PACE SEVEN I . ' '" A Newsy Trip Around The World By Elizabeth Saunders In York, Pa., Robert W. Sayresjed his habitual nareotiea. Mm Bar foat loved the sound of ash eans on (low stuffed a goodly supply in a rub the pavement and deTeloped the hab- jber finger eot, placed it in her mouth" tt or melting tnem around tne streets) As ehe kissed a friendly nrinn kiln tan dollars. City 1350,000. The Dukt interests bettered the offer to the three towns by 180,000 and agreed to reduce the present rate 3 cents per kilowatt hour for lights and as far as possible, use the present force of employess. The town officials of Spindale ac cepted the bid of the Southern Pub lie Utilities company and it is ex pected that Forest City will also ac cept. If present plans go through each of the three towns will hold the spe cial election on the same day. It is thought that the elections will carry if those faroring it will work for it, The pastime cost la Chieago, Walter Boesse, iron worker, toppled fire stories to the ground, broke only his left foot, was content because " I had to come down to post this letter anyhow." The letter was Mrs. Boesse't which he had forgotten to mail. whom in ruse she called her broth A Minnesota town has held a lawn mowing eontest, but we doubt that such events will become popular. Persons who say they pay no at tention to little troubles probably were never infested with ehiggers. Frank Seagles of Lineoln county Carpet grass ie succeeding in pas. reports yield of over 300 bushels tures in Rowan county reports W. G. of wheat from ten aeres of land this Yeager, county agent, though this year. The grain weighed 3 rounds ' countv is thoutrht . to the measured bushel. i west for this narticular fvn r no.. The New York Times asks. "Are Poets Persecuted!" They must be. judging by the sadness of most of their stuff. My Be Lieut Cr. Americana aa4 about 3,000,000,000 er, she tongued the drugstuffed eot cucumber piekles a year, according into hie mouth A guard caught them t0 hs Department of Agriculture. A small bomb intended for the Baroness Edouard de Rothschild ex ploded in the Parie Ceatral Postofflee, injured no one. Modernistic ' painters haven t a thing on Joseph Spoonhower, of Highland, N. Y. Joseph has his barn hingled with lieense plates from all the atates of the Union. With no grass plots or other dec erative obstacles in it's 220-foot Main street in Keene, N. H. is claim ed by residents there to be the wid est in the world. For removing more than 7,000 tons of coal from under a country church eemetery near Marion, 111., the Cosgrove Meehan Coal Co., was ordered to pay the church $11,035. By smoking 144 cigareti in. li hours, George Tsanoff, of Sofia, Bul garia, asserts that he has act a new world record. A solid black in mi ttmA h. With 14.500 hidden in a tea can Jred Eshelman, in Sowix City. Iowa ister, Henry Richmond, 10, of Pail- when he "shoed" one of his black delphie was found dying of starva- aueics off it nest No more will the skirl of bagpipes be heard on the bench at iargs, Ay shyre Scotland. The town council declares the tones of the national in strument mae a horrible combination with accessary motor noises. In Hammond, Ind., John Graffart, 50, didn't like the food served him at his boarding house so he hurled bricks thru the windows of the store where the food was nurehaierf A London postoffiee emntov Imm duty called him to work at 4 o'clock in the morning, eould not awaken by an alarm clock. At last h nn bucket of water over his bed. which tipped over when the clock alarmed He married and overlooked the fact mat nis wile would not like this. The tion. A manicure set was among the be longings of a tramp arrested in New York. Awakened by a eat seratehing at his door. F. A. Pearee, of Buffalo caught a burglar in his home. A new alarm clock first sounds a solft-toned bell, and later a louder one if the sleeper does not awake and turn it off. 1 J W A Breathes there a man with soul so last chapter ended in court. He Drom-:cied' wno never to himself has said, lsed to dismiss the bucket. "I .think I'll be a candidate." If he appeared intoizeated it was because he had paced the floor