( THE HOME PAPER " READING TO THE MIND IS WHAT EXERCISE IS' TO THE BODY J I. EVERY THURSDAY VOLUME X. BEAUFORT. NORTH CAROLINA, THURSDAY JULY 21, 1021. rI"r'r SOLDIES! BONUS ACT POSTPONED . On Account of Business Condi r tions And Taxation ' ., ' . Problems WASHINGTON V July : 19 The Senate and House haveteached the ' - eonclusion to lay asides the ' soldier ; bonus measure for ths ... session ; at least, and devote attention to the new ? internal tax bill and the tariff meas ure. 'The' letter of Secretary of the Treasury Mellon warning, the coun . try what might be expected if " the - bonus bill became a law, and . the stand against the measure taken by ' President Harding, are credited with ...bringing-about the change of senti- . ment at the Capitol. . Political pres. sure had no part in the decision, to v postpone action on the bonus bill. Before Mr. Mellon laid the situation , before them so lucidly, few Senators and Representatives realixed what a . serious condition would be precipi tated by the passage of the measure. Once in possession of the, facts they .were quick to. see the unwisdom of piling further obligations .upon the Treasury 'at this time. ' " , .--v...;;;--.-- v.- :-,f - Quietly Negotiating It s understood that the State De partment is engaged in some very delicate Informal discussions involv- ing Great Brilain and Japaa, -touch. ing upon the Anglo-Japanese alliance . the limitations of naval armaments, : and the mandate , questidn. : Until ". those discussions have been conclud ed, it is believed permanent peace ar ' rangements with Germany , will aot be consumatedv ' When complete n derttanding has, been 'reached be tween the United States, Great Brit ' ain, and Japan, a German-American treaty will be. drawn up , and the foundation laid for world peace. . ' . Nkfti!l Agr MINUTES OF MEETING r BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS " ' ; Beaufort, N. C, July Uth, 1921. The Board of County Commission ers met this the I 1th day of July, 1921; in a continued meeting with all members . present, to ' wit : C. R. Wheatly, Chairman ; .George G. Tay lor, J.' lu Edwards, Henry- O. Piner, and B. Frank Small. . The minutes of . the ' last . meeting were read and approved. , t' Mr. H. W. Small appeared before the Board and asked that ihe County furnishhim enouglTwireto run - a fence on each side of the road where it crosses his field. Commissioner J j LI Edwards and George G., Taylor and County Engineer, George Brooks were appointed as a committee to in vestigate the matter and report to the Board at the next regular meeting. Mr. John Gillikin came before thei Board and asked that Mr. and Mrs. i Mc Adams be allowed he privilege to. place a tent on the Courthouse square for the purpose of conducting religious srvices. The request was granted. - It was ordered by the Board that the County Auditor-1 advertise, , for bids for a sea wall to be built from Willis' Creek Eridge to' A. T. Willis' store, s. :i r.