.Va i - i - - - - ' - r" f 5 v;. ; I - v -A - i ... -v A'...;. 1 - . II - 1 c r L THE HOME PAPER READING TO THE MIND IS WHAT EXERCISE IS TO THE BODY EVERY THURSDAY "1 T VOLUME X. BEAUFORT. NORTH CAROLINA, THURSDAY, MARCH 3, 1921 NUMBER 9. 1 11 lnll& AUTO DRIVERS MUSTBECAREFUl Board Adopts Stringent Ordi nance Will Pave Court House Square The Board of Commissioners of the town of Beaufort considered and dis posed of several matters of more than usual interest at the regular meeting Tuesday night. Those pres ent were Mayor Bushall, Commission ers Mace, Potter and Whitehurst. The question of protecting people particularly children and -old people, from the automobile menace was dis cussed fully and an ordinance adopt ed looking to that result. The or dinance which goes into effect in ten day, provides that drivers of cars and trucks must come to a stop at the cor ners of Ann and Liveoak, Ann and Turner, Front and Craven, Turner and Front streets. The ordinance also makes Craven a one-way street between Ann and Front, traffic on that street being al lowed to go from Front to Ana, but not the other way. A request from the Womans' Clab and also from the Secretary of the Chamber of Commerce 'asking that some action b taken that would pro vent cattle and other animals from running at largo in the town was pre sented. After discussion a resolu tion was passed amending the ordi nance now in force by doubling the Zees charged for impounding animals The Community Club through its W. Lay, requested CHAMP ER OF COMMERCE DIRECTORS MEET The directors of the Chamber of Commerce held a meeting in their rooms last night for the purpose of perfecting their organization and considering various matters. The following were chosen as the officers of the organization: M. C. Holland, President; Julian Hamilton, Vice President; S. Yoffle, Second Vice- Presidnt; W. L Standi, Secretary; G. W. Duncan. Treasurer. The fol lowing were appointed Chairmen ofi their respective committees: I. E. Ramsey, Front Street committee; A. F. Doane, Harbor Improvements; Dr. C. S. "Maxwell, Hospital; G. W. Huntley, Wharves and Freight Depot; Dr. C. S. Swindell, Street Paving; J. r A. Hornaday, Jr., Civic Improve ments. Membership Teams, G. W. Huntley, Captain first team; Dr. C. S. Swindell, Captain second team. The matter of organizing a hotel company was discussed thoroughly and it was agreed that'action would be started at an early date. It was decided that the regular monthly meeting of the board of directors should be held on the third Monday of each month. COTTON SELLING CAMPAIGN IS ON Growers Start Signing Up Co operative Selling Con tracts COMMUNITY CLUB MEETS The Music Department of the Community Club held its regular monthly meeting on the fourth Thurs day afternoon in February, at the boms of the Vice-Chairman, Mrs. H. M. Hendrix. After a short business session pre sided over by the Chairman Miss Mary C. Wilhelm, the musical pro gram was then rendered. The subject for the afternoon was Kreisler, the foremost violinist of the ! RALEIGH, March 1. The sign up campaign for the Cotton Growers Cooperative Marketing Association is now on, and according to A. W Swain, Sec-Treas. of the N. C. Di vision of the American Cotton Asso ciation, will continue until 100 per cent of the cotton growers have signed the marketing contracts. A number of Wake County farmers were waiting to sign the new coope rative association contracts when they came from the press, and Clar ence Poe, of the Progressive Farmer, signed the first one before the print er's ink was dry. A life long advocate of coopera tive marketing for farm products, Mr. Poe is