PAGE EIGHT RSDAY, JANUARY 14. 1932 RSDAY, JANUARY 21, 1932 APPOINTMENTS TO BE MADE TO WEST POINT ACADEMY Congressman Charles L. Abernethy informs The News that he will have a vacancy at West Point for 1932, and wants to give the young men of his Congressional District the privi lege of competing for it. Mr. Abernethy has arranged with the Civil Service Commission for an examination to be held in the Post Offices at Goldsboro and New Bern on February 10th. This examination is being held for the purpose of fur nishing Congressman Abernethy with a list of eligibles from which he will select his appointees for the regular examination to be held by the War Department around March first. Congressman Abernethy will award the principal appointment to the young man making the highest rat ing in this examination, and first and second alternate appointments to those making the next highest ratings. Candidates for this examination must be between the ages of seven teen and twenty-two years on the date of admission to the Academy which is the first week day in July; must be not less than five feet four inches in height, and must have com pleted high school work. Young men who are interested in taking this ex amination must Communicate with Congressman Abernethy at the House of Representatives, Washington, D. C, not later than January 25th, in order that their names may be fur nished to the Civil Service Commis sion and proper authoriaaicm for the examination furnished themfl In writing Congressman Abernethy full names and exact dates of birth should be given. ocrats throughout the State will en thusiastically support this campaign for raising money for the party's expenses. NOTICE with twenty five members present. ' Mrs. George E. Pittman t Morehead small Jobs to tne .eoora. , IThe Pre-itlent Mrs. J. H. Siubbs, pre- tlur;s. rJT siding. Collect -. read. Minute? -jr ! The North Carolina general fund read and approved. The Treasu er re Jan. s ,rn, .fl1 a cash overdraft 0f $114,569.74, Dcrted all bills paid and uj.uu coi-.ounuay cc..... , ..... . m,tstan,,ino. to do it. Discipline is strict. All! piomotions are by examinations ,r.l given -by a government exanimer and j these are oral. Books are not used by :wh rhool students at all but pupils Imustdepend upon their memories. At jlected since tne DanK ciosea. ' Mr.-. J. T. Graham of Beaufort 'erai fund notes, of $2,300,000 and the beginning of the second year in i The Welfare chairman reported os, a ghort time Monday affCOi. $2,800,000. while the highway fund Mr. L. L. Morgan of Raleigh rep-;njgh school every child must choose 'tarlatan Santa Claus stockings donat- resenting the Baptist State Mission iWnat vocation he wishes to follow Board will speak at the First Baptist and ne must study this occupation church on Thursday evening at 7:30 through college and university. P. M. Representative members of all; Schools are not co-educational in the churches of the Atlantic Associa-; Denmark. tion are expected to attend this meet I p ,e in Denmark, according to ing to which all the members of thethe speakeri are very law-abiding, Baptist church and also friends fromjand there were only 5 murderers other denominations are invited. that he ever heard of committed dur- j ing his entire stay in that country. The penalty for murder is life impris onment as capital punishment is for ! bidden by the Danish constitution, i There are three penitentiaries in 'Denmark but there is plenty of room jin each. Altho te country is small, ihaving only about 3,500,000 people PURVIS CHAPEL M. E. ZION CHURCH Magna Charts Reminder The organization known as the So ciety of the Daughters of the Barons of Runnymede was organized In 1015 by Mrs. Robert G. Ilogan of Catons vllle, Md., who convelved the Idea of an organization for women similar to a men's organization, the Baronial Or der of Runnymede, which was or ganized but undeveloped on account of our entry Into the World war. The membership Is limited to those who can trace their ancestry In a direct line to a baron who in the year 1215 A. D compelled the signing of the Magna Charta by King John at Runny mede. The organization Is American. Craven St. near Broad St. Robert Farley Fithcr, Minister 11 A. M. Preaching, "A Vision of the Judgment." 