.7 a irr,a -i a a . -t a ..' i I -mmbw i 44 THE HOME PAPER ) c READING TO THE MIND IS WHAT EXERCISE IS TO THE BODY pvptv iptitmcinv 9 VOL. XI THE BEAUFORT NEWS THURSDAY, APRIL 20 1922 NUMBER FIFTEEN ,1 mil i uMjnMjuivij ABOUT TO SPLIT Cox, Tumulty, Hamilton Holt Plata Rips Democratic Par ty Wide Open . WASHINGTON- All is not well . in the Democratic party. Har mony and contentment donot dwell ... ' l ii T . lism does not exist among its leaders neither is there unanimity among : them regarding the policies of the party. The Jefferson Birthday ban auet held in New York City, which . i i a i - was 10 nave oeen noi oniy a ieasi 01 Democratic reason but an occasion for presenting a united front to the opposition on the eve of a congress- l - a? I a. t. il: but what the advanc notices adver tised." The aftermath shows the oc casion to have caused even a great er schism in the party than existed before, and a greater feeling of dis gust among the prominent Democrats wuose aggressive uuuicxabiuii is u- solutely essetial to the Democratic organization if its is to make any sort of showing in the coming years. The most disturbing incident of the Jeefffferson Day affair was a tel egram purporting to have come from '-former resident wusom u nas f since developed that Mr Wilson THE CYCLOPS NOTE PROVED A FAKE. The bpttle picked ng near Cape a hote purporting to have been writ ten by a member of the ill- fated Lookout some weeks agocon taming Cyclops crew turned out to have, been a fake. No word has yet come from the vessel and probably none ever will come. There was considerable interest in the report and many peo ple heped that there was something in it that' would give light on the fate of the Cyclops. The News re ceived a letter from a lady in Nor folk who had a brother on the ship and many inquiries were sent in to the Navy Department about the mat ter. , 1 An account of Jthe incident taken from the Raleigh News and Obser ver is given herewith: 1 Hoax" is the verdict of the Navy Deportment after a careful investiga tion of the note found in a bottle picked up on Core Banks purport ing to have been written aboard the mystery ship "Cyclops" on January 18, 1918, while th ship was under fire of a German submarine. On that date the ship was lying in Hampton Roads.. Again the inscrutable sea's se crets are kept inviolate and the mys tery of the fate of the Naval col lier is as deep in the green shad ows as ever it was. Hope that sprang up here and there over the United at last word had come NEW TARIFF BILL IS ALL AMERICAN Senator McCumer Expfa'ns How Ne' wTariff Will Bring Prosperity to America; ''!'- WASHNGTON In connection with the presentation to the Senate , of the Fordney tariff bill as mehded by the Senate Finance committee Senator McCumber, chairman of the Finance committee, issued a state ment, "in behalf of the committee" that the bill as reported bv the com- mitte is "an ail-American tariff bilL" in which he emphasized the. fact said Senator McCumber, when ap proved by both the Senate and the House, will be the first national tariff bill in our history. Throughout the prepartion of this measure the Sen ate Finance committee has endeavor ed to lay the foundation for an era of nation-wide prosperity. Increased : no increase production without a prosperous consuming public. The American market is the one great important market for American pro ducts. TheAmerican jpeople , . con sume more than 90 per cent of every thing they produce. The. producer is thre fore most vitality interest in not only maintaining but in in creasing the purchasing power of every individual consumer. With this thought in mind the public will recognize tnis bill as a consumers tariff- Its object is to restore the ELECTION