u u BEST HOUSES FOR CHICKENS Several Plans and Arrangements Be. tween Two Extremes Which May t . ; .Suit Conditions, . ' f . , . In the manner of housing fowls there . are two systems widely "different In their extremes. At one extreme Is the : colony plan, which consists in placing ; small houses for small flocks ; far enough part to obviate the necessity of fences, thus giving free range with but little mingling of. the different flocks. ' At the other extreme we have the continuous house. "Thla kind, of house consists of a series of separate pens, under one roof, opening directly Into a hallway in the rear, or having doors between the pens without the hallway, or opening Into a hallway and . also Into one another. There are sev eral plans and arrangements between these two extremes wfllch may be built to sultvarylng conditions. - The advantages of the colony plan, according to poultry specialists In the J71 ! u r ! i f i y" "1'""1 1 mi ii ""' t riL" ill Colony Houses Allow i Ranfc Flocks Free - United States department of ogricul , tare, a, first, small flocks on free rangef Jicond, no expense for fencing; third, there is less need for scrupulous '' attention to cleanliness and providing regular supplies of animal and vege ' table feed during summer months. ' This plan, however, has the following disadvantages: First, extra cost' of '- ' ' labor In caring for fowls in stormy weather, when It will often be difficult , to get around to feed and care for the - fowls regularly' second,' bouses built on the colony plan, If built as well. cost more than a continuous house of the same ; capacity, ' for - partitions, 'Which may be constructed largely of -'v wire netting, are much cheaper than two end walls; third, toe colony plan allows only about 100 birds to th acre, while the continuous-house era , tern, with suitable yards, allows 450 to . 600 birds to the acre. DibUs Yci Rso-ir M-" For Automobiles, iriti s ljli es Etc. , - - , " . Our Shop is well Equipped and prepared to do Repair Work of all sorts - Ford Parts, hock Absorbers; Spark Plugs Barbour Brothers ROOSTS FOR UTTLE CHICKS Big Cut in MA TRESSES ' I have a large stock of Matjjesses of all grades and have decided to offer them at Greatly Reduced : Prices. . These reductions are from $ 1.00 to $ 5.00 on each mattress. Come quick and get one or two before they are gone. ", , If you want to, save money on purchases of Hard ware, Stoves, or Paints come to see me. H. C. Jones Difficult to Keep Youngsters Clean K They Are Permitted to Re- ' 'main en Floor. . ... . It is often advisable to teach the hlcks to roost when eight to twelve I - -weeks of age. When they are allowed j xo remain on un noor 11 is uiuicnn 10 :keep them clean and to keep them jfroro crowding. If wide roosts three to four Inches are need there Is but little. If any, more danger of crooked ifcreests thin If the chicks are allowed to remain on the floor. The chicks can generally be taught to roost by putting the perches near the floor and placing with them one or two old bens or older chicks that are la ibe habit of roosting. If th plan Is Inconvenient or does not prov effective, the chicks may be placed on the perches after dark for a few Bights, until they bsve (earned to go there .of their own accord, any poultry peclallsts of the United States depart ment of agriculture. .TEST OUT BROODING SYSTEM greatest Lose Is Due to Chilling Re eelved While telng Transferred From Incubator. Chickens are usually left In Ihe lo rn t tor from 21 to M 'hours after hatching, without feeding, before Iney are removed to the brooder, wbldt should bare been .la operation f"r a day of two af the proper tempera tore for receiving the ehlrkraa, say special' tuts of the .United States department ef agriculture. A beginner should try his brootllog erstem carefully before lie es it After placing the ctilV-lra Is the brooder they can be gtrea feed aM water, Subeeqoeot toes In thick ens Is frequency doe to chill I eg re retted wlille taking lhra from the In cubator to Ihe brooder. They should he moved la a covered basket er re ceptacle in coot or cold weather. Sale Cheap For Shingles Shingles oiiiiiiiiiiii;iiiiiiiiuiiiiiiui.iiiiiiiiiiiiii;iiiiniiiiiiiiiii,iiiiiiiiiiiiiimu;um Just received a Car load of Pacific Coast Red Cedar Shingles guaranteed by the makers for Fortyyears We have bargain prices on these while they last Better buy now they will