.- ,,; . . .-4 - 1111 1 1 1 i' r " ." . ' i ,.- ( THE HOME PAPER . PTeVERY THURSDAY ; vol. xi THE BEAUFORT NEWS THURSDAY, FEB., 2, 1922' NUMBER FIVE SHARP TRIAL IS. NOW IN PROGRESS Hot Contest U Now Being . Fofkt Out- .Large Crowd Hears Sensational Trial The trial of Dr. Leedom Sharp of Morehead City on the charge of crim inal abortion and practicing medecine without license began yesterday af-j tewoon at 2:30 o'clock when the se lection ftf a jury was commence. ' Judge Cramner had instructed Sher iff Thomas to summon a special ven foe of business men and so when court ' opened an array of merchants, bank. " era, fish dealers and others were pres ent. , Solicitor Davis and Attorney Luther Hamilton challenged several of tW talismen and so did Attorneys f Abernethy and Wheatley for the de fense. .Finally however the jury was made up and the following were chosen: G. W, Huntley, Sam Yoffie, : W. P.'Smith, Frank King, W. A. Mace C. K, Howe, R: N. Dickinson, N." W. Taylor, C. P. Tyler, J. B. Jones Jr., : G. D. Potter Jr., and Jas. Rumfey. The first witness put on the stand was E- H. Gorham who testified that - - Mrs. Link died, was subsequently ex . homed and an autopsy performed on her body. He was Mrs, Link's at torney and manager of her fiirst hus . hand's estate. He did not order the autopsy made. - Jv. L. Horsfield, coroner of Craven ' county, testified that he went to Morehead City, had the body remov " ed from th grave, saw" the autopsy ; performed and returned to New Bern and held an inquest there. Dr. J. B. Bullitt, professor of path ology at the University of North Car- t olina was one of the principal witness es yesterday. He testified to having Made a microscopic examination of 4M vterua of the dead woman, that . he saw evidence of pregnacy and that an abortion might have been produe, ed. Under cross examination by Mr. Abernethy the witness stated that he would not say postively that an abortion had been committed.. . Dr. C. S. Barker of Ne Bern who -' made the autopsy, testified that in his ,-- opinion the cause of the death was an acute infection following an abor Jlon." . ' : ' '; v Dr. Raymond Pollock testified that ' m he .was called to see Mrs. Link, that . she' as taken to a hospital in New Bern, that she had peritonitis and htat r he and Dr. N. M. Gibba operated on ' her, He did not set evidence of an abortion: that Dr. Sharpe was present -- at the operation but took no part in U and wa not consulted about it. " Dr. N. M. Gibbs who was U Ust witness yesterday testified Uat he assisted Dr. Pollock in the operation " on Mrs. link, that Dr Shurp had iothingq to do with it and thr.t he J. taw no evidence of an abortion. " ' The examination of witnewes I gog ahes H today. If Is generally thought that the trial wit hardy be fTiidtod.y ne br it a night . scfo, . rv. Sharp (fiie to Morehead City . during the r as physician, for tbe shipyard. !! i not IcenseJ phys ician In North ( srolna. lie has ap- ' pled severs timrs for a Icense but has been refused by the State -Medical Hoard He h charged with pracUcing without Ikenso and also ol , having narcotic drugs In his fosaea T Ion, but was acia.tted ot those -rt; 'a -i.r. rrowd compased inoitfy f i.n. hut with a few women and boys present lUt.ned attenUveiy yes while the graesorw deUils . of the ease were laid bare. The enurt room wat ftlled af.ln UU asorakg. The Uwyere en both aides of Ut et m fghUnf laannj and ir.g every Inch pound teeer- tACHT AMltOSE V.MIMINC. There la considtraW aailet - . . ,. . . .w. of the vacht U.h feosnd fer Charleston, It c U I.TU. :rrd .iV. U.. UARRUCI tAST SATURDAY. (, r el retent ume tr r t the beat ha Wen Wrt- Is.r-.lDto theugh that tho fwkt vrtnt into sow out at. the wsy Inlet ct Uj an has aot Wen ahl to eoi' ku-v.u with the ouUid ort-. -.T' n rrk II. Kimb.ll, hi wife ; wsi en board h AW:w i ike Itft lre. , ..... . kWA WILL HEAR SERMONS BY " , .WIRELESS -TELEPHONE - If their plans materialize members of the Old Topsail club will soon be regaie tnemselves with fine ,vuijvcii3, teckres, speecnea ana ser mons by wireless telephone. A wire-; less outfit is to be purchased and in stalled in the club rooms at ait early date and will be available to mem bers and their families. ' ' ' , Wireless telephony, which has been In an experimental stage for a num ber of years, has now reached the point where it can be used generally and practically. Py means of it a speech made in Washington or a con cert in the Metropolitan Opera House in Ney York city can be heard in Beaufort or anywhere else in a rad ius of hundreds of mi"es. Market quotations,' election results, baseball games and' news of various sorts can be reported from, the Targe cities to points throughout the country.' There are several different kinds of telephone outfits in use; some small ones for the family use and larger ones for clubs and places where crowds of people may assemble ana 1 . . j . . . 