e - 4 . I -1 4 ' ( - THE HOME PAPER ") ' C C READING TO THE MIND 13 VIIAT EXERCISE 13 TO THE EODY EVERY THURSDAY 1 VOLUME X. EEAUFCRT. r.'CRTU CAr.CLIIIA, THURSDAY, SEPT. 20, 1C21. i I f--' 4 3 t I1ARDEG RELECIS ; LIEN 07 ABIIATY Delegates To Armament Coa fcreace Wffl FUly te?r sent United States ' SEVERAL NEW SIDEWALKS ARE BEING CONSTRUCTED t WASHINGTON, . Sept. 27 No on factor is a better augury for the success of the approaching confer ' enee to discus linitaGon ' of ' arma ments and tha Far Eastern problems than the personnel of America'! dele gation to that conference as selected -..by President Harding. Taken either as individuals or collectively,, it is no exaggeration to assert that America's ? delegation at this conference will be -head and thouldrfi above any other delegation present', , :-. ; J - Although some of the other na tions to . be represented are reported to be sending their premiers and shrewdest diplomats," no one doubts . for a minute, but that Secretary - of SUte Hughes, head of the American delegationwill be more than match '"' for any foreign representative pres ent No Secretary of, SUte has so demonstrated his trraso of interna tional affairs and his ability to cope with the diplomacy of both Europe and the Orient, as. Secretary Hughes during the -few .months he has held the portifolio of foreign affairs. A called meeting of the board of commissioners of Beaufort was held last Thursday afternoon in Mayor Southern Railway ClaL.. Hit Bushall's oCce for the purpose of jj, Pre-verty Is VaJseJ considering the purchase of a mod- , Too Ill-h era fire engine. Au tns memDeraoi tho board were prsent - GREENSBORO. N. C. Sept 22 A representative of the I France Alleging that the tax assessments of engine company appeared before the their property in North Carolina are board and made an effort to sell one excessive and discriminatory and that of their engines. The price ox tne wider the statutes they have no right engine as quoted was $11,250. The of appeal to the State Board of sales man offered to sell it for $500 Equalization or tetany other state down and installments running over board or court, the Southern Raliway period of four years. Fire Chief Company today began action in the D. M. Jones came before the boardjUnited States Court for the Western and advocated buying the ngtaeJ District 0f North Carolina to have its The machine offered is one of the la- h 921 assessment set aside. test style ana worougmy vP - .. . . the form of k hill F0?t nSVALUATIOIJ of complaint In equity against Com- Lodge' ScUlarly CatribU " In Senator Lodge the delegation " will have a scholar, a historian 'and a dose student of contemporary " world history. Probably no one in the conference - will eaual Senator Lodge in knowledge 0 . .all angles of both current and past history vwhich have a bearing on the subject under discussion or bring a " better mental equipment to their con- . Adoration.' ?; " "X-' C - Senator Underwood, the third member of the delegation, has never served upon any InternatiSnal com- , mission! but this fact does not miti rate against lis value to the detega- - tion" Senator Undeivood, aa out standing leader in Congress, has very his reputation among his col learues in both parties, not only of being. nefTttonally." well , informed upon the 'subject matter- which will tome before the conference, but ' of being possessed of an unusual fund of sound judgment wholly devoid of prejudice or , fantastic and impracti cal ideas.-na maiTwhose conclusions -- are reaehod by the sane .processes of analysis and logic. ' ' : ' The fourth member df the delega tion, Elihu Hoot hss a - reputation aecond to none In the world as an au international law and tuui.tj -r- the problems of armament In ad ' " dition to this qualiftcaUon along gen- eral lines,' Mr. Roofs selection is ev ( ; peclally, happy in view of his Intimate .:, ' and comprehensive graepof the Far East situation and the unusual high -'I regard in which he is held by Japa- ' nes statesmen.', , ;- . , ; ..,. ..- UrVrtJ OrUaUl Prblaa , la tls capacity as SecreUry of War In the cabinet of President Mc- Klnley. Mr. Root handled the Phlllp- " pine, Hawaiian and other prollemi of the racinc. At that time these - problems were new to the Uniud ' SUtes aniVMr. Root of necesaity had to famlUarlie himself with all the phanes of Far Eaatem diplomacy, as "well as commercial and economic ac tivities, Latr, as SecreUry of SUU in the Rooevelt cabinet Mr. Root negotiated the Root-Takahira agree ment which dealt with tha UtereiU of the United RUUs and Japan In the .. Taclfle region and in China. This agreement a, at, the time, heartily approved In both Jpa Chln' and was the batis of a reaffirmation of the cordial relations hkh . haJ U7l eiitfi between Jj'n and in every way. - Aer conswerauie, . missioner of Revenue A. D. Watts. the matter, on moUon ol omms- . ... ru-.