THE BtAUFORT NEWS THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 8, 1932 PAGE SEVEN ' l i I m Gxwspondcnce - Items for this column should reach the New office each Tuesday. If your community is not represented write us for instructions nd supplies. ., s.. r PORTSMOUTH hom'e. Mrs. J. G. Walters of spent last week here with eats Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Mason. Mr. and Mrs. Julian Hamilton and children of Burgaw spent Su.(Jay here with Mr. Hamilton's mother. Mr. and Mrs. George Hardesty have returned from Fairfield where, they visited relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Willis of Long Island are visiting Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Willis. Mr. and Mrs. Linwood Hewitt and little son Linwood Jr., left for their 'home in Norfolk Sunday. Mrs. Hew itt had been visiting her sister Mrs. Alex Golden for the past week. Mrs. B. B. Blalock and little daugh -last week at Marshallberg with her Beaufort ! cousons, Misses Eileen and Irma her par- jMrs. H. R. Chadwick. i Mr. and Mrs. Gradv Willis and 'children. Carroll and Etta Louise of Iter Lorna Doone left for their home Miss'Josie Roberts returned home Atlantjc gpent a few hours here Sun- in Newport News, Va., Monday. They Monday from Fhiiadeipnia wnere she has been spending the summer with her sister. Mr. and Mrs. Lemmie Gilgo and children spent the week end at Da vis with relatives. Mr. Sammie Williams left for Avon day evening with Mr. Willis sister, Mrs. Maggie Hancock. Miss Annie Moore Piner of Marsh allberg was the guest of Miss Eloise Chadwick Sunday night and Monday. Mrs. Floyd Chadwick . of Straits sDent last Friday here with Mrs. Monday. He has been transfered toMa?gie Hancock ana Mrs. V. A the Coast uuara siauon mere. Messrs. W. T. Roberts and Will Willis spent the week end in Beau fort. Miss Emily Dixon returned home Sunday from Davis after spending a few days there. Misses Neta Willis and Dena Salt er returned to Davis Saturday. Mr. Frank Gaskill was in Beauofrt Saturday on business. Mr. Lemmie Gilgo spent a short while in Ocracoke Monday. Mr. Robert L. Roberts returned to his home in Oriental Sunday after spending the summer here. Messrs. Tom and Charlie Salter and Elmo Gilgo left Monday for Avon. Mr. Allie Rice spent the week end at Davis and Atlantic. Miss Leida Mae Willis left Sunday for Morehead City where she will visit Mrs. James M. Gilgo. Messrs. M. H. Willis and Norwood Roberts spent a short while in Atlan tic Sunday. Mr. Theodore Salter and son Er nest spent Saturday in Beaufort. Mr. Tom Salter spent the week end at Atlantic. Mr. Clayton Willis spent Sunday in Atlantic. Miss Ruth Roberts of Ocracoke spent a few hours here Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Junius Styron return ed Friday from Hattreas. Dr. S. V. Lewis of Ocracoke was here Wednesday and vaccinated th,e children for smallpox. Mrs. E. A. Kerney of Norfolk, Va. is here -visiting her aunt, Mrs. Mattie Gilgo. GLOUCESTER. Rev. Mr. Brandenburg filled his reg ular appointment at the Tabernacle church Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Ervin Davs of Tar boro spent the week end here with Mr. and Mrs. S. C. Davis. Mr. Albert Fulford left Thursday for Buies' Creek where he will at tend college. 1 , Mr. and Mrs. Anson Davis and little daughter Margaret Lynell spent Sunday at Harkers Island the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Cleveland Davis. ' . ' Mrs. Lizzie Davis returned home Sunday after spending some time with her daughter Mrs. Henry Nes bit of Atlanta, Ga. She was accom panied back by Mr. and Mrs. Henry Nesbit. ' Miss Louise Hudgins of Beaufort left Saturday after spending a few days with Miss Florence Pigott. Capt. and Mrs. J. A. Nelson and sons Messrs! Ernest Cranston and Clifton Nelson and daughter Miss Katherine1 Nelson returned to Chat tanooga, Tenh Sunday where Kath erine will attend school. Mr. and Mrs. Guy Willis "and little son Willie Guy Of Smyrna spent the week end here with ',r parents Mr. and Mrs. H. S. Pigot;. Mrs. D.1 L. Carlton and Mrs. Gor don West and little daughter Laura Chadwick of Warsaw are spending ; sometime here with Mrs. West's mother Mrs. Laura Fulford. " Chadwick. Mr. Guion Simpson and Miss Ber tie Warren of New Bern, were guests of Mr. Simpson's parents Mr. and Mrs. V. R. Simpson Saturday evening. Miss Sallie Davis and Mrs. Leona Simpson who are employed at New Bern spent Saturday and Sunday here with their parents. Mrs. Edwin