I THE BEAUFORT NEWS THU-RSDAY, JANUARY 9, 1930 PAGE NlNfc Lodge ANN STREET M. E. CHURCH. R. F. Munns, Pastor. J. A. Hornaday'Jr., S S. Supt. Preaching services every Sunday 11:00 A. M. and 7:30 P. M. Sunday School every Sunday at 9:45 A.M. Pmvpr service Wednesday even-i ing 7:30 P. M. Ladies Aid Society 1st. Monday of each month at 3 :30. Mssionary Society 1st. Tuesday of each month at 3:30. Mission Study Class 2nd. and 4th, Mondays of each month at 2:30. Philathea Clnss at 7:30 P. M. on 2nd. Monday evehintr each month. Teacher Council on !!nd Thursday of each month at 7:30 P. M. Meetings u ORDER EASTERN STAR. Beaufort Chapter 128 Regular M. tings 2nd. and 4th. Thursday at 7:30 P. M. Masonic Hall. Preaching Services Sea Level Every first Sunday 11 A. M. & 7PM Smyrna I Every Second Sunday 11 AM. & 7PM Williston Every Third Sunday 11 AM. & 7PM. , Atlantic Every Fourth Sunday 11 AM.- 7 PM. The public is cordially invited to attend all services. E. L. HILL, Pastor. ings. sociation which holds its 17th annual meeting at State College this year. Some of the more notable livestock folks of the South will discuss impor tant live.-tock questions on the pro gram of this association and the ex- LIBRARY NOTICE. The Town Library will be open on Tuesdays and Fridays 4 to B P. M. Room 5 Sidj entrance Old Graded School Building. ATLANTIC. SPRINGFIELD CHARGE M. FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH. J. P. HARRIS. Pastor Ann Street, Sundays Sunday School ou9;4A;M J. A. Cree Sunday School Supt. Preaching by the Pastor I t A. M. 7:30 P. M. Intermediate and Junior B. Y. P. U. Mondays t ,Hioa Aid Society Tuesdays Senior K Y. P. U. 7ednesdays Prsnor Service 3rd. Sundays Woman's Missionary Society 3 P. M. A cordial welcome is extended to he public to worship with us. "Comt thou -nd go with us and w 'Fill do thee good." ST PAUL'S EPISCOPAL CHURCH Rev. J. A. Vache, Rector 6:30 P 2:00 P. M, 7 ;30 P. M. 7 :30 P. M cm a M. Church School m Hnlv Communion, ex- cept first Sunday in month - a t iu Vespers t.on V M I. r. 0. Li. Mnndav a .on P M Woman's Aux. Tuidav i.nn P M. Vestry Thursday 7:30 P. M. Choir i SERVICES AT NORTH RIVER METHODIST CHURCH Sunday School 2:30 P M. Preaching Second and fourth bun days at 3:30 P. M. R. F. Munns, Pastor. FIRST PRESBYTERIAN CriURCH Morehead City Rev. Frank S. Johnston, Pastor 9:45 11:00 7:00 7:30 Bible School, Dr. S. W. Thompson, Superintendent. Morning Worship. Tuesday Evening, Youttg People's League. Miss Julia Roberts, President. Wednesday Evening, Prayer IT rm r "Seek Ye First'The Kingdom of God" . t-.i TT T TUn i Come, And Join wan us m Quest For A Better Life. , WUdwood Presbyterian Church Rev. Frank S. Johnston, Pastor Sunday School 9:45 A. M. 6:45 P. M. Young People's League. 7:30 P. M. Preaching Service (every Sunday). All people of the community are invited to worship with us. "I was glad when they said unto me let us go into the house of the Lord." MARSH ALLBEPG- ATLA1NMC FIELO. Missionary Baptist. C. A. Linebergei, Pastor. Atlantic First and Third Sundays. Servicpi at 11 and night. , Marshallbe: ? Second and Fourth Sundays. Ser vices at 11 and night. SUMMERFIELD CHURCH Second Sunday 11 A. M. & 7 P. M. You are cordially invited to attend any of these services. KNIGHTS OF HARMONY. Carteret Lodge No. 2. Meets every Monday night in the year, at 7:45. Visiting bretheren cordially" invte' to attend. The M. E. Church South FRAKKLIN LODGE No. 109 A. F. St A. M. Regular communication 1st r.d 3rd Monday nighU, 8:0.) P. M. of c.ch month. Hold State Conference Of Extension Workers an1 ntVlPVt; will (By F. H. Jeter; thg opportunity 0f hearing these Raleigh, Dec. 30 County agents, , authorities. home agents, extension specialists i t nevvs conteat and members of the school of agn-, J dnrted during the culture at State College will hold , - ovnoptp(1 tw 50 or more their annual inference at Stat e 1 0 ,. . win b,,ng . during the week of