PAGE TWO THE BEAUFORT NEWS THLRSDAY, SEPT. 5. 1929 aunty Correspondence- Items for this column should reach the News office each Tuesday If your community is not represented write us for instructions und supplies. Mr. and Mrs. Lem Hardy had com pany Sunday her bother Guy Lupton and children of Lenoxville. Mr. and Mrs. John Wallace's son that has had such a sore foot is home but is having to go to the doctor ev ery day and will not 1 e able to walk any in two months. Mr. and Mrs. D. M. Salter were the gu sts of Mr. and Mrs. Sam Gastrins Sunday afternoon. MARSHALLBERG Miss Aniericus Willis Finer of Williston spent end with Lula Wilson. and the Roma week ' their brother Mr E. G. Daniels. OTWAY SMYRNA Monroe Wilson; Melvin Davis and Louie Lewis, left Sunday night after preaching for Misenheicer where they will attend school this year. , Mrs. Bertie Tilman anil airs u a. i Lewis spent a while Friday night with ' I Mrs. B. B. Lewrence. Mr. and Mrs. Leon Simpson spent the week end at Morehead City the guests of Mr. and Mr. Jim Willis. Several applicants from our berg joined the Jr. O. U. A. M. at Morehead City Tuesday night. Miss Viola Gilliken of New Bern spent the week-end with her grand parents Mr. and Mrs. R. T. Lawrence. Mrs. Leona Simpson returned home Sunday from New Bern where she had been visiting relatives. MUs Vera FulforJ who has been visiting her aunt Mrs. E. W. Glass in Duiha.ii arrived home. Mr. H. M. Whitehurst is on the sick list at this writing. Miss Thelma Stewart, after having spent some time at Newport with sister Mrs. Cecil Mason came home. The Gloucester-Straits Ladies Aid are still pressing forward. The "Aid ers" are having our parsonage ceiled upstairs and newly painted. A new interest has been taken in the Ladies Aid in the last month and several new members have been ad ded, which we are proud of. Hope to get more in the future. Ladies we need you. Our ladies ar enthusi astic workers. and Mrs. C. f.. n,,, ;,! S),p left her baby with i visit to her parents, Mr Vioi anther. Mrs. Charley Garner. IE. Harrington on W. Water Street m- nA u-i n A Phelns of Beau- Mr. and Mrs. fjf t',nt Snn'dnv with Mr. and Mrs. ! children of Kinston spent . .- L. L. Springle. Miss Helen Russell was the guest Raymore and a short while in our town Monday enroute to the Hibbs Place on Bogue Sound, Grass spent Miss Ruby Dail. NEWPORT NORTH RIVER Mr. and Mrs. Curtis Gillikin of Otway were the guests of Mr. and ' anft Mrs. Julian Fulcher. Mr. Albert Corbett and Mr. Huff Hwitb of Bladen county nent a few days here visiung Mr. Mrs Blanch Gilliken and children of Beaufort spent the week end with Hpv sister Mrs. James T. Hill and , ... Children. Friday night about seventy-tive . i members of the Epworth League of . Mrs Henr,. Dudley of the M. E. Church gathered on the wh,e Gr& gunday with her lawn at the home of Mrs. Leon Bs mother Mrs. Lucretia Lawrence. Lewis and gave a masquerade fare-: well party in honor ot tne stucienis j pertie Tilman and children of Mrs. A. B. Wade Saturday afternoon. ! . c ' , . .? I U Ti.. i of Miss Louise Garner Sunday after-jwnere a nsn-iry was neni uy me xvurai i Mail Carriers; Mr. Raymore is a car Miss Era Vance Merrill of Wire rier out from Kinston, Sunday afternoon with i Messrs. uaviu nowaru ana waiter G. Garner, accompanied by Misses Lillian Garner and Elouise Elliott spent Sunday in Wilson. Mr. J. B. Mann of this place spent Sunday in Raleigh visiting friends. Miss Louise Parish, of Coats, N. C, arrived here last week and is vis iting her Aunt, Mrs. Manly Mason, E. R. R. Street. Mrs. J. I. Mizelle and Mrs. C. M. Hill spent Tuesday afternoon in More head-Beaufort shopping Miss Ada Allen left Wednesday for Taylorsville, N. C. where she will be one of the Faculty in the Graded School there, Miss Allen is the daugh- Miss Hilda Smith of this place underwent an operation Friday morn ing at the Morehead City hospital. and teachers who are leaving tor the different schools. They looked very nice in th::ir costumes which rep resented the gypsey Bo Peep, Martha Washington, Indian, Chinese, Spanish and the old fashioned lady with her long ruffl- d dress and bonnet and the little girl with her long