THE HQMEJAPErU') 3" G READING TO THE MIND IS WHAT EXERCISE IS TQ-THE BODY EVERY THURSDAY VOLUME X. BEAUFORT, NORTH CAROLINA, THURSDAY, JUNE 2, 1921. NUMBER 220 BEAUFORT TEAM WALLOPS KINSTON Large Crowd At New Ball Park Sees Home Team . Get Three Straights WILL LICENSE OCEAN CABLES Cables Cannot Be Landed Without License. Other h Washington News LARGEST CLASS MAKING PLANS FOR FORM ATHLETIC ST. PAUL'S FINALS WILL GRADUATE GLORIOUS FOURTH ARE INPROGRESS f . . Last week the Beaufort baseball club met and defeated in three straight games probably the strong est team that it has yet encountered. The victim on this occasion was the Kinston club which seems to be made up partly of Kinston men and play ers fnom various other places. Some of the players in the outfit that was here will be in the league team which Kinston is organizing so it is under stood. The young men who com posed the team made a very agree WASHINGTON, May 31. (Spec ial Correspondence) Congressman Samuel E. Winslow, of Massachu setts, called up and had passed hrough the House the bill, already Agreed to by the Senate, to prevent the unauthorized landing of subma rine cables in the United States. The measure directs that cables shall be landed or operated only after li cense therefor have been issued r by the President. Cables now in ope ration. may continue to operate for 90 days without such a license. The ii 1 1 able impression on ine peopie nere. i Pl.esideI,t s empowered to revoke They stayed here several days and ; iicenses whenever such action will were a very gentlemanly well be- promote the interests of the United haved lot of boys. Any time they States. After the intent of the choose to come back they will mtl UJ b..n c-pl3ined by Mr, with a hearty reception. Winsiow it was passe(i practically The first game of the series was unanimouav. played last Thursday and was won Dy Beaufort after a close and exciting contest by the score of four to three A crowd that in numbers and enthu siasm would have done credit to a ; much larger town than Beaufort was; changed so as to permit them to car present to witness the game and ry airplanes. While he favors the War Birdi For Naval Arki. Senator Irvin L. Lenroot, of Wis consin believes that the design of the war vessels now building should be In The History Of The Univer sity This Year List Of Graduate Is Largest CHAPEL HILL, N. C, 'May 31. The largest number of students that ever won degrees in the century and a quarter of university history will j Committees Are Busy 'With. Preparations For The Big Celebration Here Preparation ' for the big celebra tion here on he fourth of July have been gotten undr way and it now ap pears that the affair will be a big success. Lieutenant E. Walter Hill receive their diplomas from the hand land his corps of assistants have of Governor Cameron Morrison at (about worked "out their plans and are the one hundred twenty-sixth com-("K ahead now finishing the de mencement at the University of tails- The finance committee . has North Carolina, June 12-15. , been at work for a or and With addresses by former Secre-!have sccured a nsiderablc sum of tary of the Navy Josephus Daniels, montt although more is needed, to Governor Morrison, President Chase, ,Pay the cessavy expenses of the un and many of the alumni, and with , deakl"gj luesaay evening me neaas 01 me various committees held a meeting in the rooms of the Chamber of Corn- cheer the boys on to victory. construction of two large ships for the baccalaureate sermon by the Rev. Charles