1 ! A i ....... . M" 1L! . oe emeruunea. s vpparaius 01 vms sort are being installed now alt over the country and the use of wireless telephony is rapidly spreading. On Sunday "flights arrangements canbe made to have the sermons of noted preachers diffuse all over the country and so in out of the way places; fine sermons can be heard as well as mu sic by great artists. The " wireless telephone is also being used now for business purposes as well as for en tertainment. The apparatus will be installed here as eo'on as it can be gotten and put inplace. ; '; ?', ABANDONED SCHOONER AFLOAT . The Fort Macon' Coast Guard Sta tion was notified Tuesday to be on the. lookout for a derelect schooner the "Pendleton", which is supposed to be drifting down the coast. Last week during the storm the Revenue cutter Manning undertook to tow the trouble and had difficulty in getting to abandon her on account of angiae schooner' to port but was compelled to Norfolk. Thp crew of the, Bend leton were rescued. DAY CURRENT. Superintendent Manson. his in formed the News that twenty, four electric current will sooon be avail able for the people of Beaufort., The switchboard for , the new generator which has held the , matter up lor some time has arrived at last and is being installed. As soon as the work is finshed the current Is to be turn ed on for continuous service. TO ENLARGE CHURCH. Plans are under consideration, to ' enlargo Ann Street Methodist church j some tlpe this Spring.. The attend-! ance at th Sunday School has out grown th capacity of th building nd" the plan Is to make a csnslder abl addition which will give th need ed room. The contract for the work has not been let as yet but probably will fee soon. - , WILD DUCKS PLENTIFUL; Th bd weather that prevailed all of last week along the sea cot and ekewber drove th wild duck from northern water down to this part of the country In tf"t number, fit. ery day they can b seen right w frost of towa and In the sftore re root tWti the ar euiu . plntlf ul. A good many duck liav beea klKed reeaatlr but th weather wa bad Ust week that the Bonier aw iw ear to axpoM thntlve U H very much. A phK by a good tr -d more dealrab: to mott folk than lying tut In arh or la a balUry. The iwoUng ott .ended Tuesday aal.now the gam ean rest i uott eJr th lim xcpt when eome one w dee ln4 violating the Mia Anir Cakkill aod Cloes IU vy wer anltod hi Bwrrisf Ra'o" day evening at the lro f M. H. D. Rmlth, Th isarrUgf- was per ferwted by Reverend W. J. Moer In the pmn of a few friend of the young people. The iewl aarrUd nxrt will make tfceir home " L'jt- fan. ANTMYNCH LAW PASSEDBYHOUSE Dyer Anti-Lynching EU1 De , signed to Step ' National Disgrace of. Murder by . ; llmching " ''!''', J. v Washington," Jan. 30th Diiring the 86 yars, 18 to 1921, Inclusive, 3T468 persona were lynched in the , United States. . These lynchings were plain murder, in violation of the penal laws. of. each state in which they occured. " In addition 'to this they were. in violation of the XlVth Amendment to the Constitution, which, provides that every personln the jurisdiction of every state shall' have equal protection by .law,lynch ing being a plain denial to the "vic tim of any protection of the law.;' The vast majority of the victims of lynchings were negroes, but in a num ber of cases the were citizens of for eign countries. The result Tof ' the murder of citizens ol foreign i coun tries has by mobs in this country has been very humiliating to the United States government. It has had to admit to other Countries that, al though it claims to be a sovereign nation, it ia without uower to make good the guarantee inHts Constito-i tion that no person within its juris diction may be deprived of life or property without due process of the law, and that alt citizens of