Race fte On In ; : For I SanticornQ Overland Car Contestants Cittla j twy la TL-Ix CiTort T a TL Vh&er tione-Early SSart Cczzlt IZvzb, Est U VH TLs I!zrJ Vcr!;. f r, Tb Vorker WLo TtLss 'Adrzriar Crrert-ruljr T- riod, Who VCl Via IatL EsJ. IlrrJ 7cr!t VIII Da li J TU Reward Is Well Vcrth tla XTcrt. , '1MMK"U'llciuru ' "The early bird catches the worn Provided, of count, the worm' is out, : early; . , And, also, th tortoise not Infrequent ly wins the race Provided, or eourse, the ' tortoise . fttckato the "end. ? ,''-, - v" All this apropos of The Beaufort Newt big subscription ' campaign. Each day morV people are becoming intensely interested either for them seWes or for some friend .who is ac tively working for one. of 1 the tig prises, and many 'of those who were nominated are finding that their friends are voting for them 'with, the desire to help them, and many, who at first had wavered about getting Into the 'campaign, are now actively at work. Those who are starting early are "meeting ' with 1 gratifying success, but the winner of any of the prises has not yet been named, and these winners cannot be named until the last vote at the close of the cam paign is in and counted. Some of those who have been lagging behind are gaining, while those 'who have been in the lead are maintaining that that will win in the end. : ,t SPEED UP. ' If yoa really intend to do anything big in this race for an Overland, DO If NOW. Do not allow yourself to be in. second, third or fourth place, GET UP AT THE TOP AKD STAY THERE." Now, during OPPORTU NITY VOTE PERIOD,' Is the time to make a winning stroke,' and clinch the prlie yoa most desire. --' . ' t r . If you are entertaining any desire , whatever of being a winner, if you REALLY and TRULY want an Over land Touring Car, do not fall to turn m every available subscription . as soon as poeaible, for the OPPORTU NITY VOTE PERIOD, gives the highest vote value of the" entire cam- . - paign. , .-. v USE SYSTEM : Every business from the great cor porations, to a peanut stand, must have some system, some definite course of busineat policy. And the winners In this 'contest will be those who use tact, Judgment, and SYSTEM. . ' ' - ' ' . HOW TO CO ABOUT IT. A few "pointers", ' If yon live la the country Take jrcnr mailing list, and look it over. Pick est the names of folks on your route, aad cither go to see them, or -hone them, asking them to renew. If a friend or neighbor is paid a year IN ADVANCE, be can pay for a year of more, and the time will be ad Jed on to his present dst. Ary friend or neighbor living on your, route and wkoee names yon DO NOT FIND en the mailing list, make an eitra e.Tort 0 ttc tad ask them t sub scribers to The Beau! it . Car teret County's protrte ive ' '7 r oer. Bee EVESYC01 V I i ur Im- mediate neighborhood f farther froni heme. I' phone If yoe have or, the mailing list and w; and relatives who live AWAY for yoe to caH The lave your friend '. tv-ri r t '. Look over to tdtr.ii TOO FAB i In j-ron. r- rt1 : 3 . ' '.I tUt, a4 fH them to FRIENDS e suit ' ' nd relatives 10 2 ' If yoe Bvs la to ICak'e a tM ef t yaer street Co " 1 felka Ivtof Ul pamaaCy. - A ' worked Tr U, -red reslee, ' wxrt A cash r;::2 The 'Crst resad" ee ti I . - this rate eads Darr.! t t., tUt dy ' C! 115 3 taad!dat ta EV M I. ' (CUaa4 at r.s r-a.) . Cm t' Fr'rnnni- '.. , : j . 'R2AL ESTATE TRANSFERS. - -Hegister of Deeds Troy Uorris has recently recorded the following realty deeds:" D, JL' Ward ano wife to S, E. TU- ton 8881 1-2 acres in Carlowe town ship, conidjiration Z2,ZZ$- - Jan DePorter and wile to David JL Cess 600 acres in Carlowe township, consideration $5.000. 1 '! - Dr G. Gould no wife to Cicero Fulcher and wife 22 acres in Newport township, consideration $10. .V Hachel Teasley to, Wm. H. Teas- ley, Sr., lots 4, 8, 11, 12, square 89 Morehead City, consideration $500. MANY ATTEND CONrSENc Quite a ' number of people from Beaufort . attended . the Het")odkt Conference la' New' Bern' last week. Among those who were there one or more days the News has heard of the following: Mr. and Mrs. D. M. Jon-a, Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Cornaday, JrUt. and Mrs. W, P. Smith, Mr. and. Mrs. N. F. Euro, Mr. and Mrs. M. L. Wright, Mrs. Mamie Shaw, Miss Nannie Potter, Misses Julia and Annie Burnley, Mrs. G. W Duncan, Mrs. W. L. Ifartsell, Miss Lottie San ders, Messrs. C C Jones and F. R. Seely.