PAGE SIX THE BEAUFORT NEWS THURSDAY. JUNE 9, 1932 Professional CARDS Dr. Clifford W. Lewis Office in Potter Emergency Hospital 9 to 12 A. M. 2 to 5 P. M. Office at night by appointment Office Phone 46 Residence, 89-J jT ByEliz D. W. Morton Notary Public Insurance With M. Lelie DarU BEAUFORT, N. C. Dr. Geo. A. Wooten DENTIST Wond Floor of Duncan Building Over House Drug Store Hour: 91 26 Office 115 J Re. 134 L E. D. DOYLE RADIO Repair Service Agent Atwater-Kent Radio 108 Turner Street Beaufort, N. C. Dr. W. S. Chadwick Medicine & Surgery Office Hour 9 to 12M 3 to 5 P. M. and by Appointment Office in Hill Building opposite Post Office Office Phone 83-J Re. 124-L Newsy Trip Around The World abeth Saunders 16.07. 'Lena Pigott, pt. lot 89 N. T. j Pine (50x110) ;Eate Pigott Jr., Est. pt. lot 171 0. T. Pollock (36 2-3X 198) Hetty Pigott, pt. ot 53 Broad St. (65x110) 28.19 Betty Potter Est. pt. lot 149 O. T. Craven St -- 7.84 Annie Reed, pt. ot 147 O. T. Pollock (27 1-2x100) 9.37 Mary E. Smith, pt .lot 85 N ! (50x42 1-2) 16.08 V. H. Wellington, Est. pt. j lot 180 O. T. Pine (62x55) Charlie Wesley, pt. lot 206 O. T. Queen (36 1-2x133) Lillie Wesley, pt. lot 198,, 0. T. Pine (36 2-3 x 110) Alonza Williams, pt. lot 182 0. T. Pine 34.82 Maud Hazel Williams, pt. lot . 163 O. T. Turner (llOx 12.17' 198) 66.86 Mary D. Wilson, Est. pt. lot 20.49 1 Pollock (55x198) 15.75 Clifford Windley, pt. lot 1 and I n no rrt . t 1-1. Of XT 16 0' 10 lodxsoj; pi. lot ot is. I Pine 55x85 26.15 (exllO) 25.5 J Jotm wmaiey, pt. ioi nu u. Fred L. Williams, pt. lot 187 I . n t r invfi.n 18 55 Harriett Windsor Est. pt. lot T. Pine (33x110) 8.79 , John Williams, Est. pt. lot 187 Near San Benite, Tex., a posse set bloodhounds on the trail of a band of thieves. When the bloodhounds bounded up, the thieves caught them, tied them together by their collars, hung them over a limb. The pursu ing posse took down the sad-faced dogs, again sicked them on the trail. This time the thieves shot the bloodhounds. said. One hundred pounds of leaves yield about five ounces of per fume. BROAD CREEK Dr E. F. Menius Eyesight Specialist with Sam K. Eaton Co. NEW BERN, !. C, T Dr. C. S. Maxwell GENERAL PRACTICE Office Hours Altho he has lived in New York City all his life, eGorge Gallagher, 83, has never seen a movie, ridden a trolley car, or been in the subway. He seems to have no keen desire to try any of these 'modern wonders." Turning on the gas to commit sui cide Herman Griebe, a recluse of Chicago, caused an explosion that kill ed him, blew the roof off the house, injured five neighbors, and shatter ed windows for blocks around. Durimr the first hour on the first job he had had for four months Wil liam Chase 40, of Cortland, N. Y., suffered his leg broken by a cave-in of a part fo the ditch he was digging. In Sterling, Colo., Benny, a two headed calf, owned by the Budin Ranch is attracting attention. Benny was born with two complete heads, each equipped fully. He sees with all four eyes, and drinks with both of at Mr. Randolph Smith's. Mr. and Mrs. Lennie Frost visited their daughter at Salter Path Sunday Mrs. Eugenie Willis. The boys and girls gathered at Kathleen Adams' Saturday night and had a candy party. Every one enjoy ed themselves. Mr. Garland Willi? and Mr. Ster ling Adams and Mr. Stamey Dixon and Moody