Items for this column should reach the News office each Tuesday. If your community is not represented write us for instructions and supplies. , m ( May Be Heirs To Millions In England MILL CREEK Mrs. Joe Amos of Kinston 9Pent last week with her parents Mr. and Mrs. Dave Nelson. Mrs. Gladys Robinson spent a while Sunday with her parents Mr. and Mrs. Dave Nelson. Miss Lettie Nelson who has been visiting her sister, Mrs Joe Amos in Kinston for quite a while returned home last week. Mrs. Molly Rhue of Newport is visiting her brother Mrs. J. T. Jones. Mr Hnheit Dail lett lor uceau Citv. N. J the week end here with their moth er Mrs. Mannie Smith. They were accompanied by Mr. George O'Neal. Mr. Walter Chadwkk left Tues day afternoon on the dredge Man hattan for Mobile, Ala., where she will go in dry dock then on to Tex as where she will be stationed. SMYRNA Rev. V. B. Sprinkle filled his reg ular appointment at the Baptist church here Sunday afternoon. Mrs. Jettie Willis and daughter s,mHv. where Mrs. Dail' and Mildred Mr. She'ton Willis and Mrs. V. R. Simpson attended servic- j es at the Baptist church at Davis Sunday night. i Mr and Mrs H R Chadwick and son 1 Bobby of Washington, D C, arrived here last week for a two weeks va cation. Miss Hilda Smith of Durham is visiting her parents Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Smith. Mrs. Monroe Willis and Misses Maggie and Florence Pigott of Glou cester visited friends and relatives here Thursday night. Mr. and Mrs. Grady Willis of At- r.. J M W S PViarUviplc The Women's Home Demonstra-j of j;eaufort, and Mr. James Chad tion Club met at the home of Mrs. . wick of Gloucester spent Sunday af C. A. Merrell Thursday afternoon. ternoon here with Mr. and Mrs. The project was Summer Salad Har,.y Chadwick. Cooked Salad Dressing was made Mjs3 Katherine Hunneycutt vis- which everyone liken. Ice cream and j teJ ner sistel. ir3 ivey Chadwick at cake were served. The meeting the straits several days last week, should have been Tuesday afternoon, Mr Eliwin piner of Philadelphia, but was postponed aue to an omce spent Sunday is expecting to join him later, to epend the summer. Mrs. Fann Dowdy has been ill for the past few days, but we are glad to state, she is improving. Mrs Jean Pelf's brother of Michi gan arrived here Friday to spend a while with her. Mr. E. W. Graham of Morehead City, was the guest at dinner and supper of his brother Mr. C. W. Graham Sunday. RUSSELL CREEK with mhiir nt- Miss Dry s omce. Rev. R. H. Walker filled his ap pointment at Live Oak Grove church Sunday morning and Sunday even ing. Rev. C. Holton spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Bill Gaskins. Mrs. Herbert Jackson and children are spending a while with her par ents, Mr. and Mrs. B. H. Russell. Mrs. C. E. Dail is ill at this writ ing. We all hope she will soon bo well. ... Mr. and Mrs. Bennie Whitley, chil dren and Miss Maggie Whitley attend ed church Sunday. CORE CREEK Mr. and Mrs. Elbert Pigott of Shallotte spent Monday night at the home of Mr. and Mrs. u. . oauia- t0Mr. G. C. Langdale spent the week end at Beaufort with her broth er and wife Mr. and Mrs. K. L. Dick inson. . . . Mrs Kate Gooding was a visitor at Beaufort, Saturday evening. Mr and Mrs. Wilbur Sabiston of Beaufort spent the ween euu his parents