-- nnrfcm. Trpnrf sioner Huntley the motion to buy was Benjamln R.- Lacy," Attorney General taoieo. in xno m,, Jamea I.: Manning, ; the slieriffs of sioner Duncan was instructed to find countie, ,nd tax collectors of mu out from the insurance peop e if buy- niclpalitlei , .id. ; Khool . districts ing tha OTtfna'woifld tower ttfW throngh' which' th' raOway operates rates any- ,t 'v ". . w v - asking that they be enjoined from While tne ooai-a-waa in lu takin anv inm tA .ll..t nn took up the matter of sidewalk pav- the exceMive valuatlon.0 ing with contractors ; Hancock , and temporary restraining order is asked. Davis, An agreement .was made it-Uunder8to(Ki. that three judges, with the contractors that they should h Mt . .. ... put down sidewalks on Broad steeet or BUpreme court jn8ticVr will have from Turner to Craven and on , Cra- to pass on the question of prelimi ven from the colored Methodist tniunction. v' -'- church to Ann street Methodist . . , ,. ".: ' church. ' The contractors are also to Th Soutiiern sUtes in its bill that where the' paving now end. to rZrT ... -JJ. nwHnn tr ThS vmwm """'" w CUk WW V . -v. v j 1 . , , . - A . . price- for the sidewalk 'construction w,w,Mr " m 1. .La 1. at KA . v.rL Work PP luatioon. FOIMUDWATZIS' uart. m TO FISH Deposits Ia Chesaake ' Eay Waters Destroy t ub Food Says. Dr. CurLaham , . DURHAM, N. C, Sept 23. After a summer of research work, Dr. Bert Cunningham, head of the department of biology at Trinity College, is of the opinion that the waters of Chesa peake Bay sustain less food fish than other bays of the Atlantic coast be cause of the fact that the bulk of the food of the fish comes in on the tide, while the smaller material is killed by sewerage poisoning or contamina tion from, deposits from industrial plants which line the bay. . ' Dr. Cunningham expressed this opinion after making microscopic ex aminations of 350 samples of water taken -from various depths from the bay.- His theory has not been thor oughly worked out The expert ments were" carried on in the Trinity Coollege laboratory - and at the United States Fisheries Laboratory CHAMZEIt CF COMMERCE HOLDS MONTHLY MEETING at Beaufort Dr. Cunningham was at vaaassr tm Avvoe4 v 'The Southern alleges that the as sessment of -its property in North ; REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS The following deeds have been re-' Carolina at above Ninety-six million eently recorded: Sophia Overton and others to J no. C. Chadwick,;i-2 lot No. zo, lien- iwn.' " Beaufort, consideration $200. . . .. ': Jno. S. Smith to Henry W. Noe, lot between Taylor's creek and nen- CmlfhV at! eoniideration S400. ' I Willi -- v dollars Is more than thirty million dollars in excess of Its true Value. It states further that should this as sessment stand, its taxes in North Carolina" wilt be Increased mart than $189,000 over last year as the result of the .counties in reducing the as sessment on real estate and increas- aided In the work by N. F. Wilkerson and J. T. Barnes. ;4.v.-. , The presence of more marine life, which sustains food fish, in the tide a. . . . r A m probably explains xn migrations 01 some J fish as . the -'. mackerel. , It should also explain why fish travel in schools.;! . Mi k 'i ' ': -' ' :-r A protozoa which has apparently not been previously listed was found during the examinations. "We have not named that gentleman yet," re plied Dr. Cunningham to an inquiry as to What the new fellow was called. Another protoioa,' which has - only been listed one before, was found. It is probable that a number of new diatones will be listed from this con tinent for the first time as a result of the experiment. ' , , The directors of the Chamber of Commerce had their usual monthly meeting last Monday evening with a good attendance present A number of matters were considered by the board among which was that of hav ing repairs tnnie to the sewer at the foot of Craven, street It was deci ded to ask the Board of Commission era ojf the town to have the repairs done and also to build a breakwater there