THE BEAUFORT NEWS THURSDAY, JANUARY 1, 1931. PAGE THREE WANT ADS THE COST IS SMALL USE !nfcM FOR RESULTS RATE: One cent per word, Initial, Letter, Figure. All want ada paid in advance. No want ad taken for less than 25c. Hail tbm in. Display A4 Rates on Request Telephone No. 16. REAL ESTATE IF INTERESTED in town lota or country property ad dress The Carteret Realty & Insur ance Co., D. W. Morton, secretary, Beaufort, N. C. t i FOR RENT AT MILL, 3 FIVE room houses, light, ' heat and water. Fine condition. 1 six room house, light heat and water. Fine condition. Beaufort Lumber & Manfg. Co., Phone 66. i NOTICE PAY YOUR CITY TAXES in September at a discount of two per cent, or one per cent in October. T. M. Thomas, Jr., City Clerk. t f FOR SALE FORDSON TRACTOR and Harrow, fair condition for $225. Easy-payment plan. Loftin Motor Co. FOR RENT MODERN SIX ROOM House good condition. H. G. Loftin. tf. FOR SALE CHEAP REPOSSESS- ed 1930 Tudor Sedan. Apply Loftin Motor Company. t f USED TIRES FOR SALE MANY miles of unused service. Loftin Mo tor Company. t FOR SALE SHELLED CORN IN bags, 95c Bushel. Loftin Motor Co. Beaufort, N. C. t f ADMINISTRATRIX'S NOTICE Having qualified as administratrix C. T. A., of the estate of Elizabeth B. Lindsay, deceased, late of Carteret County, North Carolina, this is to no tify all persons having claims against the estate of said deceased to exhib it them to the undersigned at Beau fort, N. C, on or before the lOday of December, 1931, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons indebted to said estate will please make immediate payment. This 10th day of December, 1930. MAMIE L. HILL, Administratrix C. T. A. E. W. Hill, Atty. 1 16 31 SALE OF LANDS Under order of the Superior Court of Carteret County, in proceedings entitled "W. L. Stancil, trustee for Isabella Midyette, etc," undersigned trustee, will, on Wednesday, the 7th, day of January, 1931, at 12 o'clock, noon, at the court-house door in the town of Beaufort, N. C, offer for sale, and sell to the highest bidder for cash (or upon terms bid at the sale and approved by the Court), the following described lands: Part lots 23 and 24 Old Town, Beaufort, N. C; being 81 feet on Front street and 290 feet in depth; beginning at Gibbs' (Sabiston) corn er on Front street, running with Front street westwardly 81 feet, thence northwardly parallel with Orange St., and Thomas line 290 feet to Midyette line, thence eastwardly parallel Front street and with Mid yette line 81 feet to Gibbs (Sabiston) line, thence southwardly with Gibbs line to beginning. Sale subject to court's confirmation. W. L. STANCIL, Trustee for Isabella Midyette. 1 1 1931 ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE Having qualified as administrator of the estate of Rowland Lane Davis deceased, late of the County of Car teret, State of North Carolina. This is to notify all persons having claims against the estate of the said deceased to exhibit them to the undersigned at Beaufort, N. C, on or before the 12th., day of December, 1931, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons indebted to said estate will please make immediate payment. This 12th day of December, 1930. W. L, HATSELL, JR., . teem ? iff JUST LIKE TdAT Administrator of the estate of Row land L. Davis, deceased. 6t Jan 22 NOTICE. Under that certain deed of tust dated July 1st., 1928 recorded in Book 69, pages 1 to 15, Register of Deeds Office, Carteret County, North Carolina, and by authority and di rection of order dated Dec. 12, 1930, of the United States District Court, Eastern District of North Carolina, undersigned will, on Friday, January 16th, 1931, 12 o'clock noon at the court house door in Beaufort, North Carolina, offer for sale and sell, for cash, (subject to the court's confirma tion), and subject to any existing en cumbrances, save the recited deed of trust, the following described prop erties: 1. 200 acres, near Wildwood, known as D, Oglesby tract (owned by F. L. Bell in 1922) ; Book 57 page 22. 