THE BEAUFORT NEWS THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 27, 1930 PAGE SEVEN A Newsy Trip Around The World By Elizabeth Saunders Portugal, Experts indentified the "crock" as an urn dating from the Roman occupation. Some of the coins bear the effigy of Augustus Caesar. Beset by 100 townsmen in Tepic,, Mexico, when he ordered them to sur rended their arms, Commandant Nich olas Bernal staged a one-man battle (lasting 29 hours last week, wounded 30 of his assailants was killed by a bomb. down six steps in his home, died. At Olmutz, Czecholovakia, as Leo pold Grund stood at the altar wait ing to be married, he went mad with hydrophobia from a dog bite weeks before. Forty-five years ago, three couples were married at a triple wedding at St. George, Utah. The other day this same sextet Mr. and Mrs. C. K. Jensen, Mr. and Mrs. D. A. Low ry and Mr. and Mrs. N. Crawford ill alive and well, celebrated their wedding anniversaries. thought was a woman being abducted was only a department store window dummy. In Canton. 111., Lonnie Foote, 2, liked to play with little pigs, crawled thru a fence into a field where twelve The latest British royal birth is said to have cost the Duke and Duch ess of York, $40,000. Gee, can you blame the Prince of Wales for stay ing single! Twenty-three Jersey cows owned by R. L. Shuford of Catawba County made the highest record of any herd in the fifty pound butter fat produc tion class for the month of August according to figures just released by the American Jersey Cattle Club. POTPOURRI When John Martin and Daniel Sni der, aged men of Warkworth, Canada, ', were found missing for several days it was thought they were lost. They were found in a room of a vacant house playing checkers. A series of ! chalk marks on the wall recorded the Down between Murphy, N. C. and Gaines ville, Ga., is Neel Gap, Ga., one of the most beautiful and scenic spots of the Blue R dge Mountains. Attached to a tree at the gap is the following notice: This is God's Country Don't let Forest Fires Make it Look Like Hell. At Cleveland, George Stevens, 35, At Dover, N. H. Maurice Tuttle re turned empty-handed from hunting partridge, found his wife had killed in jail for killing hb wife, was refus- ana eooKea a wounueu u. hi appealed on the "au "uuu "c - . L tT.' sows and their litters were Kepi, nis ; number of games they had played. body was louna, arms severeu, tai- tially devoured. A year of church attendance or a term in jail were the alternatives pre sented to Frank Sipes, youth of New Hope, Va., convicted of petty larceny. Sipes took the church sentence. A hairpin driven through the skull into her brain when she fell from a chair while hanging curtains, caused the death of Mrs. John Kunz, 46 of Mellen, Wis. A memorial service at the Milan, Tennessee High School in memory of Mrs. John Loving and three others listed as the "honored dead of the class of 1899" was spoiled when Mrs. Loving learned of the service and at tended in person. ed a parole when grounds that it was his first i mrder. Women are not allowed to swim in St. George's swimming pool in London, England, unless they wear a swimming cap. At Salem, N. J. William McCaus land, paymaster i f Salem Glass Works, saved the company's $5,000 payroll when three thugs shot him, at ttempted to wrest the money- pouch away, he fell, rolled upon it. Work men found him dead. The first $5 note issued by the United States Treasury is owned by A. D. Millhouse of Murphysboro, 111. whose father obtained it in 1852. The much stained and frayed bill bears the date of March 10, 1862. They never get tco old for love! In Yorkshire, Englanc, the Rev. Thos. Francis Hammond has married for the fourth time at the age of 85. They tell this one on the woman in New York City who became angry with a traffic cop while she was driv ing her Austin, so she stuck out her tongue and wiped off her windshield at the same time. In Chicago, police stopped a sus picious looking automobile after a long chase found that what they For a month Lee Washington's horse lived at the bottom ofa 16 foot cistern on a ranch near Stevens ville. Mont., and appeared little the wnrsp for his experience when dis covered and freed. Believe it or not, but Don White Jr., of Yuma, Ariz., cut tour teetn and was in need of a hair cut when onlv one week old. The baby is grow ing rapidly. In Newark, N. J. John E. Galla gher, 62, veteran steeplejack, fell The Philippines The Philippines, farthest away possession of the United States, contain 7,083 Islands, over two thousand of which have names. Their total area is about the size of Arizona and the total population exceeds ten million. Civilization and sanitation which followed American