THE BEAUFORT NEWS THURSDAY. SEPT. 5, 1929. PAGE SEVEN WANT ADS THE COST IS SMALL USE THEM FOR RESULTS RATE: One cent per word, Initial, Letter, Figure. All want ads paid in advance. No want ad taken for less than 25c. Kail them in. Display Ad Rates on Request Telephone No. 16. LOST WHITE GOLD BRACELET set with white and blue sapphires. Finder please return to Mrs. D. M. Denoyer and receive a liberal reward. TYPEWRITERS WE SELL THE famous Underwood typewriter. You tan buy one on very easy terms. Cal' at the Beaufort News and let us ex plain it to you. REAL ESTATE IF INTERESTED in town lots or country property ad dress The Carteret Realty & Insur ance Co., D, W. Morton, secretary, Beaufort, N. C. WRITING TABLETS, GOOD QUAL- ity of paper at the News office, ten cents. SOCIAL STATIONERY NICE BOX of note paper and envelopes with name and address for $2. Let us show you samples. The Beaufort News. WARRANTY DEEDS, MORTGAGE Deeds, Deeds of Trust and Chattel mortgage blanks always in stock at the Beaufort News Office. SHIPPING -TAGS, .PRINTED -OR plain at the News office in any quan tity desired. VISITING CARDS, BUSINESS Cards and Personal Stationery made according to your taste and directions at the Beaufort News office. ADDING MACHINE PAPER AND Second Sheets can always be had at the Beaufort News office. Also type writer ribbons. FOR SALE ONE SET OF FIX- tures for one chair Barber Shop, in good condition. Apply to Mrs. D. W. Whitehurst or L. W. Hassell. FOR RENT HOUSE CORNER Live Oak and Pine Street. Fine condition, bath, electric lights, all conveniences. Beaufort Lumber and Manufacturing Co., Phone 66. t f. LOST PAIR OF GLASSSES IN CASE. FINDER PLEASE CALL BEAUFORT LUMBER & MFG. CO. LOST GAS B,OAT ABOUT 33 FT. long by 6 wide. 11 H. P. Bridgeport single cylinder engine. Old num ber was 555 T. New number is 6316 T. I bought this boat from Grover Paul of Oriental. Also with this boat was a 20 foot cypress boat, paint ed gray, name Melvin. $50 reward for the conviction of party or parties that stole these boats. W. R. Cher ry, Bridgeton, N. C. FOR RENT TWO FURNISHED front rooms. Apply 809 Ann St., or Box 301. WANTED TO BORROW $1500 on city real estate. Will pay eight percent. Will bear fullest investigation. Absolute ly safe. A. B. C. Care Beau fort News. SALE, NOTICE. North Carolina Carteret County. In Superior Court. Geo. A. Eyer, trading as Eyer & Co. vs May M. Canfield, et al., Pursuant to order in above titled matter, undersigned Commissioner, will on Thursday the 12th day of September, 1929, at 12 M. o'clock, offer for sale for cash, to highest bidder, at court-house door in Beau fort N. C, the following described real estate: Lots six (6), seven (7), eight (8), nine (9), ten (10), Square seventy eight (78) Morehead City where Mrs. Canfield resides. 10 per cent deposit at sale requir ed on bid. Sale subject to confirmation of the Court. This 12th day of August, 1929. JULIUS F. DUNCAN, Commissioner of the Court. Sept 5. try of Deeds, at request of note hold- Gorvernor O. Max Gardner and er, undersigned will offer for sale, j President E. C. Brooks will speak at and sell for cash, to highest bidder,! the picnic to be held at West at court-house in Beaufort, N. C, on ! Jefferson on September 6 by patrons Thursday, October 3rd., 1929, at j of the new cheese factory. At least twelve o'clock noon, the following ; three thousand persons are expected described real estate (subject to first lien of Carolina Mortgage Coripany, trustee, in Book 63, page B-r,;, viz: Lot No. 3, in Block No. 2, High land Park, according with map filed in Map Book 1, page 39. This 2nd day of September, 1929. W. A. MACE, 4t Sept. 26 Trustee. to attend. The North Carolina Grange will be organized at Raleigh on September 26 and 27. - SALE, NOTICE. North Carolina, Carteret County, In Superior Court. Geo. A. Eyer trading as Eyer & Co. vs Mary H. Davis, et al. Pursuant to order in above titled matter, undersigned Commissioner, will, on Thursday the 12th day of September, 1929 at 12 M. o'clock, offer for sale for cash to highest bid der, at court-house door in Beaufort, N. C, the following described real es tate:: Lot fifty three (53) New Town, ac cording to map of Beaufort N. C, at corner of Pollock and Broad streets. 