u u f?7 a. . YOUR RED CROSS WbilUtf i j -. Tlae B ort ' A V 4 i -r I I I 1 -1 J 1 01 lil ill lil HI Every man, wonan arid child in the : world has "Liver Trouble" some times. Many of them Die from it and nevet realize it. ":- No use in this. ' And folks , are ledrning better . Thousands hate found out that. Dr. Thacher's Livef 'and Blood Syrup will relieve "Liver Troubles". Will keep the Bowels open and the Blood rich and red. You onght to try this old doctor's prescription before "Liver Trouble' ' crets in its dead ly work on you like it did on "Bill." (Jet it i i from your drug store. J Attention Mrs. Housekeeper When you want something for the family Table here is the place to get it. Fresh vegetables right from the country: Nice Fresh Eggs, Butter of the best grade, Poultry Fresh Western Meats, Nice Hams and Cheese. Del Monte Asparagus, Peaches, Pineapples, Corn, Peas, Good line of Presesves and Jellies. C. D. JONES gaiiiims Pullman Service - Now established between Newbern and all intermediate points to Washington D, C- Leave New Bern Norfolk Southern 6;20P:M. Arrives New Bern 9: 14 A: M. When travelling take advantoge of this service New Bern Chamber ' Commerce Mrs. A. Block . 85 Middle St. . . Hew Bern N. C. JTht Amsrlcan Bed Croii, fty rt Congressional charter, Is officially designate;: - ; " T furnish volunteer aid to the tick and wounded of armlet- In time of war, In ' accordance with the convention of Geneva, To act-In matter of voluntary relief and aa a medium of com. munlcatlon between the Amer:can people and their Army and Navy. To continue and carry en a eye tern of National and international relief In time of peace and to ap ply the tame In mitigating the cuf feringa caueed by peetllence, famine, fire, floods, .and other great calanv itles. - , 1 To devise and carry on measures for preventing these causes of suffering. ?OURTHREOCROSS ROLL CALL November-11-25, 1920. MEMBERSHIP FEES: Annual .......i ......$ 1-00 Contributing 5.00 Life 50.00 Sustaining 10.00 Patren ......... 100.00 Send dues to your nearest local chapter. FIRST ASD TRAINING TO MEN AND WOMEN American Red Cross Is Teaching Hundreds of Thousands Life- Saving Methods. Tb porposs of instruction In Firs Aid to the injured offered by the Amer ican Bed Cross is to train men and women to administer first Aid treat ment promptly and intelligently when emergencies demand It Wrst Atd treatment it tot intended to take the place of a phy sit Bin's senrlca. A sur geon should always be' aummoneed ss a precautionary measure where' there la an injury of any consequence, but when one canoot be secured a few min utes' delay may mean a fatality. Ia such a case a person trained la First Aid Ja Invaluable not only to fa In dividual, but through blm to. the com munity in which be lives. There Is perhaps no way of ascer-J tainlng the number of deaths or seri ous d'sebletnents which result from lack of proper safeguards or prompt emergency treatment It Is safe to as sert tln-y number thousands s:jlly. There can he no doubt that the appli cation of First Aid methods to each eise would Immeasurably lighten the eountry's toll of suffering and death. The dissemination of First Aid train ing and Information "has already pro duced a farreaching and beneficial In fluence In the prevention of accidents on railroads. In mines and In greut In dustrial concerns. The benefit of a widespread know!- edge of First Aid in the eveut of great disaster, such as a train wreck. as explosion, an earthqulke, etc la obvious. Laymen who have had First Aid training can render efficient as sistance. Uaay Uvea may depend upon such emergeocy care. Bm1 Croaa First Aid work Include fl) the fonnaUoa and conduct, lb rough Bed Cross chapters, of fmmn for In struct km la accident prevention and First Aid to the Injured among men and vromea In aH communities and In every, Industry & tb Introduction of turn sta of loatrwetMO In high schools and college. The Bed Cross la prepared to supply First Aid books and tttjutpuwot at rea sonable price. Every person la tits emmtry sble to do so should, la his own Intvroet, re ceive Red Cross First Aid taw ruction, Information about the evorse and In tract loo classes amy fee hod at the nearest chapter hodauarTS. 3W 12 RED CROSS EXTENDS RELIEF TO POLAND 01 I 111 1 ... 1 , The only exclusive woman' ady to wear store in thc city l! II El WHEN IM NEW HERN CALL TO SEE US III We arc now slvj.r-g the newest Fall styles all priced roost reasonably ; Ifnre then P.0"X),miO hea twva sprot by the AOMrtai Em) Oom la ald!n the suickt ppl o Pvssd. The orssnlxatiun kas tnw-nI the stek. fed th stsrnng, etochet the mIm), shelter ed the bomW-s. srhoAtral the ebridren and eerd or the rphmtm rtes. H has aoodtKttd a setwrtw fi;bt ss'nst tiphoa. Cholera and mbm irrrbi dt Msr. fbi kdy nuilkna of sirsi nnd wpraea In tfcst sfurrsmsd nitloo rk-ra'iMn KTstKal sppeertaiiMi of -The Oreatpet Moth is the Vwi." Nearly 3 AbcVso M Cm workers are cow tigvsrd In relief ac-tltliw-s In uawL Frur isru relief b- it la onvratkm and !- nw bile onus are la the 614 taring the t.l twrlt numtht this or solution was Uffty Instrumental tn the r--tsh'llimrnt of ai million rvfaj at fjfwrt fr si r"Hef Vf tnoTftrn 11,000 014. In win'rr nne half tn!l lion sr orphsm wr s 1-d wait af y, end 1ne tlnn a f Isrt of panj hs hen essbllSed lo give Lsn fnnstl cere t I'.itt f r 4tfMf run fU-1 aid. f ' f n' ft ,"'sii1 1 ir-il r.t.fii!y, nttl itn - f t ?'. la f ! l f'!)ry wnuliT hi flt ljt fit .tU nnntt . ' i-'..'-n m-t.t t Aid ! . i k;t o NEW Larger Circulation in Carteret County than any other newspaper no matter where published. Special attention given to Coun ty matters THE PAPER for THE HOME Republican in politics but honest in its opinions and fair to all f r 1 y-- In the past three years the business of the BEAUFORT NEWS has rriotg than trebled and is just Beginning to grow. New equipment is being installed and the paper will be greatly improved in a few weeks. Subscription price $2.00 a year, y $ 1.00 for six months SEND US YOUR JOB PRINTING The v Beaufort News HOT WEATHER NECESSITIES A good Ice Cream Freezer will do a great V4C41 IVtlMIMW IIIMiilllSj HIV fJ I w MotA lib 111 llWb 4 weather. We handle one of the best makes, The Frost King in sizes from' 1-2 to 3 gals. REFRIGERA TOR Bay State and Siberia Clean Sanitary and Odorless They range in price from $ 22.50 to 50. Let Us Show Them To You Gaskill Mace Comp'y Try An Ad in The News. It will Help f I i