THE BEAUFORT NEWS THURSDAY, OCTOBFR 30, 130 Ail The Fuels Given As To Coimly Roads Neither Commissioner Wheatly Nor State High- ,t Over County Roads; County Has Repeatedly ; ne s Tried to Get State to Take The Roads and is Ready at Any Time to Turn Them Over. Wheatly Offered to Take the County's Gasj Tax Money and That is All He Ever Offered j to Do. i inu! pm :.,.- the'c: jy may IW or hereafter be entitled road int it iysfU-in as a purl of route (,o receive: 10 an! the roa I from Mansfield to the j (t.) That the remainder of al! the On4ow eountv line as a part of route roa()3 (main nod ialerais) now bein? 91 nd will maintain all the other pub! worked, kept up and maintained lie roads in the county that it will turn over Lo the Highway Commissi" -the :-ounty'.; hii-c of the pas tax mmiey, Tl.t ame-unl o this fund i.-' to be around -.; . hm more TAX PAYER. .'.:-J stint a ,i A- a result f tiie re-solution the lion i? now 1 1 1 1 1 . ; y Slate Hie,way t ornmission. (t ha hear,! g-od many fit ( h"Oin!r tni i .. niiiiii ission win he oiler. RESOLUTION by i the County will be accepted by the j State Highway Co"uni.--:on for main- j tensnce "n!y, said maintenance to be I paid for o'H of 'H ' one cent gasoline ; a to vhi..-h thv County may now the adoption j hereafter be entitled to receive; oonty roadj.,,,,) that afi?.-r paving out of the said j in the hand.- a,oiine tax such .-urn or sums a may It, U t our piiip.-se to make this 'shows that they were further er.deav- . i . .1 ' . : . .. , l. c. tov.nnvfP -i.i ,.!. tun nmr ha we wish our reau- , oiiiik w k t v ej--- io read tverv word, not only once ' but a many time? a? may seem need- Political Adv. ful to understand w hat it is all about. - ZZ Vet, we cannot tio.-:e without quot-, Veighed Only mir one or two mme u-uei.s. ,tt that Mr. K i nail, chair- j nan of the nr.-ent Hoard of Com-: Sixty Two Pounds .I' lis '' ueepl WHEKKA.v on her i'J2". H-m. member of the Slf'.tv mission, addressed S. Lee. member of lb b-i- da'e of bceern m. C. R. Wheatly. Highway Lorrt-t-tter to Mr. M. Board of Corn- It may seem funny that folks who , Beaufort, N. C. see each other almost every day in i Dear Sir: the Post Office, on the Streets in the I In Re Carteret County Aid Road Court Uous and on Sundays in the; Fund, Church should write letters to each j W' thank you for the copy of the other. Put I aui persuaded that the ; resolution dopted by your Board f writers did uot feol funny at all. j Commiaaioners. R..m.ii lutt ia Auril or earlier ! Yoora very truly, in Hay 1929 Hoa C. R. Wlvetly, State Highway Commissioner for the Second District, wiote a personal let ter to .las. W. Mason, County Attor ney. This was more or less a pri vate letter and we bare not access to it. As a consequence of this letter on May 21st 1929 the present Hoard ol th,.ir bond interest on road bonus. County Commissioners passed the fol-::The Board of Commissioners applied lowing: it to reduce its bond interest and RESOLUTION : bonds, a permanent instrument and -u ,. r.,t Pmintv has ! we think wise. Mflt'tlS completed a hard-surfr.ced road from Beaufort to Atlantic and has con structed, so far as Ocean, a hard- CHARLES ROSS, General Counsel. It aeems that this act pave the counties authority to use the Aid Fund in either one of four different ways which really reduced itsself to two different ways that is they could apply it to road upkeep or to reduce surface highway, proposed to con nect highway Xo. 10 near Mansfield with Cedar Point, and Whereas, said two roads may, it is deemed be advantageously made a part of the State Highway System; Now therefore, be is Resolved by the Board of Commissioners of Car teret County in meeting May 21st, 1929, and it is hereby resolved; 1. That the State Highway Com mission, thru the District Commission er of this Second District, be and it hereby is, requester to take over the road from Beaufort to Atlantic, mak ing same Dart of No. 10 and to take over the road from Mansfield to Ced ar Point, making same as a part of No. 24 Highway. 