acknowledged to be one of the best informed men on coopera tion among producers in the United States. He has made a study of the subject in Denmsrk snd other parts of Europe, as wall as having followed the growth of the movement in tbe United States. He has every confi dence in the success of the present, or, commodity, plan of cooperative mar keting of cotton, which ia based upon the experience of successful coopera tive marketing association of grow ers on the Pacific Coast Dr. B. W. Kilgore, Director of the N. C. Agricultural Extension Service and Experiment Station, signed the second contract, while Dr. Joyner, Presidnt of the N. C Tobacco Grow er's Association, signed the third con- MONTHLY REPORT OF BEAUFORT GRADED SCHOOL Enrollment Boys 195, girls, 205, total 400. Average daily attendance Boys 162, girls 177, total , 339. Absences Boys 333, girls 360, total 683. Tardies Boys 166, girls 107, total 263. Percent of enrollment f attending daily Boys 94, girls 94. total 94 The Honor Roll for the first seven grades is as follows; First Grade Ernest Ford, Louis Hooper, Shelton Lupton, Majoria Fodrie, Esther Lawrence, Lucy Grey Norris, Thelma Norris, Lorena Olsen, Annette Yoffie, Ethel Blake, James Potter. Second Grade Herman Austin, FORTIFY ISLANDS OFF WEST COAST Congressman Advocate Strong Fortifications For Pacific Coast WASHINGTON, March 1. (Spe cial correspondence) Congressmen John F. Miller, of Washington, is an earnest advocate of stronger fortifi cations for the Pacific Coast, He has worked out a plan for protecting each of the big cities of the coast through the locating of guns on outlying is lands. He would have Santa Catali- James Dixon, Winfield Fodrie, Wren na Island the center of defense for Guthrie, Raymond Paul, Virginia p.dn) Bay harW Q.f Angeles. The island lies 19 miles off Brickhouse, Nellie Gray Congleton, Agnes Goodwin, Elizabeth Greenleaf, Eleanor Jones, Verna May Springle, Mattie Weeks, Mildred Willis. Third Grade Evelyn Chadwick, Mattie Day, Aleise Killingsworth, Alvelta Skarren, Mildred Earl Willis, Sallie Bell Willis, John Lewis Barber, Joseph Dixon, Earl Schneider, Ern est Snowden, Nat White, Jack Willis, Callas Robinson. Fourth Grade -Charlie Darling, Clarence Guthrie, Frank King; Ruby AusUrt,' Fannie Caffrey, Priscilla Doane, Virginia Hows, Hazel No, Clyde Norcom, Lillian Rice, Annis Laura Rumley, Susan Rumley, Rita Yoffie, Charlie Jones. ' . Fifth Grade Hattie Fulcher, Luel k Goodwin, Madeline Gabriel, Lore na Harper, Ruth iKIIingsworth, Mar garet San ford, Helena Willis, Myrtle Whitehurst, Minnie Yoffie, John Bar bour, Frank Campbell, Albert Gas kill, Clyde Ramsey. Sixth Grade Lucile Brickhouse, President Mrs. G. inai a proposition or r . K. Bell to put world. Alter a Drier sicetcn or nis trapt A nllmher of leadinir Wak garbage cans on the streets free of life by Mrs. Leslie Davis, two Victro-! County farmers have already signed Margaret Dill, Ruby Rich, Maude cost to the town be accepted. The ; records by the famous musician up anfJ the campaitrn ia ,to be Parkin, Vivian Parsons, Glennie Paul. p-rmUsion was granted. I were given as loiiows: ine uream launcbe(, ln a counties within C R. Wheatly came before the .of Love," and "Chauson India," ( next few weekB. board and stated that the County Song of India). Next came a vocal i ' Commissioners and the School Board !solo, "Kreisler's Cradle Song", which were willing to pay half the costs of ;wss beautifully sung by Miss Wil putting cement sidewalks around the helm. After several enjoyable pi school and courthouse square if the ano selections by Mis Ethel Gaitloy the coast and rises to a height of 2, 000 