?AGE FOUR THE BEAUFORT NEWS THURSDAY. JUNE 16, 1932 The Beaufort News ,ubliher: every Thursday at Beaufort, Carteret County North Carolina Beaufort New Inc., Publisher WILLIAM GILES MEBANE Pres. and Editor SUBSCRIPTION RATES (In Advance) One Year ?2.00 Bix Months 1-0 Thrt Months .50 Entered as second-class matter February 5, 1912 at the fcostoffice in Beaufort, North Carolina, under the Act of Msrch 3, 1879. ing the candidates for office to see what sort of dimensions they have. It may be that a bility and character will be the deciding fac tors "in some of the contests. It is high time that such testa were applied. Some may say that it is a case of locking the door after the steed has been stolen but it is hardly so. We should profit by past mistakes and build for the future. MEMBER NORTH CAROLINA PRESS ASSOCIATION THURSDAY, JUNE 16, 1932 A copy of the "Carolinas Magazine" b fcexr publication devoted to the Interests of the tec Carolinas has reached this office. The mag azine is attractive in appearance and matter and if it maintains this standard ought to be both helpful and successful. We do not know whether one John Hughes Curtis of Norfolk, Va., knew any thing about the kidnapping of the Lindbergh child or not but he is certainly a big enough scoundrel to have done so. The lies he told Lindbergh and the tricks he played upon him, probably for the purpose of getting money stamps him as a villian of the basest sort. It is to be hop ed that he will get all that ia comingtohim when he is tried and he probably will. FARM POSSIBILITIES GOOD IN CARTERET COUNTY The files of this newspaper will show that for a good many years past it has been a firm believer in the possibilities of agriculture in our county. The News has not only believed in but has advocated in every way it could a development along this line. It has been a pleasure to do this and to note the great im provement that has taken place in farming in general and particularly in track growing. A great change for the better has occurred in the past ten years and we believe that greater things yet are in store. There is plenty of good land not yet under cultivation in Carter et county. Eventually most of this land will be tilled and wil afford a good livelihood for many people and contribute to the -general prosperity. At this time low prices for farm products is the chief obstacle and this condi tion is probably due to pass away before a great while longer. POLITICIANS ARE GETTING NERVOU3 When Al Smith started hip fight on prohibi tion in 1928 he hit the cause a hard blow. This is apparent right here in North Carolina just as well as it is in many other states. Leaders of the Democratic party in North Carolina, as well as in most of the southern states, were staunch prohibitionists for many years but they began to weaken in 1928. With the ex ception of Senator Simmons, Frank McNinch and one o llvo others, they one and all sup ported Al Fmith for President knowing per fectly that ir he were elected that he would undertake to abolish the Volstead act and the eighteenth amendment. A "wet" candidate for President will be nominated this year and they are all going to support him. More than that a good many of them are going to sup port Bob Reynolds for the Senate. Most politicians like to get on the popular side of all public questions. When prohibition was popular they talked and voted for prohi bition no matter what else they did. Right now prohibition seems to be losing favor. The politicians are anxiously waiting now to see what is goin gto h;.ppen. If prohibition is go ing to be abolished most of the political boys will hop on the other side. The -Virginia Democratic convention laat week adopted a resolution declaring for a referendum on pro hibition. In Florida a wet candidate defeat ed Mrs. Ruth Bryan Owen for the nomination for Congress. Out in California W. G. Mc Adoo, former member of President Wilson's cabinet and his son-inJaw has come out for a referendum, Anti .prohibition .sentiment ip growing apparently and the dry politicians are getting nervous. MORRISON-REYNOLDS CONTEST WILL BE A BATTLE ROYAL The contest between Senator Morrison and Robert R. Reynolds for the Democratic nomi nation for the U. S. Senate promises to be one of the hardest fought .political .battles .ever waged in North Carolina. It is likely that con siderable money will be expended but even without that important consideration the bat tle would be a hot one any how. There are certain issues involved in the contest that are very interesting to the voters. Each of the two candidates has certain ad vantages and certain disadvantages. It is a case of credits and debits, with the voters sit ting in judgment. Reynolds is considerably younger than Morrison, which may be an ad vantage or the contrary just as you look at it. Morrison has had more experience in politics and government. He .was .Governor .four j years and some thought he filled .the .office very