t ? PAGE SIX THE BEAUFORT NEWS THURSDAY, JULY 3, 1930 WAIST ADS THE COST IS SMALL USE THEM FOR RESULTS RATE: One cent per word, Initial, Letter, Figure. All want ads paid in advance. No want ad taken for less than 25c. Mail them in. Diiplay Ad Rates on Requet Telephone No. 16. Htnthfihi.rhPst bidder for ah the 'MARKETS GLUTTED, ,so many cucumbers in all my life," ! bers which has been operating in convictions tw revsJ Jh' J" and described as follows. T,,.... V, " .! i. , 1 day. He arrived on doatn PIRT TKM T- betrinnine ai ooiusnoro, June i uuuoc anu m o r-moK vwiuu.i mu Liui.ns i.iuu u""""' - at southeast corner of Russell Smith s cucumbers pourea into tne uoiusooro over a uiuciv iunK. thrnee a southeast and Mount Olive truck markets to-i :,...,,,!i ,., nl.,n,r tlv crock 70 dav. The mice of potatoes in the i ALLEGED SAFE ROBBER IS poles; thence a we.-t direction to the Goldsboro market has sagged to 52.50 i Davis' line; thence with said Davis a barrel from $3.75 to $-1.00 ten i line to the south line; thence to the days ago. Cucumbers brought 25 to I beginning, containing four (-4) acres, 42 1-2 cents a bushel. "1 never saw FU TBEH1ND TRIPLE EARS Wilson, June 24 H. O. Jones, al leged leader of a band of safe-rob- I day. County officers yesterday discovei- .nay, i.'-o. ed Jones had partially cut through; The case of McLood has proved the steel wall of a previous cell in one of the most perplexing in the h-s-which he had been held since his ar- j , ry of capital punishment in North ,f tv,.,,. tmnsfpi-rpH him to a tiny ; arolina. First convicted of attack- i cell inside two larger' steel cages. more or less, and known as the home stead of Joseph W. l'iner." "SECOND TRACT: Situate on the south side of Jarrott's Hay on the Wolf Pit Point, it being my one-half interest in a tract of land said to contain H acres. Beginning at the mouth of a gut and running thence with the gut South ol dognes West 4'J 1-2 poles; thence North L17 de- , , ,M,v WITH A;grees West, 4U poles tnence iNoun PROTECT YOUR FAMILY WITH A,k rces'Ea8t .,;) po,M tQ tho water; thence the various courses of the water to the beginning." The above two tracts of land he- Maccabees Certificate. TYPEWRITERS WE SELL THE famous Underwooo r,, imc tne same which was conveyed by tan buy one on very easy ; j , h w, riner to Klijah rinir by deed dated March 21st., 1922, and recorded in the Registry of Carteret County in No. 30, page 32, and to which reference is hereby madu for further description." This 21st day of June, 1930. E. W. HILL, July 17 Trustee. t the Beaufort News and let us ex plain it to you. REAL ESTATE IF INTERESTED in town lots or country property ad dress The Carteret Realty & Insur .nn Co.. D. W. Morton, secretary, Beaufort, N. C. t Prepare To Spend The Fourlh of July With A VISITING CARDS, BUSINESS Cards and Personal Stationery made according to your taste and directions at the Beaufort News office. ADDING MACHINE PAPER AND an always oe nau Also type- Second Sheets ca: the Beaufort News office, writer ribbons. FOR RENT - HOUSE CORNER sind Pine street, n- bath, electric lights, all Live Oak condition, conveniences. . Beaufort Lumber and Manufacturing Co., Phone CO. 1 f- NOTICE. North Carolina, , Carteret County. Under terms of that certain trust deed dated February 27, 192S, record cd Book 35 page 2S5, R.gistor of Deeds Office, executed to undersigned by Oscar E. Duncan et ux. Bessie, undersigned will sell, for cash, at courthouse door in Beaufort, N. C, on Monday, July 28, 1930, at noon, to highest bidder, the following de scribed property: Lot No. seven (7! in Block No. Two (2), plat of Highland Park sub division, leeordeJ in !'ooi- of Maps No. 1, page 39; said lot being 50 feet r FOR RENT AT MILL, 3 FIVE room houses, light, heat and water. v; condition. 