HOME PAPER ) y - M V' ',; ; Hl C:::rI:;G 10 T1I:: ! IND 13 V7IIAT I TEIXI IS TO THE EODY 3 OLUMEX. - .. v- - ti:d EZAUFervr news thuhsda is2i: .. , THE FffiST PERIOD OF CMIPAIGN 3 - ENDS WITH INTEREST IIIGii -. - '.T T- - .-V;'" '" f - .: Clarence Simpson, Mrs. Carl'G. Q&sliill andiDan:.Chs.dwIcl . Won the First Cash Prizes. The Highest Extra Vote For' lbs ' Remainder of the Campaign Will Be Given This ; W eek. Candidates are Develop in Resourcefulness, Ccur&g3 and ' Energy That Will Make Winners. , , ' OFFERED i FORkTUtSDAY-S ATERMTY'-BILI; "T . i s SECOND CASH PRIZE The first period in- the' News Sub Eeription campaign dosed Tuesday of thia week, with the awarding of the first special eash 'prize. ' In checking up thy work it was found that the cadzdteriuninvei- close race," the winner v winning o.er eacb' ther and , over .-Mother workers by a very small margin. However, Clarence Simpson, o Beaufort,' was , th winner of the $10.00 cash prize, and Mrs. C, G. Gaskill, of Straits, ;and Dan Cbaawick, of . Beaufort, tie .. ing for the second prize, were in ac- eordance with the rules of the con- ,. test each given a check, for $5.00. ' The business of the'lastfew days '.. hows that the workers are develop ing energy and are proving to the ews ana to the public that they are ' really out to win. They realize fur- n ther, that there is no; "royal road to winnning" and that those who would succeed must go out' among their friends and neighbors and relatives .and get new subscribers for the pa : per and get old subscribers, to, .renew They realize that they must work for ' these prizes and that the time 'in , which to work for them is growing shorter every day. The , sueeess of the campaign is a foregone conclu sion, for the prise list offered is so valuable that' the candidates are Jus tified in the effort and time they are devoting to the campaign. ., STILL ANYBODY'S RACE - ' "No candidate-however, has a well , defined lead-no candidate has risen ' head and shoulders over any other candidate it is still anybody's rao, and any real workar, any .'AMBI TIOUS WORKER who really wants X ui Overland Touring Car, can rtisily " start in now and by using sensible, buklness-like .methods "of campaign ing for votes, can bewlancjy ' If pretent leaders wish to continue to be leaders, they 'must Increase their Hvote totils in a very perceptible de . re. This" second period Into which we are now entering, will be a real 4st of their reiourcefulnew in plan- nine ways and means to cover quick ly and thoroughly tbt field which we I wish to enter; it will be a test to their courage which must be upheld even when the fight may seem to be going against them. . Voters will pile up rapidly daring this second period schedule now 'in ? effect, and while all the candidates ' are LUMBER PLANT SHUTS DOWN-! AiGOOD RECORD Impcrtatt - Legislation Pasosd i . Disproves Charge of "Do I ' ' Nothing" Congress. , v Washington, -The. extra sersion bf the Sixty-se?enth Congress adjourn sion since April j 11 with, the ' excep-, tio:Vof a month's recess late i,n the summer to enable the Senate Firian cej committee opportunity to consi der the new tax measure;, without in terruption pf ; regular" se?sions.' gj; :. When Presidentr; Harding address ed the opening 'session: in " April he The tCarteret Lumber Company ceased its manufacturing , operation last week for an indefinJta, period probablyOEwoaiMijthree months.: Tri'iirclosed-dow -the&gfe mg laws;, 't :t i j A. resolution - declaring a state of peace "between the United States and Germany ; a budget system ; art "emer gency tariff, to benefit the farmers; permanent tariff providing ample protection to home industries; a new tax tyetem whi A -should lessen the burden of general taxation and" do away'tth'1 the excess profit taxes; a paring of appropriation bills - and cautioA'tn incurring new obligations to tne ena inai nauonai expenuuures might be greatly reduced; federal aid in building of public highways; devel opment of the merchant merchant mi- rinercoordmation ox the various gov January but in the late Summer started operations -agalt" running two or three days a week. . The' .object in starting up was to salvage some Jogsi which, were on hand and this: work.has now been completed. The selling end of the., business f will "' continue1 right along in both the wholesale and retail way. '':. ',',7;' t-u"' NEW CLASS ROOMS. ' On account of "the' croWded condi tion of the Graded i School' building here it has been 'found necessaryjto occupy rooms in the. upper story , of the City Hall for school purposes. Two classes, the ftfth'jrrade. which is taught by Mrs. Jones and the sixth taught by Miss Modlin are now using the new quarters" '.'.... "T; BOARD . Qfv EDUCATION. .The county Board of .Education held a regular "meeting here Monday all thtf members" being., presnt : A number of routine matters were dis posed of and an election ordered to be held in the -Laurel consolidated school districCTs election is on the question ofHL.i.uirigi bonds', for building and maintenance lax, ' 1 SHR;SYSTEM1PASSSS . COnSlESS Waterraty" And Child .Welfare To ReceiveAid From red- v ' . eral Government, States v' .", Must : Help . v'W'v-' VASrillTONT-Prcideiit liar- welfare and hygiene o maternity and rafaTMryWTheaatepaMfid the' bill eminent agencies handling relief for ex-service men;the enactment of a maternity infancy welfare law' j cer atlon cf a department of , public wel fare; action to punjsh'lynchlngs by statutes; .encourage: fprcable, radio and aviation service. V 4 , Vs P'lnkd Man Thift t-'.; When the4 President's requested program was presented it was regard' e iore, than the Congress could ac conlplish during the time of its special session! As to how well St heeded the request of the President and how differently, it has applied itielf dur -jirig tHe seven months (less ope month- Board Cirjr.idering. Exlending Sweraga Ad Water FIa,nts ,; .Will Ka'p. Survey Made ??t V jTJie Iboa I of Commissioners ; of Beaufort iKld' its regular meeting at the 'City ; Hall Mort day. - r .Mayor Bush- Ming, in' his first mecsage ,td Cong'ms all, J coVmksioners T Buhcaii', ''Ford, ! at lit rcnening ;of the" special sesion ard;)er-, JIuAtky ' and Lewis Were urged' among oth'er ' legislation, S the pren-';'r.4i.?'; ;'in tbe: ejactmen o k law: furnishing STfcjB nndst' lmportanli "mater ldiscuVs-f ederal aid to the sveral states 1a con ed tfi, boajd was probably thatS)Xneetion with hiaternity and child prob the f eiiajV'quesfion'.'' II. jGf Loving lems. Vln conformity. with his request, repx'Henung-. uie iirm 01 i..y,."ic-jbujs were introaucea in ootn tiouse Crary, Compajsy of Atlanta appeared befor? tli ei -board, in.iswer to trte'- the ooard have his views 'on the ques-1 tion.i Mr Loving stated that in or-. der to tell what the cost of complet irig tho- sewerage and extending the water mains it would be necessary to send, art engineer hertf, and make . complete' survey, tie . proposed tnat hisi : cc mpany make , the survey7 also eJesaty map, plans ahd specifica tions and would do it for $250, with this understanding that' if the board dcfdi:4'W have the' work hs planned carried out, that his firm should have charge of the engineering. 