-;-: ' CART Ar'D CAX CCLUDE ., A collision between an automobile and a cart vhich might have result ed fatally . but fortunately did not, occurred Sunday on the road in front of Mr. James" Hancock's place Just a little ways from Beaufort. The cart which was driven by Mr. DufTy Puxi foy who was coming to town accom panied by his two children, was met by a car occupied by Logan White hurst, James Fodrie, Hubert Fodrie and Henry Russell and the two ve hicles collided. The result was that Mr. Purefoy was badly shaken up and bruised but not dangerously hurt. He was brought to town and given necessary attention. The two chil dren were thrown out of the cart and although badly frightened and shaken up were not hurt. SCHOOL NEWS. ; . (Communicated.) . . School la closed this week and ev erybody Is enjoying the holidays. Nearly all the teachers have gone to Raleigh to attend the Teachers' As sembly but they will return in time to get back to work Monday morning. The athlttic association of Beau fort High School Is now getting ready to go down deep In' the subject of Eaiket Ball. The equipment for the courts bas come and will be ready for ue next week. There will be one court for the boys and one for the f hla. We expect to stage aome very rr resting gsmes in the future. . ';; jttard" the court Janitor la now ,'..' !"g a suitable broom to sweep lie .urt room "clean for "Judge Cu , is to preside over the r.' fk trial, "High Crown Ercb o! fr e", which the athletio aola U r Irpse to stage be f off long. V s'uh for the ether announce mr ; '"t'i C. t' e beys ' t" ',i eft ' jt U t 1 t ' -r. t i ' ' i f t t ' r.rtr.t s ' l9CUf t 1 t f i Ust ril U ' 1 1 . t s ' BP) S at ('.- I t i f ' .rs t J t ? f " :' 'j f t ' . t'e r r r I,. J i t AND Hon shalt keen the feert ci wetls nto tie Lord tiy Cod wi a tribute cf freewill Bering of tLine hand, which thoa shalt rive onto the Lord thy God, according as the Lord thy God lath blessed thee. AND thou shalt rejoice before the Lord thy Cod, thou, and thy son, and thy Cicr-ter. and thy manservant. and thy maidservant, and the Tvite taat is wittia thy rates, and the strEEser, and the 'fatherless, and tha widow, that are among yoa fci the place which the Lord thy God has chosen to place bis name there. ' AND thon shalt Temember that thou wast a bondsman in gyptt and thon shalt observe and do these atatutes.' "'.f'? :. ;';,. j'-t-ii-'--. THOU shalt observe the feast of tabernacles seven days, after that thou bast gathered in thy corn and thy wine; . ; , . .. r,n y-. AND thou shalt rejoice in thy feast thou, and thy son and thy daughter, and thy manservant, and thy maid servant, and the Levita. the strati itpt and the fatherless, and the widow, inat are within thy gate. - r- SEVEN days shalt thon keen ' a solemn feast unto the Lord thy God, in the place which the , Lord shall choose; because the Lord ( thy God shall bless thee In. all thy ' Increase, and in all the works of thine hands, therefore thon shalt surely rejoice. ' ' . ' '. , FISHING LAST WEEK v5 ? f ; V - ' U ' :j v WAS VERY GOOD. Although the menhaden fishermen had only three good .Working days last week It was one of the best weeks in the history of the business in these parts. Every boat in the Beaufort and Morehead City fleet made good catches and the factories hd all they could do to take care of the fish that were catrght The highest catch of the week was made by the W. B. Blades, CapUia XL If . Parkin In-command. This vessel brought ia 1,481,000. Other, catches, were the Mcintosh of, Beaufort,, 183,000, and the W.' M. Webb of the Wallace Fisheries, Morehead City,' 1400,000. This week the boats have done very little. The big run of menhaden have either gone far out to 'sea or so fat South that they cannot be reached from here. Another run of fish is said to be on the way here and several of the larger boats went around Cape Lookout today to Core BankJ station looking for them.