4 ?! PACE TWO C OUNTJJ CORRESPORDERCE Items for this column should reach the News office each Tuesday If your community is not represented write us for instructions r.nd supplies. WILLISTON The Willistui Home Demonstra tion club met Wednesday, Feb. 3 at tin: home of Mrs. Lula Willis, with Mrs. Uu'iy Willis, president, presid ing. Ml officers and fourteen nifni bui - were present, club score for iminth was Tt'i. Four leaders cave reports on their pioj.-ets. Mrs. Lula Willis was ap pointed one of the Foods and Nutri tion Leaders to work with Mrs. Irene Willis. Mrs. Lillian Wade was appoint ed Food Conservation Leader. The Dairy Project Leader of this club aims to cooperate with Dairy Leaders of other clubs in securing a man from Raleigh to have our cows test ed for tuberculosis, a membership j drive was put on. j M: s Clark, assisted by Mrs. Irene j Willis, roods and Nutrition Leader who attended Leader school held by Miss Sally Brooks, the State College assistant specialist in Beaufort in January gave a very helpful and in teresting demonstration on dishes from the pantry shelves. At the close of the meeting a very comical song was sung by all. The next meeting will be held at Mrs. Irene Willis on March 3 at o'clock. 1:00 LENOX VILLE Mrs. Sophia Lupton and daughter Callie are spending the; week with relatives at Cedar Island. Mrs. Amanda Willis and Mr. and Mrs. Larry Hunnings and baby visit ed relatives at Marshillberg Sunday afternoon. Mrs. Charles Pake spent Monday at Beaufort with Mrs. William Willis. Mr. Roy Dickinson and Jimmie Lupton attended a dance at Newport Saturday night. Mr. and Mrs. Woslty Willis of Williston visited Mr. and Mrs. Mon roe Simpson Sunday night. Miss Mary B. Brooks and Miss Annie C. Styron of Beaufort visited Vera Pake Sunday afternoon. Mrs. Monroe Simpson, Mrs. Char lie Pake, Mrs. William Willis and Mrs. Toinmie Simpson gave thai.1 mother a surprise birthday party las'. Wednesday afternoon. Many i'ritfrvi called bringing lovely gifts refresh ments were served by the hostess-.: after which the guests departed wishing Mrs. Pake many more ha;- : py birthdays. I Dr. McKimmon, State Home Agent, Resigns RALEIGH, FEB. 10 The retire of Dr. Jane S. McKimmon as State home demonstration agent for the State College extension service, af ' ter 25 years of loyal service to the rural women and girls of Noith Car c!i": wis announced lato last week, i Although she is relinquishing her work as State home agent, she will 1 continue as an assistant director of the extension service, in which ca- ; pacity she will have less exacting du ties of iin advisory nature. j The announcement was made at a metting of the home demonstration st:Vr by Dean I. O. Schaub, exten sion director, who so: ! Misj Ruth Cu: rent, district a :- it ar.d cxton- f-10i spccsaii-. t in 4-H Tii!".' i: MeKimnv dub work, State '1 - l th !eUe I to in Mc om tio i:mnv'n the aid-, hint'", i.i'e :" T.'.v. !.Ke(l to no ; evi-' mini- ius duties of demonst! ation :vu.-;r.;iv com- a i -Oil he prows old' v.wk;" sh. I believe he "(ase in it s s in years." he wishes to development work from said, "bu h will not let his wo: evictions as he inci'.-a: She is also said that write the story of the of home demonstration the small handful of girls who were members of the first iomato club in 1011 to a State-wide institution reaching more than 55,000 rural girls and women. .For the past six or eight months, D". McKimmon has been editing "the very interesting things farm women write of their experiences in the country, "and she said she would .;.! I Lr. tt. 1V1. Hendnx DENTIST Officn Hours: j.i in j. m. i:ju to 3 r. (VI. 0 to 12 A. M. 1:30 to 5 P Office Potter Building Over the postoffice OPTOMETRIST Now located in New Offices McLellan Building Phone 620 New Bern like to continue this work "in a more definite and organized way." In his reply. Dean Schaub paid high t'ibute to her "personality, en thusiasm, faith, and sound guidance' which he said have meant more to the rural life of North Carolina than can be measured by ordinary stand ards. "As a result of your efforts, North Carolina is a better place in which to live," he told Dr. McKim nioii, After expressing his rigret over her resignation as State agent, the dean said, "We rejoice th.itjwe sh:-!! not lose you entirely. We expec! your cuun.