flowered dress and poke bonnet. Many games were played after which they all enjoyed the tub of lemonade. We must not forget the Professor who was so anxious to meet all the members. Kinston spent the week with Mr. and Mrs. O. W. Lewis and returned home Sunday. Mrs. Alex Lewis spent Saturday eht with Mrs. Emma C. Lawrence. Miss Irene Beachem spent the week end in Beaufort visiting Miss Lilhe Mae Morton. Mr. Earl Moore of Beaufort spent i a few hours here Sunday. ! A few of the people of this com-, Mrs. W. L. Smith spent the week nmnity attended the services at Rus-1 end at Morehead City. I sells Creek Sunday. Mr. Warren Willis and Mr. Har-1 Quite a large number of people j vey Hunnings spent a few hours at from this place attended the show at ' Marshallberg Sunday. I Mr. Hardy Beach cm. Miss Edna Beachem and Mr. Halsey Hunninais spent Saturday and Sunday at Van demere visiting relatives. Miss Edyth Raye Presscott of this place, after attending twelve weeks sumer school at Duke University re turned home Thursday night. Mrs. Bill Ingram of Smithfield is spending a few 'days here visiting Miss Jessie B. Bell, also other of her friends; Mrs. Ingram pprior to her marriage a few months ago was Miss Sallie Cheek of Atlantic. Mrs. H. L. Naylor, of New York Citv arrived Friday for several weeks Continued on page six Wt-X-X" Beaufort Thursday night. i Mr. and Mrs. Earl Wade of Willis ton were callers to the home of Mr. and Mrs. C. G. Wade's Sunday afternoon. PORTSMOUTH Messers. George Stacy and Kirk Folley of Portsmouth Va. spent the week-end here with friends. Mrs. Claudia Babb and children and Miss. Gaskins returned to their home in Norfolk after spending the summer here. Mr. J. J. Babb spent a few here last week with his family. days Mr. Will Willis returned home- from Beaufort Monday. Mr. Theordore Salter and son Ernest spent Monday night in Beaufort. Mr. W. L. Roberts left Monday for Oriental where he went to take Robert Lee Roberts who spent the summer here. Mr. and Mrs. Lemmie Gilgo and Aleida Mae Willis spent the week-end in Ocracoke. Mr. and Mrs. Ilouser of Chapel Hill who owns a summer home at Ocra coke spent Saturday here. Mrs. J. W. Salter and son David motored here Sunday for a few days. Mr. Roland Styron left Monday for Davis. Mrs. Blanch Willis and were business visitors at son Neal Beaufort Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Dowty and son snent a while Saturday night with Mrs. Filbert Golden and children of . s t , ' Bettie. J ' J M'-s Edna Pigott who has bsen Mr. and Mrs. Anson Gillikin spent dinf a few (iays vith Miss Elva a w-hile Sunday afternoon with their ;Davis returned tQ hr h()me at son and daughter-in-law Mr. and Mrs. , (jioucester Friday evening Connie uuiiKin. i Mr. and Mrs. George Willis CORE CREEK. Mis. Win. H. Lawrence spent a while Sunday with Mrs. B. B. Law rence who is on the sick list. and Mr. and Mrs. George Wi'.lis and Mr. and Mrs. Willie Willis spent the week end at Sealevel. Mr. W. C. Dowty of Washington spent the week end with his family and returned Monday. GLOUCESTER. LENOXVILLE Born to Mr. and Mrs. Burton Dan iels August 30th a son. Mrs. Roy Goodwin and children re turned home from Roe Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Jessie Morton and child: en of Russell's Creek attended enure h here Sunday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Day and Mr. and Mrs. F. M. Goodwin spent Sun day afternoon in Newport. Mr. Russell noon h lev. and Mis. Manly Springle of 's Creek spent Sunday after eie visiting Mrs. Theresa Sad- Mis; Eunice Weeks of Durham is her; visiting her gi ::d parents Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Lwis. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Lewis and Mrs. Alex Lewis and Mis.