acquisition have been paying Increasingly large dlvldenda In recent years through commercial enterprises and interchange of trade. Q. 1030. Newspaper Union ! Farmer George Bryant of Shelby ville, Ky., saw his hunting dog run under a culvert, heard it bark loudly. Following ho found five steel safe de nnaif Jinxes containing $3,200 in bonds, stolen last month from a bank at Leipsic, Ind. A crock containing gold coins was dug up by a farm laborer at Aguas, your Life Insurance Program Your policy in this Company testifies to your belief in life in surance. May we suggest that you consider whether your life insurance Program has kept pace with your insurance needs and your savings plans. You may desire to add to your Program for one, or more, ol the following purposes. To accumulate for your own independence. To provide continuance of your .alary for a definite period. To guarantee fundi for education of your children. To protect your mother or father. To assure a life income to wife or child. To cancel the mortgage on your home. To provide annuitiei for lelf or others. To enable you to acquire the interests of a decea.ed partner. To leave a beque.t to de.erving employee, of your favorite ChLifeT'insurance is the only plan that will guarantee funds for you if you live, and if you die will pay to your dependents what you would have accumulated ha you lived. In November each year special attention is given old policy holders. Our field men are requested to call to give any policy information c advice needed and further enlist their coopera tion for the general good of the Company. FROM BEETS INSURANCE REPORTS, 1930 This Company is mutual, and is controlled by its policyholders From the inception of the Company its methods of managemen have at all tinus merited commendation. The Company has had a moderate, steady growth. Policyholders' surplus ,s sufucient for all contingencies, and the reserve basis is very strong, hx penses are low. The mortality rate is very favorable. It, in vestments are of good quality, consist mainly of mortgage loans, and yield a most excellent return. The policy contracts are on standard forms. The Company pays claims promptly. The div idends paid policyholders render the net cost of insurance very low Our general policyholders' rating of this Company is ex cellent. J. A. RATCLIFFE, Agent. BEAUFORT, N. C. WILL YOU RECOMMEND A POLICY TO(A FRIEND OR . RELATIVE? For details, inquire of or Home office. OTHER PROBLEM! , By MRS. DOROTHY COFFEEH -f- ' Raiev Day Helps WHEN a r liny day descends upon us and there are sr nil children in the house who cannot zo to school and who still cry, "Mother, what shall we do now?" what would we not give for some fascinating "treasure chests" to which we could turn in these help lefs moments. Well, we may have them and they may be very helpful to the children at the same time. The treasure chests need cost us nothing and they may he Inexhaustible. Save a wooden grocery box or any other one of substantial qualities. Drop Into It from time to' time things like clean milk bottle tops, long dull nails, empty spools, bits of bright-colored cloth, pieces of string, tinfoil, eas ily handled card-hoard boxes, smooth blocks of wood, pieces of wire or, In a word, any kind of harmless material that corhes our way. Enlist the chil dren's efforts in saving these things for the treasure chest and then when a rainy day comes around open the cover and give the children the priv ilege of using the material Inside In any way they want to. They will find enough to do with it to last inera many hours. Another sort of treasure bos for very little children may be kept, con taining odd hits of paper of different colors and sizes, pieces of string of different lengths, buttons too large to he swallowed and of varying sizes. These things may be sorted according to their colors and characteristics and the sorting process will go on over and over again with perfect fascination. Perhaps the greatest of all treasure chests for children Is the one formed from mother nature's own lap which Is filled with all kinds of usable and fascinating material. To mention a few only: horse chestnuts, reeds, seeds of the larger variety, pods, shells, (heavy ones for matching and build ing, thin ones for piercing and stringing) acorns and their cups, bur dock burrs for older children, potatoes with toothpicks, pine cones, and count less more which the children will de light to collect for the chest. Paints, paper, scissors, paste and crayons for supplementary material with any of our chests and a firm resolve to let the children alone In executing the play to result, and we have built up for ourselves a never-ending source of