1 :,The charge for the engineering would, pe six percent of .the coat of. thecon traet.v; After discuBsine the matter tne boara passea a resolution .accept in 0.1r. Loving's proposition, J. He said th? 'survey would be made in a very sport ume. . s - A representative 01 the te'epnone company came before the Toftrd with teference.to the matter of putting the. "company's wires on the electric ligt.V poles.!.; The commissioners de cided to' permit the telephone com paq'y. te' continue to use the poles, as they have been doing for aoine time. ;:; IL Bravaldo was given' tie per ml ion'to sell mail boxes. Commis-, ioaVrf Gardner reported that all the . v - f ' . . . . . . ; hauses in Beaurort naa oeen numoer- i.l MRS. JAMES WILLIS DEAD- X 'Ift !!on9' -. 4 "- -. . v lowing tabulation of, the tilosl After an il!nes,tliot baa lasted for several years Mrs. Jame3 Willis of Roanforf H!w) Xfnrula nicht. 1 The f.f.r.l .wrnned Tuesday and' was I States and the Central Pow Hv,t.4 ( hnniA n Turner . Estabichment . of . federa .trPPt hv th Ucv. II. "A. Div. In- yftem. ' :. ' View, Cemetery . r arny'-f crnrrKC.n;jr pu. g tabulation or the tiiosc Un laws .Wifl show ; - ' Ptace.f, evolutions ; stopping "state cf var" between th Sett' r . TX12 ters Co- v;: : if t u The tepuUr monthly rneetin,-! of the 'Coanty.'comm!:ioners took place lu re Monday , and .considerable .buait.t.y was tfans'-icted. ;'A settlement was wade with .Sheriff. Thomas for the. 1920 taxes. Jurors were drawn for January term of court and other business attended to as shown id the official, minutes publiahedbelows Beaufort, : N. V C. December 5,1021. and Senate for tfie "promotion of the! .The Hon' lloard of County Com mi.sioners met this the 5th. day of Deis.' 1921 et Jheir. regular, .meeting,. by a; vote of 4z to jl ;re tlou"a?-1f Tac ted 'favorably on the legislation pri November, 19th by the overwhelming of 279 to zMri'-z'T 'rtr; -s"-,ObjfcU of The Aet l"-'. -,',,v- '..',!--:;.." ' ' ;'".:;.f. f.s ! I The bill which republic discussion has come to be known as themater tiity and jnfancy bill, has for its ob ject the following general purposes; enable the federal, government to stimilate, 'encourage' and aid the sey eral states in promoting. the, .welfare and hygiene of maternity and infancy, to supervise In a general way the.work of the several states in this connec tion and to render financial aid, to the . severs! . states . conducting - this work, 1 provided the states receiving such federal financial aid conform to certain conditions "specified in the attl The adminfttratlon of tbe, mater nity ' w yetted under the . law in' a board' com ised of the chief of the Children's bureau. of the Department of. Labor,' the Surgeon General of the United States Public' Health Ser vice and the United States Commm ioner . ot Education. . The ' chief of the Children's bureau is the executive .officer. '; ? -. ' .Statai'May Accept Act - of Beaufort, North Carolina, with all members '. present, To wit: C. R. . V"fteatly'Chairmah,' George" G.Tay- lor Henry O.jPiner, B. Frank Small, ; arid J, L. Edwards. . v ') " The. minutes of the last meeting were-reaoVand approved. - ; ' . It