the night before with a sick baby, Peter Nydam told the eourt at Worehester, Mass, when he was arraigned as a drankea driver. He was acquitted. Apple growers of Wilkes eounty report about 50 per cent of a erop in the mountain orchards but say the quality of the fruit so far i .hn me average. Pur Faihi To qneneh the fire that was con suming the wooden leg of "Peg-Leg Nell," 'a Hammond, Ind., fruit deal er's horse, the fire department used chemicals, which ate the hair off the horse's legs and back. Now Nell needs a wig, and the owner is suing the city, saying the firemen should have used water. ' ' Se many prisoners at the Wsupun State prison at Madison, Wis., have taken University extension courses that State officials; have decided the prisoners themselves must pay for the collegiate advantages of being JeUs. Tne school principal In Tomah, Wis., waited vaily for his pupils one day recently, until a townsman came with the information that the trout were biting. The principal locked up the school and joined his elasses on the river bank. ine ridge method of cultivating uiuacco is growing, in popularity all over ea&ern Carolina. Some grow ers report that the method has be come general in their communities. Our sineerest wish for a June bride-groom is that he will like his new boss. A Florida preacher has raised a chicken with, three legs. If tradi tion is to be believed tw Vij would ust suit a preacher. Believing her little stuffed dog, her favorite toy, cold, eight-year-old Jean Lowry, of Madison, Wis, crawled out of bed, turned on the gas to warm him, and died from asphyxiation. Ever since his death more than a year ago, a lamp has been kept burn ing continuously before a photograph of the late King Ferdinand in the royal palace at Bucharest, Rumania. A bite of meat which lodged in his throat caused Andrew Heflin, of Rar itan, N. J., to choke to death. In SI. Louis, Federal agents got af ter one Irving R. Gaetner, pro fres fional bill collector who, besides Bending scurrilous duns thru the mails shamed debtors by parking his car before their homes. On the car was painted jibes: "Dead Beats Advertis ed," "Bad Bills Collected" "Why Be an easy Mark?" In New York a big life insurance company has issued warning that the bath tub causes more accidents each year and recommends all - kinds of safety appliances to prevent slipping (Wonder if they recommend wearing scrubbing brushes on the feet and a pillow tied to your back? At Bellwood, Pa., Donald W .Wertz driving a loaded ice truek, hailed a stranger confidently: "I have 20 cases of beer on that truek. You can help yourself if you watch it while I take nap." The stranger Arrested sleepy Mr, Werts, for he was K. D. James local-chief of police. An Alabama lady wrote a nnt tn the sheriff telling where fifty gallons of moonshine mash mis-lit t fm,nrf A sort of masb note. Borrowers of troubU h . a;. Acuity in securing a renewal of the loan. Skyscraper elevator. designed to be double-decked, so ae to take on and let off nossene-A-a on two floors at the same time. WILL H. HIBBS PRESIDENT SOUTHERN FISHERIES ASSO. Mis. Cora Q. Lewis, veil -knows Kansas newspaper woman and writer, wbe ass seen rafted y Ike Demo cratic leaders f tier state le siake lbs race for lleatoasst-feveraer. - She U eeaceded s 'caaass se be the Bret veieaa te hold a state eflee la Kan sas. Ber wide popularity Is ecyeetel te bring her ma ay votes'. Vja2 IAllss arse a m FUES AMD N0C5UIT0ES QUICKER , decause "It Penetrates" BLACK FLAG LIQUID 3. r xi It kills ewtatsr s.ssa fc trmim. Xeateaase the Black Flag tiquM. Always leas than other veH-kacwa 1 hilare. Kaaey heck if k scsaat revs deadliest to sVea, aMsejai teas, setae, rnacaos, eats, k4 MADB T Til Uillll or Kilk fmitktr I IfiLAJCif Mw0Jt tmk bit i s x POWDBK PL AO At a recent meeting of the South ern Fisheries Association a tthe Cart ing Hotel in Jacksonville, Florida, Will H. Hibbs, former Carteret Coun ty man who was reared in Newport, was re-elected president of that or ganization. He has for many years lived in St. Petersburg, Fla., and is the president of The Hibbs Fish Com pany of that city. He is well known in this county, especially in the west ern section. Mr. Hibbs owns a large estate up on the bluffs overlooking Bogue Sound and spends his summers there. He is not only president of j ? tne association, but for many years has been an influential member of the organization and a business man of the higher order. . A double scarf ef ereee fei la wen by the model In the ptctnre. The (reck Is fashioned la green crepe and the bet la felt, trimmed with vcItci ribbon. 