1 six room house. light heat and water. Fine condition Beaufort Lumber at aiauig Phone 06. Co., t f REWARD WILL BE PAID FOR RE- turn, or information leading to re turn of Remington double barreled, v shot trun. Address IiaUUUCWVJa - Owner, Care Beaufort News. t f FOR SALE 1926 MODEL DODGE Coupe in first class shape, with prac tically new tires. Price $225 Hen derson's Garage. fOR SALE ONE MACA ENGINE. Apply to C. A. Oden, Beaufort, N. C. FOR SALE ONE 24 MODEL STAR Engine in good condition. See or write J. A. Wallace, Merrimon, N. C. ZENNIAS FOR SALE SEE MRS. J. A. Chaplain, Mulberry Street. RELIABLE MAN WANTED TO run McNess Business in Carteret County. Vjonderful opportunity. TvTako $8 to $15 daily. No experi ence or canital needed. Write today. McNess Company, Dept. M., Freeport July a TOR RENT FURNISHED HOUSE or apartments with hot and cold wat er, lights, telephone. Apply 'llrs Annie B. Loftin or phone 135 L FOR SALE PRACTICALLY NEW r'oaV, Twister. Will sell at a bar See Roy Eubanks, Beaut ort, on At: depth. This July 17 n'.ie. Uond and 100 feet in June 25th., 1930. W. A. MACE, Trustee. 1 VIA R. 0 -Oct. REDUCED ROUND TRIP EXCURSION FARES NORFOLK SOUTHERN R account Summer Excursions May 15 -Sept (Daily) . . Week End Excursions May 9 4 (Weekly). Sunday Excusions June 1 August 31 (Weekly). Niagara Falls Excursions June 19 Oct. 3 (Weekly). Jersey Coast Excursions June 18 Sept. 16 (Weekly). Economical Vacation Trips. Consult any Agent or inquire of J. F. DALTON Traffic Manager, Norfolk, Va. V SWIM SD3T r K J $ - p A i .g ana slaying an ageu i. muij .onian, iuc ueoei iook nis case. io me MORE CONGRESSMEN j Supreme court which ordered a new FORSEEN FOR STATE trial on the ground that blood hound I evidence on which the state's case Clrirlotte June 24 The possibility ! was based was incompetent, that North Carolina in the re-appoint-1 In May, 1929, the negro was tried ment of members of the national j again before Judge Garland Mulyette I,,,,,,, f ,-,.nv..s..nlntives will be giv-'and convicted a second time. The Su- en two more congressmen and certain j ly one additional member was advanc !ed today by Charles M. Setzer, su-, ipervisor of the 1930 census in" the j i seventh North Caroliina district, in ! . . -M 1...... !.-..i,.r.. I .a taiK to tne v.iuiiioilc i.uuhvi j club. j Mr. Setzer pointed out to the en gineers that principal growth in the past 10 years as revealed by, the cen- ussu figures, has been in the pied I mont section, in the far eastern sec tion of North Carolina, lost 3 8-10 pre cent in that period, while the fifth district gained 40 per cent, and the ninth, in which Mecklenburg is located, gained 33 per cent, said Mr. Setzer. picme court upheld the second ccin viction over a vigorous dissenting of Justice Adams with Justice Brogdon also expressing doubt as to the neg ro e's guilt. WILL HOLD CONFERENCE ON ELEMENTARY EDUCATION WILBUR M'LEOD GETS EXECUTIVE CLEMENCY SAM LIPMAN & SON New Bern Beaufort Raleigh, June 23 The shadow of death that has hovered for more than two years over Wilbur McLeod, Lee county negro, was lifted today by Governor O. Max Gardner who an nounced that he would commute sentence to life imprisonment. The govirnor said 'he seriously doubts the man's guilt. McLeod, after two Superior court Over a Billion Deadly Ca ms in a Single Drop of Water , Germs nro so small that ihero nwy 1'? ri3 tanry as one billion, seven hun dred million of them in a dop of water. And just a lew of these tiny pornw, if they pet inlo your blood ihrnmrh n rot in vour