o) na O) c. 3 u vJ Iu. st advertising medium published in Carteret Co. ' READING TO THE MIND IS WHAT EXERCISE IS TO THE EODY WATCH Your label and pay your subscription VOLUME XIV THE BEAUFORT NEWS THURSDAY MARCH 5, 1925. NUMBER TEN I. t ROAD AND BRIDGE BOND ISSUE BILL BECOMES A LAW County Commissioners Will Have Authority To Issue $700,000 Road Bones OPPONENTS MAKE GAME FICHT Proponents of the $700,000 bond issue for county roads and bridges won their fight Tuesday when the bill passed the State Senate on final read ing. The bill passed its second read ing last Friday but wr.s held up for a few days to give opponents of the measure a hearing. The opposition put up a game fight but the advocat es of the bill led by County Attorney Luther Hamilton were too strong for them. The bill had the backing of Representative Alvah Hamilton, the county , Democratic organization the board of countj commisiorers and many influential citizens. The bill authorizing the issuance of $150, 000 in bonds to take up outstanding indebtness has also passed which is also a victory for the Hamilton forces According to the terms of the bill the board of eommisioners may call an election on the $700,000 bond is sue if they choose, or they may go ahead and issue the bonds-without an election. The general impression seems to be that there will not be an election. The board has not yet giv en out a statement as to what roads are to be improved so the News has no information to give on this sub ject Unofficial reports are that con struction is to be done in the east ern and western parts of the county and on the Beaufort-Harlowe road. The bill just passed by the General Assembly reads as follows: . A BILL TO BE ENTITLED AN ACT TO AUTHORIZE . CARTERET COUNTY TO ISSUE BONDS FOR THE PURPOSE OF ROAD AND BRIDGE CONSTRUCTION AND IMPROVEMENTS. THE GENERAL ASSEMBLY OF NORTH CAROLINA DO ENACT: SECTION I. That for the pur pose of constructing a more perma nent system of County ronds and bridges, or for the purpose of repair ing and improving the roads and bridges of Carteret County, or for the purpose of aiding the Stale High way Commission in the construction of that part of the State Highway System which now or may hereafter be adopted in Carteret County, or for any one or more of the said pur poses, the Board of Commissioners of Carteret County are hereby au thorized nnd empowered to issue, during the year one thousand nine hundred nd twenty-five and until November first, ono thousand nine hundred and twenty six, negrtia'.M? coupon bonds, in tfce emn of not ex ceeding seven hundred thousand dol lars (700,000.), the said bends to be in addition to the other bonds here tofore issued and outstanding by end again?t the said Carteret Coun ty. The Board of Commissioners shall have authority to issue the bonds authorized by this section with out submitting the same to a vote of the qualified electors of the said County, if, in the discretion of the Bojird, the sentiment of the electors of the said county is sufficient to jus tify such action on the part of the Board without sueh n vote en the question. The snid bonds . may be issued nil at one issue or in Fuit;ib!e amounts from time to time as the funds may be deemed necessary for the purposes expressed. SECTION2. That the bonds is sued pursuant to this act shall be signed by the Chairman of the Board of County Commissioners and coun tersigned by the Clerk and shall bear the . corporate seal of said County, and shall have affixed the requisite number of coupons and it shall be sufficient for said coupons to bear the printed lithographed, or engraved signature of the Chairman of ' the said Board. Said coupons shall draw interest at not exceeding six per cent (6) per annum, payable semi-annully and at such place or places as the said Board of Commis . (Continued cn page five) BALL BROS. GET FERRY FRANCHISE; t 1 'assured fact that the appropriation Automobile Passenger Line Be- Interest Grows And Many Are Proves Very S&tirfcctery On0f jygoo for a breakwater in front of No Wooden Buildings On Front tween Beaufort and More- ! Registering. Many Promi- j Long Is 'and. State Making 'ty;e town of Beaufort will be avail-! Street Between Orange And head City Assured j nent Citizens Approve Plan Experiments, Outlook ,be. The bill carries a large cmou-.it ' Queen Streets. I ' Promising f0r tne inland waterway between! remission to operate n ferry be-! "Effort one of the prettiest; . 