THE BEAUFORT NEWS THURSDAY, JULY 3, 1930 PAGE NINK PROF. EDGAR S. WEAVER (present administration have been it has been weighed in the balance neither faithfully nor efficiently con- and found wanting. 'ducted and managed; that there has' , not been any evidence of an honest i .and sincere effort to fully and prop erly safeguard the public interest, in that: the present governing authori ties of the county have wilfully and deliberately failed and refused to undertake to transfer to the State Highway Commission the road bur dens and problems of the county and Respectfully submitted, BSN F. ROYAL, W. H, BELL, C. T. CHADWICK. ANOTHER STEP IN SCHOOL DISPUTE (Continued from page one) TCWITRirdC! TVia Pnnntir Rnoril has by such failure and refusal have per- rQiij ,!,' fiif!,-.tnrv nlan mitted to remain upon the tax pay-of financing the ninth month for the ers of the county a tax burden that children of said outside districts, and through such transfer would materi-i WHEREAS, Our Board has from any nave Deen renevea ; inai it is ine veni 1 1 VAnr smfp thnt. tlmfl. f&ltn- opinion of this convention that such j. transfer of the public roads to the , rea80nable effort to take care of the!t,J:'AL ouB nignway system coum and f ninth month by mean8 of a tuition would have been affected had the charge to paTtiMy C0Ver the cost, and 'u Kveriiiii (minorities exercea Preference will be given to pro posals on the forms supplied by the City; however, alternate proposals will be considered and analyzed. The City reserves the right to re ject any or all bids, or to accept such bid as appears to be to the best interest of the City. Appraisals, operating data, forms and other information may be ob tained from the City's Engineers, the Utilities Engineering & Management Company, 917 Johnston Building, Charlotte, North Carolina. Authorized by resolution of the City Council of the City of Beaufort, North Carolina, this 1st day of July, 1930. Prof Edgar S. Weaver, who is per forming rome of the most miracu lous things in the way of restoring the lost health of sufferers and bring ing happiness to the perplexed in this and other sections was a visitor to this office. In speaking of the mind's influence over the body, Prof. Weaver, stated that this knowledge is the first step toward obtaining bodily efficiency through the mental control of bodily functions. A careful study and an alysis of the bodily mechanism is of practical importance which the mind acts in its relation with the world at large. All human achievement comes about through bodily activity. All bodily activity is caused, controll ed and directed by the mind. Nature is everywhere working out problems for your welfare through thirty dif ferent kinds of cells, each having its special function. We have muscle cells, with long, thin bodies like pea pods, who devote their lives to the business of contraction; their hair like connective tissue cells; whose of fice is to form a tough tissue for binding the parts of the body togeth er; bone cells, whose life work it is to select and assimlilate salts of lime for the upkeep of the joints and framework; hair, skin and nail cells in various shapes and sizes, all de voting themselves to the protection and ornamentation of the body; gland cellsfi which give their lives, a force of trined chemfsts to the abstraction from the blood of those substances that are needed for digestion; blood cells, liver cells, lung cells and vari ous other cells. It can be clearly seen that every human body is an exceedingly com plex association of units one and in separable. The whole body is com posed of cells, each cell is an intel ligent entity endowed with mental powers commensurate with its needs. The fact that every cell in the body is a mexed cell shows that the boddy, by the very nature of its component parts is peculiarly susceptible to men tal influence and control. An exam ination of the body reveals a central mental organism, the brain, compos ed of highly differentiated cells whose intelligence, as in the case of other cells is commensurate with their func tions It reveals also a physical me chanism the nervous" system, peculi arly adapted to communication of in telligence between the central gov erning intelligence and subordinate cells. The existance of the mind or ganism and this mechanism of inter communicative is additional evidence of control and direction of bodily ac tivities by mental energy. The brain constitutes the organ of control gov erning intelligence and the nerves are the physical means in bodily in tercommunication. Brain and nerves are in other words the physical mechanism employ d by the mind to dominate the body. Single nerve fibres are fine, thread like cells. They are so small as to be invisible to the naked eye. Some of them are so little that it would take twenty thousand laid side by eide to measure y inch. Every nerve fibre in the human bedy forms one of a series of connecting links between some central nerve cell in the brain or spinal cord on the one hand and some bodily tissue on the other. All nerves originating in the brain may be divided into two classes as they carry connects to e from