is ordered that J. R. Gaskill of ; Beaufort, N. C. be relieved of his Poll Tax for the years 1920 and 1021. : . Mr. F. p. Bell came before the S Board and presented a for $25. i damage done to his timber iind land -by the road crossing his land. After due consideration of the matter, the Board was of the opinion that Mr."',' Bell was benefitted by the road crons lrg his lanuVbut was of the opinion thut hfs timber Was damaged to the amoUnt of $5.76.' Said amount was ordered paid to Mr. Bell. Mr. .Georg K, Jones came before the, board and asked for admittance , to the. County Home. The matter was" referred to the County Welfare Ofllcer.' Upon recomhiendation of the 'County Welfare 0;T;cer Mr. Geo. R. Jones was. by-the or kr of the ; Board of County Commissioners ad mitted to the County Home; ; Mr. A..T. Cardner came before the - Board and a.;ked that a ditch be .A v ' ' ... ; ;T 1. ', , :.., . ' (.. i -1... i.. ,U! .... .-f the fol-l"-V r v " ' ' w v - in order-to securA the -benefits of ? ,."- iWppKfT"""4 tMs . act " ue '" " 1 t-!etbuy an. extra pump.xor ea-h tbwugh iiMprowi" taUrg that t,, ;owa ? thel.Cy,V' , " ... V . authcrity, fecept the provisions of'v V , p:y vn W?"d ,jrn;iv ri:m. w; at buJgit i, H RU1S '-nVhildrerts h irta voucher be drawn to lu;!f the ignate ""'; Jl ... .1... t . .U iau.' will '.cooperate M.. , he act. In states bav-V""' " ::'-u"1 13 l""lmfui V' - ii.ii.i.'-. -.'-.li- '..'' i :Pi'C)er:i eid rseJ ry .. 1. O-rtner. Mrs WUlis is survived by her tms- -Agifcyltural Credits act, providing - 'i' " connecU?3 with Un'r hiUh tfepnit- ' v j , ' iZfis zult brothers a" dl.OQO.000,000 revolving fund to V W ? tod.y;tbeFHbe.'lei health departrnent,. shall Bord took recen t , meet ct- i .t sisters andgr.uKhUdv v. , y ,cuUure .nJ tive '8tockS rul.. ind Wgulahons. jin ..Uo'.i w!th -to. . federal The Beard "convened -et two SEVERAL CAfrS TRIED , , BY StTERIOR ' A one week term of Superjot Court convened here Monday morning, Judge C. C. Lyon is .presiding over the sittings of th court, which is for the trial 'cf civil - cass only.,, A good many of the cases that were on now pn practically the same foot- j the calendar, which was published in agricuHi intere&L Ammeudment o the. farm loan 1 The-following are some of them.' The ry' relative to catching food ' ',-t bankact, whereby the fundi avail-; fish In purse s.s was changed so as COURT . .?rlto prohibft eating, shrimp, butter- n4 forge ahead and get the winning vote. . , .. ' BICCEST VOTE OFFER l.e.AA Aa ' : ' " '" ifish. and JramtVot afin permits We M,BWW:rv'" .lcuWng-of blot fish and mackerel ... m r . . n i . ii ..tin iniii. tin.. Capper Tincher -act to regulate "grain exchanges". and an dealing in "futures' l.i the grain trade. ,', I - "Packers Act" providing fort feJ eral regulation of all meat packing esUblishment, stockyards and other live clock Industrie. ' ' Immigration restictloa law ' Protection of American ewned a- bl and radio service. U Ua of Tii'Da - vetran's bureau ! . . . . - i h... Br.ctiklly the same , the News wv weea, nave iwrn n vote, these who really want the car !ltnul account of absence or wit Uom who are determined to bavejnessea or for - other reasons. The the car are afforded the opportunity! cases ..BpTO.. w ir r-. . . 