feet, making it an ideal site for fortifications. Mr Miller points to the Farallon Islands, ,28 miles west of the Golden Gate, as the natural point of defense for San Francisco. ( At prsent there is nothing on them but a single light house. The largest is about three-fourths of a mils ln each direction, and about 860 feet fn height. According to the Congress man, it could bo developed into an Im pregnable fortress. The sea la so scattered with islands at the entrance to Paget Sound that Mr. Miller con siders that a (loot offers the only pro tection to the cities of Seattle and Tacoma. He declares that the ex posed position of these two cities to naval attack would not be tolerated for a moment if they were on the At lantic Coast Local News Items A maleless operetta was given at the Seabreeze Theatre Tuesday night and despite this drawback was a great success."Wild Rose" which was the name of the operetta was given main ly by the High School students snd wss for the benefit of the school plsy grounds. All of the parts were feminine ex cept one that ofa boy which was well played by Miss Msy Belle Neal. The singing, acting and costumes - were good and the performance was thor oughly enjoyed by the large audience that packed the house. The folloy ing young ladiees took part in the per formance, Misses Mary C. Wilhelm, Thelma Garner, Annie Neal Jones, Nellie Jones, Daphne Paul Estell Caf frey Georgia Neal, Alice Potter, The resa Higgins, Lola Hu'dgins, Clyde Neal, Mary Felton, Nellie Richardson, Vera Longest Eva Thomas, Florence Parkin, Maybelle Neal, Mary E. Nor- . com, Lucy Lay, Annie Clyde Swell, . Margaret Skarren, Lucy Beacham, Estelle Yoffie, Pansy Gaitley, Lucille Rice, Mrs. G. D. Potter Jr. On last Thursday evening Mr. and Mrs. N. W..Taylor celebrated the for tieth anniversary of their marriage by givin a reception which was attend ed by s large number of their friends. Besides many congratulations and wishes for many years more of marri ed life Mr. and Mrs. Tsylor were the recipients of a large number of gifts that testified the esteem in which they are regarded Explanation Wanted Senator Reed Smoot, of Utah, es- The location of the proposed fish scrap and oil factory on Bogue Banks near Fort Macon, mentioned in this the STATE NEWS Mrs. John McNeil, 60, of Goodwin was struck by a train and instantly paper last week, is strongly opposed tizens hers and in More As a result of action tak- killed. She was attempting to cross shows the number of boys 27; girls ment on Honor Roll boys 17; girls 33, total 25. WEATHER REPORT SHOWS FEBRUARY WAS MILD MONTH Everybody knov:s fiat the weither "PPropi iution for exemption amount- town woild pay the other half. This the hostess nerved delightful refresh- h , ks when ,h . j ..ruck her "2. total 79. Percentage of enroll- ''"WW", all proposition looked good to the Board ments. and so they accepted it and instruct- The music dpartment has planned ed the Mnyor to see tbout getting the a number of instructive and pleasing money needed for this and also to buy programs for the future Their aim a new engine and dynamo. is to benefit and bring pleasure to our A resolution was pi?ed providing community in a musical way. for holding the election Nwhich is to All those who are lovers of mu be the first Tuesday after the first sic or interested in this department, Monday in May. The follow ing were, whether they have any especial tal appUntcd to hold the election: Reg- ent in this line or not, are urged to lstrar, . H. Ramsey; Judges, S. D. join this branch ol the Community . ji, to a decision reached by the doubting Thomases. Delamar and D. J. Godwin. The Reg- Club. tobacco board of tiade of that city u report furri'hed the istrar was authorized to employtwo The next meeting will be held on thi, .,,, that t;1e aiM co.. women to help at thepolls if needed, the fourth Thursday afternoon of tinue apjn x;mately three weeks long The Ilonrd then took a recesn to tkis month March 2;th, U the h tiie jr meet next Tuesday at eight o'clock, of Mr. Will Mace. MRS. W.