PAGE EIGHT -Si THE BEAUFORT NEWS THURSDAY, AUGUST 4, BETTER BUSINESS OUTLOOK IS SEEN Anti-Saloon League Will Oppose All 'Wets 1: .99 no GEF.XSBORO, July S "We appeal to all the citizens of North Carolina - see to it that no wet is eleetid to flBno (-Via VnrtVi Tariilina Anti-Sa- ... v , -' 1 ' - o o ...-., -v. , IS. IP. 20. 21. 70 :nal declaration of policy with partic ular reference to the 1932 campaign -- LL. -.,Kl,- nffiOJ "I Of -O. IOr tile vanuua yuuin. vmvtj. vj Commerce Department Reports on Favorable Developments During July Washington, Aug. 2 An upward the business situation - r,tl tn.lair hv the dpnartment ... i ,.f,i.-orl y, ,27, of commerce. !any wet argument or deceived by any,-- In July, it said, there was a cessa-'wet strategy; and let us vote first 29. tion of the outward flow of gold and'and jast for those wno favor the reten ."0. mnlorato rptnrnp movement, a (Ten . toa ..nnmonf f nr . i A i 1 ' " ' ' LllMl UL LIIO lOL 1 Ollll, UUil-i-ii v , -v. 1 eral strengthening of the bond mar-jtnose who favor repeal, never." ket resulting in improved prkes, aj Thes tatement as made public yes halt in the urgent liquidation in the.terday wa3 formulated by a special stock market and an advance in pric- committee composed of Rev. A. J. es of a number of important commod jBarton, D. D. of Wilmington, chair ities. jman, and A. W. McAIister and George While the department made no pre-' j. Burnett, of Greensboro, Dr. Bar dictions, business and financial ex- ton js chairman of the board of di perts pointed out that previous hard rectors of the North Carolina Anti times had ended during the summer Saloon league, and Mr. Burnett is months when gradual upward move- superintendent of that body. Mr. Mo ments had started in commodity Alister is a director of the league, prices, industry had begun to manu-, will Invite Borah to Speak Here facture and sell at a profit, even if j However, the basic material em Blight, and the movement of farm braced in the statement was agreed products had brought about an in creased buying. They said improve ments in the past had not been no ticed until six or seven months after ; the change had cpm. " The improvement noted in July by the department came after further' recession in June and was heralded ! as constructive developments that have "contributed to an improvement in sentiment." -89 -92 -94 .-92,a -92 -92 -89 -93 ..87 90 -90 ..88 ..80 ..83 ..90 78 SO 73 TO 78 79 76 79 74 72 79 77 76 70 71 ;maJe ronformabU to lines hereinaf- in survey of said m riPArti. iuu acres, more ur icao ,i ti f 1n nn nnrrh aide Of : Ur tO DB et up I' i 1 L V v. . , I . , known as Liong is- la.vis io u w "c T-i'.anH and Front mada by said Henry a., ion, ana NOTICE OF COMMISSIONERS' SAI E OF VALUABLE LANDS d ins Borden's Banks 1 Ul i V 1 - ! the Supenor Lcuit 01 iaiier u t m.,.., iM .m-veved description to be sub- i it i ariiP nnn ran ui ine uviis -- nt December Term, HARKER'S ISLAND Rev. S. W. Phillips of Portsmouth, Va., is conducting a revival at the M. E. Church, North. Mr. CUfton and Floyd Yeomans spent a ft?w days last week touring the western part of the state. Mr. Ernest Guthrie returned Sat urday from Clayton, N. C where he spent several da'ys as guest of Miss Eula May Farmer s acres, also 30 acres on Bogue Banks. 2. Adjoining the lands of J. W. Sanders, C. H. BsJl's and W. M J:hn iran and others: beginning at a stake on Mill Pond Branch, running East; more or less; Istituted lor the description herein, as hereinafter convenantea; excepting from the foregoing description and the description to be set up in the mentioned survey of said lands, the graveyard or family burykjf plot of to Marine land, thence with said Ma-1 " . ,n fMi. A. public auction to the highest bidderrine ,and to SUncell C. Be s line &ni0CZud in 'front of the for cash at j northwardly to a chop pine rtaf jd UJng house on gaid premise. And 12 o'clock, noon, Monday. 