"SEAFOOD MRT. 2-11-37 C. Trout 4c; S. Trout 9c Croaken lc Sea Mullets 4c Jacks 2c Escallops, gal. $1.50 ' Mi w rrrm ifD in A yt wjw News CARTERET'S GREATEST NEED A PUBLIC HEALTH DEPARTMENT The Best Advertising Medium Published !n Carteret Co. f READING TO THE MIND IS WHAT EXERCISE IS TO THE BODV ? WATCH Your Label and Pay Your Subscription 9K VOLUME XXVI EIGHT PAGES THIS WEEK THE BEAUFORT NEWS THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 11, 1937 ZE 5c SINGLE COPY NUMBER 6 Port Terminal Will Be His Monument san 10 lutein line ron 0 -1 o o L i Hi Is no ii ICQ JL t a a UU ow Complete Atlantic Destined To Become Center of Fish Industry DREDGED CHANNEL HAS DEPTH OF EIGHT FEET One of the most worthwhile WPA projects ! Parted in Cuiteret county is now complete and as a result the community of Atlantic has what some people call a "little port term inal." In reality the people of Atlan tic, and communities throughout East Carteret will derive much benefit from the recent harbor improvements at Atlantic. The channel leading to the principal wharf there has a depth of eight feet which will permit fish ing boats of any type and the aver age craft of any kind to dock in At- lantic. The dredging was completed in two thirds the time that had first been estimated for the undertaking; and it cost only two thirds the amount that had been figured in advance. The importance of the harbor has already been shown, ait several hun dred thousand pounds of fish have al ready been brought there. It is said that on the first day the harbor was opened officially a hundred or more boats engaged in fishing in the ocean beyond Drum and Ocracoke inlets used same. The WPA took over the project and had charge of its completion. T. Gates Matthews, WPA engineer of New Bern is given much credit for the part he played in the successful progress rrlade on the project. Acceptance of the work by the '.WPA followed many delays and tech nicalities. Congressman Graham A. Barden was the. one. who insisted on the relief agency's indorsing the pro ject and he was instrumental in hav ing that organization undertake the work. Previously he had had the War Department nake a survey in the section but had failed to get a con gressional appropriation through in time for a special amount through the Rivers and Harbors act. Farmers Should Apply For RRA Loans Now Farmers of Carteret county who are planning to make application for Rural Resettlement loans this year should do so at or?e. Time for planting in Carateret is growing near and with only a limited time to file applications for loans remaining, the farmer who will seek a loan will be wise in making arrangements for same now. Applications for these loans are handled through the Rural Resettlement office in the courthouse anaex here. Skeleton Identified The skeleton and bits of clothing found on Peatnut Shoal by Capt. Snow some time ago has been posi tively identified as being the late Joe Willis, Morehead City barber who disappeared last July. A coroner's hearing held this week by Dr. R. C. Smith, coroner, at which several per sons testified, resulted in the identi fication. IN WASHINGTON WHAT IS TAKING PLACE BY UNITED STATES SENATOR pitrhaps NO legislation in American history has aroused such universal interest and affects so many individuals as the Social Sec nrity Act passed by the last Congress. From the very first it was, and is now, an experiment in meeting one of the most pressing problems of the age.. the problem of enabling work ers to build annuities toward the day uliiin fViav era KpvnnH t.ha aca of profitable employment, unemploy ment insurance anu viiubuj (Continued on page eight) LOCAL MEN AT RAIL HEARING City Clerk T. M. Thomas Jr., and M. Leslie Davis local attor ney left Wednesday for Wash ington, D. C, where they are attending the final heaving in the matter of the proposed a bandonment of the B. & W. trackage owned by the Norfolk Southern which extends from Morehead City to B eaufort. These two representatives of Beaufort were joined in Rocky Mount by Fred Seeiey, who will attend the hearing m the inter est of the Chamber of Com merce of Beaufort. Preceding Messrs. Thomas, Davis and See ley was Chamber of Commerce's attorney R. E. Whitehurst of New Bern. It is understood that thi3 final heaving will con sist of oral aigumant by the parties involved. Prior to the Washington hearing today three others, the first in Beaufort, the second in New Bern and the third in Washington have