" - - - y ' f READING TO THE MIND 13 WHAT EXERCISE IS TO THR BODY j i " ,', (; EVERY THURSDAY, j ( nTTvTEF j. ::;..r,';;;:a:,S- 3 . lllT"'1 ' " . - '' - .1 THE BEAUFQRT NEWSTHURSDAY, JAN. 5th 1922 , ; ", ''y.Cf NUMBER J0M4 V X irni UBl" 1 . . . . ' 1 : T . . i . , SPECKLED ' TROUT LOOSE 4, To 5t Vr" Trewema to be reasons r .r -1 v Mr. ?;i county wi8" tlt cowty would ."- . I - J .Art? if taa Devwv i Most of the fish scrap and oil fae ries suspended fishing operations st before -the holidays but a few of em have resumed.'-;' "Within the last y or so some catches were made but ey were nothing like ns large as ose made in November -and thee ar- ypartct.. December. Oh Tuesday apt Aiees MastunnTOmmMu-WnK, lizabeth, Dey and Brother' boat roujfht in twen,ty five thousandjeery ood fish; One set he made Captain Mason caught thousands of pounds of ipeckled trout but' as he fihing regr- ckled, trout but as the fishing reg- "VJfMhe catching of hese VVjre had to turn them SPEEDY BOAT IN BEAUFORT HARBOR Fattest. Boat of Her : Class In : World Here For a Few Days . CITY COMMISSIONERS , MEET v v M 1. nd the Craven ca .a would pay charge as far C icernedaaowerje line to Beaufort, Ul be started i the agreement mdtheHlgbw , ';,iGhalrman I Cameron wej ' ; vh two roa osiion m x aad tien br the next r meeting s, , thedisi f the Crav. fort ther ... ' "ea oxi Therf Pbsbl tk.py,,wf '. At to M ayt Y fur I if pp- ftils lof e at ailed t , The fastest boat that has ever been MRS.GASKELWON DECEMBER NOT COLD ACCORDING TO REPORT Lady frorri Straits Won Car, .-. Roy FutcheV and Clarence he Other Prizes The subscription contest -which has t " The last -month of the old year made a very good reputation for it self in these parts. There were 16 clear days, in the month .according to and 3.6S inches, of rainfall. There the report of observer Chas.' Hatsell were 15 days cloudy or pirtly cloudy weather. On two days only did the mercury go below, the freezing point .ty to built i,' miles y.f "' ads wiU that is t a mile, be finish- umber of i thehigh loyment of he expend! d thousand is year. Sev The city commissioners held their regular monthly meeting here Mon day. The board composed of Mayor Bushall, Commissioners Duncan, Ford Gardner, Huntley and Lewis Ehowed all present. ' ' There was no business of unusual interest transacted. The report of McCrary and Company as to the cost of finishing the 'sewer and water sys tems has not yet been. made. Rich ard Camp applied to the board for assistant engineer for the power and water plant His application was or dered filed for later consideration. A motion was passed to send thePitte burg Meters Company a 90 day note amounting to $1169.64 to pay for me ters. The Clerk was instructed to write the La France Engine Company about some fire ladders which were shipped here by mistake some time ago, with a view of buying them. The Board ordered that the lights used bv the Bureau of Fisheries on fPiver's Island should be charged for at teeter rates instead of nut rate. FULL TEXT OF FOUR POWER TREATY PROVIDING PEACE IN THE FACIEI? OCEAN REGIONS THE UNITED STATES OF AMER. THE BRITISH EMPIRE, FRANCE -AND JAPAN ' , .... i Har 4Mrd the plan ive f y ' -..