. .''''''''''''""MMMMMMMMW II I I if L.li I - ...Ji I -V -MI'.'''r-' v , ?' ! - . . . , . . . : - t-,-;'-v;vvrv ?v . '. r ,,,.-.. vk-M' ' : 1 j every Thursday " r 1 Heading Is To The Mind What Exercise la To The Hody ' . ? :- x- THE home : paper - . t ; ' . I !; V0L.1X ; ' " ': " "V ' BEWUFORT; N. C, THURSDAY .SEPTEMBER, 16 1920 NUMBER' 36 " ! t .9 TOBACCO PRICES DECLINE GOVERNOR BOT ING I rOTwaT I ' TAX LWY4SSESSER ig i 8 All Markets Paying Low er Prices T an They Did Last Year Last year te tobacco farmers of North Carolina raised the lar gest crop of tobacco in the his tory of the State. The crop was the second largest in the united States, Kentucky having raised; a little more than North Caro lina. The 1919 crop brought the highest prices that tobacco was ever known to bring and conse quently the growers were pleas ed and encouraged to plant a a large crop this year. At great expense in the way of fertilizers, labor and materials of all sorts the tobacco planters put ii a large acreage and suc ' ceeded after much hard work in producing this year a large crop of excelle n quality. This crop cost them a lot of money to and naturally they expected to get a good price for it. Unfor . tunately for them Ihe large con cerns that buy practically all of 'the tobacco had a different no tion about the matter. When the markets opened last week to the surprise of the growers and most everybody else, the Democrats Will Open Up Campaign Mere Saturday " The Democrats will fire their first big gun of the campaign in Carteret county Saturday, next when Governor T. W. Bickett will speak here at the county court house. The hour of speak ing will be eleven o'clock. The Governor is in the county now havine been here for several days on a vacation trip. He spoke to the soldiers at Xamp Glenn last week and on Tueadav he delivered an address at the opening of the New Bern Fair, Governor Bickett will make a number of speeches in this State during the campaign and will al so make a trip through some ot the Middle Western states speak ing in aid of the Democratic ticket. . He is generally regarded as one of the best stump speak ers in the South and 1915 did some good work for President Wilson. His speeches on the The old saying was that Maine went, Hell bent for Govenor Kent. But on Mon day it beat the record. The Republicans swept the State by more than 65,000 majority which is the big gest in Ihe history of the State. Democray or Wilsonism sustained a crushing defeat Taxes Under New Revo lution System ' Fixed For The year 1920 Real Estate Transfers Real estate transfers for the past week are as follovys: Melvin Mason and wife and others to B. H. Mason house and 2 acres of land in consideration of father's wishes &c. R H Pridgen and wife to M A Walker Jr of Forsythe county 100 acres in Newport township con $3000 F F Warren 8nd wile to Beau fort Land & Improvement o, lot on Gallant's Point con $10&c. Jno M Daniels and vife to Jo siah Daniels 1U acres in 'Cedar Peace and Prosperity issue were Island township con $658 very effective- Governor Bick- Wm J. Taylor Jos Taylor and wife toLula .Mason 1 acre con S60. i i uu ... ua etts soeech in 1916 at Charlotte what they paid the year before nominating Ashley Home tor Tobacco that sold in 1919 for governor was a masterpiece and from $1 to $1.25 a pound dropped fit brought himself into promi- to aoout iiity cents, ana me Kina fiftv cents went down to about .u wuv. " - twenty or thirty. According to understood that the Democrats reports from the State AgncuV will bring several other promi- tural Department the average nent speakers into this county price of tobacco in this State in the campaign js 0ver. August was $26.42 per hundred. Arrangements to do this are be- Recently the price of the bet-1 ing made and in a short time ter trades have advanced a little now the campaign will get con- . r w . I . ' and as fanners are holding their siderablv warmed up. Oriental News Items crops back it may be that they wiU advance more as me season indicted Man Goes Craiy goes on i ne cnanccs are uiouna umi uic aC4c n. u. iasn me coiorea man The Oriental Farmers Tobacrn gar than Ust. years crop y&s a wh?ntn.T Drgm" . . . ago in the State and Federal inm ik inere is noc mucn rouacco r.I,rtftn rv,aral of vinltina 7. , . raised near Beaufort but in the T ?u ? u v,0,atin that day prices were rather dis raised rr rieaurorx dui m me the probbition law nas aprrent