11 owe ii vs Mocks, juagmeni lor u plaintiff $300. - ' - . Guthrie vs Buck and others, ivdg-f ment. nonsuit. ' ' J Creation ef tS . The biggeit vote; offer for the re- , . . ... ,,., . kM(l nd "srds malndcr of the campaign is being, lf.,w.lt" ludrmeat forWti. handlln of all claima, ia'ad- glve now. Up unUI 6 o clock Tuev , - , . . , , - ,ner9mxitxr bn,fSu nd day. December 13th. th ere wUl Clbu - Ma)iwtiu judgment , for prlvir of all t-rvW4 mi.; given. coupon good for E"l the plaiaUff. Reorganisation of rWUilpin. r. Vs(h far each 120.00 worth oil ... . . ..!-.. . . 1 . r..n (,16m vs Maxwell, juugmcnt lor ful lyxttm ami extension i mmr the plalnU.f. , 'pin crdit In order U savd the Inlands N..W. Tutor vs Cold;nsn, Judg-J(rm bantruptcy as a mult of gov ment for pUin tiff. Urament of the UUads uner th Wll- S.rp vs Thlpbuilding Co Jttdg-'Ma dmiii.uf ion. heit forj' intiff.. . Amendment of the Edg act U fac- JeUer nd others vs Newby ad , nutrf the orrsnlzatlon of eerpora- othera, tru.1 started rltrdy, not tianm t pronwle America' foreign AnUhed i i lui.e tra Votes for each $20.00 worth subscription business turned In by any candidate. This offer will not be rooeated, and for th periods fol lowing decidedly fewer extra votes will b given with each $20.00 as m'cb week the vot It . decreased. Th wit workers will take adranUf of th EXTRA VOTE and will d their beit work NOW. . ; ' ANOTHER CASH PRIZE , Another eah prise of $10.00 will In Mitrlrt No. 1 and a cash prix of $10.00 will b glv'en In Pi-: Ulct t U tke csndSdatM who turn In the grtsUit amount f HEW subscription buinttfor 4h week ending Deceniltr 15 th, t MO P, k The Bsofort Nws U offering yo an Overland Tourirr Car I return for your lime fr a weeka, , An Overland Teorirg Car Is worth yor 'Untiring effort ni from now until the end of the cimpi fn U yoflf and mullets.The rule governing pound nets amended so as to conform to th regulations of. the federal govenu ment which la that thr ncU must not be set within on mil of th besch nor within four miles of an ' Inlet The sizes' cf th meh arel 1-4 Inch for pounld and 1 1-8 inch for back Instead of 1 M inch for pound and 1 l-Zlach for back. ... Ta Saturday holiday telatlv t caUhing acallope has been changed effective after January 1st 1921, when scallopers' will again be per mitted to eatcVscaIlop on Saturday. NEW MINISTER ARRIVES :hi!drns bureau.. Mo state will be'OCUK;- allowrl any Impropriations from the present. . . fnnla until It h.'.ci..n.d '' " " the mply with its prov agT old h. !.. at ri.SU ir yard, ' The toad i L Lui:t tuljeit t stirie made by the County Engineer. The County Attorney i tucte.l to draw the contra-t after x ;-vy. It bl ordered by the Buj.nl f -r t.Ji for Suiters and V.liiton cu k li i .!g- J. it. S';u!l he '.Maternity and Infancy act and l'r1J thc w.llnw the .vVd to comply with its provisions, road from Piney point to C.::-.t v- i.inn. I. tSa i, nrr Hamilton old ru. !.. at li.vu to. acpuire funds, from the federal treasury the stsU.must match the funds dollar for dollar. Th act in this respect is parallel with th act providing federal aid for publk highways end operates along thc tame line ' All etat agencies designated ;s be aked, for. or created for the purpose of carrying It Is ordered by tho Board that out th provisions of th act must be! $23.00 be paid 'to the Ch'l '";' II me approved by the Children's bureau' Society of North Carolina. of the department f labor, and the j H U ordered by the Poard that the deUil'ed plans for carrying out the County Health Offcer ex.imine Mr. provUions of th act must also b ap- ;T. G.'S nith an Inmate of te CouH- proved by th sam authority. Each ty Home and report In AtUA j ' y- sUM agency which helps administer leal condition to the Board at tl. th. rf mint Make Beriodical report , next rerular meeting. to ti federal Children's bureau. . ! of TV H Th act 'apeclally forbld.i ary I tiiat Mr.. C. : t boys and a girl,1 accompanied r.