PAGE NINE u has. recently returned to Jhe states, and Mrs. Earl Webb formerly of Yonkers, N. Y. "but now residing near Morehead City at her home on Eogue Sound. speed of fourteen knots and to cost develop our shipping till we have our ; seas, all subversive propaganda to the. fiom two and a half millions to three I just proportion of vessels on the high contrary notwithstanding, millions each. Two ships of the lot I are already under construction, signing of this contract is the The first -Personal No?eS' tangible result of the new program and it will be hailed with satisfaction by good Americans everywhere. THE BEAUFORT NEWS THURSDAY, DECEMBER 19, 1929 ! mm i mm 5 2 t Telephone II Written for This Paper by FRANK P. LITSCHERT Mi. J. J. Connor of Poitsmout.:, Ya., proprietor of the Monro.- Hot'-'1, of that place was here Tuesday. M Mr. J. H. Hibbs of Newport was in Beaufort Tuesday on business. V Dr. C. L. Duncan is back after ; business trip to Petersburg, Ya. pupils, teachors and parents that has oetn very beneficial. Prospects at this time seem very bright for the spring term. HUGE POULTRY FARM TO LOCATE AT ASHEV1LLE Evidently the move started a few years ago to make the American peo- i pie shipping minded is having its ef fect. That this is true is one of the I encouraging signs of the times. It ' means that the American people will 1 After having had a tough struggle jr.ot again be lulled into a false sense Uince the close of the World War the;f security by the cry that we are ! American Merchant Marine seems to t a shipping nation and that we j coming into its own, and this fact . "(t have a marine unless we are may well be a cause for rejoicing on feeding some mythical and wicked j the part of th; American nation, "dipping trust" from the American !The sitrns that our Merchant, marine easury. rropaganaa or tms s-ori i is coming back are beginning to mul- 1 f Miss Reta Harbors of Wa-hington, D. C. who spent last week wuh -Mrs. .. S. Outsell has returned to her home. '! 5 Mrs. hdniund Jones who has spending some time with Mrs. C. Dev left yesterday for her home Petersburg, Ya. been quite ill is reported a little bet ter. Miss Lucy Dixon spent today in New Bern, having the day oif from Hospital duties. was used to defeat the revival of the! American marine for a generation, j but with the coming of the World t War we were brought to the sud-; !?n realization of what the lack of a! merchant marine meant to us. And : we know, too, that a merchant ma r:':ie is almost as important to our j welfare in time of peace as in time ; of war. ; Asaevaie, Dee. 1-. 1 he oigar.uu- tirly. The txpansion of the mail ticn of Skyland Yanw, a Sl.oDO.OOO ; st;vice is one cause for felicitation, model poultry farm, with a financial The expansion, announced with the st.ucture now eanitaiiued s-t .2."), .'mm p , t. roarram of keening- bus- was announced Saturday by K. . iness going as usual, wiil involve the C!:;rk, of Asiicvil;?, presidint oi tne j construction in the next few years of been oiganization. ; at least twentv-nine American ships P. The farm, unique in that it wi!l.ata cost of nearly S175.000.000. in furnish worktrs homes, poultry yards 'Four fast steamers will go into the a community hatchery and a guaran-j North Atlantic service, arri of the teed market for products, is located ' total to be constructed all hut two Hendricks House, younger son ot on the east side of Sweeten Creek will go on existing trade routes. The Haar director nf the Bureau of Re- Mr. and Mrs. Joseph House who has highway, four miles from the center 'other two will be required for the f.ereh of the United States Shinning of -Aslievilie ani two miles from Biit- extension of the service into the Bor.rd, declared that the future of the 1 more. Black Sea. According to the Asso- Ameiican marine is now brighter! Construction of the central plant dated Press construction contem- than it has been at any time since the I of three 01 thj smaller farms is plated in the program approved in- good old days of the Yankee clipper j underway. One hundred men eludes: One ship for service between ships. He pointed out that in the an-.! Valpanso, one tor decade ending June 30. 1928. AmCri- i 'id In a recent address Alfred A. r f A Mayor W. J. B. Shull of Newport attended Recoider's Court here Tuesday. and well are at woik daily on the project, rush i::g tlu'ee mod:! plants to completion so they may be opened January 1. New York 2 t BIRTH OF DAUGHTER Born to Mr. and Mrs. E. Fodiie. Beaufort R. F. D., on Friday, 13th of December, a daughter. COLD BRINGS SUFFERING TO MANY SECTIONS OF SOUTHWEST the BIRTH OF DAUGHTER Born to Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Gaskill, Beaufort, Saturday, Decem ber 14, a daughter. MARRIAGE LICENSE Homer Bell and Lucinda Fuller, Newport. POTTER HOSPITAL NOTES Kansas City, Dec. 18 Icy Wa.