L.:,, ftn . iNewpon section a ioi oi u is 1v rKit u;. m:nj u brillv 7 .. prcdud and the crop thi, yw 'jj?,, b.'f!"8 " " f '- J C B Morton and wife to Eula Bell 3 lots in Newpoit con $l&c. D L Mason and wife to B J Mann 2 lots in Newport con $50. W H Garner and wife to B J Mann 1-2 acre in Newport town ship con $575 L A Garner. and wife to G W Duncan lot cor Turner and Ce dar sts $10&c G W Duncan and wife to Chas W Scott lot corner Turner and Cedar Sts con $10&c An adjourned meeting of the board of county commissioneis was held here on last Monday the principal object of which was to fix the rate of taxation for the county. Thos present at the meeting were Chairman Wallace and Commissioners, Giflikin, Lewis, and Pigott. Besides the tax matters the only thing of especial interest was the fixing of the salary of Road Supervisor C, W. Thomas at $150 per month his salary heretofore was' $125 a month. Taxes for the year were -as follows: General school, 13 cts on $100 valuation, 39 cents on po'l County and poor, 15c 45, County Home lc 3c Road bonds 17c 51 Mahtainance 7c 21), Atlantic High School 20c and 60 cents Straits Special, 25 75 Straits High School 10 and 30c Vpwnnrt snprial 1fi nnrl 4S Beaufort Graded School 15 45 Beaufort Graded School bonds and 12 .State tax 13c on $100 and 39 on poll. Road Supervisor Thomas was instructed t have repairs made to Harlowe canal bridge, Bowfl adjourned to meet next Monday at ten o'clock. KEWSMIEWOF CURRENT EVENTS Managers of 'Both Parties Are Raising Big Hullabaloo Over -. Campaign Funds. LAW VIOLATIONS CHARGED a laree one and is said to be :ZZ .1 Zl T ,n fnoay wnen buying was of good quality. VTJJ resumed, prices averaging about . w i w i lvivkii i ii i 1 1 ttw- i rr I - - y . I SXjC to Heaven with him saving he '":"i"u' i""-""" I UlUl&C ill ptILCS Trouble Over A Do A considerable delegation of citizens from Salter Path was Sp akers At Atlantic Be gin Campaign In East For Republicans The political campaign in the eastern part of the county in so far as the Republicans are con cerned was opened up . last: Fri day evening at Atlantic. VThe meeting was held in'the assem bly room of the High School there and quite a large audience was present to hear the political issues discussed. The speakeis were Judge K. J. Respess, . Clerk of the Court here and W. G. Me bane who is the Republican nom inee for the Senate in this dis trict. E. Walter Hill who was bookc1 to speak on this occasion was unable to go on account of the illness of Mrs. Hill. The meeting began at seven-thirty . and last about an hour and a half. ' . ' . There was a large number of ladies present, fully half the au dience being of the feminine sexr and they appeared to be as much interested in the speeches as the men were. Although thft night ! was rather hot the very best of attention was given to the speak ers and the noints which thev I made seemed to be thoroughly Gomper Atkt Union Labor to Sup port Ccx Moro Trouble in Mining Field Pole Dectroy Buden ny't Red Army In Galiela. By EDWARD W. PICKARD. Candidate Cox and the managers of both the Democratic and the Repub lican campaigns have created a deal of noise and fury with their charges and counter-chargfs relating to t'.j'. campaign, fundo. Accusations and, re torts, den'n.l" nd admissions huT been (lying thick and probably will no' cease for some time. The senatorial inveMisu Ing emrrnKfo"! seemingly 1? detoruiiLwl to pet a: the truth '.th ont fear or favor, and .If certain ol the charges are sustained, legal pro- ceedlngs are.lil;ly to n-sult. licpuhllran inniingi'vs assert that Cox's charges that they had conspired to buy the piesldency with hu;:e sums of tiioiiey have been completely dis proved, (llomer t.'uiiinilngs, forni'T Democratic national chairman, told -the senators he could Hud no evidence of corruption In the Kepubllean plan for raising campaign funds, and added that his own party organization wns trying to raise funds by the same method used by the Republicans, Hut, I unde"StOOd and appreciated. h complained, the latter bud been the Th tri AHanHr anrl rart more auccessful. Neither Mr. Cum- j A tr mlnge nor any other witness henrd'by W3S made in Captain Tom Ham- tbe committee was wining to admit ilton's mail boat which it a nice that the presidency could be "bouKht." nfi v-,, omfftrfoKU mft Thm WM V V. a J WII1IVI UIWIV VtfMM IIV speikers stopped at Dr. Bullock's Mr. CXix liib4ratel bis statementa by