1Et,aufort and Norfolk, a half million' As 8 reRuIt of action taken by the tween Becnfort nnd Morehead City towns on the Atlantic coast and un"' As a resu!t cf experiments which for the purchR8e of the Disrmil board of city commissioners at their was granted Monday by the board of ;doubtedly ha a great future" aid the State Highway Commission hSwamp canal and various other pro- re8ular meeting Monday the restrict county commissioners to G. R. ard''Ionn J- Blair of Ra'eBn to a repre- been making with asphaltic cil as a !jectg. e(1 district for wooden buildings was G W Ball of North Hailowe a sentative cf the News last Friday, surface for dirt roads, it may be i Telegrams relating to this biU considerably enlarged. The ordi frsnch.se was granted at the same M Bkir is the State Director cf that in many instances satisfactory jfrom Senator Simmons and Rep'r. nance covering what is known as the time to W. A. Everett of Edenton to Schco1 House Plannine and he and roads can be built a comparatively lsentative Abernethy are published fire district on Flont stl'ee' formerly operate a ferry between Morehead Mr' J- M- Kedy who is the archi- small cost. In a rectn news article below ,t seems that there a pos. extended from Orange to Craven City and the ocean beach. Chairman tect for the State Apartment of Ed- m the Greensboro Daily News Gov- lBibiHty that the boat ,ine betWeen 8trPet- Bv reason of an amendment Woodland and Commissioners, Hall nation were in Beaufort last week to ernor McLean was quoted as having New Bern and Balitmore will be re. adopted Monday the district will be Huntley, Taylor and Whitehurst were consult with the scho1 board in re" been Teatl pressed with some oil cstablished with Beaufort and More- "tended east to Queen street and all present and the vote was unan- imous. Mr. Everett had put in his applica - tion for a franchise at the January meeting and the matter had been de- ferred. S. A. Chalk of Morehead i -i.-. j r .-.... tuny aiso ypn.u ior a, i.au.mse Monday ai the morning session but withdrew the application in the after- noon. Ball Brothers agree to operate a Doat not less man d ieei long ana ; twenty feet beam with a capacity of !B!x automobiles. Then; charges are to be $1 for autcs and drivers and ir.nd $2 for large ones and 15 cents nncctpno'pra Tflll hrntlnpra norrpp to make two round trips a day, or ., iyiato if noPBorirv. Applications were made to the board to relieve the following per- sons of taxes: Mrs. Nellie Mason ot community. Mr. Blair also called ouj verv Batifactorily. In Long Is Stacy the heirs of Mrs. Grace Gor- attention to the value of a good audi- jand jbe yo nas proven to be verv don of Beaufort, Mrs. Lola Davis and Mrs. Mamie Wade of Hunting Quar- .. ter township. The applications were referred to the county Welfare Of ficer for inveatigition. Mrs. Sidney 'Lewis of Pelletier, Mrs. May C. Lewis of Harker's Island and Mr. Parlie Lewis of Stacv annlied for aid from J VV the county popr fund. Referred -to fcounty Welfare Officer for investiga tion. 1 Mrs. Lula Best of Wildwood came before the board and asked that cer- tain parts of her land flooded by the State Highway forces be drained. She was promised that the matter yould have attention. J. T. and Alex Gra- ham asked the board to put parts of the Mill Creek road now impassible, in condition so that the school truck can De run over it. tne cnairman said he would give the matter his personal attention. The board aud- ited a number of bills and attended to a few other routine matters and then adjourned. EARLY SNAKE GETS SHOT BY HUNTER It. seems that snakes as well as mocking birds and flowers are aware that Spring is near at hand. It is thnt tiv nnp fpiwrts killing a rattler in February and yet that this does happen is vouched by Mr. W. D. Allen of Newport. Mr. Allen is a great hunter and while out with his bird dogs one dys last week, they struck a trail and finally came to n nnint. which nroved to be instead of a covey of quail a big diamond back rattler. Mr. Allen shot the creature and took its hide back to Newport where it is on exhibition. The snake was an unusually large one, measur- ing eight feet in Inegth and about .13 inches in circumference. MRS. CHARLES W. MASON DIES, land, 4 acres in Whiteoak Township,: ' consideration not shown. Information has been received in:.. ... I lPnonfnt't ff tVin li-Qth nf