I PAGE SIX THE BEAUFORT NEWS THURSDAY. SEPT. 19, 1929 Pi . i 3 ; 1 i t f . 1 t, ) I; 4 l I If' KKHKHXKXKvK0 OOOOOOOOOOOOO TURNING BACK had been reduced at one time about! said it was nothing stranpe to By r:: Dean ;py Mountain iiail la JMAS ARKLE CLARK of Men, University of Illinois. 00000XXK00XK0- Kayre iu Maristan ClKipnun's "Hap- lost his knife and lie was sulUins alidiit it. If lie hadn't pone so far with Mart he wouldn't have lost his knife, and he prized the knife very much, indeed. "I was almln' to turn back about here any w a y," he e x plalued, repret- tin;;, as many of do, his foolish action. "1-tn I d 'known a step or two back all I know !now, Td a gone back afore." How many of us would ! Cut in life ' thexe Is no retracing our steps. If we have wandered from the path, if ve have made a foolish step, we must go on from where we are and pay the price of our error. Barker bus made a miserable fall Tire of his first year in college. He has put off doing his tasks until the last minute; he has wasted his oppor- trinities hoping before the end of the j year to sprint up and finish the race i with some sort of credit to himself. ! He lias pot into some habits which are not helpful through his inability to say i no. Now he is In the same state of ; mind as Fayre was if he had known ; a step or two hack, all he knows now, he would have done very differently. ! "Can't I forget what I've done, and ; start all over again as a freshman?" j he asks tne. "I know, if 1 started over again I could make good." , It is impossible both for Barker and ; for you and me. No one can get away from his past. Wherever he goes and j whatever he does he must start from where he is now, handicapped by the 1 mistakes he has made or pushed ahead by his successes. j MoCord began drinking when he was a young fellow moderately, of course, and with no Intention of ever ' having the habit fasten itself upon htm. He had never had too much he fore he was thirty, he would have said, though his statement would not have been wholly accurate, but it is true that he was seldom before that time ; seriously under the influence of ; liquor. Now he is fifty or more and he Is, known about town as the village; , drunkard, lie Is talented, ambitious,! he has more than the average amount of formal education, but be gets no- ; i where. I'eople have no confidence in ! him; they shake their heads when any ; mention is made of him. lie has lost the race. S "If I had known thirty years ago 1 ;what I know now," he said to a friend ; i not long ago, "I'd never have touched I . the stuff. And now It is Impossible j rfor me to turn back. I must go on j ;in the path I have chosen, hoping only j that the road ahead will he smoother, : the hills less steep, the prospect more pleasing. If I had only known back j there a step or two '." j There is no turning hack. : ((c). 1U29. Western New.spainr Unlcn.) wiMPEELL IS TAKEN TO STATE H0SF1TAL , Charlotte, Sept. 11 I. G. Camp-j bell, the man who caused the G.i;- 1 tonia strike murder case to come to j a sensational end anfi to whose ill- ness is attributed the turbulent events I to the state hospital for insane at j Morganon. campoeii became violently insane yesterday while serving on the jury hearing the case of 16 nun and wom en accused of the murder of Chief ':' Police Aderholt of Gastonia. T'1 result was a mistrial. a month ago to 650 persons, is again acute, with 800 idle convicts, state prison officials announced today. To day 25 men were brought back to lentral prison when a convict camp :t Greensboro was closed and with in the past two or three w.eks sever al other camp-; havee losed necessi tating that the prisoners be bvouel.t hack here. At present the only outlook for iiv.iiiciliat. employment is the li.'pe thr.t the highway commission within he iuxt 10 days or two weeks will place about 00 prisoners on work in Craven county. Negroes eat clay. see Practically ou per cent oi tal number of voters in the States are women. the to- W,K"W:"iK:X"-! 44v"5"-HK-W- ODD FELLOWS WILL OBSERVE ANNIVERSARY ..Miriam Rebekah Lodge, No. 141, I. O. O. F. will observ. the Anniver sary of this branch of Odd Fellow ship, at their Lodge Room, on Fri day evening, Sept. 20th, lii2i, an ad dress will be delivered by llev. W. B. Everett of Morehead City. A fra t.r"al invitation is extended to all Odd Fellows and Rebekahs. Exer cises will begin at 7:3..). J. R. .linnett for Committee. United j .j. t X GirLs in Paris banks get the equiv alent of 27.50 a month. I Dr. R. L. Daniels SPECIALISE Lye, Ear, Nose and Throat -Offices in Elk. Temple Rooms 401 to 405 Tel. 170 Office Hours 9 a. m. to 1 p. m. NEW BERN, N. C. 3 to 4 jj. m. Dr. C. S. Maxwell f GENERAL PRACTICE t Office Hours - 10 to 12 A. M. and by appointment. i i CLAY-EATERS FOUND IN EDGECOMBE COUNTY Tarboro, Sept. 11 Information from a rural teacher is that there r.re in this county people who cat clay. In the section near Old Sparta this teacher saw a group of Negroes ed