making public a document entitled "Campaign I'lan lu iirger Cities," which be said proved the Repub lican natlooal committee aa seek tog to raise turns . ranging . from $5,000 to 110,000, Treasurer L disposed of tbla by explain ing that the plea - Mtllaed In. tfc rfiMnmvfit maa tint raflflMt hnt rth th contrary was vetoed alnxwt wltboul 1 hundred people. hotel which is a good place to stop. It is nicely located on the water front and commands , one of the finest views along the coast Atlantic is z thriving community of some six or seven The folks there all ttilU tat KaMliaaa t ha Hat f Infl I MTltn I IM Fl I f 1 1 II all I llllj , TltAW lffa riere Moytne occasion ingimit atrul before Justic L. J. Noe M.100 "" P.I"B1. . M1 L ,,ti fevnr n th was Buufrrfru iv mmn iviu niw rwiia ipi ; w by National Chairman Haya. lie aald : best Schools in the COUnty there. During the perioa from June 14, iitjo. Manv tarrir. ... trnm r- men and women ct.ntrlbutora to bot aniic lO oincr pans Ol inc OUttC tbe national committee and to atate jaS Well 3S yOUrg men WOO 0 conitultteee through the Joint colle1- away tO enter DUSlTieSS lite. ing organisation, an average oi C n InnM: ha mnvH this week into his handsome new M n airehiP for im Frnnt trpt TTii store which was known as the though the Klayor expects to go Thomas warehouse is one of the there at some later is now confined in date. Nash the county Mr. L B. Williams is manager and L Dawson of New Bern auctioneer. and Juvenile Court Judge K. J. Respess. Mrs. Louise Frost and brother Leon Willis were charg ed with assulting two small boys Charlie and Geo. Smith. Tl e af fair proved to be rather trivial in its nature and grew out of the Smith boys throwing a dog belonging to the other boy into the water. Mrs. Frost was dis charged on payment of costs by I Souire Noe and Leon was et offl tonirihuiir Voct lrmkinff and most conven ient! v hrrancrvl ztnr in thf jail. State. With the exceDtion of the walls the old building was Colored Public School To entirelr tom away and remodel- Open led from the foundation to the roc! Mrs, B. A. Hell Very III Mrs. 15. A. lieu is sti auite sick at a hospital in New Bern where she was operated on i month ago. At times she is un is such that her friends fear she will not recover. The front of the store has fine The Colored Graded School cousious and her condition show windows and inside there of Beaufort will open next Mon are plenty of shelves and recept-1 day morning, September 20th acles of all sorts for displaying a 1920 at 830. All . parents are big stock of groceries. In the asked to see to it that their chil rear of the building there is a dren are in school the first splendid, storage room for fresh morning and let them remain in meats and every convenience! during the term. for handling them. The store is Marriage licenses Of tbeee none bave Imq over tbe thou sand-dollar rule except eight which eight have given a total of H3.60U, an average of ll.AX7.Sa The highest of these wee S2.MO." lu Tuesday Mr. L'phsin aupplrnieut ed tbla by submitting tbe full list of to tbe Harding fund .1 L. u I . , ti .1 rtnrr man a iic-ii. uf mi mi, iimi on pronation Dy juagc nespess. . ,. ,, , scripilons of .'.. si each were tbe largest received to date. Tbe quota for the national fund. Mr. I'pham said. Floyd Johnson and James Noel m urn additional onotas for siiai have returned from fftwo months I atate fnmis. but that it mm t "SO r r rent off for rush." He ssM lite .lowing "bulletins m-d! out In iulillian fund aorkera and quotwl rkiruolvely hy (ivvernor Low were -bull" and "saleainanshlti."- The llt- oulillcan budrH. U InslmnL was fur lightly more thsa ta.usi.iasi -Boft GctUack rermits to enter the sute of matrimony were irranted this Children Utweeti the ages of wlhlp!, equipped with an elevator and 8 and 14 rru attend school or lnd Gertie Wade Marehallburg. mis mcani inai me upper noor ineir parenis run a ihk oi paj'i v uue uawrence oi tnway ana will be used for storing goods ing a fine. However no parents "anam Lewis otBettte. The business ofhees arc in the Uhould want to be made to send rir ri tV KtiilHinis a nA 1 wtrt I .l 4 . Sufficiently to give a View Of the Th Srhnrd Bnard hi Undlv 7 1 rava A svrw4 u S ek w4 lal . I " rWM; ,w. " ", "" given us another teacher for this Rumlev Sr. surtained oeen ereaea on ioe water ironi ,ti f; ... s Minfot ininm t-Mi.Kt.u .h;u for the conveniences of custom- Li.m muit u beM-r WOTv hs at work at the plant of the Car ers who come by. boat and -for ,, j.., , Iterrt Lumber Company. A log handlinc fre chL Besides the i...:: u- roiled over on hil foot bruising - - 1 1 rm I Til 1 ILX 1 1 1 u 1 Lam M urr iriun I U II - . , 1 i oaaiy. 