PAGE TWELVE THE BEAUFORT NEWS THURSDAY JUNE 23, 1927 Launch for Rock Island Unit of Naval Reserves T-. Lor-re -.ii"!lLrf( fclr I ' HSisew " ... Sf far jy.aTr ! This I'nited States navy launch, fltted with auxiliiiry sails, has been equipped at the Brooklyn navy yftrd preparatory to being taken on an 1,800-mile inland trip to be used by the Lock Island (111.) unit of the naval reserve. Lieut. Roy L. Barker and a crew of sis were detailed to take the boat through the Erie canal, the Great Lakes, the Chicago drainage canal and the Illinois river to Rock Island. Cross Restored to the Coliseum mm at .vv an mm m ; a 'Tm- tjf Many Dogs Listed In North Carolina ! General view in the historic Coliseum, Rome, when the huge cross, re J moved In 1S70, was replaced with religious ceremonies attended by members : of the royal family. RALEIGH, N. C, June 18 (INS) Regardless of whether or not you have your shrre of the per capita wealth of the nation, you own $7.73 worth of property if you have a dog. More than a half million dollars worth of dogs are listed for taxa tion in North Carolina according to the most recent report of the state revenue department. The canines numbering 68,904, are valued at $332,536, an average value of approximately $7.73. Sampson county leads all others in the state insofar as dogs are concern ed, with 7,610 of the four legged "pals" listed for taxation. Then comes Wake county, with 3,571, and Davidson is third with 3,425. Has the department "got" your goat? There are 19,469 goats list ed, with a valuation of $31,692. Brunswick with 1,924; Gates, with 1,124, and Randolph, with 1,009, re spectively, lead all other counties in the state in the number of goats listed. CONVICT PUGILIST READY FOR FIGHT Inmate of Penitentiary Will Meet Middleweight Cham pion Friday Night R.ALK1GH. June 20 (INS) Charity Mangum, the "fighting pris- f oner, is working hard today tor his ! coming fight that may net him a myth j ical title. The only inmate of a state prisoner ever to go in for professional boxing Mangum is slated to meet Terry Rob erts, midleweight champion of the Carolina?, on the night of June 24. It probably will be the first time in ring history that a prisoner ever has tried to gain any sort of title while confined behind prison walls. Mangum is doing hard training each night, sparing with his partners, Gallagher and Kid Turner, the latter a giant black from Boston. This will be the closing ring card for the present season at the peniten tiary and Mangum will be given a rest until next fall. i Other bouts on the card call for Charley Hauser of Fort Bragg and Fennie Mack of Charlotte to sling gloves at each other for eight rounds to srttle their old argument which huilits inception when this pair bat tled through ten rounds to a draw. Tommie Guliughei, lightweight champ t,f the Carolinas will exchange wal lops with Jess La.sgo of Charlotte, tvo i egro bantams yet to be selected will put on the first bout of the evening and there probably will be a battle royal to start off' the night's entertainment. ONLY KNOWN BIRD WITH "BOBBED" TAIL A representative of a tribe of birds which Includes the only kind In the world known to practice self-decoration has arrived at the London xoo. It is a Carthaginian motmot, from South America, and Its seemingly con ceited relative Is known as the Racket tailed motmot Racket-tails are not uncommon as natural adornments of many birds, bnt the motmot produces his artificially, for he nibbles away the vane on each side of the shaft on the two middle toil feathers until the desired shape Is obtained. If excessive vanity prompted the motmot's ancestors to nibble their tails, as is probable, this would ac count for the habit becoming Instinc tive. It Is evident, at any rate, that thj females learned to regard a racket" tailed suitor as specially desirably otherwise the "fashion" would havi died out. READ THE NEWS WANT AUS S. H. Newberry Attorney at Law Paragon Building MOREHEAD CITY, N. C. Dr. J. O. Baxter SPECIALIST The Eye Only I NEW BERN, N. C. In one weeks, county agent E. F. 205 hogs worth 2,550 in an effort to help eradicated hog cholera in the county. BRIDGEPORT -Two and Four Cycle N0T0RS Columbian Propellers Gill Piston Rings Atwater Kent Ignition Schebler Carburetor and Parts Brass Pipe Fittings Brass Pipe Bronz Shafting Red Wing Motors Johnson Outboard Motors EXPERT REPAIR WORK Barbour Brothers Machine Shop FRONT ST, BEAUFORT, N. C . i the biggest Utter We Have Made In Years! V v t .... Jff5 i i8f to y i JTi."w. 4r,V'HilJ $ e 1? ' UM liiT'tirhVtl ti -i 1 . iimimMm - I Orly . 9 ? A I Limited I Number WEBSTER'S College, Home and Office Dictionary Offering Accuracy, Complete ness and Convenience pages latest words 30 pages of radio terms 6 pages, automobile terms 32 pages synonyms and anonyms pages glossary of aviation terms 28 pages commercial and legal terms 33 pages foreign words, phrases, nroverhn. More than a thousand pages of definitions EACH or, with a year's sub scription to the Beaufort News $2.25 Therefore the Dic tionary will cost on- ly 25c. Hurry orders in only a small num ber on hand at pres-ent- SPECIF1CATIONS: Width 5 1-2 Depth 7 1-2 Thickness 2 1-4' Webster's 1927 Dictionary Your attention for one moment is asked to the EEST subscription offer that we ever have made to the public. You probably know something about the Beaufort News. It is your county seat news npr, pub! 'she! for fourteen years and strong er low f;:.-;, ever before in its history. Every grod feature that it has had will be maintained and others will be added. It will keep pace with the development of the County. The subscription price of the News is $2.00 -per year, less than four cents a week. Considering the amount or news It carries each veek it is certainly worth this small sum if no more. However we are going to make you a BIG PREMIUM OFFER. Here it is: For a limited time we will 'send to anv address The Beaufort News for ONE YEAR and a Handsome, Webster's dictionary for $2.25. This dictionary tells you how to Spell and Pronounce thousands of words and gives you their meaning. It also contains much other information and manv pictures. We GUARANTEE that you will like it, if not we will refund your money. Every family in Carteret county, and ev ery where else, needs at last two books, a Bible and a dictionary. We can supply the diction ary and with it the Beaufort News. SIGN THE COUPON ON THE MARGIN AND MAIL TODAY 1 0 or With One Year's Sub scription to The Beau fort News FIRST COME FIRST SERVED MAIL ORDERS NOW DIRECT TO T X t . $2.25 I f $ r .a .a t a ! ! t c i t 5 i o 1 1 S r T I I P U k ! ! 'f 4) I N "j ! .Q W w ! I s U 1 1 "3 T T3 I 10 V 73 ! ! X S .2 a ! j .2 I f g ! ! '5 t z - ! ! 8 - I h tf '3 ' ! E - -F Il As I lis I & a"i ! 1 n I L ' si'- I & I Z ? r J ' J I The Beaufort News and much valuable data. Beaufort, N. - r t r