to keep refuse of all sort from collecting there. Drs. Maxwell and Swindell were instructed to take the matter up with the board. -; ' S The President and Secretary were instructed to see about , getting : ex press connections at Raleigh with the Seaboard road so i t) get shipments from here to Richmond more ptompt- ly."':'':.;,;v':r.v;:x.: It was decided t- ' ask the town commissioners to rescind the stop or dinance at certain street crossings and make it a "slow, down" ordinance instead. '- V, ": ; : : - The Secretarywas instructed to take up with the Norfolk and South ern the matter of gravelling Broad street between Turner and Craven. Dr. Swindell and G. W. Huntky were authorized to start a drive for new members for the Chamber of Com merce. . ;v - : . MAYOR'S COURT PROCEEDINGS Amanda E. Peterson to W. r C. and i"l w ra v , t Arie Peterson' 100 acres on west of The Southern's bilL shows that in North Riverr consideration $5,500. . 191 its property was "assesfied- at - C. H Herrington to: Bessie ner- forty-six million dollars; that in 1920 rlngW2 acres Irt Newport toWnship when property-throughout, Jh state consideration $100. --fwas revalued and assessments gen n,ur Willi to Talutha Willis lot orally raiBcd,.4ts aBsesment was - ln- t in block- HSMorehead City, con- creased to Nmety-six million douars, M.rtlon llOO.i "". :'oa which It paid taxes wnder pretaat Talutha WilltS and husband to- T. and that in' 1921, after county boards C Gillikln lot 7 in bleck 118, More- had madoTiorixonUl .reductions on head City, considerstion $50. ' real estate, U:aBKca w ommimwa- Calvin Willis and wife to W. A. er of Revenue lo mane a simuar re Willis, 1 acre on ' Harker'a Island, ducuon tn we valuation 01 its prop conaideration $5. ' : " " erty but that this request was denied. The Southern allege that tnia re- A SURPRISE MARRIAGE. 1 J sulU in dlscriminaUon and non-con formity which Is in violation 01 the A aurprUe marriage tool, place constitution 01 wonn wiroima n here yesterday morning when Miss contrary to what is just and right as Pit. Maon. of AtlantJc. a teacher between It and other tax payers in In the public school here and John G. the state. Jonea a young' business man were nifrf in tt bonds of matrimony. SEVERAL CASES TRIED tv,. hd been rolng to- IN MAGISTRATE'S COURT r.V. fnr aoma weeks but nobody amed to know the affair A conslderabU delegation of peo .!, .1 un 1 U.k.J (nwniKIn i were WBa serious ona unvu mi wcum.. is nw. w- took place. The ceremony wa-pt here Ust Friday to attend a hearing formed by Reverend Harry a. Diy before Magistrate M. C. Holland. As vu an Front atreet at sis- stated in the News Is t week these thirty yestrday morning. - The hap- cases were transferred from Justice py couple left on the 6:60 train lor Gould s to justice nouano a wi w the weatem part of we bum 0n, ,f' Mi h,ar4 that they will be for some time. JThe t wilh newly wedJed couple are both popu- . ,t who lar here and while their friends were - .-idenct was RECEPTION TO TEACHERS ..07n:?u:Lr.CAi;3 'orrser liev.lzz.z-, t . Governcr . ' ; CLossai -Cr.iirr-ta'. To, ' ' TaccecJ F. A. Lir.ney Charles A. ReynolJa, of Winston-. Salem was unanimously chosen chair man of the Eepullican state execu tive committee at a meeting of that body on Tuesday in the city of ureeneboro. There was no opposi tion to Jlr. Reynolds and his name was placed before tie committee by W. G. Eramhum, a well known law yer and Republican of Durham, who had himself been spoken as possiblo" chairman. . s. ' The committee met at noon at the ' O'Henry hotel and with one or two exceptions all the members " were : present In addition to the mem- ' bership of the committee there was" present a considerable number of Republicans from various parts of . the Stat. " Interest in the proceed ings of the meeting was plainly man ifest before it was called to order and for .several hours there was consid erable discussion going on as to what would happen. w- .-w After the result was known satis faction at the committee's urnrUed they nevertheless unite In LMn Mr. and Mr. Jones much happlneKa. - " ' KILLED BIG RATTLER. tVfcila aut in the locality known a Croon.!!'1 Luther Lloyd the United f utea. He U aa well and jyterday silled a I t rtu enae, . i. i i- t- .. L.'it. ru ...,.) ir itrlka him on his " U the Orient He h. ' bn a!uC and looking aaw" the an.ke and charged with having wtae in nenber cf th. Permanenl Court .lithe very promptly proe.dcd to poslon. . EurnsUonal A.bltr.tU. at The kill U.. r.pt.l. . .hovel which he g9 Hague and In 1JU was awarded C.e had. The rattler a ait feet long ths caw against Sanders WM NoUl prUa for peace. . :and a.ot nee mtn.a in si.m-.,. With suth a d.