- At. this writing the . News-Is not aware of the full details of the trip but understands that several boats made good catches. . ' FALLING TREE BREAKS - -; . YOUNG MAN'S LEG ' k While helping to saw down a tree last Friday Elbert Dudley, eon of Mr. Lewis Dudley who lives a few miles from Beaufcrt, met with a bad acci dent. When the tree fell it caorht the young man's right leg under It and broke two bones ia the leg. ne was brought to town shortly after the accident happened and given the accessary attention by Dr. C L. Dun- MARRIAGE LICENSES. I Marriage licenses issued recently are as follows! ' '' ' Joe Johnsoa (coL) Jacksonville, Fia., snd Mary J, Smith Beaufort. J. II. Smith and BetUe A. Mason, Morehead City. ' ' '- , Jajuoe B. Mscy, Mobile, Alabama, and NtHlj Wniis, Morehead City. Unwod H. Wade, and Bettts Ogles' y, Morhai City. i E. L. White, . Var.reboro" and Co. Untnes Oglesly, l! r? -d City. LU2.:;rss t::r.Tr.'a I The riu!r t- r. nX'.rg of t' t Ci te 1 'J Tbn ' y Ur ' at l.Zl .. ef . C'i .T-T-'l r if Ul'1 hi. 1 . u ' f t !na aub win ' ; t ruoms a h. Erery V . s Cor. fwrttary. f . V x J. F. I . -1 ' e takes !i a r ' A ' t'tw rTti l-t fator. ' ; i. J 4 t"ie Uon&tf. i' ! r;-'J try 3 and i r t j t 1 j . r i t?var J t rrtjara'.!. j '. ! , ' 'Arw AH Ara ; Del. j jL; ' T7ArdNCTC:i. Nov. 21-Cns of the first things to be dc teirdaed by the armament conference is the real amount Of money tie participateg pbwerS are spendlag upon arEsaent of various kinds. ; llnct tie cuestlon of armament has become acute, ev, try participatinj poef. with the possible- exception of Japan," has given out figures to make as favorable , a showing as possible upon the side of armament limitation. The figures given out are correct per se but of Un they are mifllesdSns. Vith the "ex ception of Japsn, each of the kr;:r nations participating in the confer ence, cite figures to show that their respective appropriations for arma ment for the current fiscal year are proportionately smaller (when com pared to the tptal budget for the cur rent year) than for many years. . , ' Where Parcantag ae Decaivo, For, example: . the United States during the current year will spend less than 19 per cent Of its total ap propriations for the maintenance of its army and navy, the smallest pro portion of the government's total ex pense that baa been spent upon ar mament since the government of the United States first . began. v While this is true from the standpoint of percentages. It is, nevertheless, equally true that In actual dollars and cehta the expenditures for army and navy are' much greater than in pre war days.'; ' The cost of the army and navy for the current year is approximately $787,000,000, In . 1911 the total amount spent upon the army and na vy was only a little over $280,000,. 000, which waa the highest sum ever pent-Bp until that time in any one year of peace. Yet In 1911 $280,- 000,000 represented 44 per cent of the total amount of money spent by the government , for all ' purposes, while the $787,000,000 that ia to be spent this year represents leas than 1 per cent of the total amount of money to be spent for all purposes. This decrease in percentages at the same time there is a tremendous in crease in actual expenditures is ex ptaind by the tremendous incresse in the total budget of the United States. In 1911 the total expenditures - of be government were only $054,000, 000. The budget for the Current year will be slightly In excess of lr 204,000,000. - ' EfUmi laciwaaod War Caste. The same deceptive conditions ex ist ia England aad France. While In 1914 Great Britain's appropriations far the armv were only 14 per cent of Ha total expenditures, for the cur rent year they are leas than 10 per cent of the total expenditure. But m dollars and cents these are the fig- eres: In 1914 the British govern maat snent tl41.4Z5.000 en Us army; for the current year It bas appropri ated 