PAGL .cV LOLA WARNERS INSURE . War'e's Thpfe. ( "NOAH'S ARK" CAST) Eveiy precaution to parent ac A completely equipped hospital We are having: some pretty weath er at this writing which every one is glad io see. .with two nurses in daily att.ndance i was fittid up by Warner Bros., in ! preparation for the filming of the Mr n ,) Mrs. HarHv Pake and chil-' Ptular Vitaphone sup-r p-.-oduc- ,Wn nf I nwiil, ;n,nt the wtek i tlon- ' -v,ah s Al'k" showing at the! end with JIis. Pake's nu ther who is ill. Mr. J. W. Goodwin iinJ sons and, Mr. Walter Goodwin an 1 James Wil-j lis who are fishing at I'achelor spent , the week end at home. ' T!T BEAUFORT NEWS THU RSDAY, FEBRUARY 27, 1933 MMM f . m -T-- . miMm - . . i..-(j:KMfc JLJil . .. fcit.rfft acre cuxilbry audio bein? devot?d b'n at 7:4" aid will taks plae hLRuNoTOM MAN bUYS HOME exclusively to th, of .o.ui s ;n t'l? ?.:-,orI auJi:o;iu.n. Tha pub- Pa-. rnd Mrs. II. A. Welker, and Ark. "' latter rervin? f.r the big is invited to at.enil. :!.-. a d M'.s. Mitchell Clark of Bur staff ( f : ki!la! workmen t-r.inloyed i i Uinat-n were he. .- Wednesday on a mess U'.p. ine weavers own a uuu'.ie:' home on Live Oak Street cidents was taken in view of the fact that more than 10,000 persons par ticipate in many of the thrilling scenes. The hospital was entirely separate from the first aid station on the 3h- const: action w ork on the imposing ' set rt.;:2ed in opus. i !t.' TTT 1 J wace Do i l osu'llo , st.i:r. Ark' with Genge O . Dartyl riarci Zanu.v Cuii (i'.e.ti'd. ! i-.i "Noah's Ion ii t.i :o:y i- bv , .'..i'cl,.iel . ca:o o: i - -i . - i. i t i. , a'.i'l :ir. LiaiK iuircnaseie ueore tnu 0f Week- house which is adjacent to it 1'uai -:avor i. v. iuhiwh. mr. laik Viil! :-omii!.tftly rebuild the Mr. and Mrs. S. K. Goodwin spent : the wtek end at home. Mr. Hugh Lupton who is working at Lukens spent the week end at home. i s Theatre "THE HOUSE OF HITS ' MONDAY & TUESDAY We v.sih I., v .'i.- i s c:wn.u.Mcy to: iavr yrapatiiy -A '.n-.v Vl-.-Wn s .ov.ri us in ur area so row, .he uea..i of our house an 1 use it for a summer resi . ;-'jar.:. and fat.K-r. Dm.r.-d Guthrie. ; dence. He is a furnitui- dealer in y.:a. Lienard Guth-:-. 1 Turlington. s.Y C; ra Lee Gut..r . ,. Calvia Guthrie, -!i ?h inez Guthrie, ? " I Sch. ! p:is.'".t th act v'-r Elizabeth Guth:'I. . cal!-.l "T ie Path Ac-s the Hill" . Jlarshallbeifc-, N. C. Saturday eveninp. Tin; performance WHITE 0K I.ICH SCHOOL W.LL CIV2 ?LY "M'O. .iuer of v; T-e two penitentirHies are orr ' crowded, but they don't turn away any new recruits. Knoxville Ex i press:. Mr. Flovd Uardv of Luke:is silent the wetk end with his irrand-part-uts ( Mr. and Mrs. Clirt'ord Lupton. Mrs. IT; fold Daniels and rear! Smith of Atlantic weie visitors of Mrs. Elltn Goo.i vvin Sa:..!..y ;u.