- . iura Lewis at tended church at Russell's Creek Sunday night. Capt. Roy Robinson spent the week end in Wilmington with his wife who has just been removed from the hospital, her many friends are glad to know she is better. Mr. B. T. Bonner's party of Aurora returned home last week after a week of good fishing. They caught three fifty pound drums in a short while one day and lots of other good size fish. ; Dr. W. S. Chadwick and his bride i spent some time with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. James Chadwick Mon jday. Mrs. Chadwick before her mar 1 riage was Mrs. Jaunita Rudder of Richmond, a trained nurse. Mrs. J. S. Pigott and daughter Miss Maggie Pigott after an extennd ed tour to Virginia, Baltimore and ! Washington. D. C, arrived home Sat i urday. Miss Inez Chadwick, after attend irg the last sesion of Summer School at Neuse Forest, came home to spend ia while with parents Mr. and Mrs. H. I B. Chadwick. Mr. L. R. L.!Terts is digging his ! Nancy Hall yams, yield 40 bushels t othe thousand. Mr. Lefferts is a successful farmer. Mr. and Mrs. George Russell of Feaufort, Monday, Mrs. Russell will spend some time with parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. M. Whitehurst. Miss Aleeze Lefferts left Friday for Wade where she will join her girl friend Miss Mae McMillian and then go on a house party at White Lake. Rev. E. W. Downum filled his reg ular appointment at Tabernacle church Sunday to a congregation that filled the church to its entire sc-it:r. capacity. Gloucester and Straits Ladies Aid We are enjoying the beautiful weathv we are having. It is great ly appreciated after so much rain. Mr. and Mis. Guion Foreman and daughter, Lura, of Norfolk, were vis itors at our Sunday School Sunday morning. Mr. and Mrs. Griff Dudley and lit tle daughter of Wire Grass attended our Sunday School Sunday morning. Mr. W. R. Murden spent thj week end with his family. The special services held here by the Christian preacher, closed Friday night. Mr. Bridges Sabiston spent the week end with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. D. W. Sabiston. Mrs. L. C. Dickinson and children spent Sunday with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. T. Eubanks. Mr. Guy Sabiston, Jr. spent the i week end at home. Mrs. Kate Gooding of North River jwas a visitor in our neighborhood Sunday. I Mr. Marcus Dickinson of New Bern ! attended our Sunday School Sunday morning. Mr. Jack Howard of Blades was the guest of the Misses Dickinson ! Sunady night. j Mr. Raymond Dickinson who is em ! ployed at Hobucken spent the week , end at home. Mrs. G. M. Sabiston spent a few- days at Beaufort last week, visiting her daughter, Mrs. T. P. Tosto. Mrs. E. C. Dickinson is on the sick list. Hope she will soon be well. Enticing New Hals i I Modes designed to complement the gar- ment styles for autumn now await your ! choosing in this display of new hats. Char- ming styles' that are most practical I prise the entire showing. ! $2.95 to $4.95 com- e. d. mmrm & co. - mi i n I n RUSSELL'S CREEK Services were held at the Free Will Baptist Church Sunday morning and night by Rev. Rolinson. Quite a large crowd attended. Mrs. Blakely Wade and Mrs. Nina Gloucester and Straits Ladies Aid I a11ss euie sKinner ana wr. i. . Wade of Smyrna were here a short will give a lawn party at the church i rotter spent bunday with her lather while Thursday night. I Friday evening, Sept. 6. The invi-jand mother, Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Skin- Ration is extended to all, Come! iner. All of the young people were Miss Nellie Chaplain of Beaufort Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Pigott and 1 ?lad to see her. was here a short while Sunday after- Mrs. Annie Pigott of New Bern spent j Mr- aRd Mrs. Leslie Springle and I Sunday with Mr. Edward Pie-ntt .chlidren were the guests of Mr. and KEG O' NAILS VOL. II THURSDAY SEPTEMBER 5, 1929 Published in the in terest of Beaufort, Morehead City, & Vicinity by the Noe Hardware Co. B. H. Noe, Editor Mrs. Abner Dixon returned home Wednesday after spending the summer at Wake Forest summer school, after leaving summer school she visited her father at Brison City. LOLA. We are having some pleasant weather at this writing here's hoping that it will continue so. Mr. John L. Day of Baltimore i; here for a few days visiting hi parents, Mr. and Mrs. D. J. Day. Mr. E. G. Danials returned home Saturday night from New Bern Hospital where he has been for several weeks for treatment. Mr. and Mrs. George Lewis attend ed church at Russell's Creek Sunday night. MERRIMON I