-:tl and advi.-e on many matt:'!." l'r.)r'. tinis to time." At p c P.'. MvIUmr.ion pluru to sp-v.d a two-months 'a.'utj).-. I.; Winter Haven, I I - - - '.u. ?, iter wliic'i she will return to th. college. She is the only one of the five or iginal home a.:ents left in the service in the United ..v. v.. ;. In this State she built up the Lome demonstration division into a corps of trained spec ialists to gether with TO county home agents and 12 Negro home agents. Dr. McKimmon has been given na tional recognition for the efficiency and effectiveness of home demonstra tion work in North Carolina. Just a few weeks ago she was awarded the distinguished service ruby by Epsilon Sigma Phi, National extension froter nity. This is considered the highest professional honor that can be con ferred upon an extension worker. She is a graduate of Peace Junioi College and of State College, with i Master's doarree from State and an honoiary Doctor's decree, from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. Miss Current, new a r..-.t:v;- of Rc-van Csv tate agent, is li ate ot Harrisonburar Teacheis Col '..re. I.';':; ris'inburg, Virginia. edi" ;-i.e:r.': h me agent of Iredell County :.i i.i27 an) was advanced to ::strif ::;e:U o: th? northwestern North C-.-olina d.strict in 103'). For the pas' rive years she has also serv ed as c'i. eto. of the annual farm women's short course at State Col lege, as weil as aet.T as 4-H girls' club specialisit. 4-H Club Boy Wins A College Scholarship RALEIGH, Fob. 10 Carnsy Da vis is a Davidson County 4-H club hov who has learned a lot : bo ut rais j ing c-'v.s, but he says he I lea: n .r. ve. var to I Pi i s u nn "u?.l :or:l vi: past h W. ;te C.iil; ;;b lead G-u: asev calv:. t years said L. it the m.- v- on i ;p to St !, 4-H 'l . holarship was offered by the " ' Carolina Cottonseed Crushers ' Nation to the 4-H calf club mem her in this State nishing the best rcc- Davis started caif work in 1030 when he was 11 years old. He hept a careful record on his first calf, Terrace Farm's Glow, and got in the habit of keeping records on all his, later caives. In 1032 ho started a record on Rtdfoi's of Jrgonetto, who produced ! 0,175.8 pounds of milk and 480.7 j pounds of butterfat the folowing year. This iua!'.P.ed her for advanc i ed registry v. i.-h the American Guer ! nsey Cattle Chib. Diseustm; uavis' record, Harrill pointer! .-.ut that in seven years of club voih, the boy h s exhibitde his animals at the State Fair six times and won in ;r:. v.oney !s2;i.37 a bove the er st . .child; ing them. D. W. MORTON NOTARY PUBLIC Fire and Casualty Insurance BEAUFORT. N. C. Doa'tLet Others Fool You Come and See for Yourself We Give the Best Money Can Buy BEAUFORT SHOE SHOP Next to Post Ojfice M-MM-'!!'--H..X5..j..j..j. C. H. BUSHALL Fire, Health, Accident, Automobile Insurance Real Estate Bought Sold Rented Will Write Your Bond RELIABLE COMPANIES, GOOD SERVICE Hill BWg. Beaufort, N. C. Dial 415-1 THE BEAUFORT NEWS THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 11, 1937 His record books show a profit of ? 1.6,".-). 31. He has eight purebred Gu:rnseys valued ai $700, and has sold 540,1 worth of calves and heif ers. He now has four animals in milk. These animals were not includ ed in the profit column of his record books. Davis graduated from the Church land high school last year and plans to enter State Colege next fall, Har-i-i 11 stated. His record was made un der the supervision of P. M. Hen dricks, county agent and A. M. Har rell, assistant. Lespedeza Regarded As Valuable Legume RALEIGH, Feb. 10 Lespedeza is recognized as one of the best crops a farmer can grow to conserve mois ture, check erosion and add nitrogen and organic matter to the soil. Lespedeza fields also may be counted in a fanner's soil-conserving acreage, and they will help him .a; a soil-building payments under the soil-conservation program. February is the best time to sow Common, Tennessee 76, and Kobe lespedeza seed, said E, C. Blair, ex- tension agronomist at State College.: The best method to sow these vari- F. Brooks, 50c; Carolyn Chadwick, ties is to 'drill the seed in on top of i $1.00; Mrs. S. Gatlin, 90c; A. Jor small grain, he said, with the seed ! SI. 00; Ella Parker, 50c; Henri not being drilled in too deep. ettn Tu'ford 80c; E. Harker, $1.00; Around 150 to 200 pounds of 16 . Hotti- Ward, $1.00; Guy Parker, per cent superphosphate to the acre i should be drilled in with the seed When drilling, 20 to 25 pounds of seed is adequate for taa acre, but if the seed is broadcast, 40 to 50 pounds will be needed to produce a good stand, Blair added. When lespedeza is sown broadcast, the ground should be harrowed light ly either just before or just after tha seed is sown. Blair explained that when lesped eza is sown on land from, -.vhich soil depleting crops as small grain are harvested this year, the acreage will be counted 50 per cent soil-conserving. But when lespedeza is grown on land where no soil-depleting crrps are h,ti vested, each acre of lespe.;.- : v.iil count as a full acre of soil- con serving crops in determining a grower's allowance. The soil-building ailowar.ee is the maximum amount of soil-building payments a farmer will be eligible to earn. In most cases it will be $1 for -ne normal acreage of soil-conserving chops on a farm, plus the nam ber of acres shifted from depleting to conserving crops. CARD OF THANKS - c K'eaUy appreciate tne many ii.. Kind ueecis and expressions of sym pathy extended us during the sick ness and death of our beloved hus band and father. Mrs. W. H. Gaskins, and 2tFebll Family. COLORED NEWS LIBRARY REPORT MADE Th library sponsored by Association of School (Color' drive that has been the Parent-Teachers the Beaufort High -.) has been, accord- ing to the reports made last night in the meetina, very successful so far. T t i i ne enairman of the committee sent out to raise money for the li brary, Mr. John Pasteur, after receiv ing the reports of the various mem bers and their money anounced that a total of seventy dollars had been MACHINE SHOP GENERAL REPAIR WORK ELECTRIC & ACETYLENE WELDING J. O. Barbour, Mgr. BEAUFORT, N. C. Day Phone 331-1 Nito Phone342-6 By showing thought and a truly sympathetic atti tude, our service always wins appreciation of fam ily and friends. The perfect precision and the quiet smoothness of ceremonies conducted by U '. prove we have a thoro : raining and understand ing of our professional duties. Phone: Night 375-6 Day 375-1 Adair & Rice BEAUFORT, N. C. Th raised for the books. This report does not however end the drive. A list of the amount of Money re portel by the commi'tee.-, is as fol lows: Mrs. Eva Smith and Miss Helen Davis, teacher 9.00 Mrs. Florence Fulford, Miss J. U. Tutt 2.07 Mrs. Henrietta Fulford. Miss Le ola Riddick - 5.10 Mrs. Lillian Chadwick, Mrs. T. Fred Allen 10.10 Mrs Mamie Jord'an, Miss M. A. Joyner 6.10 Mrs Matreie M. Oden, M. J. M. Hodee' - 7.00 Mrs. C. Jones, Miss Ella Spar- 4.00 row Mrs. C. Simmons, Mrs. L. T. , 4.00 Stanlev Mrs. Ruth Harkers, Mr. O Dci-.nir.i - Mr. John Pasteur, Mrs. C. Hodic T. 6.:!i) M. . 15.50 Colic. toil in the meeting - .83 Total $70.00 Because of the space it is impos sible to give the names of all who contributed to this cause, but the following are those who contributed fifty cents or more: John Windley, Si.00; Mrs. C. M. Hodge, $1.00; N 50c; Mary Fisher, $1.00; W. J. John son, 50c; G. Spairow, $1.00; Levi Wilson, ?1. 00; L. Martin, $1.00; N. C. Calhoun, SI. 00- ,T. Davis, 50c; James Holland, ..io; W. Bailey, 50c: J. House. $1.00: Mr. Bell. $1.00: We also thank our other friend' for the amounts they gave. Also Lawyer Wheatly for the volumes of books hedonated to the school. Wt will appreciate anything our friends in Beaufort at large have to give us. Eastern Carolina farmers are ar ranadng to have their brood sows farrow on clean ground where hog? have not run during the past year as a method of controlling parasites in pigs. NOTICE OF DISSOLUTION OF PARTNERSHIP. Notice is hereby given that the co partnership heretofore existing be tween Richard Felton and Claud V. Felton for the purpose of carrying on a mercantile business in the Town of Beaufort, Carteret County, North Carolina, under the stylo and firm name of Richard Felton and Son, has been dissolved. The said Claud V. Felton will continue the said business as the sole owner thereof. The said Claud V. Felton assumes and will liquidate all unpaid accounts and ob ligations of said firm. All accounts owing to said firm are to be paid to said Claud V. Felton. RICHARD FELTON, CLAUD V. FELTON. 