2 P. M. Sunday School, W. J. Jordan, jand being about one.third the size 0f fo'r, o ! North Carolina, it is very agressive o:ou rraise i oervice. d prosperou8. The government 7:30 Preaching. i.a 9t1H nimis oil nnhlic utilities Friday night. Prayer and Class meet-and the revenues from these pay for jcare of other governmental expenses. Taxes are very low (quite different ifrom what it is in Carteret County.) Last Wednesday evening at a meet-! The officers 0,heT Sc?I Masters ing of all the members of the First iClub are: SuPt- H- L Joslyn, More Baptist Church, there was organized head Pendent; County Super in that church a Senior and an Inter- indent J. G. Allen, Beaufort, yice- mediate B. Y. P. U. After the bus-Presiaent' ana vv- rowe"' pnncl iness of the meeting was attended to. j pal of NewPort fchooL secretary. ... T ' vieifmn. Vi.r Wnncrhtpr Mrs. A. L. of! hv Mrs. David Everett and nneo. , ,.. by the club distributed to children in j 01 ' Beaufort Christmas eve.. The sum of Rev. M. E. Eubank, of Polio ks 820 23 wa realized from tubercular ville filled his appointment Sunday, Christmas seals which will be used to ( Jan. 2 at Bay View Baptist church, furnish undernourished school chil- Rev John Sewell of Beaufort fi -. vuuu miik !ed his appointment Sunday at Mt. lL?Em?ly Loftin and Mrs. N. H. Pleasant Free Will Baptist church. Russell were appointed a committee' to distributed this money. The Music Department reported; regular meetings held once a month i and Christmas carols sung Christmas' Continued from pge one) NORTH CAROLINA MUST PAY DEBTS GARDNER ASSERTS The drop in sales of plates up to The public is invited. ORGANIZE B. Y. P. U. the young people of the Morehead City Branch of the B. Y. P. U. gave a splendid program, followed by a de lightful social. NAMED ON COMMITTEE OF BAPTIST CONVENTION treasurer. A meeting of the club is held every third Monday night of each month during the school year. The place of meetings rotates among I the various schools represented. The ! February meeting will be held in the Newport school. eve. TUr. T IKfarr fVinirmnn rpnnrted $1.00 on hand and that a new book I-nday was ju.mj, m,uo soia case and shelves were needed. to that day, as compared with 261- The garden club chairman made 708 on the same date last year. Call an interesting report of their work, ing off the moratorium is expected to It was moved and carried that an ; boost sale? for a few days, but the amendment be made to the constitu-.number is not expected to reach that tion allowing our officers to be elect- f last year at any time during 1932. ed in February. Ballots were given R . B.MiB SIack. D had a cash balance of $7,5(24,472.08 at the end of the first six months of the fiscal year, December 31, the com bined statement of the Auditor and Treasurer shows. General fund receipts for the six months were $15,206,500.13, and the expenditures were $15,321,129.87. The highway fund balance at the be ginning of the period was $9,184,. 495.53 and receipts were $21,638, 637.76, while expenditures for the six months amounted to $23,498,062. 21. The total State debt is $181, 811,371, of which $175,509,000 is funded and $0,302,371 is in tempor ary loans on short term notes. While former Governor Angus W. McLean was urging President Hoov- 'er to name A. L. Brooks, prominent .Greensboro attorney, as Associate i Justice of the U. S. Supreme Court, ! relayed by Senator Morrison and Although Governor Gardner has i Bailey, with Chief Justice W. P. (announced that there will be no more j Stacy, of the N. C. Supreme Court 'road building for the present, this1 added. Governor Gardner was wiring- out for election of nominating com-j mittee and Mesdames Pinner, Cree I Lipman were elected. This meeting being our eleventh does not moan tnat tne Federal Aid the President to name his predeces anniversary, our President had invit-,for road work w;u De lost. Half of jsor as Governor as a director of the ed our former presidents to meete $2,800,000 in aid for this fiscal Reconstruction Finance Corporation, with us. Mesdames Lay, Hildebrand i veal.f now naif over hag been used ( paying high tribute to his known a and Haywood having moved from up making the State about even with ' bilitv. The Danger