-ts from the noithlnnd tobogganed down t the guit' coast of Texas tonight, bringing the severest weather of the winter to th; southwest. Sno-.v and fieeziny temper: tur- were reported in the Rocky moun tains. Freezing weather was in pros pect along the gulf coast Untight with below zero t.mperatures exten.iing down into Oklahoma. Snow fell today in eastern Kansas. Mi-souri and pa:ts of Oklahoma. The e route trorn tacoma io alnaviso. can shins caned thirtv-six ner cent two between San Francisco and Brit- 0f the nation's foreign trade as a-j ih Colombia, three betwesn New gainst only ten per cent carried in York an.i L'mon. two for the Balti- the decade which ended with the out- li-ir.,'rJrr,1,-,1,,,1. tlil'flo linfn flan 1 1. 1.1... TT'..1.J TT - f TT 1 un.t-i...uui., ii.iT, nine L-ctctii III t'iiiv ui Liie WUIIll vu:. xariy , New Orf a is and Puerta Colombia, fuither pointed out that "In view of , t.'.v?: f.-r San Francisco-Connto, the fact that the value of our total! three for Xsv; Yotk-Pueito Colom- watei-borne .foreign trade ii the dec-! oia, iwo netwee n -ew urieans ana ade just concluded has been more the ca.-t cor.'t if South America, and than double that of the decade ended Santa Says Let F. R. BELL, The Druggist Supply Your , Xmas Wants Phone 119 Beaufort, R RR rR- in 1914, it is significant that the 26! per cent gain involved an advance from an annual average of $300,000,-; 000 to an annual averace of $2, GOO, i 000,000, an increase of more than ' 0 per cent in the value of our coin- Six of the new ships will be added . to tn- -ierchant .Mann? by the Amer ican Export Steamship Corporation recording to a contract entered into recently by the Postoffice Department merce carried in American ships." with that concern, which operates to , Mediterranean ports. Two ships are' All of which is highly encouraging to n; completed in 1031 and two to the man who is still old-fashioned more the following year. One is to enough to believe that the welfare ITt Ski ZF VOL. II THURSDAY DECEMBER 19, 1929 blizzard conditions' in some ,ecti;ns completed in 1935 and the lart one of his country should be dearer to Rnrn tn Mr. nnd Mrs. Jones Lewis, of Beaufort, Friday, December 13, a and give hopes of a white Christmas. ! ln girl. ' - Mrs. Carl Willis of Beautort is in the hospital for treatment. 1936. The shins are to have a him than that of any other nation. The new ocean mail contracts will TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY mean not alone the extension of our NOTICE. Mr. Len Thomas is recovering al ter a tonsil operation. Mr. Bob Lewis of Beaufort is re ceiving treatment. HEFLIN BARRED FROM PRIMARIES Carteret County hereby gives no tice that at 10 o'clock A. M. on De cember 27th, 1929 at office of Coun ty Board of Commissioners Beaufort, N. C. it will sell not exceeding $50, 000 Revenue Anticipation Notes at public or private sale. ' C. H. BUSHALL, Chairman Board County Commis sioners. fieaufort, N. C. 'FARM FOR RENT 15 ACRES OF : merchant mai'ine. They will serve no-; Igood land, eight room dwelling .ind uce to the world that we intend to! barn. Fine for truck or other poses. Apply to courthouse. pur-; L. W. Hassell, at; damn. MOREHEAD CITY NEWS ITEMS For Refusal To Support Al; Smith Alabama Senator Is Punis e Waldron Bailey and daughters! Montgomery, Ala., Dec 16-The Misses Frances and Margaret spent: state Democratic executive committee the day Saturday in New Bern shop-! today barred United States Senator ping. , lt1 .. ' J. Thomas Heflin, a candidate to sue- i Mr Clyde Mason of Atlantic spent ceed himself, and Hugh A. Locke, of , Saturday here and left for New Bern I Birmingham, a gubernatorial candi-: on a business trip, i j date from the Alabama Democratic! Mrs. D. G. Bell ,s spending several; . ' i.---u;o ct t-i i- davs in Charlotte visiting friends. I refusaT to'support Alfred" E. Smith, j Mrs. John Dunn, Miss Carrie Aren- ! Democratic Presidential nominee m . u last year's general election. Several houurs in Beaufort Sunday By a vote of 27 to 21, the commit:-, 's tee decided to bar from the Demo-! Mr. and Mrs. ; A, 19 1930. all in the city this i f S dlrtrtet;wb. M, Arthur P'. uuuvci, -wu""J Sea Breeze BEAUFORT, N. C. t-?ffifcgSSfflltBiMlgOtil''ilJllUHIIi' We Are Starting Our New Schedule Dec. 23 with Three Changes a week 100 per cent TALKING Monday & Tuesday "FORWARD PASS" Wednesday & Thursday "EROADWAY SCANDALS" W. E. SKARREN I AND CO. J PLUMBING I AND HEATING f Estimates Cheerfully Submitted Beaufort, N. C. 