11 was a'to leareo wai edandpresenu a much better one of the small borrts in the appearance than heretofore, and foot was broken every thingjl far as possible will be ready for the children when they arrive. N. F. Brooks IVin. vacation with Mr. Managen and twenty four other boys. Mr. Mehagenor Mac astht boys call him was at the heady' of the Second Regiment Band, 19th, In fantry in the war. 1 hey were known as "Mehagen's Junior Band", because none ot the boys were more than nineteen years of ace. They lelt irom Mnston camp- ng along the way, and playing or theatres, lawn parties ana different other things. They visited the following cities: Col umbia.' bdenton. Lnzabeth Uty and Norfolk. Ta. 1 hey spent a Fish Commissioner Resigns J. K. Dixon State Fish Com missioner resigned his position at a meeting of the board in Morehead City last week. ' . A successor to Mr. Dixon will probably be elected at the . regu. lar meeting of the board Decem ber the 8th. In the meantime Assistant Commissioner J. A. Nelson will act as commissioner. Church 'Notice Reverend R.F. Buropas who is sway for his health will, not mum rvrre till next week some SamuH Ooruprrs and HI. as-ortate. L. fij, hU , I Warn tMaaflBaTaMlaaVflt f IM A fTVf If O I - new store Mr. Jones has a large warehouse on front street near his retail store. The "Deacon" as hit friends call him is certain ly well equipped lor doing a I grocery bumness ana they are alt wishing him great success St, Paul's School Opens If I live aiMttlH r rvupte of tear. 1 amgtt to U able t h44 Ml fe Otf teat ti m$ VJ."l"rm 0rtUaa CSirietUala. M Tackle. J4 Taaktai tar tnee tent mv rtisare af eaaetlK) fee a Ma Soa Mly Idea of Um la ferae n i ftlrta tla feel M tba CeU IM tatM largv tlgtl ' SL, P-ul'i school under the managmentofMrs. N. P. Geof froy opened It i Fall action here Monday morning. There wts a very good attendance at the 'opening and the proaptcts seem good for a successful sewkm. week at Norfolk and while there Dlaved at Ocean View. From there they went to Old Point, - . . . . . . . , . i Philadelphia, New lorn ana Wilmington, Delaware, then hark to Norfolk. While at ITnladelphia the boys Dlaved at a League game be tween Philadelphia and Cleve land. Ohio. "Conny" Mac preseixed each bov with a baseball auer the came as a souvenir. The trio cust over $2,000 but they all agree it was worth i as the had the time ol their lives Prelude e Hetaael. tretaal the enaree ,af tle Sfste and rbalodofif abtrti are m44 tote )4s far beanaga ta leruiral tMUiasrata m irve manag niwiu wi m,..-. : . t, c.. r.. i.it bnr kave flnallr an- cofquik 10 yiccciu ywo yu un aoanred thens-Hvee m the mat- May the 26th. Presiding Elder ter at the pre-idr.tia ; i-- Hurley will preach at Ann street I laaV Mftl I T 1 1 BSJ Bf urffi ... - 1 aurd a frtKTt oo tbe cawiinaif evening at eight 0 ClOCK. for the nreeiaenrr in whits iw"nro Co i la pmHelnd a atroager rhara- Tovrn Commlssioncrt plua of orrsnisi lanor uiaa rwnaior ' rZ'I Z I Owing to the fact that there report, which ta etgned by Oaanpeva. was no quorum preseni Monoay Mattfcew WaQ and frank M! Uvenintf the mectinr of the 7"ZZZtZ board called for that night ' was for lUrdJfg aa Member of tbe Obi not fcld. It was decided to have rste aenate and Il ls CnlUd tlMf aenate ea esorej In wblrb organised labor bad a special Intereat. n dbe likewise with Mr. Omiii nwenber of tbe banae In 1912 aoo as grevnae f Ohio ta 101S. UK 191 T- in. 51. Tbe recorda ei tbe raiwiioatn re aaRiiaed np aa f4loa: llsrUlng ravorable.75 aafavoraMe, 10; paired ufavarebiv, 1. Cot" fa voraWa, ; MravaraMe, v. atrbea and AWrastM af lafeeestttess. J ad Tvaktaa ear ee reaana) b Iman't believe all be bear la tbat ba MeJdal pMabty remembee lu Wia the meeting twnorrow night at which time the matter of the tax levy will te taken up. ((Clrtncre mltit:cfi tltnX any other Chill and Fever.' tonte on thenatket, but no one u-ants imilatUms They are dangerous . things in the medicine line, adt f reeaesa av 0eiiaav. la fre rmaatry there la ajarfe) rlsnwr, srltb IMUe nffertagi la a Sa pett atata I Sere la Utile romplalot. bl tsarb n(rtrfag.CbrneC i I . 0

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