Mr. and Mrs. D. W. Sab iston. , . , Mr and Mrs. L. C. Dickinson and children motored to Beaufort Satur day evening. Miss Hilda Sabiston is spending some time in Beaufort with her sis- II.., T P Tnstn. ler . . . Dickinson ot ueauion afternoon here his mother. Mrs. Eula Davis and sister Mrs. KpIIJa Owens of New Bern are spend inff sever al davs here at Mrs. Davis' j summer cottage. Mr. Guy Roberts Willis of Marsh allberg was here a short time Sun day afternoon. ; - ' V I . '!' ,v "' j '"'-.I ; BOGUE Miss Edith Taylor gave a marsh mallow roast Friday night in honor of her brother Aaron's birthday. About 38 guests gathered on the sand bills near Cedar Point. After games were played, all sang a num ber of songs whUe Mr. Bruce Taylor picked the guitar. The marshmallows were roasted around a big bonfire, all reported a grand tima. Mr. and Mrs. T. H.. Guthrie enter tained all the young folks at a party given Saturday night in honor of Mis Ruhv Guthrie's birthday. There were about 50 guests present, Miss Guthrie received quite a aumotsr nrettv and useful presents. After games were played out in the moon light, refreshments of iced ; lemon ade and coconut cake were served. There were several guests from Swansboro and Silverdale, all report ed a grand time. Mr. and Mrs. B. i. Uole, ana lit tle daughter Gertie and Jim Holland attended the home coming at Queens Creek Sunday. Geo. J. Brooks ENGINEER and LAND SURVEYOR Box 477 BEAUFORT, N. C. '""""""VW O. H. Johnson. M. D. SPECIALIST Eye, Ear. Nose and Throat GLASSES FITTED OBm Hmw Morehead City 9 to 12 A. M. Beaufort 2 to S P. M. IBILI0US7-LISTLESS? DUFFY'S Dr. H. M. Hendrix X ; DENTIST t Office Hours: t it 9 to 12 A. M. -1:30 to sr.M. f Office Potter Building ; Over the postoffice Biliousness due to constipation j quickly ibmbtu "j ' - f i icus Pills, oriflinsl formula By ' r. Charles Duffy, surgeon in the " British navy. Large package- Z5e-r-il size, 1Co. tn tor over 100 years. ANTI- Fill I C I bilious rlLLu Gold, And an English Est ate May Be Theirs In last week's edition of Theytejl, and bears witness 10 tne swiy . thiit her father,.:was a man of hen iditv . nobility, ahd a forceful, able MERRIMON Mr. and Mrs. Lannis Taylor of Newport News, Va, sptnt the week end with her mother Mrs H D Car raway. Miss Merium Carraway left Mon day for Louisburg to attend a Sun day School Convention. Mr. Wrenn Lawrence of Hazei town, Pa., arrived here Sunday and is the guest of Miss Mildred Salter. Rev. and Mrs. Brandenburg of Trenton spent Monday here visiting friends. Mr and Mrs. G. T. Martin, Messrs. Guy Carraway, H. B. Salter and J. M. Stallings were business vistiors in Beaufort Saturday. Miss Carrie Carraway spent Satur day night at Lukens with her sister i Mrs. Oscar Pittman. pQ,r anA Afvs. L. H. Wetherington of Clarks spent Saturday night with Mr. and Mrs. G. M. Carraway. Mr. C. R. Jameson, John Jameson, Glenn and George Carraway motored to Atlantic and Harkers Island Sun- nt ir i . icMison oi urau""1 -- . -r w fa our community a short while the week end with her parents r Sunday afternoon. Mr and Mrs J. H. Dickinson and daughter, Miss Marguerite motored to Beaufort Saturday evening. Mr. and Mrs. J."F. Sabiston were at Btaufort Saturday evening. m- onH Mrs. Ray Dickinson and son Raymond were at Beaufort Sat urday evening trading. Mr. and Mrs. Jeff Sabiston were business visitors at Beaufort Satur- daMi??es Irene Sabiston and Thelma T;i..