skin, may mako you so sirk you will bo in bed for weeks rrny cause, tho loss of a limb through blood poisoning may even infect you with that most dreadful and fatal of diseases, lockja7. Just because you can sce no dirt in ft cut does not mean that it is clean. You cannot sco germs. Tho only safo and sane thing to do, is to thorouglily wash every cut, no matter how small, with Liquid Borozone, to loll tho perms, and then dust it with Borozono Powder, to hasten tho healing. Liquid Borozone costs 30 cents, 00 cents, $1.20 and $1.50; Borozono Powder, 30 cents and CO cents, and cm be had at JOSEPH HOUSE, DruggUt I ! I I i 1$ FOUND AT LAST! : The famous Q-623 Guaranteed re-'Y lief for Neuritis, Rheumatism, Sciati- ca, Lumbago is now available to all ers rom these tortures. j. Q-623 is a prescription of a fam-'; ous specialist that has done wonders,.;, for thousands of people when many '-' other remedies have tailed. We ask:I you to try this famous prescription. A I few doses usually stop the pain and j ! many people say: ''It is worth itsj weight in gold. i T. Recommended and sold by F. R. i Bell, Beaufort; C. F. Davis. Davis;!. Wilbert Lewis, Stacy; Gaskill Bros., Sea Level; V. Taylor & Sons, Sea; Level; Wallace Willis, Sea Level; J. il F. Hamilton, Sea Level; A. T. Willis, Williston; M. H. Tavlor, Sea Level; t G. C. Chadwiek, Straits; W. L. Shith, Smyrna. Adv. i ? gain. N. C. Jul 3 ADMINISTRATRIX'S NOTICE. Having qualified as administratrix nf Hip estate of Daniel Willis, dtceas- ed, late of Carteret County, North Carolina, this is to notify all persons having claims against the said estate to exhibit them to the undersigned at Beaufort, N. C, on or before the 5th day of June 1931, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recov ery. All persons indebted to the said estate will please make immtd iate payment. This 5th day of June, 1930. EUNICE GILLIKIN, Administratrix of the estate of Daniel Willis, deceased. 7-10 NOTICE OF LAND SALE UNDER DEED 0F TRUST Under and by virtue of the power of sale contained in ' that certain Dc?d of Trust from Elijah Piner and wife, Lillie Piner to E. W. Hill, Trus tee, bearing date of June 18, 1927, ard recorded in the office of the Reg ister of Deeds for Carteret County, North Carolina, in Book No. 35, page 276, default having been made in the payment of the indebtedness therein secured, tho legal holder of the indebtedness secured by the said Deed ot Trust having requested tne A -r n i Tmofaa r, coll Q'.u lands describtM in said Deed of Trust i as provided for in said Deed of Trust, the undersigned will, at 12 o'clock, noon, on Tuesday, July 22, 1930, at the courthiuse door in Beaufort, N. C. offer for sale and THE UCC PLAN for time buyers of CARS is available to our customers (Call or pKone for leaflet LOFTIN MOTOR CO. BEAUFORT, N. C. ! i !! ! t REPORT OF THE CONDITION OF THE Beaufort Banking & Trust Company at Beaufort, North Carolina to The Corporation Commission at the close of business on the 30th day of June 1930. RESOURCES Loans and Discounts $396,425.G9 Overdrafts 26.89 United States Bonds 500.00 North Carolina Bonds 20,500.00 County and Municipal Bonds 960.00 All Other Stocks and Bonds a 10,972.50 Banking House 28,969.22 Furniture and Fixtures 9,977.00 Cash in Vault and Amounts Due from Approved Depository Banks 90,798.67 Checks for Clearing and Transit Items 3,709.40 Cash Items (Items Held Over 24 Hours) 91.70 Other Real Estate l 7,176.27 Premium on N. C. Bonds ; 209.60 TOTAL $570,316.93 LIABILITIES Capital Stock Paid In 50,000.00 Surplus Fund 8,000.00 Undivided Profits (Net Amount.) 