be higher ' O We carry the best line of Paints would lQtfl tS llke t0 Pve Vu Priccs whcn you need - w. Pamt . Hay, Grain, a Cracked Corn, Ship Stuff, All classes of Feeds We want your business Call and give us a chance "jy Sawed or in the stick For 6aie at all Doing Business at the Old Front St. Beaufort, N. C. Thomas Catamaran on Union . Supply Company C. D. Potter Prop. W.'ALE CIT CFF TC3 L'UCH Atte nct to Wake a Meal ef Paelfts Csbla Proved 'End f Spor- . . , tivo Creature. '. , ; - The direct descendant of the whale that swallowed Jonah flapped hit hugs tall through the tranquil, waters of the Pacific, off Mexico. Ho was hungry hungry for a new sensation. .11 the thrills In that neck of the ocean were .on land, where he Mexicans were con ouerine Mexico.' Idly be shot a colnmn of water through his nose Into the air; What with the submarines out of the sea, life had lost all test for a whale. The submarine Idea flashed through his brain and tickled his ambergris. What a Jolly lark,, to be surel De would . dive below and scare the, sau cer and octopus into a fit Down he went, - -; ;Now,. the All-American Cable com pany,., which took over the : Mexican Telegraph -company, baa some 'tain able rubber-wound copper wires ly ing on the bottom 'Of the ocean off Mexican headlands. They met the gase of our hero.' He seized the long thing In his mouth. It stuck. History has never- recorded any whale who ever attempt ed to eat a Pacific cable and got away with it Our hero was no exception. He struggled, and finally wound him self up in several thousand dollars' worth of Interrupted messages. When the cable repair ships hoye to and grappled for the cable to find out what had r Interrupted comruunlcatlQ:iJe tween Vera Cruz" and Valparaiso, Chile, they dragged to the surface a very dead whale, wound np in sev era! hundred feet of hopelessly com. plicated cnble. i '' Chief Engineer James Mowat, who went ashore; nnd lives In New York, ays this 19 the first whale he ever heard of that tried to ent fl cable. And oiher members of .the crew of hfs ship vouch for the-storyf. . 11 IT C; "H, Bushall :-- Dealer m ' ' Real Estate and Insurane . Your' Business Solicited. " r. j a s Hot Weather Comforts (1 LONG A BRITISH POSSESSION Island of Bermuda Colonized Eight ' Years Before the Mayflower. . Sailed From England. The Island of Eermudn was. discov ered in D13 by a Spaniard, Juan de Bermudez. Nearly 100 years later an English vessel with Virginia colonists was shipwrecked on the isiana, wnicn had been known as the Isle of Devils because of the terrific' storms on Its coast and had been shunned.' Ad miral 8lr George Somers, leading the Virginians, died. His body was taken back to England, where, the colonists told the wonders of the Island. The Virginia company determined to colo nize the Islands, and had Its charter amended to Include Islsnds within 800 lesgues of Virginia. As a result SO colonists were sent out In 1612. eight years before the ' Mayflower sailed. Later the Virginians sold their rights to Bermuda oompsny. which so sub verted the Inhabitants tbat they formed a parliament and fought toi their rights. Three branches of govern ment were devised. Regulations were most severe, and penalUes were of tha most extreme nature. We have lately installed a' New, Sanitaiy Ziiz Tuttsi of the latest model and areTnow prepared to serve . drinkn that will satisfy the mostlfastidious Delicious Frutt Sund aes, Ice Cream Sodas, Milk Drinks and many , other kinds I are served here. . .. ' ' . ' "r. " . : ; ' - -u,, -...i'.i .. " -. '.j - T;' i;. - f-"'V w, 'W . '.. ... . t '','''' -: ' " ' 'v','.'..'.'.,,'-"v"-;0-''n ""v')..v ", ' : .in1 ": '' ' 1 ,' f . - ' - '" . ' ' -'if ' '.'.-f''. S' ' Bathing is fine now but before you go look over, our line of Caps, and Water-wings. All the prestations "that are' for Sunburn are kept here aswell as a big line of pders, per fames and toiletlarticles of all sorts . First Class Pre scription .Department Ia complete line of drugs Ifcmtfrtrt intg (Unmprntij FOR SALE, FINE FARMS AND CITY PROPEREY, We have 75 very attractive and Valuable farma fnr sal. I No better tobacco, cotton, corn, potatoes, and truck farms in' North Carolina. Now is the time tQ buy when you can make one or two crops pay for your farm... Why give half of your' time and labors to the Land Lords? See us for the farm that' win suit you Doin in size ana price. . . i : - - Hagood Realty Company Office: Corner Broad and Middle Streets Upstairs .... OverBradhams Phone 11 5J ISUITS CLEANED and PRESSED CUlt OUT All LOAFER HENS - -. " . . fttaeoa Wtiy e Mtny riecVs Are Uiw feof ttb'e Is tecewse of Pre. . tncs of NoMlsrers, te f proper millng Hm fr bat jwtnt-l to te. In the m)vl(y pf rs il rrioipil ri hr a poul try t,n-k In t-H profttsWe, Tuny ft rri I f-f the lens la H srr fun f'r ('r sre nfinrwlunlre and h.iiM I n(l ft rO. ft mat sltost 12 m jre tsk hf li rewtry mtr. to fi t r 4 f &tm ae; ff iti re tt t.es tlit arfMU&l cf e-t ie U oi pf uf.m le. i ioj v.t ALL WORK GUARANTEED R. M; ONES . .Near Tost Office. Won Hie Honors Worthily. First Sergesnt Dan Daly, undoubt edly the beet-known man In all tbo services, with the exception of Ser gesnt Tork of Argonne fame, bas been placed on the InacUve list of the Ma rine corps reserve. Daly woo two medals of honor for valor In the Boxer rebellion and In tbo rapture of Fort Riviere, In llaltU'and Is said to be the only man In all the services who holds two tnedsls of honor. In the world wsr his feats of exceptional bravery woo for blra the medallle milltalreand the croIx de guerre from France and the distinguished terries cross from General Pershing. Ills passing from the active list to accept a position with a prominent banking bones la ISew Tort removes from the tnnrlnes their ssost picturesque of the "old school soldiers. . ' . (01 i I ill Artificial Wool Not Much Good. Widespread Interest having bee taken In a new artificial wool, an ex hauktive Investigation Into the prop erties and merits of the ftler bss been tnsde by frof. E&ef Mldgley. bead of the department of textile Industries of the Hmdford Technical college.. and United States Cental A. B. Ingram of RradfnnL utnmirljret bis conclusions boot si foUows: . The new flher la unsuitable fnr oe tn splnaing ysrn oo the worsted prin ciple. II being Iseking In pn'formlty of diameter, strength and elasticity, When blrnded with pure wool the re sult 1i en u tie en yarn. Kill That Cold With CASCARA B QUININE rot Colas, Cssli La MegcteJ ColJs ara DarcerouS Wf i reWy Undr tot tbe lis i HfU ep a t.ii In H Wre - turw ALL DRUGGISTS SELL IT ' - iMbdulnf 'the Heohwerm, Krtorts of the camtielgn agnlast Ihe txw(rm In Jamaica condoned by the fnveramrnl and enrert fr fbe BM-tefrlter funda(lo alrily are felt. In Vers, iire of the lnrget snrsr renters ef the rotony, the Is Mrets new wrk alt dure a week, hernia jrcr?y Jhey were aMe f frf.fi mj Ihree. IHI accont f thrir ImprMed ph'ilsl romlifun lsre emler of I lie e orlers are Irerltif isntalra la worli la Ihe rant I Ids In Cabs. D. M. JONES Dealer in Junk. Highest Cash Prices Paid e I I I 1 1 I furniture Furniture Dowdy Brothers Successors to the J. 8. Miller Furniture CO We carry a complete line of Furnitute and House - hold Furnishings, K very thing-for the home ; Agents for the Famous Columbia Grafonpla and records. Tetroit Vapor Oil Stoves, Majestic Ranees and " Heaters. ... Dowdy Brothers I .- " o . "Otsd. Mtn't C'wb. Tha forms'l" of a lien's rlnh max ( the IV) ft erlr tm- bo. l.lle lltlng. ere- ofnrisl.'y ;M-rt t anted In tnlon la t rl. s'OUr, 11 wnt learned at psMonal hve'tqatrtrts of Ihe neVe leg on. t 'tiMsm Weil ef illmft, l, et ff the ".u!t1 M r-4 and left in ihe Pe'd la imr!r, ba cr!pj fcrtua tkm if 1 h an ortMMtb. A tabama . Af inisler Relieved : Stomach Troubles M 'de Him Fctl Sick at Meal Times, . But Now Always Enjoys His Meals.', D .0 YOU e-.jor roar tn.i'it r.i wittwBt the drsad of the after ffsctsf ' U. of appeUu; aal a AUgreealla, tlriUet(omirh tetlinf after msals, wually ladkaie that yosr tfigesUvt argtu tr set wtrslsg properly. As a retail, yea wU vtak, loae wttght a4 lack Ut oatrgy Uat It te Vf de tlTsd from vtll41gite4 lood. A valuable klt ta comcttsf sack aoadJUoas U taeaUoaed by Us Rtv. & X. MtXea!, f Unit I, gertiot, Ala, who writes; 1 had stomsfh tro bla. S bra I would so to eat, I weald tora sick. I took one bottle of ZJroa. aad It eartd me. An atwsys tif tot my meals tad enjoy Ueta. I think It U a floe wedklaa." , if year food harts you. If your arpe tits le poor. If yea are pale, weak sad rua3oa. and have ether srtnston; that Indlrite yar syitent tteds btln, trf tiron. it m trut irea ao ywr tlood sad b'0 Ui yea an. Te It areordlBf t dlrentoaa. aad If Bet eeam4 by the fleet bottle, list r aty back fqtrantee wlU protect yea, Ak ytur trauUt. 4 T II,