-if f .HI With the view of the preservation i t i.. .. .. .t. . i ivee-as wing.t tn renerlpece ano vne main tenance of their rights in relation to their insular possessions ann in sular dominions In the region of the Pacific Ocean. Have determined to conclude a treaty to this effect and have appoint ed as their plenipotentiaries: IS DEAD WIS MRi i- tavW a venerable i " ... ... . . J lady died at ner et Thursday, Dec She was Just a lit- ears of age. Mrs. "i .'in feble health for . ff khm the ifc Of B. Da, vis and U rurvi-1 jildren, irroll of Charlotte, Mrs idwick and Dr. George lart . The funeral ser leceaied were eon-duct-flarry A. Day pator of arch and the Interment Oak Cemetary.' S PAY DIVIDENDS ter the fasttest boat of her - type that has been in any harbor is spend ing a few days here, J The Gar Jr. II is the name of the speedy craft and she is the famous boat that made the race with a train last Spring from Mi ami to New' York and covered the dis tance in 47 hours and 35 minutes run ning time. :''; ' -V . The Gar Jr.; is on her way now to Miami now and is spending c few days here while waiting for her owner Commodore Garfield A Wood of the Detroit Yacht Club,. Captain -Joe. Kenny and Mrs. Kenny are aboard the boat and also Captain Post who is ac ting as pilot. The trip hare was made through Lake Erie, 1 the Erie canal, the Hudson River and the In land -waterway route from New York to Beaufort. The Gar Jr. 11 is the type of craft known as the express cruiser. She is equipped -with two Smith marine engines of 450 hores power each. The engines consume a little over a gai- j Ion of gasoline per mile, and develop a speed of 45 miles an hour. , The boat, is 50 feet long and her beam is 10 feet. Notwithstanding the fact that he cruiser is designed for speed she has a surprising amount of room and rieeping- quarters for eight or ten people, has a nice galley and all nececrary convenience, s. ' Last year the Gar took part in sev eral races in Florida waters and won them. This yea she i to participate in races from Miami to Palm Beach, Kev West and HavanaV She will be in Florida until Spring,' Mr. Wood, owner of the Gar, is an enthusiastic yachtsman and as he is a wealthy manufacturer of Detroit is able to gratify his inclinations in this respect Besides the Gar he owns the hydro plane Miss America I ana Miss America II. The first of these raced a year or so ago in English wt- rs-and. cleaned. BP everything there making record of 78 23,-100 mile n'kAr. Tne late Miss America is said to have aspeed of 90 miles per hour. These boats are not equipped with wings but they travel en the wat er about as fast' as aeroplanes can fly. BOARD ABOUSHES UEALTTIOFFICER Owing To The Financial String ency Board Discontinues a - came to art end last Saturday. Ow ing h the fact that it was impossible to get many contestants who could give such time to the. work the con test wis not as big a success as we had hoped it v would be . However a. very good 'gain Was made for the news, in tne way f subscribers and the papery today goes into more homes probably than any, other paper ever published in the county before. The News has more readers in Carteret county than' any' other newspaper no matter where published, ' v-r; We regret that we were not able to give each contestant an automobile but nevertheless the winners receiv ed several nice prizes and all who turned in more than $25 in subscrip tions have received a cash commission which is what we promised to do in the beginning of the contest. We de sire herewith to express our appre ciation of the good work done in our behalf by the Various contestants and to extend our thanks, for the same. The five highest contestants were the following as is shown by the report ef . Messrs Julian Hamilton and Gra ham Duncan i , W the judges chosen to make the final count in the Beaufort News Subscription Campaign, report our findings as follows: Mrs. C. G. Gaskill : Straits 2807500 - Clarence Simpson 1 Beaufort : Roy Fulcher v sucy .Dan Chad wick ' -.Tiabfort.y.