5,751.65 Demand Deposits Due Banks 1,343.84 Other Deposits Subject to Check 148,506.66 Deposits Due State of North Carolina and Any Official T ereof; Secured, $ 10,050.17; Unsecured, $ 10,050.17 Demand Cer ideates of Deposit (Due in Less Than 30 Days) - 18,386.99 ' ashiers Cr xks Outstanding 1,949.66 rertified CI cks Outstanding 1,530.01 Time Certifi ,-.tes of Deposit (Due on or After 30 Days) 500.00 Savings Der .sits (Due on or After 30 Days) 324,297.95 Rediscounts NONE Bills Payable NONE TOTAL $570,316.93 STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA , COUNTY OF CARTERET )ss U. E. Swann, Cashier, J. H. Potter, Sr., Director, and C. G. Gaskill, Director of the Beaufort Banking & Trust Co., Bank, each personally appeared before me this day, and, being duly sworn, each for himself, says that the foregoing report is true to the best of his knowledge and belief. (State Superintendent Public Instruction) Raleigh, July 1 "The program for the Sixth Annual North Carolina Conference on Elementary Educa tion which will be held in Chapel Hill on July 17 and 18 promises to be of greatest value to all persons who at tend the Conference," according to Dr. M. ('. S. Noble, Jr., Executive Secretary of the Conference. "The persons who will deliver talks during the Conference," according to Dr. Noble, "are persons who have con ducted outsiandin.? studies in the Meld of elementary education during the current school year. Superinten dents, supervisors, principals, and teachers should derive (jreat benefit from hearing the program speakers describe the practical manner in which they have dealt with their problems. For instance Superintendent W. H. Pitt man will describe t::e ia.-.nner in which tli" public schools ot Edge combe County have cooperated with Ciovernor (inr.iii-i 's l.ivc-at -Home Program; Sujwintemient k. V. CarvM' of Hickory wili describe the supervised study program which has been tried out successfully in the public elemental' schools of Hickory; Miss Pessie Terry will tell how the school library in the Rockingham Grammer School is used to help the child develop the habit of critical thinking; and Superintendent B. L. Smith will tell about the chnrcter education program in the Shellby public schools. According to Dr. Noble, the program for this year's Conference on Elementary Education shoulld be of greatest practical benefit to any person who works in the elementary schools because it will consist of a series of speeches in which successful North Carolina educators tell how they are solving those problems which are fundann ntal to the public elementary schoolls. ' CARD OF THANKS. We wish to express our thanks and sincere appreciation to the many friends who sympathized with us in the recent death of our beloved son and brother Dallas. We also appre ciate the many floral tributes and ev- eiytlnng that was done to our grief. Mr. and Mrs. James W. Fulcher and children. assuage Carteret county Irish potato grow ers report an average price of $4.25 a barrel for their crop this season and say they made some money. They lost heavily however with cucumbers and snap beans. ! I j H en the Home 3 Sworn to and subscribed before me this the 2nd day of July, 1930. (SEAL) Julian Hamilton Notary Public My comm. expires May 1', 1932 U. E. SWANN, Cashier J. H. Potter, Sr. Director. C. G. GASKILL, . Director, HEDS! Dlues! Tcn! Greens! ' Grays! Purples! Creams! Lavenders! Happy yellows! For furniture floors wood work the good old motor ear! Costs little with Fast-drying, flawless enamel, lacquer that"dries in no time". Varnish that even hot water can't harm. This store is head quarters for paints varnish lacquer enamels brushes I BFT. LUMBER AND MFC. CO. PHONE 66 BEAUFORT A 1