-1e?t:on American jUe hJ nine rU' and a button. InUreits are quadruply saferordl - ! ' All the men are onUtand. rg In Intel- pr,, it t, country, la that It would lect end AmerUanUm. Moreover jt, ..r.cult to j.ik four men, who they are aH tlncera friends of theirtnk- l'her la lntllct i tn.le policy of limitation of arrr,menU,!Ijrltnf, rcred A merkanlnfW and yet wilUH, i---t f;ii'ial I '-'- 'nUind devntion to the tauM of ln who wtu!J eo nt t Sy arrarge- trnational per, reached throngS ,,1 iKat c . 'J leave the United 'd!otment of InternaUcnal d .Ter- rtatee at a f v5vntt wilh tveje! rr-t cf the wo!l. Ti e tcnM-ji c-f ' A-ej'.ca l 'r.k-n, a rt"-cUd ty V rc.iiUry that be gave the win to the girls oa th highway and that they drank It and were partially Intoxicated as retult On this charg Buck was bound over to Superior court wder . a a 1 U the caa against EUnly Dizon, John R. Sander, and Walter Back their were and dls- ked. A shooting affray amonj colored pecple on Pollock rt last Sunday evening at about nine o'clock -which resulted in several arrests, was aired out In Mayor Bushall's court Monday afternoon. The affair created considerable-excitement at the time as thera were several revolver ; shots fired and crowd quickly collected. Chief , of Polic Longest Sheriff Thomas, Msyof Buahali and one or two 'others srrested George Sugs and Florence L. Nash.' and lodged thenr 4n- 'Jail upon .reformation that they had done the shooting. The hearing of ' the , defendants took place Monday as stated above and from the evidence developod Surrounded Mayor Buahsll bold the Naah woman under a bond. of $200 for her ap pearance at Court which she gave and Suggs under a bond of $250 which he had not jfiven yesterday. It appears from th evidence that Florence Nash approached Jack El lison and hia -wif and after using strong language to Ellison drew her pittol and fired at hia wife twice. Th ehots went wild and no harm was done.; A few minuter later' George Suggs Jut a short diatence wy shot t George Stanly. As In the other ease th 'shot wnt wild - and . no harm was don. From all accounts th affair seems to ha v grown out of Jealousy. - ' Th cat against A. V. O'Eryan charged with aaaault on Roland King, and also with being drunk and dis orderly, which wadset for last Fri day br Mayor Buihall was not tried on account of th abtenc of th defendant Th eaao waa first set for Tuesday and then continued to Friday. Th Mayor states that th en will b tried as soosj as - Mr. O'Bryan returns. This esi grw out of a difficulty whkh took pise between' O'Brysa and gJng In Bell's drug afore about tcndsy ago.- - In order that the teachers of the graded school and th parents who send children there might get ac quainted with each other a reception under the auspices of - the Parent- Teacher association was given in the rooms of th Old Topsail club last Thursday evening from eight until eleven. Not as many persons came as were expected but a right ' good crowd was present and the occasion seemed to be njoyed by' all. A re ceiving line was formed composed of the teachers, . Superintendent Pitt- man and Mrs." Pittman, County Su perintendent Wright and Mrs. Wright and several ladles who are members of th association.' - The guests were presented in turn to' those in. the. line and afterwards-the reception re solved Itself laio an informal gather ing. The schoof band - contributed materialist the plcaaur of the oc- cauion,. by rendering ln goo style r-mber -of -selections. A course c creani wid cake was served. " - J s COURT SQUARE FINISHED of choice seemed to be quite general. Some -had expressed themselves as thinking 1 that Mr. Reynolds was rather too old to undertake the arduous duties of a State Chairman tut no '' on questioned his ability and his loyalty to the party. .,. ' Besides electing a chairman the committee took under consideration v the matter of giving 'the Republican women of the Stat a chanc to par ticipate in th management of . the . party. I National - committeeman John M. Moorehead who was present, suggested that one woman should be appointed on the executive commit tee from each district and that the ! ten women so chosen should them- ; selves choose ten more who would have equal voice with the men in conducting the party'as saffairk A . resolution of this sort offered by' ' committeeman C. R. Pugh waa voted on and carried unanimously." Mr. . B.' C. Sharpe, of Greensboro, came be for th meeting and mad a very: Interesting speech about th relation ship of , women to-politics in general and the Republican party in partic ular. ' , , -". - ; v -'Bcfor it adjourned the committe Ipent a short time in diHcn.