I EVERY THURSDAY - ' - VOLUME X. BEAUFORT. NORTH CAROLINA,- THURSDAY, JUNg 3, 1921. NUMBER 25. V READING TO THE MIND IS WHAT EXERCISE IS TO THE BODY WOODEN SHIPS' ':; MAY BE SOLD Difficult To Find Purchasers For Ships Built Dur ing The War. WASHINGTON, June 21. Con gressman Julius Kahn of California, has presented resolution in - the j House setting forth the-purposes that animated Congress eight years ago when it authorized the erection . in Washington of a George Washington liemoria .building. ' ,A feature ) of the building will be a large auditori um, which the resolution' states shall be available for civic, scientific- edu cational, patriotic, and national or international conventions The re gents of the Smithonian Institute are "charged with the interpretation of the law. . It is understoon that the construction af the Wldlnt will be started In thee fall, when half a mil lion dollars will be available, and the temDorarr war buildings now oc eupying the site granted by Congress shall have been removed. Marshall Poch is expected In Washington on Armltice Day, November 11th, and it is hoped that he will participate in the ceremonies attending the laying f the cornerstone. ' .' . r. ' ' TUee Weed Ship.' ' ...... . The Senate has passed the deft eiency appropriation bill carrying an amendment presented by Senator Irvine L. Lenroot of Wisconsin di recting the Shipping Board to dispose f all wooden ships by the 1st of Oc tober. The Senator declares it is costing the Government about $40,. 000 a month to take care of .the ves sels for which there is absolutely no - sale. It is understood that recently bout 230 wooden ships were offered for. sale at a price of $100,000 for the ht which "nguresTwat afterwards reduced to 140.000. still without a purchaser. The vessels are concee ded to be a liability rather than any c' possible asset. , It is the purpose of Senator Lenroot to cet rid of the burden at the earliest practicable ' moment. .CHAMBER OF COMMERCE K -i ftUs' DIRECTORS MEET i :'. ... . -r. !,;7.ii:r-'t.:-.i- 'v :y -.t,.fv The reanilar . monthlv . meeting' 'nf the board 'of directors of the Cham ber of Commerce was held Monday evening; in its headquarters, The meeting was well attended and many matters of ' interest to Beaufort and surrounding county were discussed. The establishment of a telephone line connecting) Beaufort with. - all eastern points as far as atlantic was considered, and also the proposed mail route; from here to Merrimon. Street improvements, the highway to New Bern, sweet potato storage, and the fourth of July celebration were other, matters taken tip for discussion A : committee was appointed to ar range for a meetine of the entire Chamber of Commerce and invited guests some time in July. . At this time 'there will be speaking, music and refreshments. . , . : I Bareaa af Supply. Senator Mtdill McCormic, of Illi nois has introduced a bill "to, bring sbout the centralisation of Govern ment purchases to create the bureau of supply, and for other purposes." Most of the supplies used by the Fed eral offices in Washington are now bought through what is known as the General Supply Committee. It Is to extend and brosden the principle of . central purchases that Senator Mc Cormlck has introduced his meeaa- Ne EaeeptUa. of Con- the 01 Under the chairmanship Albert Johnson SUte of Washington, the immigra tion committee of the House has re fused approval of A bill designed to five American eitlsenship to a na- live Englishman. The committee took the position that even if the constitution grants authority for tuch special legislation, it would not be sound policy for Congress to naturalise aliens in that way. Spec Ul pension legislation In faver of old eoWSers and their, widows Is eeme Umes aeceeaery to tsmeve a manifest Injustice that cannot be -corrected under the general law, but the cem- v.t eandldates for Amer- lean eitlsenship could afford toebldo by the requirements of the natoralU atioa laws without subjecting them- telvee to gree Inconvenience. To laeaeigato Hearst tuto-wat' rv..man Leeter D, Yelk, of NewYork, bee' Introduced reeole Ueu pre riding for the ippelntmeat of aMul MsialtlN ei five members U snvertigete thargee kreaght by the New York Awtrtcaa etUt the Red 11 la alleted by that paper tkoi dleelled war veteraas eryg to the New York haedqaarters of the feJ Cmm far aid have been referred to attorneys wh iWH tor their eervkee. JCr. Velk U Lmprese. '.. U Bilk the pertoesneas ef the charges aad laleads to aacertalp the t fact tpe which they are based. REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS. The following realty transfers have been recorded recently at the office of the Register of Deeds; " v w, A, Currier and 'Wife toMr E Church, Atlantic, 2 acres, considera tion $1,50Q. , . .Vwrr Chicaro Title and Transfer Co. to Wm. H. McGraham 1,080 acres In Carteret township, consideration $16,200. ?r: r. : r-.