other countries re guaranteed protection while within the jurisdiction of this country. In this respect it makes the United State on a par" with Mexico or .Russia. v -' - ' ' ' In addition toward of $1,000,000 in claims nave neon pai w ouer governments to compensate for the murder of foreign citizens by Amer avweenverywoto vbgk cmf , vbffkqq ican mobs, and there. now on file in the Department of State acores of unadjusted claims filed, by foreign government for murdr jof their cit- flzen by mob in the Unltea astate The growing evil of lynch law and th refusal of states both to prevent mobs or to punish member of mobs has resulted la the introduction of bill in Congress to make lynching an offence against th federal statutes. It is entirely with In the province of the Congress to pas such a. bill, for th Constitution which provides that no sta! shall deny any citizen with in its jurisdiction protection of the lawT further provides that:; "The Congress khall have power to enforce, by appropriate legislation, the pro visions of this article. ., The Dyer Anti-lynching biU pass- rricfiy, the bill provides uiai u j .till looked as If it migMt have a ca ed by the House last week 230 to 118. j pty of 300 gallons. sUte, or a subdivision ol states, fi!j , . cr regies to protect the lives of per- COUNTY COLLECTS GOOD SUM. sons within iU Jurisdiction against a mob or riotous assemblage, it ahall , Qn yterdty w. A. Mac admin be deemed to have denied equal pro- ,lrator 0f th Alonzo Thomas -taction of V.o I, guaranteed byfut to coanty offlclaU the the federal Constitution. .Th bill further makes It Ultno tf the federal ws If any sUt county or municipal officer talis refutes to make all reaaonabl efforU to prevent a lynchlny within to wr- ritory under hi Jurisdicuon, ana n be held to answer for such failure or neglect la any district court of th United SUte upon the charg of felony, and upon conviction shall punished by Imprisonment or' or both. Th bill makes It vlojstion ot th federal laws for any person to participate In any mob or riotous a semblance and makes such Individual anawerabl to th dWtrkt court of th United SUte, aad upon convic tion, subject, to lmproniwn . w - r .L. a a kM Uf. or for not is TU "stinger la the bill I to pr viin that ay tounty ki which aoy persoa la lynched, or through which a mob abaO lav transported person for th puxpoM f lynthlng him, shall forfait $10,000 to. thk dtpendenU f th vktisa! l "sieh, f to .the Ualted Suue la event there' are a .oeadenta, Thi to Ut- .kL. um iu t?!ud Rut br Wnring . : .r .-.mi baMI aav vrvvvi vi by aowriUlngJth )vjW toPec- - ... ... tka af a 9mcM UL mwnj f e fsanty Ut th rlrnaUty, eow-J srdU of dtttwititfa i its cfv ill go a torg wsys towards atoppl"! mob law, a la overwhelming saajw Ity f caeee lyaehiags Uke pUre with th tpn er sevrvt oowarJW f lo cal officials. ,". ' - OFFICERS ELECTED FOR COMING YEAR! F. R.,See!y Chosen; President Of Chamber pf Cctwnerce ' ' Program for. Year I Adopted ;;.,;'; The first meeting of the director fceectnly elected by, the Chamber of Commerce was held on Monday even ing In its headquarters.. . '. - AH members ' were present . with only one or two exception who were unavoidably detained. .', ; ' The first , business' taken up was ihe election, of officers for the .en suing year. The election was en tirely harmoniuous ' and resulted as follows: . - ' V " - J President F. R. SeelyVic Pres Treasurer W.' L. Standi, Secretary Idehts, W. A. Mace and C. S. Maxwell; W. L. Stancil. . -The following chair men of committees were appointed: Streets .'and ' Paving, C. S. Maxwell ; Harbor Improvements, R. B. 'Wheat ly New , Industries, W, T P 1 Smith ; Old ; Industries' i U. E. Swann; High ways, W, G. Mebane; New Members, W. H. Taylor; Public Health; Julian Hamilton. r There was considerabhs discussion as to what the organization should undertake to carry out this year- for the town's ; advantage; A tentative progrom covering the following sub jects was' adopted : Hotels, Sewerage, Street Paving, Ladies Rest Room, Nw Industris, Old Industries. 