-A. MACE. Sec a l r i- -caa- uuiairn ai ii.uuu.uuu.uuu. ana rson. StZ rh.ZTZ: Guthrie! -tor Joseph Frelinghuy.en. of New b h " t ci Jersev. at tha amount nead 'v- Kinrgaret n.anuy, viirut ainiywun, - . lui i, Ruth Brickhouse. Elizabeth Rumley,, that the Treasury propose, to remit ! Jj 0 MoT Lvdia Parkins Rufus White to i(wr interests in taxes on account ucei' the Genr"' "-mb,JI Jf Ljdia tarKins, KUIUS wnue. ..... . Huv hv Senator Hamilton forhiddino- thi Honor P.oll 01 oDsoience or property. " "As I ' . . . XL;. . . . " understand it", stated Senator Fre- owances are being A summary of STATE BANKS WIN THE FIRST ROUND IN BATTLE STOP I .LOOK! LISTEN! MONROE, Feb. 2. The appVs- The Community Club tea r.ni wi.l tion of the federal reaerve bank to be opened Saturday. March ;th. remove the cae brought by the North fom 2 P. M. until ! P. M.. over Mar- Carolina bank against it to restrain tin It Kings grocery Uorc its returning checks dishonored, pay- he following Chicken Slad. Two mercantile establishments in Kinston were damaged to the extent of $200,000 in Kinston byjire one night recently. It required several hours for the firemen to get the blairr under control. this winter han been (,uite mild but it The Rocky Mount !"if tobacco mar- it nevertheless a good thing .to give ket will close Fridiy, March 18, ac- figure sometime for the beneit f Accordirg to News by Mr. ( has. HntM'!l who keeps fie record fi.r the V. S. Weather Hureir.i. Keh t Mai y made a very g mil show! ;u. whether it i in nccoidi-ne with the liMHiiid I n theory or not. Accord it. ir n thf rep irt t eie v.ee il.ljf. pilMiy ( ICUHV dllll " I ,ouii. o:ie. The pi et fjntat .on I'.or.th u ." and granted by the Internal Revenue sec tion to brewers, to distillers, and to liquor dealers, which in some cases amount to fivetimes the sum allowed to individual corporations; in other words, Congress will have to face an any establishment ol tnls Kind in that locality. It wss thought that the bill would pass without any oposition. i I.. Outl ind. of T ir'.ioro. a director of public h" hu ilth Dr. C re -igneil in Ktijrecombe r u ity to aet-pt a vt Mt!i tin- inter -allied relief coiiiinis ion to Europe. Pr. Outlund wiil lie cut to Serbia to take charp of hos pitals there. 1 cle-ir M Ciollll for the 1-1(1 inches till of ment of vrhlch bad been tendered in accordance with the North Carolina law, and refued, rnme up before Judge J. His Riy in the Superior court of I'nton county today, and af ter argument of counsel the court de clined to order the case removed to the 1'nlted SUlea court on the ground ne'iu will lie serveu ; Sardwic Hot Chocolate Coffee Ice Cream and dike Cand.e The public Is invited to attend. REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS Joe (i'.enn of Winston Salem, one ' of the owners (if Krown's War'-h.iuse suffered a stroke of paralysis the pst week at hi home and is reported to be in a serious condition. He is a young man being only 3H years of age. which rain ex-pt .1 rl nh't no full o. c (1-y. The b.we-t that the ti eri.ionieter recoiiied was 3r de gree and tnis mi jrred mi two di)s, the i:!.h a:d 2." lb. S. eral days d.iri .g ti e i.o"t i the thermometer leached the sixties and on lh" l"th it recorded a ir.axt.i.iiiii of de grees. The tempctature f.r tr.e mo nth lay by day is gi.cn below. i;ig to $2,000,000,000, to be returned to ditillers. liquor dealers, and sa loon keeper of this country." Mr. Frehrghuysen called attention to the fut that in mrt instances taxpayer are compclle I to sue for a return of taxe paid, but in the cases cited, thrnuph a mere ruling "the Treaiury in going to he looted" to the extent of at leist f 2.00(1,000.