E. Maddry, secretary of the Baptist state convention, the coming commencement promises to be the largest ar.d most important Chape! Hill has ever known. Mr. Daniels' address, the most im portant speech of the commence ment, will be delivered Wednesday morning, June 15. From the same platform Governor Morrison, attend ing his first university commence ment as governor, will hand degrees to more than 170 men and women. The senior class, ranges up close to merce and discussed the various de tails of the program. It was dcjded to make the parade one of the big feautures of the day and everybody who owns an auto in or around Beau fort is urged to decorate it and join the parade. A prize of $5 will be given for the best decorated auto or vehicle. A prize of $10 will be giv en for the best decorated float and one of $15 for the best boat. In the horse race a prize of $25 will be ASSOCIATION HERE Officers and Board of Govern ors Elected.City To Be Canvassed For Support An athletic association has been formed in Beaufort and the affairJ School are in progrss this week and . , ,, , ". j , 1 (given tne winner and 10 for tad 130 and the number of graduate do- . 1 0W8 ... 0 Second in the The slow uiuls In the first two inninrs neither I the special purpose of carrying air- side scored tut in the Jitter part of P"nes, he insists that each battleship the Jhird, J. CafTrey whom Sum- snouia nave p.anes as a part oi v , which be & comed evpnt merell, Kinston's boxman, had kind- Ircgular equipment. Senator . Len- ever before Registrar T J. Wilson ,. . 4. :.. :.:a ; n,af vlsw hv Evsrnl Lit thmlcR the total number maV ex-1 . ly given a free ticket to lihrst, scored f' " "j r-,- ' J ' ! mule. All entries for these races tfiu'st be in by the 15th of the baseball club will be in its iiands from now on. Every effort will be made to give Beaufort a win ning team and to secure some good games on the local grounds. The of ficial report 01 the meeting by Sec retary John Robinson follows: Quit) a number of Beaufort citf zens assembled in the Old Topsail club rooms Monday night at 7 :30 for the purpose of organizing an athletic association so as to make a better baseball team for Beaufort. G. W. Mebane was elected chair man and John Robinson secretary. Short talks were made by Manager Brocks and others including J. H. Dill, W. W. Chadwick, 0. W, Dun can, N. P. Eure, A. T. Gardner, E. Walter Hill, M. C. Holland and W. G. Mebane. Manager Geo. J. Brooks and Capt. James CafTrey were com plimented as to the efficiency of the Beaufort team. After this a call for members were mas made for the As sociation under a special arrange ment as to dues which were as fol- Excellent Programs Ard Being Rendered By Students In . Creditable Manner. The closing exercises of St Paul's ... i e i iv-i iu- 11 1 it..i. 1 an on a three-bagger by Big EM Skar of m coueuos. wno ieri ia u.e i . s ron. the Babe Ruth of the Beaufort n.val battles of the future will be The full program calls for Sunday. team. C. R. Wheatly, chairman of Rice the home team's catcher largely decided, by the supomnty of Juno 12. to be y two .m-1 u have55rseadeeath etaoin eta etaoina Boys fourteen and not over seven teen, $1.00; 18 and not over 21, $2.50; others a regular fee of $5.00 tne i nc iouowing is a list oi volunteer got a nice single between short and "I'l""" third and Skarren came home. Char- Confrcrt At Quantico. lie Thomas sent a grounder to second l'p n invitation cf Secretary of nd was safe at first while Rice was tin Navy De.iby. many in 'mbcrs of forced out at