-". - . - ... .' ' George Fulcher (Colored) came before the Board; and asked for, aid from the poor fund.'' The . matter was df erred to a later date ' The County Auditor was instruct ed to advertise for bids for approach es to Oyster Creek and Marian Creek bridges accordihg to - spcifications prepared by the County Engineer. Ordered by the Board that the note to the Bank of - Beaufort '. on the Thomas Thomas deficit be paid. The Board took a recess to meet rain at 2:00 P. M. The Board met at 2:30 P. M. with all members present. U was ordered by the Board that Mr. M. Letlie Davis be paid $50 on account (Thomas Case.) I The County Board, of Education presented petitions from Trustees of CHANGES MADS IN G R BODY OF RUTLEDGE FEILD L FOUND SUNDAY MORNING Board' Allows Pound Nets To Bet Set Between Beaufort -', And Bogue Inlets . Full agreement has been reached by the Senate and House conferees en we ewu, "t,K,vt" 'presented peuwoni mm i ' The Senate was finally compelled to j Harlow Township Consolidated Pub- vield to the House on the form?rV a . . it 1 -. nravidlnr lor U) cvn- Ai meeting of the Fish Commisr sion Eoard was held in Morehead City a week' ago and .i all members were present including the two new ones W O. Saunders of - Elizabeth Citv. and J.; K, Dixon. of ? Trenton who were appointed jtecently in place of E. C. Smith and A.;V, Cobb.1 , ' The Governor had appointed two new members; namely! W. 0. Saunders and Mr. J, K. Dixon, of Elizabeth City and Trenton, respec tively, to ; fill the - vacancies of Mr, Ed. Chambers Smith and Mr. A. V. Cobb., Mr. J. K. Dixon was elected Chairman of the Board. ' , - . -' Upon petition from citizens of the pountv. to set pound nets in the .... ., ocean r between Beaufort 'Inlet and Boirue Inlet, the Board passed a rule allowing the setting of ocean pound nets between Beaufort .Inlet : and Bogae Inlet, not nearer than . four miles of each inlet nor nearer than four hundred yards of the beach, or ocean shore; provided that- such pound nets must not be of. ess bar than one and three-eighths inch", and the bottom and lower walls "of .pounds or pockets .shall not be ol. less bar than one and one-half inch when used. . . ,'... .s .. ' Upon petition, the Board allowed the purse nets to take food fish, ml- Drum, butter fish, star fish, and shrimp or prawn, in aoaiuon in blue fish, mackerel and muiiei, oy first securing permit from the Board and the signing of an agreement, tne same that is now required, . .. Jn accordance with the act of the Iriilature at its last session, the Commission planted 100,000 tushels of oysters and shells for propagating nurnoses ittthe counties, of tiyaa Dare, Carteret, and Onslow, amouot- Ins- to 19.998.01. the Legislature ap- nroorlatln 110.000 for this purpose, and the' like sum to be used next year-for-planting propagating material."-. ' . . , The restricted territory for tak- The-body of Rutledcre Feild : the young man who . wa- drowned '- last Thursdav'in, thfl hnrhnr at. City was recovered Sunday and sent oacK , to Kaleigh for burial. ' Mr. Feild and another. young man from Raleigh, named Clifton; Eeckwith had made the trip from Ra.leigh down the Neuse river in a small mntalfo cann and had gotten along without mishap until the accident occurred. They had Passed through the draw and fo-ar hundred yards beyond it when their small craft was capsized.