BOARD ARRANGE FOR PRIMARY The county Board of Elections met here Saturday for the purpose of . organizing and also met again Tuesday in order to appoint pollholder biiu registrars ior ine June primaries SURVEY HAS STARTED ." ON CENTRAL HIGHWAY ' The preliminary physcial woik on the Central Highway which ; will stretch from the courthouse in Beau fort to the Tennessee line, i"i" dis tance of some 600 miles, began here '! OA- A A.l Jiaot eitner wnie me wegram ur , . , T ... ... T. ,fc . up from the sea. Relatives heartened ' 1 know anvthinz of it Its author was i ... . tm il ii nrnmiw iiij i. uiiir i ii ir enl iii iJesenh Tumulty and he just "made " , , " ri- iw onject w rtsw mo ' W a teWram which he tbought Duying power oi me consumer, ine ex-President Wilson might hav writ-, becreUry Ue nby. Senate Finance committee is con- ten. Back of its this is the fact that' t " ivincea inai uie nrsi siep in.mcr- , Tumulty ana ma crowa re The orpanizAtimi nf ih hair A wan Tuesday. Th first work to be done effected by making D E. Langdale, is making a survey of the road to chairman and Geo. W, Pine .secretary the Craven line and this is now go- W. -A. Mace is the other member of inar forward. , 4 '' A party of locating engineesr, with J. L. Phillips of Kinston in charge arrived here Monday for the purpose of locating the highway. TheHther . . T 't', i 'l..M.v tlJ memDers oi , wie pany dbbiucb mr. Phillips are John S. Barnes Jr., J. C. Cornell, Geo. W., Gooding-, Louis Smith, H. JX Barden, M L. . Hardy. The engineers will first make a map of the road as it now runs and then lay out a new road with such changes as may be necessary They also get data for the contractors ana otner information necessary for construc- ing the hbway-i-f---It cannot be foretold exactly how much time will be refluired for the survey but the engineers think that to do. the, work carefully and satisfactorily in every particular will probably require two months. From information furnished by the engi neers the engineering office in Ral eigh prepares plans and specifications on which as a basis the contracts are let As to when the actual construc tion of the highway will begin no one can tell with certainty at this time. ' !BnrsAwinLir WILL START SOON Arrangements Have Been Com. 'i pleted For 'Starting Carter et Lumber Company's the board At the meeting Tuesday the follow ine were chosen registrars and noil holders for their respective . voting precincts., : ; Stella:' B. W. Irvin? Refiristrar. Ii. W. Pellitier P. H., Adrian Morris, : Bucks Store: Nash D. Winberry, Registrar, F. C. Jones P. H., Pellli tier, J. A Jones, P, j ;'( . Sanders Store: . S. F. Brinsoh, Reg trar, E. A. Sanders, P. H , LH. Pringle, P. H.. ' -rV v-i ' N .Eldorado: W E. Smith, Regis trar, Damon Guthrie, P. H. E.S. Garner, P. H. ' Newport: F P. Bell, Registrar, D. E. Mann PH.D. N. McCain P H Hull Swamp: J W, Boone, Reg istrar, W. A. Murdock, P. H., A. T. Garner, P H. ; . " Salter Path: Geo. W. Smith, Reg istrar, G. A. Willis," P. H.V Harvey Willis, PH. Morehead City: R. W. Wallace, W. S. Swindell, Jr., P. H. , C. T, GUUkin P. H. to the "note correspond to OnnK vO line uu luimcr i iiwn . , . i . . ..... . ... I the initials of any man who nereais nenina we panner v . , , . . . " . (listed in the ships complement of1 KiOM as BKainei ur. tuw. , a v J v.4 cabinet. But that is another story. been ing the individual's abiity,to buy is to nmva wnrlr fop tha worker, and I markets for the workers' and farm ers' products. - "The Senate Finance Committee has given every opportunity to all representatives of American Indus- , DEAH TAKES AN OPTIMIST. teles, importers,, lobor and agrkul-Chadirkk p; ture' to present facts relating to Merrimon: L. written. Somewhere a lands- . l l I . 