2. 20 acres, near Bogue, N. C, adjoining D. A. Taylor and Weeks and G. G. Taylor; Book 55, page 289. 8. 125 acres, White Oak, near Pelletier, adjoining Mack Morris; (formerly Mary Smith's) ; Book 6, page 239: 4. 52 acres, Morehead Township, about 1 1-2 miles from Newport, on Railroad, being tracts 8 & 9 T. S. Smith estate where J. Stephen Smith resides. 5. 100 acres, on Adams Creek, near Merrimon known as "Elijah Reel jfarm; adjoining Fannie Morris and 'others Book 65, page 149; 6. One-half interest in 57 acres, near Straits postofflce, known as "Salt Air;" Book NN, page 585; 7. Three (3) acres, about 5 miles west of Newport, near hardsurface road, adjoining S. J. Garner Book 21, page 478: 8. About 600 acres "J. Nelson Smith farm." Beaufort Townshin: Formerly "J. Harry Davis tract;" Look 55 page 422; 9. 67 acres, about half mile from North Harlowe, adjoining N. J. Con . .... ners, Alice Copeland, J. W. Willis; 10. 125 acres, on North side of Newport River, on Laurel Branch, Shoe Branch adjoining Capt. Ogles by, and known as "Oglesby land" (formerly owned by CH and AB Stocks). 11. 95 3-4 acres, known as "D. J. Ward farm," in Morehead Township, , iSr-' cneI)ara sl T. D. Temple of Scotland Neck S ?V 3' Page 196 1 nearimade n average net profit of $15 a maiiaiiciu utatiufi yove Auorse tract Book 60, page 3) ; This December 15th, 1930. Jos. B. Cheshire, Jr., Julius F. Duncan, Receivers EH & JA Meadows, Co. 1-8-31 NOTICE OF SALE OF TATE. REAL ES- Under and by virtue of power and authority contained in that certain Mortgage Deed, dated October 1st., 1926, and recorded in Book No. 50, page 537, Carteret County Registry, and executed by G. D. Dail, Trustee, to B. A. Bell, of Beaufort, N. C, Car teret County default having been made in the payment of the indebt edness secured thereby, whereby the entire amount of the balance became due and payable and demand having been made by the holder of said note upon the mortgagor for the payment of same and that said mortgagor has defaulted in the payment of said bal ance due. Notice is hereby eiven that the undersigned mortgagee will i on the 1st., rfav nf Fphrnor,, 1091 at 12 o'clock M., at the Court-house I door at Beaufort, N. C, offer for sale and will sell at public auction to the highest bidder for cash the fol lowing described real estate set out in said mortgage to-wit: Lying and being in the County of Carteret and State of North Caroli na adjoining the lands of Beaufort Heights Company and others, bound ed and described as follows: Begin ning on the North line of Front St., and running Northwardly with East ! Une of Hill Street. One Hundred nnd rifty (150) feet to a stake, thence Eastwardly parallel line with Front Street Fiftv fTiOl foot n thence Southwardly One Hundred and Fifty (150) feet to front Street and with said Street Westwardly Fif ty (50) feet to the beginning, being iot. io MX (b) in the plan of lots adjoining the Town of Beaufort, known as "Ocean View" this being the same land conveyed to B. A. Bell, by Allen Taylor and wife, said deed being recorded in Book 36, page 332, Records of Carteret County, N. C. This 31st day of December, 1930. R. A. RtfT.T. B. A. BELL, Mortgagee. Terms of sale: Cash. Place of sale Court House door, Beau fort, N. C. Time of sale: February 1, 1930. Jan. 22 v TR. J. V. S. MATHERS, M.D, Ph.G., tells of amazing re sults produced fcy aron in over ten thousand mm ' '.. .. i-- r.WV ' A, "As an offiicial investigator for the Sargon Laboratories, I have person ally seen Sargon at work in many thousands of cases in different parts of this country. I have seen it win victory after victory over stubborn ailments of long standing that had ap parently defied all other medicines and treatments. "Based on recent discoveries by Medical Science, Sargon is accom plishing its remarkable results by methods undreamed of only a few years ago and may well be consider ed one of the great