creative, constructive play that will not only give the children aid In their development but ourselves many hours of saved energy and distress In finding them occupation. ((El. 19S0. Western NPWsrmper Union 1 Dr. E. F. Menius Eyesight Specialist with Sam K. Eaton Co. T NEW BERN, N. C. t ? i Farmers in Avery County shipped EXPERT RADIO REPAIR SERVICE Full Line Accesories Phone 122-J E. D. DOYLE Duncan Bldg. Beaufort, N. C. 5,000 pounds of onions last week and have received additional orders total ing 5,000 pounds for shipment next week. In Brooklyn Frank Kinjerski and Raymond Warjerski drank from 3 a. m. to 8:30 a. m. started duelling with axes, split each others skulls. D.W. Morton Notary Public Insurance With M. Le.lle D.vU BEAUFORT, N. C. frfrMfrfrfrfr-MWH-W! FOR 2 Ambulance Service Day or Night 'Phone 216 or 11 6-W GEO. W. DILL Funeral Director Since 1900 ! MOREHEAD CITY, N. C. Getting Up Nights If Getting Up Nights, Backache, frequent day c.".!ls, Leg Pains, Nerv ousness, or Burning, due to function al Bladder Irritation, in acid condi tions, makes you feel tired, depressed and discouraged, try the Cystex Test. Works fast, starts circulating thru the system in 15 minutes. Praised by thousands for rapid and positive ac tion. Don't give up. Try Cystex (pro nounced Siss-tex) toduy, under the Iron-Clnd Guarantee. Must quickly allay these conditions, improve rest ful sleep and energy, or money back. Only 60c at F. R. BELL, Druggist, Agent Wife, Gas, Scare Man In Dead of Night "Overcome by stomach gas in the dead of night, I scared my husband badly. He got Adlerika and it ended the gas." Mrs. M. Owen. Adlerika relieves stomach gas in TEN minutes! Acts on BOTH upper and lower bowel, removing old pois onous waste you never knew was there. Don't fool with medicine which cleans only PART of bowels, but let Adlerika give stomach and bowels a REAL cleaning and get rid of all gas! F. R. BELL, Druggist, Agent Dr. H. M. Hendrix DENTIST Office Hour 9 to 12 A. M. 1:30 to 5 P. M Office Potter Build'-ag Over the poitoffiee"?-frMHM AMBULANCE SERVICE Call Phone No. 3 BELL & HILL Funeral Directors & Em- f X balmers t MOREHEAD CITY 666 is a doctor's Prescription for COLDS and HEADACHES It is the most speedy remedy known. 666 also in Tablets Dr. F. E. Hyde GENERAL PRACTICE Office over Betts Bakery Office Hours , 10 A. M. to 12 M. 3 to 5 P. AC. and by Appointment Office Phone 140 Res. 26-L Little Girl, 10, Eats So Much Mother Amazed "My 10-year-old daughter had no appetite. Then we gave her Vinol, and now she eats so much we are a mazed." Mrs. W. Joosten. Vinol supplies the body important minpml olements of iron, calcium with cod liver peptone. This is just what thin, nervous children or adults need, and the QUICK results are sur prising. The very FIRST bottle brings sound sleep and a BIG appetite. Vin ol tastes delicious. F. R. BELL, Druggist. f..Mfr frfrfr-fr-MiHt Dr. W. S. Chadwick T Medicine & Surgery X Office Hours! X 9 to 12M 3 to 5 P. M. jj and by Appointment Office in Hill Building opposite X Post Office t Office Phone 83-J Res. 41-L " C. H. BUSHALL Fire, Health, Accident, Automobile Insurance Real Estate Bought Sold Rented Will Write Your Bond RELIABLE COMPANIES, GOOD SERVICE Duncan Bid. Beaufort, N. C. Phone 32 Passenger Schedules Effective July, 27, 1930 Beaufort, N. C. 8!fi0 AM. Goldsboro, Norfolk and intermediate points. Parlor ca7 from New Bern. 3:15 PM. Sleeper New Bern to Norfolk, Va., and Washington, D. C. For reservations etc. call on SETH GIBBS, Agent, Beaufort. N. C. Lv. Lv. Throw It Away? No! Take it to Barbour Bros., Machine Shop and have it welded the acetylene way. No matter what it is, they can fix it. Or if any kind of machinery gets out of fix, they can put in in running order in just a short while. TRY THEM ! BARBOUR BROS. MACHINE SHOP FRONT ST. BEAUFORT, N. C. BUS SCHEDULE Carteret Transit Co. Leave Morehead City for Atlantic ana points east 11:00 AM. Leave Beaufort for Atlantic and points east 11:30 AM. Leave Allantic for Beaufort and Morehead City 1:15 PM. Leave Beaufort for Moreheaa City 10:50 AM. 2:45 PM. Leave Morehead City for Beaufort 11:00 AM. 3:00 PM. CALL S7-L DAY OR NIGHT FOR SPECIAL TRIPS Bank Examiners This bank is operated under authori ty of the State of North Carolina. State bank examiners are sent at least once each year without notice to us to check over our business. On November 12th and 13th two ex pert examiners made a thorough examina tion of our bank and seemingly were satis fied as no changes in management were suggested to us. Keep your money with us and help us to help the community by lending to those who need help and who have good sound security. Beaufort Banking & Trust Company Courteous Liberal Strong X