-, Eeckwith swam around tor some minutes and wis picked up by a passing boat and carried ashore. The other ;.v. young man managed to stay up only a' few minutes when he sank to rise no more until his dead body was found several days later':::.;::;-1'! ituueage teim was the son or. Mr. A. J. Feild who was orivate'secretarv to Governor Kitchin and later editor of the State. Journal. Recently he had made his home ' in 'Floradale. Pennsylvania and had come td North Carolina on a vacation trip. He was 28 vers of see and unmarried. The parents of the young man now live in New Yr.rV. ' L. ' - ' r ; DIG DECREASE . IN EXPENDITURES Over A Billion Dollars Less Ex penses In Fiscal Year ' ' s Over Last Year ' REVIVAL COMMENCES TUES- :''Vr;V DAY '.v' A revival to be conducted by the Rev. H. Mv McAdams a Free Will Baptist minister' of Washiiisrton. N. C, is to commence here next Tues day. Mrs. McAdams' will have chars-e of the musical program of the meet ing. The services will be held in a cospel ' tent ' on he " ' courthouse grounds. ' Mr. McAdams ' is reputed to be a preacher of unusual ability and it k expected that larare crowds will be drawn out Co "hear him. The public is cordially invited to attend the revival services. '' , lie School District and voters request-' tif nnn amenuinc" " ' :inrv special nrvnuu iut t - . . 1 ..nliMi . ..... . il structton ol two . airp " ; v.. &h Bonds for nuiMtngs m.saiaf '" ' . . . . tht .. it . .o;t!nr ; . . . . . n uaI1ops was extenaea vo m and on mer proviso... yr - - di,trct; nU also special eiecuon i - - . Flllh5n(. Creek, the completion of the 1916 bMnt(- UI,MBBal Ux cf SO cent, on ".tw.rd mouth , .f FUh.ng Crek, program. On leveral minor -matters , of ,propert, Md 90 thence a the House accepted the language oi. . n u ,lopplement the' A. . ' . . nrtmenL the Setiste, and the measure ' was (und, .pportMe4 to said dis-,ex renuty oi tne , mif- I . , . n 1 . . 5 . ..JovinA eilil , Vll-JT a - ',FIE DEPARTMENT GETS., .: .:..r. - check . . . The State Insurance Department a few days ago forwarded firemen re lief checks to the 92 treasurers'.' of EBEAUFORT MADE CLEAN SWEEP HOOKERTO SERIES WASHINGTON. Julv 19th.-The total government expenditures dur ing the fiscal year just ended dropped off by nine billion dollars as com pared with last year, presenting a decrease of 1,387,000 . in ordinary disbursements andi reduction of $7, 84600 in payments on the public debt, ' according to thei.rtnual state- merit Issued today by ; the Treasury, i Ordinary expenditures for the year amounted to $5,115,927,689 com pared with $6,403,343,841 for the fiscal year of 1920 while disburse ments on the public, debt totalled $9, 182,027,170 as against 117,038,039, 723 in the previous fiscal year. -During the past year ordinary ex penditures were heaviest in , the month of March when $536,576,360 was expended," and public 'debt dis bursements were greatest in June when 11.fiO!V.816.001 was applied on the natioriaf debt. "Of the ordinance expenditures for the 'year the War Department led v, Ith' a "total of $lr 101,000 repre iting a reduction of $500,000 aeainst the previous1 year. Interest on' the public debt was the second largest item,- amounting to $999,000,000, a drop of 21,000,000, while payments on account of Fed eral control of the" railroads-ranked third in volume with $730,000,000 IrMiresentinsr a decrease' ' of ' about r - , . , $300.000.000. - ' " , Of the public debt' .