CI Not Mean Just What &h Threatened. A popular musical corned atar was taking tier summer vacation In a New England village tola year, and good naturedly agreed to participate In an "entgrtalnnient to be given at the town halt for the benefit of local char Itlea. She procured from New York one of the costume from her last win ter'g show, and a fetching poster show ing herself In that same costume. Soos after the poster was on display a dele gation of village ladles waited upoc the committee of gentlemen who were engineering the entertainment nd pro-: tested against the chic costume of the poster, which was. In fact, that of the conventional trince' of musical com edy,' with a frdbjc If pleasing display of silk-encased limbs. - "Let's send for Miss de Lancy and ee If we .can't fix It up," a commit teeman suggested, and this was done. ' Now, besides being good nature Miss de Lancy. Is high-spirited, and rather thought that the costume which had been good enough for her to ap jpear in for some hundreds of times in N ew York would do for one appear jnce In HIcksvllle. "There la no use talking," she an nounced with decision, 'Til appear In that costume or nothing l'V i i There was a moment of horrified si- ilence, then quick whispering among ijhe lady delegation, and a moment lat ier their protest against the proposed -costume was withdrawn. Philadelphia Ledger. POSTS MONEY TO RUN ZOO I . Feta of Londoners Are Really Expen alve Propositions In the Feed- ( Ing Line. . Bow much does It cost now to feed an elephant for a year? Two thousand ' dollars, say the officials of the London aoo. And a giraffe costs half as much. So that, with the Increased prices of food, hare come new problems for the keepers of menageries. The meat foods Include beef, horse flesh, guinea pigs, rats. cats. mice, rabbits, from, snakes. - -fish, pigeons, -ducks, sparrows, gentles, I snails, ants and rod liver oil. Th? ga-1 fcelles, buffaloes and antolopcs must he ' provided with rock salt They are fed ! on oats,, bran, hay. green clover, to-1 gether with carrots and potatoes. The i birds are the roost difficult to feed sat - Isfactorlly.- Flamingoes, for Instance, require soaked wheat, boiled shrimps and fish cut small. Some bird are fed largely en bullock's liver. Thl Is cut Into slices, boiled, then put Ihrcush a mincing machine. The' mince Is dried In a sl.iw oven and preferred. The dry mince Is usually mlxal with bran or pollard. Quantities of. inlets , have to be kept In stock for Hie Ins eating birds. These are pr'nc?rn'ly meal worms and gentles, which the - polite name fnr-vemt mnsK.-- Hat for some birds flies and grasshoppers I are rcqn'red. The turnkeys r; qu'rs ' fruit, such, as bananas and ap;ite i while the snakes must be fed or amnll 1 animals, such as rabbits, mice and "' rats. ' ' v ' . ; New Idea If Storing Cer.l. The' Ingenious rlsn of storing coat In carbonic acid gat, as undertaken a Dortmund. Germany, gives the safety ! from spontaneous Igwitlon of undf- water strnpe. hfle the eenta'.ner of- fers Hit cnnvenlen-e of the overliecd) bonfcer, linen of the three , cylindrical j bunkers cetii-tnirteil. iMi a e?pocltyJ 5f 2.W0 I'm. ha ftr-A-v herLvl to-)' rod k'ii-m. and three filing oprn'njri at the u-p, with fhive dlch!rjlnix ont-! lit' r-t the h.-ttora. The lower catVt j ere fp.t tl;t v hen rli.aL but as the ' rr.rloilc ncM U tnorh heavier tins' f!r Itie uj-jter op,-n!na da not require! Wins elsolutely lenk proof. A gra on a Mmrtuml steel tower unlmnN the eoe.l from a hnrse. Ti e foal la dropped Into a.Manill lu;er, end itir f r I to I wh plnte conveyor. !' b fa so placed Hint M frmv tn'n'Ilns or cin;fy- frr fh th b;ile. Tt'O S'l'll r rr,f of rnriw.ic arid gnl hnt lerks "Mi' !n re-nrolrg Coal can be readily' tr tii'-ed. , , Fun fee las Clrt, t r exri.