been conducted before Examiner Jno. M. Prichard of the Interstate Commerce Commission. Examin er Prichard recommended that the trackage be operated, in his recent report to the Commis sion. Attends Rail Hearing Rop. Fred R. Seeiey Final decision on whether a rail road will continue to operate into Beaufort will probably be decided after the I.C.C. hearing in Washing ton today. Attending this hearing in the interest of The Chamber of Commerce of Beaufort is Rep. Fred R. Seeiey, pictured above. Others at the hearing are T. M. Thomas, City Clerk and M. Leslie Davis attorney for Beaufort and R. E. Whitehurst, Chamber of Commerce attorney. i'ovvring The WATER FROX7 By AYCOCK BROWN IF THE FILMS were any good, newspapers throughout the country equipped for taking AP Wirephotos, are using scenes today of the Nor wegian motor ship Rigel which was in distress 400 miles southeast of Hatteras last Friday when she asked for coast guard assisance. Probab ly papers in North Carolina using AP photos will carry pictures of the Rigel in Friday editions, because they are the first of any showing distress ed ships of last Friday to reach the United States. A HALF DOZEN or more vessels were in tbouble out in the Atlantic during the February 5 gale which we did not feel here on the mainland to any extent. The cutter Modoc out of Wilmington went to the aid of the Rigel and stood by and escorted that vessel until her crew of 29 had re stowed a cargo of flaxseed from the River Plata in S. A. which had shift ed, causing her to have a list of 30 degrees. A list of 30 degrees is a dangerous situation for a loaded ves sel in rough seas. THE AP PHOTO bureau in At lanta had advised me on Monday that the Modoc, then escorting the Rigel, would reach here late Tuesday or (Continued on pag five) if UbISI J I '.As H Wi V. liliTS i illli.'iiii ii i MM x a 'u i ! ' ' V Jb. mmmmgmmimsfmmmHm 4 ; a pfw. t mm 1 When M. R. Beaman Was Hon -1 Maurice R. Beaman, until recently City Port Terminal, died in Clinton conducted on Sunday. This newsap man who deserved a lot more credit played in getting the port terminal terminal is a monument for this man H. P. Ciowell, is now manager, he the latter was given an indefinite which he died in Clinton la3t week. DR. GRANT E. WARD SEEKS ANCESTORS Writes Miss Oaksmith About A Mrs. Appleton And The Rotting Brig, ? "Monmouth" Miss Geraldine Oaksmith recently received a letter from Grant . E. Ward in Baltimore who is seeking information concerning an ancestor of his by the name of Appleton. It is believed that someone hereabouts might recall a family by the name, and if such is the case Miss Oak smith or The Beaufort News would be pleased to have the information-' -" "One of my " ancestor siTa Mrs. Appleton whose first name was Eliz abeth) lived in Beaufort. Her grand son, a great-uncle of mine, wrote my grandfather a letter giving us some information about the family. Mrs. Appleton's husband was appar ently a sea-captain and owned sev eral vesseb which sailed in and out of Beaufort. He states that one, n brig, called the "Monmouth" was "lying rotting in the harbor" at the time of his letter,," wrote Dr. Ward. Dr. Ward is anxious to have the information so that the genealogical record of the family may be straight ened out. If anyone remembers u Mrs. Elizabeth Appleton or a brig called the "Manmouth" which rot ted in the harbor here, the informa tion would be appreciated by this newspaper. The letter was addressed to Miss Oaksmith, because of the similiarity of the name to her illus trous ancestor the late "Appleton Oaksmith" in all probabilities. Poisoned Boy Better Charles Adrian Brooks, 8 years old son of Mr. and Mrs. Adrian Brooks is recovering from an ailment believed to have been caused by eating pois on berries. He was critically ill in Potters Emergency Hospital here for several days. His 6-year old sister, Carolyn Hyde Brooks died a few hours after she was taken to the hos pital suffering from the same malady on Wednesday of last week. LET THE BEAUFORT NEWS JOB SHOP DO YOUR JOB PRINTING Donations From Atlantic Increases Red Cross Fund All Communities In County Have Contributed Very Generously; Over $1,000 To Date With a total of $89 contributed by citizens of Atlantic and turned over to the Beaufort Chapter of the Red Cross, the total collections to date have increased to $569.77. The More head City chapter has reported far over $500 in collections for the flood relief fund bringing the total for the two