PAGE SEVEN, WANT ADS THE COST IS SMALL USE THEM FOR RESULTS H. C. Edwards, Eli Prescott and : W. E. Currier, Mortgagee by V. E. , Currier, Assignee of H. C. Edwards ' and Eli Prescott. I Oct. 10. RATE: One cent per word, Initial, Letter, Figure. All want ads paid in advance. No want ad taken for less than 25c. Mail them in. Display Ad Rates on Request Telephone No. 16. , TYPEWRITERS WE SELL THE famous Underwood typewriter. You tan buy one on very easy terms. Call at the Beaufort News and let us ex plain it to you. REAL ESTATE IF INTERESTED in town lots or country property ad dress The Carteret Realty & Insur ance Co., D. W. Morton, secretary, Beaufort, N. C. t f WRITING TABLETS, GOOD QUAL- ity of paper at the News office, ten cents. SOCIAL STATIONERY NICE BOX of note paper and envelopes with name and address for $2. Let us show you samples. The Beaufort News. WARRANTY DEEDS, MORTGAGE Deeds, Deeds of Trust and Chattel mortgage blanks always in stock at the Beaufort News Office. SHIPPING .TAGS, .PRINTED -OR plain at the News office in any quan tity desired. VISITING CARDS, BUSINESS Cards and Personal Stationery made according to your taste and directions at the Beaufort News office. ADDING MACHINE PAPER AND Second Sheets can always be had at the Beaufort News office. Also type writer ribbons. FOR RENT HOUSE CORNER Live Oak and Pine Street. Fine condition, bath, electric lights, all conveniences. Beaufort Lumber and Manufacturing Co., Phone 66. t. f. LOST PAIR OF GLASSSES IN CASE. FINDER PLEASE CALL If L A I I 1 1 I I I MKhK 4V IV1 r I l.l I. wAMTFn pah r riME REPRE- sentative. Must be bank employee. Prefer cashier or assistant cashier who can devote few hours each week to this work. Write for details P. O. Box 358, Statesville, N. C. FOR SALE: ONE 30 FT MOTOR boat 4 cycle 12 H. P. Palmer engine Hugh Pake Bettie N. C. Legal Notices ENTRY NO. 2368 To R. W. Wallace, Entry Taker for Carteret County, The undersigned claimants hereby sets forth that the following describ ed tract of land in Beaufort Town ship, Carteret County, N. C. is vacant and unappropriated land, belonging to the State of North Carolina and does hereby lay claim to and enter the same. . The boundaries are as follows: On the North and East by the lands of Defiance Box Company, on the West by the lands of J. W. Bell, and on the South by the lands of E. C. Dickinson, containing by estima tion 75 acres, be the same more or less. S'ned: F. 0. Dickinson, Claimant. L. C. Dickinson, Claimant. Witness: L. W. Hassell. Filed this 22nd day of August, 1929, at 2:15 o'clock, P. M. R. W. Wallace, Entry Taker for Carteret County. Sept. 19. NOTICE OF SALE OF LAND Pursuant to a power of sale con tained in that certain mortgage deed executed by Clem Elliott and his wife Anne Elliott to the undersign ed, mortgagees and duly assigned to the undersigned, dated December 31, 1929 and recorded in Book 37 at page 568, and default having been made in the payment of the note thereby secured, the undersigned, as signee of the mortgagees, will offer for sale a-.d will sell for cash atthe court-hou?1 door of Carteret County, at Beaufort, N. C. on Monday the 21st., day of October 1929, at the hour of 12 o'clock, M., the following described real estate, to wit: Two undivided interests in the late Joe Elliott estate namely the inter est of Clem Elliott and J. W. Elliott, this consisting of two lots in the town of Newport, N. C, and known as the late Joe Elliott home place and other adjoining the Joe Elliott home place and facing or fronting Orange Street. This 16th day of September 1929. TRUSTEE'S SALE Pursuant to the power of sale con tained in that certain deed of trust executed by J. L. Ormond dated May 1, 1926, to the undersigned Trustee, same being recorded in Book 35, page 212 Records of Carteret Coun ty, default having been made in the payment of the note thereby secur ed, the undersigned Trustee will of fer for sale and will sell at public auction, in accordance with the terms of the deed of trust, to the highest bidder for cash on Monday 21st day of October, 1929, at 12 o'clock M., at the Court House door in Beaufort all the following described two lots of land, to-wit. Lying and being in the Town of Morehead City, Carteret County, and known in the official plan of said town as recorded in the office of the Register of Deeds of Carteret County as Lot No. Eleven (11) in Square twenty-six (26) and Lot No. Five (5) in Square Sixty (60). This 14th day of September, 1929. S. W. FEREBEE, Trustee. H. P. Whitehurst, Attorney. Oct. 10. NOTICE. North Carolina, Carteret County. Authorized by terms of that trust deed, executed by Home Builders Realty Corporation to undersigned, dated April 22, 1928, recorded in Book 65, page 455, Carteret Regis try of Deeds, at request of note hold er, undersigned will offer for sale, and sell for cash, to highest bidder, at court-house in Beaufort, N. C, on Thursday, October 