the brain. Those tarrying currents to the brain are called sensory nerves, or nerves of sensation. Those car rying currents from the brain are called motor nerves or nerves of mo tion. Another broad division of nerves is into two great systems.' There are tflfe cerebro-spinal system . this system, includes all the nerves of consciousness and of voluntary a- any effort or energy to that end. It is also the sentiment of this conven tion that such transfer of roads was not made or attempted to be made for the sole and only reason that the said governing authorities of the county now are and during all the time of their incumbency have been seeking to build and have been build ing around its road force and employ ees a political machine not for the purpose of improving the roads and highways of the county, but for the purpose of smooting out political en tanglements and crushing political WHEREAS, This plan has become more and more difficult each year un til it is working an unusual hardship on our Board and causing unjust and unreasonable criticism of our Board when we have made unusual sacrific es financially and otherwise to con tinue the plan, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, That it is the purpose and desire of our Board to cooperate in any reas onable way with the County Board of Education in providing educational facilities and opportunities for the children from said outside districts. iWe feel, however, that every reas- nnnitifinn n ,1 i X-. I iL . J ' ZZL vi I onabIe thing has been done by our have been caused to suffer and do still suffer through such political ma noeuvering, and which this conven tion does now wholly and fully con demn and does call upon all public spirited citizens and all citizens in terested in safeguarding the econo mic life of the county to condemn as well. 3. (a) .The efforts of the pres ent Board of Commissioners to slan der and abuse former officials and em ployees of the former Democratic ad ministration, through procured and criminal prosecutions instituted, this convention denounces successfully the plan that has Been in operation for the past few years, but that the limit of endurance has been reached. We believe that, since the extra month is necessary for the completion of grade work in our school, the financ ing should be provided or arranged for by the County Board of Educa tion if they desire said children to continue in our school after the ex piration of the eighth month term. RESOLVED SECOND, That our chairman he authorized and instrunt- indictments.ed to notify tne County Board of Ed ucation that we shall be glad to con tinue the admittance into our school boards. RESOLVED THIRD, That in case the County Board does not contract to guarantee satisfactory financial provision for the extra month, it is for the best interest of both boards 1 22. and the children concerned, that our ! 23. .1 - trn I 1 i ! uc,,mS s euiions not lowaras of the children from said outside dis the avenging of any alleged wrongs, tricts provided the County Board will but for the purpose of reflecting up-lenter into a contract with our Board on the professional, social and olit-jto assume all resnonsibilities of nro- ical standing of the persons so accus- lviding the financiai arrangements for ed and to the end that they them-;said extra month said contract to be oci.cb ,1B,u ue .urea up oy ine pun- in writing and agreed to by both nig uuwu ui nieir political antago nists. It is the sense of this conven tion that the criminal actions refer red to were not brought in good faith, were without basis or justifi cation in fact, and were not institu ted for the purpose of serving any useful public ends. (b) This 'convention does not countenance nor condone any extrav agance or irregularities of any kind in the conduct of public affairs wheth er done or committed by this or any other administration. If there has been such on the part of the preced ing Democratic administration, and there is or qan be produced evi dence justifying any civil actions or redress, then it is the sense of this convention that such actions, wheth er presently instituted or in contem plation, should be proceeded with to the end that the public interest might be fully protected, this con vention taking the position that the public good is entitled to first consid eration over that of any political party or parties. This convention, C. T. CHADWICK, Mayor. T. M. THOMAS, JR. Clerk. CONSIDERABLE RAIN FELL DURING MONTH OF JUNE The month of June was uniformly warm and also pretty wet. The tem perature was up in the eighties al most every day, four excepted, and one day reached a high of 91. The lowest temperature registered was 61 and which occurred on three days. In some part3 of the State the 100 mark was reached during June, The rainfall for June was rather heavy, o.oa inches, but as it followed a lone drouth it was rather badly needed. ine heaviest rain was on the 9th when 3.19 inches fell. There were 17 clear days. The winds durine June were mostly southeasterly and southwesterly. The temperature fig ures given by the U. S. Weather Bu reau, are as follows: Max. 78.. 82 1. . 