'Phone 142-J Z Published in the in terest of Beatfort, Morehead City, 5c Vicin:ty by the Ne Hardware Co. B. H. Noe, Editor Can you imagine a bald headed bar ber in Beaufoit selling tonic to make hair grow. for thoss presents. Xmas We have a nice assortment of Air Rifles, Pocket knivss, Knives, Skates, Sets, Car Electric Boudoir Clocks, Irons, Hunting Watches, Smoking 'ing Sets I o n s Lamrs, ! V r. :7. e Curlir.z Flash Lights, Gun j Shells, Shot and I Rifle Cartridges, I Maid: "The fur- ! niture man is here' I Mistress: "I'll ' set him in a min i ute, tell him to I take a chair." i Maid: "I did, but ! he said he would I start with the Pi j ano and Radio. o ! V.'hy not let u;- help plan that hunting trip, we carry :v;rything you need, espec ially the ammuni tion and Hunting Clothes. o Never a Christ mas morr.hg, Nev er the old year ends, body seme Days, But some thinks of body, Old Old Times, Old Friends. We have a stock of colored bulbs for Xmas. Her sweetie must have died lately for I noticed that she was wearing her hose at half mast. Christmas Greet ings to every body FROM NOE HARDWARE -COMPANY "The Winchester Store" Sporting Goods & Hardware Beaufort. Phone 84 Cecil Arthur arrived week from China the matter being left to the discretion several weeks, the guests of Mis. Ar . .. . thui's parents Mr. and Mrs. m. M. i OI tne COUntV IU nunircc. - - . . The resolution invited all voters Webb. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur ex- who believe in the principles of the pect to remain in tne States end will. Democratic party to cast their votes reside m New Wk City in the August primary, the only re-, Mw. Villiam M. Webb will enter- quirement being that they support tain on Friday at an informal tea. the party's nonfinees in the general io,n four tojixo taring plection. While Heflin and Locke are barred from the Democratic primary by the ruling, the former announced today in Washington he would arain be a candidate. Both Senator Heflin and Mr. Locke are expected to campaign as independent Democrats. The resolution to bar party "bolt-trs-'' was introduced by S. A. Lynne, of Decatur, a former speaker of the state house of representatives and a prominent prohhibitionist. The reso lution inviting all Democrats, regard less of how they voted in the general election, to return to the party, was introduced by Arthur F. Fite, of Jas per. SCHOOLS CLOSE FRIDAY FOR CHRISTMAS HOLIDAYS They will visit in Morehead City for; -lAlil -v. .... : 1 her daughter Mrs. Cecil Arthur who j Friday & Saturday "WOMAN TO WOMAN" We have taken great pains in selecting our Christmas Pro srrsm. You will be delighted with each performance. 1IN LUlur AK A KLE V ALLIES i3f 4 IN GIFT GOODS Come Early And Hear COMEDIES Ths i Matinee 4 o'clock Night 7:45 IS ttdksfLwu Champion Optimist of the World The schools of ths towns and of Carteret county close tomorrow (Fri day) for the Christmas holidays. The county schools will open on January 6. Superintendent J. H. Workman is leaving this week for his former home at Cherryville, N. C. Miss Margaitt Gustin Supervisor of the County schools will leave for Dear born, Missouri to visit her relatives there. Miss Theresa Hill will spend the holidays in Beaufort. The school heads are well pleased with the progress that the county schools have made during the fall session. There has been a hearty spirit of cooperation on the part of Jill Mil'" ItWU-- " "MJ . . - . :'ri; - mM ii y-.X-X:'-.-l'" -. - SS4fr?-ii:fe': -- tV N'i-iiSjSTKi'--' '.W,, .' ' ? i,';!i ;;y;;:Siii TAKE TIME TO READ THESE FACTS S If you have a toothache, you go to a dentist. If your eyes bother ji, you consult an oculist. In other words, you see a specialist in 4 the particular line in which you a re interested. With rare optimism and courage. Arthur E. Rump, fifty-one, of St. Louis, Mo who has been n bis back for the last twenty years, conducts a magazine subscription business from his bedside where a special telephone device aids tarn in transacting deals. Rump, because of an accident which occurred to VKK) is unable to move any part of ids body except his Jaw and recently underwent nn orutlnn for a cancerous growth of one eye. Be has been nam-d the "Champion Optimist of the World- by the Optimist International. May we suggest you follow exactly the same plan when you want Diamonds, Watches, Jewelry, Silverware or other Gift Goods. We have been in this particular business .for fifty years twenty of these years in Beaufort and we know how to buy quality, where to buy, and how to get the best values for the money Ad ded to that we buy for cash, hence get all discounts. We want you to Look Over our li ne See Our Values Price our Gifts And then buy elsewhere If our prices are not the Best. WE WELCOME YOUR VISITS B. A. BELL i Your Jeweler For Twenty Years I Next To Postoffice Beaufort, N. C. r 1 P7 ft i f