,f THE HOIE PA?ER j 1 y , (. READING TO THE MIND IS AYHAT EXERCISE IS TO THE BQpTj C EVERTTmmSDAY 1 VOL. XI THE BEAUFORT NEWS, THURSDAY APRIL 27, 1922 NUMEER FIFTEEN ): DEWATSH5VF MANY CANDIDATES Eight Congressional Aspirants in Third DistricL.Duplin ; County, Has 'Three Candidates CLUB 'REPORTS Democratic voters this year hae plenty of candidates from whom to make their choice for Congressional nominee. No less than eight A have - announced themselves as- willing to fill the seat left vacant by the death itt Congressman Brinson. All of the ' candidates with the exception of one nre from the upper part of the dis trict. Charles L. Abernethy of Cra ven who, has tried twice before for the nomination is in the field a gain and is the only one from this end of the dsitrict. There, was a report that Charles S Wallace of Morehead City or E. H. Gorham might nter the race but neither of them did so. " At is usually the case nearly all of the candidates are lawyers, there are three exceptions however among th Democratic Congressional aspirants this time. Dr. R. L. Carr of Duplin county is in the race, as is Samuel H. Hobbs a farmer from Sampson did article on "The The following report of the Civic Department will .show some of the work accomplished , for the' better ment of Beaufort, This departmen was organized January ISth 1921 with a membership of 25.' Our first meeting was held in the. Old Top sail Club roms the second Thursday in February. It was decided March 14th the beginning of '"Clean Up Week". The town was divided into ten squares ' two or more . ladies in charge, of each square, and was de cided to give prizes for the best kept premises until September 1st. It was a real clean up week. s The 2nd meeting March 10 th with another good attendance. . Committees ' were appointed by our chairman to carry out work for the rest of the year. By request Congressman 4 Erinson sent 50 packages of seeds and several fine rose bushes which ' were turned over to our 'chairman. Mr. Standi Mr. G. Duncan, Mr. Hornaday met with us and discussed general clean ing up, trash cans, carts etc, v Then a half hour of genuine pleasure. Mrs. Hugh Jones read an interesting pa per on on radium. Mrs. Eure 1 a beautiful poem, What have we done today, and Mrs. Leslia Davis a splen- High Cost of FORD DID NOT- - uuruiur riiuruo Nothing in The Story That Henry , ; Ford Paid Back .,. Millions . to Government ' :. , v 'WASHINGTON The ' United States Treisurey officials have giVen PEAUTIFUL WEDDING OF MISS .;.; WHEATLEY AND MR. SCOfT (Pensacola Journal) , ' ' A wedding of cordial interest was that of Miss Maud L Wheatly, lovely and only daughter : of i Mrs. ; Annie Wheatley,. and Mr. William Scott, which was solemnised at the home of Mr. and Mrs.' John Frazer, Pastor of the First 'Methodist church, on Mon day evening Vt .8 i'cldck. The imprest 1 - 1-1- ' iV.i AA AAA AAA' " , - warroati which. Henry Ford is l-Witb only relativsAbt the bride being lege.d' to have -turned back to the County and Jos. E. Robinson news- j Living" in tin cans and cartons, paper publisher from Wayne. The j April meeting very poorly attended, other Democratic candidates are Cap- no minutes May 12th "Flower tain Fitzhugh Whiterfield of Samp- j show" ' Many beautiful flowers and son, Hampton D Williams of Duplin, WCu attended. Blue and red rib Matt H-Allen. oL Wsyne and Rivers j bona- first -and -second -premimuma; D. Johnson of Duplin county. The n0 meeting in June. After a vaca only Republican who wanted to runtjon 0f tnree months the first meet f or Cogress had enough to put up the j ng was held Oct 13. Fall clean up $50 entry fee was the Reverend Thos - G.' Hood of Wayne county. Mr., Hood is Freewill Baptist preacher and a farmer and is said to