totresponaencffi THE BEAUFORT NEWS THURSDAY, OCTOBER 6, 1932 PAGE THRFE Washington Snapshot Items for this column should reach the News office each Tuesday. If your community Is net represented write us for instruction! and supplies. 01 PELETIER MissAdelia Norris left Thursday for Greenville where she will resume Formal overtures by lailroai man agements to leaders of organized railway labor for a conference on wage reductions have been repected. Asserting the plight of the railroad workers is now "distressing enough" the labor leaders said they had no in tention of cooperating at this time in ' if ;tj. l.- j.t I Mi'S Sallie Leffers, who has been negotiations wnicn migui mane uie.r receiving treatment at Durham hos- condition more serious, pital Friday, much improved. j Mrs. Denard Roberts and son after j fpnuins me summer i men- tui- It is comonly said that the radio BUSINESS HOLDING ITS OWN fluence. give them plenty of time to accustom ATD OUTLOOK IS IMPROVING The seasonal developments are j themselves to new surroundings and NEW YORK, Oct. 1 Business and i undoubtedly encouraging, this analy-vill also allow about sixty days for trade throughout the country, the ! sis said. "Althuogh many lines of bus the birds to be mated and in produe- trade reviews reported today more jiness ares till below last year, the up- nun oeiore eggs are savea ior naicn ward trend is sometmng to cause ,ir.g purposes. iug mutn (.hub cumui, hepe; especially when it is remember- be spent in selecting these breeding cc! t'.at the t.end was downward in ' n::-.les.Before turning them in to the both the last two years at this time." b.ecding pen be sure that they are vigorous birds with proven perform ance, and coniorm to tne standard or the breed. than held their own during Septem ber and hopes for further gradual impiovement are held out for the bsl ancc of trie year. The general movement now has ex tended to both the industrial and dis tributive divisions, although the gain jn the former is less conspicuous than in the latter, said Dun's. Bradstreet's found seasonal fac tors still showing a stimulating in in.i., i i TIMELY FARM QUESTIONS ANSWERED AT STATE COLLEGE, I ,. m , ! LK IIUiHn tilt? SUIIIIIiei PI tUCIL LUX" . , . i a M her work in the East Carolina Teach- ' returned to their home at Ashe-. "89 changed the whole character of ' ville. RUSSELL'S CREEK prs Colleee, Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Bovvden of Washington, D, C. are visiting Mrs. 'a rtartnts. Mr. and Mrs. Wil liam Truckner. I The revival services which have Rcv. J. II. Williams will fill been conducted in our community by t ffjultiv appointment (it Live Po. Air Tinrfipld of Newnort for C.mvo church Sundav vst week were closed Sunday af- 3 -.00 and Sunday night October. Ev- er anytning campaigning. But to judge by Gover nor Roosevelt's decision to visit on a speaking trip nearly half the States in the Union, it hasn't. A man may 'sit at home and talk to the entire his country on a nation-wide hook-up. Onk But nation-wide hook-ups ara very afternoon at expensive. And it is a question whetn the V"i ill take the place of tne . ., 1 1 il,.. nnn ternoon. ery body Is invited to attend. 'personal api'uanL-e ui u.uaii: Mr. and Mrs. Jaby Rhue were visi- There wil be services held at the before the voters. tors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. S. Free Will BaptUt church Sunday af- JV Meadows Sunday. 