111. .A - k . .. '.v . 'man ii DroDADiT snuiinK fc Sufflcieat anto the cay oi ua umo- - that he has nl.VL craUc Party s the trouble ttereoi. 7"T" ..' .AffU or ousmeawa mu wn. 2r.T-!JL r.. K brVen h ot P,cktd UP in bpttl! 1 f ronUn them -today,. A. a result out aVreah as a resuTt of the Tumul"' rehead City J-; . f this general economil sury sup - I to the Nnews and Observer by Irwin d fc ernment reporU and .itateV S candidate Cox. who Davis, and then to SecreUry Den-Ctttig.tionll, . W bi U. been eama within 7.000.000 of being elect-1 T7I77ZZZZZ7 writUn which wQl when accompanied .. . . ,, .. . c. , ,'DLMUVKaia HILI HLU cd rresideni oi uie umwj which is faraway from the Presi dency as any candidate hasever gat ton, is pust now a very dUturb ng Xn h Democratic councils. Edward Chadwick, P. H., S. D. Del-1 When Van Buren Mades, a well mar, P. H. Unn lun of Beaufarit nsssed .Wire Grass: Alex Norrls Regis- away Tuesday evening at ten o'clock trar, M M. Eubanks, P. H J. W. the town lost an interesting charac Lane, P. H. , ter and a useful man. Mr. Madei Long Pine: Wm. King, Registrar, . was 75 years old on the fourth day Elisha Felton, P. H., T. L Piver, P. of AprU and had lived in Beaufort H. "; . Uu of his life. He was a carter by Harlowt: D. W. Sabiston, Regis-trade and for 47 years hsd worked trar, Roy F Mason, P. H., W. W. for the late B. L. Jones and his ton V TT I.ULM A . . rtW "V. lh. am mmm- iwwuu mum Merrimon: L. B. Goodwin.' Rm-' .mutant . Tim nMrl alwava wire a their businesses and conditions eon- j,trar, J. t. Nelaon, P H, E. F. flower on his coat and always a . . a 1 a- I i Carraway, P. H. amile on his face. Mr.- Mades- was E. Wards Creek; W. C( GUlkin, an invincible optimist and nothing Registrar, D. W. Gillikin, ,P. H.,'but death eould overcome the genial Andrew Gillikin, PH. (current of his soul and even that W. WJ rds Creek: Joel Dowty, ' cannot efface the memory of his kind fT?aTimnAY by re"nb, duction ln nPr-, Registrar, Clevebnd Gillikin, P. H.,'ly, happy life. Mr. Mades is surviv- LAST SATUSUJAi ; , . posta. brina I wt.-u.ii r-u T IT I . 1 1 j I. . tation and production costa, bring prosperity to the whole country by k1 1J! jf'u.tolrM! lAv'nivullvaf I fill Mitchell Golden, P. H. ' led by bis widow, a daughter Mrs. JStraiU: IL-C Whitehurst, Reg- ( Moses Austin, two sons Jack and Utrar, Chan.. D. "Stewart, P. - H 1 Southey Made. Ha was buried yes S. Pigott, P. n. terday afternoon In St. Paul's" ceme Ilarker's Wand: W. H. Guthrie, tery. Registrar, M. G. Fulford, P. H. ! John L, WillU, P. H. j EASTER MUSICAL AT Marshallberg: Thos. Nelson, R?g-j ANN STREET CHURCH Utrar. E. D. Moore. P. IL. J. L. . , . Murphy, P. H. J Smyrna: The . Infomation- which mmv tmwv. pie hereabouts have heard, that th Carteret Lumber 'Company would resume . full time operations 'on the 8th of May, was gladly received. It has putnew courage InV some - who were inclined to be donweast and and spread a spirit of- optimism in 4 the' r community. The ? big ' lumber ' ' plant is the largest industrial enter prise in Carteret county and its op eration means a lot for Beaufort and in fact a considerable part of this , county. It is like transfusing" new blood into a sick person. ; " For more than a year now tha ' lumber plant has not operated on full '. time schedule. , A part of the plants has been run at Intervals and its retail department has been doing a good business right along, but only 1 a small force of men have been era- ployed and many who formerly work- ed there have gone away from this section.; Some of them will return, and Work again at the mill. O. L. ; Cotton who formerly looked after tha ; logging, E ,C. Blount filer and W. L. Simmons, head millwright will all return., '.