'A res olution was passed instructing the board of directors to attend th meet ing of the town commissioners next Monday to present their views in re gard to sewerage matters. The sec ond Monday night In each mouth was adopted a sthe Tegular, meeting time for the directojks. Th meeting ad journed at about ten o'clock. - SHARP CASE ENDS SUDDENLY. . Th Sharp car ended today at 12 raflTwithouf going' to tSf jury." The defense offered no testimony. The Judge directed that a verdict of not guilty as to abortion and accepted a plea of no-lo contendere as to prac ticing medicine without license. Dr. Sharp sgrees to, leave the State. OFFICERS CET STILL. Prohibition. Officers W. D. Allen and W. C. Rector went over on Jthe cast side of North River yerterdiy and soon cam back with a Urge cop per still. No one was raptured and the' officers said the still had prob ably not been operated recently. The .'fum of $5000 and interest amounting etgo. This amount was paid on!bt f -00 point. . Lfc jeficiUof xhos. Thomas custod - "a 0f th Ccuthoo Bonds Sink- Ing Fund. There Is balsnce stUI due oa this fund. 'APPRECIATES TEACHERS EFFORTS. Mr. Editor i -A a patroa of the Harker Island School, 1 want to take this mean of commending our School, all of It teacher and espec ially the Principal Prof. Clem Caa klll. I believe that our people hav made the moat progre, nd thst the morale of the school la th best'sioc say knewledg ef K. - I bellev eredit gd oocouroi-w meat ahoui be gU-et where .. Krrxe. this wot. , .' Brady .WUlle. COMMUNltY CLU IMItTlNG. t; Thf ba'siaeM eieeUng f th C MseHf CUh' will be held Taervdaf fiMurraktW tta at 140 ' A elocl U the Old TepeaU Qb ro . .iv u tw n lUrt-a , v mm m uip ef Coldhr. en ef U DUtfktl Pmiderito of th rHV.fersttoe ef Werner CUb will a d dr' toipertoal phase ! club work I the state a4 Pres ident, Mr. O. W. Ley reeueet ajl meipben who possibly (s to b'b-ft-eet to Mrs. OlUrry. . . ..jCjie2Poditg "wy. COTTO NAND TOBACCO FARMERS HOLD MEETING. ' At an election by. ballot held here a the courthouse Monday the cotton farmers elected S. G. Gould of New port as delegate to the' district con vention which meets in New Bern today. The district meeting 4s held for the 'purpose of electing a direc tor for the North Carolina Co-ooer- lative Association. The state is di vided into thirteen districts and the directors for these district will-have charge of the affairs of the associa tion. , ; ' After th election Monday a meet ing was held by those present which was presided over by Mr. Gould. A (nolution was passed asking the farm- ers in this county not to plant any more cotton and tobacco than' they did. last year. The following direc tors for the Carteret county tobac co association were elected: . D. N. McCain; S. C. Campen, W. Z. Mc Cbe, T. C. Ben, H. W. Small and W. H. Garner. . HAPPENINGS AROUND SCHOOL. (Contributed) i The smaller students are -having quite an enjoyoble time trying out the new Giant Stride, which was re cently given to the, students by the Parent Teachers Association". It is placed on the grounds back of the building on the north side. . . 1 Electric lights are - being ' placed on the Court-house" Square. They will add much in helping to beauti fy the square. -..". .-V' ' On Friday 3, on th school gtouads the girls and boys Basket Ball team from Oriental, N. C. will play the boys and girl of th B. H. School The public ar Invited to come and help both the teams win. The boys will try their best to keep the bacon home this time, - and th girl say they are going to win their ' first game: Com strand root for your horn team. 1 , - ' ' The teachers had their regular meeting Monday, and : on of th most. Interesting thing they did, was to 'organize the student in two grorps on side named green and the other whiu. Director of th Greens: . Miss Thomas, Mis Morton, MUs Arrlngton, Miss Webb, Mrs. Jones, Mrs. Chadwick, Mr. Pittman.. Directors of th Whites: Miss Glbbs, 'Miss Frivett, Mis Mod lin, Mis Goode, Mis Griffin, Mr. Duncan. - ' Each sid is to entertain the oth er side in Atheletics, Sacials, Dram as, Music and Literary, The side entertaining best in the eyes of the judge gets 100 points towards the -Victory.' In atheletics th following games will be played: Backet Ball, Base Ball, Volley Ball, jumping, running, Tennis, Skating, Bicycle riding, lltrie Back Riding, Swimming and other atheletic sporU. Th sid that gets the victory gets 100 points. In socials, each sid Is to give a social and t!i sid that entertains l Th Dramas and Hays will b gfv on bjr th high school student Irom each side, and from th grantmer and primary drpartmnta will, be given aJ nor pty and