10 per cent deposit required with bid at sale. Sale subject to confirmation of the Court. This 12th day of August, 1929. JULIUS F. DUNCAN, Commissioner of the Court. Sept. 5 ENTRY NO. 2368 To R. W. Wallace, Entry Taker for Carteret County, N. C. The undersigned claimants hereby sets forth that the following describ ed tract of land in Beaufort Town ship, Carteret County, N. C. is vacant and unappropriated land, belonging to the State of North Carolina and does hereby lay claim to and enter the same. The boundaries are as follows: On the North and East by the lands of Defiance Box Company, on the West by the lands of J. W. Bell, and on the South by the lands of E. C. Dickinson, containing by estima tion 75 acres, be the same more or less. Signed: F. O. Dickinson, Claimant. L. C. Dickinson, Claimant. Witness: L. W. Hassell. Filed this 22nd day of August, 1929, at 2:15 o'clock, P. M. R. W. Wallace, Entry Taker for Carteret County. Sept. 19. BANKRUPTCY PROCEEDINGS There were recently field with Dep uty Clerk George Green of the U. S. court at New Bern petitions in bank ruptcy by the Hamilton Grocery Com pany and Attorney Luther Hamilton of Morehead City. Both petitions were voluntary Passenger Schedules Effective May 20th, 1928 Beaufort, N. C. Lv. 6:50 AM. Goldsboro, Norfolk and intermediate points. Parlor cai from New Bern. Lv. 3:15 PM. Sleeper New Bern to Norfolk, Va., and Washington, D. C. For reservations etc. call on SETH GIBBS, Agent, Beaufort, N. C. BUS SCHEDULE Carteret Transit Co. Leave Morehead City for Atlantic and points east 11:00 AM. 7:00 PM. Leave Beaufort for Atlantic and points east 11:30 AM. 7:45 PM. Leave Atlantic for Beaufort and Morehead City 7:00 AM. 1:15 PM. Leave Beaufort f of MoreheHCV City 8:10 AM. 10:50 AM. 2:45 PM. 6:50 PM. Leave Morehead City for Beaufort 8:20 AM. 11:00 AM. 3:00 PM. 7:00 PM. CALL 87-L DAY OR NIGHT FOR SPECIAL TRIPS NOTICE OF RE-SALE Legal Notices TAX SALE NOTICE Notice is hereby given that the prop erty hereinafter described and listed for the years 1927 and 1928 in the name of B P. Way, will be sold at the Court house door in the town of Beaufort, Carteret County, North Carolina to the highest bidder, for CASH, at public auction on Tuesday, September 3rd., 1929 at 12 o'clock M., for delinquent taxes and costs or the years 1927 and 1928, as aforesaid unless paid before that date. In Morehead Township and in Morehead City Lot 11, Block 8; lots 1 to 16 inclusive. Block 124, Tax and cost $496. , This, the 5th day of August, 1929. T. C. WADE, Tax Collector. ADMINISTRATORS' NOTICE Having rualified as administrators of the estr. :a of W. S. Chdawick de ceased late of Carteret County, North Carolina, t lis is to notify all persons having claims against the said estate to exhibit them to the undersigned at Beaufort, N. C, before the 8th day of August 1930, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons indebted to said estate will please make immediate payment. This 8th day of August 1929. C. T. CHADWICK, T. A. UZZELL Administrators of the est.-.t1 f W. S. Chadwick, deceased. Sept. 5 AGREEABLE TO ORDER of the Clerk of the Superior Court of Carteret County, and pursuant to power of sale contained in that certain deed of trust dated January 1st, 1925, excuted by George T. Duffy and wife, to Virginia Trust Company, Trustee, recorded in book 45, page ,206, Records of Carteret County, the said Trustee will offer for sale, and sell for cash, to the high est bidder, at the Courthouse door in Beaufort, North Carolina, on SEPTEMBER 16th, 1929 at the hour of twelve o'clock noon, the property conveyed in said deed of trust, to-wit: All that certain tract or parcel of land in Morehead Township, Carteret County, North Carolina, on the North side of Bogue Sound, and being a part of the subdivision of land into lots and streets known as "BIRD HAVEN" a map or plot of which is of record in the office of the Register of Deeds of said County in book No. 34, page 475, and beginning at the eastern or north ern corner of Front and George Streets, as shown on said map, and ! 