(100. It is the purpose of Senator Smoot to have the Commissioner of Internal Reve nue appear before the Finance Com mittee of the Senate, and explain the reaoi which governed him in grant ing the remisrions. Service laattimabla. A bill has been introduced in the Legislature which provides that the commissioners of Beaufort shall hold their meetings on the first Monday of each month in the day time and that they shall receive five dollars a day for their services. If they do not at tend and have no good excuse they are subject to a line of fifty dollars. The object of thin law is to induce a regular atendance on the part of the commissioner. It goes into effect May the first. The weather this week has been very mild and more like May than March. It has been so warm that lires are halilly necessary except in the evenings and early in the morning. CLEAN UP WEEK Congressman Cleveland II. Newton Th' (,vic I-P"rtment of the Com- f Mi- uri. is . strong supporter of mu,1,l' ' ,ub n"1'1 ,U n,unlhy the bill propping to rrtin Maj. Gen. Crowder with tne rink of l euteiant trenerai, in recognition of hi service mcelii.g in the Old Topsail Club room on Tnunday March 10th, at ::. I. M. K.eiy member and olnera In- Only a few real estate transfer Beside owning and operating it that it wa not a removable cause and bn recorded thi week by the own w,i,r work, electric plant, ice retained JurMiction of the case. R ,tr of ""d- Thy "r plant, opora house and a railroad four The restraining order heretofore r,low,: mile long, the little town of Warren- granted remain In force In favor of Nel" H. Taylor and wife to C. ton wth les than 1.000 population is all banks In North Carolina that have N- Msaon 1J acre in Marlowe town- ,1m, building a hotel to coat IUO.000 been, or may herafter become, parties h,P' conideratlon f 1 5. to be paid for by a bound Uane. to said caoae. Counsel for the fed C harlie Lewi and wife to Fernle eral reserve bank announced their In- Yeoman 11-24 of an acre on ilar- Approximately one hundred bouse Untion of filing the record in the Island, consideration $25. are either for rent or tor sate in United Stat district court for the' & Gorham and wife to Elbe Y.,AHeville according to the realtor of western district of North Carolina. Wlahaar.lela s. 7, I, and 10 in'aaaaetae sard hrdletooiiicnifwjrpeUe sitting at Charlotte. Thereupon the .square HI M or a ad City, eonidra-jtho snounUln eltf. Tbe caoao st- eounasl for the North Carolina bankt tlon 11,000. will file s asotion In the United State crt U remand said c.se to the U. MCNRY INJUEtO iUU eoort. . The aseatJoai f the JsrWlctles sf C- H7 s yeung ntgre saea who Ue Uslted Rutoa eoert Uoa raiaed is deaf sad dsssb was atrwrk oa the win be feegbt to a nalaa. la the heod Meaday asoraleg by a Welti a Maatlaie the roatrslalag srdsr re-' the bases of Leake Wsakraftoa, al- ate Max. Mm. pate Max. Min 1 ..&7 3: 15 ..VJ 41 2 ..46 40 I A . 6J 44 3 ..r,4 37 17 . ft r.r. 4 ..fiO ) l ..3 4.1 5 ..62 46 10 ..54 36 6 ..66 45 20 ..63 46 7 ..65 46 21 .47 36 I ..65 54 22 . 