2. That a copy of this resolution be certified to the State Highway Commissioner and a copy to the Dis trict Commissioner of the Second District. A copy of this was mailed to Hon. C. R. Wheatly Commissioner and to State Highway Commission at Ral eigh as evidence. Raleigh, N. C, May 22nd, 1929. W. J. PHnt, Esq., Clerk. Board of Carteret County Commis sioners, Beaufort, N. C. Dear Sir: I am in receipt of yours of the 21st inst., with attached Resolutions in reference to the road from Beaufort to Atlantic etc., is hereby acknow ledged. The same will be placed in due course for Such action as the Commissioner from the Second Dis trict will recommend. Yours very truly, R. A. DOUGHTON, Chairman, State Highway Comm. I don't think any comments are necessary except to say that Mr. Wheatly did not reply. The 1929 Legislature provided for a one cent gas tax to be distributed to the counties as "road aid fund." The State Department allocated $26,640 as Carteret Countys' part and on June 3rd there was passed the following RESOLUTION Whereas, the 1929 General As sembly of'N. C. passed an act to amend Chapter C3 P. L. 1927, so as to levy an addition '! tax of one cent per gallon on gasoline and relieve the counties by aid from the State Highway Commission. Said net be ing HB 350, SB 3S5 PL 1929. Whereas, the additional revenue which shall be collected by the levy and imposition of the additional one cent per gallon on motor fuel sold, ,liut,ihnted or used in the State pro- On June 11th 1929. a petition signed by 75 citizens from the Stella section was presented. On June 13th, 1929, the following letter was sent the Hiirhwav Commission. Beaufort, N. C. June 13th, 1929. Hon. R.' A. Doughton, Chmn. State Highway Commission, Raleigh, N. C. Dear Sir: I enclose herewith a copy from the minutes of the meeting of the Board of Commissioners held Tuesday, June 11th. "The following petition signed by 75 persons was presented to the Board of Commisioners and on mo tion of S. D. Edwards seconded by Dennard Lewis, petition was fully en Horsed bv the Board: 01 missioners of Carteret County, in hi-h letter, referrinc to a Mass Meeting held hi the Coyrt-house in the Town of Beaufort, June 17, 1929. Mr. Wheatly makes tlm following statement: "At this meeting the following of fer was made, to-wit: That if the, Commi-'ioners so desired, the State Hijrhwi-y Commission would take ov er the entire road system of Carter 1 I'oiir.iy. That the road from ' I:, t.rt to Atlantic would be added t tilt- State System as an extension Jnf Route No. 10, and thus make At l ,nic the terminus of Route No. 10 End the road would be maintained ;'i'm general road fund of the Stat. i iid not from the one cent gasoline tax which the county was entitled to j l ... -ve ; that the road from Onslow County line through western Carter et County to Mansfield would be ad ded to the State system just as soon as mileage was available, which would be in 1930, and thus be made a part of Route No. 24, and when this was done the road would be maintained from the general road fund and not c reouired t maintain said main ;id lateral r o-ids ( I'eaufei L-.UIanti-' rid M.-.,ine!d Onslow county roads winded i I-.) pay any b-ilnm-e ot ;aio rasoline tux not t-.voended as afon- aid and t'.ir the m:)hm- -niy as a .iresni 1 into the treasury of Carter-' t County to be applied by th- pr-.p- or officials of said Countyto the h. i jidafion of County indebU-dne-s:. i i'l) That should the jasoline tax i dmvc mentioned prove inadequate to j maintain said main and lateral ?oads. then and in tliat event said roads shall be maintained, out of augmentations from Slate fund.:, ii the County not he required to advance any other funds to the Srate for such nruntn n"c than the gasoline tax to . ii.b Uie Ciun.ty may n,w or here after he enti'.ieo v rerviw. THKHI'FOPK missiont-i.-, intent upon doin? all he ,:uuld to obtain and lay before the public the full facts, wrote to Hon. '.'has. Kosse a lettel as evidenced: Kaleih, N. (.', July 17, l'.30. Mr C. H. Bu.-hal', Chairman, of Commissioner.-, I'auforr. N. C. ' ''ear Mr. IUi-ha!l, M v ..''-i. ii'.e from tb-. (. dice in a'. t ndam e upon Co-vt in the Western .,a-t cf Uie vtat.e h is prevented ear- 'i(-r -epiy to yours ol July J. At the time I di-cus.-ed with the ,)a.