PAGE EIGHT THE BEAUFORT NEWS THURSDAY, JANUARY 31. 1929 Farmers of Scotland County have organized a county board of agricul ture to assist the county agent in his program of farm development in the county. In addition to his other work, the Dr. F. E. Hyde GENERAL PRACTICE Office over House Drug Co. Office Hour 10 A. M. to 12 If. 3 to 5 P. M. and by Appointment Office Pbone 140 Re 18-L county agent of Durham County re cleaned 175 ounces of tobacco seed for cooperating farmers in one week. Dr. C. S. Maxwell GENERAL PRACTICE Office Hours 10 to 12 A. M. and by appointment t t i t D.W. Morton Notary Public. Insurance With M. Leslie D.tU BEAUFORT, N. C. Oti H. Johnion, M. A. M. D. SPECIALIST Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat Moretead City, over postofflce 9 to 12. Beaufort Office 2:30 to 5 P. M. TOWN OF BEAUFORT Monthly Statement, December, 1928 RECEIPTS Balance in Banks December 1 $ 1923 Taxes 1924 Taxes 1925 Taxes 1926 Taxes 1927 Taxes 1928 Taxes Paving Taxes Penalties on Taxes Costs on Taxes Licenses, Town - . Licenses, Dog Cost Mayor's Court ; Miscellaneous 9,418 128 146 185 585 1,280, 3,257, 2,221, 32, 47, 161, 13. 115. 11 .15 ,41 ,35 45 ,07 70 35 10 43 15 95 00 80 50 fnr Dpc-ember $17 fif!4 41 I DISBURSEMENTS J. S. Gaskill, bal. November street contract $ 316.25 Water and Light Dept., November bill 375.00 November salaries 549.56 C. H. Bushall, house rent for J. C. Pate 20.00 Commissioners, December per diem 25.00 N. C. Dept. Revenue, license plate 1.00 W. C. Chadwick, 16 wharf posts 15.00 Gaskill-Mace Co., bill Nov. 1, 1928 to Nov. 26, 1928 2.65 Fire Department, bill Feb. 20, 1928 9.55 Bft. News, adv. and recpt. forms 10-25 to ll-29-28 75.25 W. U. Tel Co., messages 1.50 Graham Bros., lumber bill of 10-15 to 10-26-28 65.16 Texas Co., bill of October 20.42 John T. Small, 15 posts , 12.70 Car. Tel. and Tel. Co., messages 4.35 W. E. Skarren and Co., bill 192.87 Stubbs Fruit Co., October feed bill 37.90 Noe Hardware Co., November bill .a 3.24 R. Henderson, October bill 1.25 Beaufort Ice Co., bill to December 1 5.50 W. H. Bailey, repair watch W. R. Longest 2.00 Hancock-Huntly Co., November feed bill 43.10 Loftin Motor Co., mdse. and labor, November bill 12.75 Am. La France Foamite Corp, pt. pay. on note 500.00 Am. La France Foamite Corp., 2 fan belts 4.33 Car. Tire Serv. Co., bill to 12-1-28 37.64 Owen G. Dunn, tax receipts 6.67 R. B. Wheatly for Craig P. Gilbert Ind. Survey 300.00 M. A. Hill, tax books and office exp. 245.35 Beaufort Drug Co., for John Pake .75 Car. Rubber and Sup. Co., for hose 90.00 M. L. Davis, Dec. 1928 and Jan. 1929 salaries 120.00 B. W. Arthur, police 2 days and labor on town hall 8.40 Jas. Willis and E. Springle, moving office furniture 3.00 Bft. B. T. Co., int. on note, Ex. N. Y. for bond int. pay. on bonds and bank charges 1,470.79 J. S. Gaskill on Dec. st. cont 100.00 W. R. Longest, payroll to Dec. 22, 1928 73.10 W. R. Longest, payroll sp. police Christmas 84.00 W. R. Longest, payroll work on fire house 13.70 Bank of Bft., Ex. N. Y. for bonds and bond int. and bank charges : 5,000.00 Total for December $ 9,849.73 Balance in Banks January 1 $ 7,754.68 M. A. HILL, Clerk. C. T. CHADWICK, Chairman. .BEAUFORT WATER AND LIGHT DEPARTMENT Monthly Statement, December, 1928 RECEIPTS Balance in bank December 1 $ 118.41 Collections 3,247.51 Ubu'" Total $3,365.02 DISBURSEMENTS Guv G. Lewis, payroll, Dec. 1 $ 17.50 K, IL Lewis, Supt., drawn on November salary 10.00 Seth Gibbs, agent, frt. charges fuel oil 131.23 November, salaries , 590.00 Seth Gibbs, freight charges -92 Seth' Gibbs, agent, freight charges ' -76 Motor Vehicle Bureau, truck license 