Carteret chapters above $1,000. These two chapters include all com munities in the county. In addition to the money which has been raised, which is incidentally far above the original quotas asked for by National headquarters from the Carteret chapters, hundreds of pounds of clothing have been contrib uted and the Carteret Post of the sred By Edgewater Club active manager of ihe Morehead h st week. Funeral services were i niton referred to Beaman as 'the than he will ever get for the part he for Morehead City.' Today the port who is dead. A worthy suceesor, teppod into Boaman's shoes when .er.ve of absence due to illness from MOTHER AND SON FIND EACH OTHER Separated For 12 Years, Both Thought The Other Dead; Reunited on February 2 In Mcrehead City Tho happiest day of Mrs. George Jinnett's life was on February 2, 1937, when a son whom she thought was dead, came to life and came to her, in Morehead City. It was a hap py day too, for G. D. Jinnett, her son, who left home 12 years ago, settled in Saugatuek, Michigan, where he is happily married, and where he, owns and operates Jt . the I 'A;r"trs'irt: VWof nftii. ' '-i ' " ""'T Her son left home 12 years ago following the death of her husband. They were living in Goldsboro at the tima. A few months later Mrs. Jin Jir.nett came to Carte: et county to nv'-! her home with Mrs. Myrtle Gokkn of Bettie, a niece. She never lier.rc! from her son, so she thought he was dead, although it is under stood thta she never ri-ir.pletely gavj up hope but what lie n.ight return to her si meiiay. On January 17, fvsvt Saugatuek, Mr. Jinnett wired M. b Gillikin, his uncle, in Goldsboro asking if his mother was still alive and what were her whereabouts. Mr. Gillikin did not know tho exact whereabouts of Mrs. Jinnett, bue he knew she was living in Carteret county. So he notified Mrs. Ida Willis in Moiehead City, who in turn advised Mrs. Jinnett Mrs. Jinnett went to the home of Mrs. Willis where she awaited the arrival of her son who came on February 2. Last Saturday Mrs. Jinnett left with her son for Sauga tuck where she will make her home in the future. Still there is a sad touch to the story, because Mrs Golden of Bettie had reached the point where she considered Mrs. Jinnett as a mother instead of an aunt. Big Catch Of Fish The biggest catch ot fish in sever al weeks was made last Thursday. It is estimated that Carteret fishermen landed approximately a half million pounds, mostly trout, which were val ued at approximately $16,000. The catch was made in the ocean off the "Hammocks" by the sink net fleet American Legion contacted farmers who donated enough sweet potatoes to make a car load which were sent into the stricken area.. The donations from Atlantic ar rived too late to be included in the list of individual contributions to the Beaufort chapter which is published on page seven of this edition of The News. The contributors of Atlantic will be published in next week's edi tion of the News. Dr. F. E. Hyde and Mrs. M. E Blodgood of the Beaufort Chapter of the Red Cross and Mrs. George Hen derson of the Morehead City Chap ter are nighty well pleased with the splendid cooperation given by all cit izens during the current drive for funds to aid the flood stricken people of the middle west w aterfront St. FLU RAGING IN EAST CARTERET Smyrna consolidated school was closed Wednesday due to an epidemic of flu which has gained much headway in that section during the past few days. of the total enrollment of approx imately 250 pupils, 67 were ab sent on Wednesday due to flu or pneumonia, with many of those present for classes showing symptoms of the disease, it was stated by Superintendent E. L. Gaskill of the school who came to Beaufort to confer with J. G. Allen, county superintendent. It is hoped, and tentative plan3 are, to re-open the school on Thursday, February 18, it was stated. While the flu seems to have reached a more serious stage from an epidemic stand point in East Carteret,. Dr. Laurie W. Moore who has many patients in East Carteret stated that at Marshallberg seven members of one fam ily were confined to the bed with flu and that their tempera tures were running from 102 to 104 degrees each when he visit ed them Tuesday afternono. The flu cases are described by physieians as being quite s:mi lar to ' Spanish Flu" of World War day3. An Editor's Son Brantley Aycock Brown The above photo is that of Charles Brantley Aycock Brown, son of Ay cock Brown who has been editor of The Beaufort