-disbursements for the year $8,662,0008 applied to the redemption of certificates' 'of indebtedness a decrease of about $5,- nnn nnn nnn compared with the previous year, while the next largest item was $431,000,000 in Liberty bonds and Victory notes retired, rep resenting a decrease of about $762 ooo.ooo. - ; . ; Beaufort made a clean sweep of the rt'ries with the Hookerton team last week. ; Asjstated in last week's News the Wednesday game went' to Beaufort by a score of 4 to 3. Thursday's game was won by the lo- ; cal team by a score of 7 to 0. J Sum: -rell pitched for Baufort and held the Hookertonnians to a few Scattered hits. He was 'also given good sup port by his team mates. Jennett : pitched for Hookerton and struck out a number of men but was. hit.rather freely and issued a number of free passes. . Several errors by his team helped to make the score a large one. The batteries for this game were Sumrell and Coward for Eeaufort,- - and Jennett and Prescott for Hooker-, ton. Friday's game went only seven innings but that was long enough for Beaufort to win with the score of 5 to 3. In this game Beaufort players got six hits and Hookerton five.' Beaufort's pitcher a lad from Camp Glenn, struck out seven . men and Hookerton's two." ''. ' ' , Yesterday afternoon a game be- . tween the Tats" and the ."Leans", was to have been played but on ac count of the squall that : came up about the time 'set for the, game it was called off. The game will be played tomorrow afternoon, the weather permitting. This' afternoon ; a tame 'between Marshallburg - ana Beaufort is to, be played. u , : ' BASEBALL FESTIVAL : . , A festival for the benefit of the r i t ck'oll vluh will hm riven tka tirlnni fire fiirhtinff orraniza-1 vvnnv at 8 o'clock at the tions in the State. The money Is Dickinson fsrsge corner of Ann and raised by a Ux of one half of one per i Turner streets. Refreshments : cl cent upon the fire insurance preml- J various sorts will be served by some umspaid in each town. Bemfort 0f the ladles of the town and there 'rets $33 of this fund for its fire de jwm he music and dancing. Every- sent to the .President for . bis provai. ' Itrlct. Resolution t -. 'special election to be held on body is invited. 1. . than " This issue of the News carries an In the opinion of Congressman i Registrar and Jas. A., ivv er. u. , .idtf. 'advertisement ,f the. Norfolk and Morlui tampert of WUconsin, theSmAj, ,nd N.'H. Taylor were . ap f ,w klnd J i Southern Railroad whichseU forth appeal by petition snou.a . w- lntti rU liu.der. lor aaia - Board passed a resolution in . method, In addition to d.rert .ppesl of vhleh u en)boUic4 m the fol- IJj P j. nt imoressing the ..t, Ai. in wit: opposiuun w of lha PUDUC on - i f n m - COURT HOUSE GROUNDS WILL BE GREATLY IMPROVED Under the supervision of Rosd Su , r.a. J'Brooks. a force of Southern Railroad which seU forth jmf,n bgan work on the courthouse the fsct that weekend and Sunday iynj, Tuesday and will vlrtke INFANTRY REGIMENT WILL LEAVE NEXT MONDAY , The encampment f the first North KHn reriment of infantry which , - e has been In progress at Camp Glenn since July the 11th will ena nexi . Monday when the men will entrain' for their home stations. Several an il a Ara rift of -cavalry ;Will arrive there Sunday and will go into train ing for two wetks. The encamp- in urorress la composed of . all of thje-infantry companies bow in the State and about 1,100 men sre m .v- None of the companies have their havlng ,f.r?m 60 to 75 men as a rule. . - .. . Quite a number of the rn in the , encampment are former -dien and . veterans of the world war. Some of . ihetr wound stripes snd wrciu " . ,. other wsr decorstions. A msjoruy of the men though perhaps ere Wies" and sre getting their first, taste of army life. Th drilling snd other work at the camp Jm been very beneficial to the men both in devel oping their physi-jue and in tehmg them something oi. we ,--.1 xia.w m full dress psrade and review of the troops was given in the presence of a Urge number oi.yi- ; tors and the reviewing officers. Col. bnel Don Scott, ef Graham, U to command of the rginint. I n t irntl. CMv until ! .