second. Thomas stole the House have paid a visit to thi second in a jiffy and when Guthrie Marine Corps base ut Quantiuo, Vir hit a hot one by first, came in home (ginia, a few miles down the Potomac like a race horse. HudglnS fanned from Washington. It was at that and the Ride was out. rtation that jmvt of the marine eon- Beaufort !cored again in the fifth tingents -e:'.t overseas were trained, when Thomas touched Sumnierell an 0 f; roils Fifih nnd Sixth He,' for a'two bagger and rcorcd on Guth- ;,m.njs lf 'aii:is : rc now t'-.e-.e. rie's hit. Kinston got two nin ii ltii!c.i t Hireling placed his yacht, the sixth ami one in the ninth, no inv Mayflower, at the disposal of tV.c other tallies having been made by ev.iiKre.uu n for lie d iy. Kcpro either side. C. Hudgins. Beaufort's RPntative Jr, W. Good, of lov.a. are pitcher, was in ti c box in the lno Chiiivn : n cf he Appvopriation tirvt game and wn invincible crept t . mi : : . Mrrcd hi cilbag'ie t.i in two inning?. The heavy hittir'- nl:ie the trip, saying th;,t of the Benofort team was a feature ,.or,t-u t t t thini; ; u;m which of the On Friday another Lin e crowd wan out nd Beaufort win nra the wore this time 10 to'" a"l it wax n regular lure':ig match. K. lludgin-t was in the box for Beaufort nn.l nlthoueh be win a little wild To nortant sermons, the baccalaureate by Dr. Maddry in the morning and the annual Y. M. C. A. vesper serv ices on the campus in the nfternoon with the Rev. W. D. Moss, of Cha.iel Hill Presbyterian church preuv.i"g. members: Tf rMl tt a a n cure some man of national rcputa-! "r, rnona tion for the day and hopes to be able Wheatly, A. T. Gardner, E. W. Hill, to announce something definite about "'" c'ure w. naa- it next week. The tpeaker' rtand wuk- nttman, Prof. O. II. rer- will be located cn the courthouse Kuson. C1al,d Felton,. M. C. Holland, o,i rsairmn v H s.v i V- C. S. Maxwell, Sam Yoffle, V. G. Monday, June 13. will be clai . ,ftoHng oftr havinK this bulIt. Mebane, John Robinson, S. A. Thom- with the final exercises of the sen or 0ne of thp mort impi)rt3r,t thing, ns, C. K. Howe, M. L. Davis, Newman class. Tie orations lor tne wtiiic; P. Mangum medal will take .ce in they r.iu.t p'i5 frr more v :h',e as U gi'l.itors v.-a "f t'.'ar1 state 'e'H : by ;',,: '.i.'iv'.t ."r..'.'.l the 1! xir oi ;'H- HoUrV. Effeci: C.i D'.o Intioduced. Conirrevsman Nicholas Ionrsworth the morning and the last class nee'-i:-g in the afternoon under the his toric Davie popbr. .U:nuii will hold the center if :he tare Tut d iy, June 11. The elec tion of a president of the alumni as sociation to Hiicieed R. W. P. Connor vi address by President ( ha-e. and ' :!k by v pi e: en'.ativ . of ea' h of li reunion ch'-c vi'I ici-U t ie ilumni i.i -etirg in t' e m irning. (iovet'nor Mori o i i'l .!! the iluurii i.rui.ei'n a alumni. The trie! r : - r . . j T to be done is that of decoratirg the w,l, JKl i oner, anu rui jones. town. All private reridences should The Prs and umpire were made use flags and such other de orations honorary members and not subject a they choose and it u; re iie tel to l'e!- that all business houses Use n p'enti- I A bM,nl of Eavernors were elected ful supply of bunting Vd fylluW': Most of the decoration should be John Kobinaon, Jmes CalTrey, J. last night a large attendance was ' ',' ' present o bear the band orchestra recital. An excellent program was ' , rendered which was greatly enjoyed . ' by those present. Tomorrow even- .' ing at 8 o'clock the piano rcital will take place and a program as follows . will be given: - 1 ' Orchestra- March '-The Fortuno Hunter."''