22I Uf Cedar Point road, thence westwafdly u f of Au,u.t, 1932 U, c. H. Bell's and W. M.;s to Kwnce at the court hou-e door of said coun-j corner, thence southwardly with said . defendant Henry Fort by Brt r r it tn thf fxcrinnin?. containing for 7 . . , , ... r tv in the town 01 t""., - r , " igage oeed recoraea in aice 01 Mg- i'i - : caure pending in said court i containing L er.ti'.lod: ' Daisy V. Koonce and hus band. F. P. Koonce, vs Henry K. Fort, and order of re-sale entered therein by Hon. L. W. Hassell, Clerk of said court, 2 August 1932 the un-orio-ned Commissioners will sell at Misses Lula Lewis, Violet Guth- nn,n at a mpptinar of the rie and Rubv Pelletfer-' of- Morehead Hpsst known aVhe Ur. fcartiers p.ace. board of directors of the league- at'City spent Sunday hw with friends, j This description-from deeiS of J. W. the King Cotton hotel Monday. The1 Misses Laui ie Moore, Eugene Da- j Sanders and wtfe Sallie Sunders to members of the special committtee ' vis and Harry Moore of MWrshaUberg j Daisy V. Koonce dated Detwnber S authoi-ized to put the board's : were visitors here SuncJay.- 1919, recorded Book igeii Rev. A. B. Harvey is conducting a Register of Deeti omce VRiierei day school teachers here Siis week, i Weeks to E W. Senders as fsllaws: ; Mr. Kerney Guthrie and Uoy GuUi jon North side of Bogue Sou:J.ii and rie of Mortaead City were '.MsitorilEast side of Goose Greek, begimnnjr here Suaday. !0n B?ue Sound iA the moullt of ip riR-nf esc CtoV. thence- rtfnning east- more or less, better known' . . a 1 Y ff I as t& eastwara nan oi nuius nj- . c qa frt ri.fprn,'0- ty, N. C, and bounded and descnb- lor fond. Th.s description from deef,.. Mid Unds coveyed and; ed ss follows: M: . f. i "rU V. KoonTe proton, of said mortage ded.- 1. The E. W. Sander tarn, io- -; Said laBlfl wili be sold subject to Vnrtk de 01 Bozue " . . caieu vu - Sound, bounded on tVw west by Goose Creek Xtd the lands f Hoyt Tootle, 'the land. of B. r. lyior neirs, ,i the East tf the lani3 ul d. f. sanaers and others;-reference to (ied of D. S. Weeks to E W. Sandersi will definite ly show, cor,aining with tong Marsn and Piney IsUnd, 640 ac7s, more or lowing described tracts oi wim igf-r of Deeds Carteret County. in- White Oak Township, Carteret coun- T,..,. LJi;iit;.) np f. confirmation by said court. Success. ( Cor. full bidder, wfll be retired tdepo. The forgoing descriptions being it per cent of bid as evid.ce of ! intended ts convey to Henry K. Fort la , en ..... . V. Koonce -aid husband F. P. Koonce, K A. MINN, in Carteret County, North Carolina,) T. 0 WARREN,, said description to be notified or 8-18 ' Commissioners. 193T2. were ideas into the form of a statement, and this wa? done yesterday. Tentative plans for a statewide meeting of people interested in re tention of the- present laws dealing with the liquor question, with Greens The adjusted index of manufactur- boro as the place of assemblage and ing activity showed several industries recording advances, after adjustment for seasonal factors. These advances were made by the automobile, tex tile, cement and tobacco industries. FOUR MURDERS IN LESS THAN WEEK September 9 as the time, were an nounced here yesterday. Senator William E. Borah, of Idaho, will be invited to address that gathering. Officials Try to Solve Several Mysterious Killings Poultry Notes Skimping on growing chicks' rations never pays "Feed them orseB them." m It is estimated that chick; w.13 con sume fonr pormds of feed duritis the first eight weeks of Its growth;. Since production the- flrsf year la usually 15 t 3ft per cent) higher tnan In later yerss. ene should' cuW during that time, tfiswrd the pour producers, and keep t& best over for tte- next year. Ducks are apt to be the- most sntl factory breeder during their first sea son of production. Elizabeth City, Aug. 2 Deaths, from violence in less than a week in' this section had mounted to four to-; day with the death of Mrs. Clyde El- j liott who was fatally wounded witlr her husband near Hertford aturday. An unidentified person fired a shot- gun charge into the bodies of Mr. j and Mrs. Elliott as th?