The football game guest3 reached the house before their host, and Mary was just getting the doorkey out of Its known hiding place, when David protested : "We'd better not go In before they come. They have a dog, you know. "Oh, yes, I know," she returned nonchalantly, "but the dog has a lame leg. De won't hurt us!" "Well," returned her escort, "I was afraid he might bite ns, not kick us!" Mr. C. B. Deane of Rockingham, who is a son in law of Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Cree, and a frequent vistior in Beaufort, has received an unusual honor. He was named on the program committee for the Southern Baptist Convention which convened in Nash ville, Tennessee, January 12, for a day two meeting. This committee BANKS AND RUMORS OF BANKS. (By Jimmie Guthrie) Greatest time. I ever saw Every thing that was standing has cive way and fell flat down or is badly bent. I once thought that the most contag ious disease was--the yellow fever, small pox or a bad cold, but I have luc ' ii. .i 'L . 1... 1 t 1 rr.i consists of five members, one from,pro , T ' Vs T North and South Carolina, Arkan- ?roken Bank fever 18 s0 catchln that sas, Louisiana, and Tennesee The the, germ can be earr,e? hundreds of convention meets at St. Petersburg ! nille,s away ot very long ago I no next summer ticed a poster or something similar, I with big black letters which read "Men Wanted must be of the-high-est type of humanity, a first grade W. P. Norris, Mortgagee to WJfharr perfectly honest and intel D. Norris, 30 acres White Oak Town-I !lgent cro.oks allowed ln this ship, for $500. I ,nstllutlon ana yet the business uroKe, it went to tne tour winds, it REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS Today'! Tasks First Today Is the appointed time to get your Job done. Never put It off until tomorrow, for tomorrow will never come. Inertia Is one of the greatest of our sins. Do today what should be done today tomorrow will find Its own tasks. Grit. READ rH. NEWS WANT ADS HOME DEMONSTRATION NOTES The County Home Agent will be in the following communities this com ing week: Monday, Jan. 25th., Atlan tic; Tuesday, 26th., Camp Glenn and Straits; Wednesday, 27th., Harkers Island; Thursday, 28th., Newport; Friday, 29, Core Creek. The County Curb Market Women appreciates very much the patronage given them by the local women of both Beaufort and Morehead City. If at any time any women would like any special food brought to the mar ket the Home Agent will do her best to see that this food is available. J. M. Delamar and wife to Cleve land Gillikin, tract Straits Township, for 510. CAMELLIA JAPONICAS ARE BLOOMING NOW went to flinders. Still they would not employ a crook who broke it? It is sure and certain that the ev ery day laborer should have much credit relative to the life of an in stitution called a bank arid in every mU . , ,, , lease they are the heavies losers, be- There is hardly a week in the jcau8e they lose all they possess. For year, when Beaufort can not boast .instance fome 0f our widowed worn of flowers grown out of doors. Roses' e here with four and five very small bloom later and bulbs bloom earlier (children having been left an insur here than in most vicinities This'ance of ?1000 knowi nothi ese ITvl rCw rm Pla"ted,to do they place it in the Bank to by Mrs. G. W. Lay, in the Rectory ;tidy their bare feet ver th h d R'JfTI'Tl I D'-La5: teS till they grew to manhood, was Rector of St. Pauls Episcopal ThmHn, ot;., uj u J: Beaufort and being unable to attend tne fund. But if this remaining. $1,- wrote letters which were reaa to tne 400,000 is not used this year, or any club expressing their regrets and ex-f the Federal Aid not used next year tending best wishes for our contin-.jt can be used, even three years af ued success.. ter it becomes available, hitrhwav of- A synopsis of our eleven years' ;ficials say. A few small projects, part work was given by the secretary. iy done w;u probably be let for fin Miss Emily Loftin told very inter- Ashing during the coming months, or estingly of the Sallie Southall Colton loan fund and how much it has meant to many girls in North Carolina. One hundred and thirty girls being help ed since its foundation. Mesdames West, our District Pres ident, S. L. Dill