. THE BEALTORT KEVSjrHUrjDAY, GCrqSER 3, 1929 r FIV -Personal Noto Telephone II Mi-, and Mrs. F. R. Seeley and daughter Mis. V. R. Si-i-ley, Jr., spi-nt the wouk end in Norfolk. Dr. and Mrs. E. A. Aberncthy and Mrs. T. J. Wilson and Mrs. Branson of Chaptl Hill wore week ind guests of Mr. and Mrs. V. A. Mate. Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Hancock left this afternoon for Washington, D. C. for a few days. Mrs. E. R. Robinson of Westerly, R. I. is here visiting her sister Mrs. Murray Thomas. f Miss Gladys Gibbs left Friday for a visit to friends in Rutherford, New Jersey. Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Clawson are hire on a visit to Mr. Clawson's par ents Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Clawson be fore going to their new home in Charlotte. Miss Annie Fales left Saturday morning for New York where she will spend the winter. Mr. and Mrs.C. H. Bushall have re turned from a visit to their daughter in Washington, D. C. Miss Bernice Willis is back on du ty at the hospital after a visit to fiiends and relatives in Smyrna. Neighbors are nev er quite suited with a new house In their block. They always see changes they mother of the b::d. wan ? .1: - in a box of c-.::dy. Orange ice and cake were served. lAn,. Meo j ...,e s jruf-i-ts W:ie: M sses Nt:J Jones. I Le.-sie Airington, Lena Duncan, Mil- j dre.l Jones, Marie Clawson, Ella Da- vis, Etta Manson, Laura Thomas1 Gladys Gibbs, Mesdames H. C. Jones Fieri Jones. Howard Jo ies Ad Mar.'' w j Bayard Taylor, Joseph House, J. S i Guts, '11, F. E. Hy e. m. .-su-v-. Otis Moore, Hal Poth-r, Dave DeNoy er, Murray Thomas and sister Mrs. E. R. Robinson, of Westerly, Rhode Island, Kuell Cooke, C. I hey, and sister Mis. Eugene Jones of Carthace H. E. Higgins, H. M. Hendrix, James Ruinley, George Brooks. Claude MR. LESTER A. KOBE AND MISS ERMA TAYLOR WED M cm head City, Oct. 2 A f niu'i intere-t. took n:n " 'y Fu:by r'orninsr at 10 !'' Miss Enna T?.;-,or o "if V" '1 'd o' Mr. 'h:' of Powell Wye::i::u: er ineny took place ist parsonage ii th i".v intir.iate f'i.'uls filter, offu ijitinir. as th- culmination fan when M 1 by the governnie: in the Mor. herul ' vedd:nr ::i th: o'clock Bo'r.jo Mr. Kobe is engaged in construction work for the government. POPULAR COUPLE WED . Oct. 2 M Ji S -.raits, daucht ; iert Willis ;.nd C -:h I, employ'.1 r,(;,.f t- II es. i:h H The niarr a court be who i 'i Met'io. e f it " W. Cuf ck R of K hui 'xi: - sent. Wheatly, A. J. Cooke, J. E. Korne- li,;l during the stay here of the U. S would like to make in it. gay, Ed. Hancock, Wm. llatsell Jr., S. F. Hildebrand, M. . , .,. A. Hornaday, R. L. Fr Mrs. Young, N. F. h ilner . One hundred acres have been ad ending these services and particular j dcd, tQ thp a,fa,fa af ()f Burk(? Miss Margaret Harper for a visit to Smyrna. left today ly those who do not have any church 1 affiliation. The church people of course will be present when it does not conflict with any duty they may owe to the church to which they are members. Professor R. F. Fittman and wife will have charge of the music and song service. Prof. Pittman is in every way fitted as a choir leader, he having had special vocal instruc tions from many of the leading schools throughout the country. It is to be hoped that the people will take the advantage of hearing this great gospel singer. Other announcements of the meet ing will appear through the paper from time to time. Remember the time and the place, FREE WILL BAPTIST CHURCH, MOREHEAD CITY, from October 2 to November 10. Begin to make your plans now so as to be present at this meeting and what ever comes to us we shall be glad to share it with the other re ligious forces of the town. COME! SHOWER FOR BRIDE ELECT Mr. 11. A. Bell returned Sunday from New York city where he had been on a business tiip. HOSPITAL NOTES Two men from Harkers Island have entered the Potter Emergency Hospital this week for treatment. They are Mr. Ed Guthrie and Mr. J. E. Lewis. The outstanding social event giv in in honor of Miss Nell Jones, whose wedding took place this week, was the miscellaneous shower given by Miss Laura Thomas at her home on Front Street last Thursday evening. Rook was played and enjoyed by a large number of Miss Thomas' guests. After a number of games, a delicious ice course was served. While guests were engaged in a lively chat, Miss Thomas brought in a bride's chair, trimmed in white ribbon, and deco- ! rated with brides in long veils. Miss Born to Mr. and Mrs. Mike Hill, joneg