2 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17.' 18. 19. 20. 31. present arrangement be discontinued and that our Board must decline to admit the children from outside dis tricts. RESOLVED FOURTH, That the County Board be requested to advise our Board at once if arrangements can be made to continue said children in our school. Read and passed by the Board of Trustees of Beaufort Graded Schools in regular meeting held this the 19th day of June, 1930. U. E. SWANN, Chairman Secretary. RULING OF JUDGE M. V. BARN HILL. 1. That no person residing with out said school district has a right to attend or cause or permit any pupil 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. ...83 . 83 ...83 82 ...79 ...76 ...73 ...80 81 ...80 ...82 ...80 ...82 ...81 ...80. ...83 ...81 ... 90 87 ...89 88 87 ...91 86 -.85 86 .88 Min. 54 58 61 64 68 71 72 71 66 61 61 66 69 70 70 72 71 74 74 73 71 71 73 73 77 77 67 69 72 witness- against the "Blue Heaven" crowd, although there were four or five other witnesses who testified as to its bad character, was himself tried on the charge of an assault upon a female. He admitted that he slapped the Jordan woman down af ter having some words with her. He was fined $25 and costs. George Wheatly charged with dis orderly conduct was acquitted as there was no evidence to support the charge. Alec Becton, colored, charged with violating the prohibition law was convicted and given four months road sentence. His attorney Luther Hamilton gave notice of an appeal. A case against the same defendant charging him with stealing a Water melon was noli pressed. J. S. McDowell of New Bern charg ed with driving a car while under the influence of liquor was convict ed. He proved a good character by four or five prominent New Bern citizens and was let off with a fine of $50 and costs. He is not to drive a car in Carteret county for 90 days. Joe Willis of Morehead City, charg ed with driving a car while under the influence of liquor was convicted. Prayer for judgment was continued and defendant must not drive a car for four months. George Perry violating prohibition law. Case continued at request of defendant. Cecil Skarren, abandonment. He admitted his guilt and was ordered to pay every two weeks to the clerk for the support of his wife the sum of $10. In lieu of this he is to serve a jail sentence of 12 months. John Allen, colored, giving worth less check to Elmo Davis, convicted. Prayer for judgment continued if he makes the check good. P. M. is thm Craven County Court Houm in New Bern, concerning mat ten of vital importance to the de- Ipositort. Each depositor . i .urged to be present. Signed: GROUP OF DEPOSITORS POPULAR SEASHORE EXCURSION to NORFOLK, VIRGINIA BEACH, CAPE HENRY via NORFOLK SOUTHERN JULY 3, 1930 Five days at the seashore. Tickets honored in sleepers on payment of Pullman charges. Secure Tickets at your Agency Station or from Con ductors. Further information from Agents or J. F. DALTON, Traffic Manager, Norfolk, Va. i 4 BIG OPPORTUNITY Any church society wanting to make money will be interested in our proposition. Address Mr. Edwards, care Mrs. Garner Ann Street Inn. FOR RENT MODERN FIVE ROOM house with garage, Apply to H. G. Loftin. Jul 10. FOR RENT LARGE, COOL FUR- nished rooms, close in Mrs. H. G. Loftin. Jul 10. NOTICE. There wilt be a meeting of the de positors of the First National Bank of New Bern, Friday, July 11, at 3 I foot troubles. OLD MATTRESSES MADE NEW Don't throw them away. We make over just as good as new at a small cost. We call for and deliver. Write Jackson Mattress Co., Kinston, or call Beaufort 33. 1 t "DOC" WIL BE AT THE MORE- head City Shoe Stora July 9 for the treatment of Corns, Bunions and In grown Nails without medicine. See him there and free yourself of all NOTORIOUS HOUSE GETS A SET BACK (Continued from page 1J there and made the arrests. Alvah Hamilton, attorney for the defend ants gave nstice of an appeal. Robert Goulden who was the main Job Printing Commercial work of most all kinds done promptly and satisfactorily. We als o have nice cabinets of let ter heads and envelopes for ladies and gentlemen. Can furnish any color of ink desired. Our prices are con siderably lower as a rule than those charged in the large cities. THE BEAUFORT HEWS however, does not approve, but does or person to attend Beaufort Graded strongly condemn, the act of the present governing authorities in the expenditure of enormous sums of money from the public treasury and paying, rather indiscriminately, law yers, engineers, chemists, public ac countants, and others, without first having ascertained from information either at hand or readily available, that such contemplated legal actions could be justified. It is the sense of this convention that the public schools of the county, and other county departments, have been caus ed to suffer for lack of financial as sistant which readily could and would have been provided had not those in control of the affairs of the county been more ambitious to cast asper sions on their pdecessors i office NOTICE OF PROPOSALS ON UTIL tnan to render upcpsss ni; School, except upon the terms and conditions prescribed by said Board i of Trustees. i. That i is not only the privi lege but the duty of said Board of Trustees to regulate and control the conditions of and the attendance at said Beaufort Graded School. 