Morton visited Leslie Adams Monday night. We are proud of the pretty weath er we are having now. We had a lit te shower of rain last night and the. crops are looking fine this morning. Preacher Harvey will preach here Maggie Rooks and Nettie Tate pt. lot 206 O. T. Queen (42- 1-2x132) 19.02 Martha Ruffin, pt. lot 167 Crav :en (ooxjywi; pi. ii -i'- j T. Quern (55x198) 21.27 myrtle Dan Smith, pt. lot 148 O. T. Cedar (34x100) ; pt lot 173 O. T. Queen (36 2-3 xl32) 26.51 Sam Smith, pt. lot 66 O. T. Craven - 12.70 Ceo. Soarrow. pt. ot 207 O. T. Craven( 55x198) 17.38 Jonas Spencer, pt. lot 183 O. T. Craven (55x198) 16.59 Fulton Stanley, pt. lot 179 O. T. Pollock (99x110) 51.06 Halese A. Stanley, pt. lot 58 N. T. Pollock (65x198) 21.16 Lottie Stanley, pt. lot 190 O. T. Craven (27 1-2 xl98) 5.90 Louise Stanley, pt. lot 76 N. T. Marsh 19.12 Wright Stanley, pt. lot 58 N. T. Pollock (45x198) 31.35 Charlie Stephens, pt. lot 202 O. T. Queen (55x125)... 10.97 Andrew Stewart, pt. lot 91 N. T. Marsh (27 1-2x198).. 15.75 O. T. Pine (25x99) 11.91 Josephine Williams, pt. lot 187 Craven (30x99) 5.28 173 O. T. Queen (36 2-x 132); pt. lot 99 O. T. Queen (55x55); pt. 100.18 0" 3 Mattie Stewart, pt. lot 175 O. T. Craven (55x110) Geo. E. Turner, pt. lot 125 O. T. Queen (40x90) Sunday at 2:30 o'clock. Everyone is invited to come. Mr. Leslie Adams attended the Methodist Sunday School Sunday. We . i - i . i i i . , ere 10 nave mm ana nope ne w H Turner Est pt ot m also attended church Sunday night. Mr. Leslie Adam? and Mr. Win- field Lewis and Mr. James Nixon mo tored to Beaufort Tuesday on bus iness. Mr. Hinkey Guthrie and family of Markers Island spent the week end his mouths. If real beer is legalized, the Hem rich Brewing Company in Seattle, Wash., will be ready. It has increased its capitalization from $25,000 to $250,000, and is getting ready for the m.-mufacture of soft drinks. 5: 10 to 12 A. M. and by appointment. Dr. J. O. Baxter Specialist if THE EYE ONLY NEW BERN, N. C. Two editors rule the town of Friend, Neb. W. A. Brown was elect ed mayor and II. E. Hannes, editor of a competing paper, was chosen po lice judge. Sam Davis, Cleveland taxicab driv er, is a quick thinker. When two gun men tried to rob him Davis suJden ly reversed his cab, backed over the curb ar.d pinned one robber acrainst a feme. The other escaped. Mr. Math Lewis was a visitor at the M. E. Church Sunday night. O. T. Pine (55x110) .. H. W. Turner, pt. lot 125 O. T. Broad (82x60); pt. lot 175 O. T. Broad (55x50); pt. lot 175 Craven (55x198 Isaac II. Vann, pt. lot 148 O. T. Cedar (40x110); pt. lot 220 Mulberry (60x100); pt. lot 199 O. T. Pine (50x100 James and Isaac Vann, pt. lot 159 Cedar (55x198) ; pt. 14.47 23.65 20.85 77.86 3)1.51 Nr. 2 1-2 Can Tomatoes 10c Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Dixon spent ot 158 (27 j2 X110) 31.17 the week end with Mrs. Dixon's moth er and father. Mrs. Marvin Dixon and Misses Ol ivia Dixon and Lila Adams went on a fishing trip Tuesday. Mr. Theodore Hall was in this community Monday. TAX SALE NOTICE (Continued from page three) 30.78 Dr. K. M. Hendrixf I A phonograph with amplifiers con ! netting loud speakers in the tower ! has been install .1 in St. Andrews' parish ut Totteriiigi-, England, to summon the pari -hioner to the ser- H-M-M-K vices. Office Hoort: 