( Craven, making the trip la a ear. Mr. Craven ws pastor of the church l Four Oeki la Johnston .ity pre- fo publication this trad, - ' , " .' eoming her. Th IjdWs of Maternity afcd Infancy Welfar actjl)l churt, vavt' fttUng th Appropriation f $75.O00.0O ' j,wn, ,td tit th ae ineutn- iut aid In building of public ' k,,u for days and have two A,AS In auklnc It verr toM nd cemfortebl s , ' Th Rv. E. B. Cravn who la th ew pastor of Ann street Methodist chart arrived yesterday and will Dreach bis flrat wrnoS ber Sunday offlcial or agent connected with. lU, . ' . . , ' . . . mommg , at Eleven 'clock. Mrs. ..dmlnfctratlcn U enter any home v,r nK)f)th froM p Craven and Ue Ure children,-iwo m orjecwon oi oi in wwnr r ,fan v It Ucrdred by the T Mart Nilion, lUiloi snd H tree thi'.lrn 1 Uhe County Home- It I erJrifd by .the B.r ! t' at Ar JOS. I F DIES SUDDENLY. . Jeti ' a naJf at hi 1 day i on it a an,! to r . Wc f r.- i i v f.f ' ' ! "AnU beer" act strengtamf " :Jthport. but Nrcement f lb f,derslmendment 1 c,I suddenly rralJiri probibitien. , . place Pun- teorgaJijtatiuM f'tb. Indian.b- , :fe waa .Ahe r- J..hn Watf f Enactm.nt i r kux f this rut was m in ar?ro- isrUtlcns a.ked by th Nry and ?.r J tw.Ui measure fl, rtrtmnU and ty t4 - i r P ' " i charge of any th.ld over tl.e proU.t o( the parent. ' Tb act a?o p hil.ls th dm of any money ppr. prlated or Its adetinlatrtUon for th conituctlon repair, T'-rwent er maintenanr f aoy prov land. or for the paynrent ef . mat m.ty er lnfAc pnu'oa frs'.ui y. This prohlhition f prev..t,rg j,ny frjlrr! famla from linf UJ a ir.Aiatln Ut InMAutiwns or toiy for the cm ef ch.'.Jfrn eroru ko Pf be put, charf in ary '.f.i ' ' ' ' 1 ' It U erjfred by the Board that Hi-nry Clancy, Neaport, K. X'., l r! evd of bla Poll Ts t r tVe Jfsrs K20 and 1321. . Mr.' William IT, l!H came . ' the' I'i rd nd pt nw(f J a J v ';nfj ty a nJ..ri!y fcf V !.! f Newport Tor:.:- . 1 : ; t' ' retirt ro4 a ll :'.... ','fport Hnrr tnon ' lu, ."' t tlti vr y t ' Tt Iiac-I -rt!rrd t ('- cc'ttr-jra ci r " prtuolt to'prov tbt jT)rf ar f pmt ceat tfT.flet. (Continitixl on-Pac .tO.) ")l)'" jfo. I t lira s well I hrthers Jrir n 'm ! rri . i 1. wbo f .' uthjort and a "r.h!l.' .The h- nJ tfk l-'ar 'stir tiom Vt f lrrl. , " rhkk mak t rrIuUi r tU.uuy , t,Mr4 600 I fdrl taiign y' and! TLi t-ord f 300,o'0,00 filt -''. th bulkt!ut inatead ef bfrg u.."A r?rt'.f r" j ef which wiil be 1 ftd ftm the"aer.Cf.gre, bo ptviou .f a. y. Amerkaa Corfre r In l" trc tt tV. r 1 ur t a..y ! ft cStiitm . , . ' ' a KitHnr ;iii'i shrd i"f Cat ar 3OO,Ofi8,0OO frm ppro t. :st;n rja"'d by tsrius fed : l j rtmU and board v Th aiaf), ..ttd aa ruar.f tirp'itl U in U tr"t J I i fjip yt and putlkC w'far. - , t . ,'To all taU Hh sccrjt t!. a.t i d rinfnrm w h lU prwvi'ifa a Pt .am of ll'.' ' 0 is af ptt-pt tated f.e current f l yr. vtiH en!!; be i,Utn tv'tig.t.'withowt reer va:i ,n $" roo a year fer f.ve yer ia' .a a I ' irg June 35, l sd.I ' p9,: " J s, - ' t,! Fat d atlon f 3 o "l( ... rui.'-l - i g t'.r r.") ! ya f t d ,' ar for ,"ar t' ft t' e t Vrl r'vt r - f jr p riate n -! i u t. rroi! tv .( r t' period f ' x 1 " f.-nat $710, f - t ( 'f- i to ,'iU!- aerj ,' ' . a t V i . 7 j...