'ternoon at 3:00 October 9th by Rev. ( Prohibition politics has split one of Mrs. Julia Mattocks of MaysviJfe ' E. C. Gaskill of New Bern. Everyone the country's prominent families wide is visiting her daughter Mrs. Dewitt be sure to Arae. open. Mrs. Charles H. Sabin of New Truckner. I Mr. and Mrs. C. S. Rogers were the York, Joan of Arc of the wet women, Mr. Bryant Wiggins was a business guests of Mr. and Mrs. L. L. Springle is a sister of Mrs. Harry F. Guggen visitnr i r.rP.P7ivillP Mtndav. isintl Mr, and Mrs. Johanie Gregory heim, wife of the American Ambas- A rnn.W nf nnr wrvhlp attended 'flnnrlav afternoon. ' sador to Cuba and intimate of Col. services at Bogue Sunday. Farewell Pafty Th 'young people of our comunity were iflelightfully entertained Wed nesday evening at A -f-ewell party givrn by Miss Okl -Norns in honor of iier cousin Miss Atlelia Norris. When all the guest had arrived tliey were conducted 'by Miss Norris i Mrs and Mrs. Leon Podrie were the Chavles Lindbergh. The two women. srupsis: of Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Lunton ar daughters ot the late Paul JVNr. onT,.IV I ton, Secretary of the Navy in the ! first Roosevelt administration. Mrs. Sabin is supporting Gov. Roosevelt LENOXVILLE IheKlTCrm Western Newspaper Union.) Search thy own. heart: what palncth thee In others, In thyself may be. J. G. Whlttler. I don't think much of a man who is not wiser to? -.y that he was yesterday. Abrat im Lincoln. SOME TESTED GOOD THINGS mm I Mrs. Guggenheim is for President Hoover. The twrtoise of the White House Mr. Harry Hfillis left Saturday f lawn has disappeared, after, nearly v, i,.. .vin, QO ottrnt;wl feast week for lLavalette, N. J. where .thirty years of lounging about the Ex Sighted and efficiently arrange he is employed, aftre spending his ; ecutiye Mansion. Gardens haven't vacation ueJv Wlin ma iuuwc .iw-i-o. im iui luuiiLiia. a. tic y icai biien, James Willis. He was accompanied some souvenir hunter has made oft by his cousin, Mr. Harvey Daniels with him, or that the recent drought who will visit relatives in N, J. for has caused the terrapin to seek mois some tiroft. ' ! ter soil. Miss Lwiise Willis is attemiling - sr-hnol a Hloriranton thb year, I 'The rout of the La Toilette fosx- J.tor the occasion. Iflere, many gmefe were played. Sthg music was Jtr nished by Mr, Bwrett Gould an8 3Rt. Leighmoa Gartwr of Newport. Refreshwents, 'consisting of catdly, iced tea, and (Cke were servfl tend enjoyed ?Meryone. NCOTTH RIVER Mis JrJIfct Fulcher is wiy ill Morelwaa rCrty HosptiaL Mil her friends "sympathize with tte family and bevpe sbe will sooa be well and home ttguii- Mr. nd 'Mrs. Otis WiUfe spent Sunday tftAVest Beaafwrt 'visiting friends. Mrs. TEntf Moore of Bemuicrt spent Friday Thaie with her fatamr Mr. F. L. Willia who has been confined to his homeffntr the past week. Mrs. Harry Lynch and ciiKJren and sister Miw Nellie Chaplain spent last Wednesday here with their sister Mrs. W. H. Blake. Mrs. X L. Lawrence of TMorehead City spent Sunday afterixeon here with frieR'-is, Mr. aid) Mrs. Monnie Daniffe Spent es was the most disastrous blow sus- a few toys here last week with rela- tained by the insurgent element in tives. ihe Republican Party in more than a Mr. mid Mrs. Guy Daniels were call 'decade. It leaves the 'Progressive bloc ed to Boe Saturday on account vst the in Congress badly Shattered in mor- at Iserions'-illness of Mr. Da-meTs mother, .ale as well as (noTibers. It was an up- Mrs. dhn W. Daniels Jdrs. UJJaniersus sei oi rne nrsi uwsgnituae ano causea spendasg a few days Irene with rtila-; almost as much surprise in Washing tives. Mix Minnie ton a sthe Maine upheaval. Barker off Tnikwis , spent "last week here -mWk Jier a.rS'er.' Wisconsin's irrmiary election, in Mrs. has. Lewis. which the conservative Republican Mr., and Mrs. Chas. Lewis and wing in this leug-time progressive famly spent the week d at "Luiens State was the wctor, was hailed by the &uest of Mrs. Lewis' mother, : Republican lenders here as a harbin Mrs. "Barker. '8er f the party's success in Novem- Msrs. Harold SiwvpsMi and iPercy ber. Democrats were equally optimis Davis of Smyrna were Jherea iiort tic that hte upheaval would induce wfaH ISunday. ,the La Follette "Republicaris to join Mr. and Mrs. WTTfraTn Willis of the Democrats sm8 swing the State to BearuSort spent Smday Ttsnoon that party m the national election. here the guest of Mrs. L. H. Pake. Mr. and Mrs. L. L. Simpson and Mr. and Mrs. Berkley Simpson and m p w TWr,pm nA f ant son ' smaB daughter spent a short irhile Cedrie Olwaine spent last Wednesday