9 to 12 A. M. 1:30 to 9 P. Office Potter Build'ag Ov&r the poatofflce M Frederick Hill, 76, of Boston, has a real fish story. He is in a hospital recovering from a ducking he receiv ed when a big fish pulled him over- board off Boston Light. FOR Ambulance Service Day or Night 'Phone 216 or 116-W GEO. W. DILL Funeral Director Since 1900 MOREHEAD C!T f, N. C. Animal lovers can buy pets from the city of Waco, Texas, cheap, Food bills at the zoo were too high, and the animals can be had for almost nothing. Sample: Good monkey.-, $15. Ur. fr. t. Hyde GENERAL PRACTICE Office over Belt Bakery Office Hour 10 A. M. to 12 M. 3 to 5 P. V. and by Appointment Uttiee fhone 140 Re. 26-L t. I The Ball cousins, Joe ami Isaac, of Miehipicoten Falls. Camia, have a pet moose which follows them a bout like a dog. The moose, orphan ed when it was thre- days old, was fed at first fro ma bottle. It refused to leave the man. 1 Hermini.i Ilernadoz, 18, of Bogota. Columbia, tried to commit suicide by jumping over the- ledge of Tcqueda ma Falls, a 400-foot drop. Hut h r scarf caught on a jutting rock and '"ld her su.-p.-nded until police res cued her. orh- U. E. SWANN INSURANCE Notary Public BEAUFORT, N. C. '.r i'it O. T. Queen St. (55x198) William J. Johnson, pt. lot 211 (). T. Craven Maria Jerkins, pt. lot 87 O. T. Pollock (55x198) Mollie Jerkins, pt. lot 59 N. T. Mar-h (55x198) Eliza Jones, pt. lot 97 N. T. Marsh (45x60) Allison Jordon, pt. lot 211 0. T. Craven (55x70; pt. lot 131, O. T. Pollock (55x198 ! Samson Jordon, Est. pt. lot 211 O. T. Mulbsrry (120x 110) Edgar Joyner, pt. lot 44 H. T. (55x132) Joel Jcyner, pt. lot 95 N. T. Mar.-h (50x198) 18.13 Henry Mathewson, pt. lot 183 O. T. Pine (87x110); pt. lot 192 O. T. Craven 55xKl$) Ktnma Monroe, pt. lot 87 N. T. Pollock (55x110) Aletha Monroe, pt. lot 72 N. Cedar (99x100) 78.55 Geo. B. Monroe, pt. lot 39 H. T. Hedrick (55x198); pt. lotl3 Liveoak (55x132); pt. lot 17 (65x132) ; pt. lot 30 Pine (110x160); pt. lot 21 Liveoak . 132.73 Richard Monroe, Est. pt. lot 86 N. T. Pine (55x110) .. Mary Alice Nelson, Est. pt. lot 85 N T. Marsh (55x113). Timothy Nelson, pt. ot 215 O. T. Mulberry (49x110) ; pt. bit 110 O. T. Qu".-:i (.-,:, xli'S ; OJen and Bel, pt. lot 1 IS (i. T. Qu en ('WxMiil' . A. -'!' i, pt. In 1;Y '). T. i'i:i' i fixl IH; :. lu! if,,, Queen St. (110x32); pt. lot 15.03 50.82 10.33 9.3-1 36.68 20.03 13.4; 22.21 13.47 James M. Vann, pt. lot 199 O. j T. Ann (32 2-3x110) 14.90 : Owen Vann Sr., pt. lot 75 N. T. Pollock (27 1-2x220).. 17.85 Elida Ward, pt. lot 156 O. T. j Cedar (49x110) 14.09: Hetty A. Ward, pt. lot 26 H. T. Pine (55x90) 14.79 Sarah Wallace, pt. lot 210 O. j T. Mulberry (70x110) 12.21 1 W. H. Walton, Jr., pt. lot 12 ! H. T. Cedar (50x100) ... 10.35 John N. Washington, pt. lot ISO O. T. Quetn (60x99); pt. lot 180 O. T. Queen Hostess Pphes 15c Yellow Clin? No. 2 1-2 Susar. 6 lbs 25c Lard, best cooking;, 4 lbs 25c Pennrod Motor Oil, 8 qt. can $1.20 Cheese, lb 15c Fat Back, 4 lbs 25c Rib Bellies, 2 lbs 15c Colonial Grape Juice, pt. bot., 2 for . . 25c Campbell's Pork and Beans, can 5c Mansfield Milk, Tall Cans, 5 for 25c Ricker Rio Coffee, 2 lbs 25c White Cloud Cooking Lard, 8 lb. Bucket 59c Self Rising and Plain Flour, 24 lbs. . . . 53c 98 lb s. $1.95 Pender's Assorted Pound Cake, lb. . . . 