. , .''.. ' ' "Valse In E flaf'-i-Mattie King Han. j cock. ' , "Salut A' Pesth" Mamie ' Wolfe, t Bessie Campbell, Mattie K. Han-; i cock, Louise' Smith. '.' ' Baritone Solo "Non o' Ver" Jas ' ' Potter. ' " .'" '' " " '.'Melody In F' Sarah Davis. Monologue "Daisy's Practice Hour" Elsie Nixon. "Rustle of Spring" Mamie Wolfe. Orchestra "La Manola" . , "IdUio." Bessie Campbell. - - - Recltation"If I Could Be By Her". Eiwood wniis. ;.' ' ' "Barchetta" Emms Taylor. Violin Solo "Flower Song"--Grace , ' -Over the Snow" Emma" Taylor, r7 Louise Smith, William Wolfe and Rose Potter. OifchestraOverture. The Commencemnt sermon will be delivered Sunday morning' at J1:00 , o'clock by Dr. Cheatham 1n St. Paul's'; church. On Monday at 9:30 diplo- mas, promotions and so on will be . awarded. i . . St. Paul's band is planning to leave here next Wednesday on a trip1 down the Sound that will last for several days. MarshallbufgT Davis, Atlan- tic and Ocracoke will probably . be' vbited. N ' .i e.c:..l n.i.t IQ the ... i .,( niii... oi.e of the n.en-he s of ibe one or two innings r.c scuiei oov.n - . ;.d after that pitched a very good , Way. and ?Iean, C om,n,ee no v en : . k. .Ki. o.m. ,, gageo m iranur.K n I.- afuriii.o:i. the ret':. mg hold their nfcc i dav will el . e with he spe classes will . and the oil pri'se.v put up by Saturday before the lointh. Arrangements for giving a di.mer to the veterans of the 'm and all other wars me be';'.:: looked after ly the laiiie i i i'r;;j and so nil the soldier need t (i.i is t i inirg a good rppetile. USE Tr E G REACE CANS ROOK PARTY Miss Nannie Potter entertained a few friends at Rook Tuecday nigat, thore prcent'were: Mrs. II. it. Hen drix, Mrs. Barber, Mrs. C. L. Max- Jwill, Mrs. FergUHon, Mrs. W. L. Ilat- the leception to the aljnini. W.Mlnixljiv. June r.'. ci.mminie- H. Dill, Geo. J. P.rooks, G. W. Dun can, N. I . ture, and Kaymond rr.i mi M in atii, anil 1,1 1 1 uii; ruiiui unri , . . .., cers of Pre-ident. Vice-Prer.ident j'- ' , and permanent .ecretary and treas-! 1 Br- ,lr"' . T urer were elected. - I'otUr, Mrs. John Chadwick, ; J. Ii. D;ll ar.d Geo. J. Brooks werc'M"- W. V. E. Potter Mrs. G. D. PoU put in nomination far president of tcr r5 W. H.-While, Sal the association but were withdrawn. Broadhurtt, Misses 1 0 Arring G. W. Dancua' a:,dH. FergMon Uur Thomas, Annie Morton. u ..n,it,t. t.i l.t.iAfp 'and Julia Rumlty. . .. . . S , .f the fommuii-y Club was induced to let his name! Six tabrl. ef rook w.aplayed after of the t..oliiinjni. . lun ... ... . .. 1,i,V, . Am i no lem roniv vu .' served. ' ." come before the n3ociation tnd tHc ffunie twice cauim. inm t,i"r - , Though he got .piked, ,10ft it out to'.W bill. h,s introduced a r,,u;:i v.m the fmal h ft i h idirerUnr ht th rates as given in ,,u.ri.itie, ,n J!em ;:1 II..U. the ad- Onl'of the peculis thing, .bout" the bill he;, it shall be reported w d by Mr. IWK HIi,, lhe p.e- thi. game was that the pitcher after the Home .Sail go into tent.tion of diPl.,mu. The Indie t .tion cf he Carolina PI..) ' maker and . ., ..,.1,., iV-win;- b. nana and orange peelirgs. p-r" lhrre ni"5al wcrc volw on B ,irn.i which h oauox. Alter ire nauoia were coun- K. Howe other lra:h on th.e ratj-e- gerier.