Mrl -.Allien , ,,, .. .. , Mason of Atlantic, wife of Charles 'W. Mason, Wednesday morning. Mrs.; Mason suffered a stroke of paralysis Saturday. Mrs. John G. Jones and James Wallace Mason both of Beau- fort, daughter and son of Mrs. Mason, j went to Atlantic Saturday on account of their mother's illness and were with her at the end. i ' EIRTH ANNOUNCEMENT. ! - i Cards recently received in Beau- fort announce the birth of a son to Mr. and Mrs. L. M. Gaskill of Miairli, Florida. The child has been named, (Lorenzo Jr. Mr. Gaskill is a native jof Sea Level f,nd has lived in Bean - lfort for some time. SCHOOL ELECTION DRAWS NEARER; 6 .u ",c i"c" "cw .building. TV,., 4,,,, ,;-. ,-.- :. ue l .V'S1"'IS weie s " ..C t " Y1--..IS, C- - VC.V UUVll lmP'essu w..n .ne na.ura. oeauiy oi e locahty and this fact supplement- ' t V T T street lights the water and sewersge - Ds"?,s " afce y " " . - , Pavements is an adequate high scho1 .M-. This the gentle-J rnen.sa'd'. after ""Pfflg the pres- A modern building with room for fii ture 5rowth f d grounds is me w..i-ig neeuea. ine ioi on iiv they thought with the new Duuuing na iue ine giounus ueau- & fc tified with irrass. lioAvers and shrub- bery could be made very attractive and credible to arapidly developing torium would be to the town as a meeting place for conventions and ... other gatherings. Registration for the election is making satisfactory progress. The usual vote in the town is about 1000 "u "luluay '"K"1- 8!.ii- Martin ntil YiarnUaA KS nam-cr flf -i i :4 1 1 :.4- 'r i. . ".:- w.yf iu.c x.j wcic w.ui.ii aim .j n men. Since then a good many oth- ers have registered and by Saturday night it is expected that nearly 1000 will be on the book. In order to as- certain the opinion'of men in the bus- iness section of the town a paper was circulated recently and many of the leading men of the town signed it. Some who declined to sign said they were going to vote for the school building. The list of signers is cs iollows: it: u King, J. r. 1-oune, C. H. Bushall, O. B. Moore, K. A. Bell, J. A. Hornaday Jr., J. V. Caf- frey, George W. Lay, John Hill, W. E. Skarren, C. S. Maxwell, G. W. Duncan, E. Frank Lee, W. A. Mace, Jas. W. Mason, Bayard Taylor, T. W. Brinson, L. H. Haywood, R. L. Davis, E. E. Davis, W. L. Willis, N. F. Eure, J. H. Potter Jr., M, Spruill, W. V. B. Potter, R. He.idcr- son, Barbour Bros. G. W. Huntley, v - n i". .IT TT T. . . . . . W. U raui ai cons, vv. n. taiocr, E. W. Jernigan, D. M. Jones, W. G. Mebane, U. E. Swann, Thomas Dun can, Julian Hamilton, L. B. Bone;,-. C K. Howe. j REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS. i The following real estate transfer. have been recorded by uegis.er oi Deeds Jno. W. Hamilton s.nce last week. i pnvi(j -willums to Austin Neilson, t ()t 13- T(jwn Beaufort, con- ji,,,.,;--, ' W. C. Colo and wife to T. C. Hol- Luther D. Garner to Jessie G. Gar- ner, tract in Newport Township, con- ' ... sideration $60. K. L. Garner et al to Jessie J. Gar-1 ner 2 ceres in Newport. Township, .ccn.merawon e, r. Mason and wife to Arthur Gillikin, tract in Straits Township, consideration $55. : MARRIAGE LICENSES. Only two licenses to wed have been granted by Register of Deeds Jno. W. Hamilton since last Thursday, they are as follows: - Wm. H. Jessup of Roxboro, N. C. and Pearl Fulcher of Morehead City, j T. R. Lewis and Belvina Willis cf Morehead City. r--i,t.i'8ltf.iy rt.JrSaa OIL TREATMENT FOR DIRT ROADS "u .... wm... ... uau traveled. The Governor seemed toeratjon of two gei propeied barges. thlTll- tl-jlf". tVlp nil frpnf TYlpT-f nf vnorle tne on treatment or roaus . iiuc tu uc lu Runic caicui. ct I i- V i -..4 4 -4' might prove to be to some extent at', eagt( & he, .. golution o the Stte,. road prob,em- 1 In order to & Bome first hand in' . . , .,.. , , ui inaiiuii on tne suojeci ior reaa- ers of the News, the opinion of State Highway Engineer Charles M. Up-' ham was sought. Mr. Upham's re- piy is given nerewun Mr W G. Mebane, Beaufort, N. C. dear Mr. Mebane: . This is to acknowiedge your letter of February 25th relative to the treatment of earth roads with oil. 4 4 i that this method ot t u.nM eau 1 WOUJU Sdy -, v u .x- ,,,. lias UCCXl U1IUC1 caucimmciii f or possibly ten or twelve years and jn EOme localities it has been worked satisfactory while in Massachusetts tbe resuits were not as eood North 6V Carolina seems to have some roads' that are exceptionally