News for the past two years. At the time the photo grapher snapped this picture the on ly thing which would keep him still for an instant was the globe of the world that he is holding. He was try ing to get the phographer to tell him where Ocracoke, the place where he was born was located on the globe. His chief topics of conversation in clude Tarzan of the Apes, Jesus, cow boys, Indians, boats, Popeye, blow gum, Sonja Henie and his Grandpop pa Brown in Hillsboro, N. C. Civil War Htm f ! MX HEAl i'Oill j By (Late) Jas. Riimljy Eiq. In the preceding installment a vivid account of the fall cf Fort Macon was . given. .. Col. .Rodman, military governor and Major Allen, preroit m&nhall had been appointed for the town of Beaufort. Civil lib erty Sad fled. The date May, 1862. FIFTH INSTALLMENT S AVES ARE now deserting in scores from all parts of the county, and our worst fears on this subject are likewise to be realized. The or der which General Brunside promis ed to make, to prevent them from entering his lines, has not been made. His lying proclamations was a Yan kee trick. THESE RUNAWAY Negroes are allowed to pass the sentinels at any time, even in the night, after white citizens are required to retire to their homes. They are welcome to different Continued on page four J 1 ' 1 0 I ! Would Be Picturesque Drive To Community Center Building OWNERS OF PROPERTY SHOULD CO-OPERATE There has been much talk in Beau fort recently about paving Front street extension which would result in a waterfront drive direct to the Community Center properties at Len oxville. Such a route would prove of vast benefit to Beaufort and this section and the drive would be one of the prettiest along the coast Recently a group of interested cit izens met here to discuss the feasi bility of such a route. Many proper ty owners along the route were pres ent and expressed a desire to see the work completed. Already the propos ed street extension has been survey ed and partially graded. The cost of completing the work now would be only a few thousand dollars, but if completed would be worth many times its original cost from the ben efit that would be derived from such a route. The street extension is adjacent to Taylor's Creek and the view from same includes Beaufort Inlet, the ocean beyond, picturesque Shackle ford Banks, and many verdant is lands dotting Core sound and adjoin ing waters. It would give a direct drive from Front street to the Community Cen ter which alreday inciu.its a complet ed auditorium building and a partial ly completed golf course and the ma rine biological laboratory of the Womans College of University of North Carolina. The extension would be only a bit over one mile. Pres ent plans, if the co-operation of own ers can be obtained is to pave the route with asphalt of the same type as the streets in Beaufort. The Young Man's Shop Opens Here Saturday The young Man's Shop, owned by Charles Britton will have its formal opening Saturday in the building on Front Street formerly occupied by Western Union Telegiaph Company. Wilbur Willis, who lias had years of experience in selling haberdashery will be manager of the new store. Very modern equipment nad fixtures have been installed, and the inter ior of the store is as good as any man's store in Eastern Carolina. A number of national advertised lines of haberdashery will be featured, in addition to work clothes and work shoes and boys clothing. An adver tisement announcing the opening will with more information will be found on page 8 of this edition. Five 4-H club members of Johns ton County have purchased 2,000 baby chicks to be fattened and ship ped cooperatively as broilers. TIDE TABLE Information as to the tid at Beaufort is given in thi.- column. The figures are approx imately correct and based on tables furnished by the U. S Geodetic Survey. Some allow ances must be made for varia tions in the wind and also with respect to the locality, that is; whether near the inlet or at the heads of the estuaries. High Low Friday, Feb. 12 8:50 9:09 9:33 9:54 10:17 10:40 m. 2:40 m. ' " 3:10 Saturday, Feb. 13 a. m. p. m. a. m. p. m. a. m. p. m. a. m. p. m. a. r;. p. m. a. m. p. m. 3:30 3:50 Sunday, Feb. 14 m. m. 4:15 4:31 15 5:06 5:31 18 6:03 6:11 Monday, Feb, 11:03 a. m. TuesoWy, Feb. 1:28 a. m. 11:54 p. m. Wednesday, Feb. 17 12:22 a. m. 7:07 12:43 p. m. 7:11 Tkwwjay, Feb. IS 1:22 a. m. 8:18 1:46 p. m. 8:17 a. m. p nu a. m. p. ww

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