1.00 Guy G. Lewis, payroll, December 8th 17.50 Mrs. Mattie Rice, refund on water deposit 1.20 Bank 6f Beaufort, note Fairbanks Morse and Co 1,317.77 'Guy G. Lewis, payroll December 15 17.50 H. H. Lewis, Supt, drawn on December salary 40.00 Seth Gibbs, agent, freight charges 3.14 H. H. Lewis, Supt., refund on freight 2.95 W. J. Johnson, drawn on December salary 25.00 Repairing typewriter 18.50 The Mill Supply Co., acct. in full 53.88 Standard Oil Company of New Jersey, Nov. acct 444.40 The Texas Company, November acct. 142.27 Barbour Bros., acct. in full -- - 53.14 General Electric Co., acct. in full 82.50 Guy G. Lewis, payroll, December 22 17.50 Bonzell Lewis, on December salary 25.00 Beaufort Lumber and Mfg. Co., acct. in full 115.79 Western Union Tel. Co., message to Baltimore .67 Guy G. Lewis, payroll, December 29 : 17.50 Total disbursements for December, 1928 $ 3,147.62 Balance in Bank, December 31, 1928 $ 218.30 EVA BRAVALDO, Secty.-Treas. C. T. CHADWICK, Chairman. ment To The People Of Eastern Carolina Save Your Time And Money - Buy Th Best For Cash For Less! On February 1st, 1929, this store will go on a cash basis buying for cash and selling for cash this news will be received with delight by our thousands of customers for it is a well known fact that a concern selling for cash can sell at lower prices and give better values and, every one living within a radius of fifty miles of New Bern will gladly testify that Coplon's is always anxious to do everything possible for the benefit of its patrons. For years and years this great concern has stood before the public an institution built upon the foundation of confidence, strict integrity and fair dealing, stating the truth in its advertisements, and inculcating in its em ployees the necessity of truthfully representing the mer chandise offered for sale, always the leader in estab lishing the tenets of high and scrupulous frankness in business and unrelentingly maintaining this. 4 Only a few things improve with age. Service being ren dered continuously for years becomes better and bet ter as a result of studying a community's needs. Quality and value plus service go hand in hand. A firm may be ever so courteous, ever so obliging, but unless its merchandise is of dependable quality and offered as low or lower than it can be obtained elsewhere its service does not count for much. Quality plus service is, and always will be this store's ideal. Just how well it has attained this standard may be judged by its growth from a very small beginning to the largest establishment in Eastern Carolina, and now comes this, one of the greatest events in our his tory the turning from CREDIT to CASH and offer ing matchless savings. Right now large shipments of new spring merchandise is arriving daily and are being marked at lower prices than ever before. This selling for cash will prove to be an outstanding event. We intend to make this season the greatest of our career we are going to establish our reputation even to a greater extent and more generally with our old customers, besides cementing friendship with hun dreds of new families. This season we absolutely guar antee you the best values that we have ever offered. Watch for our huge February poster, which you will receive shortly, or better yet, come in and see the match less combination of Style, Values and Price that awaits you in our new spring displays. We invite your comparison, in order that you may see with your own eyes that quality for quality and price for price you can "Buy It For, Less" at Coplon's. Th. Coplon Co Inc. " Eastern Carolina's Greatest Store 99 NEW BERN, N. C. i I