-n. . ... . ka mA entirely STOUnd t a ak .time an nnirrvM l sr m uiuia. aaiiu ' "ivi vv - - . waiaa an w w w w n...l. ' R. NO. 119. HOW Pf'iu.n ... w..t .. . , - A " . . - Aa i i in me K nu av-it i a va , , . . - M.trrrsB . vanfarnhJir inm dlil. - J purvtai n"i t rra inniri inu ftiov , " " " I. - i iha v sslrAl rcnirui ui " v - r I - i - . . i "Ubbies of sll kinds should w pro- Th- Count, xl of Education - SecreUry was will be operated which will leave lklu, doors to the streets. Besides . ... hiblted r dec'-" Mr. Lempert, or prtKntwl moa tnm Tru.Ues D-lnr copUi 0f id jesolu- Besufort at ': IV W.-, and More-,lth, Ked will be . sown and CORRECTION ASKED K '. ' ba surraiwatd with restricUons that jfIg 0itrict an J ters ,w K cnXint Rr-. baad City at 1 P. M4 'ritlnf to flowm and shrubbery -planM., . It , , .. ' would compel them to disclose the tUcXlon for $3,000 jth Jo our urge icold.boro at 11:0$ P.U,' This trf in j, tht purpose of th county eom.-U-( . : Ut Utn ,sk.d td tste rjnrct from whi4 they derive thelrl, Wd, fof bullJingt In ssm! op Un.iUrlwill be very conV-nleijt i people L tewm to mtU the plot t ground" a cmmping paHy pn the.br". uied to influence lgilstion. , . , , . ,Uo p-tition for special ," -. ,.MIi,,L Lh wih to run down and.spend the ith)n- 0f Uauty as-well as ope of; k ot Eivtnhy tkt Muws r,: ' .v. nr-rtice In vozu. at pres-l . 4. . . , tK(, 0f fpwW legtaiaiion viia r.- .. - ....'I ,.1 Wfulness. . - I 1 c..u.r.1 lmnorUnt maxtcrs j. . , r1 ent. Mr. Lan.?rrt b1l-vts PtiUon,!,Bnu.l ux of 30 cenU on the $100 .-- w f ao cenU on the siuul .bolHHed, that method oi srp- - u urplemnt the school iudu - - . iWa Hi. art! . w. i rv ii rim v .hi !ir rs-i-tf ,r vsrz. !: ... ... . .-in c. one (X we . n..t .r rih ui Drontru . . i miuiI. iv.tv. ' potent. 'Cas4uri I W.I fare Werk K. ww k i t nlll TO , STAGE BIG MINSaTREVHAMBEl OP COMMERCE MEET -ArombInaUoniic.pn..F.v..,,ry mu ttMnIroou.y pas. - - fcdjourlie4 u, MJect r,ru1.ted snd boOy snd .mcUnt- jr;WUH .ppolnUd Registrar and 'h LIBUr Uth, tlares Cor.gr-ma Ji-h . ,4 rl Helders for !d le .--- - ' - i wt,vi He deprecates the... - - ' ...rv amori some pPl Thm ountr toard of Elufatlon! ... n k. v.m em the ISrd The Vounty toard of Eluftlon said election to be b''d pa I'nafi " i - , , I - " ' 'Said v " ttk corporstn" c T,un,, 'rr.otd peUtio-s from Trustee 0f Xugust, pawd ananlmoualy y have ul and care i.- LUfy fju strict an evn- . toAr4t ,nd Jlelvin WUlla was appolnU Registrar and Lorense GUJ and IL C Tsylor r4l holder for said eWtiun- The County Coard ef EducatWa praaanUd stlU U Ox , Board sifBed by U Tni of e N- fert CrJd M.ovl I Utrkt, r !- irg r!l eVct!a U deUrinlae the ,f.d nun l tu.Wirg. la said . . . i f.i . .. . ,. f wUre f their erepioy"- -rl r-queeUtg spUl election w m . 