52v 36 9 ..66 45 23 ..61 40 10 ..60 II 24 ..56 40 11 ..63 51 26 .50 35 IS ..5 3 26 .54 37 II ..17 36 t7 ..6t 47 14 ..II 50 21 ..51 41 as provost marshal general in th war t'i este-l in cleaning up and be-utify- II. g our town are urgently re quited to attend. MRS. A. J. COOKE. Rec'y ("ivlc Department. CLEAN UP WEEK. Some member have rrlticixed the measure because it MeL to give re ward to an officer who stayed in Washington, while many who fought in France are denied imllar recogni tion Mr. Newton emphasiied the fart' that It wa no fault of General The Civic Department of the Com Crowder that he did not go overseas, munity Club has designated the week After he had perfected the a" raft ma- beginning March the 14lh as clean rhmeiy he went to the Secretary of up week. All cltiiens re urged to War and begged to be put in com- cooperate In the effort to pat the , , mnd of a division, but he wa in-, town in a cleaa and attractive condi- i formed that be could not be prd(Uon. from bl work of raising sa araty.i SOUND VIEW ITEMS "Thla service did not appeal to the CELEBRATE popular fancy," declares Repreaata Ue Newton, "but It was a servtee if ally as aeceeaary sad difficult a any jaervkw rendered la Fraace; for with- s1m la tores. CotmeoJ for the banker of Nerta Carolina were very antra gratiled Ual (be Jadge bold the act f ftbr- ary I, 1911. poasod for their irotoe iso colored, aad saatataod a osrioss lajary. A cat sversl Incboa Uag wss saade la bis scstp sad bled prefaaeli, le soeaM Ual Ue two asea ba boea pranking wllk eocb ether sad that trlbatod for this Is the ever sbaaging aopalajeaa. SUsley Kerlse of Aabevllle baa broagkt ssltscalaal Ue Southern rail- Tbe road are getting so bad , 'eat Us daaft aa adeqaaU arsay coald way la Ue sera of ID.OOO far tbe raa barely get to towa. but base aewjavt bar boea raised; and wlUoet sa loas of aa eye. Il Is slleged that tbal the reanty ka besght a $lJi!eai Cea. Fersblng cesld aet bavs while working la a a t as sol ea Ue Ford that aenie one will tears tbe achieved vecea, saoaaUla between Ridgocreat sad Old eoaditiea of traveling la Ult seek of rert wlU laaafkisat light Ue plah. Ue roaaty. MARtlACK LICENSES tif saaUlaed perssaaent lajerie to1 Tbe frwaidnt elect will uke ku - bia eye trova lying (rsgaien'ts. ot Friday. That la Ue bt tking, The fetlewtng hsve roceived atar- SILVER WEDDING tWn. to be a valid law for Ue state ) Wssblngtoa got angry snd asade Ue ef North Carolina, and that Ue Inter !saaalt upon Henry. Washington peeuUoa Uat Ue law rlghtfally be long to Ue reerta ef NerU Carolina, yet and I think every body ought to rkege Ikeaae roeeaUy and not to Ue eeurta of Ue. Us lied mate. five negro prUontr rpd from celebrate that day. Cumkerland roaaty Jail at Fayette We ha all sort of slacking was put la jail and held there till tke villa Wednesday algbt by sawing every night. ru!l of his stuck upon Ue route bole Urougb Ue top of Ue cell. The WlU so math rata I am afraid Uat ooaldbeeoon. Laat night Henry a negro were awaiting for trial en tt will prvent many front planting and reporid to bo gtUag aUng very well, minor charges, I there will be a small crop raUod. RomII WlliUaaa (telTand Martha Ward, MerebeSd City. Robert Hell (col) asd, Alice Jenoa. WUdwood. hey Willis snd Bessie Bees fort Mr. and Mrs. Paul W. tiacke cele brated Ueir silver wedding Uat Set srday even lag at Uelr be ate coraar Taraer aad Asa atsoeta. OmJy tbe iatssodlate wetabonf Uo.Uiaily were prrnt A alee aOver gift by their ckUdrea win be txaastaal ro- In e'er ef Uelr bavlag roockod Ue e.erterof a ceatary aiUe foot ka Uelr Jeeraey tbroagb life tegsUer. i i ii . HOUR Of WO. 3 H LP CHANCED Tbe Saadoy bujkt servWes at Cut Methodist, Boptlat aad EpiacopU ckorvbos wOl bo h.ld at t JO P. M Sadler. Instoad af 1 f M, Wginaing Suaday I algbt March . 1