1479.815.000, or an Increase of t2 per cent la expenditures for the srmy. . . The comparative. figures for the British navy show Great Britain la 1014 scant 24 per cent of Us wiai budget for the navy, while for the current f.val yeaf It baa spent only rxr ceot of lU total budgat. uui. m In the case of lU expenditures for the army, the actual expenditures lor the navy are snany times what they were la 1914. Moreover, Great Priui.i is spending millions la antkV potion of aarlal warfare which are not eoatalnea la either its muiiary kcLret bills. Tart of this la toaeeaWd U its postal budget and . a . part of It la toneeaiea eisawoara. Not all the f igure are otulnsbls for this teon. Bat from fz-Jres Wi re obtainable, H can be statl taav, while In l14 !' J ;t ! 1300.650 la aeiUl v.Z.rj e ;'J k U sow stnl'-X If I- e cur rent yr ret l $ic3,e:3,ec9 U d''"p a.i:tary an4 a avia- tica, TrMb EWLta Oa comparative kia France ee tharisad a aWraaae la terc&Ue of ap-reptlaUswis Sot both amy aad aery fat lie itnut f -iJ year as tar-?ar 1J 1H1 I i li-t LOCAL BAKS EUYS NZT.TCST SCIIOCL CC:.D3 For the first time in the kktar of the county a local banking institu tion has bocrht a good sized issue of Iocs! bonds. The bonds referred to are the' $C5,CC0 issue of Kewrort school bonds which were bought Hon day by the Beaufort -EarlLn and Trust Company. v-,. ,'.s.t The bonds were advertised for sale some weeks ago and - on Uonday lupt. of Education. U. L. Wrirht and Newport) school commiscioners ).;J7. KcCah and i AS L. r Wilson pened , the UZ and awarded tie bonds to the : bankiss "coniranT. There were only two Ul for the bond i8ueL Tha T.panf.iA T '.' and Tyust Company and lruiva and Company of Toledo, Chio. The bar.i'a bid was $3,C:0 lees a com- mLdon of $1,70, which netted $36.87 Prudcn and Company's bid. was $35.- Hancock and Davis, who have the eontrsct for the bullw.r lave 'al ready commenced work on it and It Is hoped thst it will be finished some time next Spring. The building will be a handsome ant commodious one. LAND AGENT HERE. Federal Land Agent Latham was in Beaufort but week on a business trip. Mr. Latham stated that the Land Bank at Columbia was about ready to take up Carteret county ap plications for loans and that action on these matters would be forthcom ing in a very short time. . - CHURCH SOCIAL An enthusiastic and well attended meeting was held Tuesday evening at Ann Street Methodist church the object of which was to organise the young people into a society. It is hoped by means of this organization to interest the young ' people In church work and at the same time to frr;!."h them a certain amount of so cial entertainment.- At the meeting nice refreshments were served and the young people had a very enjoy able , evening. - The organization starts' off with the following as Its of ficers: President, . Wilbur Willis; first vice-president, Mias Alice Pot ter; second vice-presidentrPsul Jones secretary Mra Howard Jones; treas urer, Blythe Noe. . , , METHODIST APPOINTMENTS As a result of the Conference held In New Bern last week several chang es la the Methodist ministry In Car teret county have occurred. The ap pointments for the county arei At lantic and Sea Level circuit the Rev. E. J. Lewis; the Rev, Samuel Leffers aad the Rev. E. W. Glass supernu merary; Beaufort, the Rev. E. B. Craven; Morehead City, the Rev. W. A. Cade. The Rev. R. F. Bampas who baa been pastor here for the last four years, was transferred to Frank linton. The Rev. F. M. Shamburger will continue to act as Presiding El der of this district THE WEEPING TREE ( Communicated.) .There were a lot of bugs up the tree; one was csptured and sent to the State EnolnologUt who said It was what is known as "Spittle Bug" because In the youthful or nymph stage these bogs secrete what is sim ilar to spittle or the white of an egg. This secretion is made of the sap which the bug gets from trees and Into whkb be has sa arrange ment for blowing bubbles of air, which snakes It rasamUe iplte. Where the sap U plentiful aad the bogs numerous It Is ejuite common to have