-y rode with : their four children along a road dur-1 ing the late afternoon. Elliott died a few hours later and his wife died' last night in a hospital here. None of the children was hurt. j Yesterday Lin ford Chappell was found shot to death not far from the spot where the Elliotts were am bushed. A short time before Sheriff Whit Wright had announced Chap pell would be arrested and charged i Morehead City th with the slaying of Elliott. The officer expressed belief more than one person was guilty of way laying the couple and that Chappel was slain to prevent his revealing in criminating information. While an investigation, into these deaths was under way, officers at tempted to learn the circumstances surrounding the death of Mrs. George Lane who died soon after eating breakfast Jast February. oday Lan was in jail at Hertford warclivtne various cukkj l"-- -" fcouni to W F. Bell's Sr. line, thince I jun-thwairdly with the id Bell's line-j t &tanell C Bell's littvthence mat said Staacell C. Bell'ssline crossing th Xtai Road to th' Mill Pmd Branch., t&ence westwttdly with the various- rM5es of said 'JwntK tii tfs- past nronr of Goose Crtck; theraw the anios courses dowwsaid craete. to a nortfc. the beginning; it be ing, fctrowni a the Border lands who' Sike larot, containing baretttnsatiMB,, 460' smesv mm or less; A' teact on North si? of.' eh Miry Bi-ancfly b(rinning at. the head. rniv i!iip chick disease Is- known to be transmitted directly from hen i South. to chick. TWs Is pulloruro. dlseas. commonly known as baclllary whtJe dlarrhea. CLYDE JONES CETS DAMAGES FOR INJURIES SUSTAINED The N. C. Ir.du?trial Commissvon-j recently awarded Clyde Jonc-s of sum of i on account of injuries received write, in the employ of the Wf5t Construe-j tion Company of Kinstn. The Gxn-j tinental Casualty Company was also a defendant in the suit. The defsnd-r ants also were ordered to pay fe,of physicians and witnes. Mai-shallberg vtied relatives here Sunday. Mr. John PhifEps returned to flbfis mouth, Va.,. Tcussday after spewing some time here with friends. Mr. Huhtrt SaJter of Davis wa.Utie guest of Mi,-.. Julian IL Lewis here last week. Mr. Arthur Lewojy Lois Yeomwa, Mrs. Minnie Wade- and Mrs- Maty Davis retarnedi SCnmlay from Ocraa coke after' spending the week esaii there. Mr. and Mrs.. Toon Lewis of More head City were guests of Mr. axrti Mrs. Mart Lewis h.w Sondav. Mrs. Owen Fulforrfi and little sra:ilnf rhM Hranc& at StancelliC.. BeSLas left Thursday for Jinithport wheiseillnei ehe rBiwine the vsriota couo she will reside nearaur husband wlsies. dowir. sand braach to Seweir Rit- is an employe there? in the Coaitlsell,3 Iiirev thence northwardly- Guard. said! KisselT line to Wsu Tayloc'fe Mrs. Horace Nelson of Cape Loctt out spent the weet end here. Rev. HiQ filled to regular appoint ment Suwaay at tiie- M. E. Church; line,, thence! eastwardly witbi-.the sad Tavltur's line to the CamnBfancri.tb! Newe3t KasseD's line to StanceH C. Bail's iihe, thence southwardly diwn said fiw to the begirvaihg; biiirg known as Sykes land, reference to for Have You Driven The NEW iFQDMW ENJOY THE SMOOTHNESS OF AN EIGHT CYLINDER CAR AT A FOUR CYLINDER PRICE TUDOR SEDAN - - $500 FORDOS SEDAN $590 fv o. b. factory filotor Cafiipany BEAUFORT, N. C Loftlft :4i'n u'nmnm RT. DENOYER TAKEN TO NORFOLK NAVAL HOSH.TAL D. M. DeNoyer was taken, to, the Norfolk Naval Hospital at Ports- charged with murdering his son who'rraauth, Va., Monday afterr.o-n in the was found with his head crushed near Adair-Rice ambufance. He will. tej a chopped tree Thursday. j ,. i Lane told police he and his son, Woodrow, were chopping trees and that one fell on the boy but officers said blood was found 20 feet from tha body. They investigated the theory that Lane killed the boy and his wife saying, he carried insurance on both. r- Poultry Outlook The youltryman has le4 all of fits fellow farmers In adjusting supply to deinaBd? - Tour hens, on an aver sc;e, havev been taken out of every farm flock In the United States or tibout 20,000.000 hens. In addition fewer chicks have been hatched, so. fftacB of a decrease In fact that some- forecast a shortage of eggs next wla- ter. Prices are bound to reflect this adjustment Just as they will ta every fther agricultural product when ths same adjustment takes place. Ex- wive treatment at the gownmentsd: bospital. For tjstt days or two, weeSa prior to this