3rd., 1929, at twelve o'clock noon, the following described real estate (subject to first lien of Carolina Mortgage Company, trustee, in Book 63, page B-5), viz: Lot No. 3, in Block No. 2, High land Park, according with map filed in Map Book 1, page 39. This 2nd day of September, 1929. W. A. MACE, 4t Sept. 26 Trustee. The North Carolina Grange will be organized at Raleigh on September 26 and 27. NOTICE OF SALE. By virtue of the power of sale con tained in a certain deed of trust dat ed September 30, 1927, executed by Herman S. Crossman to the under signed Trustee, default having been made in the payment of a note secur ed by the said deed of trust the un dersigned Trustee will, on Wednes day, the 9th day of October, 1929 at 12 o'clock M. at the Court House door in Carteret County, N. C. offer for sale and will sell to the highest bidder for cash the following describ ed property to wit: In Cedar Island Township begin ning at an iron stake on Long Point at W. W. Simms corner running S. 43 degrees east 160 poles to an iron stake, thence N. 49 Degrees East 1150 poles to an iron stake on the sea beach opposite Land Island, Char lotte Outing Club Line thence north wardly with their line 60 poles to the sound to the beginning, including the streams, creeks or guts within the bounds of the lands described, sub ject only .to navigation use as pre scribed by existing laws and attend, ant water rights appurtenant to the outside bounds of said lands. This 7th day of September 1929. J. A. Hornaday, Trustee. D. L. Ward, Jr. Attorney Oct. 3 NOTICE OF SALE OF VALUABLE REAL ESTATE. North Carolina, Carteret County. Pursuant to the power of sale con tained in that certain Deed of Trust executed by F. U. Pitt, to the under signed Trustee, date 24th., day of July, A. D. 1925, recorded in the of fice of the Register of Deeds of Car teret County, in Book 35 at page 153 default having been made in the pay ment of note therein secured as pro vided therein and at the request of the Note holder, the undersigned Trustee will offer for sale and will sell to the highest bidder for cash, at the Court House Door of Carter et County, Beaufort, North Carolina, on Monday the 14th., day of Octo ber, 1929 at 12 o'clock, M., the prop erty described in said deed of Trust, to-wit: On the West side of North River and on both sides of North River Road. Beginning at a stake on the West edge of North River being T. M. Thomas, Jr., corner; thence run ning with his line North 87 degrees and 30 minutes West to a stake at the West edge of North River Road (said stake being in a ditch opposite the end of the road leading to the North River Bridge) ; thence contin uing said course to a stake, which stake is 9800 feet from the beginning point; thence North 37 degrees West 2610 feet to a stake; thence South 53 degrees We4 684 feet to a stake; thence North 42 degrees West 290 feet to a stake; thence North 3 de grees East 1031 feet to an iron pipe; thence North 88 degrees East with the King farm line and a ditch 7200 feet to an iron axel in the Kings line ; thence South 47 degrees and 30 min utes West 2490 feet to the main ditch thence with said ditch North 87 de grees and 30 minutes East 2398 feet to a stake at the West edge of North River Road; thence North 48 degrees and 30 minutes East to North Riv er; thence with the various courses of North River Southwardly to the beginning. Containing 700 acres more or less. The lands herein be ing fully set forth on that certain map of survey made by C. K. Howe, Surveyor, and recorded in the office of the Register of Deeds for Carter et County, in Book 45 at page 520. Exceptnig right-of-way given by T. M. Thomas, Sr., and wife to New. by & White and owned by Carteret Lumber Co. The successful bidder will be re quired to deposit 10 per cent of his bid at the sale. This 9th day of September, 1929. W. L. STANCIL, Trustee. James W. Mason, Atty. Oct 3 SALE OF VALUABLE FARM PROPERTY. Under and by virtue of the author ity conferred upon us in a deed of trust executed by J. Stephen Smith and wife, Lizzie Smith on the 1st day of March, 1923, and recorded in Book 40, page 253, we will on Saturday the 19th day of October, 1929 12 o'clock noon At the courthouse door in Beaufort, N. C, Carteret County, sell at pub lic auction for cash to the highest bidder the following land to-wit: Beginning at an iron pipe, Shull and Smith's corner, running South 24 West 800 feet to H. G. Gray's and Smiths corner; thence South 82 East 720 feet to Snow's Swamp; thence with the courses of Snow's Swamp 800 feet to Henry Daughty's, H. G. Gray's and J. Stephen Smith's corner thence North 33 degrees 15' West 700 feet to an iron stake; thence N. 62 degrees 45' E. 3465 feet to Newport River; thence up said River to John Smith's and J. Stephen Smith's cor ner, a stake; thence S 63 W 3700 feet to an iron stake; thence North 37 W. 258 feet to an iron stake, the beginning corner, containing 