be a fluent speaker. Here in Carteret county no active campaign for the primary fight has taken place but there ia an under current of interest as to the nominees. So far as the News knows only one candidate for County Commissioner has appeared, he being Carl T. Chad Wick of Beaufort. There are ruT mors as to several others who may run for commissioner and they will be likely announced themselves soon There have. been no new announce nutnta aa far as the olher county and planned Flower show November 10th Flower Show at the home of Mrs A. D. 0' Brian, sold Ice Cream cake, candy and flowers, and made about $30. Hand painted blue, and red .ribbons weTe given , for premi ums. The premiums for both flower shows were painted by Virginia Lay, also, the attractive posters at the Fall Flower how, 13 ,. prizes were given for the best kept premisei for the past year and six prizes to the colored people. 1 December an ad dress by Mr., Leslie Davis on "Old Beaufort", also "Beaufort of the future by Mr. Jule Duncan; Christ mas many families were given good things and warm clothes. January TWO TRAGEDIES AT SEA LEVEL offices are concerned since last week. par. Mason talked on ''North Carolina government There is not; the-least doubt but thot Mr. Ford ,1s officially and unofficially on record as','-staging -that he would do such a thing. On January .14, -1919, vMr. Ford's attorney', Alfred ucLking, fmade a specific promise before the., Senate Committee on Naval Affairs . ,tha Mr. Ford would refuse . to accept a cent of profits from .construction of Eagle boats for the Navy depart ment The committe at that time was conducting hearings on war-con tracts. On page 44 of the report of th healings is the following state ment by Senator Swansori Democrat of Virginia, who was chairman of the committee: .' . , : , ' '' r'' "The attorney "for Mr- Ford au thorizes me to state' that Mr. Ford sa?d that he would not tak.e any prof it from this contract whatever.; He owns 58 per -cent of the stock, of the FordCompany and I am author ized to say that he "will, not accept any profit on that 88 per cent of atTcanOrrro will see that , it is returned to tne government" So far as the records show this The" Ford Company received approx imately $45,000,000 in payment of 60 Eagle boats delivered. They put in a claim for work done on boats that were not delivered, and upon this claim they were paid $3,000,- . Recently a book was issuea en titled "The Truth About Henry Ford.' It was advertised to be facta ob tained at first hand from Mr Ford and his'assoclates. K'made the un qualified aseertion that Mr. Ford re fused to accept any war profits and that he had returned to the govern menfr$20,000,000 which he made out, or war contracts' A United States senator interested in discovering the tli about Mr. Ford's financial re- present CHAMBED OF COMMERCE " ' DIRECTORS HOLD MEETING TOBACCO CROP The directors of the Chamber of rlniTnana hplrt torn hnnr cAcainn at their usual meeting place hi the , v-- . r-- t tu. receptlon haU of Drs. Maxwell and U,tYea Crop . Les. Than . Hendrix last Thursday evening. The bride is-a' Jovely brunette, and was beautiful in a new spring creation oi .urn,, wnn nat, gloves,, snoes, ana hose to -match. She carried ah arm bouquet of pink roses; tied with a bow of flimsy pink tulle. ") '. ; Immediately, after , the ceremony, the bride and groom and guests went to the home of Mrs. Clyde Lindstrom, where a very pretty bridal , supper waj ahe source of several delight ful hours. ; - : 'Among, the' wedding guests were Mr. Lolo Scott and small son, Jarvis, f Ceaufort, .Nr- C, both eousin3 of the bride, "Mr., and Mrs. Seott were at the San. Carlos hotel last evening, but will leave at V noon today 'for Beiufort, N. ' C, where , they will make their future home. ' Mr. Scott is' Connected with - the Libby, Mc- NeaJ & tabby Co. Eeaufort was for merly the .home of both the bride and groom, Miss Wheatley, however, having made her home with her moth er -and aunt-Mrs.