and Campen from New Bern met with us and each made a talk which was enjoyed. After adjournment delicious pound cake and cream were served. Rec. Sec. Com. Club. J. rea f.ssary, Washington cor respondent of the Baltimore Sun, told the .N. C. Press Institute at its Duke University session Thursday night that: "A mugwump is a political an imal with its mug on one side of the fence and its wump on the other." MUSIC CLUB MEETING church, is unusually lovely. It is cov- covered to offset this germ, such a FATHER-SON BANQUET WILL OCCUR AT NEWPORT SCHOOL A father-son banquet is to given January 22 in the Newport school building beginning at 7:30 o'clock This affair, similar to others hereto. fore given, will be under the auspices of the vocational agricultural stu dents of the school. Mr. C. S. Long is teacher of agriculture at the New port school. A few speeches and some other fea tures will make up the program of the evening. Heretofore these enter tainments have been well attended and thoroughly enjoyed. This event is expected to be up to the standard of previous ones if not better. DEMOCRATIC CAMPAIGN MANAGERS ARE APPOINTED The News has received from C. L. Shaping of Greensboro a list of the 100 managers he has appointed to raise funds for the Democratic "Na tional Victory Fund Campaign." Charles V. Webb of Morehead City ,. has been appointed manager for Carteret county. In addition to the county managers, campaign workers will be appointed for all of the voting precincts in the State Mr. Shuping states and these soon will be actively at work solicit ing contributions. He says further that a considerable sum has already been received and he feels that Dem- er-oJ ,,-ifl, 1 LI . l" "" w .... . 4Cu, ! -.. uiu,bm,, ana;faithful depositor rested satisfied til is greatly admired not only by the the day whe hef ht the people living here, but by visitors. !gi;mpse that hand writing on the There is one other camellia of idoor that said: "We Had To close good size in Beaufort, that is at the !To Save The Depositors" nice way home of Miss Charlotte Smith on to save them- 1 told her 1 said my Front Street. Owing to the shaded jdeal al yu n-ust remember that ev condition of her yard, that bush is not erybody wa"ts a lot of money and if yet in bloom, although at this writing you ever set any more put it in one several buds were showing their col- of these Banks f Sand.. .The way or. everything illuminates how, said I to ;this gal the proper cure for the pres- Others have been planted and in ajent Bank Germ will have to be im few years will be a mass of color. ported from China. It is too wide With very little cost, Beaufort could 'spread and -getting to be unbearable be made into a camellia city, if eacho just take a poor 'fellows $1000 home-owner would gftt and plant just ( and leave the one consolation that he one bush in a few years, and five,will possibly have in the course of years is short in the life of a shrub, five long and depressed years get in the yards of Beaufort would be beau- return three or four hundred, tiful with the blooms of the camellia I Leaving off the Bankine Business a and while they would be enjoyed by while we feel it just and proper to the home, the passing visitor would write about the things that confront enjoy them more, and in fact it would j us, to tell the candid truth (which I draw visitors to Beaufort to see them. ( will admit i- hard to do these days) i We are in the midst of a lot of work SCHOOL MASTERS' CLUB ithe boss man of the State Roads HOLDS MONTHLY MEETING Capt. Charlie Thomas of Beaufort, is 'making u folks think that big word The Carteret County School Mas-; depression so commonly spoken of ters' Club met Monday night in the everywhere, is getting to be a sure Smyrna High School in its regular jcure for the blues, and thnt ham and monthly meeting. The largest attend-Cggs will soo:i be written i i its place, ance yet out was present and several Much progress is being m .Je on our new members joined, including mem-j road work and much will b wherever bers of the school boards of some of ;this boss man works. Yet if ever I am the schools. After a supmtuous mealja convict (which I'm expe.Ung to be prepared and served by the home eco- soon) I hop I shall be driven to nomics girls of Smyrna school and j work under Capt. Thomas. I have vis several musical numbers, Mr. Forest. 