fSnnady evening, the guest of in Beanfvtft visiting Mrs. John Wiley. Mr- J Mrs- Monroe Sanpson. Mr. Womdrow Nelson vmited his l- Mr. Woodrow Nelson of Beaufort nnAi. Mr V., Pptprsnn at. B. ttie last - was "e guesi i mtst nes- Monday. CORE CREEK sie rae bunday and JKonaay aren-ing. Mr. and Mrs. K. L. Dickinson of Thurman spent Sunday w'rih his father Mr. HI. C. Dickinson Misses Dickinson and Camion of Thurman attended our Sunday .School Sunday morning Mrs K. E. Gooding spent a while in Beaufort Saturday evening. Mrs. J. W. Dickinson is still on the sick list. We are hoping she will soon be better. Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Arendell and lttle girl Elizobeth Mrs. Gladys Cor endaa nd two little boys and Miss Ada Davis of Morehead City spent Sun day at the home of Mr. and Mrs. D. W. Sabiston. Messrs. B. A. Sabiston and Charles Whitley spent Sunday afternoon and Themosquitoes are still very busy although not quite so bad as they were last week at one time. They are still two thick for any comfort. Messrs. Wilbur Sabiston and Cecil Langrdale spent a while at Beaufort Sunday evening. Mrs. J. W. Dickinson attended the curb market Saturday. Mrs. T. P. Tosto spent a while Sunday afternoon with her parents. Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Lewis of. . Beaufort spent Sunday with her par ents Mr. and Mrs. M. R. Whitley. Miss Marie and Margaret Dickin son attended the movies at Morehead Saturday evening. SEA LEVEL DONT BLAME HIM "Hello, -wliere hare you been?" "To the station to see my wife off for a montk-' iholiiisy." "But how Black your hands are!" "Yes, I paitted the engine." Poul try Facts. Read The Want Ads There Is an eld saying that "an Hp Die a day keeps the doctor away," and an onion a flay Keeps ev- i erybody away. A good time to indulge In the odoriferous bulb Is at a time when you will not annoy others. Onions are such wholesome vegeta- bles that they should be i served at least twice a week In some form during the entire winter. An onion sirup cannot be ex celled for a cough, and a poultice of chopped raw colon, mixed with rye flour with a bit of vinegar t moisten, makes a remedy for any Ivwig trouble. This is not pleasant, but U is very ef fective. . Baked Stuffed Onions. This makes a most satisfying main dish. Peel and cook the -onions In boiling salted water for ten minutes. Tae out the cen ters, drain well. Parboil a small green pepper and remove the seeds, peel 12 large mushroom caps, cook In three tablespoonfuls of "butter with the onion -scooped from the centers, finely choppei. Add one-half cupful of bread ennribs, salt, pepper and a tablesnoon ful f "butter; mix well. Fill six me diunvslzed onions nnd top each with n nvnsbroom cap. Put Into a baking dti with a little water, cover and bake tn a moderate oven about one boor, Ttemove the cover the last 15 mlnrrtes and brown. They are de Urrrras without mushrooms, or with a hit df sausage. Vernon "Pudding. Mix one cupful of ftow, two egg yolhs well beaten, one lemon, Juice and rind, one teaspoon ttS 'Of melted batter, and one cupful of mltk. When well blended fold in the welKbcaten whites of the ggs and bate in a shallow bating dish set Into bot water. Dafre three minutes. Serve bat 'or cold. Walnut and Salmon Salad. Sepa rate Into flakes one-fourth of a cupful of lennned salmon. Take one-half cup f-afl xff walnut meats coarsely chopped Shred three-fourths of a cupful of cab bage, let stand In cold water to crisp Drain, nils with the salmon and nuts add .one cupful of cooked salad dress 'mg:ona serve on lettuce and you bav somefliing good. By F. H. Jeter j Q. My dahlias produce a lot of RALEIGH, Oct. 3 'blooms but they are small, now can Q. How can I keep bugs out of I produce larger blcoms 'dried peas during the winter? I Ans. First you must practice dis- Ans. One of the most successful buding. When the main or primary ! methods for keeping bugs out of peas, bud appears at the end of the branch, if the peas are to be used for seed, pinch out all side buds and shoots .is to store them in air slacked lime for a foot or more below this bud, using one pound of lime to two being careful, however, to leave at pounds of peas. For larger quanti-, least one pair of buds or shoots at j ties one bushel of lime to each four .the base of the stem for future ' bushels of peas should be used. For growth. This disbudding causes all j eating purposes the peas may be ( the plant food materials to go to 'heated to 135 degrees for three or 'the one remaining bud and will thus ifour hours. 