the oxcees fluid drop el as "spittle' or rain, as It may be called. of fact ef actual erpend.turea, the follow irg are the f rare, la round rLr: . Ia 1912 France spent tlf.COOOO oa It aavy; for the cur rent year It will rpanl $l!l.CQa.CJ 3. Ia 1112 It ipeat $197,C:3.C:9 en Its ara-y; fsr Ue current yeaf Its s&illi. Uiy ayjrtiprlaUvcs are $t:J.CCD.c;j Jtfmn franVy a ' "j kr wi!.ury and tattl s;;rr;r'.Uor. tjr Ue ear rent year ae 23 pe east l!;W tlaa ever knew, tha wi3 speed wpoa aavy i arwy 12 per ewt ef let to til su l ff iLe es.rrar.t year. w . . J v Tier Czz: 1 Vi L :r. There will net be axy e!ccl,fsn this year on the ciueiLln cf Lsulnj bonds tO build bard. BUT faCC 1 rr- tm-n u',,tu vwusii. a i-iiEzsrs ana LZore- head City. At a su L ? of the conn. ty commissioners 1 era llovAzj a mo- t:on wss pa-ssi t !J.!: LUd the res- w iwa an c:cc;;on. The ef ZcU tijiutss tlvca Itlow explain tha matter.'. - t.-tfort, N. C. irove:. lcr 21, 1C21. The Conoralle Eaarl of Commi-loners met this the 2let dy of November, 121, la continueJ mecrj at their rrrular meef!r-F place at the Court House la the town of Beaufort. North Carolina. t'S all members present, to-wit: C. H. V neat-7, chairman; George G. Tsy lor, J. LT Edwards. Henrv O' Pinr. and B. Frank Small. Bids , submitted by the following nemed parties for the construction ox a Drtdge over Hckett's Creek were opened and read to the Board. .Willis it Lincoln, furnishing material and buildinar. fl.92 all per all per all per lineal foot. - Maxwell it Scott, furnishing material and buildinar. 18.12 - lineal foot Guthrie Brothers, furnishing material and building, $8.90 lineal foot ' Bell ft Brady, furnishing all ma terial aad building, $8.75 per lineal foot . . . Maxwell A Scott being the lowest bidders it was ordered by the Board that they be awarded the contract The Consolidated Statement of Listed Taxables for 1S21, was pre sented 1y the County Auditor and upon motion of Mr. J. L. Edwards sams was accepted. . The resolution presented to the Board November 7th,. 1921,' request Ing the Board ta call ah election for the purpose of ascert.-i'ningthe will of the people on the question of is suing bonds for the repose of builj ing hard surfaced roaJs from Beau fort, N. C., and Morehead City, N. C to Craven County line, was taken up snd considered at this meeting of the Board. In as much as there had been no expression of public pinion in a petition or otherwise demand ing such an election to-be .called, upon motion ef Commissioner Hen ry O. Piner, seconded by Commission er, J. L, Edwards that said resolution be not adopted, upon roll call vote, said motion was unanimously ' car ried. At the request of the Board Mr. T. G. Smith, an inmate of the County Home, appeared before the Board In explanation to a letter written to the State Board of Charities and Public Welfare ia which be lodged certain complaints with reference to the County noma. Mr. Smith ia expla nation U the letter ssld .that the County norae needed more ventila tion, that the sewerage needed com p!rt'"?, that the : inmates needed r":..u...,g o read, aad would like to have Religious ServUes conducted at the Home. He also stated that Mr. Peterson, the keeper of the Home snd the Board of County Commis sioners have at all times been very courteous and kind to aim aad all the inmates of the County Heme. Let ters with reference to this matter were ordered filed. It Was ordered by the Board that W. L. flancU, County Auditor, and E. W Hill. Count? Attorney, bo ao- pcintad to settle with the Sheriff. It was ordered by the Board tbat W. L. Standi, County Aadltor, be ip pointed to Collect the remainder of 1920 tares. It waa ordered by the Board that W. L fUncil give boed of $S,0C3 as tax eoileW. . It s ordered ly the Board that W. L. tuneil be ril t::3 ss Us ropertUor for the yaar l'.Z). ' n::ir2its cc r The News b air' tl t:.t e r. -r aaetlrg of tKe T. .' s Can w!3 be be' la 1' fs" I C f t 13 a'clack, T." ' y, I 'f i' t :. rarsoma to ka f ' - t' ftaerd ere bv', I ll'ir- '-

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