-.s ."'.' v; v v E. W. Lewis to Annie Lewis, '! acre in Smyrna township. : Jas. F. Ellison and wife to L . Ramsey tract in Beaufort township, consideration $400. . " Bank of Beaufort to G. W. Dun. can 180 acres on west side of North River, consideration $3,500. , L. C Rowland and wife to C S. Maxwell 111 1-2 acres in Beaufort tAwnahln. consideration 17B. .. i A. L. Wilson Com.' to B. T Walker 10 acres in Newport township, con duration 1175 Geo. Kl Guthrie. Jr.. and wife to T. A. Grantham 60 acres in Newport township, consideration $700. - . L C Grantham and others to L. S. Belcher and wife 925 acres tn Newport township, consideration $11, 000. Z. J. Merrill and wife to W. E. Currier S acres in Newport town thip, consideration $90. T. J. Mitchell mortgagee, house and two lots in Newport, considera tion $100. W. D. AllclTand wife to S. G. Gould and R. II. Garner, 60 acres In Newport township, consideration 1500. Trustees Morehesd City Baptist Church to Jno. G. Piner lot No. S in block 72, consideration $1,000. R. T. Willis and wife to Carl V. Daniels 2 tracts in Merehead town ship, 1 acre and 25 acres, considera tion $4,000. : J. M. McCabe and wife to W. Z. McCabe 40 acres in Morehead town ship, consideration $300. Sadie C. Webb, guardian to T. D. Webb, lots 14 and 1& in block 5, Morehead City, consideration $700. Emma N. Willis to J. B. Sawyer lot I in block 63, Morehead City, eon- slderetioa $125. . E. N. Bell and wife to Chas. G. Dudley 10 acres In White Oak town ship, consideration $100. rh rills Simmon and others to Car teret Lumber Company timber on tract in Merrimon .township, consio eration $200. , . - STII1 HUNTING FLOURISHING NQW Officers Active After 'BlotUad ers...Get Bif Still In Ot- . r Vv way Neighborhood, X The way 'of the liauor dealers has been made somewhat hard of late by the activities of Sheriff Thomas, Dep uty sheriff W. D. Allen and others. Wedneaday-hight a week ago the of ficers having learned that a supply of booze would be brought to Beaufort that night took plahs to. head the len and T, B. .Willis, Jas. Styron, Ja Hutton, and D B. Lilly went out in the steel bridge neighborhood and h j in wait X Along about one o'clock a cart driven by a man who proved be a negro came along. ' Upon being ordered to halt the man drove ' the cart into the woods and then' out cart into iui wwui wiu tiwu vuompb t wnn wm vo vi again ino the road with the officertiSam, another ul carry Columbia . . . W k T a, ill a x 1 4 1 PROSPECT IS GOOD FOR CELEBRATION - Final Touches Are Being Put. Details For Fourth of July. ' .. w." Arrangements for the bis fourth of July celebration here are well un der way and every thing points to its being ' a; very successful ' occasion. Chairman Hill has- had reports from the chairmen of the various commit tees on decorations, 7 refreshments, ports, parade, music and so on and most of them say that everything will he in ahanc when the hior dav arrives. prominent man will be secured as speaker and his; name will be ; an nounced ,next week.. i'i tit The parade will be well worth see-Ing)- Besides' gaily decorated autos and other vehicles . there -.will V be floats that will be objects of much In terest . One of these will bear Uncle ISUPERIORTCOURT . t CLEARING UP CIVIL CASES after him. I Being closely .pressed the moonshiner jumped out of . . the cart and took to the tall imbers and disappeared. ' Shots were exchanged beweeii the officers and the fugitive. An oil can a jug and a lot of bottles of whiskey were thrown away by the man and their contents lost but the horse and cart were brought on to town. A few days after J T. v A. Grantham ti New Bern came along with a claim-and delivery for the horse which he said he had sold to a negro named Isaac Carter and upon which he held a mortgage. The cart and harness it now for sale by the sheriff Tuesday afternoon In broad day- lisrht Sheriff Thomas, Deputy Allen, T. B. Wfflls and. others went over toil the east Ward's Creek neighborhood and came back with a large copper till which it is said has been turningl out a considerable Quantity of the ar- denrin' that" community.