outstanding health giving remedies of the age." Sold by F. R. Bell, Druggist Several thousand pounds of vetch ijr crops in the peach orchards of Moore County thjs fa as the regult , v........... e u. j.u: I UA ucttci ii;ea iui jjeauuea una sum mer. Stokes County tobacco growers con tinue to be greatly interested in the formation of a cooperative tobacco marketing association and recent meetings called by County Agent J. E. Trevathan are being well attend ed. head from 22 baby beeves of the Hereford breed which he raised and fattened on his home farm and sold in Baltimore recently. HERE AND THERE . I At Fort Wayne, Ind., Mrs. Doro thy Johnson was told that her four-year-old son had fallen into a cistern. She dived in. Neighbors rescued her, took her home to find her son there safe and sound. In New Orleans, La., fifty doctors witnessed a remarkable operation when Dr. D. L. Watson, removed from the stomach of Dorothy Wahl, 19, of Key West, Fla., a piece of glass two and one-half inches long which has been in her body for 11 years. In Madrid, Miguel Suero went a round catching cats and hanging them to trees. Arrested, he told police his son was ill ; he was sacrificing the cats to save his life. In Duluth, Minn., pocket booklets of matches used for advertising pur- alB uemg suppiantea Dy noRet D.00.ets .ot "pstick, which are iden- ucai in size ana iorm. Abe Blackwell, farmer of Walnut Bridge, Ark., recently raised two pumpkins weighing 104 and 86 lbs. One is 32 inches long. How many pies can he get from them? Experiments carried out in a to-,' bacco institute of research at Forck-i heim, Germany, are reported to dem on.strate tnat tobacco free from nic- iuu"e can De grown. At the age of 117. Bernardino d Loa Santos is dead in Montevideo, iUruguay - His daughter, 80 years 0Id ,s stl11 hvin' After one or her hens was struck by a motor car, Mrs. Edward Meier. iof Helvetiat Ore., took 50 stitphes in the fowl to save ita life. The hen rasnt even stopped laying. I . . ' j ' A minister in England says that he j j .aa rePeated the same sermon 1,800 I jtimes. Some fellow up and says Ifnat ne better be careful cause i inis congregation mterhr. fool him snmo Sunday by not going to sleep. j A few hours after he escaped from police taking him to a reform school at Hugo, Colo., Lewis Demmintou, 20, applied at the institution for ad- AU. mission. He explained that ti was too cold to remain outside. In St. Louis, Edward Fila went to a fancy dress party in raffia skirt as a hula maiden. In striking a match, he set fire to his skirt and was badly burned. ' Women who' smoke cigauts are immodest, but pipes are O.K., says Mrs. Belle Ryans, of Savannah, Ga., 119 years old. Almost all of her life she has been using tobacco, having smoked a pipe for 108 years. As the result of eating soup into which a poisonous lizard had fallen while it was cooking, 30 students Missionary School at Erode, India, are dead. The skeleton of an Indian buried where he fell in battle with a flint tipped arrow in his back was exca vated near Spring Grove, Minn., by two Luther College, Iowa students last week. Because her husband would not al low her to play or sing, and said her laughing made him nervous, Mrs. Leo Lofstead, of East McKeesport, Pa., has filed suit for divorce. A log said by geologists to be 50, 000 years old, has been uncovered near Dayton, Iowa. It was found by well drillers 116 feet below the ground. In Albany, N. Y., James Mason as saulted James Gilmore, pilfered from him ten cents. James Mason was sent to prison to serve from seven and one-half to 15 years. TO COVER STATE WITH FARM MESSAGE (F. H. Jeter) A progrma of farm meetings for the purpose of carrying facts about the agricultural outlook and the need of food and feed-stuffs production in North Carolina next season has been arranged by the agricultural exten sion service of State College to cov er every county in North Carolina dur ing January and February. Five