- ' : f, ' Wilson Brothers of Pittsburg, Penn-, sylvan ia are the owners-of the Car--, teret Lumber Company and also of several other mills. Mr. F. R. See- ; ly who is the manager of the local , mill made a trip recently to Pittsburg and while ther made the necessary arrangements . to get the plant In . operation once more..: Prices for; .' lumber of course how are far low er than they were a few years ago' but the demand for it is good.' There - is a lot o( building going; on throuh. out the country . now. and business in - general is showing decided inv provemehL ' It is considered likely that when the Carteret Lumber Com- nnnv rets in full swing that it will ' be able to meet competition and get ita fuH share of the business. This ' will mean that the' plant will be op- , crated full time and for long. time to come. The machinery of tha plant has been kept in good shape and there will be no trouble about stirt- log lrup" when'the opening day ar rives.-. .'. . . c. .-.'." The Democratic county convention ' providing "markets for producen arta met here Saturday in the county (work for consumers. lacvor ui - t . banquet of the League of Nations and 'ed. There were seven ladies present, j We mtnt make It in the United States his announcement that It would be -The meeting was calld to order by, But tiers can be.no prosperity u the main issue in the coming p-si-.county chairman Luthr Hamilton of, less snd unUl the Amerfcsn produ dentlal campaign has been received J Merehead City who sUted that its cer snd consumer re protected a with alarm and disgust by the Demo-1 object was to elect .delegat.-s to fie'gainst unfair, discriminatory compe- .... -i L...t ik innln '?.)'. .ABaiit!iiii anil tranatrt inv IllW.n of foreign Countries. . It is l..1ri UirOUKIHfUb W " tfbv vviifiiwwii -. . - i UUIIMIMi a " This is more than a passing wLhn of other business that might cone be-(fal'e and shortrsjgh'.ed econmy to -e-(Vernon Simpson, P. IL, E. E. Ful- church before one of the rd evidence of fore IL On motion of W. M. Webb duct the purchasing out put of our v er. P. II. rmwA ever aeen there. Air. vo. . - .... . ...... j .v. ..... ' . " ; . . . . . ... t.. ik. iMmA.iu. ii-. m i l . - m m.a tnmiim wrminini (irinriMina intrtDT rcuyci i v" n.. ci... nn.i nn.4 Tnsn m.. . mmij. Th. mhiam got nri mi . i t . . .iu n.inli ... , . i .. . . ..... a I . . cnasing power m ghip: ii. H. Uavis Registrar, imi H. M. Hendrix was well arranged ana while tne raia was going n. simply because we cinrpurcbsse tor-lw xvi, P. H., Ceo. A. Winis, P. beautifully rendered. "In the raiding party were ProhlbiUon it I m.. .L. II.... rlt: TIT n A 11. n Khrlf f T M. An ruler Musical was riven last F.D. Smith, Registrar, Sunday evenine'et the Methodist STILL AND LIQUOR CAPTUDSD. - A big .copper still, 0 gallons of corn whiskey and 600 gallons of beer was raked ln by a raiding party Just largest over the line between Craven and Carteret counties lat Sunday af Ur-. cralic party which may evert' go so. chairman and R. T. Wade secretary . .... I. t'-A r'lri i ' 1 .Ra..,u(inra were adaDlJ bv the CJn nmn Mull. It has all come ; ventlon in respect to the memory elgn made articles cheaper. Our bout by Hamilton Holt demanding '0f the late Corgreasman Brlnton aid people must earn money before they ' .. ..ii - .mU1I.i . i...! l .k. ci .1 ' It bilker at home or abroad. that Chairman hu.i c pw.-. mio rcMHuiw.ia muum mw ..