-Wr Rr Linditrom, on East Gadsden street for the past made numerous friends who are in year. During that time she has terested in her marriage and wish them both joy and happiness in their new life. number of matters of ' interest to Beaufort and the county 1 at : large were discussed. The question of in ivting the bankers of eastern Caro lina ; to hold their next ' convention here was taken up and Mr. U, E. Swann was instructd to extend them an s invitation to come. If they ac cept the Chamber of Commerce will undertake to do something in the way ' of entertainment for them. The matter of a rest room for vis itors was discussed and the need of such a. place set forth. A committe composed of G. W. Huntley, Dr C. S. Maxwell and U. E. Swann was appointed to confer with the com mittee from the Community' Club for the purpose of devising some plan for a rest room. r '-'' ' ' The proper grading of sweet and Irish potatoes was a subject was 4 subject that brought forth considers ble discussion. It was agreed that thousands of dollars are lost by im proper methods of handling the po tato crop and putting it on the mar ket A -' cooperative association seems to be the best solution of this matter according to opinions ex pressed. It was also agreed that a food farm demonstration agent would Year Before-Eut Prices i Were Higher Raleigh, N. C, April 25 The pKc- nomonal reduction of forty-two per - cent was made in the North Caro-' Una tobacco sold by farmers during. the recently- closed season as com-,' pared with the previous ear. H The average of prices was . thirteen per ' cent higher than 1920. There were . only 177 warehouses active last fall as compared with 204 operated in J920. ? The total of 251,000,000 pounds;' of farmers' tobacco wa estimated to have been produced In' North Car-, olina last year , and 241,682,000 pounds were sold cn markets of this -; state of which D9..8 per cent was re- v ported to the Departmervt of Ag- riculture by the warehouses.' v. , j. The releases of dealers and ware-, houses amounted to . 43,760,000 lbs, i. or 284,938,000 pounds total sales. 1 , The average prices, were $24.67. for all sales ind over $25.00 per . hundred pounds for.. the 'first-hand , ar producers', sale. .This was a con- -siderable. improvement over the $21.- System of Public Welfare." Febru-l itioni with the government mai ary, no meeting was held on acry 0f the Treasury department count. of the bad weather. Mr. Wal- j rcearding the alleged return of Mr. ter' Hill was to have made an ad-lp d.g WBr pronta. That senator re dress on "County Government". Piv.,i . ieter ronv Secrctiry Mel- j .Within the short space of four a. traHtTtHies have occured in th villa of Sea Levelin the eurtern i March Dr. Geo. W. Lay. talked very(,on (..j, reads in part as follows: part of Carteret county. Last Sat- j interesting on "Community Service" j .. u.jerf.tand thit you recently urday afternoon at about three o- April a contest is on for the best ; in u;re(j 0Ver tiie telephone with re clock Mrs. Abbie Willis a widow j vegetable garden,, the second best ' ecXB t0 a statement which appeared dropped dead in the store of Gaskill The. best llower garUen tha scona Brothers where she was waiting for,bet flower garden, and for the gar the boot from Stacy and on Tue.'day del with the largwt variety of vex Elijah Taylor one of the leading tit- emblo. For the best ch Ms vejetable izens of the vi.lire conunittel u;c''ie ! t.nd fbwer garden. Prizes given - Mr. TeyW Ci.l kotU c A :..t,a the "Fall Flower Show". Iwnec polstn and then went out't' i field .tors will be appointed to. look after and started to work. Uoeoming kick this work. All who wish to enter froi.J the polsnn he went ba'-k to the this content will send in their tiam.