'c- says t.t the UnlUd fl-Ueki1J dl,ukt fer t3fCq9 erhool I Cer-orstion ks fll.CC0.C00 ;Ww4- fof t a.14 bu.Uing la said la halN tfeurt-. ,u s !i;,uWl s4 l-o fr a speUl -nJ , .ri rcr.i fJ-' lu,i,., fcf to c.nu a tlCO valoaUon ef rs- I v " , rirrain.d ly.gr- tod.u.s ill eerjxr 'r.ns", e7 , - "1 fv4 -he s-red . . j rr rvUr r' 'v4M H .re.- jrtrty a4 10 ur rUwenl tk kUI fumii arpor U . U e-iJ dUUlt fcy U Coerty a " ' - r - .'.-J t"t'e,' i- i l j Iwkfcr u!u.r a a are a J i ;rk. n.,nfirL Itaseball Club. will stige a minstrel at the nigh School TWUy andFriday .uiy having engsge-d "Veep orcn, wtll known producer to direct me -i. nitrt-'-Beoole. all locaK will make up the -aa ki 'Btr, firet part aug-iented t7 nve bi taodevUla spx"lalUes will make ap a twe hour production. uai jd sew songs 'will enhance the pUy, a snappy quartette wOl offer real a,ng hanaony.. 'r v. w- u aM kle lauchable black- RaUM ajvd ather pcUl. tUs eoaskting ft daclr, weak aad Tia . martin Df th members and gumts of the'Chamber'of Commertep t tonight at 8 o'clock !rt tne rooms oi the Old Topsail club prtr.ls be well attended affair. Fifteen mem .The buoy tender Le.rei sms il I. ik. Inland WaUfWST . and mil abv'vv " - - - uirvvi" - her of the ew Bera. Chamber of ,. tu day In port hers ysUrday.- Commerce have accepted invitations i,t tH she moved over to More is 'I if t acu VT:rrv,v..'yt, , . r "f. A f J f l ! . I i 1 1 t f--t S A' .' y I - t J a 9- lxr, ( U I ' .,4 1 ' ,,Jv r,i l ' e A (' Vt t U l I t ' r- i '' 5.' i - ; I t I. 1 t t 'i f T f I I t in, . , r ," f 1 ! Ii t I , s left , . ; i i . f.r . , u c J for Ufi'-f aa aneaaJ Ui ef 17 tVe $IC lta , ( .; ; . ' - '-t ' !nUla ., , . r ' ' oS rSrlng ... k t'" . s v k. r4- Tie I.'; rr and IVI Holders q be to atUnd the meeting and there will . aar ki . fl I b a Urge attendance er w lorm' membership.. Several ef the' vW tors will talk en matters cl Interert v mopU her. JU fresh so nt and cigars will he served. ' ... i . er n- aLLI rmf I) a"1 . - -r .1,1 price will prevail. n "' - f IWPCaT iCilOCL.- ELECTION Tke !tloii p iewprt ia,Up a iv eaMtUa it s!-ettd.UBg tie araot. there vutirnH lav ei tl . rrjert Tey. Th t S its ft, r-nfe !;,f-Mea and It g-.lat n )Urt VtUa ft a i a t;$ l.4 t It Mna-ri .nd elc foe a rUl Ux ef $0 rwnU tor B-inUr.r.t, Th chl wUl r; , Uy ! t,r aad wUl h ai ! . o! eon Mi U.uud by tl.-i WUn r.r.i I r CJ r-'f tl. Urr lo-lh county. The i l tf W - Dun-arv fnd John 'Duncan.-" tha" ; S.wV'.JVvVd,ut -thatch , those who-prUcirsUd in iy- i BUOY TENDER IERE ' t... Citv. Another tender the lo- lumbln was irtl W om b,r, yetrday alas front .Cap" Lookout bat felled t thw up. 1 . . , , . , - " ITACTf VOTEJ ICUO Tk electiM at f irf Tly th hwroaac f Srhool honS Mt U sceed IS.CC0 went s'.'y Id favot cf th b"l. Tier wer lis tr'.'t fee tl Mr ""' total res'--'t:r, MtU U.at f'vfy . i fetif. '-.r Ua i tt-..'. srer- REAL ESTATE'. Ral f'' ! tM week as re corded s r T. Yl Cew-t snd wU U J. A. Hornad.y. Jr, and G. W. Vvn Urn M r. 4 at the nmmxK ft rMk' l' ecnlJratiofv 1-' n im K. P. irr f kf cu.:.r.' HI i it::..' . . t, oo' Ion t rv J.tr karxiacz Licrr rri l Tw StrTlr lcer - 1 tie n. ? ' -. iaued tS.la Wk. TV .T er to I i- ' ci! i a Crl UUl f Ptii'.'n, r.4 L.- n Lr B. KiBlr.' A-UUf. He r. I nt-y t , -. f it S t , " -L I o . . . if : ' v. ' J a ? (J v ' rat' af.J I I I I Ul ... ..I . a.,. .4 tU Hew fee .re th. f IIU frt VnJ Chajll Ferjuaoa 4 7,.wry H -". nrj In t? J r 1 1 t '-e a t ? ii ( V t f t ? "r. a I r- y . I a. . t. . . (ei) f P.fert, f tie tt.i'e. 1 Carteret U Sd Irt.