well and others thought he didn't. Mr. Morrison seems to have backing of many of ; the leaders of his party and their influence will count for a great deal. He is regarded as a j prohibitionist, although he said recently that I he would do whatever hisparty wishes to do about thhat matter, a.nd will have the sup I port of most of the dry element in the Demo ! cratic party. And last but not leaiit Morri- son is a very rich man, or rather Mrs. Morri- son is a very rich woman. The other aspirant for .Senatorial .honors, Mr. Reynolds, is about twenty years younger than his opponent. He .has .the .physical strength and the enthusiasm which an older man often does not have. He is a good cam paigner and evidently no fool at politics. His i victory over Morrison was the biggest surprise ! of the recent primary. In the next primary j he will have the support of the anti-prhibi- tion faction of the Democratic party, which is ; now quite large. The younger voters seem ' to favor him over Morrison. Many .of .the j Simmons faction are glad to get a chance to i vote against Morrison because of -the .bitter ! things lie said in 1928 about Senator Simmons, i On the other hand some of the anti-Simmons faction will vote against him too because he fav I ored the appointment of McNinch to a fine j Federal job. Reynolds has had a lot to say and will say a lot more about Morrison's orwn , ership of tobacco company and power com pany stock. The low prices of tobacco, blam ed by some folks on the tobacco companies, will hurt Morrison and help Reynolds. And then Bowie one of the other two candidates for the Senate in the late primary, will try to throw his strength to Reynolds. The fact that Reynolds led in the first primary will be an advantage also. To any one who takes an unbiased view of the situation it is very evident that nobody is going to have any walkover in this Senatorial contest. Both candidates have good backing and each one is a good fighter. Of course the friends of each will make a lot of big claims but the truth seems to be that the results of (he primary at this time is very much in doubt. Letters From Qur Readers AS FOR ME GIVE ME AL SMITH OR GIVE ME HOOVER Editor of The News: In ray opinion according to good common sense and knowing the speech made by Al Smith on May 17 on the issue that now besets the peo ple in this troubled nation. He ae- f Itake the Book as your guide and rule of the law doing? Gone to sleep on j in life but you want to be wet and the job and I believe that many of us eturr your craw witn trial oia corn are annum irom m- same jug. We Now as a guide, was it the wets arrest a man for selling the -turf or the drys that was saved when the fine- him one dollar and cost and give old world was lost? you will have him five years to pay that and it is to gay give me the dry. Let nu in never paid. I think I shall cut out the ark so that I may land on Mt this fine business in my township and Aarat with dry feet and. walk upoi. use the whipping post and appoint that beautiful Ule with dry feet. the- mothers to do the whipping. New voter I am writing in wisdom ,.,...., and it is up to you, as for my house j EUGENE EOMANS, we will not stand by any man for pf-'narkers Island, June 14. flee that we know to be wet and will ; his election until the la.st vote BIRTHS Born to Mr. and Mrs. Dan Hill of . . . ., i . : a f k 'oppoae dared to me peop.e . poe9 in the box and Mi includes from ernes that no one "er he a- q consUble. Now votersj lTJZZZf "Kllff. . who it was that Was saved at!Nortn River, June 9th a ,irl ." . - ,.ki; tht? Keel fcea. tne wets or me tirys. D ,, ... . ,. Federal appropriates for pubhc , or Borne to Mr. and Mrs. Julius Dunn works, soldiers bonus and all -1 Pharaoh and hi? gam?. Read the Book,of Wh R,ver June 10th a pottant measures of the nation, so, d flnd birJs what . Born to Mr and Mrs ,Norman Wi. that no man could say other than Mr. I prohibition to do fori" of Markers Island, June 15th, a Smith you sure am tne guy xor . r.-, hen are M wet as R drowni, girl. ident Just five days later, of May 23 you when you led rat. What have you been doing to of thU law 'BA-L BKUlHtKS HAVE FINE is strictly in' HILLS OF IRISH POTATOES ! ht'ln thp enforcement came Mr. Franklin D. Roosevelt with Tha i onfnrr-(.ni..nt - i rtf cmnnhaa vtii nnt'.. i i .i i t a system ui CF..,. tne. nana 01 me law aoiuing citizen;. ; in one column did he touch on a sin- Dj(1 you think wnen you put tne nr?t! Two of the finest hills of Irish po gle issue mentioned by Mr. Alfred E. lock on your door that this wou j tatoes. raised this year insofar as thu Smith. ikin all the thieves? No bud you are News ha 'earned was recently dug The time will he when the Demo- wromj. gome thief will break that ; bv J- Raymond and George Ball of crats in convention assembled willlock gQ in and gtta) as thieves Harlowe. The two hills contained ten have it in their power to name the;are dayiy and njphtly doing with,Plimes' eiht