungalow. r Opealng' off" this ball are" the bath room and one, bed roomv 14x12 feet 6 Icche v Six rooms. In all have been provide for In 'this first floor plan wWch. 1, 5Dx23 ,fe.tv The mpper . floor, or eapolnaa you will, eontalns two bed rooms. It Is really an Ideal sleeping- porchi The windows are screened tn but can be glazed In case of cold weather, " One bedroom Is exceptionally roomy, being 15x10 feet 8 Inches." These two bed rooms , make ; an excellent sleeping place 'for the children In the warm sultry weather when they need health ful and refreshing sleep.', , ' t This Is a beautiful home, and . one that should appeal to' all, especially those 'who have not mustered up enough courage to get a home of their own. "A man's home Is bis castle," but no tenant feels like a lord ruling -BANKING fi M. Wtr'WML I to Eh. EBtfo" Second Floor Plan. over his domain.- Hut once he owns a home of Ills own, he Is stimulated by the pride which tomes of ownership and taVes a-healthy Interest In fam ily, home life and civic welfare In gen eraL ". Bolshevism does not breed In a com munlty of home owners nor does pro ductlon In a factory lag. For home. owners strive to make the world a belter place to live In. It Is only those who drift from place 1o place on tbe tide of the floating population that are discontented. They can call no particular place their home and therefore feel no obligation, no tie to keep them there. Mncb of the ex pense caused today by labor turnover eould be avoided by the employers stimulating the Idea of home owner ahlp In their employee. Great notrs- is convenient and saves you time. If ycu live out of town jutt mail us your deposit and get your receipt by re- turn mail. We pay close attention to business received 'by mail and appref iate your patronage. T V ; In Begufert, : ' Cc ire to See Us tzzrjj 1 i 'l - - ' ' ' ' i-irzrii 12 . . , , , I C. H, Bushall Eealer in . . , . ' . Real Estate arid Insurane Your Business Solicited. , ' rrrdrsirJHJrJrl rirJa3rJrdrlrd!!! . , . . 1 Ml 121 rni ID 101 ''--1:":- r ' '-r-sr . i . . , ... .v,."y5-' . j '..'v'v.' '".! ; , .,-''" .''..(.' j Hot Weather Comforts A t nuinmiimiiiiiimn , --. 'j nvrne Is called auo "alrplaae" bunga low. The effect .of an airship Is gained by the small cupola containing two bed rooms or sleeping porches, as they may be called. It presents a most al luring picture set In an attractive gar den and should be appealing to all borne lovers. J 7 ' Several elements help to make the exterior of this delightful home un usually picturesque. Host prominent among these are the projecting roof rafters, the many-gabled root, tbe cu pola, the a relied front porch support ed by two poets lih concrete bases, tbe terrace extending around the side of tbe boose to tbe French doors open ing Into the living room. Tbe divided window peoes are distinctive. Flower boxes and dloflog vines complete tb picture.. .:; --,''- Tbe siding la of shingles, arranged In aa Banana! ersy sad laid In a va riety of coureee. Tbey have beea palnted white. .'1 fjpoa entering tbe bungalow, bew ever, die vtaltor Bads tbe. real soul nel substance of tne.bofn. There I plenty of comfort and hospitality here aa the loor plaa shows very definite- lfig projects are now being 'pushed forward to bring about this rexult Certainly the-owner of this delight- ful bungalow should have no reason to reel . discontented.' He possesses 1 the wealth of the world real home. SUITS CLEANED r iid PRESSED ALL WORK CUARANTEED R M. JONES .'. '.- Near Post Office. . , , . . . .r CeexertlMe Skate -' A (ltlrefa tie, tarruted a rrrv vertlble skate, Wfetr, trmhU 4 "tttoflfth f Is BrfMbleg aitftauali te tbe ewbjm juj yo eer aotlce bow aelrtly ae e4rs wbesi bie wife s'(bts blast The eeavertrble iate l bM tew by say BMaeer tf Smc &i-E ral Heee, - ' 4i7 iM4 e Wewans Isee, T rrr.l mt rin iteg rb lrt T ye. b4 la t TpMHI '' ti r ? .1 fof a wemaftMlae P-rS tWf. if ' t 1 f(rr J'i. J., la it V f ft alerty l: rU"i mi't'-i I t''li t?e '.''