-- i,,, ,.v... -- meeting of the Democratic national', dmlnistration and the record cf the The fundamental principle of tariT eommittee for the purpone of put- Senators and Congressmen irom legislation, therefore, at this time is alng the party on rcord for the revi. NorUl Carolina. to provide work, to Increase produc val of the League of Nations issue, i AMiember of gentlemen were cill- tlcrf and restore the consumers buy It developes that Hamilton Ho'.t has j ej on for speeches and reoponses ng power." (' tveen having considerable correipon- mtTm by Chas. S. Wallace, T.. . V: n . . ... . tha isV'.r. W.J. T nik.. Hamilton W. U. 1 MOYT TOOTLE DEAD. II QUARANTINE BOAT HERE. lect and Mr. vox v" nioo, t , ... . veoar klmstlf in wriUng to the Hamilton Wallace . Styron and M. Usle Davis. Hoy t Tootle one of the be.t known . JoB,4n D(,nieis p Halt 'Idea of forcing Mr. Hull to call tp,ktr, ajj pred hope that'.nd hlgMy respected negroes died tJhn D,n. p. H. the Democratic committee to special th- D-mocrtu would carry the county his home near ocean wis coum, . rorUmottth: Harry Dlton, Keg' Llon for the purpose of adapting nfU Nobe, .nd set forth tVlr .n early hour last Thursday morning j ntoAort s,,ur, P. H., Mon- H.mllton Holt's Ideas. Ideterminaltoa to work to tSat end. following an Illness of several p , . Me lloll snd maJoHty of the;Mr nAmtlton aroused moeh enCiu.l-1 Hoyt was sixty five years of age . , Ue Itoll and a majors .nr. itanuivon arwwim i" m. - m .. . ti.a An not t... w. WmJm. Wilaon 1 .nl known throuahout the Coun rVamordUe national CTiiiHi..w. iHiimjnipnn. ., .. , - , to abdicate In favor of X'. d denounce the Republican party ty as an honest and great!y tnuted Hamilton Holt tvea though Mr.;whch be said was held In contempt member of Ms race. He was 5.U S th. backing of the W-odA nUr. world. strong believer In th. education and ilw Wtteon roundatloa crowd snd A wotlo, ., p,aad that all Upbuilding of his raco and I was liga thT aasuranct of cooperation ef Mr. ;DtinocT,u In good standing who aUjly rt-peetod by his neighbor, both at Uawavfr. girt iiie . unura imw vm wtwMw- - - anlt.d with that of Ur. Col w!u ctassedaa delegates. The seven force such sltusUoa that tt wUl Ualt pmMt wtre specially Urited be aecei-ry for Mr. Hull other tojto mtlni u,- eonvenUoii. Na aerrender the leaderahlp of PrtJ,was endomd for sny offic eby the ta Mr nolt teaUra- W' B!ceeatlea, , The , tseetlag wss very baa the barking of the real badera.UrVMn.t M as some af tha if the DeraUa arty.' Mr.' Bryas lm Vest- DeTevats U against any tach tactic. MrMe-,Uva bad la sovml yeerv , - . . I . .mLH ut jmm m ASM - '.a m TV. .V.l. Ik. au11nia had Cttrt. W. H. Allen. Sheriff T M. l a vhvi a , f a ''w -- w . v " r Piney Point: Edward H. Fulcher, been seated was Ward as tho in the; Thomas Jr., John Take and Lu ner k t n t . .a .f I 1 a Ueglstrsr, Uameron ruicner, r. distance singing ina rrosessionai uya. Majoe Thomas CaskiSI. P. H. ("Christ the Lord is Risen Today" Mill Point: Alvah B. Taylor, Reg- They then entered the church ,(w'.lch Utrar. Howard Fulcher. P. IL, Nel- w.a beautifully decorated in ferns. son .Willis, P. II. iLillles and dogwood blosom) ainaj-j The W,W. Miller a boat belonging . n f. V lm r i . t. n i..t a n.rf.il.li. . u . 1'.U..I Ci.im mi.ranri aee. n dik iuiiiv; in iiumo, i a mg me rnutwvii n iui Kim wv- i trar, Chas. Mason, P. H., Thoa.W. Compoed of Mrs. Hendrix, Mrs. See : vice arrived In the harbor lat Satur Nehon, P. H. ily, Mr. Holland and Dr. Swindell then j day on hr way to Tampa. For da. Cedar Island: T. I Goodwin, Mng i will Lift UP Mine Eyes.jSe came here from Cape C.a.lea "Hark! The EasUr Bells wss given station. Major II. F. Soma is in cnarge !by Mrs Hendrix, Mrs, Seeley and MUa of the boat which has a crew of five Portsmouth: Harry Dixon, Rer' Kksrren. The song by the children ; man. The weather has been stormy from the County Home was very lm- now for several oays ana we wmm presaive their voices blending perfect-j most too rough for the MUltr to ly and bringing forth wonderful tones . proceed. for untrained voices Tfteii' seconai