-- me- ling in Ilea u fort the ques tion of the use of COUNTY AID ROAD FUND, while nd vising the mass .neetine that any dealings had by the H-owav Commission must nec essarily be "with the. BOARD OF r0MMlSlOKI!o and not with the, mass meeting, ! did state that the,! State Highway Commission would he willing t t-'lie ovtr as a SECOND- Al:Y HIGHWAY system the entire! 'J have been in bad neaith for the pa.-t 15 yi: and for the past 8 years I h-jven't been able to do any of mv house uo-k. In fact, most of able stand T v t.l:-" b.ilii! !!. it iii sp;-cia! tile above nib-iint ( "c. Wli.-atA if t '-iiiiin -I'l.v-oojh hi KKS.i! VKIl ,,r ('.!!! r-l ii,n a, -i milieu, reeuienis be a the pi-oposali s nd'ered In the :; to Mr. I.e l !i' ;i t.:e sa : approved 'e-' Tl-l'irV aeeelr . .1 fee I 10' iee.ii ,1 e time as may he -end to by the Commissioners of . u-.-it County and the Commission ; i ' i le Slate Highway Commission. .met: Tnat it shall be fully un s.ood and agreed that any agree ments entered into shall in no wise rni!-. ae iieine' maint-t: 'oui'ty, a;;d f Ol of tile r-ei.i-,; be Dejiui tieeid. v, c vw mui.ilait) tc. com a ( d by Carter iii an investi .nr Kngineer- sei;sli-d that ! oads as well beilltt ne-V toy Aid (biad I bv the State that time I was hardly on mv fe - t. i MRS. THOMAS ESTES " gradually fell off m weight from . e. :i nciir, iy i i ;ni and are i aiiif to i'o into r su.'ii i uiure i,i is I from the one cent gasoline lax which !affect the actions now pen(img in the county would be entitled to re-; Carteret County for recovery of ac ceive; that with these two roads ad- tuaj or compensatory damages in con ded to the State system it was my nectjon with the building of the. roads opinion, and 1 am sua 01 tnai opin-, beauofrt-Atlantic, Newport - Gale's :thnt if j have not fuiiv covered the some citizens w hat v. i i i. s Ini'Tid r. e money en i Mim ha.d b- i ted and in anvver to tb in t hat, The Maintenance v, i , ive the road; would be limited !!.- amount of money allotted to "c Ci&iinty but in our opinion ttv sum was suiheient not only to main tain the roads but gradually to im prove them. Trusting that this explanation ans wers your question and assuring you in: down ;to thing be r.VT-o!.1!" just b would h Bio b. f i 1 te. i I ' ei,. My boa ; e i WOllbl li'e ,1 M,u!e trie l ion, that the remaining roads of Car teret County could be maintained for $10,000.00; that the county would be entitled to between $26,000.00 and $30,000.00 from the one cent extra gasoline tax and that all moneys al located to the county could be paid on these two roads, to-wit: the At lantic road and the Swansboro or Stella road, and with any amount re- "We the undersigned citizens Carteret County do earnestly peti- turne(j to the county from the tion that your Honorable Board re solve petition and urge that the btate Highway Commission take over as a part of the State Highway System the road leading from Highway No. 10 near Mansfield to Stella, to connect with Onslow County; and (or) to connect with Jones County as near Stella as practicable." The Board further stressed the nec essity of the Highway complying with the request of the resolution of the Board sent you May 22nd For your convenience I quote the resolution. "Whereas, Carteret County etc, (see below). Yours very truly, W. J. PLINT, Auditor. (We do not repeat the resolution as it is shown above) Hon. R. A. Doughton acknowledged receipt of this letter as evidenced. Raleigh, N. C, June 17th, 1929. W. J. Plint, Esq., Clerk Board of Commissioners, Beaufort, N. C. Dear Sir: I have yours of the 13th instant, enclosing petition with respect to TAKING OVER AS A PART OF THE State Highway System, the road leading from highway No. 10 to Stella, etc. and also THE ROAD FROM BEAUFORT TO ATLANTIC. Your resolutions will be placed be fore the State Highway Commission at its meeting on the 19th instant. Yours very truly, R. A. DOUGHTON, Chairman State Highway Comm. It seems to us that the Board of Commissioners had taken all the Steps in their power to have the State take over the roads or at least part of them and had applied the Gas Tax ! nionev in a sensible way, if not the 'particular way you or