January 6 to 11 material to the at the call of Director I. O Schaub. h.bj oi t P In addition to making plans f or I has donated a beautiful the coming year, reviewing he act v- t who itips nf 1929 and learning of new de- suer uupi y luj 1 . ..v. fioiri nf ntrrienltup- has done tne mosi enetu.e . velopment in the field of agntultui- . th agriculture of his coun cial events. Every extension work er and his wife or her husband will attend this gathering. Ihe livestock organization will also hold a banquet on Wednesday evening, January 8, when Governor Gardner and Presi dent Brooks will be the principal speakers. Tarheel farmers are recleaining and treating their tobacco seeds in preparation for planting the seed beds. Concordia Lodge No. 11, I. O. O. F. Tues' ly nignts, o ciock R. H. H'M. N. G.; J. S. Parkin, V G.; D. M. , Jones, Treas.; J. K. Jin nett, Secy. REBEKAH LODG NO. 141. Kebekah Lodge No. 141 I. 0. O. F. meets ever Friday night at 7:30 P. M, I. O. O. F. Hall. Mrs. Rosa Chadwick, N. G. Miss Addie Mason, V. G. I.Irs. Eva Bravaldo, Sec. C. B. H. NO. 11 Meets every Friday nigh'; at 7:33 o'clock. Visiting Brothers are cor dially invited ti attend these meet- tion will devote much of its time to developing plans for the live-at-home campaign and the long time program of agricultural development. Dur ing three days of the week, .on Janu ty to the people. A banquet on Tuesday evening given under the auspices of the Ep silon Sigma Phi fraternity and with Dr. Bradford Knapp, President of More than 200 farm men and women of Pitt County attended the recent live at home banquet held at Greenville. inK mice uaya ui , v... v.... , r o O farm ntrpnfs wi 11 Alabama Polytechnic Institute, as tne meet 'with the Southern Livestock As-1 speaker will be one of the main so- During the last 20 days of Octo ber the new Farmers Warehouse at Marshall in Madison County did a .business of $1,760. In November ;the business done amounted to $1560. MACCABEES TAKE NOTICE Pay your monthly dues to C. L. Skarren'at his home, 210, Queen St. . , ft Jbr Economical Transportation lr-nl smmm (DhewirQblLet mmmBMmee TTHIE M1EAT1EST TT U j r W V mi, mm a m CHEVROLET HISTORY Today, CheTolet presents the Greatest Chevrolet in Chevrolet History a smoother, faster, better Six with beautiful new bodies by Fisher. Basically, it is the same sturdy, substantial Six which won such tremendous popularity in 1929. But it is a greater car in every way for there are scores of vital improvements which contribute to comfort, performance, endur ance and safety ! An improved six-cylinder valve-in-head motor, with its capacity increased to 50 horsepower; four Delco-Lovejoy hydraulic shock absorbers; fully-enclosed internal-expanding weather-proof brakes; a new dash gasoline gauge; heavier and stronger rear axle; new Fisher non-glare wind shield ; larger tires these are typical of the many improvements which make this car the Greatest Chevrolet in Chevrolet History. But most impressive of all this smoother, faster, better Six has been made available At Greaitlv Reduced Prices! During 1929, more than a million three hundred thousand persons bought six-cylinder Chevrolets. This enormous vol umehas made possible many savings In the Chevrolet factories and, in keeping with its long-established policy, Chevro- The ROADSTER $495 The SPORT ROADSTER $525 The PHAETON $495 The COACH $565 SEDAN DELIVERY $595 LIGHT DELIVERY CHASSIS $365 let Is sharing these savings with the public. No written de scription can do justice to the extra value and quality provided in this new car. Visit your Chevrolet dealer see this car ride in it and judge for yourself its sensational value. The COUPE .- - $565 The SPORT COUPE $625 The CLUB SEDAN $625 The SEDAN $675 One and a half Ton CHASSIS $520 One and a half Ton CHASSIS With Cab $625 All prices f. o. b factory, Flint, Michigan Sound Chevrolet Co. 4 SIX 5 S i T E P S C B R X S O G OF THE F O OR