-....:. ; Mrs. James Gaskill ; Beaufort . .... . PRIZE LIST 'First Grand Prize ' ' Overland Touring Car. . Winner ......Mrs. C. Second Grand Prize lPath,Talking Machine Winner recorded 28 rising however to 54 and 57. The highest temperature for the month was reached on the third which was ,69 degrees'. ? Quie' a number of other days it went up in the sixties. The temperature figures day by day follow; . -, ... Date. . , Max. -.1 67 ...1 68 3 69 4 , ............. 67 L. 1432700 17700001 6 f 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 ... 54 58. 63 .....58 ....57 58 .-.......63 ....i-.i- 62 65 62 -L 58 ......w.. 63 ...67 Min 50 57 ,63 49 34 38 42 48 43 35 40 44 48 38 88 36 43 55 Two Officers. 6. 40 .11800 ..r.........63 : 21 65 22 ...I 58 23 -.'.-w$2 24 68 25 65 26 ...... - 48 27 ..........60 28 - :,..V 48 29 ...:.:...58 80 ...... 54 31 67 NEW YEARS GREETINGS 45 45 33 31 49 47 85 40 32 . 40 28 28 Editor of the News: In behalf o -.937600 Lthe teachers of Carteret County wish to say that I believe that many of them surely appreciate ath sen. timent contained in the many nice Gaskill leters written by our efficient Super intendant of Public Instruction M. l Wright We wish te say iht as .J.r.T- .RoyFulchef J though he has encountered manyb- The President of the United States. c w DUNCAN ENTERTAINS His Majesty the King of he Unit-. FRIENDS . ed Kingdom of Great Britain and Ire land an dof the British dominions be i nird lirand j'nse Wrist Watch . Winner ......Clarence Simpson 2alu 'JJtmlltan, ' . G. W. Duncaa - . Judges Mrs. G. W. Duncan entertained a After ,procTMlngM for about two hours a delicious repast of ice cream and cake was served. The guesta thoroughly enjoyed Mr. Duncans hospitality. and Mrs. the two banks' here sliced ast week and sent their checks for semi-annual The Bcaefort .Banking Company declared a dWi per cent and after charg. k . . i nnn i I n a jme items pu ent surplus. The Back oi Mid a dividend ef 4 per etalde tlO.000 for IU sur- k. n.nk of Beaufort is to bet r yond the seas, Empror of ma a,, ana , f h frUnd, very pieaMntly for the Dominion Ol canaaa, xor ". v.t .v.-i--. Rook was the Commonwealth of Australia, for.thei . . M(, wr flvf u. Dominion of New Zealand, for . In-r dia. , The President of thsyPrench Re public, His Majesty the Emperor of Japan. . . . Who, having communicated tneir full powers found In good and due form, nave agreea as wirown ; . , ARTICLE 1 The high contracting parlies a gree ai between themselves to recpect their rights In Teistlonto their In sular' possession and Insular domin ions In he regions of the Pacific VISITORS HONORED stacles and met many revertes to his cherished plans for a better school system he has, nevertheless wrought well. We are hoping that when tie conditions that have caused by. per sons that have striven to carry out their own personal selfish rc hemes have been eradicated, Mr. Wright will come into his own, and the edu- events of thelcatlonal work in this County tnat nas ocean. f If ther should develop between any. of the htgh contracting parties a controversy wising out oi any ra- elflc jtIon and Involving their fcU right which Is aol sallsiacwr- lly settled by diplomacy ana is COO GIVE US MEN J. G. Holland. Ii the 10th between the hours the harmonious accwrd now I .. .. .,'' 1 . .. i t. tkam. . r'' ,tir. K' u,flu th hlh tonnK L .ESTATE TAwirSJ,prtit te'V JoinC confertnco bWh -H..-.