of which were of extra kind of a man that our nation needs tn Drohilition law. ordinary proportions. Has any one Now some coon might my because 1 ,se ralst'u m(,re lo lne nm r 'arg I am a rum runnsr and daily violate ;er Potato than these ? ? ? ? the prohibition law that I am a thief. ! Wish I hod a better name for so badly juit now. Especialy now when the people- a a whole is so noar in dire distress aad perplexity. When the time to cry with thunder ous voices ottering the words of Pt rick Henry when he said "as for me only another Hoover which makes two, they both possess in common the same dominating trait. If we shall have Hoover four more yeer then lets have Herbeit not Roosevelt iHoovf r. It is only an unquestionable Press Gleanings j you but can't find it. , Mow in conclusion lat me anneal give me Liberty of give me Death.' to the youn(f womanhood. Don-t vou I say give me Al Smith or I'll take ;evw marry a drunkard thinking to re - Hoover just as sure as you live boys f hi r h knp.,n ,()ts f ?ut.h ! aim you huihuuicl- iwiw.ch, ,c.u.c M . nd r , , of t , was the girl that got reformed, not the drunkard. He lives a drunkard's life, dies a drunkard's death and go-' es to a drunkard's grave, wakes up in a drunkard's hill while you are left on earth with four or five starvinir fact that Smith Ls really tin proper lhjldren to battle with while he is in man for President of tfhia great na- liJel, like old Djvers hagying for just; tion, because he is a greet leadea- of a ,juU corn juicei jtwt enoU(fh to wtt all the people all the time. : his fingers that he might cool his' For another generation we will be 'mo(lth Now yon ,ave the v,a pi(k, : compiled to tread along under such Thl4ti not anT .j. tn there : a harden as now exnts il Alfred E. fa on,y two th worm lhat JU . Smith u not elected and. President eth not and the fir9 t(wU burn, fof ' Hoover geU beaten. 'ever. If youare runninsr for anv of-' As for me give me Hmtth or give ... whi.tBQ8Trr H anH ..,, )h iprohimtion law repealed I am not with you. I am one hundred per Jctnt against the traflk of whiskey in any torm whatsove. ' j Now bud be a roau, come out of i I water you have been wet so long you , ' are fall of barnacles. Clean up nut ! Ambulance Service Call BELL AND JAMES Funeral Directors MOREHEAD CITY, N. C. Phone No. 3 Day Night 125-W me Hoover JlilMIE GUTHRIE Harkers Island, June 14. LETTER FROM MR. McCAIN The people of that Washington town that is using wooden money will have to have a lumber yard to do any serious hoarding. Louisville Courier-Journal. MOMENTARY MADNESS It's queer a thing that you never hear of anybody who has done a good deed claiming to have been tem poiarily insane. Philadelphia Evs-ning Bulletin. ECONOMY BARGAIN OVERLOOKED There would be more real economy in abolishing 200 Editor of The News: I have some things to mention this week, first I want to say I read Mr. Yeoman' letter of June the second. He says we are a nation that "has I forgotten God" and I feel like he ' is right. He says we ought to as a people nommate our officers to run , this government ont of the best God ' fearing men that we have. Men who . will pnt God ahead of everything if : we don't our government is going to : keep right down the road to ruin ! worse than it is. It seems that the ; county officers are pat to it to know j what to do. I see where they are doing away, with two of our county agents. I. want to say as for as ili-s Ann Ma- son is concerned she is a very nice ' lady but I want to say that they done j wrong when they started to having a ! demonstration agent at first.. The ' county has been gttting worse ever j since. But I feel like they have made , a big mistake by doing away with Mr. i Overstrtet. I also see wh.-re some of the people of Newport want the com- micsioners to retain Mr. Long to! teach agriculture in Newport. Mr. Long is a very nice man but I feel (like that Overstrett is worth more to the county than both of the others ;are. Now if they will put Mr. Long j principal of Newport School we will have a better school. That is What I think about it but I hear lots of the tax payers say we don't need any of them so they will have to suit them selves not me. Now I want to say a little about the primary election. W. H. Prdigen on some dry clothes and you will feel better. One more and w will stop1 DRESSES FIND DRESSES YOU WILL EVENING AFTERNOON MORNING SPORT WASH Dresses 14-52 FLANNEL COATS, PAJAMAS, GLOVES, HOSE, BATH SUITS DANCE SLIPS, DAiNCE SETS AT BETTY MAY DRESS SHOP MOREHEAD CITY, N. C. THE VOTERS' RESPONSIBILITY When people were making money and all business concerns were more or less successful extravagant expenditures by the various gov erning bodies were not much noticed. The era of hard times which the American nation, as well as the rest of the world, has been ex periencing for several years- has changed all that. The taxpaying voters are manifesting great interest in the cast o-f government of all