4 running thence eastwardly along the northern line of Front Street one hundred and fifty (150) feet, thence Northwardly parallel with George Street two hundred (200) feet to Elizabeth Street, thence westwardly along the southern line of Elizabeth Street one hundred and fifty (150) feet to the corner of and Elizabeth Streets, thence southwardly along the eastern line of George Street two hundred (200) feet to the point of beginning; being lots numbered 26, 27, 28, 39, 40, and 41 on the afore said map or plot of "BIRD HAVEN", to which reference is made for more particular description. VIRGINIA TRUST COMPANY, TRUSTEE by Guion & Guion, Attorneys. This 28th August, 1929. Sept. 12. REDUCED ROUND TRIP EXCURSION FARE via NORFLOK SOUTHERN RAILROAD and connections Week End Fares to Norfolk Southern Resorts Friday and Saturday of each week until October 6th. Sunday Fares to Norfolk Southern Resorts Sundays till September 1st Summer Excursion Fare,s All resorts until Sepetniber 30th Niagra Falls Excursion once a week June 20th to October 2nd Jersey Coast Resorts once a week June 18th to September 18th The North Carolina State Fair is offering about $3,000 in premiums to 4-H club members who will make exhibits, give demonstrations and engage in judging contests. Two hundred tons of cured hay from four cuttings of alfalfa on a 55 acre field is reported from Burke County by R. L. Sloan. The new warehouse being built at Marshall by farmers of Madison County is now nearing completion. Apply P-Benzene between the dates of September 25 and October 10 to coontrol peach tree borers. The Experiment Station at State College has issued agronomy inform ation circular number 29 giving inforrration on experiments in fertilizing irish potatoes in eastern Carolina for the past two years. Copies may be had free of charge on application to the agronomy department. CLOTHES! CLOTHES! CLOTHES! Respectfully request clothes which have been outgrown to be used for those unable to purchase, in ages from infant sizes to fourteen years of age both boys and girls Also 4 sheets and 4 pillow cases. Kindly notify, MRS. F. C. SALISBURY, Morehead City, N. C. THANKS HER FRIENDS been Mrs. Lina Hutton, who has quite ill is now recovering. She wishes to thank her friends for the beautiful flowers sent her and the many other kindnesses received from them. MAE A. iiaiiiail HAVE YOUR OLD SHOES T L7 f RE-GLAZED THE NU DI 1 Aj VrCZ WAY, GUARANTEED NOT Y TO RUB OFF. ANY COLOR i JJr -0gOj TO CHOOSE FROM. J Miss Mae A. Schnurr, who has been, appointed to fill the new post of as sistant to the commissioner of recla mation. She Is the first woman to be given so high an administrative post In the Interior department. For five years she has been secretary to Dr. Elwood Mead, commissioner of rec lamation. She is also secretary to the International water commission. Charming New Ensemble QQQQQ OLD SHOES Repaired at Little Cost New Shoe Service We put new shoe service into old shoes, yet the cost is but a fraction of what it would take to buy new shoes. Gather up your worn footwear bring them to us and we will make them look like new. Man So Nervous Feels His Stomach Jump " I got so nervous my stomach felt like it was jumping. Vinol entirely relieved the trouble. I feel better than in years." J. C. Duke. Vinol is a compound of iron, pros- phates, cod liver peptone, etc. The very FIRST bottle makes you sleep better and have a BIG appetite. Ner vous, easily tired people are surpris ed how QUICK the iron, phosphates, etc., give new life and pep. Vinol tastes delicious. F. R. BELL, DRUGGIST The Beaufort Shop Sh oe J. C. Chadwick, Prop. r ... -vvJ 2 l I i' 1 POTT"1 J lrrn,rr--r"lmHm Fur more formal wear Is this aew ensemble of blue rayon crepe. Thei three-quarter lengttr reversible coat ! and apricot blouse are of crepe back I satin. 1 a r " t Dr. E.B. Whitehurst GENERAL PRACTICE Phones: Office 83. Ret. 107L Office Hours: ? 10 to 12 to 5 and by appointment X Do Yom Need Dr. W. S. Chadwick Medicine & Surgery Office Hours: 9 to 12 and by Appointment Office in Potters Emergency Hospital Office Phone 46 Res. 108-L ;..;..;..;X...X:":MM;H.XX: D.W. Morton Notary Public. Insurance With M. Leslie Davis BEAUFORT, N. C NOTICE. North Carolina, Carteret County. Authorized by terms of that trust deed, executed by Home Builders Realty Corporation to undersigned, 'dated April 22, 1928, recorded in Book 05, page 455, Carteret Regis- Dr. R. L. Daniels SPECIALISE Eye, Ear, Nose and THroat Offices in Elks Temple Rooms 401 to 405 Tel. 170 Office Hours 9 a. m. td 1 p. m. NEW BERN, N. C. 3 to 4 p. m. t Full Stock of TOBACCO STICKS On Hand Beaufort Lumber & Mfg. Co. Phone 66 m Any printing of any kind? If so we invite you to ex amine samples of our work. We will make every ef fort to please you. Proofs of work will be submitted for your approval. Our prices are moderate and our service is prompt. We make a specialty of commercial printing such as LETTER HEADS ENVELOPES BILL HEADS STATEMENTS CIRCULARS DODGERS PLACARDS BUSINESS CARDS VISITING CARDS PERSONAL STATIONERY Call, Write or Phone us when you need Any Printing The Beaufort Mews