- ' r' Kk-h. iublct wiU be referred m esUU'ti 'c,oU-5,,ffr c6ilIJrsUnn sd adjostmenu I U are st fotlomSt y u'Z'-' . ,f .AHT1CLK II. . (ift. firallh and 8. T llanl-oelt, and 'if (he sald.rtghU ere threaUned I to Harry M. Perkins sol ,f'tVU asre-dve action eC so elher mfort. eeBi4tin 1101. i M tfc. high eentractlng pirtlM God give us men the time demands Strong minds; great hearts, true faith and willing hands. Men whom he 4ust of office does not , kiU: '." , Men whom the spoils of office cannot buvt . Men who possess opinions and a will) u. ..Wa v. hanort men who will not lie; - ' ' -Men who can stand before a dema . ggu -. . And dsm 'hl Jtreacherens Batur : lea UhottLMaklng . '." Tall men tan-crowned, who live abovs One of the social Yuletlde enjoyed by a number of the been so long neglected will go for members of the social set of Beaufort ward with leaps and bounds. was a Progressive Rook Party given We feel that the county board ha Saturdar afternoon be the Mines I the interest of our children at heart Saftfords' in honor of Mrs. J. J. Wolfe but have mad torn serious, mistakes and Mrs. C. L. Hotnaday holiday vis. because of so much confusion as the itors In Beaufort Quit a large num result of i long period of each com ber of guesta were entertained In the munlty trying to work out Its own horpllable home of Mr. W. B. San-1 all -ford on Turner Street" " I Wf in,rt,y that all of our Tk hAuu was beautiful! decora-1 wav. ef worse still doing nothing at i-A H Mlntil. nnA ko.11 with lka llxrWri Will TsllT tO th SUPPOrt ! ' lT was SCUlSa. .fd.d rharm af warks f the Christ- ear SuoeriaUndant That yoa wmi wwwg u v"e nnwcm wi.uon. mm wreaths the berries and the green hold up fcia nsnos uia wy mmj of the Yuletlde. I become weary In well 4oing. The guests arrived at 3 JO and In 1 A clUien who I eager for good re the spacious parlors the guests were suit. directed to the tables in rie for The, regular meeting of the board of county commissioners took place totw4sbste oz eaar fomt came before the board and asked for information about work to be done on the road in the western ' part of the county. , Messrs E, JL Gorham and Lnther Hamilton, also appeared before the board seeking in- formation about the road from More head City up Bogue Soud. The chaiman of the board stated that all the road machinery and equipment was now in' the western , part of the county and would be used there for some time to come... The official min utes ar given below t ' J , ; t ' " -Beaufort, ' N. C. - . ; - v r ( ,j- January 2 1922 The Honorable Board of County,. Commissioners met this the 2nd day . of January 1922 at their regular meet ing place 1n the Court House in the - town of Beaufort, North Carolina, with all members pfesent to-wit: C. , R. Wheatly, Chairmaff; Geo. G. Tay- " or; J. L. Edwards; Henry. O. Finer 1 and B. Frank Small. .. - v v ' The minutes of the last meeting ' were read and approved. v . 1 ' Mr. Merrimon Hamilton came be fore the Board and asked that the ' county clear out ' the roadditch " in . front of hi farm; so he could drain hi farm. " Upon investigation of the matter the boafd found that the ditch was of no service to .the roiM. i Bids for Willtstonv. Creek Bridge were presented to the' Board by the following named parties were opened and . read by the Chairman of the k Board. . Russell Plner $6.50 Per lineal Ft W.'T Duvls . $6.40-' Per lineal" Ft Maxwell and Scott $6.C8 Per lineal Foot MW. T. Davis being the lowest bidder the contract was awsrded him. ' . Mr. M. Leslie Davis representing T. D. Hewitt, Ex. of the estate of W. P. P. Weeks, cam before the Board and asked that error Insisting the property etc., of the, estate of Ji. P.P. Week be corrected. .' The mat- tr waa referred to the County Audi tor for adjustment , No ' oher busines appearing the Board took recesa to meet agiln st 2:30 PM. , ' ; " Tb