'l IIIIIMI M"rH"M'f4"Hl"M Dr. C. S. Maxwell GENERAL PRACTICE Office Boars It to II A. M. sad by appointmant An UnpleaiatttlSubjtei , All of the funetioas of life are, not pleasant to consider. Perhaps this is why some mothers refuse to think that such symptoms as restless sleep, loss of flesh, lack of appetite or itching boss and finwrs in their children, saa be caused by round er pia worms. Many aether have proven, however, that a few doses of White's Oreasa Tessas fugs, that sum sad haesntcss weans expeUaat, will make these srssntesai dMapnear. Yos eaa ct White's Cseass Ysssnuuga tor U santi par bottle teas JOSEPH HOUSE, raaiet 666 Rallevaa a HmmLi r Hnralfia la 39 atiautM, check a Celd the flnt day, aaal checks Malaria is three days. 666 also in Tablets 4pM"M-"r.H"H"l"H"MH RUTHERFORDTON SELLS WATER AND LIGHT PLANT i ? Rutherfordton, . June 27 ' The Southern Public Utilities company, of Charlotte, which is a branch of the Duke Power company, bought the water and light plant of Rutherford-1 X ton Thursday afternoon for $295,000 f a cnicago nrm recently bid 1210,000. , for the same plant but the Duke in- X terests bettered the bid by 1 85,000. jf The sale is made subject to the ap proval of the. votess. The town1 1 board plans to call an election soon. ! X The offer was made at a special meeting of the mayor of orest City, Spindale and Rtherf ordton, , with member of each town board in the office of the Mayor S. E. Elmore of Spindale, - , The same firm offered the town of Spindale 1205,000 and offered Forest City 1410000 for their municipal water and light plants. Sheritt and It CHsrlestown Prison, Boston, company of Chicago, recently offer- Mrs. Edith, Barlow's husband want- ca Spindale flBO.OOP and Forest AWAY ON THE Open Road--Carefree! What an unusual measure of joy comes from knowing that your car is well lubricated with superlative SHELL oil, the tank full of long-mileage SHELL gas and before you stretches the open road. We guaran tee our oils ,and gas t meet the needs of your car in a satisfactory manner. .Drire va. Now Change To SHELL And Feel The Difference! CarPs Service Station Bm'uU HickUms! Park GsNfS At Tke Tow GaU i nUufVV H. C. T4iTMTlTtMjltsMMa The Trail Of Dry Cleaning Spots and stains and hidden dirt pass into history af ter a trip to our modern cleaning plant ' , Our dry cleaning leaves behind a spotless trail and it does not matter whether it is woolen goods or your finest silks and satins. The day is past when fine garments are east aside beeause of a few easily removed spots and Btaios. Shall we call for yours today? JOHNSON-PREVOST DRY CLEANING CO. ' 1 "Happy, Snappy Service" BEAUFORT, N. C Jor floors F IXITCHEN, hollwcy, garage, base ment, porch, stairs wherever there's heavy foot-traffic around the house USE FLORHIDE ENAMEL Florhide Enamel Furnished (n ten attractive colors. Quick drying and washable. Gel Florhide and other Pittsburgh Proof Products at this store. BFT. LUMBER & MANFG. CO. THOME M 1EAW0BT,N.C LJW. w m AT (THE RUSSELL HOUSE Prof Edgar S. Weaver; who W performm, aonm of the most Mirawlou. thins. the wv of m-tari. 1. u,.v r. and bringUf to the perplexed, in this aad other sections, will be at the Ruswll to Aug. 1st Office Hour. 10 to 12-2 to 5 and by Appointment After that date Prof. Wearer can be consulted at hi. office corner Broad and Middle Streets, New Bern, N. C, after Aug 1st., or by special a ppointment Prof. Weaver, distinctly state, that in (the handl ing of all cases, the first prerequisite U to locate the cause then apply the proper Remedy. Prof. Weaver is successful in bringing result. i every case so far handled. He will tell you f ranldy whether he can help you or not He will be pleased S3u! tttbKn " eDd f hird . Weave