Piner, Mrs. Tyre Moore, Mrs. Kate Davis, Mrs. Matilda Rose, Mrs. Tom Davis and Mrs. Har ry Moore of Marshallberg were guests Sunday afternoon of Mrs. Her hprt Hancock. The "Busy Bee" Circle of the Meth odist church met with Mrs. Maggie Hancock Monday of the past two weeks. Monday of this week the cir cle met with Mrs. W. L. Smith. Mr. R. B. Whitehurst of Washing ton, D. C. is spending some time here with relatives. Miss Alma Willis spent last Satur day in New Bern. SMYRNA . Services were held at the Mehto dist church here -Sunday morning by Rev. E. L. Hill and the Baptist church Sunday afternoon by Rev. A. P. Stephens. . , " Mr. and Mrs. L. L. Simpson and sons, Monroe and Harold arrived home last week from Mayport Flor ida. Mrs. V. A. Chadwick snenta few MFRRIMQN Mrs. E. F. Carraway was a business visitor in Beaufort last Tuesday. Mrs. Mary E. Ball continues very sick at the home of Rev. J. M. Cart way's. Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Nelson and children of Bridgeton spent the week end at his father's Mr. E. L. Nelson. Mr. C. D. Jameson of Cleveland Ohio., who has been spending a few days on his farm at the Winthrop place left for home Saturday morn ing. He was accompanied by his two nephews Richard and Johnnie! Jame son. who have been spending the summer here. Rev. Mr. Brandenburg filled his regular appointment here Sunday af ternoon. Miss Ruth Nelson spent Monday with her brother E. L. Nelson. . Mr. and Mrs. E. U Nelson are moving on the Winthrop place this week. Mrs. Thurman Pittman and little daughter Bettie Lee spent the week end at Lukens with her husband's parents Mr. and Mrs. Haywood Pitt- man. Rev. J. W. Sewell of Beaufort spent Monday night with Mr. and Mrs. G. M. Carraway. Miss Beatrice Mason of Beaufort spent last week here visiting friends, Mr. and Mrs. John Bell and sister Miss Lena Ball of Petersburg, Va., were here Saturday to see Mr, Ball's mother Mrs. Mary E. Ball. Mr. S. Barker of Trenton was over last week visiting relatives and friends. Mr. and Mrs. George Bacon and two children of Norfolk, Va., spent last week here the guests of Rev. J. M. Carraway. . - - Rev. J. W. Sewell of " Beaufort will preach at South River Church "Edward's Chapel" on the second Saturday night, Sunday and Sunday night, Sept. 10 and 11th. Every one cordially invited to attend. Mr. and Mrs. Clifton Sorrell, who have been living at the Winthrop place for the past year moved back to their home near Vanceboro Saturday. have been spending some time with relatives here. Miss Joyce Elizabeth Mason is vis-. iting Misses Evelyn and Catherine j Davis in Beaufort. Birthday Party Master Carol Willis celebrated his sixth birthday Friday afternoon when Pake. She accompanied her home Thursday evening and are spending several days here. Miss Eva Goodwin of Roe return ed home Sunday after spending some time here with her cousin, Miss Grace Pittman. Mr. and Mrs. Monroe Simpson and daughter spent Sunday at Smyrna the guest of Mr. and Mrs. L. L. Simp son. Mesdames Denns Goodwn and Chas. Day and chldren of Roe who have been visiting their mother for some time returned home Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Guy Daniels and chil dren spent the week end at Roe with relatives. Miss Gertrude Mason of Stacy who has been visiting Misses Mildred Daniels and Louise Willis returned home Sunday. Miss Gerty Goodwin of Roe is vis iting her cousin Miss Grace Pittman this week. Miss Mildred Daniels who has been spending her vacation here with her of his parents Mr. and Mrs. A. G. Willis. At the conclusion of an in teresting series of games the little guests were served lemonade and cake out on the lawn. Each guest re- he entertained a number of his parents Mr. ana Mrs. Burton uameis friends at a party given a tthe home will leave Wednesday lor Morgan- ton, wnere sne attends tne JNortn ar olina School for the deaf. Mr. and Mrs. William Willis spent Sunday afternoon here with Mrs. Willis' mother, Mrs. L. H. Pake. Messrs. Allen and' Jimmie Lupton favor. The pretty brthday cake held .and sister Miss Ellen Lupton arriv six candles. e( Monday to visit relatives for a Those present were: Lloyd Hayes ;lew aajs. Mason, James Francis Morris, Margie j. an- Mrs. h. L. bimpson and Jean Donerson, Melba Hill, Harry son Harold and Misses Louise and Davis, Troy Hamilton, Tommy Mor-i Agnes wade were here a tew mo ris, Loris Lee Daniels, Joyce Mason, jments Monday night. Marie Davis, Sybil Clara Nelson, Hel- Mrs- Mack Hunnings