--This still was 25 Inches hizh and about 36 in ches in diameter and is said to have a capacity of a hundred gallons v It Is reported that the officers have infor mation upon 'which they will make an arrest in connection with this last seisure. rtgage. - The cart f being advertised , iff. f ii and there will be thirteen beautiful ladies representing the, original thir- teen states. Other features will be added to the parade and these with the ex service men and the bands will make it a rood one. Chairman Bill has engaged a num ber of horses for the fourth but de- sires to get a few more and also par- tieularlr wants some saddles. Any body who has a saddle or a horse or both will nlease communicate with Chairman E. Walter Bill. Merchants who have not already secured their flags and bunting will please do so at once and they should begin putting us their decorations on Friday and Satdrdav before the fourth so all wfll ha readv on the mornina of the Fourth. ' '. - " " ' Chairman Brooks of the sports committee Is looking after that end of the program and will, have a va riety of sports as well as a big game of baseball. - From- now on . every body in Beaufort is urged to talk and Work for the celebration ., so as to make it the biggest day in the his tory of the town. BOARD OF EDUCATION MEETS PROSPECTING FOR OIL Since' last Wednesday morning Su perior court here has been engaged in the trial of civil cases and several of these' that hav been on the dock et for quite a while-were tried. The case of T. M. Thomas against Carter et county took up more time than any of the' others and it seems that it is not entirely disposed of yet ' Afer a hard fight which lasted two days and in which a large array of counsel were engaged the jury brought in a verdict Saturday after noon which so the lawyers say was somewhat mixed up. There -were nine issues for the lurf to' decide and the attorneys say the verdict was of a contradictory nature. , The to tal amount involved was $13,236.49. The jury decided that W. A. Mace administrator : of . Alonzo Thomas must pay $5,000 and interest of this amount and that the Fidelity and Guaranty Company must, pay the rat amounting to $8,336.49. 1 Attorneys for the bonding compa ny and the county are asking that the verdict be set aside and have ar- rued streanuously to that effect Judge Rortott is considering , the matter today and it thought he will reach a decision today or tomar- row. :, ., ;:y.--.. r- ,J ; Other cases are as follows: ' . .'. Charlotte A. : Wade and others against Julian Brown, plaintiff sub mitted to sjudgment of non-suit ' Geo. W. Davis against Carteret Lumber Company' claiming damages to timber by buminsr. matter settled by arbitration arid plaintiff gets $1,- 592.76. Louise Fleminc acainst . D. H. Fleming, both of Craven county, di vorce granted, ground adultery. Charlie H. Russell against Fanie Russell of Harkers Island, ' divorce granted,' adultery. Esther Demby against Harvey Demb.y, divorce granted, adultery.'' Sutton: arainst Dixie Firo Insur ance Company, settled by company amreems: to pay $2225oi''': r- Brady Gillikin larceny of chickens nlead Kuilty. let off with cost and muat show food behavior and work report at next June term of court FARMVULEWINS FIRST OF SERIES Interesting . ' Contest Von By ; Farmville Club By . ; Score ,5 to 1. I For a number of yesrs some people around here have stated their belief MRS. L. B. 1 One of the hardest nnts that th; crack showed up here yesterday In Beaufort ball club has ever trA fji the shape of the Farmville team and'' Beaufort failed to do more than dent 1 . it. -The score of 5 toi' though' does v not' indicate the fact' that it was ' a hotly contested game from the first' inning to the last half of the ninth' but that was Juajt the sort of gsme it was.'