was seated in this and was Jr of Stacy, Thursday, September then presented with a miscellaneous 26, a son. j shower, of most attractive and num- Born to Mr. and Mrs. L. C. Davisjeroug gifts, of Beaufort, Wednesday, September! Miss Thomas' guests were: 25' a son- I Mesdames. W. G. Mebane, H. C. Born to Mr. and Mrs. Monroe Gas- Jones Sr jj. C. Jones. Jr., B. L. kill of Roe, Friday, September 27, a j0nea, Dave DeNoyer, W. A. Mace, son. g. A. Thomas, B. A. Cooke, R. L. Born to Mr. and Mrs. John H.Tilett Willie Wale, J. A. Hornaday, Goodwin of Roe, Tuesday, September ; w. V. B. Potter. J. H. Potter Jr.. E. RECENT BIRTH RECORD 24, a REVEREND L. L. SMITH PRAISES EVANGELIST The Reverend Carey Barker will ;H. Potter, W. L. Hatsell, Jr., R. L. Davis, J. S. Gutsell, Joseph House, F. R. Seeley, J. W. Mason, J. O. Bar bour, W. L. Arrington, Jr., C. R. Wheatly, H. M. Hendrix, C. S. Max well, T. M. Thomas, Jr., Otis Moore, preach in Ann Mreet Aletnodist , j, g. Jones, Misses Nell Jones, Lessie Church Sunday afternoon at five' Arrineton. Lena Duncan. Nannie o'clock to which service the public is invited. Our regular evening service will be called off in interest of the tent meeting and I am taking this op poitunity to urge our people and the public generally to attend the services at the tent each evening so long as they may continue. Brother Barker is a fine Christian gentleman, a fine spirit, thoroughly sincsre, deeply con secrated to the Lord and the Lord's work. He is conservative and simple in his methods and his messages are of a high order. He does not resort to the high pressure plans that many tvangelists use but on the other hand he magnifies the Lord and the Lord's church. A great many of his meet ings are held in Methodist and Prrs- byterian churches as well as in church es of his own denomination. I loved him as soon as I met him and our as sociation through this week has c.nly deepened my respect for hini. I want the nun of Beaufort to hear him and I want the Christian people of our community to help him and I believe he will do a constructive work for us, a work that will abide whtn he is gone. The pastor of the First Methodist Church of Lynchburg, his home town, says of him "All of Lynchburg respects him and believes in him foh what he isand for what he is doing. He is one of the most ef fective evangelists I know regardless of church of denomination and does a work that appeals to the leaders of the church everywhere." Insofar as possible we want all of our services at Ann Street Methodist church plan ned so as not to conflict with his ser vices at the tent. Shall we all not work together for the advancement of the kingdom and the uplift of man kind. L. L. SMITH. Potter, Mabelle Neal, Gladys Gibbs, Mildred Jones, Lottie Sanders. BRIDE-ELECT HONORED FREE WILL BAPTISTS WILL HOLD REVIVAL Morehead City, Oct. 2 Doubtl:-ss many of the people of Morehead City recall that Reverend J. L. Welch of Nashville, Tenn., has held a meeting here b:fore. We are very fortunat? in securing his services at this time. Mr. Welch is a very strong preacher and the Pastor wishes tfcrt the peo p) of Moreheai City wid take the advantage of the opportunity of at Saturday afternoon from 3:30 to six Mrs. W. G. Mebane, entertained at bridge and rook, having as her honor guest Miss Nell Jones, whose wedding was pne of the social events of the week. Covers were laid for -ix tables of bridge and rook, on the porch and living room of her home. Japanese sunflowers were predomi nant i nthe flowers used on the porch, and in the house. After several pro gressions, the bride elect was present ed with a piece of lingerie, and the top score prize for bridge deck of cards went to Mrs. Otis Moore. At the rook table, Mrs. H. C. Jones, Badger Fans Hungry "This is our year," cry the hungry Badger football fans who have been waiting since T'.TJ for a Big Ten foot ball championship. Coach Thistlethwaite, sometimes called "Gloomy O'lenn" refuses to pre dict the first Wisconsin football cham pionship since 1012. but expects bis team to he a serious contender. County by plantings this fall and the crop is up to a good stand. G odetic Survev boat ht ago. ' The bride is a graduate of the More head City hospital. She was attrac tive attired in a brown traveling cos tume with hat and shoes to match. Immediately after the ceremony the couple left of Wilmington where Mo- h ! Citi lyr! Wil'is of Ir rnd Mrs. R . to l Yanc? Wil!K son Wi!!:- were uvt'y unid 'n SaUi il'v eveniiv at e;'.rht oVl tn Mc thoiii.