-I y prncti ed ill stopred now. A number of k'nba MOREHEAD CITY NEWS NOTES. . . ti,- mnniii,. Iii.fir th title walking ix men in Miccenoon, Tore-, . , , ... A . .: i. - Hr.H ..vrrv .nan '"Joint resolution to safeguard tie the M-ronil. third, and rourtn in--; mn,u., , . , g- by the fan rout Kintn only I It has been referred to the ..,s and e L earned run of the vc, ; Mean, fonmuttee for crn I 1 ne auopnon oi mt nu'iuwi ......... have the effect of putting a protect- G. Hadirin(ive UrliT upon our statute look vvi.h,.r,t everl weeks, if not months, in ad .iii.'iiifi iiu i nil . in the second, third, a ning mm to her credit. Th third 'nrm vith tbe K n'. n- inns wa on Sulurd.i:- . . !.. --.I I mrnea - .' . . . . liriT H ...n iniiil.C.'E rell.-l vanrr in .' The commencement ,o tCrcetion of V. V Jr.. of Durham, chief b ill maVi(er ince unner Cai mich..'l, b, ted by U. II. Hall and C I If- Iiill - .. I... - n.alnrltw nil .topped now A m er o - - J Mf .nd Mrv g. p. e(lt J T A ' , Kr rt and Tu ner T ' A. T. Gardner made a motion that lighter, Mi. Margaret and Mr. ...! ,.11 k,.r1 n tif r. Min ""' ""-n- ., ... .. ... , ,, , t-m ir..H teen asreany if reed uiion anu nis June I'icVet who rrni.ivei Mr. and Mrs. W. II. Llades and Mr. ,-iil tart WcdncUy afternoon and frf ) t,u,,.: will pay ngj'.sr !- cleUmn a by arUnu.t,on. W. .nd Mrs John Haywood J,nM, of ... Ii I I... . . . . r : i m- . . !.n iikf.ii nrriu f i. . - in l.'.e eignin .1... T... .. th.op-ht by mo.l folk, that Knxtv. t - mnna oi onng,nK ...u . ,-uld rt n a""' t ti M.r,, ury many million, of dollanu but the Deaufoil bunch were afraid i vit Col UnitJ J!n. they might' rot Kt another whack; Jn Ilr- be 'ore tSe lli-vird at the tobavconl'-t and to '.toy n.ade , ( Whirpton, i'vnaUr Ivimuel .Ik '..!. Knaniniiui. Tl l'JTC of i.. c',,iP,!.. nf California, do- 0 to 4 wa Ih I e home .u'.vn I rvr. ill Ut thronirS Thurduy n;jii. with more th n a 1 i. drcd vi-it" g yuUi.g lailiev REVEREND C. C. SMITH GOE3 TO UREVAPn I, v. ('!... C. S-niiS. forni' T . t .r of the 'p't ch'i-h rere, l or f .r' it. t the can ar-d t'-.i-g I'-.-M'-K- The wi.i't ii '".a:' e"t-il .n ' u cf i f I1'' ' ' '' purp.' i t he'p t keip am a: v rol' .P I rifi,- I- ' .T.w f..r thr I by a HOfEL ON CEACH CFF.NS nine ve..r n.s! r (huif!in Iiirr---.n' 1 r. ''j' rr irned the p i.', rate theie and l . -eepted a call to the :'r-t lai'ti". ... . . w.u U Miirlil hi..,..A ..i l'.,nvril Mr. Smith 'ete.l vu a i '. riivw. . - Hiwi' -- n-V ll-...C.r: Irani I CCn.l' "'.!..., . I , .. .li;vi to. tf II U lltT tlik'.nr 1U ;i"j!o1. I'r .1 Mi'i.- t II V " - - - ; Kli'. tli -u - . entirely of armUur anJ all U ' Liii,,.,, nut i f hU and Brouad l-ufort. When the-vtlkat flllj n j. ait aiinihr r im-mlrred by tunny f.ri. air .roniiderrd it make, a r-1 to thl ( j,nw ct !uion ict ahould pic. Ho'.e! T. v v ,M hi -iljy .'i;'..l :' aii.i;i r '-J! ' wo;kt .'..Ur.. vjI fc v- rty of t Mebane wat nominated for Vice- , ' , ' :nid G. W. Duncan for wo i"- . . Tuiy-treurer. Itoih elret-1 M.-a EliM't-j K-ed to Ras Been laiali-n. , st!.fr..J"X .1 la om M L I)aU. W. G. Mrbave and rriurnr.j nome ;cr me .ui.n.. II..' 1-1 -.1 il. 'A' 1.1. ..-V.,. k Kok-i ('. VV Iliinran w. re i- fi'ti . a ruw . ..w ... - .ii , nr. IS hv liw. attendi:.g Kt M.'rrt"s VVMl'Mlti v " I" ' ' ' fr l.r awociwt.on. Thf b .a.d of V.'ahbtt.n City, Govrrno'- ei onlered l-j niet at uro. I;,g I : !l I ri G. W. Duncan' nfJUe Tufdijr nigi.t urd.iv r.hl ,'or tr purple of an"iitiie mem hirihin toli' comiiiitti'C. Mil n"iuded te jiieetini' d adjourn .-1t followed. School la ',arncd home Sat- lU p 1 ' : ,1 t .k I , country, and. if j.Sout lJi;H ami i vety p.ioi y r:1 lin , . !.,ulori peo a . , ri.ili i.epr j'l Ifr. Pi c nnd f c r I i,l ''-! " the . i. J ii.: orch ' . .!. ! f..r Satur ', i-.c'i-ft'. iVnaid-i .'