-;-:i-' ing. yuite a tew ol the younir j" -opie had an oyster roast ai ...wis tieeH Saturday nitiht. NOAH S AUK TOO LATE TO CLV3SIFY TOR SALE FIVE E JSiELS SE lect cotton seed for ji'-.tntintr. 5'rice $1.25 a bushel, ffm. H. Bell. New port, N. C. 3 20 WANTED A GOOD GENTLE quick Mule, not over 12 y.-ars oli:. ; Must weijrh 900 poumls or mure. W. , D. Arthur, Beaufort. X. C. lit. Xo. 1 i 'Box 49. Mar. (3 MASONIC THEATRE Mon., Tues. & Wed. March 3rd., 4th., & 5th. Paramount'g Lavishly Costum ed Musical Ccmedy Smash Riot ICO per cent All-talking;, Singing & Dane ins; 4 Shows Daily 2, 4, 7 & 9 P. M. Matinees 10, 25 & 40c Evening Shows 25 5c 50c "The best of the season's musical plays. Gay, rollicking and tuneful." with DOLOKES COSTELLO l Made to top any picture ever made. A picture for the whole family. A chancs that comes to you once in a life-time. Note: Prices for this attrict.'on Matinee 10 25c Night 10 35c There will be two shows at the Matinee, Ftartin? at 1:30 and 3:30 P. M. COME TO THE MATINEE AND AVOID THE NIGHT RUSH En Ii f, WHERE ECONOMY WUS V i i An Outstanding Value Event . . . IS Hay, Grain, Purina Feed Products, Buitdhifj Supplies 4lf r MORE THRILLING THAN EVER He sings, makes love fcr you. The eritcrtainment idol of the world Maurice Chevalier. Here's the pro duction that amazed New York! The screen's first original musical-romance. Tuneful! Sophisticated! Hi larious! The roughish romance of a b autiful queen. An .njraginjr, ex cart. Dazzling iwturai Love ly women. NEW LUMBER-NEW HAY FRESH FEEDS It will interest you to call on us whether you make a purchase or not we are, RIGHT ON QUALITY RIGHT ON SERVICE ' 4 RIGHT ON PRICE t RIGHT ON NO. 10 HIGHWAY STOP AT THE BIG SIGN ! THE BEST OF EVERYTHING FOR BUILDING Beaufort Building Supply Co. I No. 10 Highway at Cedar St. ? Phone 1 20-J Beaufort, N. C. :-X"X"X-.:.-:...:..x...::' The World's Largest Selling High Grade Coffee SQ'CLOCK COFFEE 4 $1.00 Slow Cooked, Full oi Flavor CAMPBELL'S BEANS 4 cans 29 v. n 1A .1 Finest s Lb. Bag 5 Granulated IONA Desert Halves. Ripened by Glorious Sunshine PEACHES No.2.2On California Nature Flavored Prunes SUHSWEEff FEUJNES 2 i. :k- 32 &3. I 1 Fancy Golden Bantam COEUKT MEAL OR QsRWJl No. 2 Can Loose 8 l,s. 25 2c Fancy Quality. An Ideal Desert r. iwi vuim , w l'wP Cream Milk Contains the Body Euil n " j EAGLE MULK ma can ICc UAICEE GRITS 3 pkgs. 25c FRUIT CAKES. 2 ft. Tin 79c SNOWDRIFT 6ib.BucketOl.a5 Recommoidetl by Hundreds of Beauty Specialist. . PALMOLHVE SOAP 6 Cakes 39c OCTAGON SOAP 7 Cakes 25c P & G SOAP ""7 Cakes 25c THE GREAT ATLANTIC a PACIFIC IN TEA CO. H DONT MISS THE FIREMAN'S BIG MINSTRELS & FOLLIES -AT THE- High School Auditorium Friday Night Feb MUSICAL COMEDY BIG DANCING CHORUSES FUNNY . COMEDIANS PRETTY GIRLS GALORE GORGEOUS COSTUMES NEGRO ACTS GENERAL ADMISSION 50c CHILDREN 25c BEST RESERVED SEATS 75c AT BELL'S DRUG STORE 8