-i house and hi wife M-nt for a doctor, to the. Chairman M-k. Thomas Ha i Wnilnrs. Taylor was in an adjoin--can. J., h.. tn.,k liU nh-t cvin ami air.', A. J. cooKe WILLIS GIVES BOND AGAIN Howard Willis of Morehead City who forfeited his bond of $300 at the March term of Superior Court was apprehended In New Bern Tues day .and brought here and lodged jail.. Yesterday he gave a bond of $500 and was released from prison. The charge against Willis is thst he sold spiritous liquors, . . an . j offence is quite common 'nevertheless con- REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS 28 average for the 192Q riiles. . Inauiries of the . border market be-wrorth a lot to-the business and J Indicate., a (minimum .of 10,000,000 m i ia. a, M a a. , ' s . m . wrmwj unereet ox srierei. cuu-.pounqs OI WDBCCO going out Ol Wl ty. 14 : V : V stata to be sold by farmers in ax- ,cess of that coming in. All 'of the . burley of Madison and adjoining- DAYS OF REGISTRATION. , Registration books for r the June Primaries will be opened on Satur day the 20th day of April and will close Saturday the 20th day of May.. Persons who desire- to vote In .the primaries would do well to get their names onthe books If they are not already there. Candidates for coun ty offices who have not already done se will have to pay their entry fees on or before the 12th day of May otherwise they will be barred out of tKe-primaries. ' N2W BERN OPENS MARKET. K'e wttpm Is to have a free for The following realty transactions c i rw-markt f or'tha sale of Coua- have been recorded at the, office of L product of VL The mar- me negisir oi weeas: ,ket wjl, QJ)en 8aturday morning at .Irs Morris and wife to Eme.t Mor- ? o,cJock wiU ope. every g,t ris 2 acres in Hunting Quarter , urJiy at Mme time., township; cenf iderat'on $800. , f , wl optn tw0 Ranvoy and Ewell to Ahnzo rm- . - k Slome of Ir.g Sect'y Civics. in abook called "The Trutn adouv Heury Ford' to the 'effect that his1 Warp rofits.of about $23,000,000 has, been turned bnck to the Treasury and thst you inquired particularly whether the Treasury ever received ; sny such sum "from Mr Ford.. I h.-.ve had 'this matter investigated in fie Treasury ar.d find that ti.o rec trds do not show the receipt of any donation" from Mr. Ford. 1 h,v BC?crdirj!y written direct to Mr. Foid for information as to' i ow the mr.ttcr Unds from his pvii.t of 'iew the articles to be soI4 at .the -mar ket are poultry, eggs, milk, lutter, cr 3 acres in Hunting Quarter town-1 iMp consideration $10. t. u. Mcinton anu win w c;th n vcgcUbles, fruits, nut v.uvnne crr. .n ocauiun flower, ,nd other things. ' township, consideration $400. j ' N. W. Taylor and wife to Free ! 3 BUCKMAN IS DEAD, will Baptist church lot in Deaufort! ianuJeration $1250. H" 5a-r,!tel M.Buckma-native-of Wm. Dunn Jr. and others H Alid.i ' ...I t. . ..ml,, of ve.ra i'l'tlUlVI i .v. rci'i'iciH nero oiei v iua a $.;ro5. mountain counties is sold out of the state. Danville is so near that it gets quite a large amount from that . section. , ' ' . The Indications are for an increase. m the acreage snd1 use of fertiliiers this year.'' . v -:; WILLIAM B. DUNCAN IS ' POSTMASTER AT RALEIGH. ' William B. ' Duncan formly of Beaufort but who has lived in Ral- ', elgh for a number of years Is now acting postmaster of that city. He .will compete, in the examination . which will be held May 23rd for the regular appointment. Mr. Duncan ' has the backing the Republican State -organization and