. hive brn md 1 SKARREN DE NOYER Toe fi.Mowlnjr intitalim ha lc WILL INSPECT BOATS -markabl C0' ahn' u'B",tje pied by C.jvrr-- Tne Fe.inr h Wo inod i-iUherir wreral f,t,Prledal-U.tiM.U.ii1sj!!,.J.,.r.. bane runnert and It. hitUng ta I v est Coat were u.iltoJ in the r op ik. kv.rair anatur ball club. .iiin ta JLnvio-e Inimlgrition lieldlnr the team i by i mrana jer- lTh ,iclu.ton act l. In S. Cot Guard Aviation .Sulj' a; (on fprt but it la able U take care oi oninion. nti eleJ a. badly . a Camp Glenn UI h-ry commence .If In this depart nrnt and H lm-J ,ftvrft jvr nrsmre aimed at the', thorough examln.tion of all ftoUr Jj.panrne. t l the b.i e! mar iA iciKj.i n.T the rr-cived by tle New: crM.r;ii;g a big c, i d Mr. and Mr. wu.U'-i r. Skirre-i prAve.wltb BrafUcW Ts ball a' it beautifully loca tra ana auer w. eutfleld la leUd up mme wore and the fence U tip It will U a credit U the town. A aUUd eWahere In tbe News an athletic aanotUUoiTbaa been entanlted and It propoMa U Pvt Ceaufert oa the WP l t ball werU. STOC Fol SALE A FIW share of 5 P' cent preferred .- stock In the Beaufort News, I&9 share. Ueaufort Newt, Inc. - - .th A..B!l;n-l4. 1 fee lnit you It U pr-nt at t t m.r Tl.ipcrM.i.ncl atHctird to the U. wl ,,p t n:, th- uAt thli aea- j" ""rl. ?p-of Jmr4-Ut. Ij'.lle I rile l POTATOES OT DO NG MUCH ! Mr. DavU Morgan DeNwJ'vr txat bird vewela In and around . Jn Wrlne-liy illrnin, f.e . I"aufurt and Morebc.d Cily.' Iu tk, iuation tM v.e,i i.i te-(th of June Ure thlfy i-n.iil 'Command! r Wn. K Wiaaar M a;i nrfl,ire to the grower. 'clock wba la In coin ma ml of tr ataiVwi de ,,-,) here ,t a ta rumUr of buy) TSe yacht A lra sfur apeidinf aire to gie erery boatman-n op eri , c,n tSe atrket.Tr.e i Mrveral days In the Merebead City portunlty to get all aecearjr etjuip n the b e mirlrts li tery , harbor waiting for goe weather meat and will wait a two b- anj rt are 1-w, raaflrf In k T.t. aftrnMUi for Havana fare eUrUti" the lnpeiea. iweia ftrirt from 13 U 5.7 a Darrei. im. Horn Mr. and Mn. frank Har- ?.er, Jr.. a on tn Tue-.L-y Hy 31. . . Kuneri.'. ei vice wcr Tield Tttce- 'dy af e.-nonn over the reiiialnt of tN baby dn'infltvr asrt 9 rnontha, of Mr. -d Mr. Rufua C!:erry of Wil- : or. ' V.r. a:id Mr, ttther rinmUUin rc home Wednedy from Tren ton he te Mr. II amUtoa deliver f J 'the memorial t!dre on tttdfij. ' t IUv. E. W. Ilocutt and;daut ' Fanule Sonewa'l are vUftrnf in Icity'.ll.e'tucirT ef Mr. aUUn. Af v- ton RoLlno4. 'it -T- STARTED ON LONG VOT AGE. Metl-odieU tptacopal' CbnreK Bfort, tVortb Carolina CONCCRT AT .ST. PAUL'S. A large crowd was preeeat last' BEAUFORT-NEEDS' A MODERN llOTEL.' FAVEO UTREETS. - ' ; COMPLETED StTW TRACE. ETTElt LIGHT SEKV1CE A It' CUC UBRARr. . . .. a -. ni t . : A k tan- i i... to la Aam moat) to 1 lH at fU. r.ul'a School te bf.f taei" tepui raroie .s in cemman. . w. e. TT" ' " ..... - LI "v.-a. u. U.v- . ADVERTISING THE TGWN Ue . beat. Oa arrWlns: at Havana der way and when e.rrym, w--" HacS rereu.on. .n. 0.n0 r-n,. ... T . t rrri(l f Aft the ewn.r. Mea-ra. B-IUkIi and gera. The- d-inn aay further ud rk-i,, The rrow.r. here are ?rer of Ue acbool b.ndlaf. Tbe THSOLCH XETl.NU CAR Heekmaa will came abard and the Informatlen atoout tne mauer can w hoping mai commwn. wm impm.f M p- --"-' veyage to Senla EarUrs, CallfomU !tb aame by applying U the Coa. Ithin few d.ys tut the ouUh la eelctleM whkb were greatly enjoyed rentiaeed. lOuard Sutioa. aot-gocd al preset. by lbM pree-mt. f ERV1CE. A riRST CLASS liOSriTAL e e e e 'e

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