-uiing plant pert.iinlng to the..' campaign next year. , It was sgrid that.tbe fight in 1022 nd 1024 would be a pretty hot , on and the InipoKlncv f pirty't The paving work arousd . Court Square was finished Ust Friday after-'getting iu proper condition to meet nnon and now the entire block is gih a , good concrete tldewalk. Besides this drives and walks run throughout the grounds making an easy approach to the court bous and graded school build ing both by foot and In ' vehicles. When th shrubbery Is set out and th flowers and grass begins to grow th sq'uar will b wonderluiiy changed and a very pretty spot . B. Y. P. U. ORCANIZEO Its repimibnitiea was admitted by all. Some auggcstlons as to what ahould be don were made and acted upon after which adjournment took place ; . , TEACHERS WILL MEET AT BEAUFORT SATURAOY Aftr an icellent program ten- dered by a team of seven young peo pi from th B. Y. P. U. of th lat'ra schools of tho'county ar espect- Notic is hereby given that . th firat ctunty teachers' meeting .of th school' year will b held In th audi torium of th - Beaufort Craded school on neit Saturday, October th 1st, at 1030 A. M. All teachers who teach In th ru- n.ntit church ef New Bern, th following officers wer elected by the young people present and th union Atr.ltikl ita or'ranlaation with a ed to attend. All teachers living In the county who have mad applica tion for schools and who cipeet to teach In th county, but who hav vote to meet vry Tuaday night at not yet ben employed ar Invited to 7 P.M. All young popl of th ttttnd ri t' d t en an rers:e:.t 1-r.rg MARSHA1XBURC CITIZENS MEET " A meeting to Conner th dv!a- ti'.fy ot conaolldaUrig th schools l r.;:-vrna Lownahld WSS held St Mar- ' lllurg Tueaday avanlniV and a Urge crowd f peopl showed lb elf tr.tertd by attending. .Th matter waa d.acuaaad fullf by CttiteviB f that community aai thra who wer t-retant. A a result of th dixua- On fturJiy JJattic Holland '.ion th meeting wvnt record ai hurJ a ci front AUantie where faverlrg a call for aa election n r Mrs.' Julia Falter aaied that Herbert queeUon. A petition will to pieent- International Morris of that t'ac b put under a ed to th Board ef Coenty Cim' l.n..UtWa eflr' bond. Majtutrat Holland ilotitr aaklng for th lectloa la John Ward colored charged with trar.Fporting liquor, was tried th tarn day and h waa put under $300 . bond for hia sppearanc at court Saturday JJuatic IloHand community ar invited to help In this organization. President G. M. Taul. Vlca-Prealdent Effl Willi. Recording Secretary Thereaa HU1 Corresponding fWrtary Clyd NeaL " . Treasurer Gyon T. WhltehuraL Chcrifter Halaey Paul. Librarian Myrtl Simpaon. Croup Captains Mia Rena Priv. ttt, MUs Eva Thomaa, Mrs. Crayden raul, Mr. Julian nanwlten. Chairman EocUl Committee M Us Mary Fe'ton. . ' ' Chairman Initructlon Committe Newman tewla. There may be teachers who hav been employed sine I hav heard from th committeemen and who hav not been notified of this meet' Ing by Utter. All such teachers ar relocated to attend th meeting. M. L. WRIGHT, Eopt. TWO STILLS CAPTURED ard raal erUl'lihirx-.t. put MarTia under a bond f $H. ' November. ' MARRIAGE LICENSES Regter of Peed Troy Morris ha laued refjoiU to wed lately to! " Jn. O. Jonev Baofort and tttal Maaon, Atlantic. ' '. - . - i Carltoa A. ITner and Ora E. Ul'y, Morehead City. . Rajmon C nrtIl and Naomi WlIU. Morehead City. . R. T. Froet and C!U WUiia, 8J ter Ptkv Th Seiiur f moonahin stills In Craven and Carteret coantiei baa gotten to te rather a frequent occur rence but even at that two In a day la a pretty good record. YeW!y prtihiblUon agent W. D. Allen, Sher- Iff T. M.'Thomaa, Jr, Deputy aherirT J. A. White, A. B. Arthur snd I' gen Carrow went over to Merrimuti townehlp and brofjt.t In tw copper litis of 1IJ r J 13 fVNn fipad'y. They also ctiigM a r ,n whue r.am waa not learneJ ii ireojM t-in along. TV ral ' - lity dtrj-1 1,000 fa'.iuRa f Vr, O ferraer.t -r a barrel of snolauea, fie bars f meal twelev boie ef j tunes an J SeUed tw skiff. 1,

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