- offnnHpH the movies at Beaufort Saturday evening. Mrs E. C. Dickinson and daugh ters attended the movies at Beaufort 'Saturday evening. Mr. and Mrs. M. R. Whitley were at Beaufort Saturday evening. Mr Primrose Gooding and daugh ters spent a while Sunday afternoon with his mother. Mr. and Mrs D. W. Sabiston were J at Beaufort Saturday evening. Mr and Mrs. B. B. Small and daughter were in Beaufort Saturday. Mr J. ?. Dickinson spent a while with Mr. and Mrs. Dave Sabiston Sunday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs J. D. Small and fam ily were at Beaufort Saturday evening. Beaufort News, wo reprinted tbjni n,anr nf Victor- Meekins. and Thp Dam Countv Times, an interest-: i ing feature story reiauug w " ; , , . -. I vi'u rr vio.tfnllv he-f-bors say he was. V, ..Mr.;; :. Lyons, father i i. t: .;jo,te n WnttowistV.Af lfr F:n-vnw.? and. '- 'Probably the in(7 II ill ICSlllllkil V" j.t.v v lj. .'.'i - . . .- . - Island. The above is a photo follow- - ( arid energetic 'Sfiaracter as his neigh,- mi For Bilionsness, Sour Stomach, Flatultace Naueaa ana sick Headache, due to Constipation. nhilir.v -ied in 1891. Had up on the story- The lived the little boy. shown in, the tI,. moV tSIcture, wild depends .on his -rand-Mrs Lula Farrow ofnsco for BUStPenane, aight .have teras Island) stands beSK .the pave, ,i opportunities such of her father who ran away fron i, on the coast has England at the age of 15 and died a ; Hatteras at tne age oi t u - , contact legaT counsellors , in shown with her small giam jo -,Un landho kll0vledge of Gray Jr. 1 he old homesad m m .uh; .to M , bu&Ut she lives at Frisco is shown at t.-,Mr3 Farrbw' niay. T?t: live t& , enjoy bottom, ine. msen on u "i."' - r.r,nsW vi,l,aS that, mar be: hers. doseup of Mrs. Fan-or.- nr... trai' ' (r)d,r Cou! Times hoW by Vi a woman of strong enavacter -'; J.f; ,iW MaS,tiv,--Y ' -: . . - I, V'l poise, wh .ich proves that blood will; . Meeki'n?.'); v ,.i BARBOUR'S 'rM'kcM I N E SHOP GENERAU REPAIR ; WORK ELECTRIC & ACETYLENE f j. O. Barbour,. Mgr,. , ,t : BEAUFORT, N. C. 1 Dav Phone 331-1 Nite Phone342-6 C. H. BUSHALL . i a. FJi-e. Health, Acciaeni, Automobueinsurauvc Real Estate Bought Sold Rented Will Write Your Bond RELIABLE COMPANIES, GOOD SERVICE Hill BIdg. Beaufort, N. Dial 415-1 NOTICE TO CREDITORS This is to notify all persons in the counties of Beaufort, Carteret, Craven, Dup 1 n. Greene, Hyde, Jones, Lenoir Onslow, Pamlico, Pitt and W.. having unpaid bill " gainst the North Carolina Em Relef Administration, to present them at the office of the undersigned on or before the 15th day of July, 1936, or this notice will be pleaded in bar pf collection. , ,. , 'This 15th d?--'-.r J--ne. 1936' CHATHAM C. CLARK, Administrator Emergency Relief . Administration New Bern, North Carolina. Oi. I. .19 Tiler World's Most Modern Miss Minnie Lore Carraway is.j visiting her sister Mrs. James Rob-,' erts at Morehead City. Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Stallings spent a short while Sunday afternoon with Mrs. H. D. Carraway. Mrs. H. D. Carraway, Mr. and Mrs. Lannis Taylor and Miss Car rie Carraway visited Mrs Oscar Pitt man of Lukens Saturday night. Miss Agnes Carraway spent Sun day night with Miss Marie Carraway. Messrs. D. M. Salter, George Mar tin. Herman Carraway and others attended the political Beaufort Friday nit Mr. and Mrs.