I may have Idone. But we continue It appears that early in January 000.00 or $26,000.00 not used in maintaining the roads could be ap plied to the indebtedness of the coun ty. In other words: I told the Mass Meeting, that with the Atlantic road and the Stella road maintained from State funds and not from the one cent gasoline tax due the county, my opinion was, that tne state couia maintain the balance of the system for about $10,000.00 and if this were so the county would have returned to it at the end of the year whatever difference there was, and this could be added to what could be paid from the general road fund should go a long way towards paying the coun ty's indebtedness. There is one thing I would like to make clear to you and that is: If we were to take over the roads for maintenance all this county would be required to pay towards this would be the one cent extra gasoline tax, and we would have to keep th roads up regardless of what it cost, and if this could not be paid for from the one cent gaso line tax the county could not be re quired to pay any other sum." AND WHEREAS, it is made to ap pear from the foregoing that the pro posals therein made, if made, were to a Mass Meeting unofficially, and not officially to the Commissioners of Carteret County at any regular or special meeting by them. However said proposals now having been em bodied in a letter and addressed to a member of the board of Commis sioners of said county it is assumed as a fair interpretation of the pur pose of the letter that Mr. Wheatly now desires and does, acting as a Creek and Mansfield-Ocean, and that any recovery made by reason of said actions (or otherwise) shall be and remain the exclusive funds or prop erty of Carteret County. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED: That a copy of this resolution be forthwith sent to Hon. C. R. Wheatly, State Highway Commissioner, for his acceptance and approval, a copy be sent to the State Highway Com mission, Raleigh, N. C, a copy be sent to each of the papers published in Carteret County, and a copy be spread upon the minutes of the Board of Commisioners of Carteret Coun ty, and therafter filed in the records of the County i nthe office of its Aud itor. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED: That the Hon. C. R. Wheatly, State Highway Commisioner, be and he is hereby respectfully requested to ad vise the Board of Commisioners of Carteret County of his actions in the premises, and if the same does not meet his approval to inform the said Board wherein the same departs from his proposals made to the Board through Mr. Lee. Unanimously adopted by the Board of Commissioners in special meeting assembled, this 13th day of January, 1930. C. H. BUSHALL, Aattest: Chairman. R. W. WALLACE, Clerk of Board of County Commis sioners. (SEAL) All of this was published in the Beaufort News on January 16, 1930 and we think it appeared in the More head City paper also. It is from the Beaufort News that we copy so you see it was an open affair and yet Mr. Wheatly, although asked to make re ply, kept silent and is keeping silent. What more could the Board do? On Juno 24th 1930 the Board of Commissioners sought to break this silence and wrote Mr. Wheatly as ev idenced : Beaufort, N. C. Juno 23, 1930. W. J. Plint, Auditor, Mr. All Roads To State vided for an Section 1 or sniu un, jio, Mr. M. S. Lee, a member ot tne shall bo held, used and treated by , p)(mr(j 0f Commissioners received a the Highway Commission as a Scpa-,;lL,tu,r from jIon c R Wheatly and rate and Special fund to be known jon january 13th, 1930 the Board and designated as "TIIE COUNTY pngse(j the following: AID ROAD FUND." . heJ!?!Si County Board Offers to tne L-aiieiet . Counts, Aid Road Fund the sum of $26,640. Now, therefore, be' it Resolved by the Board of Commissioners of Car teret County, in meeting June 3rd 1929 and it is hereby resolved, 1st That the State Highway Com mission be and it is hereby request ed to anply Carteret County's allo cated po.