wmTdey AND MISS JONtl TO . WED ST. PAUL'S SCHOOL NEWS IN NXW QUARTERS. Csrbour Erothero nnUhed moving iu uadtrala the Seaate are .uadershli awsr fro as Has. Mt. Cex llortlU lataad la barpsony with tha Dea- Whal la partkuUrl!? aittarWng mUe emetotlel groups which foaght areeeat b th fact .that Beaator ''tke'iaUncation af the treat'ee term raea ct Ohio, cad dU for Uuted ly lh amameat caaftrenee flnalen 'eV ""7 ry IM Mm m " 1 Is' an CH repWat'ea af Keaator Paasareae. aha sarve Ud the treat. .1-. faaa UkM. re laa. aaay Deatomla waa believe tkat the AU at whkh Is giving DeasratW ..Mia r Mr. Cat la assumed for lMdert a bad ease af awta the paraoM at -mbaraesmg Mr. Tm leaders a bad eeae 0 1 aervee audi I ertae bacauet Mr. Cex fairs that feeeerts a wide epea apllt la the pir.l Mrs. 8a eSkarrea Mr rVraa 31 selie the 0la ty. . friends la Nerfelk thla Mr. C F. Drj ana at Beaufort! sseet popular chltens ana a leading fcnJnMa an hers vUl leava Satur day asoralng for relarsburg.. Va whera be U to marry Ml flareh Davenport Jonea. Tha asarrlaga will take plaeeat the home or PM fanes mother Saturday tvealng , afUl whfel the couple will ga a bridal tear a 1 at a Gear aftd Other Mies Jades le a aUv af Unlr. K. C Foe several years aha has beea eaoetaJ irv rh Stats AtrtnTtBrsI depertatetit la a vary raspoasihls ea- aaclty. number was then own. Words and Mima Violet Morme who Is a sthdent! tune. Nest was the antSem MThe . t p.na anMt EaaUr at Pelletler. Riu. Ird. St Paul'a Orchestra Messrs S. H. and T. X. Newoerry j,,, two splendid numbers. Tr Ust week and are now ooing oo"" Giles sad Laurie Willis who s s stud-1 paying a always snjoyed by all who in their new building aa Front tt ents at Et. rauia spent usier wiw a,.r taem. . ine soop m In Marehead City. n aaond naH ef tha or tram be adlofnine the one oa which their .a a a I ..a '. . a S S a BTv S. SuaC Smith spent Easter wltn MMtWi with a duet Oetly Lead Us" oy building was oamee lass wtcww. .a,. .a B mm I . aw s awi a S tt Mrs. Hendrix ana: ur. owinqeu gertetta composed of , Mr. Tsylor. Mrs. Headrtx. Mrs. SatWy, Ml-a Mod Ua. Dr. . Swindell and Mr Holland PUfit e o 4 era r" - iiirt. Wast Smith ot Eogoa. Edgar and' . Horace . Fulcher who are static nu a spwa ... f. .1 Kim Mlas Mary Clawaoa ana dyae rteai Ma( t-cne Where the uuies mooas a a M. I mm S M at OPEN BIDS TOR BONDS A weetlng af' the beard of ja snlssieacrs af Beaufort was held lest ereykitora m Merehaad Ctty Setar-I a-u-T. -flew Gear and Eeaoii-BifHt for tha fmrpeee reelving bids 4my. ' fal cams aest folWwad by a beaatl- t0t he I I ... a a ... asm af I . . a u. .a a . S ta. a Hi ItaoaJ Mardach and W. If. Wat. aaa spent Elator la WUdwoed with their pareata. .. " ' : Mlea nVy Aasthi who m atauent at St Pauls apeat Easier wrua rer pererile al Ocraaoka. . , 1 . - '. i Ur. James Da was a fcaaaees vlaitor al Morehead. City Monday. bt'iae PeaH Taorr rDt Estt with her parents al Sea Level. U, md Mra. H R. Cefrea Wft la visiting Salarday far Washlagtoa ta attend woeh. ta haainrss fnl sole "Open tha CaU Tartor after which ta tha aero D a meat af St Psol'l Orcbaatra the choir mareh-4 front tha charch aiagisg te ProseeaietiaL. . , 110.000 keorevement bend. by Mrs. paar hide vers aa band the best ef A REAL OTTlMtSTa The 'meals department ef the Cats munlty Cob will sneet at tha home ef Mr.A. D. 0Pryaa oa the after. which was offered by a New OrWene Ira. Ia arder ta clear up tha de taOa ef tha bid a UVjrm ta the U and If their answer Is satisfartory their 14 be aecept ed, etheralae e!l tUls will be 're- futes aaa a nr sale eeverure. Dr. C. L Duncan wee riled Is Marshneld Uit weak e ae.-ouit ef Booa ef AprU 17 Thnrtday at I JO the UIaea if Ur. W. D. Uphaaa . a f- t is m. a i . e'cJach. 1 Is Mr. Dvux-ank sHer. n '