'increase the size. Certain varieties also produce, much larger blossoms Q. When can I mate birds for than others and the grower should best results in the coming breeding select those varieties and then prac season? ( tice disbudding for the extra large Ans. Males should be placed in j blooms, the breeding pen at once. This will' Business Men Need Banking Facilities. Paying bills with currency is rather an inconvenient method. Small bills can be paid in this -way Vat even those had better be paid by check Merchants, farmers, manufactur ers snd professional men can best settle their accounts with checks. By this means they cankeep a record of what they are do img, A cancelled check is a good receipt. THE PEOPLE OF CARTERET COUNTY who are in need of the conveniences of a foarikrare invited to open accounts with us. Your business will be appreciated of course and we will do every thing in our power to make our relations pleasant and profitable to you. . .... , The Bank Of Morehead City MOREHEAD CITY, N. C. STRAITS Miss Matilda: GasklU "reft Wednes day for E. C. T. C. Greenville where she will attend school, Bhe was ac companied by her parents Mr. and Mrs. C. G. Gaskill and Miss Thelma Whitehurst. Miss Eva Stewart left Sunday 'for Clayton where she Is teaching. She was accompanied by her sister Miss Thelma Stewart. Mr. and Mrs. Dick Davis and son Saunders of New Bern were the guests of Mrs. D. W. Davis Sunday. Mrs. Dave Jones of Gloucester was the guest of Mrs. Wilbur Stew art Sunday. w. Mr. Wallace Willis who has bt-en sick for several weeks died Friday 1 morning. The funeral was conducted at tho Methodist church by his pastor i Rev. E. I.. Hill Rautrday evening at i two thirty o'clock. He is survived by' his wife and sister Mrs. Joe Salter. A rather extensive building pro 'mum has been going on for the past few weeks. Mr. Milton Taylor of Seaside Heights, N. J., is erecting a new home on the highway. Mr. Wal lace G. Styron has begun work on j his new home.. Mr. Vernon Mason finished remodeling and painting ins homo this week. j Several ciews of oystermen left I Thursday for the oystering grounds i where they began work Saturday, j Mr. Leslie M. Taylor has returned I to State College at Ralegih where he will resume his studies with the Sen ior class In Civil Engineering. Mr. Eugene L. Gaskill returned to Pine Level Sunday where he will take up his duties as a member of the High School faculty." Mrs. Melvenia Salter and her lit tle grand-son James Edward visited her son Mr. Joseph Salter last week at Morehead City. . . Mr. and Mrs. Mal'tby Taylor, Mr. and Mrs. Allen Taylor and their daughters Thelma and Gladys attend ed the Primitive Baptist Association at Williamston Saturday and Sunday. Mrs. Charlie Paul of Davis spent J the week end with her mother Mrs. Claudie Gaskill. - ? Quite a number of people from Harkers Island were visitors here Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Dave Willis and Mr. and Mrs. Almond Hamilton of New Bern attended the funeral Saturday afternoon. COMPENSATION There is one satisfaction in dying poor. Your heirs are likely to remain on good terms. Portland Oregon Daily. Journal. '' bl H &!s3 k ,v I llk I i 4 li . L. v- rT &m -, . ,nn awna jamL s. szzs. n tvss. it -a Copr. 1932, Esso, Inc. , it: Neiv Inventon gives all FIVE qualities of perfect lubricant. Hydrofined . . .no extra cost THE "ESSO" OF MOTOR OILS HYDROFINED BY "STANDARD"

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