'ted the mens barracks r-H ,,r0 who was for 21 years a resident in jthing; is tidy and well kept. I visited iiinui iv euu waa euucflivu mere, made an address on the "Educational System in Denmark." the cooks quarters, or kitchen, of course the kitchen was the whole cause of my visit Tho Mr. Forest could speak authorative I ne"e under the care of rnt ti, Iy from first hand information. He.'aa maY have been bad men but nnt now, no they are good men they vis- w.c cnurcn, tney entertain with said that in Denmark a person had to be 32 years of age before that per son could teach school, and that a i singing. teacher had to finish colleee. two I I don't know what in years in a universtiy and take four ! hard times, if we can catch water pro years in a teachers college besides ;duee we have good times regardless before beginning in his profession, to Hoover or who if . '.' The schools in Denmark are support- jcatch fish then we have bad times re ed by the government and are open :ardless to Wilson of who. So rive nine months in the year. Compulsory ! the fish and good weather and education is rigorously enfnrroH aivou can havp th p.;jx , there are absolutely no exemptions Democrat, Republican or wm . ? irom school attendance after a child I reaches six years of age. A child1 COMMUNITY CLUB REPORT must continue in school until he shall ! - have finished high school, even if it' The Beaufort Community club met takes him until he is 65 yesra cf age in the c- rooms Thursday the 14th MOREHEAD CITY, Jan. 20 The Morehead City Music Club held its regular monthly meeting at the home of Mrs. W. G. Oglesby on Arendell street Tuesday evening January 19. The President, Mrs. Lucille Smith told the club about the artists and their musci which she heard in New York City during her Christmas vaca tion there. After which the following program was rendered: Subject Huntington Woodman --James H. Rogers. Paper, The Piano as a home invest ment Mrs. G. L. Arthur. Piano, The Brook Mrs. Ulrich Mallison. Piano, Romance Mrs. Ben F. Royal. Duet Ducks in the Pond Miss Sudie Webb, Miss Daisy Morris. Voice, The Last Song Mrs. H. L. Joslyn. Refreshments were served by the Hostesses: Mrs. W. G. Oglesby, Mrs. Ben F. Royal, Miss Anderson and Miss Bettie Harker, Meat has in it all the life giving, blood building vita mins so necessary to health. Meat should be eaten at least once a day for strength and stamina. Meat should be bought here, because of its purity and fresh ness. Vegetables should be served daily. We always have on hand the best the market affords. Then too we carry a full line of canned vegetables. Milk, Cream, Buttermilk, Good Country Sausage The Best in Carteret County FREEMAN BROTHERS 'Phone 181-182 Morehead City BAY VIEW We are having some cooler weath er at this writing. Mrs. A. L. Newberry and children! spent the week end at Morehead Bluff visiting Mrs. George E. Pittman who recently moved here from Fort Til-! den, N. Y. Mr. W. G. Winberry and Mr. and s Mrs. C. F. Weeks spent Sunday with j j JUST RECEIVED Complete,line T. W. Wood's Bulk SEED Corn, Peas, Beans, Beets, Onion fact everything for Spring Plants. Sets in Ballards Flour and Feeds Caws, Horses For Poultry, James Rumley HEALTH The Priceless Possession According to the United States Health Service you and your family are now facing the most dangerous weeks of the year MosEof January and February illness and colds and grippe, bronchitis sinus infections and influenza. See your doctor at the first sign of illness and then let us help carry out his orders. We will call for prescriptions, care fully fill and deliver right to your home in quick time. May we help keep your family well and happy. F. R. BELL Druggist Beaufort, N. C. Mail Orders Promptly Filled STOP! READ! LISTEN! CONSIDERING THE HARD TIMES WHICH WE ARE HAVING AT PRESENT, WE KNOW THAT THE PEOPLE CANNOT AFFORD TO PAY THE SAME PRICES FOR REPAIRING THEIR WATCHES, AS PAID HERETOFORE. I HAVE FROM JANUARY THE FIRST MADE A GREAT REDUCTION ON ALL WATCH REPAIRS. GET AN ESTIMATE FROM ME BEFORE YOU HAVE YOUR WATCH WORK DONE B. A. BELL Next to Postoffice THE JEWELER! Beaufort wot 6