good for this - - r.. Paicular kind of treatment but still otners mat win not iena tnemseives . w tui- -i ttiLiucn , to this treatment. , i m, .... .. ... ... . t ine r..i!is:ies are t.r.at tne roaa miist be very good sand clay, top soii 0r gr;ivei roR( aR( one capable 0f carrvinf traffic before the oil is put on it The oil win not strengthen the roa(i but s;mpiy preserve the sur- face in other words if the road is not sufficientIy str0ng to carry traf- fic the oil win not hep do thigj but tne oil Vl.jii prCvent surface a'K.ndo- ment on lhe top soil cl. Erve( anti this wiil fud materially to the length 0f jife and reduce the maintenance. We are going thru the develop ment stage of these roads and the re sults look very promising, so that eventually we will have a large mile age that has been treated by this method. It seems impossible to write spec- ifi. otirvn. that will Hssurp a satisfac- ' tory road, and it is necessary that a npvsnn -minn-ited -with this tvn. f co;ls.tructj0T1 have charge to the ticul work Therefore it is impossible for me to tell you mote have been missing things from their stick and an expression of great pain of the details other than up to the vessels. The two boats dock at the on his countenance. There were present time we have used aspuultic foot of Orange street Tuesday two charges against John and it look oil B5 per cent penetration of 100 night Captain Bonner concealed him- ed rather squally for him but he is a per cent asphalt. This is spread on self in the pilot house of the Wallace very resourceful person in courts and the road surface which has been pre- and waited for development. About with the assinstance of an eloquent pared by scraping and brooming, at eight o'clock Noe came, along the plea by his counsel Mr. C. R. Vheal iher s.tt nf annroiinntelv 1-3 to 4-10 Wallace in a skiff and climbed aboard y he was let down with $10.75 the f & galjon pi;r squarc y3r(i, and cov- ;(b()ut tw-t)ty pol,nds 0 coarse sand. Sand is added subsa- quently as the asphalt lies in the sand and becomes excessive. j Trusting this is the information you iUyue I i.mnin. ' Very truly yours," " ' ' " r,r.,T!,j V-I.-.0. 1. 1 Lin in, State Highway Engineer, SUPERIOR COURT. A one week's term of Superior r . m .onwne !n Beaufort Mon- jday. Judge M. V. Barnhill will pre- side over the court and both crimi- nal and civil cases will be heard. The j first two days have been reserved Ifor the crimin-d docket and civil jesses will be taken up Wednesday ! morning if the criminal docket is finished by that time. A few crim- jinal cases were continued from the 'last team and several new ones have been added since then, but none so ;far of very great importance. The civil calendar was published in lust of Mrs. Doane was taken to Guilford, stated that they were not unduly dis week's issue of the News. Connecticut, her eld home for inter- orderly and so they were let off with , ment. ithe costs. .Ht.jta.s J. a--gMfc BEAUFORT BREAKWATER NOW AN ASSURED FACT The rivirs r.d haibors b'.ll hes i i v... -. .. u j ., ! ur.il ptir;.u juiiicm5 tuiu ii as u.i i bead city added. This is for the op- T. tpWmma rppiveH -pari hr fnl- --. . . ..... lhe teieerams received read as ioi- " " ire,. Washineton D C. 457 Washington, D. C. Mar. 2. 1925 'chamber of Commerce ,naniDer oi commerce, Beaufort N Car Am glad to advise that House has! just passed the Rivers and Harbors bil, passed by the Senate ,ast Satur. 'day night the House accepting all the 'Senate amendments and the bill now 'goes to the President whose signa- ture is already assured. ! F. M. SIMMONS. Washington, D. C. Mar. 2, 1925. Secy Chamber of Commerce Beau- fort, N Car. ' ,-,,., , Kivers ana riaroors om nas passeci , - ... Senate and the Presldent wlU Elgn Bame bil1 include.s nmei,us surveys which Beaufort is interested in and also provides for construction of stone breakwater in front of town of Beaufort. JITT A T. T CHARLES L. ABERNETHY, M. C. WashinKtotl) D. C. Mar. 2, 1925. Eeaufot Jevis Beaufort. N Car, i . .. . t Have just secured passage througn . r . J ct tne House as amenament to oenaie joint resolution number luz as ioi- lows: That the New York Canal and Great Lakes Corporation shall re-es- tablish the boat line formerly known as the intevcoastal and coastwise Avaterway service operating between Baltimore Maryland and New Bern j Beaufort and Morehead City North ; Carolina end shall operate