teams of extension specialists will go to work during the week be ginning January 5 and starting in the coastal counties will work gradually westward towards the Tennessee line. Five meetings a day will be held. In these meetings, the speakers will pre sent facts about the present produc tion of food and feed supplies, will show how far the county is from be ing self-supporting, and will outline the program embodied in the adopted slogan, "Farm to Make a Living in 1931." Dean I. O. Schaub says the cam paign will be in charge of the dis trict agents in their respective groups of counties. The local home and farm agents will arrange the meetings and give them local notice. LeaHino- Wow I farmers, bankers and business men of all kinds will be invited. There will be no guess work in the facts to be given, says Mr. Schaub. Already the economists are working out the need of a family or a live stock unit for feed and food for one year. The home demonstration peo ple are also at work on facts about more complete diets which may be prepared from foodstuffs produced at home. Mr. Schaub snys it is not enough next y;ar to reduce the acreage to cotton and tobacco. The crops that may be raised in place of these two must receive attention. The need of D.W.Morton Notary Public. Insurance With M. Leslie Daris BEAUFORT, N. C. ! Dr. E. F. Menius ! Eyesight Specialist with Sam K. Eaton Co. NEW BERN, H. C. ;..;..X..HT'Hm"X-4"H"H- C. H. BUSHALL Fire Health, Accident, Automobile Insurance Real Estate Bought Sold Rented Will Write Your Bond RELIABLE COMPANIES, GOOD SERVICE Duncan Bide. Beaufort, N. C 'Phone 32 local markets must be studied and above all else, if there is a lack of home -grown supplies, this must be remedied. The governor of Virginia says: "A big blow would be struck at whiskey if church members would stop drink ing it." What a lot he said! He knows his congregations. Getting Up Nights If Getting Up Nights, Backache, frequent day a'ls. Leg Pains, Nerv ousneBH, or Burning, Sue to function al Bladder Irritation, in acid condi tions, makes you feel tired, depressed and discouraged, try the Cystex Test. Works fast, starts circulating thru the system In 15 minutes. Praised by thousands for rapid and positive ac tion. Don't give up. TryCystex (pro nounced Slss-tex) today, under the Iron-Clad Guarantee. Must quickly allay these conditions, improve rest ful sleep and energy, or money back. Only 60c at F. R. BELL, Druggist, Agent i Dr. W. S. Chadwick J $ Medicine & Surgery j Office Hours: 9 to 12M 3 to 5 P. M. Y and by Appointment T Office in Hill Building opposite Post Office Y Office Phone 83-J Res. 41-L 5 FOR Ambulance Service 4. Day or Night Y 'Phone 216 or 116-W GEO. W. DILL Funeral Director Since 1900 Y MOREHEAD CIT, N. C. Throw It Away? No! Take it to Barbour Bros., Machine Shop and have it welded the acetylene way. No matter what it is, they can fix it. Or if any kind of machinery gets out of fix, they can put in in running order in just a short while. TRY THEM ! BARBOUR BROS. MACHINE SHOP FRONT ST BEAUFORT, N. C. I WantTo Send My Child To College Our Child Endowment Policies are result of a demand for insurance on chil dren other than weekly industrial insur ance. These Endowments are issued on the annual, semi-annual and quarterly plan. They have cash and loan values. They participate in the annual dividends of the Company. INDIANAPOLIS LIFE INS. CO. "Dividend Record Unexcelled" J. A. RATCLIFFE, Manager 130 Craven St. Dr. H. M. Hendrix DENTIST Office Hours: 9 to 12 A. M. 1:30 to 5 P. M Office Potter Build-rg Over the potoffice E. D. DOYLE RADIO Repair Service Agent Atwater-Kent Radio Duncan Bldg. Beaufort,' N. C. MW-m!-H,'KH-M,M ! Dr. C. S. Maxwell f J. GENERAL PRACTICE f Office Hours . id to 12 A. M. and by X appointment I FOR AMBULANCE SERVICE Call Phone No. 3 I BELL & HILL Funeral Directors & Em- balmers x ? MOREHEAD CITY 3! Beaufort, N. C.

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