-. corilng limue fro-a the V. i nt.r .n Hie strret car with my lsdy f rl n.l. 1 stepped froiti tte raf and row as coining op he li'ud il.e car. I kepi my eje on the - tnoi:v4r!r end t'f k h rUow of Ihm rrtt pfon stlshUng aftcf me. ::nj H lo U my Mmd. Still watch ing the mr.r. I led iW eltaw safety . th nlk, and then Inrocl ray at t titlm to ber. f.ut, to any einbavaM Inent, Vbo alioittd I find taysetf eMurt Ing. Itit a great, tall man. who tald la ,lh see!nt voice: Thanh yo. I a neter esroried by a young aa acrnM I he strert bifort) jut are lh Itndrvl frtlw I fvrf met" lly lady frigid vat following oa. sad at gif gi-d orrr tb y,kt all the "real of the way hosat Eiraanf,' ;. .For Automobile, Marine Engines Etc. Our Shop ia well Equipped and prepared to' do Repair Work of all sorts ' . " - " '. Ford Parts, hock Absorbers. Spark Plugs Barbour Brothers- ..f l AecoVoingte E.ngliA Authority, This , la One of the Results of . ; Goal Stoves If you are going to buy a Coal Stove fdK the winter see : H. C. Jones and save money . A lot of Fine T j' E M lttrs ssas Jytf.-h.- -' " - - -tr-- - ' . :." - . ' - . - ' ' '- " 11 f I '"hi" H. C. Jones isfcxa Cheap For SaSe Shingles Shingles Pa Just received a Car load of Pacific Coast Red Cedar Shingles guaranteed by th a makers for Forty years We have barjiirt prices on these while they last Bette buy now they will be higher - r L. ..t n. "'tuiii n.c rzrs nuc ut rauus wouia trtlR ,ike t0 8ve you prices when you need Hay, Grain. & Cracked Ccrn, Ship Stuff, All classes of Teed3 We want your'bu3iness Call and give us a chance TAT 1 Saweiorin the stick For sale at all Wood time Doinj Easiness at the Old Thomas Catamaran on Front St. Beaufort, N. C. Union Supply Company G. D. Pottet Prop. " There are flvi tlmea as many peo ple In England reading Jooks:aa there were, before the war, according to Sir Eruest Williams,' one of the foremost publishers of London, He says war has taught the people there the value of books, and shown them the Joy of reading. When air raids were numer ous and all social activities stopped, .there still remained the Inner room, the light : and books. There was a quick demand ; developed for light reading, but It1 has -changed and grown so that now the best books-are most in demand. When air raids were ended and lightS4and social activities were used again, the habit of reading was continued and has grown rapidly the past year. : - ''r'v .. -. There Is an.'. Insistent demand, this publisher says, for books that deal with real life. It Is his belief that out of 1he experiences of war has been born a deeper appreciation of life and understanding of how tremendous ly worth living it Is. On this new con sciousness he bases the demand for i books that deal sincerely with prob lems of life. Ohio State Journal. "CrHBushaU Dealer In r-i t- - t i- f- " 1 T rai - near r-state ana insurane HI " ' Your Business ooncitea. ui . : : ici ft Hot Weather :Comtorts tatta' ISLAND SAVED BY WOMEN How the Female Population of Helgo land Upset' Calculations of Danish Admiral. Helgoland, the naval wall flower during the World war, had Us fate decided, upon one memorable occasion, by the women of the Island, according to a bulletin of the National Geograph ic society. . About the time William Penn was settling Pennsylvania a Danish adralrn.1 captured the Island's fishermen one night while -they were placlug their nets. ' He threatened to bold them as hostages nntll the Island surrendered to Denmark. Wives, mothers and sisters arose and forced the Danish garrison to- re linquish any claim upon Helgoland. In the fifteenth and sixteenth centuries Helgoland was a center of the Nofth see herring fisheries. Then herrify veered back to ' Scotland's coast and the Islanders hnnded down a tale of the Imnlerv br which they forfeited the boon. Until a few years ; ago horses were unknown to the Is land. One story has It that when an old woman saw an Englishman ride ap the hills she dropped dead from the shock of what she believed waa a supernatural creature. ; ; ,) ; Humidity. ITumldlty Is the molstur'e or aqueous vnpor In the atmosphere. The vapor is renlly an invisible gns. When this vnpor becomes visible it Is called dew, fog, mist, haze, clouds, rain, snow, hnlU etc.. according to the sl?e ot the drops "of" water or the method by which the varor condenses. A given space at a given temperature can contain only a definite amount of moisture. When 'a given space contains all of the mois ture ltjrcapnble,pf holding irIs said to be, saturated. , The percentage ; of molnfure In the air to what It would hold If saturated Is called the relative humtdlty. WTien the air Is saturated with moisture the. humidity would be 100 per ceal. and If half