this line' fcy not less tiian two serf propelled' barges. ; CHAS. L. ABERNETHY. M. C. TOM NOE ARRESTED ON LARCENY CHARGE Tom Noe, frequently called "Bran- dy" a young white man of Beaufort was arrested Tuesday night for en- tering the pilot house of the fishing boat Chas. S. Wallace and committed to iail. Mavor Thomas required a bond of $500 which Noe was unable to cive. For some time Captain Bon- ner Willis and his brother Captain Wilbur Willis of the W. M. Webb He first went to the galley and could nilt RCt in and then c:me to the pilt house where Captain Willis took charge ef him. Noe stated that he ,was looking for some matches but this explanation of his visit w;m not satisfactory to Captain Willis and so e ,!ad lNOe nut un(lc" arrest. 1 At the June term of court in 1923 Luther Lloyd and Tom Noe were put under a suspended sentence by Judge Grady of three to five years in the peniteniary if they violated any law within five years. Llyod was con. victed of entering the warehouse of ti,- Rf-r4 r.mcerv Cnmrmnv last year and is now in the penitentiary, Noe will be tried in Superior court which seemed to meet with the ap- next waak. proval of the crowd because most people are rather inclined to pity ' MRS. A. F. DOANE DEAD John than to blame him. He drinks Information received here recently too much but is a very industrious by Mr. W. A. Mace conveyed the in- fellow when sober. telligence that Mrs. A. F. Doane died 1 The other three tried by the Mayor of pleurisy Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. 'were John Dixon, Tom Sadler a-.id Doane and two daughters lived in Carlton Parkin, all young white men. Eeaufort for a number of years and. The evidence was that they were have many friends here. The body 'drunk but chief of Police Longest FIRE DISTRICT IS MADE LARGER w,c" "U'L" v on ueen sweel The amendment was offered by Com- rnissioner bmitn and he and (Jommis tm.cci, .Biuaei 4ioe vuieu ior 11. omillls- XI - - . 4 1 ! r-. SIoner Wheatly voted no and Corn- missioner Whitehurst did not vote at all. Commissioner .Parkin is absent on a trip to Florida. Mrs. H. D. Worcom representing Fort Macon chapter of the U. D. C. Came before the board and asked that a merry go round and Ferris wheel might be operated without tax during the month of June under the auspices of the organization. The permission was granted. A delegation repre senting the Community Club was present, composed of Mrs. G. W. Lay, and Mrs. Bayard Taylor, and asked that the club might have the direction . . , u improvements io De maue on me , I J? T? i. A a J.1j.1 west end of Front street and that the city contribute to the expense of the work. A motion was passed grant- ing the request. , Motions were introduced and pass- ed remitting city taxes on property cf W. H. Hendrick, the children of Mrs. Qrace Gordon, deceased, and Mrs. West Taylor. A motion was passed increasing the salary of John Pake from $70 to $80 a month.-This .. ... . , motion was wucen in consideration or 4V- 44.. V 4. 1 - w uwv ns ww i,u iou a.irne. nre trucK in addition to nis worK on the streets. A number of bills were audited and then the board adjourned. subject to thp call of the Mayor, MAYOR TRIES FOUR .,,; ON SAME CHARGE Four defendants, all charged with practically the same offense, to-wit drunkness, faced Mayor Thomas in his court Monday afternoon. All admitted having inbibed a little too freely but none had been very bois- terous and so the Mayor had a heart and let them off with the costs, John Bunyan Congleton who, like the famous religious leaded whos name he bears, has had considerable experience with courts and jaiis, was anione those present and furnished much entertainment for the court audience. He appeared in court with his lengthy form bent almost double, leaning heavily, on a broom costs in the case. One of ti.e oharg.s against him John denied entirely and the other was due to extenuating civ- cumstances. He said that while walking around in the back part t;f he did not know who, hit him in the back with a soft drink bottle and in- flicted great injury and pain upon him. Fortunately a short time after a stranger met him and seeing the distress he was in, handed him a half pint bottle and told him to drink freely. He emptied the flask and got considerable relief but also got arrested a short time afterwards. After bpnri-r bis statpmpnt the lay- or relented and rendered his verdict