23c VISIT Pender's 21 oz. Bread, machine wrapped . . . . 8c 1 1.83 It' 31. IS .i! ! f , C. H. BUS HALL ire. Health, Accident, Automobile Insurance In t h- Bronx, when i Cilynn ocder.-d him to m v i-art, Phil C(,l,;-n, cherry j i fused. Oiiicer Glynn arrc-.-t.-d IV. dlei 1'8) ;Coht-n, r.'.--red h:ni to p;i.-h hi- ca:t 1,nvt (Men. pt lot Ittt'i .' . T. to the polices tation. IVddler ('.dun' r'"' st '9x11'.) j flatly refused. Sweating Officer Cohen J E- 0'-'n, pt. lot IS J O. parching by his sido blithely chant-' 'in-' 'Mxll'-t ing: ' ('hay-re. s! fresh chay-re. s." R- S. Oden, pt. lot 201. C. T. i Queen (" ::S) : pt. 1,., j nt.rses na-e a tnend in Archfi I ' ' ;-.'siM.; p. j-t ! inuton Huntington, New ork cap:-1 K - 1 ''':'! '-; ( x- -i ..!,'. ...1.,. L T..T , , , .11!:. P. . i. . . . 1 , - , n ouys oroKen Clown rn'i'i-- . j-... j . j: and horses at ?2 Oa head and "retir es" th' m on pastures of hja ejtitto near Georgetown, S. C. They a.v never ridden or worked. li.O Real Estate Bought Sold Rented Viil Write Your Bond RELIABLE COMPANIES, GOOD SERVICE mean Bidg. Beaufort, N. V, 'Phone 32 .12 . pt. lot ;fxl-9) ; Craven n. c. ReJiP BALL Siteen year exj. SURVEYOR befor jom hae yource. See me Charge Reaonying done. 1014 Broad St. 1 Queen . .Charles B. I'ark? : O. T. Qut.n ( lot, jiiu u. r. xllO) A round the world voyage in a 2! llenry Parker, ,pt. lot 41 II foot boat has been begun by Ter ence Keogh, 26, at Woods Hole, Ma-s. He exprcts to be gone two Liveoak (55x75); pt. lot 41 H. 1. Liveoak (55x75) Isaac X. Parker Est. pt. lot 1310. T. Pollock (53x1 'JS An actress, Patricia McMillan, 5U., Jesse Parker, pi. lot 12 H. T. ?d a hair dresser in Dublin, Ireland Cedar (60xCJ); pt. ot H. T. for $1,500 and was awarded ?1,050 ' c'-eJar (55x141) . u. j. Jt'aikei. nt. lot 1.00 hi ft. on Craven St.; pt. ot !'2 Marsh Si. (55x108): nt. !o yea:.-:. i . . ... warn sne renin ed that her pure white hair turned dark 'blue under treatment. 2C.0'.' 18. V, SIAIION Texaco Fire Chiej Gas and Motor Oils Complete Lisbrka ton Service Gocdyear Tires COMPLETE ASSORTMENT OF FRUITS AND VEGETABLES VISIT OUR NEW LOCATION ON FRONT STREET L. M. TAYLOR, Manager Iiibes "subscribeTor the n $2.00 A TEAS Arrestid while tampering with the seal on the door of a box car full of bicarbonate- of soda, Clifford Ferris, fBeuan P'Sott, pt. lot 170 O. 98 O. T. Queen 42 John Pasteur, pt. lot 71 O. T. Cedar St 23. ri" of Kansas City, aKn. explained he' T- Pine (49x110) n.Sl nant intend to steal anythinz. It J s e r;gott, pU lot 26 H. iwss an attsck of indigestion which T. Lirsoak (55x55): nt lnt Accessories Washing Polishing Phone 146X A bank, like any other business con cern, desires to earn some profit for its ztcckholders but its chief concern should be to serve its community in the most effic ient manner possible. That is the view that we take cf our responsibility to our patrons and to the people of Carteret county, f n order to be of the greatest pos sible benefit to the field which ve try to zei ve it is necessary to have the support and cooperation of the public. WE INVITE YOUR PATRONAGE and promice to give yo-j the benefit of our facilities and whatever aid many years of experience in the banking business may be worth. The Bank Of lorehead Ci MOREHEAD CITY, N. C. u II. T. Liveoak (55x55) 64.10 1 i N-ed him to break into the car, he