! tn h rd bM !f -1 1' '(' -v4 fr . ' ; - ! a r mr-e t,t eirteilre , Wee lpateV fee bad bea teld that Aaat LHa as gtaf te have baby breogbt troas Aeevee far bar t )iy with, and at wsa sanrh pireaed abl eirlted over tt. Afut dinaef la tbe evetitag she rttatbed pni a rbalr te the tele phoee and asked "centrsj for te Bom ber, wbtrh sbe bad lea reed. Wb aJie beerd fcf asat's 4ee ever tJbe fAeete ae (tiled lewdly I 0. Aoat a. baa fvtt baby two yetr KJnlwckf lleetdeye. Are tbr r-ertk'erly B:rr f e t tbe year. Tbe fnt Me s AffH rta was bona sad J! .4 wis eUtn. T ewd Is 1M tm Umdf 1m Aajiwt, mhl la I be y M 4hs) wee eoefowlM. It.e tMrd te t'e Uet Vr a te rm.)r, 11 fluf ta Ul.l'h JsdeS l eeiWt was te 111 1 . n v hi 1 . "TSntFSP CRIME .TO 1 BEAR a TRIPLETS - . i ; , 014 Uganda Marriage Law areecrlbe4 Death for the Mother, Babies - and Qrandparenta. ' - Tbe old Uganda marriage lawa con demned te death any womaa who gave birth te triplets, because the naUvee considered , the occurrence due be wttchvrsft. . . , . John Rosco. Nwder of aa ethnoiogV cal expedltloa to Uganda, writes to Ue Loadoa Ttnwe the following: "The oW sawrriage Jswb her have taken me seen , forty bears t not down, and ' I &Tcovrwl today hoar dreedfttf It was la the oJOea Uase for any woman to bay trbeta, ; On res whjch my lafprtnaat, bad wltaeawed will Baffle t bake 70 oderBtand tb borvor fort by the people be aueh sa went occurred. .A jrofna) gave Wrth e triplets, and tie event was duly re leteO te tb klag, wbeeeepoa b ami sae t takt lb woroa with tb chit. drea, sad alee the ana terwal grand pa rente, fnto the wild A aad bad then e speared t death. Tbe hatband of the woauB bad bia eyes gov red eat. let be should ever tool wpoa lb king an bewitcn bjbu , . "Thea pastoral peopl ar closely allied 'to the Beta mis, and are, 1 tbiAbva ilfferewt bveldk-ef -UaaaltUt froc the Aakele Cehtma." We have lately installed aiNew, Sanitary ' Scda Fcun tal of the latest model and arelnow prepared to serve drinkli that will satisfy the mostfastidicus Delicicts Ffutt Sun4 aes. Ice Cream Sodas, Milk Drinks and many other, kinds are served here. . v .v -7-Bathinp! is fine now but bffore you go look; over' our, line of Caps, and Water wings. AU the prepatations that, are for Sunburn are kept here as well as a big line of peters, per fumes and toilet'articles of all sorts - " ; .. .. ' First Class Prescription Department A COMPLETE LINE OF DRUGS Brmtfort iJmg (Unmuang - rim Fleer rtaa. It. Tw etitranree aaord acre te tbe home. e directly off tbe Walk Ue.Tdig tnt tbe dialtif reoea, tbe eth er fms tbe tewaoe tat tb tlvtag roota. Beth sttracUt Freweh door, Tb living roeea Is Blaioal Muare. belag 11 feet tarbee by IS feet sad petia late lb em til 1 parlor st tb eM f tb tewtce. Tbte pert ef tb ha has bw divided tat bedree and te part, A emtll drtor at la ttli end 0? the llvlag roee ate epa oat 0 the terrt r. Tb ! rmm I t I lb t. Irg rooea Bad It Hits feet. UHng freffi t r d t the kU'b mni m frNivt If !L Iblt bell wre ihe r r9 twt rwKM, fU9 and . .The Watchful Bride.' ' Afler the cerrmeay the beet fna beaded tbe at! outer aa envelop, aay lagl "flv dnltars frota the groom.. One of the tottmste friends of the bride end bridegreoei tulcfcly grabbed for th evelp aod, taking It tren th ctertrntBa. opened It. A S2 bV was found Intlde, ' . Tb beet ana wi aotlflej, tbtnklni mlilakt bad ' bea mad. Tbe ait ih bridreroem both pri d astlabaeL tfectarlng th en velop bad bee taapeted lth. naaHf th brtd epek op aad en. feeed that lb bad aemtlr abstract. ed M trow tb i0f, bcue al tboegbt S3 was te Stucb t pay for a etatu serrtc.nhetaoh lse day rrl4. . t , , , gv ree Are Withevt Mae Cboets have be onabl 1 bM mt galatt tbe bo aboiisfe la UvmIosl A clever aad boutW roA deited bed t4 blm:f a bom by toilet tb S'ldre e of ba anted beuea, tie got 20 BlrMtw, a3e IT roundAand 1 ibey bare ail aed (e baaalad Met ewe was asrri!fd. FOR SALE, FINE fARMS AND CITY PRO PEREY Weliave 75 verv ittractive and'Valcable farms for salej No tetter tobacco, cotton, corn, potatoes, and truck farms in. Norm Carolina, wow is uie time to buy wben you can maxe one or two crops pay for your farm. Why give half of youti - time and labors to the Land Lords? See us for the farm that will suit you both in sirs and price. ' ' Hagood Realty Company , v Office: Corner Broad and Middle Streets Up-stiirs . OverUJradhams Phone 115 , ' Second Hand Cars We have a Few used f utomobiles which ire in good OR SALE CHEAP: Better get one beforettheySare gone.l Csrs are scarce Vow. m niw. e.eb mi .r'e- -itav . naaji .aa.uiwf i .an r"-- " "r i ' f .lily .Garage.. Korfe-j CillCj sonsra nrrnr-rr 1 D. M. JONES' . Dealer h JurA. Highest Cash Prices Pc!d toaoaonoi Tee- i a ! I