Bosrd reconvened st 2:30 P. M. with all present .. y The County .Auditor and County, Attorney were ordered to Investtgste , the complaint of Mrs. Hoffman with reference to the acreage of her land on Bogue Sound, Mr. Leslie Davla came before the Board and asked for a fee of $100.00 ' for legal servlcl rendered h the ess of Thomas vs Carteret County, Upon consideration r tb matter It wss moved seconded and carried that the Board pay no more Attorneys fees it the above named case until the mat- - ' U fog 7-V Progressive Reek. At the ringing of the bell the succesf ul contestant were advanced to their proper places " " " I ..... -a and their- unsuccessful opponnenU to' stUnd school afUr spenaing we reUlned their same ptaces at the ta-(holidays here with bis parents. STACY NEWS Mr.' W. B. Cuthrle left for Ay den of the County, the Board of County, Ct rnmUalonera find It Beceasary to to discontinue the Public Health Of fice and Venternarian Office bl this County s) the Uth, day ef January ' 1122. . -- . ' , . ' Petition for special Us election. wss endorsed U be held en Bogue ' Bank ' In Morchesd Townships E. U Smith appointed sUgbHrsr and ble changing 'partners. Ry. M. A. Weodard filled bU reg-'Harvey WUlls and Georg .Willis p- ,. As th hadow began to lengtbea ul.r appolaUnewt her Sunday. 'pointed for Poll Helders. snd twBlght came salad asd Ices aAdl Mc. Edge aad Horace Fakher wbe Kectlon ir..ntiai M 7", tea wrrvd. v - ... ; ' l(rc studU tl t raurs reura n.i- n v.f-rT - M. O Jn U tet CIVbl S 1-4 n fimii,iiel- with on pother V la Nwport towaihlp. coasldtr- frSnkly la order to srrlv sn 1160. . . f at am understanding s -U . the mo4 t U Kdvarda and wit to T. "leffirlest messures to be taken, Joint-1 In poblfc dttty and la prlvsw think r'-kiu ika nhhla with their thumb worn creed; ' .' Their Urg profession aad their Jit - tie dfeda, ' Ulaaia.fa. aa!fth rif. M frdB weepsl tea war serrau. . , irw - ,. i - - , tn HlsewiBr Uch wpr-seeUd to. Wednelsy after speadlcg the aH.T-wi,a.lp. Regitrar A. W. Lawer yu JUina, TKinz-an a the first I with their Mrenta. ' - . Toll HoWtTS A. B. Ila n , Guy Lewla AWr4. iajrer,wujor uiie. - - r ' Wmm TaiU sMtored t Bta-1 , fsalwUeas a.thoriilag B4ird-- ;, V. w !ng . th sale of '$0,000. Fdhi7 Vbw an of th honored gutsU Mrs J, J.l Mrwrs. Wlf.n i ?- - ' . and Willi Th eeoeolatiosi ws awarded -M leg Mond to'N. F". Ear. BOARD OF EDUCATION MEETS 1 Tht'f ty Board ef EdacsUew'sse w xi.. a W.M. wk ha beet Roads rWiisI. to tea for r mk rsa a 'w - - i . . t ,ery ill fo the f dy U r the Ptp .1 fund.wgwn u. - . to be reeomtng fsat - - - Ing" Mehtoe- was f"f H P-sU. hJ.i.j ti.U al DavH wss b'smss Vote of Ue mwmUt f ' air, kuneaa visitor r Sunday. " . . ! Itoard. ; ' . . 1 I.. ' V1 . u mllna. MUa mKA aldaati to b held a slstod Uhr MA1ACI UCtNJl. u r,y h K 1 aMaataaawaaaaW . 1 ae - itS- awv- . : . . . - wo ,w " . . .. .1 . " - . .1 ... ... .k.i Ti. ,K. II. and RUiia.i rvaewica m,.r. u b. n fore soiJKl to a nin , in oe poaii ai wanigui-, a . . fn. ill tract, ronslderstloa $100. ,f lh hb contrscUng prti to i M th femnt betwees ureal .e-n-.K.-w " r-.-.. I M . S t I t gi.a II a aiahl m . at I . SBT al Baa , D a 'trmlnt It apon Ulv montn.' to-i TriUla an Jspaa.wwca mcwh- v V . . ' . . u. Mrs. W. J..Ehu!l pit Me.id'y'kfc , ed Londoa on July 13. If II. ll w.. defeated Saturday by a ce"U" s eUl llai at eat rlr Only en sarria4 l . , . ... , ,ad UvU week by U Reg-Wr ! pda. It Was to HaiiM Yaoe Tsy-jt y of mt Md Crsc Fultber of W31Uto.'i'iw gttt'nf ,v' 7 i. h I fre vM!: g friends. I ARTICLE IV terminate. oble'nsajeriiy. v-

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