. ' Neither side f cored till the third ' inning and both sides scored in that? frame. .With two men out Whitaker I singled, went to second when Beat P.' was hit by the pitcher and came home - on Johnsoni hit . Beaufort annexed a run in the same Inning with hits by 4 Springle, . Thomas and Caffrey. ; In . theeighth Farmville got a run with two men down' and in, the ninth put the game on Ice with two more tallies P. Beal pitched a steady came for Farmville and allowed only seven j hits, three of. which were gotten by v Springle and two by Caffrey and one each by Guthrie and tbotnas. . t, The Farmville club has some good hitters on it but Sumrell held them to six safeties till the ninth when ' tby added four more. Whitaker and ; P. Beale were especially bandy witft ' the stick getting three a piece and getting them when4 they counted Others who bit safely were Baker, Johnson, F. Beale and Newton. The game yesterday was the first ' since the grounds were enclosed and , a good crowd was out and consider. . able sum of money was realised for - the association. The Beaufort boys show up well in their new uniforms, and they look like a ball club as well as act the part At frequent inter vals the band entertained jne crowa with wiusie and made the game more enjoyable. Beaufort has a . new pitcher named Pollock, secured from New Bern and he will probably pitch today. The lineup of the two teams was as follows: , i A meetine of the County Board of there are oil M" j . v-M V.r. Tuaulav at sna OI Ul tnere nas oeen new-mver- education was held here Tuesday si. ,v., v- . , . .. est and considerable talk about the vi. i- nwn.hin I matter. Some days sgo while dig- .r.""r " ' Z" " ; a canal out on the land, known . .v- 'ss "the open several ItprtKnwutn rvni m --( .. . m . . r tVmrm tintlrxl an oil Substance ral districts were present out wey( " r . were unable to say positively wbeth-,-""" , , fc - mV er the people favored the consolida-; B. M. Potter engineer In charge Mr. . ,i. Potter is incnnea 19 wina ms wn tion or not and so under the circum- rmuj ' sunce. the bod postpon acUon - - on the matUr. Petitions will be elr ENNETT PASSES AWAY culated among the voters In the country and at some later data a de cision will be made as to calling an election. STATB NEWS ITEMS BEAUFORT POSTOTFICE MOVES INTO SECOND CLASS On Jnlv" the' first Beaufort will move up into the second class ef post aftVae. This le'due to the Increased amount ef bustaese handled through this eftVe. It Is understood that a call will be Issued sooa for aa exsml astien tor the poellWa ef poetnastsr here and that aa aaaeuAceaient to thai effect will be made la the near future. Fattens ef the oflce are hoping that a new building can e secured before a gr while or t IsnprevevaanU will be saade to Ue eae aew la The State H Ighway , Comaltalon has ordered work to start at -once on mad Mntraeta that will cost over seven million dollars. The construc tion Is to be done In the various dis tricts Into which the Bute has been divided, meet tf it however vill be done la those covntiea that area ad vancing the money to the SUte. It seems that not much work Is to be done any time soon la the third dls tekt,vwkkh Is the oae that Carteret count! Is hu . . . - , ...... ' The sensational Vsratr case was settled out of eoert at Grn shore laat eeh. The ISU fletaue aave en aacrct but h appeera that Mrs. Var- ner wUl grt some $10,000 and Uat Bastor McCrary the colored mania- volved la the ease wiQ be out $$$ 000. Vsraers Butt atalnet McCrary will be dropped aad the ether tuns wiQ aUa be stopped. "Mrs. Lucretla Borden Ennett, widow of the late Dr. G. N. Ennett died Friday morning, June 10th at . . i 1 . D.I.t TV. .ner noma ai veuar cum. grounds" Workmen 'burial took place on Saturday in the family cemetery. Mrs. Ennett wss 72 years,' 9 months and 20 days old. Mrs. Ennett wss a. highly esteemed lady and there was. a sincere and general regret at her departure from this life.' Five children survive her follows: G. A. .Ennett, Black- Mountain, County Superintendent of Education L. B. Ennett of Stella; Mrs. A. E. Hsrrison, of Newport, Ohio; Dr. N. T. Ennett, Richmond, Vs., and A. D. Ennett, of . Cedar point STREET WORK vn tnr rriaii what it is. Oth ers who havs seen it think that it is mineral oil and that it is an Indica tion of an oil field somewhere in the vklnlty where ti was found. A sam ple of the oil has been sent to the SUte chemist for analysis and it la probable that other investigations will be. mads. Oil prospecting is a-olna- an in Hrde county and other parts of eastern Carolina and some people are very hopeful 01 find ing this greatly prised source of wealth la this section. Besufort Springle, r. f.' ' Thomas, 8 b. Caffrey, s. s. Sksrren, 2 b. Rice, c. Guthrie, 1. f. Wbltehurst e. f. , Sewell. lb. - Sumrell, p. Score by Innings.' Beaufort 