3. That the Board of Education, without appropriate arrangements with said Board of Trustee has no authority to prescribe any i alation or permit or procure the attendance of any pupil at said Beaufort Grad ed School. M. V. BARNHILL, Jtdge Superior Court. relief to public institutions. Be it further resolved that this convention do fiemorialize the in coming Legislature U exert its best influence to the end that the tax bur den, now laying so heavily upon the lands of the State, be lifted, and that new sources of revenue be found to lighten the present disproportion ately heavy lojel tax. 6. Ba it further resolved by this convention, that as good democrats, we lay aside our pre-primary partian- ITIES. Notfce is hereby given that sealed proposals will be received at the of fice of the City ' Clerk until two o'clock (2:00) P. M. on July 29th, 1930, for the purchase fo Electric and Water Supply facilities now own ed and operated by the CITY OF BEAUFORT, NORTH CAROLINA. These proposals will be considered by the Board immediately thereafter, and should an acceptable proposal be received and annrnvod hv thn Rnnril ships and regardless of whether or then this acceptable proposal arid the Indianapolis Life Insurance Co. Is a growing conservative young company, It is building up a good business in the old-fash ioned way, free from question able practices. Policyholders and agents well satisfied. , Low Premiums, Annual Divi. dendb, Plain, Policies, Strict ad herence to time-tested insur ance practices, intensive work, and frank, honest treatment of Policyholders and Agents for the Company's growth and in creasing popularity. FOR AGENCY APPLY TO FRANK P. MANLY V. Pres & General Manager Indianapolis Indianapolis Life The above advertisement appeared in the 50th Anniversary numnber of The Weekly Underwriter, 20 years age I A modest declaration of a lofty am bition, the wisdom of which has been proven by tha results heres hown. INSURANCE COMPANY Meridian and Thirtieth Streets Indianapolis, lad. Growing Steadily Insurance in Force 1905 $ 325,000.00 1907 2,158,315.62 1909 3,037,135.59 1912 5,756,690.86 1915 10,231,921.21 1920 27,006,018.90 1925 54,432,038.01 1927 75,257,687.64 1928 86,027,488.39 1929 Approximate to May 1st 90,000,000.00 1930 102,000,000.00 FRANK P. MANLY, Pres. EDW. B. RAUB, Vlce-Pres & Counsel 209 Marsh St. J. A. RATCLIFFE, Beaufort. DISTRICT MANAGER not our preferences have been the party preferences, that we whole-. tion. All nerves running between heartily apd with all of our strength theb rain and the spinal cord, on the one hand and the voluntary muscles on the other. The second is the sympathetic nerve system consists of all the nerves of the unconsciousness or functional life. In conclusion ' Prof. Weaver said think now of the opportun'ty offered sufferers of learn ing the exact truth. You will have no douki, you will be greatly inspir ed with the faith that is born of know ledge. DEMOCRATS SCORE POLITICAL FOES support tne party nominee in the November election. Finally, be it resolved: that in the name of the suffering public of Car teret Pounty, and in the name of all good citizens of whatever Tank or station or political creed, this conven tion does here and now indict before the bar of public opinion of Carteret County the present Republican reg ime of the said county, holding it ac countable and responsible to the people for its betrayal of public con fidence reposed and its violation of , known bank in an linount of not public trust committed, and do calliless than $5,000.00, made payable to upon all of the electorate of Carter-! the Treasurer of the City of Beau et County on fne 4t! day of Novcm- fort without recourse, will accom- ber, next, , to sit as jurors m judg- pany each bid to apply on the pur- question of selling the Light and Waterworks utilities will be sub mitted to the voters of said city of Beaufort as soon as practicable thereafter. Each principal proposal will be on forms supplied by the City and will state the highest cash price offered for the utilities. In addition to this price, each bidder will specify in de tail the axact amount to be charged for all City services on lights and water, the form of franchise and sche dule of rates for water and light services to be effective. A certified check on some well- . (Continued from page one! a mi i. ! J. 1 ci fi vi a a trim (hit the nublic affairs or. munt uyuiv una v .vmum-aii v.. of Carteret under tuo rcgunu uuu cajr imu uuiw uiai. uui, m .i.-.j FELLOWS! The Season is here- and now they're biting ARE YOU READY? We can help ycru with your outfit Steel Rods, 7f. Length $1 up Reels, good one, only ' $1 up Bamboo Rods $1.75 up Leads Floats Spoons Sinhers- 10c Fish Line, per ball Flies, al varieties Hooks, all sizes, r Cheap Bamboo Poles Crab Nets and other Equipment Noe Hardware Company convention the County Pht"!s 84 LEADERS IN THE HARDWARE LINE Beaufort, N. C. I V

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