it is genearly thou-.. ghtt that he will be confirmetT as -postmaster.He is a son of . the late E. Carl Duncan who was fur a . long time one cf the leading cil:seng of Carteret county and later of , Raleigh. Postmaster Duncan , was -a soldier in the Great War and held the rank of lieutenant . He b pjpular - . both' In this native toWn and" in Raleich. - . i ' WAS A GIRL IS NOW A MAN. .OCRACOIvE, N. C, April 18- F. I , sterling "- in lhc Ir!U i,r 1 1 l int. hU head death result- In Instantly. He i .urvUed by hi WILL BEAUFORT HAVE Widow, a srn ab,ut stawn and two) Jai,fhti.n. Mr. Tuylor's fam-i fly ruy that he had been acting queer-j a meeting of bi ebll e ithusiasU rcsenUtivei of the bureau of Inter .i . nW. n.l it is thoJEhti.... hnvi Tii..,,lnu io-ht mt which th ml Itvenue to examine th boKt ilf iul ri-tt,.' ... - - " --- . "The commissioner of Internal BASE CALL TMi3 YEARTl i;evenUfl a,lvie mo that his rec- ordi show the designation of rep- -1.1 1J ? j ii - . . - . ' . , ,. ... , , ,k .i,i si'P. consiocrav.on uuu that his miiiu nau oecoum uvin, , iue.uion oi wnruner icuior inau tim ..-. - w . Fales house and lot corner Ann d Craven ?,ee,, considers, ion ,, ....... t.u. .f..nwwtn t S-30 vi.wlr !! was a victim of T. M. Thomas ftheriT to Geo. I-, :r!Kr4. disease of the kidneys. Mr. Sia ly 1-2 lot no. 77, New Town. rucVnun carried Miss Eva Martin of Feiufort, confidera!io;i $57. i reaufort who . survives him as do T. D. Uhue to Nonna R'iuc V, seres two MM fcnd a daughter Mrs. Tay i:i Newport townhJp. co:is deration ,jf of r,ufort , gihter cf Mr. ?330!l- ' nuckman and she and Mr. Tayloi IrdeH Mor e a.id wife to Mr.. Lula wft nera Monday for Baltimore In telegram announcing r . t t r i I lie WuS a was no rra resnonre to a i--.. eritical 1'lness of Mr. Dnckman. Arthur and wife to Crie Th decenil(fa had many friends l.er mi for hi killing hlm-ulf so far as any one knows.. MARRIAGE LICENSES. ' Register of Deeds Troy Morris hss recently granted marriage permits to the following named couples i Ira Culpepper and Alke Jonee of Newport. James R. Ward snd Let lie Hsncock, North Harlow. BEAUFORT TOWN RARY. . Ovr Msrtin A Klna Store. i Hoars Opent ; f' Tuesdays and Frldsys, .. , A. M.te If M.and, 9 P. M. to 4 P. M A bouse to bouae canvass to be. i- Jm thia week far 'anrtual ms- bershlp af $100 eactt, whkk" card wiJ enUUe tha bolder r any one tlt In teldert aacse to-iecure s book frertl tk library. cared from unrobe rh I p fees m be M-nt la arehasng more tw books. The library at present kas aboet 1 boJkren Mmd ready for. use, (Continued ft fsge Bvt) Those present unanimou.y afreet jtalnment oi n. war pren. blofk from this life t'. at there ought to be a club here work connected with this lnvcil.RUo M.v'frm and will tak step, to see if the nee- proved to be of a very difflc.lt char- IJ. ' i.'.5, "'" j . it 1 1 irftfN esrary fund, can be secured for that ter. and that ao far .. the .nterna City . g A .NET INN WILL REOPEN purpow. ' Hevenue Bureau has been sdvi,ed unrmymmJ . . A temporary organisation was no reolU or conclusions have ever fl ' The Newa learns that on er aeoux at the meeting and D. M.lbeen obtained. For a year or more " " . -. " June the lint We inlet r.nn wm oe ..J n. 1 h Kan mnda aiona- I A tn sui-initr rueiia. J. t u u.i nv Livm- - - ... . . t.j r. - formed Jones . was e.ected presidnt W. Duncan secrtary. - The president was authorized to appoint a committe to raise funds. This committee will wait upon the ciUsetia t.f the town and see bow many are willing . to make contributions towards fie ei penee.of raamUlnWf n team in the field,'; . c-'-i.y . - MR. DEY WEDS MISS JONES. A aiatad la th News latwrk Mr. C P. Dey of, Peeufort and Mis Sarah Joces ef ka'.alfh were tfiarrled Saturday the 22ad at 7 JO 'o'clock. The wedding occured In rtLer.lx.ri Va., at the borne of the brides mthr and was wltntsod by e few relaUves snd friends ef .the couple.