-tion from the County Aid Road Fund to "DEBT SERVICE" as provided in section 6, subsection D of ammended act. 2nd. That a copy ot tnis resolu tion be certified to the State High way ( nmmission and a copy to C. R. Wheatly, District Commissioner of the Second District. Again Mr. Wheatly made no repiy member of the State Highway Com- . ir-.. i i mission, mane m oner or proposal Carterct County, Beaufort, N. C. officially to the said Board of Com-!jn Rp. Carlcrct Count Roads missioners for such action as said;jyjy (j(V,r gir- BOlvnlultvlZ tnte; i , I P'Vinff to yours of June 24th, I AND WHEREAS, that, while, a ! will sav certain part of the above quotation is j Th ' ' . (mui ,llii;n,,,.st,, a bit vague and of meaning uiicfr-inff on the pnrt of tho Bofm, f C()m. , tain, neve, uiviess u,e. lair ..iceuu- , . . f)f Cartl,rct Counlv in a munis uienu, ium.ik u,e ,,ic bove captioned matter, as m roe vvuuie, aie iiuuiiis. (a) That the State Highway ijjr uommision, u ine v,omnnssioners oi (From the Beaufort NeWs) If State Highway Commitiion Ac cept! The Proportion of Board or County Commiionera AH County Road Will be Under State Con trol; Two Piece of Road Are to be Pr of State System. The Board of County Commission ers had a recessed meeting Monday morning, as was stated in this news- , . 1. i? 4-U niivnno. ff ! paper last ween, ioi ure i"'i considering the matter oi lurnuiK vis county roads over to the State High way Commission. the meeting was quite short. A re.nlnt.ion which had been prepared "ft"-. - -; . in advance was read to tne noaru ana but tne state u. discussion it was ap did as evidenced. i , - , fQ(, Tll rpsfli. Mr w'fp'liS C- JUne 5 TuTl. pHntid bdow. The AuditrCarterCounty, P-Pose. of it is that if the State will Carteret County so desire, will accept, take over and make the Beaufort- At lantic County highway a part of the State System of Highways as an ex tension of Route No. 10 with Atlan tic the terminus of said route; and maintain the same out of State funds, and not out of the one cent gasoline tax, or any part thereof, to which the County may now or hereafter be en titled to receive: (b) That in the year 1930, cur rent year, when further mileage is made available, the State Highway Commission will accept, take over and make the Mansfield road to the Ons low County line, either by the way of Swansboro or Stella, a part of the State system of Highways as an ad dition to or a part of Route No. 2-1, and when same shall have been made a part of the State system as afore said to maintain the same out of ! State funds, and not out of the one cent gasoline tax to which the Coun- liles do not disclose any offer made by me to e. On the 27th day of December 1929 I addressed a letter to him giving such information as I had. The let ter is self explanatory and needs no comment from me at this time. Generally in this District these matters are handled by the Legal De- lnquiry, it was through no desire to dodge responsibility .for anything I said and I will be glad to have any omission called to my attention. Yours very truly, CHAS. ROSS, General Counsel State Highway Comm. The Board substantially accepted this offer and no comments other than we have made are needed. There was some other correspon dence as evidenced. Beaufort, N. C. July 25, 1930 Hon. C. R. Wheatly, Commissioner Second District, N. C. Highway Commission, Beaufort, N. C. Dear Sir: Your letter under date of July 24th received this morning and it is noted that date of meeting of High way Commission has been changed to Wednesday, August 6th. Please accept my thanks for this information. You are informed that one of the matters which we wish to take up with the Commission as the August meeting has reference to the transfer of the Beaufort-Atlantic Road to the State as a part of Route No. 10 with Atlantic as the terminus of said route. If this is a matter that you have authority as CommUsioner to dispose of without recourse to the Commis sion as a body. I will be glad to take the matter up with you person ally at any time which you may sug gest, either in your office, in my of fice or at a mass meeting of the Board of Commissioners of Carteret County in the court-house next Mon day, July 26th at 2 o'clock P. M. "This is a matter of such impor tance to the taxpayers of Carteret County that, in