who has been en Willis Smith, Billy Davis, Mary , 1uite m f or several days is somewhat Alice Smith, Reta Gertrude Salter, j mproved. Mary Gladys Robinson. Eva Gertrude! Mrs. Roy Goodwin and children re Salter, Eva Gertrude Taylor, Donald (turned from Roe Saturday where Willis, Meriel Fay R obinson, Iva'they spent several days with relativ- Buriel Robnson, Iona Mason, Ronald ,es' Church, North filled his appointment here Saturday night. Madame C. A. Johnson and chil dren and D. W. Yeomans spent the week end at Cape Lookout. Mr. Eric Hill of Atlantic was a vis itor here Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. B. C. VanWye left Monday for their home in Cincinnati, Ohio. Mrs. M. L. Yeomans spent several days last week at Marshallberg vis iting her sisters Mrs. F. G. Gillikin and Mrs. John Lewis. BECTON-LEWIS Earl Mason and Catherine Davis. WIRE GRASS Mr. Manly Styron of Washngton, D. C. spent the week end with his parents Mr. and Mrs. H. W. Styyron. Mr. and Mrs. Sol Willis of North River visited Mrs. Crissie Evans Sun day evening. Mr. Leaton Dudley and sister Mrs. Jack Grady of New Bern spent Thurs day evening with the parents Mr. and Mrs. Griff Dudley. Mr. Ferbie Fodrie has returned home from Morehead City hospital. Mrs. Like Dickinson and children of Core Creek spent the week end with her parents Mr. and Mrs. C. T. Eubanks. Mr. and Mrs. Berkley Simpson and daughter were herea short while Saturday night. Mr. Sylvanus Barker of New Bern was the guest of Mrs. F. M. Goodwin Sunday. Mrs. James Lynch spent a while here Tuesday afternoon. VENOLIA The marraige of Mss Alberta Lew is, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ambrose Lewis of Marshallberg, North Caro lina, to Mr. Gordon Becton, son of Mrs. and Mrs. Oliver Becton of More head City, took place Saturday Aug ust 27, at 3:30 o'clock at Beaufort The ceremony was performed by Rev. Jinnette. The bride was attired in a blue crepe gown with accessories to match. Mr. and Mrs. Becton will reside at 1304 Arendell Street Morehead Cty. The bride is a graduate of Smyrna High School, and Mr. Becton is a prominent electrician and a graduate of The Chicago Engineering Works. U. S. Weather station on Fiver's Is land. Mix. Min. 1 91 69 2 89 73 3 90 75 4. 92 78 5 86 74 6. .87 75 7 .87 77 8 87 77 9 90 74 10 90 74 11 88 77 12. 92 78 13. 87 74 14 89 65 15 90 67 16. 81 70 17 88 70 18 89 76 19 87 74 20 89 74 21. ,...82 72 22 87 72 23 85 70 24 84 72 25. 85 69 26 89 72 27 90 71 28 89 76 29 90 77 30 92 78 31 91 78 A Lincoln county farmer sold 80 bales of alfalfa last week to a rab bit breeder near Charlotte. The alfal fa acreage in Lincoln is being steadi ly increased. One cooperative car load of limestone was recently roder ed for the crop. S. T. Latta of Orange County is preparing 10 Oacres of lan dto be planted to pasture grasses next spring Month of August Had Some Right Hot Days OTWAY We are certainly having some dry weather at this writing and sure would like to see a good shower this time. Mrs. Josephine Roberts spent Sun day with her son Willie. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Earl Roberts j davg the 80Uth thre ATLANTIC Miss Inez Willis who has been spending the summer with relatives in Richmond returned home Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. J. I. Mason returned home Friday after attending Summer School at Chapel Hill. Mr. Mitchell Fulcher of Long Is land, N. Y. is visiting relatives in Miss Pauline Lewis who has been spending the summer with her moth er at Kinston has returned to her grand parents where she will spend the winter and attend school at Beaufort. Mrs. Arietta Gillikin went to Beau fort Tuesday on business. Mrs. Nannie J. Lawrence is still ! on the sick list. Misses Pauline Piner and Lula Gil likin who have been spending sever al weeks with Miss Lela Hardison of Washington returned home last week. Miss Dollie Lawrence will leave for Washington, D. C, this week where she will go in training in a hospital there to become a nurse. Mr. and Mrs. Moses Pttman and children of Wilson motored here Sat urday on account of the accdental death of her father Mr. Albert Gil liikin. Mr. Uzzell Lewis is having him a new home built and will soon have it finished. Mr. and Mrs. Alexander Lewis and children of Beaufort were . called home on account of the death of Mrs. Lewis' father Mr. Albert Gillikin that happened here Friday night. Mrs. B. B. Lawrence is still on the sick list. LENOXVILLE of Morehead City