- Aftrr an estended trip to NottUra ctiaa Ms. and Era. Dry will return t Ceau- progreu these tins. t J "The Treeaury has also nude in formal inquiries of the Wsr depart-m-nt with respect to the Ford con tracts for the manufacture ef'parU Of Liberty motors nd the contracts In connection with the motor tians port cotp. df.'tUe AVlr, departdient and has been advised that no deduc lions vrr d frow the regular contract prices for arJcles to , the Wsr . deDartint,V Thar Navy de- partnient baa atao Informally advla ' the. Treasury that In eooBectlon with th. Ford contracts for the pan efaclvr. or Eagle boats no de-doe tloni were made from the regular contracU prices fc.eTefoi.'V , fsecreUry Mellea'. UUer to Mr. Tord was written month ago. Th. records as they stand show that K. Fort tract of land on Cogue banks and islands, canslderatlon, 70 000. - NEW, TEACHER COMES MONDAY Mr. It. C. Banks formerly prin cipal of the Straits school has been engaged by Superintendent Plttmaa of te Beaafert Graded Jtchool and -UI commence work . here .Monday morning. Mr. Banks takes the place of Mr. John Duncan, whe has gone to Raleigh to live. Miss Lena Duo. can baa taught tke,clases fer sev eral days .which war. forme, ly taoght by Mr. Duncan.. Rhodes of New Bera the owner wss In Ecsufort yesterday and made ar rsngementa for feepenlng the bouse. It has not be4 used as a boUl fer several yers although rooms have k i lt there. Th. HoUl wiU be cleaned, repaired, decorated and fur nished and put In good condition.-.?. II. Rumley Sr. who baejwe look, Ing after the property fer some time will have the anaginne)it of the boteL CHANGE OF RESIDENCE. ' Dr. and Mrs. C U. Swindell who have lived for some time la. " the I borne of Mr. C P. Day bare meted which his Fublicl'y md'orns bate and are no wllrlng ea Pollock street.. . . . 9 , 1 w .A ft. ft L . given, mm. Char!e Vlli;ams of Ocracoke who lived the first tweaty-one yoit fo hi. life as a giil on isobtei Ocra- ka I-tlar-d and then the cruel, eold world, hi. diaappeard sffin. It . is thought he msy have bcome a a.lcr wid goae on a foreign cruise. - V'hc,n Charles was bom his mcthef waa so disappointod that he was not a girl she decided to bring him up as one. So under the name of Yer4 lie grew up in the little community of flshemen which constitutes Ocra coke Island. lie was a popular "girl" He learn ed the domestic arts; he belonged to girls cluhv; be even bsd sweet heart, fer be Is pretty, ben about a year ago, shorJy after twenty-flit birthday,' It was made i that he waa a man. He wrote to a young man In New York, a former resident of Ocracoke to whom be wag almost engaged, that ' be ould not continue their correspon dence because It 'waaen'. manly." The nest step was to provide himself with ian'a-attore .na r. the world. V ; ' ' U Baltimore be got a h ot aoon he became bemeUck sndUn e few months went borne. . IU fallowed the only ecc.patloa poeaiUe n Ocroke nd. became a nshetrtM, UI laany ways his borne Island .bange-L II friends who bad .ee'leag "regarded bins as . guL. could net tore t him as they bed before, 'end Williams be came restless. ' '.' ' ' He recently told frlenda he'woa!J. like to become a sailor and aV the ire tcaJe to t' e Sale Floaace Com- midance ef CapUie C. M. WU'kfc fort whet, they wiU make theV borne, kr. lord did not live up to bis prom eJ'tee aor live tf to the reputation W Dlut, They eccopy the ground floor of the . world, and they beHerebe hai d n so.- Bat they say t.ey l.ke and wst bin to come borne' again. - - ; ' f ... 1 . i t )

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