saturated M per cent, thny-qnarter saturated 73 per cent The IncYenacd humidity has much to do 'with the effect of the tern-' perature on the Individual, whlrh Is the reason Ihe subject In so commonly aismsw enrmg not periods. We have lately installed a New, Snitaiy;; Scc'a .Fcun tai of the latest model and are! now prepared to serve drinkn that will satisfy the mostlfastidicus - Delicicvs - Frutt Sund aes, I(je Cream Sodas,- Milk Drinks and many other kinds are served here. - .1 Bathing is fine now but before you go look over our line of Caps, and Water wings. All the prepatations that .are for Sunburn are kept here as well as a big line of pders, per fumes and toilet'articles of all sorts . ts ' ' r ' First Class Prescription Department A COMPLETE LINE OF DRUGS W.mTlTS PI PAMPH nnrl DRPCQPn v jl - a v a- a-r uiiu a a tskj i- ALL WORK GUARANTEED : R. M. JONES , ij ,' ' . Near Post Office. t - f2l HI : : 1 .ryiv:al Tei for fcira, tf. 11. r, Warra le bavlng a cea : trrt bqtH ra Id laa si tYex ar, r. . fritHj bNnr fet .lrJ. Tt lr U nn a lra frame ii fert ilca. !i C'Trmil au-i in lurt tt.e V!r4a I e'ri and rt. At ttt 4 the to mill ! a, large fasrtt ba: to ftot.te t.e $mmit ertia rvntiie i ; tlmea. lit. al'Mi u.'j oo lb " iy will gii ffrMg arrii:ir.l 1 1 h .ib f l iilri.f tK'frfMt t a l I- r , a" 1 p ri Westover School ' " A BOARDING AND DAY SCHOOL FOR BOYS OPEN - ; - . V OQT. 6 For Terms Etc, Address ; . . . . : . . .. ... . . , . MRS. W. P. SERVIN , BEAUFORT, N. C - . Reapeoslbllltlee. Thinking of others does not excuse forks from revppcting their own re- sponiNlltle4. Tlie world wouldn't 'get along very fast if all our time end thoughts were glren to ethers. To ret along and hae the means to be help ful to others we lunst do considerable for ourselves. Oar Jb must bring Tnmiirti returns to the boss to pay h'.ra for the trouble of botherinc with ns. Oar borne life tourhel others snd we nul ace lo It that onr contact leaves tliem happier for the touch. Life Is more tbsn mere routine however mnrh It may seem to be ran In a one piece mow. it our thoughts for others that lift M Ml of the humdrum snd make life worth living. There's no Until to the tnthunlaama.ef life when roarers for another's welfare gets Nd of yoa. FCR SALE, FINE FARMS AND CITY PROPEREY We have 75 very attractive and valnable farms-for sale.' No tetter tobacco, cotton, corn, potatoes, and, truck farms in' North Carolina. Now i3 the time to buy- when ycu can make one or two crcps pay for your farm. Why give half of your' time and labors to the Land Lords? See us for the farm that will suit ycu both in size and price. .... " -v ; Hagood Realty Company Office: Corner Broad and Middle Streets IJp-stairs Over Bradhams Phone 115 - Second Hand Cars " . We have a Few used automobiles which are in good I OR SALE CHEAP; . Better get one before.theytare gone,' Cars are scarce Now. . ' itjf-'s Garage Korehead City H. : C. 1 1 in 14 I t D.M.JONES Dealer in hi Highest Cash Prices Paid tovltd the Tailor. - Whe DuwcUa ralrbatike-wet a Itlfle boy, live years old, be lived In tvnvrr. and be wna alvaya sent ti bed morh earlier Ihnn he wanted to rv' fpp1t his. bedroom was a taller . ah'p where Ibe lUbta burned brightly a long lime eftr tVme'ai ,Wect to sleep, lie H to tl aaJ watch the tndttttrtnna tailor, and one day be lur prtaed bis fataer by aaytng Iha be knew that be wentd N do bea k -w bp: wotild ! tttr. - WbyT raid Ma father, rzntm." astd Dmijiat. 1 rour 41 ap then as Ion i as 1 wanted te !. bt if l-Ueawl.- ' I I Adlstla VarUtmllituda. tHtftomer Tli graad opera f nm erfaph rerd are Imperfect 1 CTB fl ar; thing out of half the tli. - - '. lenao They are Oar fot f rttrveownl. Ton aeter can tell abea ttiee records tl s:rf -they're f tampa mental. Uwoa Traearript. jaa"ae i aanvia. i ' 4apaoM lntfet have etlatn a I grvel aetr of hnj In fV.IMa. Tbay bare ti Jftan n.i m l-.r. furniture Furniture Dowdy Brothers Succeitort to tlte I. 8. MUlr Furniture CO V'c carry a complete line of Furnitutc and House, hoi J Furnishings, F-verythlng for the home ' Agents for the Famous Columbia Gorla and records. Detroit Vapor Oil Stoves, Majestic Ranees and Heat era. Bovdy Brothers . JiMccJ City II. C' ' 01 i i U

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