the winner of both. In high school and gremmer school will get 100 point Ia music then will be vocal nd instrumental music from both aides and the sid that rodr th beat music win receive 100 point. I literary ther will be debatos speachea, reciUtlons and declama tions from both aide and th aid that give the best get en hundred eta'. Afur all these have beet naUa- ed and one ef th aid have woa the saoet victoriees. Th I'd that has bee be tee has to aatvtata th ether aid fer en day, furatsa- lif ameaeraent ad dinner. Each side Is werking hard fer the laU vk tory field day. 1 1U the Ntor-elas ga'ssee f Bas ket Ball Tvetday itemoee betweei tr ; rteehssaa Oa f Hey and jClrta 4 th Bey a4 Ctrl ef th k.iIibam CUs. The aeara wa fer r 0j girWt Ffthmaa J2L rWph- rt hr . l lof for the Boys' rretbmsslS Bebhmore It There wUl be a eUg.ef the PrU-Tachtr Aspect ilea Fri dsy rbraary t. AO the pareets and peep' Inlerwtod la th art! sr urged to ,be prevent. Isl.l OCCUPY COURT N6t Much Time ThU Terra For Ciyil Matter Several Crim- - nal Case Been Tried. . A one week term of Superior court for the trial of criminal and civil case convened her Monday with Judge E. II, Cranmer of South-' port presiding over the court. So far not much except the criminal -docket has been tried. - A number of criminal cases heve been disposed of and . the case against ' Dr, Leedom Sharp Is now In progress and will take up Considerable time. . , As usual the gmand jury was sworn in Just after court opened, C. E. Her rington was made foreman of the Jury . Judge Cranmer charge to the Jury was impressive and pointed. He ex- ? plained that those o the jury must , be men of good character, intelligent and must have paid their taxes. He spoke on the great importance of citizenship of th county of the grand jtfryv They were "the Watchmen on the walls.' The peace, and se curity of- the hemes depended large- ; ly upon the grand Jury, : He called special attention to violations of the prohibition law, reckless driving, of automobiles, gambling and selling cigarettes to persons under II years of age. The cases disposed of up to this' writing are as follows: " Carl Gabriel 16 year old boy, charg ed with breaking in the store of C. D. Jones, put under $100 bond to show good behavior for two years. Judge Cranmer lectured him on th error of ii ways and got a promise from him that he would go to school and Sunday school. . ;' Isaac Carter, violation prohibition law, not a true bill. ; ,-' James Deseron and Harry Bail, larceny, judgement absolute. " Walter Buck giving liquor to a - minor, plead guilty and got six months w Crvfl -eoutrty iead. Stanly Dixon and John Senders violating prohibition law, noil pros ed wflh leave. Lee Fulcher, assault, case contin ued. ' M. F. Spears, abandoimrtt, plead guilty, must pay something 'to wife and children, . f , Fred Davis viorsting prohibition aw, true bill called and failed, Judge ment nisi sci fa. J. D. Hutton, breaking priwn, judgement must give $300 bond to sppear at March and October courts for two years and allow good bchav ior. , - ... Jlerbcrt Briggs moviim crop, non suit Earl C. Dickinson, disorderly con duct, true bill, called and failed. Mary L. Turner sued for divorce from E. t. Turner and was grsnled dh groqnd of abandoment fur five , years. - -COURT SQUARE LIGHTED UP. Th ornamental lights around the Court Square were turned on Ust night for the first "time. By reason of the light th courthouse building and grounds present a very handsome appearance. The contrast between the way the ptsc,ud to look and It appearane now I very striking Indeed and a change that I vary mush for th better. FARM LOAN AffROYtD. County Auditor W. L Stand! re ceived a eUc e few day age from the Fan Loaa Beak at Columbia that 144,100 worth ef application fer loan from. Carteret county had beea approved aad to a abort time now the ftseaey wUl be avasble. Fourtoea applkaUoe wer actod favorably. The coaety awUUea will tsew be re-organised aad th f!t. t era alec led frowthe 14 ful spplkaata. 'V Te At tUti Aaax-ia'.ioa e( u Meek trial. Friday, Feb. $, at t.O B.H. fx heel will frnl th "11-f h Brewa Breath ef ProsaUe a ' r P, M. in the Court Uoe. Cvm . en jy aa boot of rI t un. A s rc fr start to fllnla- " W. C Uook ef r been la tK hrpf J si i: . City sf re hi-Uf c- t home. t

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