-t parsonage by ! Damons. I A few invited gue-ts wer in '-'I The bride was attractive in a cos a'tume of independent blue georgette -'-Iwith acc essories to match. The young couple returned to the two years (city Sunday to make their future jhome. ' The bride for the past several months has been a student nurse in the Morehead City Hospital and has many friends in the city. Mr. Willis is employed by Mr. Holton, interior ' decorator and is popular among his ! many friends in the city. ' $.j was r Mm like these are testing your car I .T used to be the custom for a man who wanted to buy a car to take a mechanic with him. Today, General Motors itself employs skilled automotive engineers to make it easy for you to select your new car. These men arc working for you at its Proving Ground the n68-acre outdoor laboratory in Michigan where every kind of car is tested. Before any General Motors car goes in to production, a fleet of advance models is constructed and sent to the Proving Ground. Tbxrc these advance cars must meet every test tests far harder than you would make. Sometimes they are rebuilt, redesigned, retcsted many times until they arc pronounced right, and ready to be put into production. The tests involve speed, power, endur ance, braking, riding comfort, handling case; fuel and oil economy; body strength and safety every phase of car construc tion and performance. Buying a car is easy today because these men at the Proving Ground are work ing for you to assure you of value when you select a General Motors car. GENERAL MOTORS Types of cbe engineers m General Motors Proving Ground who sxe working for you. Drawn from t photograph. They are shown examining a speci ally devised instrument for measuring clutch pedal pressure. i CHEVRON PONT1AC DOlDSoBlUi nMABQurrrB DCADIUC eratot ral Mo" Mich. K',tfneralM,cf?n' UhtBenc power Ststs:" fx - nsl I g Aidrea- """""Vl PI '"'l g I 1 1 1 I "A car for every purse and purpose" CHEVROLET. 7 models. 525 $69? . A sii in the price range of the four. Smooth, powerful fwrylinder vilve-in-head engine. Beautiful Fisher Bodies. Also sedan delivery. Light delivery chassis. IH ton chassis and lH ton chassis with cab, both with four speeds forward. PONTIAC 7 models. $745 J895. Now offers "Big six" motoring luxury at low cost. Larger L-head engine; larger Bodies by Fisher. New attractive colon and stylish lines. OLDSMOB1LE. 8 models. $875 1035. The Fine Car at Low Price. Now offers further refinements, mechanically and in the Fisher Bodies also eight optional equipment combinations in Special nd DeLuxe line. MARQUETTE. 6 models. $965 $105). Buick's new companion car, de signed and built by Buick. Sixcyli nders. Fisher Bodies. Its price puts Buick qual ity and craftsmanship within reach of more families. OAKLAND. 9 models. $1145 $1)75. Oakland All American Six. Dis tinctively original appearance. Splendid performance. Luxurious appointments. Attractive colors. Bodies by Fisher. VIKING. J models. $1595. General Motors' new "eight" at medium price. 90-degree V-type engine. Striking Bodies by Fisher. Unusual appoint mints. Also optional equipment com binations. BUICK. 14 models. $1225 $1995. Three new wheelbases. 118124132 inches. The greatest Buick of them all. Many new mechanical features. Fisher Bodies with new lines. LaSALLE. 14 models. $2295 $2873. Companion car to Cadillac. Con tinental Unes. Distinctive appearance. 90-degree V-type 8-cyIinder engine. Striking color combinations in beauti ful Bodies by Fisher. CADILLAC. 26 models. $3293 $7000. The Standard of the World. Fa mous efficient 8-cy Under 90-degree V rype engine. Luxurious Bodies by Fisher and Fleetwood. Extensive range of color and upholstery combinations. (All Prices f. o. b. Factories) ALSO FRIGID AIRE Automatic Refrigersv tor. New silent models with cold-control device. Tu-tone cabinets. Price and model range to suit every family. DELCO-UGHT Electric Plants g Watet Systems. Provide all electrical conveniences and labor-saving devices or the farm. TUNE IN General Motors Family Parry, every Monday, 9:30 P.M. (Eastern Standard Tune). WEAF and 37 associ ated radio stations. 1 ?AGE 2 ;: n n BM0 I i ni We Are itlow Showing The Most COMPLETE Lines Of HATS COATS DRESSES ACCESSORIES For Fall New Styles COLORS MATERIALS AND SELLING HIGH EST QUALITY AT THE LOWEST PRIC-j ES IN EASTERN CAR OLINA. We Invite You. To Inspect Our Offerings Before You Buy The Vogue Morehead City N. C. " i . a, i

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