4tMar4 B. A. BELL Your Jeweler for 25 Years Repair work efficiently and Promptly Done NEXT DOOR POSTOFFICE Support The Chamber of Commerce 'ont let tonight cowyou...tomorrow j "This morning," barks the Believe your bell's more clear The cow moos, I forgot, last To call for CALVE RT hence, if NOTICE CF SALE OF REAL PROPERTY. Under and by vi of he provis i; ns of Section os of the Conso'.i- dated Statutes of North Carolina. and the power of sale contained in that certain mortgage executed and delivered by Waldron Bailey and wife, Marie A. Bailey, to George N. Hutton. bearine date March 2nd, 102(1, ani registered in the office of trts Kegisier oi ueeua lur wnem I County, North Carolina, in Book Number 50, at page 285, default I having been made in tne payment oi the indebtedness thereby secured, the undersigned Executors of George N. Hutton, deceased, on the 1st day of March, 1D37, at two o'clock P. M.,! at the Court House Poor of Carter et County, in Beaufort, North Caro lina, will sell to th'. highest bidder for cash a one-half undivided inter est in that certain tract of land ly ing and being in White Oak Town ship, Carteret County, North Caro lina, which is more fully described as follows: Lying on the North side of Bogue Sound and bounded as follows: BEGININING at a stake in the West prong of Sanders Creek on the East side of Road, then with the Koad South 40 degrees West 165 feet; then with the Road South 5 degrees East 108 feet; then with the Road South 35 degrees East 108 feet; then with the Koad North 80 degrees East 02 feet to fence; then along the fence South 20 degrees East 853 feet; then along fence South 4 1-2 degrees East 1285 feet to the shore; then Jong the shore South 78 degrees East 588 feett then GEO. T. WOOLARD Subscription Representative -of the- BEAUFORT NEWS Give Him Your Next Subscription or Renewal ALSO HOME DELIVERY IFo Mo RESIDENTIAL Office Dial Residence BEAUFORT, N. C. Ml B r Em i I dog, "I do than you." night. you're rightl" BWSf CLEAR HEAD? '"J CM.VCTT WII11UM COW.. OlttllURKSl BALTIMOM. MO.. AND lOUISVIUt. KY.. SiT"2 'Z2eL CH"Y" ClVMT- -PUStRVf BUNDED wniwiv-o mm MUttVI aalrkta.. CAlVf BT't .( JMAl eu rukin ivuievrv . mm . . - along the shore South fitf degrees East 132 feet; then along the sliora Xorth -J den.v-es East 1 5 f left; trVtt along the shore North 8: degrees East 170 feet to fence; then along fence North 15 degrees West 2722 feet; then North 53 degrees East 577 feet to Road; then North 15 de grees East 588 feet to stake in Pond; then North 15 degrees West 330 feet to Pocosin; then North 80 degrees West 231 feet; then South 5 degrees East 3381 feet to old Road; then along Road North 80 de grees West 1330 feet; then North 52 1-2 degrees West 588 feet to the run of the West prong of Sanders Creek; then down and with its vari ous meanders of the run of said Creek to the place of beginning Containing 150 acres, moie or less. This being the same land known as the W. W. Weeks Plantation, and being the interest of the said Mort gagors as conveyed to them by deed of Robert M. Weeks and others, to George N. Hutton and Waldron Bailey, of date March 2nd, 1926. This the 27th day of January, 1937. FIRST SECURITY TRUST CO., A. B. Hutton, G. Norman Hutton, Executors of George N. Huton, 4tFeb25 Deceased. Dr. C. S. Maxwell GENERAL PRACTICE Office Hours: 10 A. M. to 12 M and by Appointment We Are Now Prepared To Do Ycur ACETYLENE WELDING PAUL'S MACHINE SHOP "Marine Outfitters" BEAUFORT, i eBE(Puu CONTRACTOR 4571 301-1 St It Call for a friendlier Manhattan mad j ' this wayi 1 short dash of bitters; i Italian Vermouth) CAIVCRT'S "Reserve." Add Ice and stir well. Serve in chilled glass Willi cherry; top off with twist of orange peel. WHISKIES I 4 i

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