68 ac res, and being a part of the Fannie L. Smith and husband T. S. Smith land. And the Francis Morton and wife, Mary F. Morton land. This sale is made by reason of the failure of J. Stephen Smith and wife, Lizzie Smith to pay off and discharge the indebtedness secured by said deed of trust to the North Carolina Joint Stock Land Bank of Durham. A deposit of 10 per cent will be required from the purchaser at the sale. This the 13th day of September, 1929. THE FIRST NATIONAL COM PANY OF DURHAM, INC, Trustee Formerly The First National Trust Co. Durham, N. C. Oct 10 ADMINISTRATRIX NOTICE. Having qualified as administratrix of the estate of W. J. Fodrie, de ceased late of Carteret County, North Carolina, this is to notify all persons having claims against the said estate to exhibit them to the undersigned at Beaufort, N. C. RFD. before the 19th day of September 1930, or this no tice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. AH persons indebted to said estate will please make immed iate payment.. This the 19, day of Sept. 1929. MRS FEREBEE FODRIE, Administratrix of the estate of W. J. Fodrie, deceased. Oct 24 Washes, Carries Coal, Woman Gains 18 Lbs. "I wash, iron and carry coal and don't sret tired since taking Vinnl. Also, I have gained 18 pounds." Mrs. S. Cortese. Vinol is a delicious compound of cod liver peptone, iron, etc. Nervous easily tired, anemic Deonle are sur prised how Vinol gives new pep, sound sleep and a BIG appetite. The very FIRST bottle often adds sever al ponds weight to thin children or adults. Tastes delicious. F. R. BELL, DRUGGIST A Buncombe County farmer found that the weed ruining his fine mountain pasture was an excellent jgiuvvLii oi lespeaeza wnicn nis lb cows I Could not kepn nrnnorlxr er-ratoA t- x ... J ..... J g.lMS.U. Results of variety tests with wheat during the past six years are given in Agronomy Information Circular 30 which may be free of charge on appli cation to C. B. Williams, State College, Raleigh. Two hundred tons of ground lime stone will be tested by 40 farmers u Alleghany County in five-tons lots this season. Dr. W. S. Chadwick f Medicine & Surgery wince noun: Y - to 12 and by Appointment f. Omce in Potters Emern Hospital Office Phone 46 Re- 41-L t D.W.Morton Notary Public. Insurance With M. Leslie D.rU BEAUFORT, N. C. We Wish to Announce That Mrs. f. I. Turnvr (Nee Mrs. Laura Volker) FOR 15 YEARS ASSOCIATED WITH THE COPLON COMPANY, NEW BERN, N. C, IS NOW IN CHARGE OF OUR MOREHEAD CITY STORE AND WILL BE GLAD TO SERVE YOU IN THE SAME COMPETENT MANNER THAT WON HER HUNDREDS OF SATISFIED CUSTOMERS IN NEW BERN. DROP IN AND RENEW ACQUAINTANCE WITH MRS. TURNER. SHE WILL WELCOME YOU WHETHER YOU DE SIRE TO PURCHASE OR NOT. We Invite You to Inspect Our Fall Lines of -HATS -COATS -DRESSES -NEW HOSIERS -ACCESSORIES TTHUfB WWM& New Bern Morehead City Goldsboro the Ckailenger . 'ini'UbUtJt GREATEST IN PERFORMANCE SPEED faster than any car ever built !in its price class Not just a fine drawn shade of advantage but a smashing big superiority that easily dis tances anything in this field. Its supremacy is not based on theoretical horsepower and specially adapted test devices Essex speed is a real and usable quality established on the road established m records at better than 70 miles an hour, all over the country established by stop-watch timing over measured distances established by owners who know and constantly demonstrate that nothing can touch it at the pnee. GETAWAY here again the proofs are actual, from 5 to 25 miks in 7 seconds from 10 to 70 in 19.2 seconds. But more important is the value of Essex getaway in daily service. Its ability is so well known that every one expects it to be first away at the signal "Go." SMOOTHNESS exclusive to the patented Super-Six principle,) which no other maker can copy. ECONOMY never approached with like performance. You may ex pect IS miles to the gallon and upward many get more in your Essex the Challenger. Important taxicab companies have chosen Essex the Chal lenger as exclusive equipment because its total of all operating expenses was the lowest in the whole motor world. Tp every buyer there is assured fuel and oil economy, durability, tire wear and low maintenance expense. REUABIJJTY official tests, as well as the experience of 200,000 owners, with the lowest actual records of service cost, establish Essex the Challenger as the "Reliability Car of the Year." Two Essex entries with perfect scores, won the Grand Prize of the famous Tour de France re liability classic, against a large field of costlier American and European cars. No other car of whatever price level equalled the perfect record scored by both t-ssex entries. r icV TO RI'V J.. InMnaM Mr Am InMl ftrfcxd em m dla wtut. to M ami tnto mtM? btatlcmai$ ami jamrmemOUj paju-nt . A11TV v . . :tl 1 tASl iu i-i it inuir f -i i si! $fbQ 5) AHVVP AT jACTvKi PAUL'S GARAGE FRONT ST. BEAUFORT, N. C,