my opinion, it should and does paramount all other consid erations and I hope you will use your every influence to aid the coun ty in this matter. Very truly yours, C. H. BUSHALL, Chairman Board Commisioners, Carteret County. What did Mr. Wheatly Say? Beaufort. N. C, July 2fith, 1930. Hon. Chas. II. Bushall, t hairman, ard of Commissioners, Carteret County, Beauofit, N. C My dear Sir: Your letter of the 25th inst. receiv ed. Due to the lack of mileage allocat ed to the District, I do not see how we can take over and add any addi tional mileage to the State System just at this time. It may be that a bout the first of the year this mat- . . . .. i ii :l ter can be considered and u me m- and was 1 had no 1 did eat e,i de'ii ; then I : , it with grip . of mv .-loiiunh, d in the small of t would get .so so last at , en me. I woubl mf.therinir spells ana ,0 1 1, gasn for b h. rcubilinn was bad. 1 would v at limes, and again great sweat would stand out over u-'d, and 1 would get blind and dizzy too. "Yes, 1 suffered from chronic con stipation for years and also had a inactive liver. Otten times I had bilious attacks i Jrt-1,Ur ill the past five years I don't believe I had a single night oi goou iwvi sleep. My nervous system was sure ly a wreck. I couldn't stand for strangers or even my neighbors to come into my house. Nothing m the way of medicines or treatments ever did me any good, in iact, my dition was so bad none oi my u8u- i eve t v i , ! b. 'My cl i.euds i mv loi which During bors thought I would ever get well. "Finally I decided to try Sargon. 1 ve taken 15 bottles of Sargon and about 7 bottles of the Pills. Well, it just ij i;r-o o mimcle in mv case. I avteu lirvt u ...... , actually gained 63 pounds in weight. As I said before, I only weighed 62 pounds when I started on it and now I weigh 125 pounds and ieei just. n a woman made all over again. I have regained all my strength and energy and am doing all my nouse work. I can hardly wait from one meal to another. "The Sargon Pills have cured me of bilious attacks and constipation. They are so wonderful I now feel like I would like to tell the world about Sargon and the Pills. My friends and neighbors are all talking about my wonderful recovery and i will praise Sargon as long as l live, I believe it has saved my life." The above remarkable statement was made recently by Mrs. Thomas Estes, 68 Georgia Ave., Atlanta, Ga. F. R. BELL, DruggUt, Agent Yellow corn, ranking high in nu tritive qualities, yielded equally as well as the white varieties grown in tests with ten varities 'in Caswell county this summer. Avery onion growers shipped 5,000 pounds of high grade white onions carefully graded and packed in 100 pound bags to outside markets as the beginning of a new crop industry in the county this season. partment of the County, however ! pa,p is available at that time I will be glad to ask that either tne roao from Mansfield to the Onslow County line or the road to Atlantic be taken LWpAIRING A. this is not a rule and following the same rule as I followed in the Dis trict the road matters in this county were taken up with Mr. Mason, the over as a part of the State's system County Attorney and with no indi-1 Assuring you that I am sorry to be vidual member of the Board and the ! unable to consider the matter at this letter to Mr. Lee was in answer to ! time and with best wishes, I am, his letter asking what had been done Yours truly, in the matter. C. R. WHEATLY. At this time I can not say when j Without comments except to ask the balance due the county on itsitv,.,t ,mn vond carefully and note loan can be paid. ! dates. Mileage is usually allocated j "With best wishes, I am. : ,m juy 0r August and not January. : "Yours very truly, i our fir;it article showed that the "C. R. WHEATLY. present Board of Commissioners have This letter is an answer that does-ppt their promises. This article I n't answer. And Painting done by Alex Lewis and Ivy Eu banks have that fine fac tory appearance when finished. Let them do your work they guar antee satisfaction. ' SERVICE GARAGE On Craven Street near Post Office

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