sorts from the .national .government -down through the states, counties, cities and towns. If the people who pay the taxes had shown as much interest during the past ten or twelve years m puDiic matters as they have for the last two or three years things would not have come to the pass that they have reached. Too many citizens have asaumeij -$8$ -fflrjflg Is part in politics is a waste of time. Some would say that politics "is a dirty aort of business and I do not care to have any thing to do with it." And so because they were too busy or too good to take a hand, they turned the matter of gov ernment over quite frequently to incompetent persona and sometimes to dishonest ones. 1 ia an encouraging sign that the taxpayers seems to be waking up- and looking about to eee what can be done. They seem to be measur- mfmhprn of GonorPM than in riUmiunnir 2.00ft .rmv I . "ul Tc"- "uw m '"enai lets i elect him in November. In the nvt primary let's all throw our strength officer.--. Buffalo News. NORTH CAROLINA'S LITTLE REVOLUTION to Mr. R. Hugh Hill, make him nor next sheriff. We will have a hard fight I against Mr. Chadwick the way it j looks now and lets send Mr. Stanley vvooaiana to tne Legislature in No cember. Don't let Mr. Hamilton go this time.. Now my readers I hoard a very nice man say he would take the sher iff's place for $1250 a year and fees any time and it was a Democrat that said it. Now if the commissioners want to lessen county expenses-lets cut salaries on all officers that are drawing over $1500 a year. We farm ers don't make that much including our wives and children. Time we pay our guano and hanlm? hill mj ,o During the week North Carolina has been treated to a surprise, that the folks did not expect in the lsast. The Great Cameron Morrison, self-made governor, millionaire by marriage, Senator by appoirtrnent and proverbial DRY, won second place in a fir. --cornered race for fenate, trailing "Ou- Bob" lieyno'. 's, ardent WET who pabiicly announced that h's campaign fond was augmented by Society A jainst Prohi tion con tributions, by about 12,000 vcier, with app.oximately 200,000 good Democratic votes being cast t -ainst the member of Can Cameron. Is 'North Carolina becoming waked up to the fact thatthe Prohibition law is a failure: that it has encour aged graft,, enriched thousands of hoodlums and crooked politicians, that the enforcement of the law jhave to feed our team and ffurnish is a farce, and that the beneficial effects of the edu- Pur n implements and throw that cational campaign for true temperance conducted for ia" ln many years have been almost completely destroyed? Or, were those 200,000 votes cast against Cameron Morrison because of his advocacy of Frank McNinch and Word H. Wood (both ardent supporters of Her bert Hoover in 1928) because of his vifalth and close association with big business, or because he is known as a "machine man.?" Just a little revolutionary attitude for the people of the Good Old North State to take, but we welcome, the day when the voters of North Carolina will walk to the polls and vote according to their convictions, ,and this campaign has shown that they can and will as sert their rights if sufficiently prodded. McDowell News.) ANNOUNCING THE OPENING OF A BEAUTY SHOPPE IN TAYLOR BUILDING OVER NOE HWDE. CO. SATURDAY, JUNE 18th A five dollar coupon will be issued for the best name submitted for this Shop; and a fifteen-cent coupon will be given for each name submitted. All names MUST be brought in p?rson to the Beauty Shoppe; no telephone or mailed names will be ac cepted. Contest closes five o'clock June 29. The: winner will be announced in this paper June 30. Open 8:00 A. M. to 5:00 P. M. Daily Nights by appointment. Phone for appointments. IRENE SMITH, Proprietress D a a h I H a JINGLE BELLS THURSDAY, JUNE 9, 1932 Yours truly, E. L. McCAIN. Newport, June 13. THE WET AND THE DRY m i Ycur Dog Dsiervei Tretmnt This Now ii the tun to vaccinate your dog against Rabict (Run Mad) Prevention Price $1.00 also Preparation to keep Dog'i well. We loan KodaJte and Develop your (ilea 24 Kor aervice. Mother Save Time and Wor ry. We carry a good itock of Clapp and Gerber Baby Soup. Carrot, Prune, Spinich, Pea, .Been and Beeta. L Piotect your ikin from Sun burn ue Unguentine Skin Cream. GOING FISHING? Take with you Bus It keep of gnat, moiquitoet and other incU 25 Flit Repellent Cream 50c Lunch With U Chicken Salad and Pimento Cheee Sandwiches. Toaated jut right, Price 10c each. t Editor of the News: Wi hear so much talk these days j vvtibciui bi.e ck aiiu cue ury vnai it makes the true manhood and wom anhood of this our Christian Ameri ca sick. One man says he wants the wet. because the Bible is wet. I dont know what church you belong to ahdlB Phone 119 PRESCRIPTION DRUGGIST Beaufort don t care bnt do know that van are igrnorsnt concerning the Book Let's Urmf?aFmBmiFtirB9rFwBnmtiauaanri F . R. BELL

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