be received treatrcwat at the More-ljead City UosnitaL SP I change. ' Poultry Facts Stale, inferior eggs probably kill the demand for eggs far more than do prices. .w"1"" Overheated Incubators represent real fire hazard. - Lamps should be carefully Inspected and watched. If your poultry Sock has experienced an outbreak of fowl pox within toe past year, vaccinate all chickens be tween the ages of three and one-half and fonr months. .jx Poultry production and poultry pop ulation has decreased, according to the federal authorities. Questionnaires sent to Iowa farm ers from Iowa State college reveal that 82 per cent gather eggs only once a day, and 72 per cent market eggs only once a' week. It Is a safe rule to allow one square foot of floor space for every three chicks. For best results not more than 3W chicks should be hrooded to gether In one pen or brooder house. He&t Records Broken During MoatK of July The month of July certainly fur nished s-ome unusual weather in this vicinfty- according t the records of the local tj. S Wheather Station and also accordiwt to the feelings of the population, ft was very dry and very hot. Usually there is considerable rainfall in the month, this year there were nnly 1.70 inches. There were 29 clear days. During the month of July trier? were 23 days in which the thermo meter registered 90 degrees or bet ter, which is a thing that the oldest inhabitants do not remember as ev er happening before nor do the weath er records show any thing of the sort. The highest temperature was 99 and was recorded on the 15th. The lowest temnerature was 63 and that was on the third. A redeeming fea ture however was that for 17 days a strong southwest wind blew and that made the heat bearable. The wind blew from the northeast seven days, southeast four and from the east,, south and west flje day each. The temperature figures are riven below for the whole month. Max. Min. 1. .... ...-91 " 78 2. 91 75 3. 91 63 4. 87 75 5. 98 79 6. 92 79 7 91 74 8 93 Va 75 9. 96 75 10. -93 72 11 93 78 12. 92 77 13. 91 71 14. -- 98 " 77 EGIAL OfFER FOR THREE DAYS ONLY August 4, 5 and 6th, 1U $ P SEE WHAT YOUR WORN TIRES ARE WORTH ! Look Ai These Generous Allowances, Allowances, on, GOODYEAR ALL-WEATHER FOR YOUR WORN TIRES HERE'S WHY We are swamped with ialls for partly used tires. Our used tir stock has been shot to pieces. Right now this shortage puts ax fnarket ralue on used tires that enables us to offer you tremendous allowanc es toward , the price ' of new Goodyears largest selling tires in the world. If you act quickly you can sell us the miles left in your worn tires at FULL CASH VALUE Now your worn tires are worth more OFF than ON your car USED TIRE BUYERS The exchange tires go on sale to you as fast as they are taken off and inspect ed. Come take your pick. Depend on us to treat you right on prices. Sensational Allowanc es for Three Days Only on Latest, Finest, New- Goodyear ALL-WEATHERS and PATHFINDERS Lifetime Guaranteed Su pertwist Cord Tires Fresh Stock All Firsts Greatest Goodyear Val ues in Thirty Summers. to lA Similar Allowances on All .Sizes. Exchange 1, 2, 3, 4 or 5 Tires. Free Mounting SIZE 4.40-tl . . 4.31WO.. 4.50-21 . . 4.73-19.. 4.T5-20. . 5.00-19. . 8.00-20. . 5.23-18. . 5.25-19.. 5.25-20.. Jp. 5.50-17" 5.50.18. . 8.50-19. . 8.50-20.. 8.00-17.. 6.00-18 . . 6.O0-19.. 6.00.20. . 6.00-21. . 6.50-17.. 6.50-19. . 7.00-18.. Each Tire Set f 4 $1.95 2.00 2.05 2.35 2.40 2.45 2.45 2.75 2.80 2.85 2.90 3.10 3.18 3.20. 3.28 3.50 3.50 3.8S 3.60 3.68 4.30 4.40 4.80 $7.80 8.00 8.20 9.40 9.60 9.80 9. 11.06) llJfiO lt.40 11.60 U.40 12.60 12.80 13.00 14.00 14.00 14.20 14.40 14.60 17.20 17.60 18.00 Allowances on GOODYEAR PATHFINDER 1 'if SIZE 4.40-21 . 4.50-20. 4.50-21. 4.75-19. 4.75-20. 4.75-21 . 5.00.19. 5.00-21. 8.00-22. 5.25-18.. 8.25-19.. 8.25.20.. 8.25-21.. 8.80-18.. 8.50-19. . 6.00-20. . 6.00-21., 6.00.22. . Each Tira Set of 4 $1.55 $6.20 1.60 6.40 1.65 6.60 2.00 8.00 2.00 8.00 2.00 8.00 2.10 8.40 2.10 6.40 , . 2.30 8.20 2.28 9.00 2.38 9.40 2.40 9.60 2.48 9.80 2.80 10.00 248 10.20 3.30 13.20 3.40 13.60 3.55 14.20 Highland Park Service Station PHONE 144-Y BBEAUFORT, N. C. 1Z