visited his broth er Mr. Willie Roberts Sunday after noon. Miss Ethel Roberts of Kinston Hospital spent last week with her i -mother Mrs. W. W. Roberto. Mr. Eddie Gould was a business visitor at New Bern Saturday. ,r' Mr. Willie Roberts and Mr. Curt Garner went to Morehead City on business Saturday. Mr. Asa Mann went to Beaufort Saturday on business. Mr. J. L. Hill and Mr. C. Gould went to Morehead City Friday on business. Mrs. Lena Roberts spent a while last week with her father at New port. Mr Eddie Gould and Miss Gertie Garner were the guests of Mr and Mrs. Otto Slaughter Sunday. ' Mr. Rupert Gould and Mis3 Ethel Pringle were the guests of Mr. and ( Mrs. Koy uarner bunday. There seems to be lots of talk a bout the eight and six months school but I hope the good people will go to the polls the first Tuesday in No vember and vote for the eight months of school, for we sure do need it. There were 24 clear days here bouts in the month of August and 11 of them were quite hot for this sec tion; they had maximum records of 90 or more. The hottest days were the 4th, 12th and 30th when the rec ord reached 92 Fahrenheit. These temperatures however were eclipsed by some recorded in other places in the State where the thermometer broke a good many records going up as high as 105. I The winds in August were mostly from the northeast and southwest, 11 I days from the former and 10 from the latter. It blew from the east four e and west two. The rainfall for the month was fairly good, 4.05 inches. Temperature fig ures for the month are given below, fTL:. I j r i v i n mi . j-ius mi urmauon is iurmsnea oy xne STOP! Using Too Much Oil By installing AMERICAN HAMMERED PISTON RINGS with Ventilated Inner Rings ! MACHINE SHOP Front St. Beaufort HARKER'S ISLAND Miss Daphne Taylor of Sea Level is the guest of Mrs. Carl Lewis this week. Mr. Walter Nelson has returned from Battery Park, Va., where he has been employed for several months. Mrs. Walter Lewis and two little sons Walter Preston and Raymond Lee visited friends at Marshallberg this week end. , Friends and relatives of Mr. A. H. Gaskill regret to learn that he hours at Morehead City Sunday ev- Atlantic. Saddler will visit her mother-in-law enmg with her aunt Mrs. Bessie TVebb Miss Lucy King of New Bern is Mrs. Theresa Saddler also her par who arrived home Sunday from Wash the guest of her aunt Mrs. Ida Willis, ents Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Lewis of ington, D. C., where she has spent .'. . Mr. Harry Willis of Long Island, Harkers Island. the past two months with her niece N. Y. is spending his ' vacation at Miss Vera Pake spent several days Mrs. Robert Matthews and chil dren, Jeane and Peggy Ann and Miss Evelyn Sellers of Rocky Mount ar rived Sunday evening to visit rela-,is critically ill at his home here tives here and at Smyrna, Marshall-' Misses Lama Salter and Amelia berg for several weeks. Robinson of Atlantic were the guests Mr. Harry Willis an employe inlof Mrs. Claude Salter last week, the U. S. C. G. at Lovlette, N. J. ar-j Mr. Earl Johnson has returned rived Saturday morning to spend his; home front Hopewell, Va., where he vacation with his mother, Mrs. Jas. has been employed for several Willis, Mrs. Dan Saddler and Mrs. jmonths. Walker George of New York accom- Mrs. Tom Salter and little son of panied him. Mrs. George will visit t Atlantic were the guests of her sister relatives at Marshallberg and Mrs. 'here last week. Mrs. Clayton Guth rie. Miss Eula Mae Farmer of Clayton was the guest of Mrs. Fred Guthrie last week. Dist Supt Thomson of the M. E. Things Look Better Higher prices for tobacco, cotton, wheat, corn and various other commodi ties mean that business is on the up-grade. Factories are resuming work, more peo ple are employed and the outlook is good. The Revival in Business can be greatly helped by putting more money into circulation. Money is the life blood of business. Hoarded money does nobody any good. People who carry bank accounts keep money in circulation and benefit themselves and their communities. Open a bank account with us now. It will be a big convenience to you and a benefit to your community. The Bank Of Morehead City MOREHEAD CITY, N, G 3 SUCH JS LIFE iiy Guiles Sujhroc GJU Bob urn urn m - n Mm jt"- hi We come,? - .i Ilk ' HA1 M&m COM6 CUAU MOV, I CO I i j j'"" """""p j i I ii H Jbu, dd so to -TYiE pEKmsr. ?op' but HE SttAlNED Hi? VVfclST ,Grr For A Vt:irv Afwr tvut too gad'? UAt UAI UA 1-. wvm t-1 3 ; I i !