- a. speaking at Martin ' children spenta while Sunday night i with Mr!, and Mrs. George Martin. I tiartv at G. M. Car- rawav's Saturday night, must all the young people of the community at tended after ,zames. songs and con tests, Misses Hilda, Marie and Addie Lee: Carraway served candy." AH seem ed to have a good time. ....; Now on Display at Carteret Hardware Co. mm mar fooam 0tmri Ml pi; ht 'k c ' v , aw STRAITS 3f Wf Mrs. J. D. Otkins and son Jamea of Raleigh are here visiting reia- tlVMiss Thelma Whitehurst who is employed at Kinston is here visiting JS -parent. Mr. and Mrs. George Whitehurst she was accompanied by Misses Vivian Harris and Sallie Whitehurst also of tt-insion. Mr. Dave Davis of Southport spent the week-end here witn reiauvs. Rev. and Mrs. Brandenburg . of Trenton spent Monday with their daughter Mrs Gerald Whitehurst Mr. C. D. Chadwick is spending several weeks at Southport. Mrs. Joyce is visiting her parents , Miss Nadine and Ina Smith who are employed at Laurinburg spent .. tU. turhulrttt tabids of the iZdikZeJ Manmi River. , Calvert Guiana ExptdauH. financed if CALVERT to gJin fil, cmclnavt proifV the amaimg cxlJng of ttt whtskui. v. a. ..alar SsMtaesrion) Of all "unaer-a-dollar-a-pint"whij-kies. Old Drum alone is a Calvert product. It's dis tilled from pr mium grain. Hearty flavor yet . . . dun taitel Full, honest value. In its price class, vou can't beat itl Amazing Experiments Mad in Tropic Inferno Bear Out Laboratory Evidence that - Calvert Whiskey Cools! Steaming JfGreen He'l of Guiana" i .. . jungle hot-lied of dense rnirrttd; ity . . fiery temperatures of 110 degrees in the shads. Hers the Calvert Guiana Extdittoa spent six long weeks . . . . .eckin skin temperatures . . . o letting spot proof data of Calvert's amazing Cooling qualities! ., - It's a fact . . . Calvert actually fcCOols ... by driving inner h.-at t. the body Surface . . . where n dis sipates, evaporates, leaves you co.;i and comfortable! Prove icyourseh! Enjoy Calvert in gentlemanly niod ..:n T rool toniifht . . . col- ' leaed tomorrow ! Call for Calvert! 1 The Sim Speaks Here is a M 1 being made on the amanng derm.therm accurste to the minutest dcetec.Ua wording the. drop, in '"jio empert tAire after the ingestion of Calvert. . - COOL OFF WITH n 6 flfl Urnm wteltkvVt tfWf "t WMVUWW A V ,a.iiaMsssssW 'if I,? itk&O I I ' f floret Uep Oil Range j $89.00 Easy Payment Plan SPECIAL SILVERWARE OFFER ; You wL receive' one Silverware. Certificata wilh every purchase totaling $1 V more. Save Them. We will . yon one piece of quality ailrerwar. ' certificate presented with 5 cent, at this store. YOUR CHOICE OF ANY PIECE excepting Stainless Steel Knife which calls for one coupon ami 10 cent.. NOT GOOD FOR REDEMPTION AFTER DES. 31, 1936 See This Silverware Now On Display At Our Store t WF HAVE A COMPLETE LINE OF WOOLSEY'S PNTSARNISHES, LAWN MOWERS, SCREEN WRE SCREEN HARDWARE AND SPORTING goods. 1 ' ;.: ". Snorting Gooda, Buiiaers SuppUes, WooUey Paint., , Ship Chandlery 4 : : M Carteret c)Sar4ware Co. INCORPORATEIjt CMVtWTi "'BIESFWVf BLtKOFO WHtJKKV yw. d.i 75 .rrtmwuwa' tptrtts. N.C.