Mrs. Julian Davis and daughter 'Audrey of Straits are spending some time here with relatives. Misses Dollie and Mazie Davis of Smyrna are visiting Misses Lillian land Florence Pigott this week. I Mrs. Leolan Jackson of Wilming ton, Del. is spending some time with Capt. and Mrs. J. A. Nelson, Mrs. L. L. Springle Sunday. Mrs. George Russell's mother spent a while with her last week. Mrs. J. J. Skinner came back Sun day after her visit. We are all glad j to see her return. Miss Helen Russell spent Sunday morning with Miss Nellie Skiner. Mrs. Paul Williams left Thursday The Editor of the Keg'O'Nails is glad to tear of the fine Pipe Organ which the Episcopal Church is now installing. our Hardware store and when completed will have the only modern "Two Is land" plan hard ware store in this part of the state. Our Mail Order Catalogues are com plete. Please call in j and ask for one if you fail to receive the one we mail you. Sportsmen buy your hunting license from us. They are now on sale at our store. We're remodeling member they are guaranteed. We al so have all repairs for Winchester Skates. We have a spec ial on Auto Tires for a few days only. Buy now and save 'money. We have our new stock of guns, rifles, cartridges of all sizes of Peter's and Winchester gun shells. We have a nice Lawrence Hazel 1 i;ne of Radios and goes to Doctor, j supplies now on dis reads sign on door play. Remember we 10 to 1, shakes his sell radios on terms head, and says no thing doing, too many chances against me, I'll go take another drink! Boys and girls we have those good Winchester Skates now on display, re- to those who wish. NOE HARDWARE COMPANY "The Winchester Store" Sporting Goods Hardware Beaufort. Phone 84 We are having service at rhnn-h pverv niirnt this week, preach-! ing by Rev. J. M. Can away. .k---:WM"W- Mrs. Annie Herrington of Norfolk was in our neighborhood and attend td church Monday night. : E. L. Nelson and little grand son of Bi idgeton spent Monday night with E. F. Carraway and family. N Go wherever you will, Miss Beatrice Mason returned home last week after a vi-it of several days with relatives and frunds in Pamli- Mr. T Williamston and son Gerald from Sealeval were visitors here Sunday. Misses Mabel and Helen Truitt of Beaufort are visiting relatives here. Mr. and Mrs. Parker were over i Sunday visiting Mrs. Parker's par ents Mr. and Mrs. Will Rigsby. Quite a number of young people from Roe were visitors at the home of Mr. D. J. Day Saturday night. Messers Weston Taylor and Harvey Hill from Sealeval were here for a short while Sunday. Mr. G. Service at New York is home visit ing relatives. SOUTH RIVER Well Mr. and Mrs. Joshua Hardy had lots of company last Sunday af ternoon. They were: Mr. and Mrs. Fr;d Cannon and son Fred Jr.,, Mr. and Mrs. Asa Cannon and their chil- Eldon Smith who is in the C. Mr. ar.d Mrs. H. Hudgins of Norfolk, I i Cotton and Linen Nets, Twines and Fittings for all the Fisheries. T Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Daniels and son Harvey motored to Beaufort and Morehead Sunday. Va., Mrs. Dave Wallace and little ; J girl Georgia of Merrimon and Mr. and Mrs. Lir.zie Cannon and Mr. and Mrs. George Tosto. Mr-. Hardy en teitained them wii'.i the s.-lf-player ; piano. N'llie Williamston, Josephine Small a-id Ju'ia Kill were here a short whiie Monday visiting Mrs. Geoice this week, her Hardy has sister Mrs. company ; X Clarence 17 GOLD MEDAL COTTON NETTING A. N. & T. CO'S LINEN GILL NETTING , BURN HAM'S COD LINES Purse Seines, Traps and all oth er Appliances fitted Complete. where fish nets are used, you will find GOLD MEDAL COTTON NETTING and A. N & T. COY LINEN NETTING the CHOICE of SUCCESSFUL FISHER MEN. SAMPLES and prices mailed on request. THE LINEN THREAD CO. Distributors of American Net & Twine Co's Products 200 Hudson Street 33 and 33-A Fulton Street NEW YORK CITY BRANCHES- GLOUCESTER 105 Maplewood Ave. CHICAGO 154 West Austin Ave. BALTIMORE Calvert & Lombard BOSTON 575 Atlantic Ave, St. JACKSONVILLE 24 East Bay St. SAN FRANCISCO 443 Mission St. "BUY THE BEST IT PAYS" Lupton and children of New Bern. 5::--W-K5'W'K"H i i

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