ging in some caly. and he made In quiry as to what they were doing wit hi he clay and was informed thi-y were planning to bake and eat it. Some colored people in that sec tion habitually eat clay. As to the amount the clay-eaters consume one old darkey when what one person would consume, replied: "Dat nigger gal yander can eat dat bag full by tomorrow night," pointing to a bag which would hold about 30 pounds. Several tenants in nearby counties . . CONTACT DESIRED iV young girls met two young men and later compared notes after an evening out. One declared that her companion must have been a grocer, for he talked all the time about lard, butter, ami so on. I is a rrescription tor Colds, Grippe, Flue, Dengue, n.,. r- 1 R 1 Bilious rever ana iviaiarm. It is the most speedy remedy known. Dr. H. M. Hendrix DENTIST Office Hours: 9 tc 12 A, M. 1:30 to S P. Office Potter Bui'.H-.g Over the Dostofi)"ee 'I think mine was tram-conductor, M Dr. E. F. Men jus Eyesight Specialist with Sam K. Eaton Co. NEW BERN, N. C. ?! 'V Dr. F. E. Hyde GENERAL PRACTICE Office over House Drug Co. Office Hours 10 A. M. to 12 M. 3 to 6 P. M. and by Appointment Office Phone 140 Res 18-L said the other girl; "he kept telling j me to "sit a littL- closer, pplcase." j Tid Bits. Dr. E. B. Whitehurst Ph GENERAL PRACTICE nesj Office 83. Res. 107L Office Hours: 10 to 12 to 5 and by appointment Leap Year Twins Awarded a Cup 4 ti C. H. BUSHALL Fire. Health, Accident, Automobile Insurance Real Estate Bought Sold Rented Will Write Your Bond REL1APLZ COMPANIES, GOOD SERVICE Duncan Bid?. Beaufort, N. C. 'Phone 32 I f A Fine Bargain A NEW SIX CYLINDER REDWING MOTOR 30-50 H. P. with Electric Starter and Gen erator for $495.00 General Repair Work-Acetylene Welding BARBOUR BROS. MACHINE SHOP AGENT FOR BRIDGEPORT & REDWING MOTORS FRONT ST. BEAUFORT, N. C. j i - ' - --i DependableTools I.eo ami Then Bicant of Corvallis, Ore., are leap year ruins, having been horn Fehrunry T.Hii. Tiny were awarded a cup at the recent annual twins roundup held ai Albany, Ore. Two hundred and eij'ht sets of twins took part A . SATISFACTION With Your LAUNDRY WORK :o: You just cannot help being satisfied with the Laundry work we do for you. We use the same care, the srsme skill and the same thoroughness the most skilled laundress uses, but the cost to yon less. white deadliness SEAIED IN A BOTTLE I HARMLESS to humans and pets, Black Flag Powder is the deadliest insect-killer known. Sealed in glass bottles, it keeps its absolute dead liness. Black Flag Powder is sure death to flies, mosquitoes, roaches, bedbugs, etc ants, wax r: FLAG U & POWDER 0 The Bel Wallace Steam laundry . i T T T v 3C, It is a great satisfaction to, a mechanic to have tools that he knows will do his work rijiht. Poor tools mean poor vc : We carry a good stock of chisels, needed by the carpenter. Come in and look our stock over. We guarantee our stock and prices to be right. saws, hammers, in fact every thing H. C. Jones Hardware Co "Oldest Hardware Firm in Carteret Co." PHONE 127-J 424 FRONT ST. BEAUFORT, N. C. V X Morehead City, N. C. " f "Windows & Doors R A P P"B A f KILLS BUGS QUICKLY STATE PRISON SURPLUS LABOR SITUATION IS AA"- 4H!tE Sleigh, Sept. 11 The probability of surplod labor at state nr. u;,. wm. , POWDER and up C 1929. B. F. Co. J Black Flag also comet in Liquid Form. Equally deadly. Only 35c a half-pint. SThy pay mora? I BURGLARS It ?ems that there is more burglarizing and stealing f" nowt th formerly. No man'f money i' S'e t " tea Pl3Ce" Un'eS3 that p,ace h"PP- few years ago a good citizen of Carteret Co m'- deposited his money in this bank. Some time After wards, his home was ransacked by a thief lookino- for that money. This man is still rejoicing because he Z his money m the bank. Since it has been with us we have paid him $960.04 interest on his deposit. -e.aremanypeople in the County who still hide their money and several have recently lost it from their "hiding place." CHEAP WINDOWS and DOORS are cheap only once. They are dear when you've spent dollars with carpenters and find them going to pieces. WE BUY from reliable manufacturers, who use skilled workers, high est grades of glue, putty, glass and thoroughly dry lumber. WE KNOW the quality is right. WE KNOW the price is right. PAINT ! We handle Pittsburg Proof Products. None better and the price is right. ROOFING ! JUNIPER Shingles or "LATITE" As phalt Shingles. "LATITE" Asphalt Shingles are held down by a Metal Strip and the Butt cannot blow up. They go right on top of your old shing- . les no open roof while re-roofing. Neither your money nor your life is qafp uAon money is kept about the home and h dden money pavs sale and will work for you while you sleep. f miinig k ! rust Co LUMBER! BUILDERS HARDWARE! WINDOWS! DOORS! PLASTER! LIME! CEMENT! LATH! EVERYTHING FOR THE BUILDING! 1 ESTIMATES GLADLY FURNISHED Beaufort Lumber and Manufacturing Co. , " " RETAIL DEALERS QUALITY PL' IS SERVICE .......... r r-r.-rttv-t'e'e'f', , "-W ,1 A