6 0 1 Farmville 0 0 1 Umpires Barrett fee Ua thae f ee a week y a fi aia-pete aaap 4 U.ltla ft ike CaaafaH Ttawa. C- e " " I -W v ' ' ' DREDCE IN NEWPORT RIVEt The dredre Csrrllsck whkh haJ been el Work la the canal ef the Ja- .land Waterway far eesse mvatae baa me ad Into Newport river aad Is at work devpenlr.g the channel to ae Morehead City draw bridge. Thla channel wUl U givsa a depth ef twtWe faal at lew wUr. It will re V r -4rl mer" to f'h' The aaaaal n union ef the Confad erste VeUraas ef North" Caretlaa will be held h Durham August 23rd to 25th. It Is exported that abeet 100 veteraae wiQ sttend the rewsloa. Trinity College will tarn ever Its dor saltertos for the aee ef those sttd- The c-eperaUve saarksting pairs srooag cotton and tobacea fif- asere U glng shead all ever thf 8ute. Many eeuattee bae beea VW lKd and tKoeaaad" of farmers have MILL RUNNING FULL TlMi After ha vint bcea on half time for Isbeut six mcnths the Orioa Knitting Ullls of this town has started up oa fud time.. The knitting bmdaeee like other lines has been dull for pome pjontha, but at a recent meeting of manufacturers of the SUte It was Leporud that considerable Improve- saojitha and the business see me to be getting back towards aarsaal eedi ueaa. Rome much needed work is being done oa the streeU of Beaufort now. Considerable quantities of shells have leen put on some ef the streets and a car load of gravel is being tried out in patching op some places that neee attention. If the gravel proves sat isfactory It Is likely that more 'of it 111 be ordered and aaed here en the streets. . . - Farmville. r Baker, 1 b. Faukner, c. WhiUker, c.'f. E. Beale, p. ' Johnson, 8 b. , Overman, a. a. ' F. Besle, 1. t, Newton, r. f. Lang, 2 b. 0 0 0 0 0 01 0 0 1 0 1 2 S and Thomaa. , CARTERET COUNTY SUMMER ' SCHOOL , , . MERRIMON NOTES. caae ' ef I. "ARDtNT lEffOfis ' "I .j.- r. wi -SLUT tumrell Is back from the 'sortie tittto towa la the SUU." where be pitched the Ucal beaebaS to victory. One aaaa bet a cemeiery let sgel" tH and loot Sasarell didnt ltara If any of Ue leeere fete rtlativee were Included. Another tna bet a caw and calf against $& He tost toe, aad the win ner cave Sumrell the calf. The calf berame Veal aad Somretl rVer by $10. The only trouble with the above Is thai K U Is revcm gear. The pa, ties raferred to t o twlort and We have another bad smallpox among ear colored pop ala lia. - , Rev. J. M. Carrsway filled his reg- alar appointments at Adams Creek chart h Sunday and Sua day plgkt Mies Ella CXioa. of Cravea eouitty, spent a few days laat week with Mrs. Neeate Salter. Mr. L' H. Fleer retoraed 'heme Mondaff after tpeAelnr toa ayo art Merehead City aad Newport E.T. Bectoa. his alsUr, Mr Nannie Saltar, Mildred her daoghkr. Mies Ella Dixe aad E F. Carrawsy motored to" Bee sf art Sunday P. M. . Mr. Cottew aad Ales TralU af Beaafert, went to Merrisaea Meaday P. M. S. Barker, of Trentoa, Jeaet-ceua. ty, wae dowa laat week visiting his alaUr Mrs. R. BslL There are reported to be several rtaae of meaalee and nnpX oa the t kldef fdaws eretk, . .. The Carteret ;. County Summer School will aoen in Beaufort on Tuesday morning,' July'Sth. It is very necessary that every teacher -who does not hold a Bute Certificate should .attend this school and take such work as will raise your rstiag to an EllmenUry Certificate, Yoa undersUnd that teachers during the coming' year moat be paid according to the salary schedule adopud by the county, thus your rsting 'will 'de termine year salary. ' Wf are trying to arrange for boarding conditions for one dollar ($1) per day. We shall make ar range men U. for as saaay as Poeaible under this scheme, if yoa win kindly . notify us before head. If yoa plan to came and eWre bearding laee arranged far, kindly write the Direc tor Immediately. - " W -, Every effort will be made to have ceedillewo ewch ihat roe sasyVbe eomforUhle and aatiaftad aad that yoa enay tied yaar work pleasant and proflUble. ' " - - ; ; ; c. il rERCusoN Wrecter ffeganaee Re hoc L CIV1UAM TRAINING CAlfP. ' - ' - - ' . Aw an j WaiolrtYsp fjr ciVdU laaa at Caimp Jail - '.utt-lU, S. C. Uat SaUiday .C r IU and will teat U'l Aufuat th 11th.. Only" a thaaaaad audeaU caS be accepted at the easup aad U Is expected Uat far mere than that aember will wUh to ga. Aay eae who le InUreetod in the matter can take It with re serve officer IJeoteasrt T; WalUr Iirl, of Beaefort . ? 1 : I - I V i A !